i have an web application, and there is an export to excel function. While I try to open some of the excel file downloaded from this export to excel function, it shows the error while opening them as,
We found a problem with some content in ---.xlsx. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this
workbook, click yes.
Can any one kindly help me to solve this?
Best regards.
I know questions like this are around in stack and there are 3rd part libraries to do the trick but none of them is fixing my issue at the moment. So the issue.
I have an Excel workbook (.xlsx) with multiple sheets generated by another system. I have to read the data from this via SSIS and dump it to a SQL DB.
Now the issue is although the Excel sheet contains data and when I open manually it opens without any error and the data displays when I use a script task and use OLEDB connection to connect to the excel and open it up the connection is made successfully but when reading data the column names are not picked (I get F1, F2 likewise) and no data rows are read. I simply get a blank row and that's about it. I have tried with HDR= YES and NO and IMEX=1 and 0 but always the result is same.
Funny thing is if I open the excel sheet do some modification (like change a sheet name save and change back the sheet name and save and close) and after that I try to run the package the data gets picked without any issue (also I noticed that the file size increases from 164KB to 196KB). Now because of this what am trying to do is modify the the file a bit and save via code.
So the initial step I tried was through using Office.Interop.Excel and it works like a charm in my machine but on the server NO OFFICE so IT NO WORKS. And nope the IT guys are never going to install access engine or excel or anything there.
Then I tried via OpenXML and 3rd party library like NPOI and even via OLEDB connection to modify the file. in both NPOI and OLEDB methods the file got changed but still it didn't get picked up properly by the SSIS package (I noticed that the file size didn't change and remained at 164kb). In OpenXML it wasn't able to open the file and threw an error saying "the document cannot be opened because there is and invalid part with an unexpected content type".
So right now I am stuck with no proper method in sight and would appreciate any help in solving this either through c# code or any other SSIS method available. SSIS version am using is 2008.
Edit 1
So I noticed that the script task is able to read the data from the first sheet out f the multiple sheets but the other sheets are the problem. So somewhere the xml for these sheets are broken. Anyway I can copy the xml configs of the first sheet to other ones? Just a thought...
Edit 2
So the first sheet is of ContentType "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml" while all the other sheets are of ContentType "application/xml"
Ultimately ended up using two libraries for this. The data was read without an issue by using exceldatareader (http://exceldatareader.codeplex.com/). Using this the data was read into a dataset easily and then it was written to a new Excel file using epplus (http://epplus.codeplex.com/).
After that when the new excel file was read via the SSIS package data got picked without an issue. Hope this will help someone out there.
I have a csv file and I need to make a pdf copy in the console application that creates the csv. All I have found 3rd party libraries for working with pdf but I don't want to use that. Can I just make a copy and save it as a pdf? If so, how?
Also, I'm using C#, in case you didn't read the title.
Try the below link hope it will help you.
You can open the csv with excel.
than use office PIA (interop) to save as PDF.
Can I use Microsoft Office 2010: Primary Interop Assemblies to convert word,excel to PDF
first read the csv files using c# code, and load that data's into DataTable,
write the datatable values into pdf file using c#
may this idea will help 4 u
I am creating a new .xls file for the Microsoft Office 2003 from existing template in C# using .NET 4.0 and Excel Interop Object Library. My template already contains all needed data and various formulas so my task is just to change some cells which are used in formulas as parameters. I do this without any problem...
The problem appears when i try to open my new file: when the file is opened at 1st time addins of excel doesnt work and as the result all the formulas show me error messages like "#NAME". When i launch the file again - everything is ok...
This makes me angry....
Does anybody know where the problem could be? And what is the solution??
Thank you in advance.
Do you open it Excel 2010? If so, then Excel thinks it's with macros and displays it incorrectly.
Basically, #Name error appears when the formula inside the cell can't be interpreted or is unknown.
The problem is related to the path of formulas, I guess in the first launch it can't correctly find the formulas path so in the next launches it shows them correctly.
I have a dataset that I have modified into an xml document and then used a xsl sheet to transform into an Excel xml format in order to allow the data to be opened programatically from my application. I have run into two problems with this:
Excel is not the default Windows application to open Excel files, therefore when Program.Start("xmlfilename.xml") is run, IE is opened and the XML file is not very readable.
If you rename the file to .xlsx, you receive a warning, "This is not an excel file, do you wish to continue". This is not ideal for customers.
Ideally, I would like Windows to open the file in Excel without modifying the default OS setting for opening Excel files. Office interop is a possibility, but seems like a little overkill for this application. Does anyone have any ideas to make this work?
The solution is in .Net/C#, but I am open to other possibilities to create a clean solution.
If you insert the following into the 2nd line of your XML it directs Windows to open with Excel
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>
Process.Start(#"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Officexx\excel.exe", "yourfile.xml");
That being said, you will still get the message box. I suppose that you could use the Interop, but I am not sure how well it will work for you.
What if you save the file as an xlsx, the extension for XML-Excel?
As Sam mentioned, the xlsx file extension is probably a good route to go. However, there is more involved than just saving the xml file as xlsx. An xlsx is actually a zip file with a bunch of xml files inside folders. I found some good sample code here which seems to give some good explanations although I haven't personally given it a try.
Apologies in advance for plugging a third party library, and I know it's not free, but I use FlexCel Studio from TMS Software. If you're looking to do more than just dump data (formatting, dynamic cross-tabs, etc) it works very well. We generate hundreds of reports a week using it.
FlexCel accepts strongly-typed datasets, it can group data according to relationships, and the generated Excel file looks so much cleaner than what you can get from a Crystal Reports excel export. I've done the crystal reports thing, and the OLE automation thing. FlexCel is a steal at $125 EU.
Hope this helps.
OpenXML in MSDN - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.office.interop.excel.workbooks.openxml(v=office.11).aspx
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
string workbookPath= #"C:\temp\Results_2013Apr02_110133_6692.xml";
this.lblResultFile.Text = string.Format(#" File:{0}",workbookPath);
if (File.Exists(workbookPath))
Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.Application();
excelApp.Visible = true;
Excel.Workbook excelWorkbook = excelApp.Workbooks.OpenXML(workbookPath, Type.Missing, Excel.XlXmlLoadOption.xlXmlLoadPromptUser);
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("File:{0} does not exists", workbookPath));