Trying to find a way to prove that my program is not running correctly because the version numbers of the dll's my interops are pointing to are different i.e. different GUIDs.
Works on my machine, not on "theirs" with the different dll's.
Can anyone recommend some debugging tools that let me watch the program as it starts up and see things like "looking for dll, not found, quitting"?
Is there logging tool available that would report these things to me?
If so I'm not aware of/using it.
You get an exception when a DLL isn't found. Or more commonly in your case, a COMException as soon as you try to use the interop library in your code. One drastic mistake you could make is catching such an exception. That's a very common mistake. But don't, undiagnosable failure is the result. There is rarely any point in letting your program continue running when an important chunk of code is just missing. Logging it isn't hard when you use AppDomain.UnhandledException.
This should at the very least provide you with decent diagnostics that help you to fix your code. You cannot get this started until you get good exception info. Pre-emptively fixing rather than waiting for the customer to get back to you with an exception trace usually requires you to recreate possible client configurations and testing your code. Highly advisable btw with 4 versions of IE in common use. You'll need a virtual machine so you can install the different OS and IE versions and test your code. Making the OS and IE version a system requirement is not unreasonable, ymmv.
You can try to do it yourself quick and dirty by enumerating all the assemblies loaded by your program via AppDomain.Current.GetAssemblies(). Also, check other questions about listing loaded assemblies, like this one
Read up on Assembly class in MSDN to see what information you can get about your assemblies.
I'm writing a UWP program to detect colors from LEDs, this program runs on a Raspberry Pi 3 with Windows 10 IoT with attached display.
What the program does is take a reference image with the LED turned off, then take a image from the LED turned on.
Both images are converted to the same pixelformat and then are cropped to a smaller size, in which only the LED is shown (both the reference and the lighted LED).
Then those picture parts are converted to grayscale wich is followed by creating a difference picture of the two, so that only pixels that changed from the reference to the lighted LED are shown.
To do so I use the NuGet-Package portable.AForge.imaging. The code is shown below.
LEDBildNeu = LEDBild.Clone(PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
ReferenzbildNeu = Referenzbild.Clone(PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
Crop cropping = new Crop(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(x), Convert.ToInt32(y), 100, 100));
CroppedLED = cropping.Apply(LEDBildNeu);
CroppedReferenz = cropping.Apply(ReferenzbildNeu);
Grayscale grayscale = new Grayscale(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);
GrayscaleReferenz = grayscale.Apply(CroppedReferenz);
GrayscaleLED = grayscale.Apply(CroppedLED);
Difference difference = new Difference(GrayscaleReferenz);
Differenzbild = difference.Apply(GrayscaleLED);
This code works fine as long as im in debug mode, all of the functions are working.
However when i change to release mode, i get this error while building:
1>C:\Users\morsch.nuget\packages\\1.7.2\tools\Microsoft.NetNative.targets(697,5): warning : MCG : warning MCG0007: Unresolved P/Invoke method 'ntdll.dll!memcpy' for method 'System.Byte* AForge.SystemTools.memcpy(System.Byte*, System.Byte*, System.Int32)'. Calling this method would throw exception at runtime. Please make sure the P/Invoke either points to a Windows API allowed in UWP applications, or a native DLL that is part of the package. If for some reason your P/Invoke does not satisify those requirements, please use [DllImport(ExactSpelling=true) to indicate that you understand the implications of using non-UWP APIs.
1>C:\Users\morsch.nuget\packages\\1.7.2\tools\Microsoft.NetNative.targets(697,5): warning : MCG : warning MCG0007: Unresolved P/Invoke method 'ntdll.dll!memset' for method 'System.Byte* AForge.SystemTools.memset(System.Byte*, System.Int32, System.Int32)'. Calling this method would throw exception at runtime. Please make sure the P/Invoke either points to a Windows API allowed in UWP applications, or a native DLL that is part of the package. If for some reason your P/Invoke does not satisify those requirements, please use [DllImport(ExactSpelling=true) to indicate that you understand the implications of using non-UWP APIs.
When I run the code in release mode and get to the part where the difference picture is created, I get the exception
System.TypeLoadException: 'Unresolved P/Invoke method 'memcpy!ntdll.dll' from this method. Please look for this method in build warnings for more details.'
According to this 'memset' and 'memcpy' are not supported by UWP. My questions now are:
Why does the program run in debug mode without any problems even when those two entry points are not supported, but as soon as i turn to release mode i get the exceptions?
Is there a workaround for the problem?
I already tried to use
[DllImport("ntdll.dll", EntryPoint = "memset")]
[DllImport("ntdll.dll", EntryPoint = "memcpy")]
But either I did it wrong or it just don't work that way.
I know I could just program a workaround in which I check the pixels manually and create a new image, but I wanted to solve that problem if possible.
Finding the correct combination of directives can be a very frustrating and time consuming process. Here is additional information that I received from Microsoft via email, hope this helps:
Helpful links:
The analysis we do to get your application ready to be ahead of time compiled is quite extensive. We need to generate code for various generic types, reflection callable wrappers, serialization information, marshalling stubs etc etc. In come cases (as you could imagine) we end up generating more than is strictly necessary due to run away combinatorics. It’s completely possible that some fiddling with our heuristics can get you application to a place where it compiles without any loss of functionality.
Practically speaking, there’s two ways to manipulate the behavior of the compiler. One is through some of our compiler flags available through dropping elements into your csproj. The other is making edits to your applications Properties\Default.rd.xml file.
Compiler flags
There are a wide range of flags available but here’s a couple that may help out:
<ShortcutGenericAnalysis>true</ShortcutGenericAnalysis> - Can help stop runaway analysis of generic types and reduce overall generation requirements.
<UseDotNetNativeSharedAssemblyFrameworkPackage>false</UseDotNetNativeSharedAssemblyFrameworkPackage> - Eliminates one of the linking boundaries the compiler has to fight with. I actually suspect turning this off will make things worse not better but whole program optimizers are hard to reason about but rebuilds are cheap enough to try.
Runtime Directives
There’s lots of reading above but the tl;dr is that this file is read by the compiler and can contain lots of hints about what we want it to do or ignore etc. The overall syntax of the file is also included in the reading above but I don’t think we’re very clear about the one special directive that’s include by default:
<Assembly Name="*Application*" Dynamic="Required All" />
This directive says: “Please save/generate enough information so that all user types can be inspected and created via reflection.” Where ‘user types’ means any type in an assembly that isn’t signed with the .NET key token. So, basically everything that isn’t explicitly .NET Framework. This in leads to lots of bloat but also makes it so most folks don’t ever have to think about these things. In cases where we don’t have enough information, you’ll get runtime exceptions like MissingMetadataException or TypeLoadException or NullReferenceException. Each instance will require a bit of code inspection and fiddling with directives to get patched up. This can be an annoying a fragile process. All that said, the analysis engine is quite sophisticated and you’ll get lots and lots of things ‘for free’ without the special directive or any hassle. It’s entirely possible that your app runs great with just a little bit of tweaking.
Okay, the goal now is to remove this directive but still have a working application. There’s two approaches that have tradeoffs, so I’ll describe both and let you decide if either methodology suits you. Roughly here’s what the two workflows look like:
Start from nothing.
a. Remove the special Application directive
b. Build the app
c. If the build fails, email us, else…
d. Test the app and see if you hit any runtime errors
e. If you do you’ll need to look at the error location and see if adding some directives can help then head back to (b).
f. If you find no errors, you’re done! Hooray!
Start from everything
a. Remove the special Application directive
b. Get a list of the full set of dlls for your project, for example by inspecting here: obj[architecture]\Release\ilc\in
c. For each dll, add a Dynamic directive. They’ll look like: <Assembly Name="ASSEMBLYNAMEWITHOUTEXTENTION" Dynamic="Required All"/>
d. Comment out some subset of these libraries
e. Build the app
f. If the build fails again in RHBIND go to (d)
g. Test the app and see if you hit any runtime errors
h. If you do you’ll need to look at the error location and see if adding some directives can help then head back to (e)
i. If you find no errors, you’re done! Hooray!
I found a solution which worked:
Instead of downloading the portable.AForge package with NuGet i downloaded the portable.AForge from GitHub.
Find the .cs-file called SystemTools.cs (located in AForge/Sources/Core/).
Open it with any .cs editing porgram, now search for all code like
#if !MONO
and remove it.
This clears the use of memcpu() or memset() from ntdll.dll.
Save the SystemTools.cs, create the library and add the AForge-Package manually to the application.
After the change it worked without any problems.
When troubleshooting our applications, in many situations I cannot be sure what branch the assemblies originally come from, due to an imperfect release cycle and human error.
(We have quite a lot of different bugfix/feature/test/release branches etc. in our TFS).
The PDB-files can help sometimes, in a test environment at least, but sometimes they're missing or outdated / belong to assemblies from another branch.
So, I was trying to think of a way to include the source branch information inside the assembly directly.
Surprisingly, I could not easily find a straight forward way online to accomplish this.
My answer below explains my approach. I would be happy about feedback or alternative solutions.
In short: I created a custom attribute that I put intoAssemblyInfo.cs. Inside the attribute's constructor, the server path for the current assembly is queried from TFS and compiled into it.
It's basically a combination of the following:
Can I add custom version strings to a .net DLL?
How do I get the path of the assembly the code is in?
Get TFS mapped folder of a local sub folder of the solution?
(Note: I cannot post the actual source code due to company restrictions, but I think it's pretty straight forward.)
To get the attribute's value later is unfortunately not as easy as getting the version number from the DLL-file's properties, but at least it is possible now to get the information I need with minimum effort. (I use a small PowerShell script for that.)
Ok, I'm experiencing a truly random bug and I cannot find any reason why this would happen. I have an application that I update that was first developed MANY years ago. I work on a sizable dev team whose sole responsibility is to manage this application and we've come to accept that the project is a bit of a "franken-code" project. We are but humble developers in a line of many generations of developers who've inherited this project. (This will be important to know later.)
There is a portion of our application that deep within the initialization process calls the following code:
string strPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase);
string strFile = strPath.Substring(6) + "\\" + FILE_NAME;
Here's the deal. My fellow team members, and myself, have been able to modify and build higher-level, UI and DB related sections of our solution for an eternity. I, nor anyone else, has modified the above code, or any code in the same code file (or project within the solution, for that matter.)
However, today while working in a completely different section of my application I began to get some really odd "Out of Memory" exception errors. I'm not sure if that relates to my problem but I felt it was worth mentioning that after rebooting my machine and reloading the VS solution, I'm now consistently getting the following exception when I attempt to run a debugger test, when the initialization process attempts to execute the above mentioned snippet of code:
Exception: A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Message: URI formats are not supported.
I've googled this error message and it looks like the original dev was simply doing this wrong. This seems to be a common error, but what baffles me is that this has never been a problem until, randomly, today.
I know this is an odd question, but is there a way to fix this without modifying this code. As I mentioned, this is a really complex application that often feels a bit cobbled together. Our team is attempting to clean up, or replace, much of the applications functionality but there are portions we simply do not touch because we have no solid clue how the application will work once it is deployed to our production environment. This is a highly-critical application and it cannot be broken.
Might anyone have any clue what may cause this to "magically" start happening? Especially since I have been working in UI-related code, and no where near the low-level, configuration resolution section of code where this came from.
We use source control. If I download, build an run an older revision of the application, it works.
We use AnkhSVN and when I inspect my changed files, again, there is nothing that has been changed that relates to the code that is now failing.
No one else in my team has ever seen this.
To my knowledge, I've not tweaked any setting associated with my project. I've taken a look at my project properties and everything looks normal. I guess there is a chance that I've hit some odd key-combo and enabled/disabled something through shortcut-keys, but I have no clue what that might be.
Any help is appreciated. Sorry for the novel. I'm just stumped and I'd rather not use a different method for acquiring this path string if there is ANY chance that altering this process could behave differently in different user environments.
I can only assume some working file within the Visual Studio that is associated with the project/solution had become corrupt. I searched through the text of my project files, and all of my code, and I didn't see anything out of place.
As I mentioned, we use source control. To attempt a fix, I pulled down the same source revision that I initially pulled for my current task. I compiled and ran the application. Everything worked properly in its "vanilla" state.
Next, I copied in all of the files I knew I had modified. I hadn't added any new project references or resources, so I just copied over the modified .cs files. I built and ran the application and I've had no trouble since the pull from my branch.
This does not answer the question of why this occurred, but this method can provide a solution to the problem.
I can confirm this change in Path.GetDirectoryName occured to me after installing VS 2015 and rebuilding our project in it so it seams to be .NET 4.6 feature.
Rebuilding the project again in VS 2013 returns the previous behaviour where Assembly.CodeBase with "file:" prefix is acceptable by Path.GetDirectoryName without any exception.
But rereading the MSDN documentation, there is a statement that "file:" paths are not supported, but this is not mentioned in ArgumentException thrown in VS 2015 code.
First of all, find out how many versions ago this started occuring: start with the current version, and work back changeset by changeset until it no longer fails.
It sounds like, for whatever reason, System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase now returns a string that GetDirectoryName doesn't like. So, check the project files, the .sln, the repo config, anything that could cause a file to be in a different location.
If you can't find anything there, check the other files from that same commit, even if they appear that they shouldn't be related.
First Chance Exceptions generally happen when you've got multiple threads happening, so check for new threads that weren't in the previous version. I've also had situations where First Chance exceptions would only get caught under certain situations, and are silently ignored otherwise, so look changes in Debug settings: it's possible that this problem has always existed, you just haven't had the right settings to catch it until now.
Remember that under a source control, other people can change things that are "yours", even if only by accident.
I want to run a thread that checks the memory image of the current executable, for protection reasons. Any ideas how to do CRC on the current memory executable (WinAPI or .NET way)? My app is written in .NET.
Signing your assemblies will give you as good verification as you can get with relation to verify CRC of .Net assembly (see Rodrigo's answer).
If you are worried that someone will patch assembly at runtime you probably worried too much. It requires better understanding of runtime to in memory patch IL for a method that is already JIT'ed compared to simply disassembling your .Net code and fixing it up (including removal of your CRC checks).
If you doing it more for fun than you shoud be able to find base address where assembly is loaded and compute CRC of some sort... or see if pages are marked as modified...
I think that's going to be quite difficult in .NET. When an executable is loaded, it can potentially be split up and loaded into several different regions in memory. You'll need to acquaint yourself with the Window's Executable format:
as well as the Windows executable loading process.
You'll might also want to concern yourself with depenency dlls as well. You'll be making so many native calls, that you might want to consider doing this in C.
Not much of an answer, I'm afraid.
Any runtime check you do will have the following drawbacks:
False positives. Because this is .NET, you cannot assume the runtime doesn't modify your in-memory code. You may detect a hack where there is none.
Any run-time check you make will be no more secure than the code you are trying to protect. This includes any runtime mechanism you create in your app such as periodic CRC checks, sentinel processes, or even checking with a server where the request can be faked.
You will decrease performance in your legitimate application, where the pirated version will run better without all these checks
You will do nothing to solve patching your EXE.
I understand that you are just trying to make it as hard as possible, even though it's not 100% uncrackable. But the solutions you propose (and likely any solution you can implement yourself) will do extremely little to thwart any average cracker.
Because this is such a demanded feature though, I would look for 3rd party solutions where they have put forth the effort for a sophisticated solution which can be updated as cracking techniques evolve. I cannot recommend any personally though.
I am not aware of a way to do this in .NET.
If you are interested in protecting you executables, you can generate a new key with sn and add it to AssemblyInfo.cs, so that if the application is modified at least it will not run.
Jon Skeet's Miscellaneous Utility Library contains a method to compute the Adler32 checksum on a stream. Its usage would be:
As for creating a memorystream out of the assembly that is currently running... I don't know if that is even possible (or advisable).
OK so that title sucks a little but I could not think of anything better (maybe someone else can?).
So I have a few questions around a subject here. What I want to do is create a program that can take an object and use reflection to list all its properties, methods, constructors etc. I can then manipulate these objects at runtime to test, debug and figure out exactly what some of my classes / programs are doing whilst they are running, (some of them will be windows services and maybe installed on the machine rather than running in debug from VS).
So I would provide a hook to the program that from the local machine (only) this program could get an instance of the main object and therefore see all the sub objects running in it. (for security the program may need to be started with an arg to expose that hook).
The "reflection machine" would allow for runtime manipulation and interrogation.
Does this sound possible?
Would the program have to provide a hook or could the "reflection machine" take an EXE and (if it knew all the classes it was using), create an object to use?
I know you can import DLL's at runtime so that it knows about all sorts of classes, but can you import individual classes? I.E. Say I have project 'Y' that is not compiled to a DLL but I want to use the "reflection machine" on it, can I point at that directory and grab the files to be able to reference those classes?
EDIT: I would love to try and develop it my self but I already have a long list of projects I would like to do and have already started. Why reinvent the wheel when there is already a great selection to choose from.
Try looking at Crack.NET. It is used to do runtime manipulation and interrogation on WPF/WinForms but the source is available and might be a good start if it already doesn't meet your needs.
It sound as if Corneliu Tusnea's Hawkeye might be close to what you're looking for runtime interrogation of objects/properties/etc. He calls it the .NET Runtime Object Editor. I'm not sure if the homepage I linked to above or the CodePlex project is the best place to start.
It's a bit out of date now, I think, but there's an earlier version of it on CodeProject where you can see the source code for how and what he did.
Powershell actually does nearly all of this, if I properly understand what you are saying.
See this answer on how to build a "reflection engine".
All you need to do is to drop that set of machinery in the your set of available
runtime libraries and it does what you want, I think.
(It might not be as easy as I've made it sound in practice).
My guess is you'll also want a runtime compiler, so that you can
manufacture instrumented/transformed variants of the program under inspection
to collect the runtime data you want. You may find that such
machinery provide static analysis results that let you avoid
doing the runtime analysis in many cases.