Im trying to build a addin that can take some a selection of cells from a excel sheet and then put them together in the first cell i have celected. Between the cells there will be a user selected seperator.
I select the 3 cells A1-A3 with the values A B and C
I then bring up my addin and chose the seperator to be ", ".
The addin should then place a the String "A, B, C" in the cell A1.
But I cant figure out how to access the data I have selected in the excel sheet.
var range = (Range)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWindow.Selection;
I'm working on a little program (C#, using Visual Studio 2015) that populates an Excel file.
This Excel sheet contains a drop down list, which is populated with data from a different worksheet in the same file.
Currently you have to select the desired item by hand, so it can set a number of variables. The sheet has a macro with some calculations that need these variables.
The program I'm making is going to automate the process, so I need to select the right item in the list programatically and run the macro afterwards. This is where I'm stuck. I can add values to other cells and the macro runs fine, but it's using the default list value.
I've been looking for a solution, but can't get it to work.
This does nothing for me:
Changing the value in a drop down list Excel C#
worksheet.Cells[4, 3] = "5";
where "5" is an arbitrary index just to get it to change. Doesn't work.
Replacing "5" by "actual string value" doesn't work either.
I'm using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application object to control the file.
How do I select an item from the list? Either by matching string or by index, both will do.
Got it to work!
The problem was that the cell value got overridden by a value in another worksheet.. Changing this one in stead of the actual drop down list did the trick.
I have a Excel sheet with some columns like States ,District Species in forest, Volume Equation(General)and Volume Equation(local).Through this excel sheet i have to design a Windows Form Application in C# so that the states in sheet be represented in combo Box and on selection of states again a drop down combo Box appear to select its districts then list view appears for selection of species and on a click of button the volume equation both general and local appears in textboxes. **Could Anyone Help me out I m just beginner and i was just able to show the whole sheet in datagridview **
first you read the Excel file using INTROP library after you can store that data in array after than you read value from array one by one and bind it with your control as per your desire
how to move entire existing excel range to one row down using interop in C#?
I need to add a header in 1st row of existing excel which has only data.I want to move the entire rangel one setup down programatically in C#.
I saw moving a cell stuff,but moving the entrire range was not clear.
could you please help me with it.
I agree if you are running on a server, CloseXML is a better solution, but if you want to go the interop way:
Here is the code to add a row and shift the existing data down by one row.
// Inserts a new row at the beginning of the sheet
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range a1 = sheet.get_Range( "A1", Type.Missing );
Type.Missing );
After you have inserted your new row at the top, you can add the headers to the cells.
I assume you know how to open and access the sheets.
I'm working on a word ribbon MS Office application in VS2010 using C#.
When I have a table in the document, I want to add some text in randomly selected cells of the table when a button on the ribbon is pressed..
The problem is, everytime I select random number of cells the WrdApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.Cells gets only the last selected cell.
Here's the code :
foreach (Cell myCell in WrdApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.Cells)
myCell.Range.Text = "text" + myCell.Range.Text
So when you open an Excel Workbook, each sheet saves the last selection of cells you made from the previous time you used the sheet. In C#, i would like to deselect (de-focus, whatever...) all cells in every sheet.
There's always an active cell on the sheet which is active. The only thing you can do is select the least annoying cell, such as the first one.