I'm using the new version of tweetsharp api (v2) and i've had some problems with implementation on wp7...
i'm developping one app that use this api for tweet phrases to user account who's use my application...
so to configure the twiter user account i save the login and password to... when user wants to tweet i get access to his account and tweet that phrase...
My problem is how to make the login to twitter account... i try this but it's not woking....
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var service = new TwitterService(consumerKey, consumerSecret);
Action<OAuthAccessToken, TwitterResponse> act = new Action<OAuthAccessToken, TwitterResponse>((a, b) => Result(a, b));
catch (Exception) {
private void Result(OAuthAccessToken a, TwitterResponse b)
I've read the Api v2 documentation but it's diferent than my method because some methods are new and different than the documentation reports....
thanks very much for help...
stab- have twitter ok'd you for xAuth? Apparently, it's only permissible if your app/apiKeys have been whitelisted for it.
Read this: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/oauth/xauth
Your other apps for iPhone may have used regular OAuth and not xAuth. Like dethSwatch said, Apps have to be approved by Twitter in order to use xAuth.
Only caveat with xAuth is you do not get access tokens to direct messages.
I want to develop a console application that pulls all campaigns under adwords accounts using Google Ads Api.
But I could not pass the authentication step.
I do not fully understand whether I should use the Service Account or Desktop Application Flow for this process.
GoogleAdsConfig config = new GoogleAdsConfig()
DeveloperToken = "Dev_token",
OAuth2Mode = Google.Ads.GoogleAds.Config.OAuth2Flow.APPLICATION,
OAuth2ClientId = "client_Id",
OAuth2ClientSecret = "secrret",
OAuth2RefreshToken = " refresh_token",
GoogleAdsClient client = new GoogleAdsClient(config);
GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsService = client.GetService(Google.Ads.GoogleAds.Services.V10.GoogleAdsService);
googleAdsService.SearchStream(AdwordsClientId, query,
delegate (SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse resp)
foreach (GoogleAdsRow adsRow in resp.Results)
When I try as above, I get the following error
Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.Responses.TokenResponseException: Error:"unauthorized_client", Description:"Unauthorized", Uri:""
What paths should i follow?
Thank you.
unauthorized_client could have a couple of reasons. The most important ones that come to mind:
Did you make sure that your client ID and client secret match?
Have you activated the Google Ads API for the GCP project whose OAuth2 client you are using?
I have been searching for the most current method for posting a tweet on behalf of a user in Webforms. Most of the information I've come across dates to around 2010 and involves Twitterizer, which is no longer supported by the Twitter API. My question is, is there any updated documentation or examples, tutorials on the subject?
I've created my app, have the consumer key and secret, but most of the code I'm coming across is in php. Any help would be appreciated.
Since you're using WebForms (via your reply in comments), here's an example of tweeting on another user's behalf with LINQ to Twitter. Other examples might show you how to add a signature to an authorization header, but you'll still have to manage the OAuth workflow. This should give you an idea of how that workflow can be managed in WebForms.
LINQ to Twitter uses different authorizers to manage the process of producing OAuth signatures, managing credentials, and supporting OAuth workflow. First, instantiate a WebAuthorizer, like this:
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
private WebAuthorizer auth;
private TwitterContext twitterCtx;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
IOAuthCredentials credentials = new SessionStateCredentials();
if (credentials.ConsumerKey == null || credentials.ConsumerSecret == null)
credentials.ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerKey"];
credentials.ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerSecret"];
auth = new WebAuthorizer
Credentials = credentials,
PerformRedirect = authUrl => Response.Redirect(authUrl)
The WebAuthorizer only needs your ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret, which can be saved in web.config. The authorization process is divided into two parts because you have to send the user to Twitter to authorize your app and then Twitter redirects the user back to your page to collect the other two tokens, which are oauth_token and access_token. That means you need logic to handle the callback from Twitter, which could look like this:
if (!Page.IsPostBack && Request.QueryString["oauth_token"] != null)
This goes after you instantiate WebAuthorizer and makes sure you're processing a Twitter callback before performing completion. After you call CompleteAuthorize, go into auth.Credentials and grab the new user credentials and save them for the logged in user. On subsequent queries, you can then load all 4 credentials into WebAuthorizer and LINQ to Twitter will work without requiring the user to authorize your application again.
After you have credentials, you can instantiate a TwitterContext, which gives you access to the Twitter API. Here's an example that does that and performs a query:
if (auth.IsAuthorized)
twitterCtx = new TwitterContext(auth);
var search =
(from srch in twitterCtx.Search
where srch.Type == SearchType.Search &&
srch.Query == "LINQ to Twitter"
select srch)
TwitterListView.DataSource = search.Statuses;
This code follows the call to auth.CompleteAuthorize to make sure all credentials are populated. The auth.IsAuthorized verifies that all 4 credentials are present.
That was the completion and instantiation of the TwitterContext part, but you'll first need to start the oauth process. Here's a button click handler that does that:
protected void authorizeTwitterButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Just call BeginAuthorization, which executes the callback assigned to the PerformRedirect property of WebAuthorizer, sending the user to Twitter to authorize your app. As mentioned earlier, Twitter redirects the user back to your page and CompleteAuthorization executes to finish the authorization process. I typically put the OAuth logic on a separate page to simplify things.
Once the user authorizes your app, you can execute any query you want, such as the method below that tweets some text for the user:
protected void postUpdateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsValid)
updateBox.Text = string.Empty;
Tip: the SessionStateCredentials stores credentials in session state. So, you want to make sure you're using state server, SQL server, but definitely not InProc.
There's documentation on the LINQ to Twitter site at CodePlex.com and a working demo in the LinqToTwitterWebFormsDemo in the downloadable source code.
I have worked with OAuth before (working with Twitter and PHP) and it was simple. I am trying to get OAuth to work with the EverNote API sample https://github.com/evernote/evernote-sdk-csharp (because, as they say, "Real applications authenticate with Evernote using OAuth"). I looked at these:
Simple C# Evernote API OAuth example or guide?
But, I still don't know how to do this... This is my code:
// Real applications authenticate with Evernote using OAuth, but for the
// purpose of exploring the API, you can get a developer token that allows
// you to access your own Evernote account. To get a developer token, visit
// https://sandbox.evernote.com/api/DeveloperToken.action
String authToken = "myAuthCode";
if (authToken == "your developer token") {
Console.WriteLine("Please fill in your developer token");
Console.WriteLine("To get a developer token, visit https://sandbox.evernote.com/api/DeveloperToken.action");
How can I add OAuth to this to get my authToken?
Thank you.
Check this sample project : http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/30584-here-is-a-net-oauth-assembly/ . I think this will help you to understand how oauth works.
For anyone trying to get this to work in MVC, I was playing around with Evernote, OpenAuth and C# this morning and managed to get it all working. I have put together a blog post / library explaining the experience and outlining how to do it with MVC here - http://www.shaunmccarthy.com/evernote-oauth-csharp/ - it uses the AsyncOAuth library: https://github.com/neuecc/AsyncOAuth
I wrote a wrapper around AsyncOAuth that you might find useful here: https://github.com/shaunmccarthy/AsyncOAuth.Evernote.Simple
One prickly thing to be aware of - the Evernote Endpoints (/oauth and /OAuth.action) are case sensitive
// Download the library from https://github.com/shaunmccarthy/AsyncOAuth.Evernote.Simple
// Configure the Authorizer with the URL of the Evernote service,
// your key, and your secret.
var EvernoteAuthorizer = new EvernoteAuthorizer(
"slyrp-1234", // Not my real id / secret :)
// First of all, get a request token from Evernote - this causes a
// webrequest from your server to Evernote.
// The callBackUrl is the URL you want the user to return to once
// they validate the app
var requestToken = EvernoteAuthorizer.GetRequestToken(callBackUrl);
// Persist this token, as we are going to redirect the user to
// Evernote to Authorize this app
Session["RequestToken"] = requestToken;
// Generate the Evernote URL that we will redirect the user to in
// order to
var callForwardUrl = EvernoteAuthorizer.BuildAuthorizeUrl(requestToken);
// Redirect the user (e.g. MVC)
return Redirect(callForwardUrl);
// ... Once the user authroizes the app, they get redirected to callBackUrl
// where we parse the request parameter oauth_validator and finally get
// our credentials
// null = they didn't authorize us
var credentials = EvernoteAuthorizer.ParseAccessToken(
Session["RequestToken"] as RequestToken);
// Example of how to use the credential with Evernote SDK
var noteStoreUrl = EvernoteCredentials.NotebookUrl;
var noteStoreTransport = new THttpClient(new Uri(noteStoreUrl));
var noteStoreProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(noteStoreTransport);
var noteStore = new NoteStore.Client(noteStoreProtocol);
List<Notebook> notebooks = client.listNotebooks(EvernoteCredentials.AuthToken);
You can also try the OAuth library found here : https://code.google.com/p/devdefined-tools/wiki/OAuth and follow the steps mentioned here.
The simple code to add is:
EvernoteOAuth oauth = new EvernoteOAuth(EvernoteOAuth.HostService.Sandbox, myConsumerKey, myConsumerSecret);
string errResponse = oauth.Authorize();
if (errResponse.Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Token: {0}\r\n\r\nExpires: {1}\r\n\r\nNoteStoreUrl: {2}\r\n\r\nUserId: {3}\r\n\r\nWebApiUrlPrefix: {4}", oauth.Token, oauth.Expires, oauth.NoteStoreUrl, oauth.UserId, oauth.WebApiUrlPrefix));
Console.WriteLine("A problem has occurred in attempting to authorize the use of your Evernote account: " + errResponse);
You will need to use this assembly:
using EvernoteOAuthNet;
Available here:
Well, I am trying make a app to write comments to facebook in C#.
Searching in google I know that I need an Application (I did it) and I need select the permissions. I did it..
Now I wrote my code in C#:
private string MyAppId = "XXX";
private string MyAppSecret = "XXX";
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
FacebookClient FB = new FacebookClient(MyAppId, MyAppSecret);
Dictionary<string,string> data = new Dictionary<string,string>();
FB.Post("OBJECT_ID/comments", data);
But when I click the button I get this error:
(OAuthException) (#200) User must have accepted TOS
I am getting crazy! Please help me =(
It doesn't look like you're actually using the users access token.
You need to go through the OAuth workflow, where the user is redirected to facebook.com and grants your application permission. Once that happens, you'll get an Access Token that you use to make requests on behalf of the user.
There's an overload for the FacebookClient class that will take an access token.
Since you didn't really expand on the type of app you're writing, the Facebook C# Github page has a collection of samples, for WinForms, ASP.NET, and Windows 8 Metro. This example should show you how to do client-side authentication.
You're also trying to post to OBJECT_ID, which isn't a valid user/post/page.
Can we post pictures/videos or links on friends wall using facebook SDK c#?
i am using it in winforms .I am using this SDK
public static void PostToWall(string wallPost, string friendId)
var fb = new FacebookClient(Globals.AccessToken);
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
parameters["message"] = wallPost;
fb.PostAsync(String.Format("{0}/feed", friendId), parameters);
If you want to post it to the wall of the user logged in, use:
fb.PostAsync("me/feed", parameters);
You must have your application user grant stream_publish extended permissions then you may use the Graph API to publish to friends' streams.
It's recommended to use PostTaskAsync instead of obsolete PostAsync method of FacebookClient. The parameters remain the same.