Given a custom attribute, I want to get the name of its target:
public class Example
[Woop] ////// basically I want to get "Size" datamember name from the attribute
public float Size;
public class Tester
public static void Main()
Type type = typeof(Example);
object[] attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WoopAttribute), false);
foreach (var attribute in attributes)
// I have the attribute, but what is the name of it's target? (Example.Size)
attribute.GetTargetName(); //??
Hope it's clear!
do it the other way around:
MemberInfo[] members = type.GetMembers();
and request
Object[] myAttributes = members[i].GetCustomAttributes(true);
foreach(MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers()) {
Object[] myAttributes = member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WoopAttribute),true);
if(myAttributes.Length > 0)
MemberInfo woopmember = member; //<--- gotcha
but much nicer with Linq:
var members = from member in type.GetMembers()
from attribute in member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WoopAttribute),true)
select member;
I need to detect when a property's type is a class type and its constructors arguments if any. The classes will vary and cannot be hard coded. I've got a property type like below and using reflection I'm handling the properties differently depending upon determined type.
public class SomeClass
// Process this one and instantiate its class type
public WhateverClass Whatever
// This one will be skipped since its not a user defined class type
public string SomePropName
Now when I reflect the properties in the class (SomeClass for ex.) I need to do something different with the property types but there are some types that are classes and they may or may not have arguments needed in the constructors but since its all determined at run time I have to reflect the constructor dynamically.
if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsClass)
var propType = propertyInfo.PropertyType.UnderlyingSystemType;
// Something like this
var ctx = propType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, CallingConventions.Any, null, null);
// todo: instanciate new class instance
Now is there a better way to skin this cat and if not how can I create the class when I wont know the constructor arguments?
If you need to know any/all constructors for an object, there is a "GetConstructors" method that returns an array of constructors for the class:
public class PropertyClass
public PropertyClass()
Value = "default";
public PropertyClass(string value)
Value = value;
public string Value { get; private set; }
public class WhateverClass
public PropertyClass Property { get; set; }
var propertyInstances = GeneratePropertyForEachConstructor(typeof(WhateverClass), "Property").Cast<PropertyClass>();
foreach (PropertyClass propertyInstance in propertyInstances)
Console.WriteLine("value: {0}", propertyInstance.Value);
public List<object> GeneratePropertyForEachConstructor(Type type, string propertyName)
var propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(propertyName);
return GeneratePropertyForEachConstructor(type, propertyInfo);
public List<object> GeneratePropertyForEachConstructor(Type type, PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
List<object> results = new List<object>();
if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsClass)
var propType = propertyInfo.PropertyType.UnderlyingSystemType;
var constructors = propType.GetConstructors();
foreach (ConstructorInfo constructorInfo in constructors)
var parameterInfo = constructorInfo.GetParameters();
var constructorParams = new List<object>();
foreach (ParameterInfo constructorParam in parameterInfo)
object value = constructorParam.HasDefaultValue
? constructorParam.DefaultValue
: constructorParam.ParameterType.IsValueType
? Activator.CreateInstance(constructorParam.ParameterType)
: null;
return results;
value: default
in this case we can see that it looped through both of the constructors and passed in the default value for string for the constructor that has a string parameter.
I need to be able to read the value of my attribute from within my Method, how can I do that?
[MyAttribute("Hello World")]
public void MyMethod()
// Need to read the MyAttribute attribute and get its value
You need to call the GetCustomAttributes function on a MethodBase object.
The simplest way to get the MethodBase object is to call MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod. (Note that you should add [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)])
For example:
MethodBase method = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod();
MyAttribute attr = (MyAttribute)method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MyAttribute), true)[0] ;
string value = attr.Value; //Assumes that MyAttribute has a property called Value
You can also get the MethodBase manually, like this: (This will be faster)
MethodBase method = typeof(MyClass).GetMethod("MyMethod");
[MyAttribute("Hello World")]
public int MyMethod()
var myAttribute = GetType().GetMethod("MyMethod").GetCustomAttributes(true).OfType<MyAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
The available answers are mostly outdated.
This is the current best practice:
class MyClass
[MyAttribute("Hello World")]
public void MyMethod()
var method = typeof(MyClass).GetRuntimeMethod(nameof(MyClass.MyMethod), Array.Empty<Type>());
var attribute = method.GetCustomAttribute<MyAttribute>();
This requires no casting and is pretty safe to use.
You can also use .GetCustomAttributes<T> to get all attributes of one type.
If you store the default attribute value into a property (Name in my example) on construction, then you can use a static Attribute helper method:
using System;
using System.Linq;
public class Helper
public static TValue GetMethodAttributeValue<TAttribute, TValue>(Action action, Func<TAttribute, TValue> valueSelector) where TAttribute : Attribute
var methodInfo = action.Method;
var attr = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault() as TAttribute;
return attr != null ? valueSelector(attr) : default(TValue);
var name = Helper.GetMethodAttributeValue<MyAttribute, string>(MyMethod, x => x.Name);
My solution is based on that the default value is set upon the attribute construction, like this:
internal class MyAttribute : Attribute
public string Name { get; set; }
public MyAttribute(string name)
Name = name;
In case you are implementing the setup like #Mikael Engver mentioned above, and allow multiple usage. Here is what you can do to get the list of all the attribute values.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class TestCase : Attribute
public TestCase(string value)
Id = value;
public string Id { get; }
public static IEnumerable<string> AutomatedTests()
var assembly = typeof(Reports).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
var methodInfos = assembly.GetTypes().SelectMany(m => m.GetMethods())
.Where(x => x.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TestCase), false).Length > 0);
foreach (var methodInfo in methodInfos)
var ids = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes<TestCase>().Select(x => x.Id);
yield return $"{string.Join(", ", ids)} - {methodInfo.Name}"; // handle cases when one test is mapped to multiple test cases.
I used this method :
public static TAttributeMember? GetMethodAttributeValue<TAttribute, TAttributeMember>(Expression<Func<object>> property, Func<TAttribute, TAttributeMember> valueSelector) where TAttribute : Attribute
var methodInfo = ((MemberExpression)property.Body).Member as PropertyInfo;
var attr = methodInfo?.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault() as TAttribute;
return attr != null && valueSelector != null ? valueSelector(attr) : default(TAttributeMember);
Then can use like this:
var group = GetMethodAttributeValue<FieldAttribs, FieldGroups>(() => dd.Param2, a => a.Group);
I want to make a C# Dictionary in which the key is the string name of a static property in a class and the value is the value of the property. Given a static property in the class called MyResources.TOKEN_ONE, how can I get the at the name of the property rather than its value? I only care about the end part of the property name (e.g. "TOKEN_ONE").
I've edited this to mention that I don't want to map all property values in the Dictionary, just a small subset of everything that's in the class. So assume that I want to get the name for a single property. Given MyResources.TOKEN_ONE, I want to get back "MyResources.TOKEN_ONE" or just "TOKEN_ONE".
Here's some sample code that shows what I'm trying to do. I need the property name because I'm trying to generate a javascript variable in which I map the property name to the variable name and the property value to the variable value. For example, I want the C# Dictionary to generate lines like the one below:
var TOKEN_ONE = "One";
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MyConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Dictionary<String, String> kvp = new Dictionary<String, String>();
// How can I use the name of static property in a class as the key for the dictionary?
// For example, I'd like to do something like the following where 'PropertyNameFromReflection'
// is a mechanism that would return "MyResources.TOKEN_ONE"
kvp.Add(MyResources.TOKEN_ONE.PropertyNameFromReflection, MyResources.TOKEN_ONE);
kvp.Add(MyResources.TOKEN_TWO.PropertyNameFromReflection, MyResources.TOKEN_TWO);
public static class MyResources
public static string TOKEN_ONE
get { return "One"; }
public static string TOKEN_TWO
get { return "Two"; }
If all you want is just to be able to refer to a single, specific property in one place in the code without having to refer to it by a literal string, then you can use an expression tree. For example, the following code declares a method that turns such an expression tree into a PropertyInfo object:
public static PropertyInfo GetProperty(Expression<Func<string>> expr)
var member = expr.Body as MemberExpression;
if (member == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Expression is not a member access expression.");
var property = member.Member as PropertyInfo;
if (property == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Member in expression is not a property.");
return property;
Now you can do something like this:
public void AddJavaScriptToken(Expression<Func<string>> propertyExpression)
var p = GetProperty(propertyExpression);
_javaScriptTokens.Add(p.Name, (string) p.GetValue(null, null));
public void RegisterJavaScriptTokens()
AddJavaScriptToken(() => Tokens.TOKEN_ONE);
AddJavaScriptToken(() => Tokens.TOKEN_TWO);
Here is a function that will get you the names of all static properties in a given type.
public static IEnumerable<string> GetStaticPropertyNames(Type t) {
foreach ( var prop in t.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic) ) {
yield return prop.Name;
If you want to build up the map of all property names to their values you can do the following
public static Dictionary<string,object> GetStaticPropertyBag(Type t) {
var flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
var map = new Dictionary<string,object>();
foreach ( var prop in t.GetProperties(flags) ) {
map[prop.Name] = prop.GetValue(null,null);
return map;
Now you can call it with the following
var bag = GetStaticPropertyBag(typeof(MyResources));
You can accomplish this with reflection. The easiest way to get the property names is to loop over all of them.
foreach(var propInfo in this.GetType().GetProperties()) {
var name = propInfo.Name;
var value = propInfo.GetValue(this, null);
See GetProperties() and GetValue() for more specifics.
Well, I'm reluctantly answering my own question because I don't think it's possible to do this for a single static property. Ultimately, I ended up hard-coding the key in the Dictionary using a cut-and-paste of the property name. Here's what I ended up with:
public void RegisterJavaScriptTokens()
AddJavaScriptToken(Token.FOOBAR_TITLE, "FOOBAR_TITLE");
And here's the rest of the code:
protected Dictionary<String, String> _javaScriptTokens = new Dictionary<String, String>();
public void AddJavaScriptToken(string tokenValue, string propertyName)
_javaScriptTokens.Add(propertyName, tokenValue);
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
if (_javaScriptTokens.Count > 0)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> kvp in _javaScriptTokens)
sb.AppendLine(String.Format("var TOKEN_{0} = unescape('{1}');", kvp.Key, PUtilities.Escape(kvp.Value)));
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "PAGE_TOKENS", sb.ToString(), true);
I hate having to use cut-and-paste hard-coding to keep the property name and the key in sync...Oh well...
Other answers have already explained how you can get a list of the static properties via Reflection. You said you don’t want all of them, only a subset of them. It seems, therefore, that you need a way to distinguish the properties you want from the ones you don’t want. One way to do this is using custom attributes.
Declare a custom attribute class:
public class WantThisAttribute : Attribute { }
Add this custom attribute to the properties you want:
public static class MyResources
public static string TOKEN_ONE { get { return "One"; } }
public static string TOKEN_TWO { get { return "Two"; } }
public static string DontWantThis { get { return "Nope"; } }
Iterate over the properties to find the ones you want:
public static Dictionary<string, object> GetStaticPropertyBag(Type t)
var flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
var map = new Dictionary<string, object>();
foreach (var prop in t.GetProperties(flags))
if (prop.IsDefined(typeof(WantThisAttribute), true))
map[prop.Name] = prop.GetValue(null,null);
return map;
At start, we have this basic enum.
public enum E_Levels {
[ValueOfEnum("Low level")]
[ValueOfEnum("Normal level")]
[ValueOfEnum("High level")]
And I would like to get a List<string> whatever the enum. Something like Extensions.GetValuesOfEnum<E_Levels>() which could return a List<string> with "Low level", "Normal level" and "High level" in it.
StackOF helped me to get one value attribute :
public static class Extensions {
public static string ToValueOfEnum(this Enum value) {
FieldInfo fieldInfo = value.GetType().GetField(value.ToString());
ValueOfEnum[] attribs = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ValueOfEnum), false) as ValueOfEnum[];
return attribs.Length > 0 ? attribs[0].value : null;
And I can call this method whatever the enum : E_Levels.LOW.ToValueOfEnum().
Furthermore, StackOF helped me to get a List<string> for a specific enum.
I made this method in a controller :
private List<string> GetLevels() {
List<string> levelsToReturn = new List<string>();
var levels = Enum.GetValues(typeof(E_Levels)).Cast<E_Levels>();
foreach(E_Levels l in levels)
return levelsToReturn;
But this way requires me to rewrite the same method for each enum.
So I tried to add this generic method my class Extensions :
public static class Extensions {
public static string ToValueOfEnum(this Enum value) {...}
public static List<string> GetValuesOf<T>() {
List<string> levelsToReturn = new List<string>();
var levels = Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).Cast<T>();
foreach(T l in levels)
return levelsToReturn;
But in my foreach, .ToValueOfEnum() is an unknown method.
So I am in trouble, I hoped I could find a way to not rewrite again and again the same method for each enum...
Let's try to keep this more general purpose.
I have an extension method that could grab attributes off of enum values. This would give you quick access to the attributes.
public static class EnumExtensions
public static TAttribute GetAttribute<TAttribute>(this Enum value)
where TAttribute : Attribute
var type = value.GetType();
var name = Enum.GetName(type, value);
return type.GetField(name)
Using this, you could create some queries to get what you want.
var valuesOfLevels =
.Select(level => level.GetAttribute<ValueOfEnumAttribute>().Value);
So your GetValuesOf() method (which is not a great name for such a specialty method IMHO) can be written like this:
public static List<string> GetValuesOf<TEnum>()
where TEnum : struct // can't constrain to enums so closest thing
return Enum.GetValues(typeof(TEnum)).Cast<Enum>()
.Select(val => val.GetAttribute<ValueOfEnumAttribute>().Value)
Now you may call the method like so:
var levelValues = GetValueOf<E_Levels>();
// levelValues = { "Low level", "Normal level", "High level" }
You might try casting (Enum)(object)l, changing ToValueOfEnum to take an object, or just inline the method:
public static List<string> GetValuesOf<T>()
List<string> levelsToReturn = new List<string>();
var levels = Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).Cast<T>();
foreach (T value in levels)
FieldInfo fieldInfo = value.GetType().GetField(value.ToString());
ValueOfEnum[] attribs = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ValueOfEnum), false) as ValueOfEnum[];
levelsToReturn.Add(attribs.Length > 0 ? attribs[0].value : null);
return levelsToReturn;
Here's a one-line solution using the casting approach:
return new List<string>(Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).Cast<Enum>().Select(x => x.ToValueOfEnum()));
In case you weren't clear on why T wasn't recognized as an Enum like E_Levels is, that's because you didn't specify that T : enum. Unfortunately, you can't specify that in C# (even though the CLR supports it), so other approaches like runtime checking/assuming (such as what I'm suggesting here) or post-compile code modifications (e.g. unconstrained-melody) have to be done.
.Net already has the same attribute Description so you can use this one instead ValueOfEnum.
What about dynamic and extension on type and following example
public sealed class ForTest
public void Test()
var values = typeof(Levels).ToValues();
public static class TypeExtensions
public static List<string> ToValues(this Type value)
var result = new List<string>();
var values = ToConcreteValues(value);
foreach (dynamic item in values)
Description attribute = GetAttribute<Description>(item);
return result;
private static dynamic ToConcreteValues(Type enumType)
Array values = Enum.GetValues(enumType);
Type list = typeof (List<>);
Type resultType = list.MakeGenericType(enumType);
dynamic result = Activator.CreateInstance(resultType);
foreach (object value in values)
dynamic concreteValue = Enum.Parse(enumType, value.ToString());
return result;
private static TAttribute GetAttribute<TAttribute>(dynamic value)
where TAttribute : Attribute
Type type = value.GetType();
FieldInfo fieldInfo = type.GetField(Enum.GetName(type, value));
return (TAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(fieldInfo, typeof (TAttribute));
public enum Levels
[Description("Low level")]LOW,
[Description("Normal level")] NORMAL,
[Description("High level")] HIGH
result output:
Low level
Normal level
High level
I want to make a C# Dictionary in which the key is the string name of a static property in a class and the value is the value of the property. Given a static property in the class called MyResources.TOKEN_ONE, how can I get the at the name of the property rather than its value? I only care about the end part of the property name (e.g. "TOKEN_ONE").
I've edited this to mention that I don't want to map all property values in the Dictionary, just a small subset of everything that's in the class. So assume that I want to get the name for a single property. Given MyResources.TOKEN_ONE, I want to get back "MyResources.TOKEN_ONE" or just "TOKEN_ONE".
Here's some sample code that shows what I'm trying to do. I need the property name because I'm trying to generate a javascript variable in which I map the property name to the variable name and the property value to the variable value. For example, I want the C# Dictionary to generate lines like the one below:
var TOKEN_ONE = "One";
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MyConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Dictionary<String, String> kvp = new Dictionary<String, String>();
// How can I use the name of static property in a class as the key for the dictionary?
// For example, I'd like to do something like the following where 'PropertyNameFromReflection'
// is a mechanism that would return "MyResources.TOKEN_ONE"
kvp.Add(MyResources.TOKEN_ONE.PropertyNameFromReflection, MyResources.TOKEN_ONE);
kvp.Add(MyResources.TOKEN_TWO.PropertyNameFromReflection, MyResources.TOKEN_TWO);
public static class MyResources
public static string TOKEN_ONE
get { return "One"; }
public static string TOKEN_TWO
get { return "Two"; }
If all you want is just to be able to refer to a single, specific property in one place in the code without having to refer to it by a literal string, then you can use an expression tree. For example, the following code declares a method that turns such an expression tree into a PropertyInfo object:
public static PropertyInfo GetProperty(Expression<Func<string>> expr)
var member = expr.Body as MemberExpression;
if (member == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Expression is not a member access expression.");
var property = member.Member as PropertyInfo;
if (property == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Member in expression is not a property.");
return property;
Now you can do something like this:
public void AddJavaScriptToken(Expression<Func<string>> propertyExpression)
var p = GetProperty(propertyExpression);
_javaScriptTokens.Add(p.Name, (string) p.GetValue(null, null));
public void RegisterJavaScriptTokens()
AddJavaScriptToken(() => Tokens.TOKEN_ONE);
AddJavaScriptToken(() => Tokens.TOKEN_TWO);
Here is a function that will get you the names of all static properties in a given type.
public static IEnumerable<string> GetStaticPropertyNames(Type t) {
foreach ( var prop in t.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic) ) {
yield return prop.Name;
If you want to build up the map of all property names to their values you can do the following
public static Dictionary<string,object> GetStaticPropertyBag(Type t) {
var flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
var map = new Dictionary<string,object>();
foreach ( var prop in t.GetProperties(flags) ) {
map[prop.Name] = prop.GetValue(null,null);
return map;
Now you can call it with the following
var bag = GetStaticPropertyBag(typeof(MyResources));
You can accomplish this with reflection. The easiest way to get the property names is to loop over all of them.
foreach(var propInfo in this.GetType().GetProperties()) {
var name = propInfo.Name;
var value = propInfo.GetValue(this, null);
See GetProperties() and GetValue() for more specifics.
Well, I'm reluctantly answering my own question because I don't think it's possible to do this for a single static property. Ultimately, I ended up hard-coding the key in the Dictionary using a cut-and-paste of the property name. Here's what I ended up with:
public void RegisterJavaScriptTokens()
AddJavaScriptToken(Token.FOOBAR_TITLE, "FOOBAR_TITLE");
And here's the rest of the code:
protected Dictionary<String, String> _javaScriptTokens = new Dictionary<String, String>();
public void AddJavaScriptToken(string tokenValue, string propertyName)
_javaScriptTokens.Add(propertyName, tokenValue);
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
if (_javaScriptTokens.Count > 0)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> kvp in _javaScriptTokens)
sb.AppendLine(String.Format("var TOKEN_{0} = unescape('{1}');", kvp.Key, PUtilities.Escape(kvp.Value)));
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "PAGE_TOKENS", sb.ToString(), true);
I hate having to use cut-and-paste hard-coding to keep the property name and the key in sync...Oh well...
Other answers have already explained how you can get a list of the static properties via Reflection. You said you don’t want all of them, only a subset of them. It seems, therefore, that you need a way to distinguish the properties you want from the ones you don’t want. One way to do this is using custom attributes.
Declare a custom attribute class:
public class WantThisAttribute : Attribute { }
Add this custom attribute to the properties you want:
public static class MyResources
public static string TOKEN_ONE { get { return "One"; } }
public static string TOKEN_TWO { get { return "Two"; } }
public static string DontWantThis { get { return "Nope"; } }
Iterate over the properties to find the ones you want:
public static Dictionary<string, object> GetStaticPropertyBag(Type t)
var flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
var map = new Dictionary<string, object>();
foreach (var prop in t.GetProperties(flags))
if (prop.IsDefined(typeof(WantThisAttribute), true))
map[prop.Name] = prop.GetValue(null,null);
return map;