Thread synchronization and aborting - c#

I've got a little problem with ending the work of one of my threads. First things first so here's the app "layout":
Thread 1 - worker thread (C++/CLI) - runs and terminates as expected
if(TabuStop) return;
//some work, unmanaged code
Thread 2 - display results thread (C#)
while (WorkerThread.IsAlive)
lock ("Lock1")
if (TabuEngine.TabuStop)
Monitor.Wait("Lock1", 5000);
// Thread.Sleep(5000);
I'm trying to shut the whole thing down from app main thread like this:
TabuEngine.TabuStop = true; //terminates nicely the worker thread and
if (DisplayThread.IsAlive)
I also tried using DisplayThread.Interrupt, but it always blocks on Monitor.Wait("Lock1", 5000); and I can't get rid of it. What is wrong here? How am I supposed to perform the synchronization and let it do the work that it is supposed to do?
I'm not even sure now if the trick with using "Lock1" string is really working and locks are placed on the same object..

A nice example of producer / consumer synchronization using Monitors you can find on MSDN (Example 2).
There are two threads (producer and consumer, similar like in your case), but synchronization is done by introducing third class which locks shared resources. Example provides full source code, so I didn't post it here.

These are monitors, not auto reset or manual reset events. You need a condition to check to properly use wait. Otherwise, if you Pulse before you start waiting you will miss the the Pulse. Generally the pattern looks like:
Thread A:
... work ....
Thread B:
... other work ...
some_condition = true;
By manipulating and checking some_condition with the lock held, we ensure that that no matter when the pulse happens (either before we start waiting in A or afterwards) A can always react appropriately and not wait forever for a pulse that already came.


Is thread sleeping in while(true) loop a bad way to reduce cpu usage? [duplicate]

I have a unit of work I'm doing in a thread (not the main thread). Under certain circumstances I would like to put this thread to sleep for 10 seconds. Is Thread.Sleep(10000) the most resource efficient way to do this?
Is Thread.Sleep(10000) the most resource efficient way to do this?
Yes in the sense that it is not busy-waiting but giving up the CPU.
But it is wasting a Thread. You shouldn't scale this to many sleeping threads.
As no-one else has mentioned it...
If you want another thread to be able to wake up your "sleeping" thread, you may well want to use Monitor.Wait instead of Thread.Sleep:
private readonly object sharedMonitor;
private bool shouldStop;
public void Stop()
lock (sharedMonitor)
shouldStop = true;
public void Loop()
while (true)
// Do some work...
lock (sharedMonitor)
if (shouldStop)
Monitor.Wait(sharedMonitor, 10000);
if (shouldStop)
Note that we only access shouldStop within the lock, so there aren't any memory model concerns.
You may want to loop round waiting until you've really slept for 10 seconds, just in case you get spurious wake-ups - it depends on how important it is that you don't do the work again for another 10 seconds. (I've never knowingly encountered spurious wakes, but I believe they're possible.)
Make a habit of using Thread.CurrentThread.Join(timeout) instead of Thread.Sleep.
The difference is that Join will still do some message pumping (e.g. GUI & COM).
Most of the time it doesn't matter but it makes life easier if you ever need to use some COM or GUI object in your application.
This will process something every x seconds without using a thread
Not sure how not using your own thread compares with a task to run that is created every two seconds
public void LogProcessor()
if (_isRunning)
// Come back in 2 seonds
var t = Task.Run(async delegate
await Task.Delay(2000);
From resource efficiency, yes.
For design, it depends on the circumstances for the pause. You want your work to be autonomous so if the thread has to pause because it knows to wait then put the pause in the thread code using the static Thread.Sleep method. If the pause happens because of some other external event than you need to control the thread processing, then have the thread owner keep reference to the thread and call childThread.Sleep.
Yes. There's no other efficient or safe way to sleep the thread.
However, if you're doing some work in a loop, you may want to use Sleep in loop to make aborting the thread easier, in case you want to cancel your work.
Here's an example:
bool exit = false;
void MyThread()
// do your stuff here...
// sleep for 10 seconds
int sc = 0;
while(sc < 1000 && !exit) { Thread.Sleep(10); sc++; }

What is the difference between these two methods for pausing/resuming threads?

I have a multithreaded application which is used to extract data from a website. I wanted to be able to pause and resume multiple threads from the UI. After searching on the web I came to know about two approaches that I can use to control (pause/resume) my threads.
Using Monitor class.
Using EventWaitHandle and ManualResetEvent class.
What I did:
I have a function named GetHtml that simply returns the html of the website. I am just showing the fraction part of this function for brevity.
public string GetHtml(string url, bool isProxy = false)
string result = "";
return result;
I have a function ControlTasks used to control threads from UI, below I have explained the ControlTasks function using both thread control approaches using the Monitor class as well as the EventWaitHandle class (I will also briefly explain the working of the function ExecutionGateway).
1. Using the Monitor class
private object taskStopper = new object();
public bool ControlTasks(bool isPause)
if (isPause)
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Instance.WriteLog("ControlTasks:", ex, Logger.LogTypes.Error);
return false;
ControlTasks is called from the UI where if isPause is true the exclusive lock is used on object taskStopper else releases the lock, Now here comes the function ExecutionGateway which is used to acquire lock on object taskStopper but it does nothing as the code below shows.
private void ExecutionGateway()
lock(taskStopper){ }
In this way all running threads enters waiting state when isPause is true in ControlTasks as taskStopper is exclusively locked and if isPause is false all threads resumes their processing.
2. Using the EventWaitHandle class
private EventWaitHandle handle = new ManualResetEvent(true);
public bool ControlTasks(bool isPause)
if (isPause)
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Instance.WriteLog("ControlTasks:", ex, Logger.LogTypes.Error);
return false;
This code also fundamentally does the same job, where the event state is signaled/non-signaled depending on the isPause parameter. Now, the corresponding ExecutionGateway method.
private void ExecutionGateway()
What is the difference between these two approaches, is one better than the other? Are there any other ways to do this?
The main problem I have faced many times is if I use either of the above methods and I have 100 threads; when I pause them, then resume them after 5 or more minutes, the UI starts hanging. The UI is terrifically unresponsive. It gets updated but keeps on hanging and I keep getting the message "Not Responding" at each interval. One thing I want to mention each thread extracts data and notifies the UI about the data fetched through event handling. What could be the reason of this unresponsiveness? Is it a problem with my approach(es)?
I think it's always desirable to use a construct that communicates your intent clearly. You want a signal to other threads that they should wait (i.e. stop doing what they're doing) until you signal to them that they can start again. You have one controlling thread (your UI) and potentially many threads doing work and marshalling results back to the UI.
Approach 1 isn't ideal because locks (at least in my experience) are most often used to protect a resource that isn't suitable for use in multi threaded code. For example, writing to a shared field.
Approach 2 makes much more sense, a manual reset event functions like a gate: open the gate and things can pass through, close it and they can't. That's exactly the behaviour you're looking for and I think most developers would understand quite quickly that that's your intent.
As for your second problem, it sounds like you're getting waves of messages clogging the UI. If you stop all 100 of your threads then start them at the same time, there's a good chance they're going to finish their work quite close together and all be trying to send the result of their work to the UI thread. To solve that you could try staggering the work when you restart or use fewer threads. Another option would be to aggregate results and only dispatch the the UI every x seconds - but that's a bit more work.
In Option 1, using the Monitor class means that only one thread owns the exclusive lock of the monitor object at a time. This means that of your 100 threads, only 1 is processing at a time, which kind of defeats the purpose of using threads. It also means that your GUI thread has to wait until the current worker thread has finished before it can obtain the lock.
The ManualResetEvent is a much better choice as it is used to signal between threads, rather than protect against multiple thread access.
I do not know why your GUI is so unresponsive using the second option, but I do not think it is related to your manual reset event. More likely you have a different problem where the GUI thread is getting swamped. You suggest you have 100 threads all firing notification events to the GUI which would seem a likely culprit.
What happens if you debug your app, and just randomly break when your GUI is unresponsive? Doing this many times should show what your GUI thread is up to and where the bottleneck is.

What are Monitor.Pulse And Monitor.Wait advantages?

I'm kinda new to concurrent programming, and trying to understand the benefits of using Monitor.Pulse and Monitor.Wait .
MSDN's example is the following:
class MonitorSample
const int MAX_LOOP_TIME = 1000;
Queue m_smplQueue;
public MonitorSample()
m_smplQueue = new Queue();
public void FirstThread()
int counter = 0;
while(counter < MAX_LOOP_TIME)
//Wait, if the queue is busy.
//Push one element.
//Release the waiting thread.
public void SecondThread()
//Release the waiting thread.
//Wait in the loop, while the queue is busy.
//Exit on the time-out when the first thread stops.
//Pop the first element.
int counter = (int)m_smplQueue.Dequeue();
//Print the first element.
//Release the waiting thread.
//Return the number of queue elements.
public int GetQueueCount()
return m_smplQueue.Count;
static void Main(string[] args)
//Create the MonitorSample object.
MonitorSample test = new MonitorSample();
//Create the first thread.
Thread tFirst = new Thread(new ThreadStart(test.FirstThread));
//Create the second thread.
Thread tSecond = new Thread(new ThreadStart(test.SecondThread));
//Start threads.
//wait to the end of the two threads
//Print the number of queue elements.
Console.WriteLine("Queue Count = " + test.GetQueueCount().ToString());
and i cant see the benefit of using Wait And Pulse instead of this:
public void FirstThreadTwo()
int counter = 0;
while (counter < MAX_LOOP_TIME)
lock (m_smplQueue)
public void SecondThreadTwo()
while (true)
lock (m_smplQueue)
int counter = (int)m_smplQueue.Dequeue();
Any help is most appreciated.
To describe "advantages", a key question is "over what?". If you mean "in preference to a hot-loop", well, CPU utilization is obvious. If you mean "in preference to a sleep/retry loop" - you can get much faster response (Pulse doesn't need to wait as long) and use lower CPU (you haven't woken up 2000 times unnecessarily).
Generally, though, people mean "in preference to Mutex etc".
I tend to use these extensively, even in preference to mutex, reset-events, etc; reasons:
they are simple, and cover most of the scenarios I need
they are relatively cheap, since they don't need to go all the way to OS handles (unlike Mutex etc, which is owned by the OS)
I'm generally already using lock to handle synchronization, so chances are good that I already have a lock when I need to wait for something
it achieves my normal aim - allowing 2 threads to signal completion to each-other in a managed way
I rarely need the other features of Mutex etc (such as being inter-process)
There is a serious flaw in your snippet, SecondThreadTwo() will fail badly when it tries to call Dequeue() on an empty queue. You probably got it to work by having FirstThreadTwo() executed a fraction of a second before the consumer thread, probably by starting it first. That's an accident, one that will stop working after running these threads for a while or starting them with a different machine load. This can accidentally work error free for quite a while, very hard to diagnose the occasional failure.
There is no way to write a locking algorithm that blocks the consumer until the queue becomes non-empty with just the lock statement. A busy loop that constantly enters and exits the lock works but is a very poor substitute.
Writing this kind of code is best left to the threading gurus, it is very hard to prove it works in all cases. Not just absence of failure modes like this one or threading races. But also general fitness of the algorithm that avoids deadlock, livelock and thread convoys. In the .NET world, the gurus are Jeffrey Richter and Joe Duffy. They eat locking designs for breakfast, both in their books and their blogs and magazine articles. Stealing their code is expected and accepted. And partly entered into the .NET framework with the additions in the System.Collections.Concurrent namespace.
It is a performance improvement to use Monitor.Pulse/Wait, as you have guessed. It is a relatively expensive operation to acquire a lock. By using Monitor.Wait, your thread will sleep until some other thread wakes your thread up with `Monitor.Pulse'.
You'll see the difference in TaskManager because one processor core will be pegged even while nothing is in the queue.
The advantages of Pulse and Wait are that they can be used as building blocks for all other synchronization mechanisms including mutexes, events, barriers, etc. There are things that can be done with Pulse and Wait that cannot be done with any other synchronization mechanism in the BCL.
All of the interesting stuff happens inside the Wait method. Wait will exit the critical section and put the thread in the WaitSleepJoin state by placing it in the waiting queue. Once Pulse is called then the next thread in the waiting queue moves to the ready queue. Once the thread switches to the Running state it reenters the critical section. This is important to repeat another way. Wait will release the lock and reacquire it in an atomic fashion. No other synchronization mechanism has this feature.
The best way to envision this is to try to replicate the behavior with some other strategy and then see what can go wrong. Let us try this excerise with a ManualResetEvent since the Set and WaitOne methods seem like they may be analogous. Our first attempt might look like this.
void FirstThread()
lock (mre)
// Do stuff.
// Do stuff.
void SecondThread()
lock (mre)
// Do stuff.
while (!CheckSomeCondition())
// Do stuff.
It should be easy to see that the code will can deadlock. So what happens if we try this naive fix?
void FirstThread()
lock (mre)
// Do stuff.
// Do stuff.
void SecondThread()
lock (mre)
// Do stuff.
while (!CheckSomeCondition())
lock (mre)
// Do stuff.
Can you see what can go wrong here? Since we did not atomically reenter the lock after the wait condition was checked another thread could get in and invalidate the condition. In other words, another thread could do something that causes CheckSomeCondition to start returning false again before the following lock was reacquired. That can definitely cause a lot of weird problems if your second block of code required that the condition be true.

Proper way to have an endless worker thread?

I have an object that requires a lot of initialization (1-2 seconds on a beefy machine). Though once it is initialized it only takes about 20 miliseconds to do a typical "job"
In order to prevent it from being re-initialized every time an app wants to use it (which could be 50 times a second or not at all for minutes in typical usage), I decided to give it a job que, and have it run on its own thread, checking to see if there is any work for it in the que. However I'm not entirely sure how to make a thread that runs indefinetly with or without work.
Here's what I have so far, any critique is welcomed
private void DoWork()
while (true)
if (JobQue.Count > 0)
// do work on JobQue.Dequeue()
After thought: I was thinking I may need to kill this thread gracefully insead of letting it run forever, so I think I will add a Job type that tells the thread to end. Any thoughts on how to end a thread like this also appreciated.
You need to lock anyway, so you can Wait and Pulse:
while(true) {
SomeType item;
lock(queue) {
while(queue.Count == 0) {
Monitor.Wait(queue); // releases lock, waits for a Pulse,
// and re-acquires the lock
item = queue.Dequeue(); // we have the lock, and there's data
// process item **outside** of the lock
with add like:
lock(queue) {
// if the queue was empty, the worker may be waiting - wake it up
if(queue.Count == 1) { Monitor.PulseAll(queue); }
You might also want to look at this question, which limits the size of the queue (blocking if it is too full).
You need a synchronization primitive, like a WaitHandle (look at the static methods) . This way you can 'signal' the worker thread that there is work. It checks the queue and keeps on working until the queue is empty, at which time it waits for the mutex to signal it again.
Make one of the job items be a quit command too, so that you can signal the worker thread when it's time to exit the thread
In most cases, I've done this quite similar to how you've set up -- but not in the same language. I had the advantage of working with a data structure (in Python) which will block the thread until an item is put into the queue, negating the need for the sleep call.
If .NET provides a class like that, I'd look into using it. A thread blocking is much better than a thread spinning on sleep calls.
The job you can pass could be as simple as a "null"; if the code receives a null, it knows it's time to break out of the while and go home.
If you don't really need to have the thread exit (and just want it to keep from keeping your application running) you can set Thread.IsBackground to true and it will end when all non background threads end. Will and Marc both have good solutions for handling the queue.
Grab the Parallel Framework. It has a BlockingCollection<T> which you can use as a job queue. How you'd use it is:
Create the BlockingCollection<T> that will hold your tasks/jobs.
Create some Threads which have a never-ending loop (while(true){ // get job off the queue)
Set the threads going
Add jobs to the collection when they come available
The threads will be blocked until an item appears in the collection. Whoever's turn it is will get it (depends on the CPU). I'm using this now and it works great.
It also has the advantage of relying on MS to write that particularly nasty bit of code where multiple threads access the same resource. And whenever you can get somebody else to write that you should go for it. Assuming, of course, they have more technical/testing resources and combined experience than you.
I've implemented a background-task queue without using any kind of while loop, or pulsing, or waiting, or, indeed, touching Thread objects at all. And it seems to work. (By which I mean it's been in production environments handling thousands of tasks a day for the last 18 months without any unexpected behavior.) It's a class with two significant properties, a Queue<Task> and a BackgroundWorker. There are three significant methods, abbreviated here:
private void BackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
if (TaskQueue.Count > 0)
private void BackgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
Task t = TaskQueue[0];
lock (TaskQueue)
if (TaskQueue.Count > 0 && !BackgroundWorker.IsBusy)
public void Enqueue(Task t)
lock (TaskQueue)
if (!BackgroundWorker.IsBusy)
It's not that there's no waiting and pulsing. But that all happens inside the BackgroundWorker. This just wakes up whenever a task is dropped in the queue, runs until the queue is empty, and then goes back to sleep.
I am far from an expert on threading. Is there a reason to mess around with System.Threading for a problem like this if using a BackgroundWorker will do?

Pausing a method for set # of milliseconds

I need to do a sort of "timeout" or pause in my method for 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds), but I'm not sure if the following would work as i do not have multi-threading.
I will try to use that current code, but I would appreciate if someone could explain the best and correct way of doing this, especially if the above code does not work properly. Thanks!
UPDATE: This program is actually a console application that in the function in question is doing many HTTPWebRequests to one server, so I wish to delay them for a specified amount of milliseconds. Thus, no callback is required - all that is needed is an "unconditional pause" - basically just the whole thing stops for 10 seconds and then keeps going. I'm pleased that C# still considers this as a thread, so Thread.Sleep(...) would work. Thanks everybody!
You may not have multi-threading, but you're still executing within a thread: all code executes in a thread.
Calling Thread.Sleep will indeed pause the current thread. Do you really want it to unconditionally pause for 10 seconds, or do you want to be able to be "woken up" by something else happening? If you're only actually using one thread, calling Sleep may well be the best way forward, but it will depend on the situation.
In particular, if you're writing a GUI app you don't want to use Thread.Sleep from the UI thread, as otherwise your whole app will become unresponsive for 10 seconds.
If you could give more information about your application, that would help us to advise you better.
Thread.Sleep is fine, and AFAIK the proper way. Even if you are not Multithreaded: There is always at least one Thread, and if you send that to sleep, it sleeps.
Another (bad) way is a spinlock, something like:
// Do never ever use this
private void DoNothing(){ }
private void KillCPU()
DateTime target = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10);
while(DateTime.Now < target) DoNothing();
This is sadly still being used by people and while it will halt your program for 10 seconds, it will run at 100% CPU Utilization (Well, on Multi-Core systems it's one core).
That will indeed pause the executing thread/method for 10 seconds. Are you seeing a specific problem?
Note that you shouldn't Sleep the UI thread - it would be better to do a callback instead.
Note also that there are other ways of blocking a thread that allow simpler access to get it going again (if you find it is OK after 2s); such as Monitor.Wait(obj, 10000) (allowing another thread to Pulse if needed to wake it up):
static void Main() {
object lockObj = new object();
lock (lockObj) {
new Thread(GetInput).Start(lockObj);
Monitor.Wait(lockObj, 10000);
Console.WriteLine("Main exiting");
static void GetInput(object state) {
Console.WriteLine("press return...");
string s = Console.ReadLine();
lock (state) {
Console.WriteLine("GetInput exiting");
You can do this with Thread.Interrupt too, but IMO that is messier.
You could use a separate thread to do it:
delegate(object state)
But, if this is a Windows Forms app, you will need to invoke the code after the delay from the Gui thread (this article, for example: How to update the GUI from another thread in C#?).
[Edit] Just saw your update. If it's a console app, then this will work. But if you haven't used multiple threads so far, then you need to be aware that this code will be executed in a different thread, which means you will have to take care about thread synchronization issues.
If you don't need background workers, stick to "keeping it simple".
Here is a pause class that will pause for the desired milliseconds and wont consume your CPU resources.
public class PauseClass
//(C) Michael Roberg
//Please feel free to distribute this class but include my credentials.
System.Timers.Timer pauseTimer = null;
public void BreakPause()
if (pauseTimer != null)
pauseTimer.Enabled = false;
public bool Pause(int miliseconds)
ThreadPriority CurrentPriority = Thread.CurrentThread.Priority;
if (miliseconds > 0)
Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
pauseTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
pauseTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(pauseTimer_Elapsed);
pauseTimer.Interval = miliseconds;
pauseTimer.Enabled = true;
while (pauseTimer.Enabled)
pauseTimer.Elapsed -= new ElapsedEventHandler(pauseTimer_Elapsed);
Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = CurrentPriority;
return true;
private void pauseTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
pauseTimer.Enabled = false;
Yes, that works just fine.
You don't have to have multiple threads to make use of some of the methods in the Thread class. You always have at least one thread.
For a timeout, you should have a static volatile boolean isRunning class field. When the new thread starts, the isRunning must become true, and at the end must become false.
The main thread should have a method that loops for the isRunning during the timeout you define. When the timeout ends, you should implement the logic. But, never use the abort thread method.
A pause... there isn't a straightforward solution. It depends on what you are doing inside the thread. However, you could look at Monitor.Wait.
If you can have an async method, you can do something like to pause the function at a certain location. Once pause is set false it will continue executing the rest of the code in the method. Since this is an async method and delay is async too UI execution wouldn't be affected.
* Please note that asyn is supported only in .net 4.5 and higher.
bool pause = true;
void async foo()
//some code
while (pause)
await Task.Delay(100);
//some code

