I have a 3x3 matrix that I want to populate (may grow to 3x4 or 3x5 but not larger). Very simple with a dual for loop except that each row has a unique formula and each column has a unique column within the formula.
I started trying to create for loops, case statements, but ended up just brute force updating each cell.
Then I thought maybe some master crafter has some ideas. Is there any way to make this simpler:
myWorksheet.Cells[1, 1].Formula = "=ROUND(AVERAGE(B$2:B$" + counter + "), 3)";
myWorksheet.Cells[1, 2].Formula = "=ROUND(AVERAGE(C$2:C$" + counter + "), 3)";
myWorksheet.Cells[1, 3].Formula = "=ROUND(AVERAGE(D$2:D$" + counter + "), 3)";
myWorksheet.Cells[2, 1].Formula = "=MAX(B$2:B$" + counter + ")";
myWorksheet.Cells[2, 2].Formula = "=MAX(C$2:C$" + counter + ")";
myWorksheet.Cells[2, 3].Formula = "=MAX(D$2:D$" + counter + ")";
myWorksheet.Cells[3, 1].Formula = "=STDEV(B$2:B$" + counter + ")";
myWorksheet.Cells[3, 2].Formula = "=STDEV(C$2:C$" + counter + ")";
myWorksheet.Cells[3, 3].Formula = "=STDEV(D$2:D$" + counter + ")";
Your formula has three portions, the function name, the argument, and the closing. You can make a method that will create the formula to insert based on the cell's row and column coordinates.
public static string RenderFormula(int row, int column, int counter)
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
// part 1 - the function name
var methodName = row switch
2 => "MAX(",
3 => "STDEV(",
_ => throw new ArgumentException(nameof(row))
// part 2 - the argument
char rangeColumnLetter = (char)('A' + column);
var range = $"{rangeColumnLetter}$2:{rangeColumnLetter}${counter}";
// part 3 - the closing
var methodEnding = row switch
1 => "), 3)",
2 or 3 => ")",
_ => throw new ArgumentException(nameof(row))
return stringBuilder.ToString();
In part one, you know which excel function to use based on the row number.
In part two, you add the column number to a capital "A" to get the new range column letter. This means that (column 1 + "A" = "B"). Add the value of counter into it.
In part three, you need to close the function's parentheses. Row 1 formulas have two closing parentheses with another argument in the middle, so account for it.
This uses StringBuilder to avoid a lot of wasteful concatenations.
Then just call the method to find out what the formula to insert is.
Console.WriteLine(RenderFormula(1, 1, 50));
Console.WriteLine(RenderFormula(2, 2, 50));
Console.WriteLine(RenderFormula(3, 3, 50));
// =ROUND(AVERAGE(B$2:B$50), 3)
// =MAX(C$2:C$50)
// =STDEV(D$2:D$50)
I'm working on a simple program to edit data within a string array, and have been scratching my head over this for the past few nights. I'm relatively new to C# and would really appreciate some help.
I want to edit a string array into something that looks like this (in theory):
Key: Data
Key2: Data
Key3: Data
If the section isn't found, it should be created (along with another line containing the key & data passed to the method). If it is found, it should be checked until the next section (or the end of the file). If the key is not found within the section, it should be created at the end of the section. If it is found, the data of the key should be edited.
What's the best way of doing this? I've tried a few times with some super hacky code and always wind up with something like this:
Key3: System.String[]
Sorry if this isn't the best question. I'm relatively new to C#, as I've said, and could really use the help. Thanks.
"edit data within a string array"
string[] myArray = { "one", "two", "three" };
myArray[1] = "nottwo";
Second value (myArray[1]) has changed from two to nottwo.
Now going deeper into the description of your problem...
You have mentioned keys & values, for this you will very likely want to look into Dictionary<TKey,TValue> Class. See reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.collections.generic.dictionary-2?view=netframework-4.8
Dictionary<int, string> myDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
myDictionary.Add("one", "Hello");
myDictionary.Add("two", "World");
myDictionary.Add("three", "This is");
myDictionary.Add("sandwich", "a Dictionary.");
I've found some code that works for my use case.
public static string[] SetData(string section, string key, string value, string[] data)
var updatedData = data;
int sectionIndex = Array.IndexOf(data, "[" + section + "]");
if(sectionIndex > -1)
//section found
for(int i = sectionIndex; i < data.Length; i++)
if (data[i].StartsWith(key))
//key found
string newData = data[i];
string tempString = newData.Remove(newData.LastIndexOf(":"));
updatedData[i] = tempString + ": " + value;
else if (data[i].StartsWith("[") && !data[i].Contains(section))
//key not found, end of section reached.
List<string> temp = data.ToList();
temp.Insert(i, key + ": " + value);
updatedData = temp.ToArray();
else if (i == data.Length - 1) //-1?
//key not found, end of file reached.
List<string> temp = data.ToList();
temp.Insert(i, key + ": " + value);
updatedData = temp.ToArray();
return updatedData;
//section not found
updatedData = new string[data.Length + 2];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
updatedData[i] = data[i];
updatedData[updatedData.Length - 2] = "[" + section + "]";
updatedData[updatedData.Length - 1] = key + ": " + value;
return updatedData;
I have a list of names and I loop through them to create a comma separated list in a string variable (Bob, George, Will, Terry).
I need the list to eventually look like (Bob, George, Will and Terry).
How do I find the LAST instance of the comma and replace it with the word "and"? Once I find the LAST instance, I think it's a simple matter of doing something like
string new=ori.Substring(0,start) + rep + ori.Substring(start+rep.Length);
Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
This should work for you. Added the alternative comma style as well.
var names = "Bob, George, Will, Terry";
var lastCommaPosition = names.LastIndexOf(',');
if (lastCommaPosition != -1)
names = names.Remove(lastCommaPosition, 1)
//.Insert(lastComma, " and");
.Insert(lastCommaPosition, ", and");
You can use a combination of LINQ and String.Join. This solution does not need the last index of a comma and is "more fluent" to read.
var list = new List<string> { "Bob", "George", "Will", "Terry" };
var listAsString = list.Count > 1
? string.Join(", ", list.Take(list.Count - 1)) + " and " + list.Last()
: list.First();
You can use Linq,
list.Select(i => i).Aggregate((i, j) => i + (list.IndexOf(j) == list.Count -1 ? " and " : " , ") + j);
Hope helps,
This should do the trick for you:
var foo = "Bob, George, Will, Terry";
if (foo.Contains(",")) {
foo = foo.Substring(0, foo.LastIndexOf(",")) + " and" + foo.Substring(foo.LastIndexOf(",")+ 1);
I'm not sure what you wanted to do, but the following code works:
string original = "(Bob, George, Will, Terry)";
string result = "";
string[] splited = original.Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i < splited.Count(); i++)
if(i == splited.Count() - 2)
result += splited[i] + " and";
else if(i == splited.Count() - 1)
result += splited[i];
result += splited[i] + ",";
I Used split to split the original string in a vector so i worked with this vector to replace the last comma to the word "and".
I have a RichTextBox for a simple chat where I add lines programmatically.
I make the usernames bold and the messages in regular style.
After some lines I want to delete the first lines to keep the chat in a acceptably length. But when I do so I lose the text format and everything appears bold. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this?
I could solve the problem where I wasn't able to delete the first line.
I had to set the the ReadOnly property to false. Even though I was able to add new lines it prevented deleting lines. So the following code works to delete lines. Thanks to #TaW!
if (ChatText.Lines.Length >= 10)
int p = 0; int count = 0;
p = ChatText.Text.IndexOf("\n\r");
if (p >= 0)
ChatText.SelectionStart = p;
ChatText.SelectionLength = 2; // length of "\n\r"
ChatText.SelectedText = "\n";
while(p >= 0);
int nll = 1; // <<=== pick the length of your new line character(s)!!
int pS = ChatText.Lines.Take(0).Select(x => x.Length + nll).Sum() - nll;
int pL = ChatText.Lines.Take(1).Select(x => x.Length + nll).Sum() - nll;
if (pS < 0) { pS = 0; pL++; }
ChatText.SelectionStart = pS;
ChatText.SelectionLength = pL - pS;
// now add new lines
string[] chatstr;
// string text is given as method parameter
chatstr = text.Split(new string[] { ": " }, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);
// go to the end of the text
ChatText.SelectionStart = ChatText.Text.Length;
ChatText.SelectionLength = 0;
// make text bold
ChatText.SelectionFont = new Font(ChatText.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
// add username (chatstr[0]) and colon
ChatText.AppendText(chatstr[0] + ": ");
// make text regular
ChatText.SelectionFont = new Font(ChatText.Font, FontStyle.Regular);
// add message (chatstr[1])
ChatText.AppendText(chatstr[1] + "\n");
// and finaly scroll down
So deleting lines works and new lines are added as intended. Finaly!
solved :)
Never change the Text of a RichtTextBox if it contains any formatting.
Changing the Lines property (by Skip) is just another way to change the Text.
Instead only use the functions the RTB provides: Always start by selecting the portion you want to format, then apply one or more of the functions and/or set one or more of the properties..:
To delete portions use Cut.
Here is a function that will delete a number of entire lines:
void DeleteLines(RichTextBox rtb, int fromLine, int count)
int p1 = rtb.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(fromLine);
int p2 = rtb.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(fromLine + count);
rtb.SelectionStart = p1;
rtb.SelectionLength = p2 - p1;
bool readOnly = rtb.ReadOnly; // allow change even when the RTB is readonly
rtb.ReadOnly = false; ;
rtb.ReadOnly = readOnly;
Trying to keept the formatting alive yourself is a tedious and error-prone waste of your time.
In addition to font properties you would also have to resore all other things you can set with the SelectedXXX properties, like colors, alignment, spacing etc etc..
To delete the first 3 lines use:
DeleteLines(yourRTB, 0, 3);
To restrict the text to 10 lines use:
DeleteLines(yourRTB, 0, yourRTB.Lines.Length - 10);
Note that the function above should have a few checks for valid input; I left them out as the checks somehow need a decision what to do, if count or fromLine if greater than Lines.Length or if fromLine is negative..
While we are at it, here is how to append a bold line:
yourRTB.SelectionStart = yourRTB.Text.Length;
yourRTB.SelectionLength = 0;
using (Font font = new Font(yourRTB.SelectionFont, FontStyle.Bold))
yourRTB.SelectionFont = font;
yourRTB.AppendText(yourNewLine + textOfNewLine);
Of course it really shold go into a reuseable function that the the bolding as a parameter..
since you are using WordWrap you may prefer this function. It deletes the actual lines, not the visible ones:
void DeleteLinesWW(RichTextBox rtb, int fromLine, int count)
int nll = 1; // <<=== pick the length of your new line character(s)!!
int pS = rtb.Lines.Take(fromLine).Select(x => x.Length + nll).Sum() - nll;
int pL = rtb.Lines.Take(fromLine + count).Select(x => x.Length + nll).Sum() - nll;
if (pS < 0) { pS = 0; pL++; }
rtb.SelectionStart = pS;
rtb.SelectionLength = pL - pS ;
bool readOnly = rtb.ReadOnly;
rtb.ReadOnly = false; // allow change even when the RTB is readonly
rtb.ReadOnly = readOnly;
A word on NewLine: Do note that I have not used the Environment.NewLine constant as it not really a good idea. If you add multiline text to the RichTextBox in the designer and then look at it you will see that it uses simple '\n' new lines, no returns, no NL-CR, just '\n'. So this seems to be the generic way in a winforms RTB and I recommend using it..
The new function relies on all lines having a newline of the same length!
To make sure you can use this replacement function:
int RTBReplace(RichTextBox rtb, string oldText, string newText)
int p = 0; int count = 0;
p = richTextBox1.Text.IndexOf(oldText);
if (p >= 0)
richTextBox1.SelectionStart = p;
richTextBox1.SelectionLength = oldText.Length;
richTextBox1.SelectedText = newText;
count ++;
while (p >= 0);
return count;
Calling it like this:
RTBReplace(yourrichTextBox, "\r\n", "\n");
Update 2:
Here is an example how to add your chat lines:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string cLine = "Taw: Hello World"; // use your own lines!
var chatstr = cLine.Split(new string[] { ": " }, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);
AppendLineBold(yourrichTextBox, "\n" + chatstr[0], true);
AppendLineBold(yourrichTextBox, chatstr[1], false);
void AppendLineBold(RichTextBox rtb, string text, bool bold)
rtb.SelectionStart = richTextBox1.Text.Length;
rtb.SelectionLength = 0;
using (Font font = new Font(rtb.SelectionFont,
bold ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular))
rtb.SelectionFont = font;
Update 3:
Looks like the ReadOnly property disallows the use of Cut. So we need to temporatily allow changes.
Funny: SelectedText can't be set either, but AppendText works fine..
To keep text formatting, you can also try the following (it's a little shorter and should also do the trick)
string text = "Username: hello this is a chat message";
// delete the first line when after 10 lines
if (ChatText.Lines.Length >= 10)
ChatText.SelectionStart = 0; // set SelectionStart to the beginning of chat text (RichTextBox)
ChatText.SelectionLength = ChatText.Text.IndexOf("\n", 0) + 1; // select the first line
ChatText.SelectedText = ""; // replace by an empty string
ChatText.SelectionStart = ChatText.Text.Length; // set SelectionStart to text end to make SelectionFont work for appended text
// split the string in chatstr[0] = username, chatstr[1] = message
string[] chatstr = text.Split(new string[] { ": " }, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);
// make the username bold
ChatText.SelectionFont = new Font(ChatText.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
ChatText.AppendText(chatstr[0] + ": ");
// make the message regular
ChatText.SelectionFont = new Font(ChatText.Font, FontStyle.Regular);
ChatText.AppendText(chatstr[1] + Environment.NewLine);
Please someone to help me to parse these sample string below? I'm having difficulty to split the data and also the data need to add carriage return at the end of every event
sample string:
batch of events
expected output:
L,030216,182748,00,FF,I,00 - 1st Event
L,030216,182749,00,FF,I,00 - 2nd Event
L,030216,182750,00,FF,I,00 - 3rd Event
Seems like an easy problem. Something as easy as this should do it:
string line = "L,030216,182748,00,FF,I,00,030216,182749,00,FF,I,00,030216,182750,00,FF,I,00";
string[] array = line.Split(',');
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0; i<array.Length-1;i+=6)
sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0},{1} - {2} event",array[0],string.Join(",",array.Skip(i+1).Take(6)), "number"));
output (sb.ToString()):
L,030216,182748,00,FF,I,00 - number event
L,030216,182749,00,FF,I,00 - number event
L,030216,182750,00,FF,I,00 - number event
All you have to do is work on the function that increments the ordinals (1st, 2nd, etc), but that's easy to get.
This should do the trick, given there are no more L's inside your string, and the comma place is always the sixth starting from the beginning of the batch number.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
String batchOfevents = "L,030216,182748,00,FF,I,00,030216,182749,00,FF,I,00,030216,182750,00,FF,I,00,030216,182751,00,FF,I,00,030216,182752,00,FF,I,00,030216,182753,00,FF,I,00";
// take out the "L," to start processing by finding the index of the correct comma to slice.
batchOfevents = batchOfevents.Substring(2);
String output = "";
int index = 0;
int counter = 0;
while (GetNthIndex(batchOfevents, ',', 6) != -1)
if (counter == 1){
index = GetNthIndex(batchOfevents, ',', 6);
output += "L, " + batchOfevents.Substring(0, index) + " - 1st event\n";
batchOfevents = batchOfevents.Substring(index + 1);
} else if (counter == 2) {
index = GetNthIndex(batchOfevents, ',', 6);
output += "L, " + batchOfevents.Substring(0, index) + " - 2nd event\n";
batchOfevents = batchOfevents.Substring(index + 1);
else if (counter == 3)
index = GetNthIndex(batchOfevents, ',', 6);
output += "L, " + batchOfevents.Substring(0, index) + " - 3rd event\n";
batchOfevents = batchOfevents.Substring(index + 1);
} else {
index = GetNthIndex(batchOfevents, ',', 6);
output += "L, " + batchOfevents.Substring(0, index) + " - " + counter + "th event\n";
batchOfevents = batchOfevents.Substring(index + 1);
output += "L, " + batchOfevents + " - " + (counter+1) + "th event\n";
public static int GetNthIndex(string s, char t, int n)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
if (s[i] == t)
if (count == n)
return i;
return -1;
Now the output will be in the format you asked for, and the original string has been decomposed.
NOTE: the getNthIndex method was taken from this old post.
If you want to split the string into multiple strings, you need a set of rules,
which are implementable. In your case i would start splitting the complete
string by the given comma , and than go though the elements in a loop.
All the strings in the loop will be appended in a StringBuilder. If your ruleset
say you need a new line, just add it via yourBuilder.Append('\r\n') or use AppendLine.
Using this method, you can also easily add new chars like L or at the end rd Event
Look for the start index of 00,FF,I,00 in the entire string.
Extract a sub string starting at 0 and index plus 10 which is the length of the characters in 1.
Loop through it again each time with a new start index where you left of in 2.
Add a new line character each time.
Have a try the following:
string stream = "L,030216,182748,00,FF,I,00, 030216,182749,00,FF,I,00, 030216,182750,00,FF,I,00";
string[] lines = SplitLines(stream, "L", "I", ",");
Here the SplitLines function is implemented to detect variable-length events within the arbitrary-formatted stream:
string stream = "A;030216;182748 ;00;FF;AA;01; 030216;182749;AA;02";
string[] lines = SplitLines(batch, "A", "AA", ";");
Split-rules are:
- all elements of input stream are separated by separator(, for example).
- each event is bounded by the special markers(L and I for example)
- end marker is previous element of event-sequence
static string[] SplitLines(string stream, string startSeq, string endLine, string separator) {
string[] elements = stream.Split(new string[] { separator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
int pos = 0;
List<string> line = new List<string>();
List<string> lines = new List<string>();
State state = State.SeqStart;
while(pos < elements.Length) {
string current = elements[pos].Trim();
switch(state) {
case State.SeqStart:
if(current == startSeq)
state = State.LineStart;
case State.LineStart:
if(++pos < elements.Length) {
state = State.Line;
case State.Line:
if(current == endLine)
state = State.LineEnd;
case State.LineEnd:
lines.Add(string.Join(separator, line));
state = State.LineStart;
return lines.ToArray();
enum State { SeqStart, LineStart, Line, LineEnd };
f you want to split the string into multiple strings, you need a set of rules, which are implementable. In your case i would start splitting the complete string by the given comma , and than go though the elements in a loop. All the strings in the loop will be appended in a StringBuilder. If your ruleset say you need a new line, just add it via yourBuilder.Append('\r\n') or use AppendLine.