Testing for similar string content - c#

I'm writing a bot that will analyse posts and reply with a vaguely related strings from a database. I'm not aiming for coherence, just for vague similarity that could pass as someone ignorant to the topic (but knowledgeable enough to try to reply). What are some methods that would help me to choose the right reply?
One thing I've come up with is to create a vocabulary list, check which elements of the list are in the post, and get a reply from the database based on these results. This crude method has been successful about 10% of the time (based on 100 replies to random posts). I might expand the list by more words, but this method has its limit. Any better ones?
(P. S. The database is sizeable -- about 500 000 replies)

First of all, I think the best you can hope for will be about a 50% answer rate, unless you're prepared to write a lot of code.
If you're willing to get your hands dirty with some statistics, check out term frequency–inverse document frequency. Basically, you will use the frequency of uncommon words to determine what keywords are critical to the document, and use this as the input into the tf-idf algorithm to pull out other replies with those same keywords.
You can then combine this further with whitelisting and blacklisting techniques to ignore common words and prioritize certain keywords. You can then keep tuning those lists to enhance the algorithm as you see it work.
There are also simpler string metrics you can use to test basic similarity. Take a look at this list of string metrics.

You might want to look into vector-space mapping and resemblance. The "vaguely related" problem could be handled by resemblance statistical analysis most likely.
Check out this novel use of resemblance:

There is a PHP function called "similar_text()", (e.g.:
$percent_similar = similar_text($str1, $str2);) This works fairly well but I didn't come up with anything similar in C#. If you could get hold of the source for the PHP function you might try to translate it. I think there may be a Java version also.


[Full Text Search]Implement Full Text Search

I am implementing full text search on a single entity, document which contains name and content. The content can be quite big (20+ pages of text). I am wondering how to do it.
Currently I am looking at using Redis and RedisSearch, but I am not sure if it can handle search in big chunks of text. We are talking about a multitenant application with each customer having more than 1000 documents that are quite big.
TLDR: What to use to search into big chunks of text content.
This space is a bit unclear to me, sorry for the confusion. Will update the question when I have more clarity.
I can't tell you what the right answer is, but I can give you some ideas about how to decide.
Normally if I had documents/content in a DB I'd be inclined to search there - assuming that the search functionality that I could implement was (a) functionally effect enough, (b) didn't require code that was super ugly, and (c) it wasn't going to kill the database. There's usually a lot of messing around trying to implement search features and filters that you want to provide to the user - UI components, logic components, and then translating that with how the database & query language actually works.
So, based on what you've said, the key trade-offs are probably:
Functionality / functional fit (creating the features you need, to work in a way that's useful).
Ease of development & maintenance.
Performance - purely on the basis that gathering search results across "documents" is not necessarily the fastest thing you can do with a IT system.
Have you tried doing a simple whiteboard "options analysis" exercise? If not try this:
Get a small number of interested and smart people around a whiteboard. You can do this exercise alone, but bouncing ideas around with others is almost always better.
Agree what the high level options are. In your case you could start with two: one based on MSSQL, the other based on Redis.
Draw up a big table - each option has it's own column (starting at column 2).
In Column 1 list out all the important things which will drive your decision. E.g. functional fit, Ease of development & maintenance, performance, cost, etc.
For each driver in column 1, do a score for each option.
How you do it is up to you: you could use a 1-5 point system (optionally you could use planning poker type approach to avoid anchoring) or you could write down a few key notes.
Be ready to note down any questions that come up, important assumptions, etc so they don't get lost.
Sometimes as you work through the exercise the answer becomes obvious. If it's really close you can rely on scores - but that's not ideal. It's more likely that of all the drivers listed some will be more important than others, so don't ignore the significance of those.

Determining if text is english

I currently have a lot comments and text in my database that is mainly in English. However if it isn't in English I want to translate it to English.
I know I can call a translation api to determine the language but I don't want to make millions of translation API calls for text that most likely won't need translating.
I am looking for a way to determine if the text is English or not. I don't need to know what language it is, just that it isn't English, then if it isn't English I will send it to a translation service API.
The Chromium project (including its most popular implementation, Google Chrome) solves this problem with https://github.com/google/cld3.
If your only need is to detect whether or not something is English, then in theory you can use something even more compact.
Most good language detectors use trigram frequency (a gram being a single character) or trigram frequency overlaid with word frequency. For your application it seems that you could use a hybrid approach where the first pass is local, but of low accuracy and tuned to be a bit aggressive to not miss any potential English, and the second pass that does hit an API like Google Translate.
The popularity of English and amount of English data is usually helpful for applying NLP solutions to it, but in this case unfortunately you will often find false positives for English, because sources of data that are listed as English contain other languages or un-language like garbage characters or URLs.
Note also that for many queries there is no single correct answer. Good systems will return a weighted list of possibilities, but for a query like [dan], [a], [example#example.com] or [hi! como estas? i'm in class ahorita] the most correct answer will depend on your application and may not exist.
You can use NTextCat to determine input language.
Research (by a certian Zipf) determined that for the most part, there are some words which are used very frequently, and a lot of words which are rarely used.
If I was given this problem, I'd probably put down a list of the top X used words. Then for each comment I would see if there's a match.
It's not perfect (and if the text is very particular, or mispelt, you've got an issue) - but I think it's an acceptable heuristic.
See this post
More specifically, take a look on Trigrams

Compare user given string with answer in c#

Consider a program that askes you questions, like "what is the last site you visited?" and the answer would be "stackoverflow". The user is asked this question and gives the answer "stakovervlow" or "overflowstack". I still need the program to count it as a correct answer.
To compare normal strings I would use StringCompare class, but this wouldn't work in this case. I've searched the internet and found some articles about SOUNDEX and some algorithms to compare every char in the string and calculate the similarity percentage (like the damerau levenshtein distance), but i don't really know what is best.
Anyone knows if there is a class in .net to accomplish this or what the best way is to compare the user answer with the correct answer?
From the docs there is the SpellCheck class. You can add customized dictionaries as well for words like "StackOverflow", that are not in the dictionary.
What you are trying to do is quite difficult. The easy but tedious way is to create a dictionary or a table in your database that lists common misspellings.
The difficult way is to try to write some code to do natural language processing. The 2 most successful endeavors into this are the semantic search by Google and IBM's Watson supercomputer. I gather you won't be duplicating their methodology anytime soon.

.NET Neural Network or AI for Future Predictions

I am looking for some kind of intelligent (I was thinking AI or Neural network) library that I can feed a list of historical data and this will predict the next sequence of outputs.
As an example I would like to feed the library the following figures 1,2,3,4,5
and based on this, it should predict the next sequence is 6,7,8,9,10 etc.
The inputs will be a lot more complex and contain much more information.
This will be used in a C# application.
If you have any recommendations or warning that will be great.
What I am trying to do i using historical sales data, predict what amount a specific client is most likely going to spend in the next period.
I do understand that there are dozens of external factors that can influence a clients purchases but for now I need to merely base it on the sales history and then plot a graph showing past sales and predicted sales.
If you're looking for a .NET API, then I would recommend you try AForge.NET http://code.google.com/p/aforge/
If you just want to try various machine learning algorithms on a data set that you have at your disposal, then I would recommend that you play around with Weka; it's (relatively) easy to use and it implements a lot of ML/AI algorithms. Run multiple runs with different settings for each algorithm and try as many algorithms as you can. Most of them will have some predictive power and if you combine the right ones, then you might really get something useful.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to approximate and extrapolate an unknown function. In your example, you know the function values
f(0) = 1
f(1) = 2
f(2) = 3
f(3) = 4
f(4) = 5
A good approximation for these points would be f(x) = x+1, and that would yield f(5) = 6... as expected. The problem is, you can't solve this without knowledge about the function you want to extrapolate: Is it linear? Is it a polynomial? Is it smooth? Is it (approximately or exactly) cyclic? What is the range and domain of the function? The more you know about the function you want to extrapolate, the better your predictions will be.
I just have a warning, sorry. =)
Mathematically, there is no reason for your sequence above to be followed by a "6". I can easily give you a simple function, whose next value is any value you like. Its just that humans like simple rules, and therefore tend to see a connection in these sequences, that in reality is not there. Therefore, this is a impossible task for a computer, if you do not want to feed it with additional information.
In the case that you suspect your data to have a known functional dependence, and there are uncontrollable outside factors, maybe regression analysis will have good results. To start easy, look at linear regression first.
If you cannot assume linear dependence, there is a nice application that looks for functions fitting your historical data... I'll update this post with its name as soon as I remember. =)

artificial intelligence - Creative Writing

I am trying to find information (and hopefully c# source code) about trying to create a basic AI tool that can understand english words, grammar and context.
The Idea is to train the AI by using as many written documents as possible and then based on these documents, for the AI to create its own creative writitng in proper english that makes sense to a human.
While the idea is simple, I do realise that the hurdles are huge, any starting points or good resoueces will be appriacted.
A basic AI tool that you can use to do something like this is a Markov Chain. It's actually not too tricky to write!
See: http://pscode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=2031&lngWId=10
If that's not enough, you might be able to store WordNet synsets in your Markov chain instead of just words. This gives you some sense of the meaning of the words.
To be able to recompose a document you are going to have to have away to filter through the bad results.
Which means:
You are going to have to write a program that can evaluate if the output is valid (grammatically and syntactically is the best you can do reliablily) (This would would NLP)
You would need lots of training data and test data
You would need to watch out for overtraining (take a look at ROC curves)
Instead of writing a tool you could:
Manually score the output (will take a long time to properly train the algorigthm)
With this using the Amazon Mechanical Turk might be a good idea
The irony of this: The computer would have a difficult time "Creatively" composing something new. All of its worth will be based on its previous experiences [training data]
Some good references and reading at this Natural Language article.
As others said, Markov chain seems to be most suitable for such a task. Nice description of implementing Markov chain can be found in Kernighan & Pike, The Practice of Programming, section 3.1. Nice description of text-generating is also present in Programming Pearls.
One thing, though not quite what you need, would be a Markov chain of words. Here's a link I found by a quick search: http://blog.figmentengine.com/2008/10/markov-chain-code.html, but you can find much more information by searching for it.
Take a look at http://www.nltk.org/ (Natural Language Toolkit), lots of powerful tools there. They use Python (not C#) but Python is easy enough to pick up. Much easier to pick up than the breadth and depth of natural language processing, at least.
I agree, that you will have troubles in creating something creative. You could possibly also use a keyword spinner on certain words. You might also want to implement a stop word filter to remove anything colloquial.

