i want to select from 2 different objects in Linq in order to compare them. This is what i tried,
var myItem = (from abc in firstList.Value
from cds in secondList
where (abc.Key.theKey == cds.secondList.theSecondKey
select cds).SingleOrDefault();
although i get an error:
Type inference failed in the call to 'SelectMany'
If that's your exact query, it may just be because you've got unmatched brackets. Try this:
var myItem = (from abc in firstList.Value
from cds in secondList
where abc.Key.theKey == cds.secondList.theSecondKey
select cds).SingleOrDefault();
Admittedly I would probably rewrite that using a join - in most cases the join will be more efficient.
However, if that's not your exact query, please post a short but complete program which demonstrates the problem. It's not clear why cds would have a secondList property for example. A complete example demonstrating the problem would make this a lot simpler.
You have an opening paranthesis in more:
var myItem = (from abc in firstList.Value
from cds in secondList
where abc.Key.theKey == cds.secondList.theSecondKey
select cds
The syntax given for contains clause is
ids = new int[] {1,2,3,4};
dataContext.Table.Where("#0.Contains(id)", ids);
But what I want is
dataContext.Table.Where("{1,2,3,4}.Contains(id)"); //getting exception here
[ERROR] Expression expected (at index 0)
I need this because the where clause my or may not use the contains method. it depends on how user acts.
so I got the answer for this after tinkering for sometime. So posting the answer here.
dataContext.Table.Where("new Int[]{1,2,3,4}.Contains(id)");
You can use whatever datatype you need. I use reflection to find datatype and use that accordingly.
try code:
int[] ids= {1,2,3,4};
var result= (from p in dataContext.Table.AsEnumerable()
join q in ids on p.id equals q
select p).Distinct() .ToList();
Suppose I have a list of {City, State}. It originally came from the database, and I have LocationID, but by now I loaded it into memory. Suppose I also have a table of fast food restaurants that has City and State as part of the record. I need to get a list of establishments that match city and state.
NOTE: I try to describe a simplified scenario; my business domain is completely different.
I came up with the following LINQ solution:
var establishments = from r in restaurants
from l in locations
where l.LocationId == id &&
l.City == r.City &&
l.State == r.State
select r
and I feel there must be something better. For starters, I already have City/State in memory - so to go back to the database only to have a join seems very inefficient. I am looking for some way to say {r.City, r.State} match Any(MyList) where MyList is my collection of City/State.
I tried to update based on suggestion below:
List<CityState> myCityStates = ...;
var establishments =
from r in restaurants
join l in myCityStates
on new { r.City, r.State } equals new { l.City, l.State } into gls
select r;
and I got the following compile error:
Error CS1941 The type of one of the expressions in the join clause is incorrect. Type inference failed in the call to 'Join'.
Compiler didn't like anonymous class in the join. I made it explicit and it stopped complaining. I'll see if it actually works in the morning...
It seems to me that you need this:
var establishments =
from r in restaurants
join l in locations.Where(x => x.LocationId == id)
on new { r.City, r.State } equals new { l.City, l.State } into gls
select r;
Well, there isn't a lot more that you can do, as long as you rely on a table lookup, the only thing you can do to speed up things is to put an index on City and State.
The linq statement has to translate into a valid SQL Statement, where "Any" would translate to something like :
SELECT * FROM Restaurants where City in ('...all cities')
I dont know if other ORM's give better performance for these types of scenarios that EF, but it might be worth investigating. EF has never had a rumor for being fast on reads.
Edit: You can also do this:
List<string> names = new List { "John", "Max", "Pete" };
bool has = customers.Any(cus => names.Contains(cus.FirstName));
this will produce the necessary IN('value1', 'value2' ...) functionality that you were looking for
I have two List<T>'s.
The data is un-normalized and from different sources which explains the convolution in the desired logic
An informal compound key in the data is fieldA, fieldB, fieldC.
The "fields" are strings - reference types - so their values could be null. I want to drop records where they may be matching on null. I get that null references in C# will match, but in SQL they do not. Adding a !string.IsNullOrEmpty() is easy enough.
This is not a question about DB design or relational algebra.
I have other logic which covers other criteria. Do not suggest reducing the logic shown such that it might broaden the result set. See # 5 above.
The Problem
I want to find the records in listA that are not in listB based on the informal key. I then want to further refine the listA results based on a partial key match.
The SQL version of the problem:
listA.fieldA, listA.fieldB, matching.fieldC
from listA
left join listB keyList on
listA.fieldA = keyList.fieldA and
listA.fieldB = keyList.fieldB and
listA.fieldC = keyList.fieldC
inner join listB matching on
listA.fieldA = matching.fieldA and
listA.fieldB = matching.fieldB
keyList.fieldA is null
SQL to LINQ ( Case 7 - Filter data by using IN and NOT IN clause)
Note: IN and NOT IN use the same function in the LINQ query, but it just use a ! (not) symbol for it. Here is the graphical representation:
You use, where <list>.Contains( <item> )
var myProducts = from p in db.Products
where productList.Contains(p.ProductID)
select p;
Or you can have a list predefined as such:
var ids = {1, 2, 3};
var query = from item in context.items
where ids.Contains( item.id )
select item;
For the 'NOT' case, just add the '!' operator before the 'Contains' statement.
I've been trying to solve this for the entire day.. :-(
I'm Using C# with MSSQL and querying via LINQ
I have a collection stored in studWithTuiDisc variable, It contains the following data (shown in the link below)
(source: secompeusc.com)
When using this variable as reference for other LINQ Statements the results are very off, prior to this post I performed experiments to check if it really wasn't my fault that incorrect results were returned:
(1) I tried to iterate through studWithTuiDisc and then checking the relationship only in the select clause since I'm sure that this will return the desired output (see below)
var xxx = (from a in studWithTuiDisc
select new
please = a.StudentId,
help = _conn.EEnrolledSubjects
.Where(m => m.StudentId == a.StudentId)
.Select(m => m.StudentId)
(source: secompeusc.com)
As we can see the studWithTuiDisc values are the only values contained in xxx
(2) Now I tried the approach that gave me a lot of headaches (see below)
var zzz = (from a in studWithTuiDisc
join b in _conn.EEnrolledSubjects on a.StudentId equals b.StudentId
select new { please = a.StudentId, help = b.StudentId }).Distinct();
var zzz = (from a in studWithTuiDisc
from b in _conn.EEnrolledSubjects
where a.StudentId == b.StudentId
select new { please = a.StudentId, help = b.StudentId }).Distinct();
(source: secompeusc.com)
Given that we already know the values in studWithTuiDisc and since we used it as filter for _conn.EEnrolledSubjects we should be expecting results that are in studWithTuiDisc but looking at the screen shots, LINQ is not returning the proper results.
What am I doing wrong?
Has anyone experienced something like this before?
Does anyone know why this is happening?
Check what is generated/sent to SQL Server by using DataContext.Log, or SQL Profiler. I think that your queries will be different.
I want to build a dlinq query that checks to see if a title has any number of items in it. I know you can do .Contains() with a list, but I need to check if the title contains any of the items, not if the items contain part of the title. For example: I have three items in the list "bacon, chicken, pork". I need the title of "chicken house" to match.
var results = (from l in db.Sites
where list.Contains(l.site_title)
select l.ToBusiness(l.SiteReviews)).ToList();
If I try the first 2 answers, I get an error "Local sequence cannot be used in LINQ to SQL implementation of query operators except the Contains() operator."
The third solution gives me
Method 'System.Object DynamicInvoke(System.Object[])' has no supported translation to SQL."
Try the following. You can use a combination of Where and Any to search for substring matches.
var results = (from l in db.Sites
where list.Where(x => 0 != x.IndexOf(l)).Any()
select l.ToBusiness(l.SiteReviews)).ToList();
One way is to dynamically build a query as outlined here:
I finally figured it out. Thanks to my good buddy Cory for the help. There are two ways you can do it.
var resultSets = (from k in list
select (from b in db.Sites
where b.site_title.Contains(k)
select b.ToBusiness()).ToList<Business>()).ToList();
List<Business> all = new List<Business>();
for (int i = 0; i < resultSets.Count; ++i)
This is a linq query that will successfuly do what is stated. As well, you can also just build the sql query in plain text by hand.