I have to show a yes no popup messagebox for a function>
This is what i do for an alert popup>
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Alert", "<script>alert('File Updated');</script>");
This is what i want to do in the code behind:
if (ID != 0)
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Confirm", "<script>confirm('are you sure?');</script>");
if (yes)
perform function
The confirm is not working,,, any suggestions on how to do this
Edit Portion:
Navigate to a page
Add values to a textbox
Click "Save" Button to add value to database
Ask the user if he is sure he want to do it 'are you sure'?,, the confirm pop up
Now the above confirm box will only happen if the ID is != 0 or else there is no need for a popup.
if he says yes then add to database and show alert popup that values have been enterd in the DB.
if NO then just dont add to Db and just return.
so i get the confirm box like this.. but how can i get what is selected
string scriptString = "<script language='JavaScript'> ";
scriptString += "confirm ('Are you sure you want to Close this period.')";
scriptString += "</script>";
Is there a button you are clicking on to trigger the action? If so, you should add the client events to your web control like so:
<asp:ImageButton runat="server" ID="DeleteUrlImageButton" ImageUrl="~/Images/icon_remove.gif"
OnClientClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?');" />
If the user selects yes, the postback happens as usual. If they select no, the even is cancelled and no postback occurs. This, IMO, is the way to handle it because it prevents any extra server activity if they select no.
Add a linkbutton.
In the OnClientClick add
javascript:return confirm('Are you sure')
This will not launch the postback if they click no. It will launch the postback if they click yes.
Then in then code behind (OnClick) of the button do your server side processing:
(Will only be executed if they click yes)
if (ID != 0)
Perform function
See the problem here is that, without posting back, you can't get the value of the confirm box. JavaScript is run client-side and until a postback occurs (either via ajax or the regular way), it can't "talk" to your C# file.
What you'll have to do is add a confirm box in JavaScript which, if Yes is clicked, will post back to your Asp.net page and run code either through Ajax or (example) form.submit().
It appears that what you're trying to do is (in a simplified scenario):
Have the user navigate to Page.aspx
Check the value of ID (lets assume
it's a querystring parameter)
If the value of ID is non-zero, prompt
the user to confirm
If they confirm do "something"
The mistake you're making is attempting to handle 2, 3 and 4 alltogether in the code-behind. The script that you emit (by calling RegisterStartupScript) doesn't get executed until the entire page has been rendered back to the user, at which point the code for steps 3 and 4 to check the value of ID and do something will already have been "skipped over"
What you need to do is decide how to separate the work between client-site and server-side as what you're attempting to do just won't work. Without knowing how your page(s) work and where the ID value comes from I can't give a speciic example, but, something like:
Have your page check ID to see if it hits your criteria, if it does, emit the javascript, but with some additional javascript that checks the response to the prompt and causes the page to re-submit but with confirmed=yes added on the querystring
Have your page check the querystring parameter "confirmed" to see if it's yes. If it is, THEN do the work
You can't do it this way. RegisterStartupScript just registers the script to be included when the page is finally rendered. After it is rendered (to HTML) then the html is sent to the browser. So when the user finally sees that popup, your code has long since finished.
See the answer by Mike C.: you need to move that confirm to just before the submit.
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript will register that script on the client. As far as I can see you are executing the if statement on the server. Could you please specify what confirm is not working mean? Is the alert box displaying but no effect should yes/no is pressed? If so, move the if ... else statement on the client. Anyway, I suggest that you replace RegisterStartupScriptBlock with this code:
(this.GetType(), "confirm", "alert('do')", true);
This question already has answers here:
Javascript confirm box in C# code behind
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
else if (Result == 1)
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Test", "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete? This action cannot be undone.')", true);
FSI.DeleteINsertData(ID.ToString(), No.ToString());
I have a js confirmation on code behind. I want to continue process when the user click "yes", otherway , user click "no", do nothing. it is in else if statement.Thanks for your answers.
Response.Write("<script>confirm('Are you sure you want to delete? This action cannot be undone.');</script>");
Might Work!
Your question implies that what you want to do is pause the server-side code (before you delete anything) while you wait for some client-side code to execute (throwing up the confirmation box to make sure the user does want to perform the delete). This simply isn't the way things work.
All the ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(...) call does is tell the server that it should include that script when it sends the response to the client. It doesn't then pause and send the script; instead it just carries on, executing the deletion and then the page and script gets sent to the client. You can't change that behaviour - it's a fundamental part of how server-side web programming works.
Your options really are to have the delete button/link that they clicked in the first place throw up the confirmation box before you even go to the server (cancelling the form-submission or link-click if they've changed their minds), or alternatively to have the server reply to that submission/click with a confirmation page that requires them to click another button, which then goes back to the server again to actually perform the delete.
I think you can make merge between server side and Client side.
You can add your script as code behind:
string scriptStr = "<script>var confirmation = confirm('something');
else{//something else}</script>";
RegisterStartupScript("ScriptFunction", scriptStr );
and then in your code behind handle the button click event.
This may works for you.
I'm developing an asp.net application and I need to call a confirm dialog box on the code behind. And after that, I need to get the user's click (if he clicked at OK or Cancel).
If he clicked the OK button of the dialog, I must continue to running the code where I stopped before call the dialog.
To solve this problem I thought in put at the aspx an input of type button, and set it's style to visibility:hide. So, when the users click on the OK button the programm will call this hidden button which calls a method that will continue the job stopped.
I'll post my code, I expect it might help.
The code below is on my code behind, and it calls the confirm dialog.
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "__Mensagem", "if (confirm('" + CustomMessage + "')){document.getElementById(\'<%=btnSave.ClientID%>\').click();}", true);
The code below is on my aspx, it's the "hidden" button.
<input style="visibility:hidden;" id="btnSave" runat="server" onclick="btnSave_Click"/>
I don't know why isn't working. The error that I receive after click on the button OK of the confirm dialog box is the following: Erro em tempo de execução do Microsoft JScript: 'document.getElementByID(...)' é nulo ou não é um objeto
I'm from Brazil so the error is in portuguese, a translation to english it's something like this:
"A runtime error occurred on Microsoft JScript 'document.getElementByID(...)' is null or is not an object"
I give a look at the html code of the page and I notice that the button isn't there.
Maybe it's because I'm using an UpdatePanel, but when I removed it (just for tests, I must use the Update Panel), the same error is showed, and in this time the button were on the page's html code.
A stab in the dark.
In your code-behind have you set btnSave.visible = false;? If so, this would prevent the button from being rendered to the HTML.
Also, is there any reason you're not using the ASP:Button control, rather than a mix of HTML with runat="server"?
Finally, it may help to have type='button' on your <input....
The problem is you're trying to apply an inline tag
in your code be <%=btnSave.ClientID%> does not exist yet.
your code will break the moment you put your button inside another server control, as the clientId will become different.
Change the code to this:
document.getElementById('" + btnSave.ClientID + "')
and it will work, regardless of where you have the button.
Once your page is rendered in browser, right click on it, and say "view Source". check the HTML and try to find your hidden button, if you find it, use its id in your statement getElementById(\'<%=btnSave.ClientID%>\') . If you dont find your button, then probably you have set its visibility to false from your code-behind somewhere, remove that, follow the above process again and you should be ok.
I solved the problem replacing the part
I also replace the input element by an asp:Button.
Give a look how my code is on my code behind now:
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "__Mensagem", "if (confirm('" + CustomMessage+ "')){$(\"#" + btnSave.ClientID + "\").click();}", true);
And on my aspx:
<asp:Button id="btnSave" Width="0px" Text="" runat="server" onclick="btnSave_Click"/>
The use of Widht="0px" and Text="" to hidden the button isn't recommended, but I used because it won't cause me problems. It's recommended the use of a CssClass which make it hide.
So, if the user confirm the operation, the even btnSave_Click is called.
Thanks for all the answers.
I have a RadioButtonList with 2 items. I want a postback when any of the items is selected. I have added a confirm box for one item of RadioButtonList. But, when I click OK in the confirmbox, there is no postback and SelectedIndexChanged event is not getting fired.
AutoPostback property of RadioButtonList is set to true.
This is a code fragment from my Page_Load method:
RadioButtonOpenRestricted.Attributes.Add("AutoPostBack", "True");
RadioButtonOpenRestricted.Items.FindByValue("Open Access").Attributes.Add("AutoPostBack", "True");
RadioButtonOpenRestricted.Items.FindByValue("Open Access").Attributes.Add("OnClick", "javascript:return confirm('Are you sure?');");
Earlier, I had added confirm box for entire RadioButtonList and postback was working as expected. But I want the confirm box to be displayed only when user clicks on "Open Access" item.
Please help!
I tried a few things. The new code lines look like:
RadioButtonOpenRestricted.Items.FindByValue("Open Access").Attributes.Add("OnClick", "javascript:showConfirmBox(0,'" + RadioButtonOpenRestricted.ClientID + "')");
RadioButtonOpenRestricted.Items.FindByValue("Restricted Access").Attributes.Add("OnClick", "javascript:showConfirmBox(1,'" + RadioButtonOpenRestricted.ClientID + "')");
The javascript method is:
function showConfirmBox(i,id)
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to provide Open Access? All existing individual permissions will be removed!")==true)
var ctrl1 = document.getElementById(id + "_0");
var ctrl2 = document.getElementById(id + "_1");
var ctrl2 = document.getElementById(id + "_1");
The problem with this code is that it is treating both OK and Cancel as same. The confirm box is getting displayed but if-else part of the javascript method is not getting called. I tried using OnClientClick also...this doesnt even display the Confirmbox.
This is because your on click script does not play well with auto-post back script generated by the ASP.NET. A quick hack solution can be
RadioButtonOpenRestricted.AutoPostBack = true;
RadioButtonOpenRestricted.Items.FindByValue("Open Access").Attributes.Add("OnClick", "if (!confirm('Are you sure?')) return false;");
Although, this will still give you an issue when you cancel on your confirmation box (in such case, you have to add script to select the previous radio button again).
As such I am not a great fan of radio button list - you may consider alternate mechanism such as repeater with radio button in item template and having your own java-script for confirmation.
I think you want to use OnClientClick to show a "confirm" window.
I don't think you can have a javascript confirm window perform a postback, at least not the way your code is set up.
You should set the OnClientClick to show a confirm modal or window with an <asp:Button/> and have that button perform the postback your looking for.
Khushboo, it used to happen with me many times. The reason behind that was I was missing some closing tag somewhere in my aspx page. I used to copy my whole aspx page to some other text editor and paste all the elements one by one to my aspx page. It always solved my this problem. I am sure you must be missing some closing tag, please cross check all elements.
I have the following message box in c# on my asp.net page inside the btnSubmit_Click event.
It tends to popup sometimes and not popup sometimes. Any reasons as to why it is not consistent?
"alert('An email has been sent to Customer Service');",
I guess that this will depend on the text you are putting inside the alert. In the example you provided the text is hardcoded but I suppose that in your real application this text is dynamic and might contain characters that break javascript such as '. Try using FireBug to see if there are some javascript errors when it doesn't work.
Have You checked, if the alert('An email has been sent to Customer Service'); line is in the HTML Source after you clicked the Button and the message did NOT appear?
If it isn't in the HTML, check:
with the Debugger if your
codeblock is hit
are you maybe redirecting the response?
try these popups instead
type java directly in the visualstudio GUI
On a button go to the "OnClientClick" property (its not into events*) over there type:
return confirm('are you sure?')
it will put a dialog with cancel ok buttons transparent over current page if cancel is pressed no postback will ocure. However if you want only ok button type:
alert ('i told you so')
The events like onclick work server side they execute your code, while OnClientClick runs in the browser side. the come most close to a basic dialog
as this codes is so small it should work unless they have really strange browser clients
I have a save button which when clicked should make some changes in the database.
if (bFound== false)
// Giving the warning message
// If user presses cancel then abort
// Prepare the list of dbId needs to be deleted
Here if the bFound field is true it should not execute the above statement, but if it is false it should go in the condition and then ask if the user want to save changes "yes" or "no".
If the user says yes it should go to the command "deletedBSIds.Add(dbId);" and keep executing further but if the user presses No it should basically abort and do nothing at all.
Is there a way to do this?
Any help would be appreciated.
This is a server side event. so i think cannot add a click event in my button/..
Here the message box only pops up if the bFoung field is false. or else it will not pop up at all.
Please correct me if u feel i am wrong..
You'll want to add the following to the button:
button.OnClientClick = "return ConfirmThis();";
You'll then need to add the ConfirmThis function to the Page:
Page.ClientScript.RegisterScriptBlock(GetType(), "ConfirmThis",
#"function ConfirmThis() {
if(condition) { //where condition checks the bfound element.
return confirm(""Are you sure you want to delete this?"");
return true;
Doing this approach you're going to want to try and be able to test the bfound condition on the client side in the javascript. If the bfound value is stored in a textbox or HiddenField you should use the document.getElementById function. If the bfound value is known when you are creating the page, you can inject it into the ConfirmThis function directly, of pass it into the ConfirmThis function as a parameter.
Edit in response to your edit:
You have two options when trying to elicit a confirm from the user:
Using client side logic that is already sent to the browser to perform the confirm. This is the example that I have given above.
The "Other" option is to send the page back with a modal dialog, or using the confirm box. You will then get the user's confirmation back in a completely new postback to the server. So you'll need to rethink your logic to be able to temporarily store the information from the first post back and wait for the second post back to finalize the desired action.
Of the two examples, the first option is cleaner and requires no temporary memory and saves the user an additional postback.
Because both options are going to require you to rework the logic asking for the confirm, if at all possible I would try to convert the logic required for the condition to show the confirm dialog to be able to be performed on the client's computer with javascript.
Is there any way you can precalculate the bfound variable, or at the least, send enough information for it to be calculated on the client?
If you still feel like using option 2 after all of my pleading:
use the following code (based on http://www.dotnetspider.com/resources/1521-How-call-Postback-from-Javascript.aspx:
//save all the information you need in temporary information
ViewState["InformationINeedToFinishAfterPostback"] = ImportantInformation;
Page.ClientScript.RegisterScriptBlock(GetType(), "postbackmethod", Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "MyCustomArgument"));
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "startupconfirm",
#"if(confirm(""are you sure?"") {
__doPostBack('__Page', 'MyCustomArgument');
Now to handle the postback add the following code to your page_load:
if(Request("__EVENTARGUMENT") == "MyCustomArgument")
ImportantInformation = (CastToAppropriateType)ViewState["InformationINeedToFinishAfterPostback"];
//finalize the desired action here.
But... I would still recommend the first option. But now you have the code you will need for both options. Also, I didn't test this code, so you're bound to encounter syntactic problems, but it gets you on the right track.
I'm not all that sure what bfound is supposed to represent, but you can't execute 1/2 way through some server code and then go back to the client- ASP.NET does not work that way.
Typically you will do the confirmation with some client side JavaScript. Google ASP.NET Yes/no confirm to find lots of different ways to do this...
Once you've done this you can then conditionally execute the server side code.
You could use the Javascript confirm() function to display a dialog box to the user with 'OK' and 'Cancel' prompts. You could then store the user's choice in a hidden field and trigger a postback. This article explains how to render Javascript code to the client using ASP.NET.
Since you are using ASP.NET you can add an attribute to your button:
btnDelete.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure?');");
Where btnDelete is your Button.