i need to calculate the number of workdays between two dates. a workday is any day between Monday through Friday except for holidays. the code below does this, but it uses a loop. does anyone see a way to get rid of the loop or at least optimize it?
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace consapp
static class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var holidays = new DateTime[] { new DateTime(2010, 11, 23), new DateTime(2010, 11, 30) };
var date_start = new DateTime(2010, 12, 3);
var date_end = date_start.AddDays(-9.9);
var duration = (date_end - date_start).Duration();
for (var d = date_end; d < date_start; d = d.Date.AddDays(1))
if (holidays.Contains(d.Date) || d.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || d.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
duration -= TimeSpan.FromDays(1) - d.TimeOfDay;
I would investigate an algorithm like the following. (Sorry no code provided.)
Count the number of full 7-day weeks between your start and end date. You should be able to do this with .NET DateTime and TimeSpan objects.
For each full 7-day week, add 5 days to your result.
Figure out the partial weeks including your start and end dates.
Loop through your holidays and reduce your result by 1 for each holiday between your start and end date. Looping is better here because there are likely far fewer holidays to loop over than days between your start and end date.
Have fun!
EDIT: For source code, check out this answer: Calculate the number of business days between two dates?
Is performance really problematic here? Unless profiling suggests otherwise I'd guess this code doesn't really slow down your application. It's performance should be fine unless you calculate the workdays for thousands of long intervals per second.
If your holiday list is much larger than just two dates then convert it into a HashSet<T> which has O(1) lookup time.
And of course you can turn around the code. So you don't loop over the days in the interval, but over the holidays. Then you just calculate the number of week-days in the interval(should be simple math) and subtract the number of holidays that fall on a week-day.
If it's really necessary you can pre-calculate the workdays since some fixed date, and then subtract the lookup result from the beginning of the period from the lookup result from the end of the period.
if you want faster code, don't loop over each day in the range:
remove from your list of holidays all holidays that fall on sunday or saturday, then use the timespan methods to give you the number of days between the two dates. With a little math (think about integer division by 7) you can get the number of mon-thursday days in that range, subtract the number of holidays that don't fall on the weekend from that number and you are done.
Just roll with it as is. This is not going to waste much time since the bounds are small. When you have some working code, move on. No need to mercilessly optimise code for no reason.
just because I started this as a fun puzzle, here's the code:
public void TestDateTime() {
var start = DateTime.Now.Date;
var end = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(35);
var workdays = (end - start).Days - ((end - start).Days/7)*2
- (((end - start).Days%7==0)?0:(((int)start.DayOfWeek==0)?1:Math.Max(Math.Min((int)start.DayOfWeek + (end - start).Days%7 - 6, 2), 0)));
new []{DateTime.Now.AddDays(19), DateTime.Now.AddDays(20)}.ToList().ForEach(
x => { if (x.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday && x.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Sunday) workdays--; });
Console.Out.WriteLine("workdays = {0}", workdays);
Christmas day and Boxing day are included as holidays.
I have a little calendar tool in C# and I am trying to figure out how to do a conversion from one array of DateTime objects to another. Here are the details:
I start off with collection of DateTime object
IEnumerable<DateTime> slots = GetSlots();
where each DateTime represents that starting time of an available slot (think open slot in calendar) All slots are for 30 minutes This is a given. So for example:
var slots = new List<DateTime>()
slots.Add(DateTime.Today + new TimeSpan(5,00, 0));
slots.Add(DateTime.Today + new TimeSpan(9,00, 0));
slots.Add(DateTime.Today + new TimeSpan(9,30, 0));
slots.Add(DateTime.Today + new TimeSpan(10,00, 0));
slots.Add(DateTime.Today + new TimeSpan(10,30, 0));
slots.Add(DateTime.Today + new TimeSpan(11,00, 0));
slots.Add(DateTime.Today + new TimeSpan(16,30, 0));
in the above example, it means i am free:
From 5:00 - 5:30
From 9:00 - 9:30
From 9:30 - 10:00
From 10:00 - 10:30
From 10:30 - 11:00
From 11:00 - 11:30
From 4:30 - 5:00
because i take the time from the item in the collection as the start time and simply add 30 minutes to it and that is considered a free slot.
I now have the requirement to take a larger time window (lets use 2 hours) and find out how many 2 hour slots free i have so I now need to take this array of dates and "merge" into into bigger buckets. Given the bigger bucket is 2 hours (120 minutes), I want a function like this
IEnumerable<DateTime> aggregateArray = MergeIntoLargerSlots(slots, 120);
I would basically have to loop through the slots array above and "merge" items that are lined up next to each out to make bigger buckets. If any of the merged items is 2 hours long then that should show up as an entry in the resulting array. Using the example above the resulting aggregateArray would have 2 items in the collection it that would have the times:
9AM (because i have a free slot from 9-11 AM (120 mins).
9:30AM (because i have a free slot from 9:30-11:30 AM (120 mins).
NOTE: 30 minutes "chunks" are the smallest interval so DON'T need to include 9:05 to 11:05 as an example
So given the previous array I have two 2 hour windows of time free in the day
I am struggling to figure out how this MergeIntoLargerSlots function would work so i would hoping to get some suggestion for how to approach this problem.
This only works for half hour intervals, you can figure out to make it work for others if you need to.
public List<DateTime> MergeIntoLargerSlots(List<DateTime> slots, int minutes)
int count = minutes/30;
List<DateTime> retVal = new List<DateTime>();
foreach (DateTime slot in slots)
DateTime end = slot.AddMinutes(minutes);
if (slots.Where(x => x >= slot && x < end).Count() == count)
return retVal;
Here's a brief explanation of my problem solving approach; I take in the minutes and the slots list. I add minutes to get an end time which gives me range. From there, I use the Where operator to produce and IEnumerable<DateTime> from slots that has the slots in that range. I compare the result to the count variable I got from doing minutes/slotLength if the numbers match then you have the necessary slots. With your sample data the result of the Where for 9 AM would have 4 values in it; 9, 9:30, 10 and 10:30, ofc the count is 4, 120/30 == 4, so that gets added to retVal. The same would be true for 9:30, no other times would be returned.
Evan beat me to and did it with one less loop, but here was my solution:
private List<DateTime> MergeArray(List<DateTime> slots, int minutes)
var segments = minutes / InitialSegment;
var validSegments = new List<DateTime>();
foreach (var slot in slots.OrderBy(x => x))
var validSegment = true;
for (var i = 0; i < segments-1; i++)
var next = slot.AddMinutes(InitialSegment * (i + 1));
if (slots.All(x => x != next))
validSegment = false;
if (validSegment)
return validSegments;
Assuming that your original list is sorted (if it is not, make it so it is), you could loop through your original list and check whether adjacent items are consecutive (i.e. whether the start times have a distance of exactly 30 minutes). Always keep track of the first item in the current series of consecutive timeslots - once you reach four of them (with 4 consecutive 30 minutes timeslots adding up to a possible two-hour timeslot; other timeslot sizes obviously require different factors), save a new two-hour timeslot into your resulting list and update your reference to the beginning of the current series of consecutive items.
Untested, so please consider this as pseudocode:
var twoHourSlots = new List<DateTime>();
int consecutiveSlotsCount = 0;
DateTime? previousSlot;
foreach (DateTime smallSlotStart in slots) {
if (previousSlot.HasValue) {
if (smallSlotStart - previousSlot.Value == new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0)) {
} else {
consecutiveSlotsCount = 0;
if (consecutiveSlotsCount == 4) {
twoHourSlots.Add(smallSlotStart - new TimeSpan(1, 30, 0));
consecutiveSlots = 0;
previousSlot = null;
} else {
previousSlot = smallSlotStart;
Some things to note:
I am using arithmetic operators on DateTime values. Check the docs to find out more; they do handy things and often let you work with TimeSpan values automatically.
I am using a TimeSpan constructor that takes hours, minutes and seconds several times. So that's what the three numbers mean.
I have declared previousSlot, a variable that keeps track of the last slot looked at (to compare to the current one), as DateTime? (again, check the docs if you are not sure what a nullable type is). That is because in the first iteration of the foreach loop, there is no previous slot to look at and the loop has to behave differently.
Likewise, previousSlot is set to null when we have found a 2-hour slot, as the last 30-minute slot of the found 2-hour slot should not be counted to the next possible 2-hour slot.
Once four consecutive 30-minute slots have been found, one hour and thirty minutes are subtracted from the beginning of the last one. That is because the thirty minutes after the beginning of the last 30-minute slot will be part of the resulting 2-hour slot.
I would create a TimeInterval class since there are a lot of other interesting things you can do with it.
public sealed class TimeInterval
public DateTime Start { get; private set; }
public DateTime End { get { return Start.AddMinutes(Duration); } }
public double Duration { get; private set; }
public TimeInterval(DateTime start, int duration)
Start = start;
Duration = duration;
public IEnumerable<TimeInterval> Merge(TimeInterval that)
if(that.Start >= this.Start && that.Start <= this.End)
if(that.End > this.End)
Duration += (that.Duration - (this.End - that.Start).TotalMinutes);
yield return this;
yield return this;
yield return that;
And this is an O(n) merge algorithm that will work for intervals of arbitrary sizes (in minutes).
//the `spans` parameter must be presorted
public IEnumerable<TimeInterval> Merge(IEnumerable<TimeInterval> spans, int duration)
var stack = new Stack<TimeInterval>();
foreach (var span in spans.Skip(1))
foreach(var interval in stack.Pop().Merge(span)) //this enumeration is guaranteed to have either one element or two elements.
return from interval in stack where interval.Duration >= duration select interval;
I've been cracking my head over this algorithm for the past week and a half and i cant get it to work.
Basically i have an schedule (i know the Time value of the "borders")
and i have the red section (peoples movements in and out of the workplace). What i want is to know the time people spend at the workplace WITHIN their schedule, i dont care if they are there before or after work, or in the lunch break.
do you have any suggestions? on a mathematical theory or rule that i can apply here? or a similar problem you have seen you can point me to? i've been having a really hard time finding a solution. Any help would be appreciated.
For example:
7:30am (start) 12:00pm(lunchbreak)
1:30pm(endLunchBreak) 5:00pm(endOfWorkday)
People movements trough the day:
IN: 6:50am, OUT: 6:55am
IN: 7:00am, OUT: 11:45am
IN: 1:45pm, OUT: 5:05pm
So, my expected output would be a timespan of: 7:30 (it ignores time IN workplace outside of work schedule)
I would treat this as a state machine problem. There are four states: S+W+, S-W+, S+W-, S-W-.
Scheduled time corresponds to S+ states, worker present to W+ states. The objective is to add time in S+W+ to the intersection time.
The valid transitions are:
S+W+ End of schedule -> S-W+
S+W+ Worker leaves -> S+W-
S-W+ Start of schedule -> S+W+
S-W+ Worker leaves -> S-W-
S+W- End of schedule -> S-W-
S+W- Worker arrives -> S+W+
S-W- Start of schedule -> S+W-
S-W+ Worker arrives -> S-W+
Process events in time order, starting in state S-W-. If two events happen at the same time, process in either order.
On transition into S+W+, note the time. On transition out of S+W+, subtract the last noted time from the time of the transition, and add the result to the intersection time.
Break the day into 1440 one minute increments. This is your set space.
Set "S", the scheduled minutes, is a subset of that space.
Set "W", the amount of time spent on the job, is a subset of that space.
The intersection of "S" and "W" is the amount of time the person was there within their schedule (in minutes - convert to hh:mm per your needs).
Using other set algorithms you can find when they should have been there but weren't, etc.
You might want to look into using this library, but be careful, it completely ignores DateTime.Kind, is not time zone aware, and doesn't respect daylight saving time.
It is safe to use on Utc kinds.
Never use it on Local kinds.
If you use it on Unspecified kinds, make sure you understand what the context is. If it could possibly be a local time in some time zone that has DST, then your results may or may not be correct.
Other than that, you should be able to use its intersection function.
It sounds like LINQ should work well here. I've whipped up a short example, using my Noda Time library as it has better support for "time of day" than .NET, but you could adapt it if necessary.
The idea is basically that you have two collections of periods, and you're only interested in the intersection - you can find the intersection of any schedule period against any movement period - it's easy to discount periods that don't intersect by just using a 0-length period.
Here's the complete code, which does indeed give a total time of 7 hours and 30 minutes:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NodaTime;
class Test
static void Main()
var schedule = new List<TimePeriod>
new TimePeriod(new LocalTime(7, 30), new LocalTime(12, 0)),
new TimePeriod(new LocalTime(13, 30), new LocalTime(17, 0)),
var movements = new List<TimePeriod>
new TimePeriod(new LocalTime(6, 50), new LocalTime(6, 55)),
new TimePeriod(new LocalTime(7, 0), new LocalTime(11, 45)),
new TimePeriod(new LocalTime(13, 45), new LocalTime(17, 05))
var durations = from s in schedule
from m in movements
select s.Intersect(m).Duration;
var total = durations.Aggregate((current, next) => current + next);
class TimePeriod
private readonly LocalTime start;
private readonly LocalTime end;
public TimePeriod(LocalTime start, LocalTime end)
if (start > end)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("end");
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
public LocalTime Start { get { return start; } }
public LocalTime End { get { return end; } }
public Duration Duration { get { return Period.Between(start, end)
.ToDuration(); } }
public TimePeriod Intersect(TimePeriod other)
// Take the max of the start-times and the min of the end-times
LocalTime newStart = start > other.start ? start : other.start;
LocalTime newEnd = end < other.end ? end : other.end;
// When the two don't actually intersect, just return an empty period.
// Otherwise, return the appropriate one.
if (newEnd < newStart)
newEnd = newStart;
return new TimePeriod(newStart, newEnd);
On our windows application, We have startDate and EndDate. On click of Execute button event, we need to call a third party web service with our search string + daterange( date from 01/01/2010 to 12/31/2010). Now our search criteria can return us thousands of records but web service have limitation of able to return only 10K records per transaction.
Which required us to break down our dateRange. So basically we need following;
For (X dateRange if RecordCount > 10000) then
X dateRange/2 which will be 01/01/2010 to 06/01/2010 in our case and check condition again and do this recursively until we get daterange block where RecordCount is < 10000.
Then start with Next date, for example, if we get 9999 records for 01/01/2010 to 03/30/2010 then we need to get records for next block starting 04/01/2010
Is this possible with Recursion?
RecursionFunction(dtStart, dtEnd)
if (WebService.RecordCount > 9999)
TimeSpan timeSpan = dtEnd.Subtract(dtStart);
DateTime mStart = dtStart;
DateTime mEnd = dtStart.AddDays(timeSpan.Days / 2);
Get Records here
But with above code, recursion will have following blocks
01/01/2010, 12/31/2010 > 10000
01/01/2010, 07/03/2010 > 10000
01/01/2010, 04/02/2010 < 10000
So after finishing getting record, recursion will start again with block 01/01/2010,07/03/2010 which we don't need. We need to start next recursion with 04/03/2010,12/31/2010
Thanks in advance for help.
It looks like you are trying to split the input range until it is small enough to handle. Try calling it for both ranges:
RecursionFunction(mStart, mEnd);
RecursionFunction(mEnd.AddDays(1), dtEnd);
The first step is to change the RecursionFunction call (at line 8 of your example) to:
RecursionFunction(mStart, mEnd);
But, then, you'll also need to call it again with the other half of the date range.
RecursionFunction(mEnd + AddDays(1), dtEnd);
Also, you need to handle the results (presumably combining the two answers).
var set1 = RecurseFunction(...);
var set2 = RecurseFunction(...);
return set1.Concat(set2);
This is like divide and conquer. You need to get results from the left and the right of the split and combine them and return that value. So you can keep getting smaller until you have enough data you can deal with and just return that. Then keep joining the result sets together.
public IList<Data> GetRecords(DateTime start, DateTime end)
var RecordCount = WebService.RecordCount(start, end);
if (RecordCount < 10000) return WebService.GetRecords(start, end);
DateTime l, m, e;
l = start;
e = end;
var midDay = end.Subtract(start).TotalDays / 2;
m = start.AddDays(midDay);
var left = GetRecords(l, m);
var right = GetRecords(m.AddDays(1), e);
return left.Concat(right);
This is how I would do it
static List<string> RecursiveGet(DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate, List<string> Output)
if (Webservice.RecordCount > 9999)
TimeSpan T = EndDate.Subtract(StartDate);
T = new TimeSpan((long)(T.Ticks / 2));
DateTime MidDate = StartDate.Add(T);
Output.AddRange(RecursiveGet(StartDate, MidDate, Output));
Output.AddRange(RecursiveGet(MidDate.AddMilliseconds(1), EndDate, Output));
//Get Records here, return them in array
return Output;
static List<string> GetRecords(DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate)
return RecursiveGet (StartDate, EndDate, new List<string>());
Note, Couldn't test it
It works by dividing the dates in half, then searching each of them, and if one is still bigger than 9999, then doing it again.
An easy way would be a form of pagination. If your using JSON or XML, you can put the amount of total results and just return a set number of results (return the offset too). This way you can do a loop to check if your on the last page and after you get the last results page, break out of it.
Don't forget to put checks in if a particular transaction fails though. It's not an ideal solution on such a large dataset but it is a workaround
It sounds much easier to just reuse the last date for the data you actually got back in a while-loop than to home in with recursion like this.
Then start with Next date, for example, if we get 9999 records for 01/01/2010 to 03/30/2010 then we need to get records for next block starting 04/01/2010
March has 31 days.
Pseudo-C# code
var dtStart = DateTime.Parse("2010-01-01");
var dtEnd = DateTime.Parse("2010-12-31");
var totalRecords = new List<RecordType>();
var records = WebService.Get(dtStart, dtEnd);
while (dtStart < dtEnd && records.Count > 9999)
records = WebService.Get(dtStart, dtEnd);
To ease the load on the service you could calculate the timespan for the previous run and only get that many days for the next run in the while-loop.
How you should handle the inevitable doublets depends on the data on the records.
I just realized I presumed you had a date in the returned data. If not, then disregard this answer.
The problem:
I am in process of implementing a scheduler for my advisor in school. The scheduler supposes to setup a 15 minutes interval time slot from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday. In addition, the advisor will have to specify the start and end dates of the scheduler. The scheduler will also feature an option to specify if the 15 minutes time slot is not open. Meaning my advisor will be able to mark specific time slot as NOT AVAILABLE.
What I have so far:
I have created a simple class:
public class TimeSlot
public DateTime dateTime
public bool isAvailable
TimeSlot(DateTime dt, bool Avalible)
dateTime = dt;
isAvailable = Avalible;
The class basically represents an object for one time slot in the scheduler. I also have a list of time slots that keeps a list of the valid time slots:
List<TimeSlot> TSList = new List<TimeSlot>();
Note that a valid time slot means the following:
Date is within: Monday to Friday.
Time is within: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Time slots are within: 15 minutes interval.
In addition, I have a method that fill in the TSList as the following:
private void button_Next_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
/* Getting the values of fromDate and toDate from the GUI controls*/
DateTime fromDate = datePicker1.SelectedDate.Value;
DateTime toDate = datePicker2.SelectedDate.Value;
while (fromDate <= toDate)
/*This ensures that we only deal with days Monday to Friday*/
if (fromDate.DayOfWeek.ToString() != "Saturday" && fromDate.DayOfWeek.ToString() != "Sunday")
/*Updating fromDate: Incrementing fromDate by 1 day*/
fromDate = fromDate.AddDays(1);
Notes that I was only able to satisfy the first condition in my valid time slot conditions. Thus, I was only able to restrict the dates to be within Monday to Friday range.
The questions:
I am trying to achieve the missing two valid conditions for a time slot:
How to restrict the times to be only 8:00am to 5:00 pm?
How to make time slots separated by 15 minutes interval?
First, please use DayOfWeek.Saturday and DayOfWeek.Sunday for the comparision, converting to a string is not necessary...
Then just use a simple loop like
DateTime startSlot = fromDate.Date.AddHours(8); // Starts at 8:00AM
while (startSlot.Hour < 17) {
// Construct time slot class
startSlot = startSlot.AddMinutes(15);
This gives you startSlot values starting at 8:00am at every date ranging to 5pm (i.e. the last one is 4:45pm).
Why are you considering building this out of nothing?
Why are you not starting with one of the many calendar management programs that are available off the shelf? For example, Microsoft Outlook contains calendar and schedule management, and you can do all of what you describe, easily. It also integrates with other scheduling tools via .ICS files, it syncs with mobile devices, syncs with Google Calendar, and so on.
But there are lots of other options. Google Calendar is another obvious one.
I don't know why you would ever consider starting from scratch. Unless it's an academic exercise (and no, I don't mean that you work in academia), then you should use larger building blocks to start.
It's like building a structure, starting with sand and water, instead of pre-fabricated concrete block.
Just quick implementation. Let me know if you need some comments.
// Round interval
const int roundInterval = 15;
var remainder = fromDate.TimeOfDay.Minutes % roundInterval;
var curTime = remainder == 0 ? fromDate : fromDate.AddMinutes(roundInterval - remainder);
curTime = curTime.AddSeconds(-curTime.TimeOfDay.Seconds);
var delta = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(roundInterval);
while (curTime < toDate)
while (curTime.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || curTime.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
curTime = curTime.Date.AddDays(1);
if (curTime.TimeOfDay.Hours < 8)
curTime = curTime.AddHours(8 - curTime.TimeOfDay.Hours);
curTime = curTime.AddMinutes(-curTime.TimeOfDay.Minutes);
if (curTime.TimeOfDay.Hours >= 17)
curTime = curTime.AddHours(24 - curTime.TimeOfDay.Hours);
curTime = curTime.AddMinutes(-curTime.TimeOfDay.Minutes);
TSList.Add(new TimeSlot(curTime, true));
curTime = curTime.Add(delta);
DateTime myScheduledTimeSlot = new DateTime(2010, 10, 26, 8, 45, 0);
// Use existing check to check day of week constraint...
// Check if the datetime falls on a correct minute boundary
switch (myScheduledTimeSlot.Minute)
case 0:
case 15:
case 30:
case 45:
// The time slot is valid
// The time slot is not valid
It is pretty simple to check whether it falls in a 15 minute slot as you don't have weird boundaries keeping every hour identical. I'd recommend checking out Quart.NET if you want to save some time doing eventing/scheduling.
i have an array of vacation dates. These are always going to be weekdays. Lets say
DateTime[] dates = new DateTime[] {"1/8/2010","1/3/2010","1/6/2010","1/7/2010","1/21/2010"}
i now have a single input date. Lets say:
DateTime vacationDateToCheck = 1/7/2010;
i want to find the vacation set (list of dates) given the set above. In particular, i want the first and last date of the list.
So for example, if i pass in vacationDateToCheck variable (1/7/2010) i would get back
Yes, you are on vacation from 1/6/2010 to 1/8/2010.
If i pass in 1/4/2010 it would return an empty result.
Here is the kicker. I want it to factor in weekends and go across weekends. So if i have a vacation on a friday and on the following Monday, i would want it to include that as one list.
any suggestions?
First, you'll have to sort your array, or at least make a sorted copy if it's important that you keep the order in the original list. If you don't, this isn't going to be easy.
Then, find the index of the element you're checking for. Once you've done that, create a loop going forwards, and one going backwards in your array, and count the date you've reached in the loop if the two dates are consective; otherwise, stop that loop (and do the other loop if you haven't done that already).
This assumes that all days in the range you're looking for can be found in the list, including weekends and holidays.
EDIT: If you want to include weekends implictly, you'll have to check the weekday using DayOfWeek while iterating over the days. The simplest way to do this is probably to also maintain a variable for the next expected day; every iteration in your loop, you add (or subtract, when moving backwards through the sorted array) one day. If the day you're processing is a Friday (or Monday when moving backwards), add/subtract an additional 2 days to skip the weekend.
Here's the basic idea (not tested, but you should get the point). I'm assuming that you've sorted dates already, and that you've found the initial date in your array (at index i). For simplicity, I'm also assuming that vacationDateToCheck is never a Saturday or Sunday; if it can be either of those, you'll have to adjust accordingly.
DateTime expectedDate = vacationDateToCheck.AddDays(1);
if (vacationDateToCheck.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday)
expectedDate = expectedDate.AddDays(2);
DateTime startDate = vacationDateToCheck;
DateTime endDate = vacationDateToCheck;
for (int j = i + 1; i < dates.Length; i++) {
if (dates[i] == expectedDate) {
endDate = dates[i];
expectedDate = dates[i].AddDays(1);
if (dates[i].DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday)
expectedDate = expectedDate.AddDays(2);
Iterating the other way is similar, only you add -1 and -2 days instead, and you check if the day of the week is a Monday.