We have a large public contacts folder in Outlook called Global Contacts, I'd like to be able to search through it and return a number of results that match certain criteria, ideally wildcard-style.
E.g. if someone puts "je" in the 'name' textbox, it will return all contacts whose names contain 'je'. This may be coupled as an AND with a companyname textbox.
Most of the examples I've seen are either in VB, or are concerned with doing this form a web app - I'm doing a winforms app, and every machine has Outlook 2002 installed (yeah, I know, update long overdue).
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Some code would be nice as a place to start.
I ended up doing this:
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._Application objOutlook; //declare Outlook application
objOutlook = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application(); //create it
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._NameSpace objNS = objOutlook.Session; //create new session
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder oAllPublicFolders; //what it says on the tin
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder oPublicFolders; // as above
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MAPIFolder objContacts; //as above
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Items itmsFiltered; //the filtered items list
oPublicFolders = objNS.Folders["Public Folders"];
oAllPublicFolders = oPublicFolders.Folders["All Public Folders"];
objContacts = oAllPublicFolders.Folders["Global Contacts"];
itmsFiltered = objContacts.Items.Restrict(strFilter);//restrict the search to our filter terms
Then just looping through itmsFiltered to add it to an ObjectListView. Hopefully this will be of use to someone else looking to do the same - it took me a while to cobble this together from various sources.
to find contacts folder you can iterate items of olFolderContacts. Here is the code
using System;
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
using Application = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application;
namespace RyanCore
public class Loader
public static ContactsViewModel LoadModel(Application objOutlook)
var viewModel = new ContactsViewModel();
MAPIFolder fldContacts = objOutlook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderContacts);
foreach (object obj in fldContacts.Items)
if (obj is _ContactItem)
var contact = (_ContactItem) obj;
viewModel.Contacts.Add(new Contact(contact.FirstName + " " + contact.LastName, contact.Email1Address));
else if (obj is DistListItem)
var distListItem = (DistListItem) obj;
var contactGroup = new ContactGroup(distListItem.Subject);
for (Int32 i = 1; i <= distListItem.MemberCount; i++)
Recipient subMember = distListItem.GetMember(i);
contactGroup.Contacts.Add(new Contact(subMember.Name, subMember.AddressEntry.Address));
return viewModel;
I'm creating an import tool that programatically creates items in Sitecore. The item gets created, but when I view it, it says 'The current item does not have a version in "English : English."' I put in using (new LanguageSwitcher("en-gb")) but that didn't fix it. The way my code works is that it looks for the folder that the item is supposed to be put in (all folders are based on year, e.g. 2016, 2017); if the folder doesn't exist, I create that folder before creating the item. This is my code:
protected void PublishRelease(PressReleaseItem release)
using (new LanguageSwitcher("en-gb"))
var year = release.ReleaseDate.Year;
// create year folder if it doesn't exist
var folderQuery = String.Format(PressReleaseYearFolderFastQuery, year);
Item folder = _db.SelectItems(folderQuery).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
if (folder == null)
var templateId = _templateFactory.GetTemplateId<IPressReleaseYearFolderItem>();
TemplateID pressReleaseFolderTemplateId = new TemplateID(templateId.ToID());
folder = _pressReleaseFolder.Add(year.ToString(), pressReleaseFolderTemplateId);
if (folder == null) return;
// add item to folder
var itemTemplateId = _templateFactory.GetTemplateId<IPRNewswirePressReleaseItem>();
TemplateID pressReleaseTemplateId = new TemplateID(itemTemplateId.ToID());
item = folder.Add(SanitizeHeadline(release.Headline), pressReleaseTemplateId);
if (item == null) return;
item.Fields["External ID"].Value = release.ExternalId;
item.Fields["Active"].Value = release.Active.ToString();
item.Fields["Image Url"].Value = release.ImageUrl;
item.Fields["PDF Url"].Value = release.PdfUrl;
item.Fields["Description"].Value = release.SubHeadline;
item.Fields["Headline"].Value = release.Headline;
item.Fields["Date"].Value = release.ReleaseDate.ToString("d");
item.Fields["Longtext"].Value = release.Body;
item.Fields["Category"].Value = SetReleaseCategories(release.Category);
catch (Exception ex)
When I view the new item in Sitecore, it says it has no version in English; when I click to add a new version, all of the fields are blank.
I would have expected the code you have above to default to creating a new version in the en-GB language. Like Richard mentions, validate if your 'english' is set to 'en' or 'en-gb'. If your default English has a different code, you might have to update your language switcher.
Alternatively, have you tried doing something like below to force a version?
var result = item.Versions.AddVersion();
This would at least allow you to test if the version creation is working at all, though you shouldn't need it for a new item.
I have created code that gathers a list of the existing "Line Styles" in Revit.
List<Category> All_Categories = doc.Settings.Categories.Cast<Category>().ToList();
Category Line_Category = All_Categories[1];
foreach (Category one_cat in All_Categories) { if (one_cat.Name == "Lines") { Line_Category = one_cat;} }
if (Line_Category.CanAddSubcategory)
CategoryNameMap All_Styles = Line_Category.SubCategories; List<string> Line_Styles = new List<string>();
foreach (Category one_category in All_Styles) { if (one_category.Name.Contains("CO_NAME")) {Line_Styles.Add(one_category.Name); } }
TaskDialog.Show(Line_Styles.Count.ToString() + " Current Line Styles", List_To_Dialog(Line_Styles));
This gets the list of line styles, but when I try:
Category New_Line_Style = Line_Category.NewSubCategory....
Visual Studio tells me there is no definition for NewSubCategory
Can anyone tell me how to make a new SubCategory of "Lines", or what I'm doing wrong in the above code?
NOTE: I discovered the main issue. I was attempting to add the sub category to my variable Line_Category (which is itself a category, which should be a parent). I had also attempted adding the sub category to All_Categories (which had been cast as a list and not a CategoryNameMap).
When I added a variable that was not cast, NewSubCategory became available. However, now I am unable to see how to set the line pattern associated with my new style -- the only example I've found online suggests using New_Line_Style.LinePatternId, but that is not in the list of available options on my new SubCategory. Is there some way to set the default pattern to be used when creating a new SubCategory?
Jeremy Tammik wrote a post about retrieving all the linestyles here: http://thebuildingcoder.typepad.com/blog/2013/08/retrieving-all-available-line-styles.html. That might help explain some of the linestyle category stuff in more detail.
Here's another good link asking the same question and how it was solved using VB: http://thebuildingcoder.typepad.com/blog/2013/08/retrieving-all-available-line-styles.html. Here's a C# version of the VB code that worked for a new linestyle:
UIApplication app = commandData.Application;
UIDocument uidoc = app.ActiveUIDocument;
Document ptr2Doc = uidoc.Document;
Category lineCat = ptr2Doc.Settings.Categories.get_Item(BuiltInCategory.OST_Lines);
Category lineSubCat;
string newSubCatName = "NewLineStyle";
Color newSubCatColor = new Color(255, 0, 0); //Red
using (Transaction docTransaction = new Transaction(ptr2Doc, "hatch22 - Create SubCategory"))
lineSubCat = ptr2Doc.Settings.Categories.NewSubcategory(lineCat, newSubCatName);
lineSubCat.LineColor = newSubCatColor;
catch (Exception ex)
I am trying editing a tool to allow a user to select from a list of their calendars and then clear all event entries / add new ones based on Microsoft project tasks.
Heres the original tool: http://daball.github.com/Microsoft-Project-to-Google-Calendar/
I am completely unexperienced with Google APIs / the calendar API, and am having some trouble. The program I'm editing keeps track of which CalendarEntry the user has selected from a list of their calendars. What I am currently trying to do is create a EventFeed which gives me the EventEntries of that selected calendar, so I can then delete all of them. The purpose of this is to allow someone to use this tool to also update the calendar from the project file whenever changes are made. Here's my function attempting the delete.
private void clearPreviousCalendarEntries(CalendarEntry calendarEntry)
EventQuery query = new EventQuery();
query.Uri = new Uri(calendarEntry.Links[0].AbsoluteUri);
EventFeed feed = (EventFeed)calendarService.Query(query);
AtomFeed batchFeed = new AtomFeed(feed);
foreach (EventEntry entry in feed.Entries)
entry.Id = new AtomId(entry.EditUri.ToString());
entry.BatchData = new GDataBatchEntryData(GDataBatchOperationType.delete);
EventFeed batchResultFeed = (EventFeed)calendarService.Batch(batchFeed, new Uri(feed.Batch));
foreach (EventEntry entry in batchResultFeed.Entries)
if (entry.BatchData.Status.Code != 200 && entry.BatchData.Status.Code != 201)
this.listBoxResults.SelectedIndex = this.listBoxResults.Items.Add("Problem deleteing " + entry.Title.Text + " error code: " + entry.BatchData.Status.Code);
this.listBoxResults.SelectedIndex = this.listBoxResults.Items.Add("Deleted " + entry.Title.Text);
My feed doesn't return the results I was hoping for, but to be honest I'm not sure how to request the events correctly.
query.Uri = new Uri(calendarEntry.Links[0].AbsoluteUri); is something I grabbed from the portion of the program which is adding event to a specific calendar
AtomEntry insertedEntry = calendarService.Insert(new Uri(calendarEntry.Links[0].AbsoluteUri), eventEntry);
These posts are definitely related to what I'm looking for but I haven't arrived at a solution
how can i retrieve a event exclusive from a calendar that i created (not default one)?
Try something like this:
CalendarService myService = new CalendarService("your calendar name");
myService.setUserCredentials(username, password);
CalendarEntry calendar;
calendar = (CalendarEntry)myService.Get(http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/default/owncalendars/full/45kk8jl9nodfri1qgepsb65fnc%40group.calendar.google.com);
foreach (AtomEntry item in calendar.Feed.Entries)
catch (GDataRequestException)
You can find "Calendar ID" (something like this: 45kk8jl9nodfri1qgepsb65fnc%40group.calendar.google.com) from Calendar Details page inside Google Calendar.
this is a related post:
google calendar api asp.net c# delete event
this is a useful doc:
A way I eventually arrived at was gathering the calendarID from the URI of the calendar, and then creating a new EventQuery using that id. Here's the new version of the code above
private void clearPreviousCalendarEntries(CalendarEntry calendarEntry)
this.listBoxResults.SelectedIndex = this.listBoxResults.Items.Add("Clearing previous calender entries");
String calendarURI = calendarEntry.Id.Uri.ToString();
//The last part of the calendarURI contains the calendarID we're looking for
String calendarID = calendarURI.Substring(calendarURI.LastIndexOf("/")+1);
EventQuery query = new EventQuery();
query.Uri = new Uri("http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/" + calendarID + "/private/full");
EventFeed eventEntries = calendarService.Query(query);
AtomFeed batchFeed = new AtomFeed(eventEntries);
foreach (AtomEntry entry in eventEntries.Entries)
entry.Id = new AtomId(entry.EditUri.ToString());
entry.BatchData = new GDataBatchEntryData(GDataBatchOperationType.delete);
EventFeed batchResultFeed = (EventFeed)calendarService.Batch(batchFeed, new Uri(eventEntries.Batch));
//check the return values of the batch operations to make sure they all worked.
//the insert operation should return a 201 and the rest should return 200
bool success = true;
foreach (EventEntry entry in batchResultFeed.Entries)
if (entry.BatchData.Status.Code != 200 && entry.BatchData.Status.Code != 201)
success = false;
listBoxResults.SelectedIndex = listBoxResults.Items.Add("The batch operation for " +
entry.Title.Text + " failed.");
if (success)
listBoxResults.SelectedIndex = listBoxResults.Items.Add("Calendar event clearing successful!");
I'm not particular happy with this, it seems odd to use string manipulation to gather the info and chop together my own query. But it works and I have been struggling to find a way to get this done.
In Sharepoint how can you copy a list item from one list to another list
eg copy from "List A" to "List B" (both are at the root of the site)
I want this copying to occur when a new list item is added to "List A"
I tried using the CopyTo() method of an SPListItem inside the ItemAdded event receiver but couldnt figure out the url to copy to.
Here is the code I use. Pass it a SPlistItem and the name of the destination list as seen in Sharepoint(Not the URL). The only restriction is that both list must be in the same site:
private SPListItem CopyItem(SPListItem sourceItem, string destinationListName) {
//Copy sourceItem to destinationList
SPList destinationList = sourceItem.Web.Lists[destinationListName];
SPListItem targetItem = destinationList.Items.Add();
foreach (SPField f in sourceItem.Fields) {
//Copy all except attachments.
if (!f.ReadOnlyField && f.InternalName != "Attachments"
&& null != sourceItem[f.InternalName])
targetItem[f.InternalName] = sourceItem[f.InternalName];
//Copy attachments
foreach (string fileName in sourceItem.Attachments) {
SPFile file = sourceItem.ParentList.ParentWeb.GetFile(sourceItem.Attachments.UrlPrefix + fileName);
byte[] imageData = file.OpenBinary();
targetItem.Attachments.Add(fileName, imageData);
return targetItem;
Indeed as Lars said, it can be tricky to move items and retain versions and correct userinfo. I have done similar things with that before so if you need some code examples, let me know through a comment and can supply you with some guidance.
The CopyTo method (if you decide to go with that) need an absolute Uri like:
So, if you are performing this in an event receiver you need to concatinate a string containing the elements needed. Something like (note that this can be done in other ways to):
string dest=
siteCollection.Url + "/" + site.Name + list.Name + item.File.Name;
Copying and moving files, items and folders in SharePoint can be tricky if you want to retain all metadata, timestamps, author info and version history. Take a look a CopyMove for SharePoint - it also has a Web Service API.
There's many tools on the market for copying a list item to another list (avepoint, metavis, etc.) but they are pretty expensive if you're planning to do this on only one list.
If you can do this manually once a week for example, look at the following tool : http://en.share-gate.com/sharepoint-tools/copy-move-sharepoint-list-items-with-metadata-and-version-history
Here is a powershell equivalent of Sylvian's that does allow for cross-site copy. His code could be modified similarly as well...
param([string]$sourceWebUrl, [string]$sourceListName, [string]$destWebUrl, [string]$destListName)
$sourceWeb = get-spweb $sourceWebUrl;
$sourceList = $sourceWeb.Lists[$sourceListName];
$destWeb = get-spweb $destWebUrl;
$destList = $destWeb.Lists[$destListName];
$sourceList.Items |%{
$destItem = $destList.Items.Add();
$sourceItem = $_;
$sourceItem.Fields |%{
$f = $_;
if($f.ReadOnlyField -eq $false -and $f.InternalName -ne "Attachments" -and $sourceItem[$f.InternalName] -ne $null){
$destItem[$f.InternalName] = $sourceItem[$f.InternalName];
To use, copy and past to a file copy-listitems.ps1 and run using Sharpoint powerhsell commandline...
Make sure you call CopyTo(url) method on SPFile, not on SPListItem.
for example:
ItemUpdated(SPItemEventProperties properties)
string url = properties.Web.Site.Url + "/" + properties.Web.Name + "Lists/ListName/" + properties.ListItem.File.Name;
private void CopyAttachmentsToList(SPListItem srcItem, SPListItem tgtItem)
//get source item attachments from the folder
SPFolder srcAttachmentsFolder =
//Add items to the target item
foreach (SPFile file in srcAttachmentsFolder.Files)
byte[] binFile = file.OpenBinary();
tgtItem.Attachments.AddNow(file.Name, binFile);
//exception message goes here
Don't forget to add this line, tgtItem.Update();, else you will get an err.
So, the lists have the exact same or similar columns? Either way, you could create a simple workflow that runs automatically when an item is created in "List A". Since the workflow in question is relatively simple, I'd recommend using SharePoint Designer (which is free) to create it, since you can easily match up the columns from the two lists. The walk through below should be able to help you get started.
Create a Workflow - SharePoint Designer
I had the same problem.
After experimenting a bit instead of
targetItem[f.InternalName] = sourceItem[f.InternalName];
I used:
targetItem[childField.Title] = sourceItem[parentField.Title];
How to copy field and save versions:
public static SPListItem CopyItem(SPListItem sourceItem, SPList destinationList)
SPListItem targetItem = destinationList.AddItem();
//loop over the soureitem, restore it
for (int i = sourceItem.Versions.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
//set the values into the archive
foreach (SPField sourceField in sourceItem.Fields)
SPListItemVersion version = sourceItem.Versions[i];
if ((!sourceField.ReadOnlyField) && (sourceField.InternalName != "Attachments"))
SetFields(targetItem, sourceField, version);
//update the archive item and
//loop over the the next version
foreach (string fileName in sourceItem.Attachments)
SPFile file = sourceItem.ParentList.ParentWeb.GetFile(sourceItem.Attachments.UrlPrefix + fileName);
targetItem.Attachments.Add(fileName, file.OpenBinary());
return targetItem;
private static bool SetFields(SPListItem targetItem, SPField sourceField, SPListItemVersion version)
targetItem[sourceField.InternalName] = version.ListItem[sourceField.InternalName];
return true;
catch (System.ArgumentException)//field not filled
return false;
catch (SPException)//field not filled
return false;
Copy List Items from one SharePoint List or library to Another SharePoint list or library using c# server side code
//Itecollection is a collection of data from source list
public void CopyItemsFromOneListToAnotherList(SPListItemCollection itemCollection)
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteUrl))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
//Get destination list/library
//destListName - Destination list/library name
SPList destList = web.Lists.TryGetList(destListName);
foreach (SPListItem sourceItem in itemCollection)
//Add new Item to list
SPListItem destItem = destList.Items.Add();
foreach (SPField field in sourceItem.Fields)
if (!field.ReadOnlyField && !field.Hidden && field.InternalName != "Attachments")
if (destItem.Fields.ContainsField(field.InternalName))
//Copy item to destination library
destItem[field.InternalName] = sourceItem[field.InternalName];
//Update item in destination library or list
Console.WriteLine("Copied " + sourceItem["ID"] + "to destination list/library");
I am playing around with a SharePoint server and I am trying to programmatically add a service request to microsoft's call center application template. So far, I have had pretty good success. I can add a call for a specified customer and assign a specific support tech:
private enum FieldNames
[EnumExtension.Value("Service Request")]
[EnumExtension.Value("Service Representative")]
[EnumExtension.Value("Assigned To")]
private void CreateServiceCall(string serviceCallTitle, string customerName, string serviceRep)
SPSite allSites = new SPSite(siteURL);
SPWeb site = allSites.AllWebs[siteName];
SPListItemCollection requestsList = site.Lists[serviceRequests].Items;
SPListItem item = requestsList.Add();
SPFieldLookup customerLookup = item.Fields[FieldNames.Customer.Value()] as SPFieldLookup;
item[FieldNames.ServiceRequest.Value()] = serviceCallTitle;
if (customerLookup != null)
using (SPWeb lookupWeb = allSites.OpenWeb(customerLookup.LookupWebId))
SPList lookupList = lookupWeb.Lists.GetList(new Guid(customerLookup.LookupList), false);
foreach (SPListItem listItem in lookupList.Items)
if (listItem[customerLookup.LookupField].ToString() != customerName) continue;
item[FieldNames.Customer.Value()] = new SPFieldLookupValue(listItem.ID, customerName);
SPUserCollection userCollection = site.SiteUsers;
if (userCollection != null)
foreach (SPUser user in userCollection)
if (user.Name != serviceRep) continue;
item[FieldNames.AssignedTo.Value()] = user;
I added two custom columns (category, software) to the default list:
I populated both of these columns inside of SharePoint, now I want to retrieve that data so I can use it in the code snippet I posted to assign the proper category/software etc to the call. I have not been able to get the list in the code, I have tried using a item["Software"], site.Lists["Software"] and a couple of others, but so far all I have come up is null.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for this? Thanks!
SPFieldMultiChoice and related fields have a Choices property:
SPFieldMultiChoice software = item.Fields[FieldNames.Software.Value()] as SPFieldMultiChoice;
StringCollection softwareChoices = software.Choices;
If you need to set a value on the field, use the SPFieldMultiChoiceValue type:
SPFieldMultiChoiceValue values = new SPFieldMultiChoiceValue();
values.Add("Choice 1");
values.Add("Choice 2");
item[FieldNames.Software.Value()] = values;