GC.GetTotalMemory(false) and Process.WorkingSet - c#

After running my .net process for a long time, I see there's a big difference between the memory GC is aware of and the process working set.
The values I'm monitoring are GC.GetTotalMemory(false) and Process.WorkingSet.
If I check in the "task manager" (or using a SysInternals tool) the value of WorkingSet (Process) and what's shown in "task manager" don't match, but they're somehow close (let's say, 100mb in task manager, 130 in WorkingSet), but what's shocking for me is that GC.GetTotalMemory(false) is like 40Mb or so.
I've run several times through profilers (my favorite is ants memory profiler from redgate), and there it is easy to check that there's a value called "free memory" which is normally the difference between what GC "sees" and what the OS sees (ok, plus loaded DLLs and so on).
A couple of questions:
Is there a way to programmatically monitor this "GC free memory". Yes, I could use the profiler, but in a long running process is not that easy.
If your process runs for a long time, allocates a lot of memory and then frees it (and allocation means thousands or millions of objects, not as simple as a big allocation and free), the problem is that it will never "shrink" to a low value, despite of the fact that GC values are low and correct. Is there a way to fix this? It could be that something is broken on my process but it has been profiled several times over the years and it doesn't seem to be a leak.

Just to resurrect an ancient thread, if you want to monitor "GC free memory", you can periodically make a call to GC.GetTotalMemory(false) and store the value. Dump it to disk or a database or something. Alternatively you can use a library like prometheus-net(https://github.com/prometheus-net/) which will export this and a whole bunch of metrics for you.
As for your second question, there is a way to force your application to shrink, but it's not dot net native, it's windows only, and it's NOT recommended:
static extern int EmptyWorkingSet(IntPtr hwProc);
static void MinimizeFootprint()
From what little I know I think the OS will take care of this if the server is under memory pressure, and it's more efficient for your app, and for the server in general, if the memory remains allocated to your process. This is because there's a good chance it will need it again in the future, so there's no point in cleaning it up when it will just have to allocate it again, especially when your server has enough memory.


Inconsistent(?) behavior of garbage collector and (almost) out of memory issues

Some background:
We are running some pipelines on a buildserver and it consumes way to much memory. The pipeline does some DB imports and it builds up memory over time x times greater than the total size of an exported DB. For the import Entity Framework (core) is used (in order to be able to reuse entity definitions used in other parts of the application).
We are looking into where memory consumption can be reduced. Hence I was using the memory profiler.
I've noticed that sometimes the garbage collector does seem to free up memory after process X was done, and before process Y was started.
This is as expected. The 4GB memory build up is OK(ish), as long as it is released. The code that caused this consumption is running in its own Scope (speaking about dependency injection) and the DbContexts (and other things) used are registered as Scoped. Hence we have these ScopeWorkers.
await _scopeWorker.DoWork<MyProcessX>(_ => _.Import(cancellationToken));
// In some test, memory got freed up in between, but in some other test, memory never seemed to have dropped
await _scopeWorker.DoWork<MyProcessY>(_ => _.Import(cancellationToken));
But in some other test, this drop in memory was never seen.
The red arrow indicates approximately the same moment in time, after MyProcessX.Import, and a significant drop (of 4GBs) was never seen.
Of course I do not know whether the GC spread out the cleaning of this memory over a couple dozen collection moments, instead of 3, as seen in the first screenshot.
Is it possible to wait for the garbage collector to have collected basically all memory used by MyProcessX.Import, before continueing with MyProcessY.Import?
Should the garbage collector behave consistently? In other words, should I see the same memory consumption graph over time when the processes is repeated and is doing the exact same operations (so same data, as the data comes from a static source)
If the garbage collector is inconsistent in its behavior, how to make good use of the memory profiling feature in Visual Studio to spot opportunities of lowering memory?
Yes the memory pressure on the system changes everything, as Evk pointed out. After reserving almost all physical memory on the system (31GB/32GB) and continuing the process which I was attempting to optimize memory usage I could see a definite drop in memory used. I could repeat this, as shown in the image there are actually 2 drops in memory.
Garbage collector uses the following conditions to decide whether it should start collection:
The system has low physical memory. The memory size is detected by
either the low memory notification from the operating system or low
memory as indicated by the host.
The memory that's used by allocated objects on the managed heap
surpasses an acceptable threshold. This threshold is continuously
adjusted as the process runs.
The GC.Collect method is called. In almost all cases, you don't have
to call this method because the garbage collector runs continuously.
This method is primarily used for unique situations and testing.
The first point means it depends on all processes running on current machine, not only on your process. For the same reason you don't know when GC will start, so you can't wait for that to happen.
For that same reason it cannot behave consistently in way you describe, in relation to your process. Your process may do the same thing, but OS as a whole is unlikely to ever do the same things during your process run. In one test run there were enough free memory over whole system, and in another it was not.
What you can do is force GC to run via GC.Collect (and overloads). However that's rarely a good idea.
Main thing you should ask yourself is - does high memory consumption bring any problems? Because by itself it's not a problem (assuming no memory leaks) - you have RAM to be used, not to just stay "free". If there is enough memory currently - GC might rightfully decide to not waste time on garbage collection and do that later when necessary.

Memory leak because of pinned GC handles / no gc root visible

What is the reason for pinned GC handles when working with unmanaged .net components? This happens from time to time without any code changed or something else. When investigating the issue, I see a lot of pinned GC-Handles
These handles seem to stick in the memory for the entire application lifetime. In this case, the library is GdPicture (14). Is there any way to investigate why those instances are not cleaned up? I'm using Dispose()/using everywhere and can't find any GC roots in the managed code.
Thanks a lot!
Another behaviour that is strange is, that the task manager shows that the application uses about 6GB ram, when the memory profiler shows the usage of 400MB (red line is live bytes)
What is the reason for pinned GC handles when working with unmanaged .net components?
Pinning is needed when working with unmanaged code. It prevents objects from being moved during garbage collection so that the unmanaged code can have a pointer to it. The garbage collector will update all .NET references, but it will not update unmanaged pointer values.
Is there any way to investigate why those instances are not cleaned up?
No. The reason always is: there's a bug in the code. Either your code (assume that first) or in a 3rd party library (libraries are used often, chances are that leaks in the library have been found by someone else before).
I'm using Dispose()/using everywhere
Seems like you missed one or it's not using the disposable pattern.
Another behaviour that is strange is, that the task manager shows that the application uses about 6GB ram, when the memory profiler shows the usage of 400MB (red line is live bytes)
A .NET memory profiler may only show the .NET part of memory (400 MB) and omit the rest (5600 MB).
Task manager is not interested in .NET. It cares about physical RAM mostly, which is why Task Manager is not a good analytics tool in general. You don't want to analyze physical RAM, you want to analyze virtual memory.
To look for memory leaks, use Process Explorer and show the "Private Bytes" and "Virtual size" column. Process Explorer can also show you a graph over time per process.
How to proceed?
Forget about the unmanaged leak for a moment. Use a .NET profiler that has the capability of taking memory snapshots and allows you to see each individual object inside as well as a statistics.
Try to figure out the steps that it takes to create more leaks in a consistent way. Then
Take a snapshot
Repeat the leak procedure 10 times
Take a snapshot
Repeat the leak procedure another 10 times
Take a snaphot
Compare snapshot of step 1 and 3. Check for managed types that differ in multiples of 10. Compare snapshot of step 3 and 5. Check the same type again. It must be a multiple of 10. You can't leak 7 objects when you run a method 10 times.
Do a code review on the places where the affected types are used based on internal knowledge on the leak procedure (which methods are called) and the managed type. Make sure it's disposed or released properly.

does mono/.Net GC release free allocated memory back to OS after collection? if not, why?

I heard many times that once C# managed program request more memory from OS, it doesn't free it back, unless system is out of memory. Eg. when object is collected, it gets deleted, and memory that was occupied by the object is free to reuse by another managed object, but memory itself is not returned to operating system (for example, mono on unix wouldn't call brk / sbrk to decrease the amount of virtual memory available to the process back to what it was before its allocation).
I don't know if this really happens or not, but I can see that my c# applications, running on linux, use small amount of memory on beginning, then when I do something memory expensive, it allocates more of it, but later on when all objects get deleted (I can verify that by putting debug message to destructors), the memory is not free'd. On other hand no more memory is allocated when I run that memory expensive operation again. The program just keep on eating the same amount of memory until it is terminated.
Maybe it is just my misunderstanding of how GC in .net works, but if it really does work like this, why is that? What is a benefit of keeping the allocated memory for later, instead of returning it back to the system? How can it even know if system need it back or not? What about other application that would crash or couldn't start because of OOM caused by this effect?
I know that people will probably answer something like "GC manages memory better than you ever could, just don't care about it" or "GC knows what it does best" or "it doesn't matter at all, it's just virtual memory" but it does matter, on my 2gb laptop I am running OOM (and kernel OOM killer gets started because of that) very often when I am running any C# applications after some time precisely because of this irresponsible memory management.
Note: I was testing this all on mono in linux because I really have hard times understanding how windows manage memory, so debugging on linux is much easier for me, also linux memory management is open source code, memory management of windows kernel / .Net is rather mystery for me
The memory manager works this way because there is no benefit of having a lot of unused system memory when you don't need it.
If the memory manager would always try to have as little memory allocated as possible, that would mean that it would do a lot of work for no reason. It would only slow the application down, and the only benefit would be more free memory that no application is using.
Whenever the system needs more memory, it will tell the running applications to return as much as possible. The same signal is also sent to an application when you minimise it.
If this doesn't work the same with Mono in Linux, then that is a problem with that specific implementation.
Generally, if an app needs memory once, it will need it again. Releasing memory back to the OS only to request it back again is overhead, and if nothing else wants the memory: why bother?. It is trying to optimize for the very likely scenario of wanting it again. Additionally, releasing it back requires entire / contiguous blocks that can be handed back, which has very specific impact on things like compaction: it isn't quite as simple as "hey, I'm not using most of this : have it back" - it needs to figure out what blocks can be released, presumably after a full collect and compact (relocate objects etc) cycle.

Control Memory-Hungy Multi-Threaded App

This a VERY open question.
Basically, I have a computing application that launches test combinations for N Scenarios.
Each test is conducted in a single dedicated thread, and involves reading large binary data, processing it, and dropping results to DB.
If the number of threads is too large, the app gets rogue and eats out all available memory and hangs out..
What is the most efficient way to exploit all CPU+RAM capabilities (High Performance computing i.e 12Cores/16GB RAM) without putting the system down to its knees (which happens if "too many" simultaneous threads are launched, "too many" being a relative notion of course)
I have to specify that I have a workers buffer queue with N workers, every time one finishes and dies a new one is launched via a Queue. This works pretty fine as of now. But I would like to avoid "manually" and "empirically" setting the number of simultaneous threads and have an intelligent scalable system that drops as many threads at a time that the system can properly handle, and stop at a "reasonable" memory usage (the target server is dedicated to the app so there is no problem regarding other applications except the system)
PS : I know that .Net 3.5 comes with Thread Pools and .Net 4 has interesting TPL capabilites, that I am still considering right now (I never went very deep into this so far).
PS 2 : After reading this post I was a bit puzzled by the "don't do this" answers. Though I think such request is fair for a memory-demanding computing program.
After reading this post I will to try to use WMI features
All built-in threading capabilities in .NET do not support adjusting according to memory usage. You need to build this yourself.
You can either predict memory usage or react to low memory conditions. Alternatives:
Look at the amount of free memory on the system before launching a new task. If it is below 500mb, wait until enough has been freed.
Launch tasks as they come and throttle as soon as some of them start to fail because of OOM. Restart them later. This alternative sucks big time because your process will do garbage collections like crazy to avoid the OOMs.
I recommend (1).
You can either look at free system memory or your own processes memory usage. In order to get the memory usage I recommend looking at private bytes using the Process class.
If you set aside 1GB of buffer on your 16GB system you run at 94% efficiency and are pretty safe.

Hitting a memory limit slows down the .Net application

We have a 64bit C#/.Net3.0 application that runs on a 64bit Windows server. From time to time the app can use large amount of memory which is available. In some instances the application stops allocating additional memory and slows down significantly (500+ times slower).When I check the memory from the task manager the amount of the memory used barely changes. The application keeps on running very slowly and never gives an out of memory exception.
Any ideas? Let me know if more data is needed.
You might try enabling server mode for the Garbage Collector. By default, all .NET apps run in Workstation Mode, where the GC tries to do its sweeps while keeping the application running. If you turn on server mode, it temporarily stops the application so that it can free up memory (much) faster, and it also uses different heaps for each processor/core.
Most server apps will see a performance improvement using the GC server mode, especially if they allocate a lot of memory. The downside is that your app will basically stall when it starts to run out of memory (until the GC is finished).
* To enable this mode, insert the following into your app.config or web.config:
<gcServer enabled="true"/>
The moment you are hitting the physical memory limit, the OS will start paging (that is, write memory to disk). This will indeed cause the kind of slowdown you are seeing.
Add more memory - this will only help until you hit the new memory limit
Rewrite your app to use less memory
Figure out if you have a memory leak and fix it
If memory is not the issue, perhaps your application is hitting CPU very hard? Do you see the CPU hitting close to 100%? If so, check for large collections that are being iterated over and over.
As with 32-bit Windows operating systems, there is a 2GB limit on the size of an object you can create while running a 64-bit managed application on a 64-bit Windows operating system.
Investigating Memory Issues (MSDN article)
There is an awful lot of good stuff mentioned in the other answers. However, I'm going to chip in my two pence (or cents - depending on where you're from!) anyway.
Assuming that this is indeed a 64-bit process as you have stated, here's a few avenues of investigation...
Which memory usage are you checking? Mem Usage or VMem Size? VMem size is the one that actually matters, since that applies to both paged and non-paged memory. If the two numbers are far out of whack, then the memory usage is indeed the cause of the slow-down.
What's the actual memory usage across the whole server when things start to slow down? Does the slow down also apply to other apps? If so, then you may have a kernel memory issue - which can be due to huge amounts of disk accessing and low-level resource usage (for example, create 20000 mutexes, or load a few thousand bitmaps via code that uses Win32 HBitmaps). You can get some indication of this on the Task Manager (although Windows 2003's version is more informative directly on this than 2008's).
When you say that the app gets significantly slower, how do you know? Are you using vast dictionaries or lists? Could it not just be that the internal data structures are getting so big so as to complicate the work any internal algorithms are performing? When you get to huge numbers some algorithms can start to become slower by orders of magnitude.
What's the CPU load of the application when it's running at full-pelt? Is actually the same as when the slow-down occurs? If the CPU usage decreases as the memory usage goes up, then that means that whatever it's doing is taking the OS longer to fulfill, meaning that it's probably putting too much load on the OS. If there's no difference in CPU load, then my guess is it's internal data structures getting so big as to slow down your algos.
I would certainly be looking at running a Perfmon on the application - starting off with some .Net and native memory counters, Cache hits and misses, and Disk Queue length. Run it over the course of the application from startup to when it starts to run like an asthmatic tortoise, and you might just get a clue from that as well.
Having skimmed through the other answers, I'd say there's a lot of good ideas. Here's one I didn't see:
Get a memory profiler, such as SciTech's MemProfiler. It will tell you what's being allocated, by what, and it will show you the whole slice n dice.
It also has video tutorials in case you don't know how to use it. In my case, I discovered I had IDisposable instances that I wasn't Using(...)

