Compression of small string - c#

I have data 0f 340 bytes in string mostly consists of signs and numbers like "føàA¹º#ƒUë5§Ž§"
I want to compress into 250 or less bytes to save it on my RFID card.
As this data is related to finger print temp. I want lossless compression.
So is there any algorithm which i can implement in C# to compress it?

If the data is strictly numbers and signs, I highly recommend changing the numbers into int based values. eg:
can be compress into 3 piece of 32-bit integers, which is 22 bytes => 16 bytes. Picking the right integer size (whether 32-bit, 24-bit, 16-bit) should help.
If the integer size varies greatly, you could possibly use 8-bit to begin and use the value 255 to specify that the next 8-bit becomes the 8 more significant bits of the integer, making it 15-bit.
alternatively, you could identify the most significant character and assign 0 for it. the second most significant character gets 10, and the third 110. This is a very crude compression, but if you data is very limited, this might just do the job for you.

Is there any other information you know about your string? For instance does it contain certain characters more often than others? Does it contain all 255 characters or just a subset of them?
If so, huffman encoding may help you, see this or this other link for implementations in C#.
To be honest it just depends on how your input string looks like. What I'd do is try the using rar, zip, 7zip (LZMA) with very small dictionary sizes (otherwise they'll just use up too much space for preprocessed information) and see how big the raw compressed file they produce is (will probably have to use their libraries in order to make them strip headers to conserve space). If any of them produce a file under 250b, then find the c# library for it and there you go.


Cutting random bytes off of file byte array in C#

So I've been working on this project for a while now, involving LSB steganography. Really fun stuff. Anyways, I just finished writing the code for embedding and extracting files from an image(instead of just plaintext), and I'm running into this problem. I can recognize the MIME and extension of the bytes, but because the embedded file doesn't usually take up all of the LSBs of the image, there's a lot of garbage data. So I have the extracted file + some garbage in the byte array right after it. I need to figure out how to cut these, so that the file that is being exported is the correct, smaller size.
TLDR: I have a byte array with a recognized file in it, with some additional random bytes. How do I find out where the file ends and the random bytes begin?
Remember this is all in C#.
Any advice is appreciated.
Link to my project for reference:
Generally you have two options.
End of stream marker
This is the more direct approach of the two, but it may lack some versatily depending on what data you want to hide. After you embed your data, continue with embedding a unique sequence of bits/bytes such that you know it cannot be prematurely encountered in the data before. As you extract the bits, you can stop reading once you encounter this sequence. If you expect to hide only readable text, i.e. bytes with ascii codes between 32 and 127, your marker can be as short as eight 0s, or eight 1s. However, if you intend to hide any sort of binary data, where each byte has a chance of appearing, you may accidentally encounter the marker while extracting legitimate data and thus halt the process prematurely.
Header information
You can add a header preceding data, e.g, another 16-24 bits (or any other amount) which can be translated to a number that tells you how many bits/bytes/pixels to read before stopping. For example, if you want to hide a byte array of size 1000, first embed 2 bytes related to the length of the secret and then follow it with the actual data. More specifically, split the length in 2 bytes, where the first byte has the 8th to 15th bits and the second byte has the 0th to 7th bits of the number 1000 in binary.
00000011 11101000 1000 in binary
3 -24 byte values
You can embed all sorts of information in a header, such as whether the data is encrypted or compressed with some algorithm, the original filename of the date, how many LSBs to read for extracting the information, etc.

Convert Byte[64] array to minimum length string

I have try to generate unlock key like XXXX-XXXX-XXXX or simply small length string or Hexstring. I am using RSA algorithm to encrypt and decrypt the Key. I got some long string like
when I convert the byte array (array size is 64 byte) using the below convert method.
My requirement is to generate the minimal length Key. Is there any way to convert the Byte array (array size is 64 byte) to minimal length and I need that back to byte array or any other suggestions (to minimize the string length) would be helpful.
I have tried to convert the output string to Hex decimal, but the output is too long than the string.
You may want to take a look at What is the most efficient way to encode an arbitrary GUID into readable ASCII (33-127)? There the Base 85 encoding is discussed which is used to compress PDF files.
Though, the difference between Base64 and Base85 in your case is 8 characters.
You can safely remove trailing '==' in Base64 string because it is used for alignment and will always be there for 64-byte values (Of course you will have to add these characters back to decode the string).
Since you mention you want users to be able to type in the string,
there will be an inverse correlation between easy-of-use from point of view of users and the length of string.
Even typing a Base64 string is prone to lot of errors. Base32 strings are much easier to type, but correspondingly the length will increase.
If the users can Copy-Paste the key, then the above is moot and there should not be any valid reason why the length of the string should be as small as possible.
Obviously, you can only fit a certain amount of data into a fixed number of characters. You have pretty much maxed out the limit with base64 already which gives you 6 bits per byte.
Therefore you need to reduce the amount of data that needs to be stored. Can you reduce the key length? You could use a 96 bit key (by always leaving all other bytes zero). That would require 16 base64 characters which is much better.
It seems you don't need much security against brute forcing. So you can reduce the key size even further.

Hash function to obtain a limited length result

I need to hash a number (about 22 digits) and the result length must be less than 12 characters. It can be a number or a mix of characters, and must be unique. (The number entered will be unique too).
For example, if the number entered is 000000000000000000001, the result should be something like 2s5As5A62s.
I looked at the typicals, like MD5, SHA-1, etc., but they give high length results.
The problem with your question is that the input is larger than the output and unique. If you're expecting a unique output as well, it won't happen. The reason behind this that if you have an input space of say 22 numeric digits (10^22 possibilities) and an output space of hexadecimal digits with a length of 11 digits (16^11 possibilities), you end up with more input possibilities than output possibilities.
The graph below shows that you would need a an output space of 19 hexadecimal digits and a perfect one-to-one function, otherwise you will have collisions pretty often (more than 50% of the time). I assume this is something you do not want, but you did not specify.
Since what you want cannot be done, I would suggest rethinking your design or using a checksum such as the cyclic redundancy check (CRC). CRC-64 will produce a 64 bit output and when encoded with any base64 algorithm, will give you something along the lines of what you want. This does not provide cryptographic strength like SHA-1, so it should never be used in anything related to information security.
However, if you were able to change your criteria to allow for long hash outputs, then I would strongly suggest you look at SHA-512, as it will provide high quality outputs with an extremely low chance of duplication. By a low chance I mean that no two inputs have yet been found to equal the same hash in the history of the algorithm.
If both of these suggestions still are not great for you, then your last alternative is probably just going with only base64 on the input data. It will essentially utilize the standard English alphabet in the best way possible to represent your data, thus reducing the number of characters as much as possible while retaining a complete representation of the input data. This is not a hash function, but simply a method for encoding binary data.
Why not taking MD5 or SHA-N then refactor to BASE64 (or base-whatever) and take only 12 characters of them ?
NB: In all case the hash will NEVER be unique (but can offer low collision probability)
You can't use a hash if it has to be unique.
You need about 74 bits to store such a number. If you convert it to base-64 it will be about 12 characters.
Can you elaborate on what your requirement is for the hashing? Do you need to make sure the result is diverse? (i.e. not 1 = a, 2 = b)
Just thinking out loud, and a little bit laterally, but could you not apply principles of run-length encoding on your number, treating it as data you want to compress. You could then use the base64 version of your compressed version.

Making smaller a string, c#

I need a library/tool/function that compresses a 50-60 char long string to smaller.
Do you know any?
Effective compression on that scale will be difficult. You might consider Huffman coding. This might give you smaller compression than gzip (since it will result in binary codes instead of a base-85 sequence).
Are you perhaps thinking of a cryptographic hash? For example, SHA-1 ( can be used on an input string to produce a 20-byte digest. Of course, the digest will always be 20 bytes - even if the input string is shorter than 20 bytes.
The framework includes the GZipStream and DeflateStream classes. But that might not really be what you are after - what input strings have to be compressed? ASCII only? Letters only? Alphanumerical string? Full Unicode? And what are allowed output strings?
From an algorithmic stand point and without any further knowledge of the space of possible inputs I suggest to use arithmetic coding. This might shrink the compressed size by a few additional bits compared to Huffman coding because it is not restricted to an integral number of bits per symbol - something that can turn out important when dealing with such small inputs.
If your string only contains lowercase characters between a-z and 0-9 you could encode it in 7bits.
This will compress a 60 char string to 53 bytes. If you don't need digits you could use 6bits instead, bringing it down to 45 bytes.
So choosing the right compression method depends on what data your string contains.
You could simply gzip it
I would use some basic like RLE or shared dictionary based compression followed by a block cipher that keeps the size constant.
Maybe smaz is also interesting for you.
Examples of basic compression algorithms:
(Modified or not) Huffman coding
Burrows-Wheeler transformation
Examples of block ciphers ("bit twiddlers"):
Triple DES
You will be able to find out what fullfills your needs using wikipedia (links above).

Getting a string, int, etc in binary representation?

Is it possible to get strings, ints, etc in binary format? What I mean is that assume I have the string:
"Hello" and I want to store it in binary format, so assume "Hello" is
11110000110011001111111100000000 in binary (I know it not, I just typed something quickly).
Can I store the above binary not as a string, but in the actual format with the bits.
In addition to this, is it actually possible to store less than 8 bits. What I am getting at is if the letter A is the most frequent letter used in a text, can I use 1 bit to store it with regards to compression instead of building a binary tree.
Is it possible to get strings, ints,
etc in binary format?
Yes. There are several different methods for doing so. One common method is to make a MemoryStream out of an array of bytes, and then make a BinaryWriter on top of that memory stream, and then write ints, bools, chars, strings, whatever, to the BinaryWriter. That will fill the array with the bytes that represent the data you wrote. There are other ways to do this too.
Can I store the above binary not as a string, but in the actual format with the bits.
Sure, you can store an array of bytes.
is it actually possible to store less than 8 bits.
No. The smallest unit of storage in C# is a byte. However, there are classes that will let you treat an array of bytes as an array of bits. You should read about the BitArray class.
What encoding would you be assuming?
What you are looking for is something like Huffman coding, it's used to represent more common values with a shorter bit pattern.
How you store the bit codes is still limited to whole bytes. There is no data type that uses less than a byte. The way that you store variable width bit values is to pack them end to end in a byte array. That way you have a stream of bit values, but that also means that you can only read the stream from start to end, there is no random access to the values like you have with the byte values in a byte array.
What I am getting at is if the letter
A is the most frequent letter used in
a text, can I use 1 bit to store it
with regards to compression instead of
building a binary tree.
The algorithm you're describing is known as Huffman coding. To relate to your example, if 'A' appears frequently in the data, then the algorithm will represent 'A' as simply 1. If 'B' also appears frequently (but less frequently than A), the algorithm usually would represent 'B' as 01. Then, the rest of the characters would be 00xxxxx... etc.
In essence, the algorithm performs statistical analysis on the data and generates a code that will give you the most compression.
You can use things like:
Once you have the bytes, you can do all the bit twiddling you want. You would need an algorithm of some sort before we can give you much more useful information.
The string is actually stored in binary format, as are all strings.
The difference between a string and another data type is that when your program displays the string, it retrieves the binary and shows the corresponding (ASCII) characters.
If you were to store data in a compressed format, you would need to assign more than 1 bit per character. How else would you identify which character is the mose frequent?
If 1 represents an 'A', what does 0 mean? all the other characters?

