c++ / c# Problem in named pipe - c#

This is my c++ code
HANDLE hPipe = ::CreateNamedPipe(_T("\\\\.\\pipe\\FirstPipe"),
ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, NULL);
DWORD bytesWritten = 0;
WriteFile(hPipe, lpBuffers, sizeof(LPWSABUF), &bytesWritten, NULL);//LPWSABUF is structure and lpBuffers is a variable of this structure
This is my C# code
uint dataLen = (uint)(br.ReadInt32());
string len = (dataLen).ToString();
IntPtr dataAdd = IntPtr.Zero;
string data = "";
if (IntPtr.Size == 4) dataAdd = (IntPtr)br.ReadInt32(); //ERROR
else dataAdd = (IntPtr)br.ReadInt64();
byte[] b = new byte[(int)dataLen];
Marshal.Copy(b, 0, dataAdd, (int)dataLen);
data = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(b);
In sixth line of C# code giving error.
That End of the stream. I dont have any idea why it is giving error.
Here is the structure
typedef struct _WSABUF {
ULONG len; /* the length of the buffer */
__field_bcount(len) CHAR FAR *buf; /* the pointer to the buffer */

LPWSABUF is pointer, its size is 32 or 64 bit. Possibly you mean this:
WriteFile(hPipe, lpBuffers, sizeof(WSABUF), &bytesWritten, NULL);

simply you have reached end of stream so end of stream exception is thrown.
If it's the first read command from file then your file is empty


Get byte[] in C# from char* in C++

In C# I have an data type byte[], which I want to fill in using a C++ function which returns char*
The C++ function (in ImageData.dll)
char* pMemoryBuffer = NULL;
char* LoadData(const char *fileName)
// processing pMemoryBuffer ...
return pMemoryBuffer;
Import native dll into C#:
[DllImport(".\\Modules_Native\\ImageData.dll", EntryPoint = "LoadData")]
private extern static byte[] LoadData(string fileName);
The byte[] data in C#
byte[] buffer = new byte[256*256];
buffer = LoadData("D:\\myPic.tif");
Apparently it is not working yet, but it presents the idea of what I want to do. So I am wondering how to make this work, and what is the right way to do it. Thanks very much for your education.
try this
// c++
void LoadData(unsigned char* *pMemoryBuffer, const char *fileName)
// processing pMemoryBuffer ...
*pMemoryBuffer = resutss;
Import native dll into C#:
[DllImport(".\\Modules_Native\\ImageData.dll", EntryPoint = "LoadData")]
private extern static void LoadData(out IntPtr data, string fileName);
When the function returns data will point to the array and you can read the contents using the Marshal class. I guess you would copy it to a new byte array.
byte[] buffer = new byte[256*256];
buffer = Marshal.Copy(LoadData(buffer ,"D:\\myPic.tif"), buffer , 0, buffer.Length);
This should do it:
private extern static IntPtr LoadData(string fileName);
byte[] buffer = new byte[256*256];
buffer = Marshal.Copy(LoadData("D:\\myPic.tif"), buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
However, it won't free the memory. Hopefully the C(++) library frees it automatically during the next call, or else provides a deallocation function.
A better approach is to use a caller-allocated buffer, then you would just do:
byte[] buffer = new byte[256*256];
LoadData("D:\\myPic.tif", buffer);
For this, the C(++) code would need to be changed to
int LoadData(const char *fileName, char* pMemoryBuffer)
// processing pMemoryBuffer ...
return 1; // if success
and the p/invoke declaration to
private extern static int LoadData(string fileName, byte[] buffer);
I'm not sure, but my gut says that you can't assign a char* to a byte array, just as you can't in C++ itself. You can either use an IntPtr in C# (probably not super useful), OR, you can pass C++ a byte[] buffer and a number of bytes to write. In other words, I think the following would work:
char* pMemoryBuffer = NULL;
int size = 0;
int seek = 0;
bool LoadData(const char* filename)
// load filename
// set seek = 0
// set size to data size
int ReadData(char* buffer, int nBytesToRead)
// nCopyBytes = min(nBytesToRead, size - seek)
// copy nCopyBytes from pMemoryBuffer+seek to buffer
// seek += nCopyBytes
// return nCopyBytes
From C#, you'd use it like this:
byte[] buffer = new byte[256*256];
int bytesRead = ReadData(buffer, 256*256);
Sorry if you specifically want to avoid doing something like this.

passing c++ char* to c# via shared-memory

Sorry for probably simple question but I'm newbie in shared memory and trying to learn by example how to do things.
On c++ side I receive such pair: const unsigned char * value, size_t length
On c# side I need to have regular c# string. Using shared memory what is the best way to do that?
It's not that easy to using the string.
If it's me, I'll try these ways:
1.simply get a copy of the string. System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString may convert from a byte array to a string.
You may try in a unsafe code block (for that you could use pointer type) to do:
(1) create a byte array, size is your "length"
byte[] buf = new byte[length];
(2) copy your data to the array
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) buf[i] = value[i];
(3) get the string
string what_you_want = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buf);
2.write a class, having a property "string what_you_want", and each time you access it, the above process will perform.
before all, you should first using P/Invoke feature to get the value of that pair.
edit: this is an example.
C++ code:
struct Pair {
int length;
unsigned char value[1024];
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
const char* s = "hahaha";
HANDLE handle = CreateFileMappingW(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(Pair), L"MySharedMemory");
struct Pair* p = (struct Pair*) MapViewOfFile(handle, FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, sizeof(Pair));
if (p != 0) {
p->length = lstrlenA(s);
lstrcpyA((char*)p->value, s);
puts("plz start c# program");
} else
puts("create shared memory error");
if (handle != NULL)
return 0;
and C# code:
using System;
using System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MemoryMappedFile mmf = MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting("MySharedMemory");
MemoryMappedViewStream mmfvs = mmf.CreateViewStream();
byte[] blen = new byte[4];
mmfvs.Read(blen, 0, 4);
int len = blen[0] + blen[1] * 256 + blen[2] * 65536 + blen[3] * 16777216;
byte[] strbuf = new byte[len];
mmfvs.Read(strbuf, 0, len);
string s = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(strbuf);
just for example.
you may also add error-check part.

C# Copy variables into buffer without creating garbage?

Is it possible in C# .Net (3.5 and above) to copy a variable into a byte[] buffer without creating any garbage in the process?
For instance:
int variableToCopy = 9861;
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(variableToCopy);
Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, buffer, 0, 4);
float anotherVariableToCopy = 6743897.6377f;
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(anotherVariableToCopy);
Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, buffer, 4, sizeof(float));
creates the byte[] bytes intermediary object which becomes garbage (presuming a ref is no longer held to it)...
I wonder if using bitwise operators the variable can be copied directly into the buffer without creating the intermediary byte[]?
Use pointers is the best and the fastest way:
You can do this with any number of variables, there is no wasted memory, the fixed statement has a little overhead but it's too small
int v1 = 123;
float v2 = 253F;
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
fixed (byte* pbuffer = buffer)
//v1 is stored on the first 4 bytes of the buffer:
byte* scan = pbuffer;
*(int*)(scan) = v1;
scan += 4; //4 bytes per int
//v2 is stored on the second 4 bytes of the buffer:
*(float*)(scan) = v2;
scan += 4; //4 bytes per float
Why can't you just do:
byte[] buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(variableToCopy);
Note that the array here is not an indirection into the storage for the original Int32, it is very much a copy.
You are perhaps worried that bytes in your example is equivalent to:
byte* bytes = (byte*) &variableToCopy;
.. but I assure you that it is not; it is a byte by byte copy of the bytes in the source Int32.
Based on your edit, I think you want something like this (requires unsafe context):
public unsafe static void CopyBytes(int value, byte[] destination, int offset)
if (destination == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("destination");
if (offset < 0 || (offset + sizeof(int) > destination.Length))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");
fixed (byte* ptrToStart = destination)
*(int*)(ptrToStart + offset) = value;

C method Fread() equivalency in C#

I am working on LOTUS Notes API, during the process i came to a point where the fucntio in like this ,
bytesRead = fread (Buffer, 1, (WORD) Length, hCDFile);
Now i found some C# equivalent method like , which runs inside a while loop .At the first iteration the method seems working fine ( the result are same when i debug c version of code and C# version). But in second iteration say suppose the values of dwLengthHost =35,
before this method i called another method
NSFDUMPReadFromFile(hCDFile, ref RecordTypeCanonicalPtr, sizeof (ushort)) which calls the fread function and give value RecordTypeCanonicalPtr=149 . But after that when same method is called later the RecordTypeCanonicalPtr and dwLengthHost values changes automatically .
public static extern UInt32 fread(ref IntPtr Buffer, uint Size, uint Count, IntPtr Stream);
private bool NSFDUMPReadFromFile(IntPtr hCDFile,
ref IntPtr Buffer,
UInt32 Length)
UInt32 bytesRead = NotesApi.fread(ref Buffer, 1, (uint)Length, hCDFile);
/* Read bytes from the file */
if (bytesRead == Length)
return true;
return false;
Look like you need to use FileStream
You can create it by using File.Open
Exactly same behavior as:
bytesRead = fread (Buffer, 1, (WORD) Length, hCDFile);
should provide following C# code
bytesRead = file.Read(Buffer, 0, Length)
full example might be following
using(file = File.Open("test.bin", FileMode.Open))
var length = 256;
var buffer = new byte[length];
var bytesRead = file.Read(buffer, 0, length);

Sending an image from a C# client to a C server

If I send plain text there is no problem. Everything is ok.
However If I try to send from the C# client an image, the server receives correct bytes number, but when I save the buffer to a file (in binary mode - wb), it always has 4 bytes.
I send it by the C# client by using the function File.ReadAllBytes().
My saving code looks like
FILE * pFile;
char *buf = ReceiveMessage(s);
pFile = fopen (fileName , "wb");
fwrite(buf, sizeof(buf[0]), sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]), pFile);
fclose (pFile);
My receiving function looks like
static unsigned char *ReceiveMessage(int s)
int prefix;
recv(s, &prefix, 4, 0);
int len = prefix;
char *buffer= (char*)malloc(len + 1);
int received = 0, totalReceived = 0;
buffer[len] = '\0';
while (totalReceived < len)
if (len - totalReceived > BUFFER_SIZE)
received = recv(s, buffer + totalReceived, BUFFER_SIZE, 0);
received = recv(s, buffer + totalReceived, len - totalReceived, 0);
totalReceived += received;
return buffer;
Your C code needs to pass len back from the ReceiveMessage() function.
char *buf = ReceiveMessage(s); // buf is a char*
... sizeof(buff) // sizeof(char*) is 4 or 8
So you'll need something like
static unsigned char *ReceiveMessage(int s, int* lenOut)
*lenOut = totalReceived ;
You do a beginners mistake of using sizeof(buf). It doesn't return the number of bytes in the buffer but the size of the pointer (which is four or eight depending on if you run 32 or 64 bit platform).
You need to change the ReceiveMessage function to also "return" the size of the received data.
You do not get size of array by sizeof. Change to i.e.:
int len = 0;
char *buf;
buf = ReceiveMessage(s, &len);
/* then use len to calculate write length */
static unsigned char *ReceiveMessage(int s, int *len)
/* or return len and pass ptr to buf */

