When I implement the RoleProvider class and call Roles.IsUserInRole(string username, string roleName), code execution first goes to the method 'GetRolesForUser(string username)'. Why is this? I don't want to iterate all roles when I am just looking for the single value of whether that user belongs in one role. Is this a limitation of .NET's role provider class or is there something I can do to control the execution of code a bit more?
Here's the calling code
if (Roles.IsUserInRole(CurrentUser.UserName, "Teacher")) {
And here's the implementation of IsUserInRole
public override bool IsUserInRole(string username, string roleName) { return true; }
But the code GetRolesForUser always gets implemented first:
public override string[] GetRolesForUser(string username) {
string[] roles = GetAllRoles();
List<string> userRoles = new List<string>();
foreach (string role in roles) {
if (IsUserInRole(username, role)) {
return userRoles.ToArray();
The RoleProvider.IsUserInRole(username, password) is used for checking roles for a given user which is not the current loggon user(for current logon user, it also use the Principal.IsInRole instead). And for RolePrincipal, it always use the GetRolesForUser to cache the roles and do the role checking among the cached role list. (source)
can user Roles.Provider.IsUserInRole instead of Roles.IsUserInRole
There's a layer Microsoft's role provider solution that enables caching a user's roles in a cookie so it doesn't need to call the provider's GetRolesForUser method. I believe the cookie caching is part of the Roles class, so as long as you implement from the RoleProvider base class, it should be compatible. It's worth a look at the code in reflector to get an idea of how MS implements their own abstract classes, and what the static helper classes do (Roles and Membership)
Try adding cacheRolesInCookie="true" to the roleManager element in your config file, and see if the flow changes.
Since you're using your own implementation of a RoleProvider, you can also override the IsUserInRole method and provide your own implementation of checking if a user is in a role.
UPDATE: This block of code gets called inside the Roles.IsUserInRole method:
IPrincipal currentUser = GetCurrentUser();
if (((currentUser != null) && (currentUser is RolePrincipal)) && ((((RolePrincipal) currentUser).ProviderName == Provider.Name) && StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(username, currentUser.Identity.Name)))
flag = currentUser.IsInRole(roleName);
flag = Provider.IsUserInRole(username, roleName);
The else block is what will call your custom provider's IsUserInRole method.
So the roles for your user have not yet been added to the Principal object. If you just haven't gotten around to that step yet, OK. If not, make sure you do that. It will make sure that every time you call Roles.IsUserInRole, or User.IsInRole that those functions will use an in-memory cache of the roles for the user (once loaded) instead of having to go to the database every time. (Although the base role provider and Roles manager class should take care of this for you.)
Can you verify the config file settings for the role provider? Also, what version of .net are you using? Are you manually managing the login process or are you using the .net login control? Have you implemented a custom Roles class? Or are you using the System.Web.Security.Roles?
I am creating an application in that there is role-based module management and it is changed anytime by anytime.
If a user has access to create and view Employee than a user can do only create and view employees but in future admin change user's role from creating and view to view and delete than a user can only do that activity.
I try with [Authorize(Roles ="Staff")] but if admin change runtime than it isn't managed.
Can anyone look into this and get back to me?
This is a complicated question and there isn't a right answer but there are several ways to do it.
First I will assume you are using stateless auth using a claim based jwt the simplest way is writing your own Policy that will read user roles before every request, this is the simplest way to do it and fastest to implement.
internal class DatabaseRoles : IAuthorizationRequirement
public string Role { get; }
public DatabaseRoles(string role)
Role = role;
internal class DatabaseRolesHandler : AuthorizationHandler<DatabaseRoles>
private readonly UserManager<IdentityUser> userManager;
public DatabaseRolesHandler(UserManager<IdentityUser> userManager, RoleManager<IdentityRole> roleManager)
this.userManager = userManager;
protected override async Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, DatabaseRoles requirement)
//NOTE this is the out of the box implementation of roles and simple query to get the roles from the EF backed database. I would recoment makeing a custom privelages store for this and not using roles for this but access rights
var user = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(userManager.GetUserId(context.User));
if (await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, requirement.Role))
But this solution is not that performant because it requires a call to the database on every request. This is fine on small loads but might create problems in traffic.
The other way is to reevoke the all user tokens when the roles change but this is super complicated. I am sure if you create some fast access store for roles like redis there will be no issues to do the check on every call. Also I do not recommend creating your own user storage because it's a nightmare to maintain and keep up to date in regards to security standards.
If you are using Session/Cookie to store the logged in user details, you can empty the details whenever Admin make role changes. On every action you can check the role in Session/Cookie and move forward.
Now as soon as user clicks anywhere on the screen which hits the controller. The condition will be checked and the User will be logged out as the Session/Cookie object is empty.
In our project management application, we need to keep access rights (per project for each user) in a separate table in db. IE.
User A can create tasks in Project #1,
User A can only read task in Project #2
To succeed that, we extend our AspNetUserRoles table by adding a new coloumn(projectID).
By default, in razor view, we can check user roles with User.IsInRole("CanCreateTask"). We need to extend this method and want to check the user role for specific project Ie. User.IsInRole("CanCreateTask", project.Id)
EDITED: Also i need to check user access in controller with project.Id
[Authorize(Roles = "CanCreateTask")]
Did some research on net but could not find any solution.
You could create an extension method, extending the User class.
public static bool IsInRole(this User user, string role, int projectID)
var isInRole = user.IsInRole(role);
var hasRoleInProject = // Logic for deciding if it is in the role for this project
return isInRole && hasRoleInProject;
This method would be called like this:
user.IsInRole("CanCreateTask", project.Id);
I am struggling a little bit to completely understand what is the correct way to implement a windows authentication and role based authorization scheme into an MVC4 application. When the user accesses the (intranet) website I currently have the following method check the user name against the against a database table
List<string> permissionList =
Permissions permissions = new Permissions(permissionList);
Then the following if state adds a role to a user object:
if (permissions.IsAdmin)
if(!Roles.IsUserInRole(User.Identity.Name, "UtilitiesToolAdmin"))
Roles.AddUsersToRole(new string[] { User.Identity.Name }, "UtilitiesToolAdmin");
I feel like this may be an incorrect way to go about implementing this, but I am not sure where I am going wrong. Is this sufficient to begin using the authorize attribute like so:
public static void Foo()
return "Bar"
If not what am I missing?
If all you are doing is simple role checking, a custom Role Provider might be a bit of an overkill (Role Providers also provide facilities for managing the roles themselves). What you will end up with is a class full of
throw new NotImplementedException();
Instead, consider creating a custom user principal. The IPrincipal interface defines an IsInRole method that returns a bool. This is where you would put your custom role checks. The advantage of the custom user principal is that now all of the built in ASP.NET role-checking goodies should "just work" as long as you replace the default user principal object with your custom one early enough in the lifecycle.
This SO answer has one of the best examples I've seen of using a custom user principal with an MVC application.
Sorry for the basic question, first time with Web MVC4 in C#...
I'm creating a web interface for an application I've written in C#/SQL. I've been able to attach the MVC4 framework to the SQL DB. Now I want to secure what people can do based on group membership in AD. I have the authentication in my web.config set to "Windows" and it properly displays the User.Identity.Name that i'm logged in with. So I know it's pulling up the current logged in user. More over, I need to be able to authenticate a user outside of the active directory domain in the case of an android or ipad device. I haven't gotten that far yet though... for the most part, I'd like to auto authenticate the logged in user if possible then prompt for a username/password if none exists.
Ok, also I already know how to pull group membership for a user in AD. But I need to run that AD query and store that information somewhere that can be accessed on each page. Then on each page how do I access that variable?
For example, I don't want to display a menu option if they don't have access to it so that variable needs to be used to either display or not display the menu option that's being secured. Also, I assume I need to add that security on the webpage as well so that if someone tries to go there manually they cannot.
I assume I don't want to use session variables for security reasons..
In the past with Adobe Flex I used a singleton to manage the session state. I did a search out there and people are saying that it's probably not a good idea in C#. Not many examples of this anyway...
What are you doing to do this?
Here is what I would recommend. Start looking for examples of the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider Class. This MembershipProvider combined with Forms Authentication will provide you with a secure system to authenticate users.
Once authenticated, you need to authorize your users to access resources by combining the Active Directory Role Provider(ADRP) (to determine User Groups) with the standard way of Securing your MVC Application.
To get you started I created these simple extension methods when you can extend to use the ADRP (as I haven't used the ADRP).
public static class IPrincipalExtensions
private static _adminName = "Administrator";
public static bool IsAnonymous(this IPrincipal instance)
return (instance == null);
public static bool IsAdminOrInRole(this IPrincipal instance, string role)
if (instance == null
|| instance.Identity == null
|| !instance.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
return false;
bool result = instance.IsInRole(role)
|| instance.IsInRole(IPrincipalExtensions._adminName));
return result;
Then I also extended the default AuthorizeAttibute to give me an attribute I can use solely for Administrators:
public class AuthorizeAdministratorAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
if (httpContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("httpContext");
bool result = false;
IPrincipal user = httpContext.User;
if (user.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
result = user.IsAdmin();
return result;
This uses the same extension methods provided in my IPrincipalExtensions so I don't repeat myself. Some might find this overkill as the following two lines are equal:
However, since the first example is using a string, a simple mistype denies access, and if I decided to change the role/group name to "Admins" it becomes more difficult. So using the second one (which I could argue is strongly typed) if the group changes, I only have to change the name in one location.
I have been working on a web site (using ASP.NET C#) that uses both forms based and claims based authentication. I wanted to override the ClaimsIdentity class so I could implement a custom IsAuthenticated method and add more properties for the identity specific for the claims authentication.
I'm implementing a custom WSFederationAuthentionModule currently, but I was trying to figure out what module I should override (specifically what method) so I can set my custom identity/principal rather than the default ClaimsPrincipal?
So far I have looked at both the SessionAuthenticationModule and ClaimsPrincipalHTTPModule, but I could not figure out at what step the principal is set/the best way to override it.
Since I'm kind of new at this let me be sure this is correct: The way to set an identity is to set a custom principal which is set to use that identity:
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal = customClaimsPrincipal;
Alternatively if a custom principal was not needed then the ClaimPrincipal class could be constructed with a ClaimsIdentityCollection.
There are several places you can do this, but if you are using the SessionAuthenticationModule, some of the process is not documented well which can make using a custom principal tricky. The rest of this answer explains one possible way to handle this when using the SessionAuthenticationModule.
Override the SessionAuthenticationModule.SetPrincipalFromSessionToken method.
The SessionAuthenticationModule stores the security token, principal, identities, and claims in a cookie and an in-memory cache to avoid having to make round-trips to the identity provider/token service on every request. What's not documented well is the existence of the cache and that it is the first place checked, then the cookie, and the limits on serializing the ClaimsPrincipal.
If you already set a custom principal in ClaimsAuthenticationManager.Authenticate and the cache is intact, your custom principal will most likely be there already since the cache stores native .NET objects. If you haven't yet set a custom principal, or the cache is not populated, then the security token will be retrieved from the FedAuth session cookie.
When the token is serialized/deserialized to/from the cookie, the process uses custom serialization that is only capable of reading and writing attributes of the IClaimsPrincipal and IClaimsIdentity interfaces (or the ClaimsPrinicpal and ClaimsIdentity classes - I can't remember which). Any custom principal and identity object attributes will not be included. It may be possible to override the serialization, but that requires several (3 IIRC) more layers of class overrides.
You'll also need to be aware of the fact that the base SetPrincipalFromSessionToken method creates a new ClaimsPrincipal object and sets it on the thread and context, so even if the sessionSecurityToken parameter contains a custom principal object, it will get translated back into a ClaimsPrincipal object.
Here's an example override method:
protected override void SetPrincipalFromSessionToken(SessionSecurityToken sessionSecurityToken)
SessionSecurityToken newToken = MyClaimsPrincipalUtility.CreateCustomClaimsPrincipalToken(sessionSecurityToken);
//the following lines need to be set after the base method call, because the base method overwrites the Principal object
HttpContext.Current.User = newToken.ClaimsPrincipal;
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = newToken.ClaimsPrincipal;
The base class (SessionAuthenticationModule) implementation looks like the following. So there are a couple different ways you can achieve the overriding and getting the custom claims principal.
protected virtual void SetPrincipalFromSessionToken(SessionSecurityToken sessionSecurityToken)
IClaimsPrincipal fromIdentities = ClaimsPrincipal.CreateFromIdentities(this.ValidateSessionToken(sessionSecurityToken));
HttpContext.Current.User = (IPrincipal) fromIdentities;
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = (IPrincipal) fromIdentities;
//tracing code removed
this.ContextSessionSecurityToken = sessionSecurityToken;
And just in case you're wondering, here's the base class implementation for SessionAuthenticationModule.ContextSessionSecurityToken.
public virtual SessionSecurityToken ContextSessionSecurityToken
return (SessionSecurityToken) HttpContext.Current.Items[(object) typeof (SessionSecurityToken).AssemblyQualifiedName];
internal set
HttpContext.Current.Items[(object) typeof (SessionSecurityToken).AssemblyQualifiedName] = (object) value;
You're correct in that HttpModules are the way to go in terms of extensibility, but make sure that whatever logic you implement doesn't inhibit the performance of your application. I've had websites go thoroughly berserk performance-wise after adding too many HttpModules to the application. It might be worth caching results of your queries, depending on what auth model you're using.
You need to figure out under what conditions you need to use your custom ClaimsPrincipal. Until you do this you're stabbing in the dark. Are there specific URLs for which you need claims authentication?