FacebookOAuthException was unhandled - c#

I'm new in these things and I've been testing the api ...
and came to me a situation that is:
if the user changes the password of Facebook
the Access token is renewed ... and try to post the API Launches
an exception and the application crashes...
how to resolve this situation?
try {
FacebookApp app = new FacebookApp(FacebookToken);
var args = new Dictionary<string, object>();
args["message"] = "hi";
args["caption"] = "appcaption";
args["description"] = "appdescription";
args["name"] = "appname";
args["picture"] = "apppicture";
args["link"] = "applink";
app.ApiAsync((X) => { calback(X); }, null, "/me/feed", args, HttpMethod.Post);
catch (Exception ex) {
Uri url = new Uri("/MyFacebook.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
this is Api code, and it's crashing when throwing the OAuthExcepion at the line marked with "Exception HERE"
private static void ResponseCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult, FacebookAsyncCallback callback, object state)
object result = null;
FacebookApiException exception = null;
var request = (HttpWebRequest)asyncResult.AsyncState;
var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(asyncResult);
using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
result = JsonSerializer.DeserializeObject(responseStream);
catch (FacebookApiException)
// Rest API Errors
catch (WebException ex)
// Graph API Errors or general web exceptions
exception = ExceptionFactory.GetGraphException(ex);
if (exception != null)
// Thow the FacebookApiException
throw exception;
throw; //Exception HERE
// Check to make sure there hasn't been an exception.
// If there has, we want to pass null to the callback.
object data = null;
if (exception == null)
data = result;
callback(new FacebookAsyncResult(data, state, null, asyncResult.CompletedSynchronously, asyncResult.IsCompleted, exception));
callback(new FacebookAsyncResult(data, state, asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle, asyncResult.CompletedSynchronously, asyncResult.IsCompleted, exception));

The behavior of the SDK is intended. An exception is not "crashing" the application, but rather telling you when an error state has occurred. You are basically doing it correctly, but instead of catching Exception you should only catch FacebookOAuthException like this:
try {
FacebookApp app = new FacebookApp(FacebookToken);
var args = new Dictionary<string, object>();
args["message"] = "hi";
args["caption"] = "appcaption";
args["description"] = "appdescription";
args["name"] = "appname";
args["picture"] = "apppicture";
args["link"] = "applink";
app.ApiAsync("/me/feed", args, (X) => { calback(X); }, HttpMethod.Post);
catch (FacebookOAuthException) {
// This is where you would reauthorize the user or send them to a 'login' page
Uri url = new Uri("/MyFacebook.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
I would also suggest reading up on .Net exception handling to give you a better understanding of when and why they are used. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229005.aspx

Using the FacebookAuthenticationResult you can check if there was an error and then avoid to do the request:
private void FacebookLoginBrowser_Navigated(object sender, System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
FacebookAuthenticationResult authResult;
if (FacebookAuthenticationResult.TryParse(e.Uri, out authResult))
if (authResult.ErrorReason == "user_denied")
// Do something knowing that this failed (cancel). }
fbApp.Session = authResult.ToSession();

Have you seen this post? http://dotnetslackers.com/articles/net/wFace-windows-phone-7-facebook-integration-part-1.aspx
Specifically, take a look at part 3 - http://dotnetslackers.com/articles/net/wp7Gesicht-windows-phone-7-facebook-integration-part-3.aspx
Could you store the access token, and then on error, show the login page again?


Amazon.S3.IO.S3FileInfo().Exists returns 400 bad request for encrypted files

I am using C# and AWSSDK v3 to upload files into an S3 bucket. The file is encrypted using ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod. I can upload the file, but if I check if the file exists using S3FileInfo().Exists, an error is thrown as a (400) Bad Request. However, if I comment out the lines that specify encryption in the upload routine, the S3FileInfo().Exists finds the file without throwing an error. What I am doing wrong? Or is there a different way to check if a file exists when it is encrypted?
Here is my upload routine:
public static string wfUpload(Stream pFileStream, string pBucketName, string pKeyName, string pCryptoKey) {
string retVal = "";
try {
using (var lS3Client = new AmazonS3Client()) {
Aes aesEncryption = Aes.Create();
aesEncryption.KeySize = 256;
string lCryptoKey = Convert.ToBase64String(aesEncryption.Key);
PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest {
BucketName = pBucketName,
Key = pKeyName,
ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod = ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod.AES256,
ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey = lCryptoKey,
request.InputStream = pFileStream;
PutObjectResponse response = lS3Client.PutObject(request);
retVal = lCryptoKey;
catch (AmazonS3Exception s3Exception) {
throw (s3Exception);
catch (Exception e) {
throw (e);
return retVal;
And my routine to check if the file exists or not:
public static bool wfFileExists(String pBucketName, String pKeyName) {
bool retVal = false;
try {
using (var lS3Client = new AmazonS3Client()) {
if (new Amazon.S3.IO.S3FileInfo(lS3Client, pBucketName, pKeyName).Exists) {
retVal = true;
catch (AmazonS3Exception s3Exception) {
throw (s3Exception);
catch (Exception e) {
throw (e);
return retVal;
Well, I think the class/method I was using is one of the high level APIs that doesn't support encryption. I changed my code to do a meta-data query to see if anything comes back. If it can't find the file it throws a "NotFound" ErrorCode in the s3Exception that I check for. Hopefully this helps someone else. If someone else suggests a better approach, I'd love to learn it too.
public static bool wfFileExists(String pBucketName, String pKeyName, String pCryptoKey) {
bool retVal = false;
try {
using (var lS3Client = new AmazonS3Client()) {
GetObjectMetadataRequest request = new GetObjectMetadataRequest {
BucketName = pBucketName,
Key = pKeyName,
ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod = ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod.AES256,
ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey = pCryptoKey,
GetObjectMetadataResponse lMetaData = lS3Client.GetObjectMetadata(request);
// If an error is not thrown, we found the metadata.
retVal = true;
catch (AmazonS3Exception s3Exception) {
if (s3Exception.ErrorCode != "NotFound") {
throw (s3Exception);
catch (Exception e) {
throw (e);
return retVal;

How to throw Exception from WebAPI

I have business logic which has throw exception, which I need to transfer to my api controller and show when my webapi fails to read. I have tray catch in all place. In Business Logic`
public static Models.User Login(Models.Login model)
using (var db = new Data.TPX5Entities())
var query = (from a in db.User
where a.UserID == model.UserName || a.UserCode == model.UserName || a.UserName == model.UserName
select new Models.User
EMail = a.EMail,
IsUsed = a.IsUsed,
Memo = a.Memo,
MobilePhone = a.MobilePhone,
Password = a.Password,
Telephone = a.Telephone,
UserCode = a.UserCode,
UserID = a.UserID,
UserName = a.UserName
if (query == null || query.Count == 0)
throw new Exception(#LanguageHelper.GetSystemKeyValue(CultureHelper.GetCurrentCulture(), "/resource/Model/BLL_User_MSG_UserNotFound"));
else if (query.Count > 1)
throw new Exception(#LanguageHelper.GetSystemKeyValue(CultureHelper.GetCurrentCulture(), "/resource/Model/BLL_User_MSG_UserCodeRepeat"));
if (query[0].Password == model.Password)
return query[0];
throw new Exception(#LanguageHelper.GetSystemKeyValue(CultureHelper.GetCurrentCulture(), "/resource/Model/BLL_User_MSG_InCorrectPassword"));
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
then web api controller I use try catch again
public Models.User Login(Models.Login model)
Models.User mUser = null;
mUser = BusinessLogic.User.Login(model);
if (mUser == null)
throw new Exception("Object is null.");
catch(Exception ex)
throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) { Content = new StringContent(ex.Message, Encoding.UTF8), ReasonPhrase = "Login Exception" });
return mUser;
and then I call in my client I use try catch to check again
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( txtUser.Text))
TPX.Core.MessageBoxHelper.ShowError(Core.LanguageHelper.GetSystemKeyValue(GlobalParameters.Language, "/resource/Message/MS_FormLogin_Error_UserEmpty"));
string md5Password = TPX.Core.Security.MD5.GetMD5(txtPassword.Text);
TPX.Models.Login mLogin = new TPX.Models.Login();
mLogin.UserName = txtUser.Text.Trim();
mLogin.Password = md5Password;
//Retrieve User Information
string itemJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mLogin);
string userURL = GlobalParameters.Host + "api/User/Login";
using (System.Net.WebClient webClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
webClient.Headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
webClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
string sJson = webClient.UploadString(userURL, "POST", itemJson);
TPX.Models.User myDeserializedObj = (TPX.Models.User)Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(sJson, typeof(TPX.Models.User));
ClientContext.Instance.UserID = myDeserializedObj.UserID;
ClientContext.Instance.UserCode = myDeserializedObj.UserCode;
ClientContext.Instance.UserName = myDeserializedObj.UserName;
ClientContext.Instance.Password = myDeserializedObj.Password;
DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;
catch (WebException ex)
TPX.Core.MessageBoxHelper.ShowException((Core.LanguageHelper.GetSystemKeyValue(GlobalParameters.Language, "/resource/Message/MS_FormLogin_Ex_LoginError")),ex);
When I login with wrong credential need to throw error. Now I am getting error "The remote Server return error:(500)Internal Server Error', Instead I want to throw exact error which my business logic throw. Thanks
Do not throw 500 internal server error but try and communicating using specific http codes. In your case you want to communicate login failure so tell your client that specifically.
Either use:
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
Or, a custom message like this:
var msg = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) {
ReasonPhrase = "whatever you want it!" };
hrow new HttpResponseException(msg);
your business layer and your api are two different things.
you don't throw errors from your api unless something really bad happened with your own code.
The api always returns meaningful http codes and that's how the clients know what's going on.
public IHttpActionResult Login(Models.Login model)
var mUser = BusinessLogic.User.Login(model);
if (mUser == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(mUser);
you are now returning something meaningful which makes sense to a client and you are actually helping them understand what's going on.
There are multiple ways to return data, this is only one of them.
Avoid throwing errors, it is expensive in terms of resources used and the more users you have the worse it will get.
You can have your business layer return a message in form of a string and then return that as a result of the API call and the other response shows you how.

LiveConect Auth (for SkyDrive) NullReferenceException (WTH)?

I followed a 43 minute video tutorial on the Channel 9 site and read the LiveConnect page where it shows code and I don't see what I'm doing wrong. It keeps giving me a NullReferenceException error and it doesn't even bring up the "Do you want to allow app X to access skydrive" thing, it just breaks immediately. I've set breakpoints everywhere but there is nothing. Just null, null everywhere.
OnNavigatedTo event:
private async void LoadProfile()
LiveAuthClient auth = new LiveAuthClient();
LiveLoginResult loginResult = await auth.LoginAsync(new string[] { "wl.basic" });
if (loginResult.Status == LiveConnectSessionStatus.Connected)
this.pageTitle.Text = "Signed in.";
catch (LiveAuthException exception)
this.pageTitle.Text = "Error signing in: " + exception.Message;
And the exception says:
I finally found a solution.
Subscribe to a button-click event or whatever, then use this code:
which calls this method:
public async void LoadProfile()
LiveAuthClient auth = new LiveAuthClient();
LiveLoginResult initializeResult = await auth.InitializeAsync();
LiveLoginResult loginResult = await auth.LoginAsync(new string[] { "wl.basic" });
if (loginResult.Status == LiveConnectSessionStatus.Connected)
LiveConnectClient connect = new LiveConnectClient(auth.Session);
LiveOperationResult operationResult = await connect.GetAsync("me");
dynamic result = operationResult.Result;
if (result != null)
this.pageTitle.Text = string.Join(" ", "Hello", result.name, "!");
this.pageTitle.Text = "Error getting name.";
catch (LiveAuthException exception)
this.pageTitle.Text = "Error signing in: " + exception.Message;
catch (LiveConnectException exception)
this.pageTitle.Text = "Error calling API: " + exception.Message;
catch (LiveAuthException exception)
this.pageTitle.Text = "Error initializing: " + exception.Message;
Before you debug, add your app to the Windows Store Dashboard. Then go back to Visual Studio, find Package.appxmanifest in Solution Explorer and add the Internet Capability. Then go to the Project menu > Store > Associate App with the Store.
Find your app's name in the list of apps that appears, select it and click Next/Finish and then debug. It should now be working.
Please try this code instead of yours:
LiveAuthClient auth = new LiveAuthClient();
LiveLoginResult loginResult = await auth.InitializeAsync(new string[] { "wl.basic" });
if ( loginResult.Status == LiveConnectSessionStatus.Connected )
LiveConnectClient connect = new LiveConnectClient( auth.Session );

Null values while updating DB in Parallel.Foreach

I use following script to get data from external service and store in dB. In certain rare cases less than 1% records gets updated with null values. In below code, the "re.status=fail" we see null. let us know if any thots.
public void ProcessEnquiries()
List<req> request = new List<req>();
var options = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaxDegreeOfParallelism"]) };
Parallel.ForEach(request, options, currentRequest =>
ProcessedRequest processedRequest = null;
processedRequest = CommunicateToWS(currentRequest); // Here we call to webservice
catch (AggregateException exception)
foreach (Exception ex in exception.InnerExceptions)
// Handle Exception
public ProcessedRequest CommunicateToWS(req objReq)
ProcessedRequest re = new ProcessedRequest();
using (WebCall obj = new WebCall())
re.no = refnu;
retval = obj.getValue(inval);
//get data
// parse and store to DB
catch (Exception e)
re.status = "fail";
//update DB that request has failed
//Handle Exception

status code on async webresponse task

I want to hit a plethora (100k+) of JSON files as rapidly as possible, serialize them, and store the HTTP response status code of the request (whether it succeeded or failed). (I am using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json and a DataContract). I intend to do further work with the status code and serialized object, but as a test bed I have this snippet of code:
List<int> ids = new List<int>();
for (int i = MIN; i < MAX; i++)
var tasks = ids.Select(id =>
var request = WebRequest.Create(GetURL(id));
return Task
.FromAsync<WebResponse>(request.BeginGetResponse, request.EndGetResponse, id)
.ContinueWith(t =>
HttpStatusCode code = HttpStatusCode.OK;
Item item = null;
using (var stream = t.Result.GetResponseStream())
DataContractJsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Item));
item = ((Item)jsonSerializer.ReadObject(stream));
catch (AggregateException ex)
if (ex.InnerException is WebException)
code = ((HttpWebResponse)((WebException)ex.InnerException).Response).StatusCode;
Using this approach I was able to process files much more quickly than the synchronous approach I was doing before.
Though, I know that the GetResponseStream() throws the WebException when the status code is 4xx or 5xx. So to capture those status codes I need to catch this exception. However, in the context of this TPL it is nested in an InnerException on an AggregateException. This makes this line really confusing:
code = ((HttpWebResponse)((WebException)ex.InnerException).Response).StatusCode;
Though, this works... I was wondering if there is a better/clearer way to capture such an exception in this context?
Take a look at MSDN article: Exception Handling (Task Parallel Library)
For example, you might want to rewrite your code as follows:
using (var stream = t.Result.GetResponseStream())
DataContractJsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new
item = ((Item)jsonSerializer.ReadObject(stream));
catch (AggregateException ex)
foreach (var e in ex.InnerExceptions)
bool isHandled = false;
if (e is WebException)
WebException webException = (WebException)e;
HttpWebResponse response = webException.Response as HttpWebResponse;
if (response != null)
code = response.StatusCode;
isHandled = true;
if (!isHandled)
Try this on for size. GetBaseException returns the exception that caused the problem.
catch (System.AggregateException aex)
var baseEx = aex.GetBaseException() as WebException;
if (baseEx != null)
var httpWebResp = baseEx.Response as HttpWebResponse;
if (httpWebResp != null)
var code = httpWebResp.StatusCode;
// Handle it...

