Bilinear interpolation - DirectX vs. GDI+ - c#

I have a C# app for which I've written GDI+ code that uses Bitmap/TextureBrush rendering to present 2D images, which can have various image processing functions applied. This code is a new path in an application that mimics existing DX9 code, and they share a common library to perform all vector and matrix (e.g. ViewToWorld/WorldToView) operations. My test bed consists of DX9 output images that I compare against the output of the new GDI+ code.
A simple test case that renders to a viewport that matches the Bitmap dimensions (i.e. no zoom or pan) does match pixel-perfect (no binary diff) - but as soon as the image is zoomed up (magnified), I get very minor differences in 5-10% of the pixels. The magnitude of the difference is 1 (occasionally 2)/256. I suspect this is due to interpolation differences.
Question: For a DX9 ortho projection (and identity world space), with a camera perpendicular and centered on a textured quad, is it reasonable to expect DirectX.Direct3D.TextureFilter.Linear to generate identical output to a GDI+ TextureBrush filled rectangle/polygon when using the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.Bilinear setting?
For this (magnification) case, the DX9 code is using this (MinFilter,MipFilter set similarly):
Device.SetSamplerState(0, SamplerStageStates.MagFilter, (int)TextureFilter.Linear);
and the GDI+ path is using:
g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Bilinear;
I thought that "Bilinear Interpolation" was a fairly specific filter definition, but then I noticed that there is another option in GDI+ for "HighQualityBilinear" (which I've tried, with no difference - which makes sense given the description of "added prefiltering for shrinking")
Followup Question: Is it reasonable to expect pixel-perfect output matching between DirectX and GDI+ (assuming all external coordinates passed in are equal)? If not, why not?
Clarification: The images I'm using are opaque grayscale (R=G=B, A=1) using Format32bppPArgb.
Finally, there are a number of other APIs I could be using (Direct2D, WPF, GDI, etc.) - and this question generally applies to comparing the output of "equivalent" bilinear interpolated output images across any two of these. Thanks!

DirectX runs mostly in the GPU and DX9 may be running shaders. GDI+ runs on completely different algorithms. I don't think it is reasonable to expect the two to come up with exactly pixel-matching outputs.
I'd expect DX9 to have better quality than GDI+, which is a step improvement over the old GDI but not much. GDI+ is long understood to have trouble with anti-aliasing lines and also with preserving quality in image scaling (which seems to be your problem). In order to have something similar in quality than latest-generation GPU texture processing, you'll need to move to WPF graphics. This gives quality similar to DX.
WPF also uses the GPU (if available) and falls back to software rendering (if no GPU), therefore the output between GPU and software rendering are reasonably close.
EDIT: Although this has been picked as the answer, it is only an early attempt to explain and doesn't really address the true reason. The reader is referred to discussions laid out in the comments to the question and to the answers instead.

Why do you make the assumption that they use the same formula?
Even if they do use the same formula and you accept that the implementation is different would you expect the output to be the same?
At the end of the day the code is designed to work with perception not be mathematically precise. Although you can get this with CUDA if you want.
Rather than being suprised that you get different results i would be very suprised if you got pixel perfect matches.
the way they represent colour is different ... I know for a fact nvidia uses a float(maybe double) to represent colour wheras GDI uses int i believe.
In DX9 shader 2.0 appears which is when the implementation of colour switched from int to 24 and 32 bit floats.
try comparing ati/amd rendering to nvidia rendering and you can clearly see that colour is very different.
I first noticed this in quake 2 ... the difference between the 2 cards was staggering - of course that is due to a great many number of things, least of which is their bilinier interp implementation.
EDIT: the info about how the specification was made happeend after i answered. Anyway i think the datatypes used to store it iwll be different no matter how you specify it. Moreover the implementation of float is likley to be different. I may be wrong but im pretty sure that c# implements float differently to the C compiler that nvidia uses. (and that assumes that GDI+ doesnt just convert the float into the equivalent int ....)
Even if i am wrong about that I would enerally hold it to be exceptional to expect 2 different implementations of an algorithm to be identical. they are optomised for speed as a result the difference in optomisation will directly translate to a difference in image quality as this speed will come from a different approach to cutting corners/approximation.

There are two possibilities for round-off differences. The first is obvious, when the RGB value is calculated as a fraction of the values on either side. The second is more subtle, when calculating the ratio to use when determining the fraction between the two points.
I'd actually be very surprised if two different implementations of the algorithm were pixel-for-pixel identical, there's so many places for a +/-1 difference to occur. Without getting the exact implementation details of both methods it's impossible to be more precise than that.


What 3D rendering technic/algorithm is most effective to draw beams by edges?

I'm trying to construct a program in C# that generates a 3D model of a structure composed of beams, and then creates some views of the object (front, side, top and isometric).
As I don't need to draw surfaces (the edges are enough), I've been calculating each line to draw, and then do it with
GraphicObject.DrawLine(myPen, x1, y1, x2, y2)
This worked fine so far, but as I get adding parts to the structure, the refresh of GraphicObject takes too much time. So I'm getting into line visibility check to reduce the amount of lines to draw.
I've searched Wikipedia and some PDFs on the subject, but all I found is oriented by surfaces. So my question: Is there a simplified algorithm to check visibility of object edges, or should i go for a different approach, like considering surfaces?
Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks for your help.
Additional notes/questions:
My current approach:
calculate every beam in a local axis (all vertices)
=> move them to their global position
=> create a list with pairs of points (projected and scaled to the view)
=> GraphicObject.DrawLine the list of point pairs)
would the whole thing be faster if I'd calculate the view by pixels rather than using the DrawLine method?
Screenshots follow with the type of structure it's going to do (not fully complete yet):
Structure view
Structure detail
There are 2 solutions to improve the performance.
a) switch the computation to the graphics card.
b) Use a kd-tree or some other similar data structure to quickly remove the non visible edges.
Here's more details:
For a), a lot of you computations are multiplying many vertices (vectors of length 3) by some matrix. The CPUs are slow because they only do a couple of these operations at a time. Switch to a GPU, for example using CUDA, which will allow you to do them more in parallel, with better memory access infrastructure. You can also use OpenGL/DirectX/Vulkan or whatever to render the lines themselves to skip having to get the results back from the graphics card and whatever other hiccups get introduced by windows code/libraries. This will help in almost all cases to improve performance.
For b), it only helps when you are not looking at the entire scene (in that case you really need to draw everything). In this cases you can store you scene in a kd-tree or some other data structure and use it to quickly remove things that are for sure outside of the view area. You usually need to intersect some cuboid with a pyramid/fustrum so there's more math involved.
As a compromise that should help in a large scenes where you want to see everything you can consider adjusting the level of detail. From your example, the read beans across are composed of 8 or so components. If you are far enough you are not going to be able to distinguish the 8, so just draw one. This will work great if you have a large number of rounded edges as you can simplify a lot of them.

Making C# mandelbrot drawing more efficient

First of all, I am aware that this question really sounds as if I didn't search, but I did, a lot.
I wrote a small Mandelbrot drawing code for C#, it's basically a windows form with a PictureBox on which I draw the Mandelbrot set.
My problem is, is that it's pretty slow. Without a deep zoom it does a pretty good job and moving around and zooming is pretty smooth, takes less than a second per drawing, but once I start to zoom in a little and get to places which require more calculations it becomes really slow.
On other Mandelbrot applications my computer does really fine on places which work much slower in my application, so I'm guessing there is much I can do to improve the speed.
I did the following things to optimize it:
Instead of using the SetPixel GetPixel methods on the bitmap object, I used LockBits method to write directly to memory which made things a lot faster.
Instead of using complex number objects (with classes I made myself, not the built-in ones), I emulated complex numbers using 2 variables, re and im. Doing this allowed me to cut down on multiplications because squaring the real part and the imaginary part is something that is done a few time during the calculation, so I just save the square in a variable and reuse the result without the need to recalculate it.
I use 4 threads to draw the Mandelbrot, each thread does a different quarter of the image and they all work simultaneously. As I understood, that means my CPU will use 4 of its cores to draw the image.
I use the Escape Time Algorithm, which as I understood is the fastest?
Here is my how I move between the pixels and calculate, it's commented out so I hope it's understandable:
//Pixel by pixel loop:
for (int r = rRes; r < wTo; r++)
for (int i = iRes; i < hTo; i++)
//These calculations are to determine what complex number corresponds to the (r,i) pixel.
double re = (r - (w/2))*step + zeroX ;
double im = (i - (h/2))*step - zeroY;
//Create the Z complex number
double zRe = 0;
double zIm = 0;
//Variables to store the squares of the real and imaginary part.
double multZre = 0;
double multZim = 0;
//Start iterating the with the complex number to determine it's escape time (mandelValue)
int mandelValue = 0;
while (multZre + multZim < 4 && mandelValue < iters)
/*The new real part equals re(z)^2 - im(z)^2 + re(c), we store it in a temp variable
tempRe because we still need re(z) in the next calculation
double tempRe = multZre - multZim + re;
/*The new imaginary part is equal to 2*re(z)*im(z) + im(c)
* Instead of multiplying these by 2 I add re(z) to itself and then multiply by im(z), which
* means I just do 1 multiplication instead of 2.
zRe += zRe;
zIm = zRe * zIm + im;
zRe = tempRe; // We can now put the temp value in its place.
// Do the squaring now, they will be used in the next calculation.
multZre = zRe * zRe;
multZim = zIm * zIm;
//Increase the mandelValue by one, because the iteration is now finished.
mandelValue += 1;
//After the mandelValue is found, this colors its pixel accordingly (unsafe code, accesses memory directly):
//(Unimportant for my question, I doubt the problem is with this because my code becomes really slow
// as the number of ITERATIONS grow, this only executes more as the number of pixels grow).
Byte* pos = px + (i * str) + (pixelSize * r);
byte col = (byte)((1 - ((double)mandelValue / iters)) * 255);
pos[0] = col;
pos[1] = col;
pos[2] = col;
What can I do to improve this? Do you find any obvious optimization problems in my code?
Right now there are 2 ways I know I can improve it:
I need to use a different type for numbers, double is limited with accuracy and I'm sure there are better non-built-in alternative types which are faster (they multiply and add faster) and have more accuracy, I just need someone to point me where I need to look and tell me if it's true.
I can move processing to the GPU. I have no idea how to do this (OpenGL maybe? DirectX? is it even that simple or will I need to learn a lot of stuff?). If someone can send me links to proper tutorials on this subject or tell me in general about it that would be great.
Thanks a lot for reading that far and hope you can help me :)
If you decide to move the processing to the gpu, you can choose from a number of options. Since you are using C#, XNA will allow you to use HLSL. RB Whitaker has the easiest XNA tutorials if you choose this option. Another option is OpenCL. OpenTK comes with a demo program of a julia set fractal. This would be very simple to modify to display the mandlebrot set. See here
Just remember to find the GLSL shader that goes with the source code.
About the GPU, examples are no help for me because I have absolutely
no idea about this topic, how does it even work and what kind of
calculations the GPU can do (or how is it even accessed?)
Different GPU software works differently however ...
Typically a programmer will write a program for the GPU in a shader language such as HLSL, GLSL or OpenCL. The program written in C# will load the shader code and compile it, and then use functions in an API to send a job to the GPU and get the result back afterwards.
Take a look at FX Composer or render monkey if you want some practice with shaders with out having to worry about APIs.
If you are using HLSL, the rendering pipeline looks like this.
The vertex shader is responsible for taking points in 3D space and calculating their position in your 2D viewing field. (Not a big concern for you since you are working in 2D)
The pixel shader is responsible for applying shader effects to the pixels after the vertex shader is done.
OpenCL is a different story, its geared towards general purpose GPU computing (ie: not just graphics). Its more powerful and can be used for GPUs, DSPs, and building super computers.
WRT coding for the GPU, you can look at Cudafy.Net (it does OpenCL too, which is not tied to NVidia) to start getting an understanding of what's going on and perhaps even do everything you need there. I've quickly found it - and my graphics card - unsuitable for my needs, but for the Mandelbrot at the stage you're at, it should be fine.
In brief: You code for the GPU with a flavour of C (Cuda C or OpenCL normally) then push the "kernel" (your compiled C method) to the GPU followed by any source data, and then invoke that "kernel", often with parameters to say what data to use - or perhaps a few parameters to tell it where to place the results in its memory.
When I've been doing fractal rendering myself, I've avoided drawing to a bitmap for the reasons already outlined and deferred the render phase. Besides that, I tend to write massively multithreaded code which is really bad for trying to access a bitmap. Instead, I write to a common store - most recently I've used a MemoryMappedFile (a builtin .Net class) since that gives me pretty decent random access speed and a huge addressable area. I also tend to write my results to a queue and have another thread deal with committing the data to storage; the compute times of each Mandelbrot pixel will be "ragged" - that is to say that they will not always take the same length of time. As a result, your pixel commit could be the bottleneck for very low iteration counts. Farming it out to another thread means your compute threads are never waiting for storage to complete.
I'm currently playing with the Buddhabrot visualisation of the Mandelbrot set, looking at using a GPU to scale out the rendering (since it's taking a very long time with the CPU) and having a huge result-set. I was thinking of targetting an 8 gigapixel image, but I've come to the realisation that I need to diverge from the constraints of pixels, and possibly away from floating point arithmetic due to precision issues. I'm also going to have to buy some new hardware so I can interact with the GPU differently - different compute jobs will finish at different times (as per my iteration count comment earlier) so I can't just fire batches of threads and wait for them all to complete without potentially wasting a lot of time waiting for one particularly high iteration count out of the whole batch.
Another point to make that I hardly ever see being made about the Mandelbrot Set is that it is symmetrical. You might be doing twice as much calculating as you need to.
For moving the processing to the GPU, you have lots of excellent examples here:
Note that you need an WebGL capable browser to view that link. Works best in Chrome.
I'm no expert on fractals but you seem to have come far already with the optimizations. Going beyond that may make the code much harder to read and maintain so you should ask yourself it is worth it.
One technique I've often observed in other fractal programs is this: While zooming, calculate the fractal at a lower resolution and stretch it to full size during render. Then render at full resolution as soon as zooming stops.
Another suggestion is that when you use multiple threads you should take care that each thread don't read/write memory of other threads because this will cause cache collisions and hurt performance. One good algorithm could be split the work up in scanlines (instead of four quarters like you did now). Create a number of threads, then as long as there as lines left to process, assign a scanline to a thread that is available. Let each thread write the pixel data to a local piece of memory and copy this back to main bitmap after each line (to avoid cache collisions).

Finding matches between high quality and low quality, pixelated images - is it possible ? How?

I have a problem. My company has given me an awfully boring task. We have two databases of dialog boxes. One of these databases contains images of horrific quality, the other very high quality.
Unfortunately, the dialogs of horrific quality contain important mappings to other info.
I have been tasked with, manually, going through all the bad images and matching them to good images.
Would it be possible to automate this process to any degree? Here is an example of two dialog boxes (randomly pulled from Google images) :
So I am currently trying to write a program in C# to pull these photos from the database, cycle through them, find the ones with common shapes, and return theird IDs. What are my best options here ?
I really see no reason to use any external libraries for this, I've done this sort of thing many times and the following algorithm works quite well. I'll assume that if you're comparing two images that they have the same dimensions, but you can just resize one if they don't.
badness := 0.0
For x, y over the entire image:
r, g, b := color at x,y in image 1
R, G, B := color at x,y in image 2
badness += (r-R)*(r-R) + (g-G)*(g-G) + (b-B)*(b-B)
badness /= (image width) * (image height)
Now you've got a normalized badness value between two images, the lower the badness, the more likely that the images match. This is simple and effective, there are a variety of things that make it work better or faster in certain cases but you probably don't need anything like that. You don't even really need to normalize the badness, but this way you can just come up with a single threshold for it if you want to look at several possible matches manually.
Since this question has gotten some more attention I've decided to add a way to speed this up in cases where you are processing many images many times. I used this approach when I had several tens of thousands of images that I needed to compare, and I was sure that a typical pair of images would be wildly different. I also knew that all of my images would be exactly the same dimensions. In a situation in which you are comparing dialog boxes your typical images may be mostly grey-ish, and some of your images may require resizing (although maybe that just indicates a mis-match), in which case this approach may not gain you as much.
The idea is to form a quad-tree where each node represents the average RGB values of the region that node represents. So an 4x4 image would have a root node with RGB values equal to the average RGB value of the image, its children would have RGB values representing the average RGB value of their respective 2x2 regions, and their children would represent individual pixels. (In practice it is a good idea to not go deeper than a region of about 16x16, at that point you should just start comparing individual pixels.)
Before you start comparing images you will also need to decide on a badness threshold. You won't calculate badnesses above this threshold with any reliable accuracy, so this is basically the threshold at which you are willing to label an image as 'not a match'.
Now when you compare image A to image B, first compare the root nodes of their quad-tree representations. Calculate the badness just as you would for a single pixel image, and if the badness exceeds your threshold then return immediately and report the badness at this level. Because you are using normalized badnesses, and since badnesses are calculated using squared differences, the badness at any particular level will be equal to or less than the badness at lower levels, so if it exceeds the threshold at any points you know it will also exceed the threshold at the level of individual pixels.
If the threshold test passes on an nxn image, just drop to the next level down and compare it like it was a 2nx2n image. Once you get low enough just compare the individual pixels. Depending on your corpus of images this may allow you to skip lots of comparisons.
I would personally go for an image hashing algorithm.
The goal of image hashing is to transform image content into a feature sequence, in order to obtain a condensed representation.
This feature sequence (i.e. a vector of bits) must be short enough for fast matching and preserve distinguishable features for similarity measurement to be feasible.
There are several algorithms that are freely available through open source communities.
A simple example can be found in this article, where Dr. Neal Krawetz shows how the Average Hash algorithm works:
Reduce size. The fastest way to remove high frequencies and detail is to shrink the image. In this case, shrink it to 8x8 so that there are 64 total pixels. Don't bother keeping the aspect ratio, just crush it down to fit an 8x8 square. This way, the hash will match any variation of the image, regardless of scale or aspect ratio.
Reduce color. The tiny 8x8 picture is converted to a grayscale. This changes the hash from 64 pixels (64 red, 64 green, and 64 blue) to 64 total colors.
Average the colors. Compute the mean value of the 64 colors.
Compute the bits. This is the fun part. Each bit is simply set based on whether the color value is above or below the mean.
Construct the hash. Set the 64 bits into a 64-bit integer. The order does not matter, just as long as you are consistent. (I set the bits from left to right, top to bottom using big-endian.)
David Oftedal wrote a C# command-line application which can classify and compare images using the Average Hash algorithm.
(I tested his implementation with your sample images and I got a 98.4% similarity).
The main benefit of this solution is that you read each image only once, create the hashes and classify them based upon their similiarity (using, for example, the Hamming distance).
In this way you decouple the feature extraction phase from the classification phase, and you can easily switch to another hashing algorithm if you find it's not enough accurate.
You can find a simple example here (It includes a test set of 40 images and it gets a 40/40 score).
Here's a topic discussing image similarity with algorithms, already implemented in OpenCV library. You should have no problem importing low-level functions in your C# application.
The Commercial TinEye API is a really good option.
I've done image matching programs in the past and Image Processing technology these days is amazing, its advanced so much.
ps here's where those two random pics you pulled from google came from:
Since this is a one-off job, I'd make do with a script (choose your favorite language; I'd probably pick Perl) and ImageMagick. You could use C# to accomplish the same as the script, although with more code. Just call the command line utilities and parse the resulting output.
The script to check a pair for similarity would be about 10 lines as follows:
First retrieve the sizes with identify and check aspect ratios nearly the same. If not, no match. If so, then scale the larger image to the size of the smaller with convert. You should experiment a bit in advance with filter options to find the one that produces the most similarity in known-equivalent images. Nine of them are available.
Then use the compare function to produce a similarity metric. Compare is smart enough to deal with translation and cropping. Experiment to find a similarity threshold that doesn't provide too many false positives.
I would do something like this :
If you already know how the blurred images have been blurred, apply the same function to the high quality images before comparison.
Then compare the images using least-squares as suggested above.
The lowest value should give you a match. Ideally, you would get 0 if both images are identical
to speed things up, you could perform most comparison on downsampled images then refine on a selected subsample of the images
If you don't know, try various probable functions (JPEG compression, downsampling, ...) and repeat
You could try Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR).
To put it bluntly:
For every image in the database, generate a fingerprint using a
Fourier Transform
Load the source image, make a fingerprint of the
Calculate the Euclidean Distance between the source and all
the images in the database
Sort the results
I think a hybrid approach to this would be best to solve your particular batch matching problem
Apply the Image Hashing algorithm suggested by #Paolo Morreti, to all images
For each image in one set, find the subset of images with a hash closer that a set distance
For this reduced search space you can now apply expensive matching methods as suggested by #Running Wild or #Raskolnikov ... the best one wins.
IMHO, best solution is to blur both images and later use some similarity measure (correlation/ mutual information etc) to get top K (K=5 may be?) choices.
If you extract the contours from the image, you can use ShapeContext to get a very good matching of images.
ShapeContext is build for this exact things (comparing images based on mutual shapes)
ShapeContext implementation links:
Original publication
A goot ppt on the subject
CodeProject page about ShapeContext
*You might need to try a few "contour extraction" techniques like thresholds or fourier transform, or take a look at this CodeProject page about contour extraction
Good Luck.
If you calculate just pixel difference of images, it will work only if images of the same size or you know exactly how to scale it in horizontal and vertical direction, also you will not have any shift or rotation invariance.
So I recomend to use pixel difference metric only if you have simplest form of problem(images are the same in all characteristics but quality is different, and by the way why quality is different? jpeg artifacts or just rescale?), otherwise i recommend to use normalized cross-correlation, it's more stable metric.
You can do it with FFTW or with OpenCV.
If bad quality is just result of lower resolution then:
rescale high quality image to low quality image resolution (or rescale both to equal low resolution)
compare each pixel color to find closest match
So for example rescaling all of images to 32x32 and comparing that set by pixels should give you quite reasonable results and its still easy to do. Although rescaling method can make difference here.
You could try a block-matching algorithm, although I'm not sure its exact effectiveness against your specific problem - -
Even if this does not work, you should still check out the library. There are several tools there (including block matching from above) that could help you in this process -
I really like Running Wild's algorithm and I think it can be even more effective if you could make the two images more similar, for example by decreasing the quality of the better one.
Running Wild's answer is very close. What you are doing here is calculating the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio for each image, or PSNR. In your case you really only need the Mean Squared Error, but the squaring component of it helps a great deal in calculating difference between images.
PSNR Reference
Your code should look like:
sum = 0.0
errorR = firstImage(r,x,y) - secondImage(r,x,y)
errorG = firstImage(g,x,y) - secondImage(g,x,y)
errorB = firstImage(b,x,y) - secondImage(b,x,y)
totalError = square(errorR) + square(errorG) + square(errorB)
sum += totalError
meanSquaredError = (sum / (imageHeight * imageWidth)) / 3
I asume the images from the two databases show the same dialog and that the images should be close to identical but of different quality? Then matching images will have same (or very close to same) aspect ratio.
If the low quality images were produced from the high quality images (or equivalent image), then you should use the same image processing procedure as a preprocessing step on the high quality image and match with the low quality image database. Then pixel by pixel comparison or histogram matching should work well.
Image matching can use a lot of resources if you have many images. Maybe a multipass approach is a good idea? For example:
Pass 1: use simple mesures like aspect ratio to groupe images (width and height fields in db?) (computationally cheap)
Pass 2: match or groupe by histogram for 1st-color-channel (or all channels) (relatively computationally cheap)
I will also recommend OpenCV. You can use it with c,c++ and Python (and soon Java).
Just thinking out loud:
If you use two images that should be compared as layers and combine these (subtract one from the other) you get a new image (some drawing programs can be scripted to do batch conversion, or you could use the GPU by writing a tiny DirectX or OpenGL program)
Next you would have to get the brightness of the resulting image; the darker it is, the better the match.
Have you tried contour/thresholding techniques in combination with a walking average window (for RGB values ) ?

What is good image processing algorithm for comparing differences in video frames?

I am looking for a good (simple, relatively fast) algorithm for comparing video frames and calculating the difference between the frames. I imagine a function like this:
//Same Scene
diff = ImageDiff(FrameInScene1, nextFrameInScene1);
//diff is low
//Scene Boundary
diff = ImageDiff(FrameInScene2, nextFrameInScene3);
//diff is high
Where diff is a numeric value of the similarity/difference between the frames. For example, two adjacent frames in the same scene would have low values, but a scene change would have very high values.
Note: I am not looking for a scene detection algorithm (some are timecode based), but this would be a good example of the problem.
A library with C# code would be ideal
Consecutive frames ? Mean Squared Error, Mean Absolute Error, PSNR.
Given so little information about your problem it doesn't make sense to suggest anything more.
I am not sure of C#! Have you used openCV? I wrote the code in C and I had used the BHATTACHARYA algorithm for comparing. You can use OpenCV from c# also look at :
All you would be doing is:
Grab the two frames.
Get the histograms of these in two separate pointer.
Pass these two pointers and use a normalization factor and compare the histograms.
I hope this helps.

Removing Duplicate Images [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We have a collection of photo images sizing a few hundred gigs. A large number of the photos are visually duplicates, but with differing filesizes, resolution, compression etc.
Is it possible to use any specific image processing methods to search out and remove these duplicate images?
I recently wanted to accomplish this task for a PHP image gallery. I wanted to be able to generate a "fuzzy" fingerprint for an uploaded image, and check a database for any images that had the same fingerprint, indicating they were similar, and then compare them more closely to determine how similar.
I accomplished it by resizing the uploaded image to 150 pixels wide, reducing it to greyscale, rounding the value of each colour off to the nearest multiple of 16 (giving 17 possible shades of grey between 0 and 255), normalise them and store them in an array, thereby creating a "fuzzy" colour histogram, then creating an md5sum of the histogram which I could then search for in my database. This was extremely effective in narrowing down images which were very visually similar to the uploaded file.
Then to compare the uploaded file against each "similar" image in the database, I took both images, resized them to 16x16, and analysed them pixel by pixel and took the RGB value of each pixel away from the value of the corresponding pixel in the other image, adding all the values together and dividing by the number of pixels giving me an average colour deviation. Anything less than specific value was determined to be a duplicate.
The whole thing is written in PHP using the GD module, and a comparison against thousands of images takes only a few hundred milliseconds per uploaded file.
My code, and methodology is here:
Try PerceptualDiff for comparing 2 images with the same dimensions. Allows threshholds such as considering images with only X number of pixels different to be visually indistinguishable.
If visual duplicates may have different dimensions due to scaling, or different filetypes,
you may want to make a standard format for comparisons. For example, I might use ImageMagick
to scale all images to 100x100 and save them as PNG files.
A very simple approach is the following:
Convert the image to greyscale in memory, so every pixel is only a number between 0 (black) and 255 (white).
Scale the image to a fixed size. Finding the right size is important, you should play around with different sizes. E.g. you could scale each image to 64x64 pixels, but you may get better or worse results with either smaller or bigger pictures.
Once you've done this for all images (yes, that will take a while), always load two images in memory and subtract them from each other. That is subtract the value of pixel (0,0) in image A ob the value of pixel (0,0) in image B, now do the same for (0,1) in both and so on. The resulting value might be positive or negative, you should always store the absolute value (so 5 results in 5, -8 however results in 8).
Now you have a third image being the "difference image" (delta image) of image A and B. If they were identical, the delta image is all black (all values will subtract to zero). The "less black" it is, the less identical the images are. You need to find a good threshold, since even if the images are in fact identical (to your eyes), by scaling, altering brightness and so on, the delta image will not be totally black, it will however have only very dark greytones. So you need a threshold that says "If average error (delta image brightness) is below a certain value, there is still a good chance they might be identical, however if it is above that value, they are most likely not. Finding the right threshold is as hard as finding the right scaling size. You will always have false positives (images deemed to be identical, though they are not at all) and false negatives (images deemed to be not identical, although they are).
This algorithm is ultra slow. Actually only creating the greyscale images takes tons of time. Then you need to compare each GS image to each other one, again, tons of time. Also storing all the GS images takes a lot of disk space. So this algorithm is very bad, but the results are not that bad, even though its that simple. While the results are not amazing, they are better than I had initially thought.
The only way to get even better results is to use advanced image processing and here it starts getting really complicated. It involves a lot of math (a real lot of it); there are good applications (dupe finders) for many systems that have these implemented, so unless you must program it yourself, you are probably better off using one of these solutions. I read a lot papers on this topic but I'm afraid most of this goes beyond my horizon. Even the algorithms I might be able to implement according to these papers are beyond it; that means I understand what needs to be done, but I have no idea why it works or how it actually works, it's just magic ;-)
I actually wrote an application that does this very thing.
I started with a previous application that used a basic Levenshtein Distance algorithm to compute image similarity, but that method is undesirable for a number of reasons. Without a doubt, the fastest algorithm you're going to find for determining image similarity is either mean squared error or mean absolute error (both have a running time of O(n), where n is the number of pixels in the image, and it'd also be trivial to thread an implementation of either algorithm in a number of different ways). Mecki's post is actually just a Mean Absolute Error implementation, which my application can perform (code is also available for your browsing pleasure, should you so desire).
In any event, in our application, we first down-sample images (e.g. everything is scaled to, say, 32*32 pixels), then convert to gray scale, and then run the resulting images through our comparison algorithms. We're also working on some more advanced pre-processing algorithms to further normalize images, but...not quite there yet.
There are definitely better algorithms than MSE/MAE (in fact, the problems with these two algorithms as applied to visual information has been well documented), like SSIM, but it comes at a cost. Other people attempt to compare other visual qualities in the image, such as luminance, contrast, color histograms, etc., but it's all pricey compared to simply measuring the error signal.
My application might work, depending on how many images are in those folders. It's multi-threaded (I've seen it fully load eight processor cores performing comparisons), but I've never tested against an image database larger than a few hundred images. A few hundred gigs of images sounds prohibitively large. (simply reading them from disk, downsampling, converting to gray scale and storing in memory--assuming you have enough memory to hold everything, which you probably don't--could take a couple hours).
This is still a research area, I believe. If you have some time in your hands, some relevant keywords are:
Image copy detection
Content based image retrieval
Image indexing
Image duplicate removal
Basically, each image is processed (indexed) to produce an "image signature". Similar images have similar signatures. If your images are just rescaled then probably their signature are nearly identical, so they cluster well. Some popular signatures are the MPEG-7 descriptors. To cluster, I think K-Means or any of its variants may be enough.
However, you probably need to deal with millions of images, this may be a problem.
Here is a link to the main Wikipedia entry:
Hope this helps.
Image similarity is probably a sub-field of image processing/AI.
Be prepared to implement algorithms/formulae from papers if you're looking for an excellent (i.e. performant and scalable) solution.
If you want something quick n dirty, search google for Image Similarity
Here's a C# image similarity app that might do what you want.
Basically, all algorithms extract and compare features. How they define "feature" depends on the math model they're based on.
A quick hack at this is to write a program that will calculate the value of the average pixel in each image, in greyscale, sort by this value, and then compare them visually. Very similar images should occur near each other in the sorted order.
You will need a command line tool to deal with so much data.
Comparing every possible pair of images will not scale to such a large set of images.
You need to sort the entire set of images according to some metric so that further
comparisons are only needed on neighbouring images.
An example of a simple metric is the average value of all of the pixels in an image, expressed
as a single greyscale value. This should work only if the duplicates have not had any visual alterations.
Using a lossy file format can also result in visual alterations.
Thinking outside the box, you may be able to use image metadata to narrow down your dataset.
For example, your images may have fields showing the date and time the image was taken, down to the nearest second.
Duplicates are likely to have identical values.
A tool such as exiv2 could be used to dump out this data to a more convenient and sortable text format (with a little knowledge of batch/shell scripting).
Even fields such as the camera manufacturer and model could be used to reduce a set of 1,000,000 images
to say 100 sets of 10,000 images, a significant improvement.
The gqview program has an option for finding duplicates, so you might try looking there. However, it's not foolproof, so it'd only be suitable as a heuristic to present duplicates to a human, for manual confirmation.
The most important part is to make the files comparable.
A generic solution might be to scale all images to a certain fixed size and greyscale. Then save the resulting images in a separate directory with same name for later reference. It would then be possible to sort by filesize and visually compare neighboring entries.
The resulting pictures might be quantified in certain ways to programatically detect similarities (averaging of blocks, lines etc.).
I would imagine the most scaleable method would be to store an fingerprint with each image. Then when a new image is added, it's a simple case of SELECT id FROM photos where id='uploaded_image_id' to check for duplicates (or fingerprinting all the images, then doing a query for duplicate
Obviously a simple file-hash wouldn't work as the actual content differs..
Acoustic fingerprinting/this paper may be a good start on the concept, as there are many implementations of this. Here is a paper on image fingerprinting.
That said, you may be able to get away with something simpler. Something as basic as resizing the image to equal width or height, subtracting image_a from image_b, and summing the difference. If the total difference is below a threshold, the image is a duplicate.
The problem with this is you need to compare every image to every other. The time required will exponentially increase..
If you can come up with a way of comparing images that obeys the triangle inequality (eg, if d(a,b) is the difference between images a and b, then d(a,b) < d(a,c) + d(b,c) for all a,b,c), then a BK-Tree would be an effective way of indexing the images such that you can find matches in O(log n) time instead of O(n) time for each image.
If your matches are restricted to the same image after varying amounts of compression/resizing/etc, then converting to some canonical size/color balance/etc and simply summing the squares-of-differences of each pixel may be a good metric, and this obeys the triangle inequality, so you could use a BK-tree for efficient access.
If you have a little bit of money to spend, and maybe once you run a first pass to determine which images are maybe matches, you could write a test for Amazon's Mechanical Turk.
Essentially, you'd be creating a small widget that AMT would show to real human users who would then basically just have to answer the question "Are these two images the same?". Or you could show them a grid of say 5x5 images and ask them "Which of these images match?". You'd then collect the data.
Another approach would be to use the principles of Human Computation which have been most famously espoused by Luis Von Ahn ( with reCaptcha, which uses Captcha answers to determine the unreadable words that have been run through Optical character Recognition, thus helping to digitize books. You could make a captcha that asked users to help refine the images.
It sounds like a procedural problem rather than a programming problem. Who uploads the photos? You or the customers? If you are uploading the photo, standardize the dimensions to a fixed scale and file format. That way comparisons will be easier. However, as it stands, unless you have days - or even weeks of free time - I suggest that you instead manually remove the duplicates images by either yourself or your team by visually comparing the images.
Perhaps you should group the images by location since it is a tourist images.

