Ugly drawing of MS radar chart - c#

I'm using the MS charting controls. And I'm using the radar chart to draw some values, but for some reason, the lines of the X-axis doesn't really meet in the middle.
I have set the LineWidth = 1, but the line still takes like 2 pixels and some of the markers are totally off, or maybe it's the line that's totally off.
Maybe my text is a little bit off as well, so please see picture and hopefully you'll understand my problem. =)
Code that generates the chart:
// Populate series data
Chart chart1 = new Chart();
chart1.ChartAreas.Add(new ChartArea("ChartArea1"));
chart1.Height = new Unit(380);
chart1.Width = new Unit(880);
//chart1.AntiAliasing = AntiAliasingStyles.Graphics;
//chart1.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
chart1.Customize += new EventHandler(Chart_Customize);
// Show as 3D
chart1.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].Area3DStyle.Enable3D = false;
= IntervalAutoMode.FixedCount;
chart1.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].AxisY.Interval = 10;
chart1.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].AxisY.Maximum = 100;
chart1.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].AxisY.IsReversed = true;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.LineWidth = 1;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.Gray;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.LineColor = Color.Gray;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
List<string> names = new List<string>();
int namecounter = 1;
foreach (var p in Model.Participants)
if (SessionHandle.ShowNamesInDiagrams)
#region firstresult
if (SessionHandle.ShowFirstResult)
chart1.Series.Add(new Series("FirstResult"));
List<double> firstresult = new List<double>();
foreach (var p in Model.Participants)
var resultSummary = from r in Model.ResultSummary
where r.userID == p.ParentID && Model
.Where(x => x.hasResult)
.Exists(x => x.ID == r.moduleID)
select r;
firstresult.Add(resultSummary.Sum(x => x.scorePercent)
/ Model.Modules.Where(x => x.hasResult).Count());
chart1.Series["FirstResult"].Points.DataBindXY(names, firstresult);
// Set radar chart type
chart1.Series["FirstResult"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Radar;
// Set radar chart style (Area, Line or Marker)
chart1.Series["FirstResult"]["RadarDrawingStyle"] = "Marker";
chart1.Series["FirstResult"].Color = Color.DarkBlue;
= Url.Content("~/Content/Images/firstresult.png");
// Set circular area drawing style (Circle or Polygon)
chart1.Series["FirstResult"]["AreaDrawingStyle"] = "Circle";
// Set labels style (Auto, Horizontal, Circular or Radial)
chart1.Series["FirstResult"]["CircularLabelsStyle"] = "Horizontal";

WPF coordinates refer to the center of the pixel, not the corners, so try adding 0.5 to all your coordinates. To show this is the case consider the following xaml:
<Line X1="50" Y1="50" X2="100" Y2="50" Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="1" />
<Line X1="50" Y1="50" X2="50" Y2="100" Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="1" />
<Line X1="50" Y1="50" X2="100" Y2="100" Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="1" />
Here it is rendered normally and then with a 0.5 pixel offset applied to each coordinate:


How to resize a FileModelVisual3D in a helix Viewport with Codebehind WPF

i am a real newbe in the world of helixtoolkit and Graphics 3D.
What i make:
I have the homework to code a programm which lets you decorate a christmastree with different types of decoration.
One type of decoration is a candle. The problem. The candle is too small in relation to the tree.
My question:
How can i resize my FileModelVisual3D inside of the view_tree with code behind?
private void view_tree_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (typeOfdecoration == 1)
Decoration1Visual3D decoration;
decoration = new Decoration1Visual3D();
decoration.Fill = Brushes.Red;
Point3D? pt = view_tree.FindNearestPoint(e.GetPosition(view_tree));
if (pt.HasValue)
Point3D p = pt.Value;
decoration.Transform = new TranslateTransform3D(p.X, p.Y, p.Z);
decoration = null;
else if (typeOfdecoration == 2)
FileModelVisual3D fmv3D = new FileModelVisual3D();
fmv3D.Source = "C:/Users/flori/Documents/Schulisches/WFSST/christmastree_burtscherflorian/christmastree_burtscherflorian/2245176fd65db964db79f88f870f8154/candle.3DS";
Point3D? pt = view_tree.FindNearestPoint(e.GetPosition(view_tree));
if (pt.HasValue)
Point3D p = pt.Value;
fmv3D.Transform = new TranslateTransform3D(p.X, p.Y, p.Z);
fmv3D = null;
<helix:HelixViewport3D x:Name="view_tree" Camera="{helix:PerspectiveCamera 5.3,-12.3,900,-6.3,11,-6.6}" CameraChanged="view_tree_CameraChanged" MouseDown="view_tree_MouseDown" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0">
<helix:FileModelVisual3D x:Name="model_tree" Source="c:/Users/flori/Documents/Schulisches/WFSST/christmastree_burtscherflorian/christmastree_burtscherflorian/Conifers tree 1 N100616.3DS"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1">
<RadioButton Name="rb_candle" Margin="10,10,10,0" IsChecked="True" Checked="rb_candle_Checked">Kerze</RadioButton>
<RadioButton Name="rb_ball" Margin="10,10,10,10" Checked="rb_candle_Checked">Kugel</RadioButton>
Hope that anybode can help!
I know for others its easy but i have no experiences in 3D-coding.
In addition to your TranslateTransform3D, apply a ScaleTransform3D. Put both of them into a Transform3DGroup and use this as Transform on your FileModelVisual3D:
double factor = 2.0;
var transformGroup = new Transform3DGroup();
transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform3D(p.X, p.Y, p.Z));
transformGroup.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform3D(factor, factor, factor));
fmv3D.Transform = transformGroup;
Of course, you may want to adjust the factor.

cropping an image using ellipse shape in windows phone 8 application?

I am trying to crop my image using ellipse shape.I'll able to do that with rectangle but for ellipse not able to do.
void ClipImage()
EllipseGeometry geo = new EllipseGeometry();
r = (Ellipse)(from c in LayoutRoot.Children where c.Opacity == .5 select c).First();
GeneralTransform gt = r.TransformToVisual(LayoutRoot);
Point p = gt.Transform(new Point(0, 0));
geo.Rect = new Rect(p.X, p.Y, r.Width, r.Height);
image1.Clip = geo;
r.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
TranslateTransform t = new TranslateTransform();
t.X = -p.X;
t.Y = -p.Y;
image1.RenderTransform = t;
r is ellipse and p is
GeneralTransform gt = ((Ellipse)sender).TransformToVisual(LayoutRoot);
Point p = gt.Transform(new Point(0, 0));
It might be worth using an ImageBrush instead. You don't need to clip your image.
<Ellipse ... >
<ImageBrush ImageSource="..."/>

Drawing line attached to two shapes

NOTE: I'm not looking for a XAML Solution.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to attach a line to two shapes. The best visible representation of what I'm looking for would be two balls attached to both ends of a straight stick. The problem I'm having is on how to display the line which is dependent on both the positions of ball01's and ball02's center position. As of now, both balls display as I want it, but when ball02 moves away from ball01 (ball02 starts off centered on ball01), the line is not visible.
ball01 = new Ellipse() { Height = BIG_SIZE, Width = BIG_SIZE };
ball01.Fill = baseBrush;
ball01.SetValue(RenderOptions.EdgeModeProperty, EdgeMode.Aliased);
setBall01X(e.GetPosition(canvas).X - (BIG_SIZE / 2));
setBall01Y(e.GetPosition(canvas).Y - (BIG_SIZE / 2));
Canvas.SetLeft(ball01, getBall01X());
Canvas.SetTop(ball01, getBall01Y());
ball02 = new Ellipse() { Height = SMALL_SIZE, Width = SMALL_SIZE };
ball02.Fill = childBrush;
ball02.SetValue(RenderOptions.EdgeModeProperty, EdgeMode.Aliased);
setBall02X(e.GetPosition(canvas).X - (SMALL_SIZE / 2));
setBall02Y(e.GetPosition(canvas).Y - (SMALL_SIZE / 2));
Canvas.SetLeft(ball02, getBall02X());
Canvas.SetTop(ball02, getBall02Y());
// line's X's and Y's are to point to the center of both balls
// Regardless of where the balls move.
line01 = new Line()
X1 = getBall01X() + (BIG_SIZE / 2),
Y1 = getBall01Y() + (BIG_SIZE / 2),
X2 = getBall02X() + (SMALL_SIZE / 2),
Y2 = getBall02Y() + (SMALL_SIZE / 2)
line01.Fill = baseBrush;
line01.SnapsToDevicePixels = true;
line01.SetValue(RenderOptions.EdgeModeProperty, EdgeMode.Aliased);
line01.StrokeThickness = 2;
// Canvas.Set???
Instead of using Ellipse and Line controls and positioning them by Canvas.Left and Canvas.Top you may prefer to use three Path controls with appropriate geometries. Especially the EllipseGeometry provides far easier handling of its center point, compared to an Ellipse control.
private EllipseGeometry ball1Geometry = new EllipseGeometry();
private EllipseGeometry ball2Geometry = new EllipseGeometry();
private LineGeometry lineGeometry = new LineGeometry();
public MainWindow()
canvas.Children.Add(new Path
Stroke = Brushes.Black,
Data = ball1Geometry
canvas.Children.Add(new Path
Stroke = Brushes.Black,
Data = ball2Geometry
canvas.Children.Add(new Path
Stroke = Brushes.Black,
Data = lineGeometry
private void UpdateDrawing(
Point ball1Position, double ball1Radius,
Point ball2Position, double ball2Radius)
ball1Geometry.RadiusX = ball1Radius;
ball1Geometry.RadiusY = ball1Radius;
ball1Geometry.Center = ball1Position;
ball2Geometry.RadiusX = ball2Radius;
ball2Geometry.RadiusY = ball2Radius;
ball2Geometry.Center = ball2Position;
lineGeometry.StartPoint = ball1Position;
lineGeometry.EndPoint = ball2Position;
Then you may also prefer to do it the WPF way and create the Paths in XAML:
<Path Stroke="Black">
<EllipseGeometry x:Name="ball1Geometry"/>
<Path Stroke="Black">
<EllipseGeometry x:Name="ball2Geometry"/>
<Path Stroke="Black">
<LineGeometry x:Name="lineGeometry"/>
I think you'd better draw in two steps :
1) add the 3 figures and store them (when building your window).
2) update the coordinates in an animating loop.
It will be faster / handier than clearing/filling the canvas on each frame.
For your line issue : hook it on circle 1's center, and have it go to circle 2's center :
// new line coordinates :
X1 = Y1 = 0
X2 = Balle02X - Balle01X + ( SMALL_SIZE / 2 )
Y2 = Balle02Y - Balle01Y + ( SMALL_SIZE / 2 )
Canvas.SetTop ( line01, Balle01X + (BIG_SIZE / 2) )
Canvas.SetLeft( line01, Balle01Y + (BIG_SIZE / 2) )

Strange behaviour after using the ScaleTransform on WP7

I have two Image controls on each other and I set the alpha channel of some pixels to zero, from the upper one(this is the colorful). But after I "zoom" (width the ScaleTransform), a "border" will be visible around the pixels that have set. Here is a screenshot:
Here is the code:
<Grid Name="grdPhotos">
<Image Stretch="None" Source="picture_grayscale.jpg" Name="photo1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" />
<Image Stretch="None" Source="picture.jpg" Name="photo2" MouseLeftButtonDown="photo2_MouseLeftButtonDown" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" />
private void photo2_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
var photo = photo2.Source as WriteableBitmap; // A WriteableBitmap is created before from the Source BitmapImage
for (int x = 100; x < 200; x++)
for (int y = 100; y < 200; y++)
int index = Convert.ToInt32(photo.PixelWidth * y + x);
if (index > 0 && index < photo.Pixels.Length)
SetPixelAlphaChannel(ref photo.Pixels[index], 0);
var transform = new ScaleTransform { ScaleX = 2, ScaleY = 2 };
photo1.RenderTransform = photo2.RenderTransform = transform;
public void SetPixelAlphaChannel(ref int pixel, byte value)
var color = ColorFromPixel(pixel);
if (color.A == value)
color.A = value;
pixel = ColorToPixel(color);
private Color ColorFromPixel(int pixel)
var argbBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(pixel);
return new Color { A = argbBytes[3], R = argbBytes[2], G = argbBytes[1], B = argbBytes[0] };
private int ColorToPixel(Color color)
var argbBytes = new byte[] { color.B, color.G, color.R, color.A };
return BitConverter.ToInt32(argbBytes, 0);
Why is this? Or how can I implement a zoom functionality without this "border"? Thanks a lot.
When you zoom an image, the pixel values will be interpolated, this will result in pixels in the border are you are observing being the result of interpolating your transparent pixels with their non transparent neighbours. Unfortunately you cannot control the interpolation behaviour of render transforms. You are going to have to do this yourself, possibly via WriteableBitmap.

How to Change the Size of an Element Within a Custom Pushpin in BingMaps for Silverlight

I have a custom pushpin which contains an Ellipse, and I would like to change its size programtically in the C# code behind. I am able to change the pushpin size, however, this affects its location on the map.
Is there a way for me to address the ellipse directly through a render transform or by directly changing its height and width?
Here is the xaml:
<map:Pushpin Location="51.4,-0.2" >
<Ellipse Width="15" Height="15" Fill="Red" Opacity="0.7" Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="2.5">
<TranslateTransform X="0" Y="18" />
Here is the C# I am using at present which changes the Pushpin sizes (currently to a random number):
private void MapItemsSizeChange()
Random rnd = new Random();
ScaleTransform pin_st = new ScaleTransform();
if (mainMap != null)
foreach (UIElement UI in mainMap.Children)
if (UI is Pushpin)
var pin = UI as Pushpin;
if (pin != null)
double x = rnd.Next(5, 20);
x = x / 10;
pin_st.ScaleX = x;
pin_st.ScaleY = x;
UI.RenderTransform = pin_st;
Thanks All!

