I have an odd scenario (see this answer for more details), where I need to add two bytes of data together. Obviously this is not normal adding. Here is the scenario:
I am trying to get a coordinate out of a control. When the control is less that 256 in width then the x coordinate takes one byte, otherwise it takes two bites.
So, I now have an instance of that control that is larger than 256 in width. How do I add these two numbers together?
So for example:
2 + 0 is not 2 because the 2 is the high byte (or maybe it is the low byte and it is 2...)
Am I making sense? If so, how can I do this kind of addition in C#?
Update: Sorry for the confusing question. I think I got it figured out. See my answer below.
Approach with multiplying is pretty clear but not common in bitwise word, and your approach with BitConverter takes byte array which is not convenient in many cases.
The most common (and easy way) to perform this - use bitwise operators:
var r = (high << 8) | low;
And remember about byte ordering because it's not always obvious which byte is high and which is low.
You mean something like
256 * high + low
Just in case anyone else needs this, I was looking for:
It takes two bytes and converts them to an integer.
15 years ago, while programming with Pascal, I understood why to use power of two's for memory allocation. But this still seems to be state-of-the-art.
C# Examples:
new StringBuilder(256);
new byte[1024];
int bufferSize = 1 << 12;
I still see this thousands of times, I use this myself and I'm still questioning:
Do we need this in modern programming languages and modern hardware?
I guess its good practice, but what's the reason?
For example a byte[] array, as stated by answers here, a power of 2 will make no sense: the array itself will use 16 bytes (?), so does it make sense to use 240 (=256-16) for the size to fit a total of 256 bytes?
Do we need this in modern programming languages and modern hardware? I guess its good practice, but what's the reason?
It depends. There are two things to consider here:
For sizes less than the memory page size, there's no appreciable difference between a power-of-two and an arbitrary number to allocate space;
You mostly use managed data structures with C#, so you won't even know how many bytes are really allocated underneath.
Assuming you're doing low-level allocation with malloc(), using multiples of the page size would be considered a good idea, i.e. 4096 or 8192; this is because it allows for more efficient memory management.
My advice would be to just allocate what you need and let C# handle the memory management and allocation for you.
Sadly, it's quite stupid if you want to keep a block of memory in a single memory page of 4k... And persons don't even know it :-) (I didn't until 10 minutes ago... I only had an hunch)... An example... It's unsafe code and implementation dependant (using .NET 4.5 at 32/64 bits)
byte[] arr = new byte[4096];
fixed (byte* p = arr)
int size = ((int*)p)[IntPtr.Size == 4 ? -1 : -2];
So the CLR has allocated at least 4096 + (1 or 2) sizeof(int)... So it has gone over one 4k memory page. This is logical... It has to keep the size of the array somewhere, and keeping it together with the array is the most intelligent thing (for those that know what Pascal Strings and BSTR are, yes, it's the same principle)
I'll add that all the objects in .NET have a syncblck number and a RuntimeType... They are at least int if not IntPtr, so a total of between 8 and 16 bytes/object (This is explained in various places... try looking for .net object header if you are interested)
It still makes sense in certain cases, but I would prefer to analyze case-by-case whether I need that kind of specification or not, rather than blindly use it as good practice.
For example, there might be cases where you want to use exactly 8 bits of information (1 byte) to address a table.
In that case, I would let the table have the size of 2^8.
Object table = new Object[256];
By this, you will be able to address any object of the table using only one byte.
Even if the table is actually smaller and doesn't use all 256 places, you still have the guarantee of bidirectional mapping from table to index and from index to table, which could prevent errors that would appear, for example, if you had:
Object table = new Object[100];
And then someone (probably someone else) accesses it with a byte value out of table's range.
Maybe this kind of bijective behavior could be good, maybe you could have other ways to guarantee your constraints.
Probably, given the increase in smartness of current compilers, it is not the only good practice anymore.
IMHO, anything ending in exact power of two's arithmeric operation is like a fast track. low level arithmeric operation for power of two takes less number of turns and bit manipulations than any other numbers need extra work for cpu.
And found this possible duplicate:Is it better to allocate memory in the power of two?
Yes, it's good practice, and it has at least one reason.
The modern processors have L1 cache-line size 64 bytes, and if you will use buffer size as 2^n (for example 1024, 4096,..), you will take fully cache-line, without wasted space.
In some cases, this will help prevent false sharing problem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_sharing).
I'm working on a genetic algorithm project where I encode my chromosome in a binary string where each 32 bits represents a value. The problem is that the functions I'm optimizing has over 3000 parameters which implies that I have over 96000 bits in my bit string and the manipulations i do on this are simply to slow...
I have proceeded as following: I have a binary class where I'm creating a boolean array that represents my big binary string. Then I manipulate this binary string with various shifts and moves and such.
My question is, is there a better way to do this? The speed is just killing. I'm sure it would be fine if i only did this on one bit string but i have to do the manipulations on 25 bit strings for way over 1000 generations.
What I would do is take a step back. Your analysis seems to be wedded to an implementation detail, namely that you have chosen bool[] as how you represent a string of bits.
Clear your mind of bools and arrays and make a complete list of the operations you actually need to perform, how frequently they happen, and how fast they have to be. Ideally consider whether your speed requirement is average speed or worst case speed. (There are many data structures that attain high average speed by having one expensive operation for every thousand cheap operations; if having any expensive operations is unacceptable then you need to know that up front.)
Once you have that list, you can then do research on what data structures work well.
For example, suppose your list of operations is:
construct bit sequences on the order of 32 bits
concatenate on the order of 3000 bit sequences together to form new bit sequences
insert new bit sequences into existing long bit sequences at specific locations, quickly
Given just that list of operations, I'd think that the data structure you want is a catenable deque. Catenable deques support fast insertion on either end, and can be broken up into two deques efficiently. Inserting stuff into the middle of a deque is then easily done: break the deque up, insert the item into the end of one half, and join them back up again.
However, if you then add another operation to the problem, say, "search for a particular bit string anywhere in the 90000-bit sequence, and find the result in sublinear time" then just a catenable deque isn't going to do it. Searching a deque is slow. There are other data structures that support that operation.
If I understood correctly you are encoding the bit array in a bool[]. The first obvious optimisation would be to change this to int[] (or even long[]) and take advantage of bit operations on a whole machine word, where possible.
For example, this would make shifts more efficient by ~ a factor 4.
Is the BitArray class no help?
A BitArray would probably be faster than a boolean array but you would still not get built-in support to shift 96000 bits.
GPUs are extremely good at massive bit operations. Maybe Brahma, CUDA.NET, or Accelerator could be of service?
Let me understand; currently, you're using a sequence of 32-bit values for a "chromosome". Are we talking about DNA chromosomes or neuroevolutionary algorithmic chromosomes?
If it's DNA, you deal with 4 values; A,C,G,T. That can be coded in 2 bits, making a byte able to hold 4 values. Your 3000-element chromosome sequence can be stored in a 750-element byte array; that's nothing, really.
Your two most expensive operations are to and from the compressed bitstream. I would recommend a byte-keyed enum:
public enum DnaMarker : byte { A, C, G, T };
Then, you go from 4 of these to a byte with one operation:
public static byte ToByteCode(this DnaMarker[] markers)
byte output = 0;
for(byte i=0;i<4;i++)
output = (output << 2) + (byte)markers[i];
... and parse them back out with something like this:
public static DnaMarker[] ToMarkers(this byte input)
var result = new byte[4];
for(byte i=0;i<4;i++)
result[i] = (DnaMarker)(input - (input >> (2*(i+1))));
return result;
You might see a slight performance increase using four parameters (output if necessary) versus allocating and using an array in the heap. But, you lose the iteration which makes the code more compact.
Now, because you're packing them into four-byte "blocks", if your sequence length isn't always an exact multiple of four you'll end up "padding" the end of your block with zero values (A). Working around this is messy, but if you had a 32-bit integer that told you the exact number of markers, you can simply discard anything more you find in the bytestream.
From here, possibilities are endless; you can convert the enum array to a string by simply calling ToString() on each one, and likewise you can feed in a string and get an enum array by iterating through using Enum.Parse().
And always remember, unless memory is at a premium (usually it isn't), it's almost always faster to deal with the data in an easily-usable format instead of the most compact format. The one big exception is in network transmission; if you had to send 750 bytes vs 12KB over the Internet, there's an obvious advantage in the smaller size.
I have a bit pattern of 100 bits. The program will change the bits in the pattern as true or false. At any given time I need to find the positions of first "n" true values. For example,if the patten is as follows
The first 3 indexes where bits are true are 0, 3, 4
The first 4 indexes where bits are true are 0, 3, 4, 7
I can have a List, but the complexity of firstntrue(int) will be O(n). Is there anyway to improve the performance?
I'm assuming the list isn't changing while you are searching, but that it changes up until you decide to search, and then you do your thing.
For each byte there are 2^8 = 256 combinations of 0 and 1. Here you have 100/8 = 13 bytes to examine.
So you can build a lookup table of 256 entries. The key is the current real value of the byte you're examining in the bit stream, and the value is the data you seek (a tuple containing the positions of the 1 bits). So, if you gave it 5 it would return {0,2}. The cost of this lookup is constant and the memory usage is very small.
Now as you go through the bit stream you can proces the data a byte at a time (instead of a bit at a time) and just keep track of the current byte number (starting at 0, of course) and add 8*current-byte-number to the values in the tuple returned. So now you've essentially reduced the problem to O(n/8) by using the precomputed lookup table.
You can build a larger look-up table to get more speed but that will use more memory.
Though I can't imagine that an O(n) algorithm where n=100 is really the source of some performance issue for you. Unless you're calling it a lot inside some inner loop?
No there is no way to improve O(n). That can be proven mathematically
Well, not unless you intercept the changes as they occur, and maintain a "first 100" list.
The complexity cannot be reduced without additional data structures, because in the worst case you need to scan the whole list.
For "n" Items you have to check at most "n" times I.E O(n)!
How can you expect to reduce that without any interception and any knowledge of how they've changed?!
No, you can not improve the complexity if you just have a plain array.
If you have few 1:s to many 0:s you can improve the performance by a constant factor, but it will still be O(n).
If you can treat you bit array as an byte array (or even int32 array) you can check each byte if the byte > 0 before checking each individual bit.
If you have less 1-bits than 1:8 you could implement it as a sparse array instead List<byte> where you store the index of all 1:s.
As others have said, to find the n lowest set bits in the absence of further structures is an O(n) operation.
If you're looking to improve performance, have you looked at the implementation side of the problem?
Off the top of my head, q & ~(q-1) will leave only the lowest bit set in the number q, since subtracting 1 from any binary number fills in 1s to the right up to the first digit that was set, changes that digit into a 0 and leaves the rest alone. In a number with 1 bit set, shifting to the right and testing against zero gives a simple test to distinguish whether a potential answer is less than the real answer or is greater than or equal. So you can binary search from there.
To find the next one, remove the lowest digit and use a smaller initial binary search window. There are probably better solutions, but this should be better than going through every bit from least to most and checking if it's set.
That implementation stuff that doesn't affect the complexity, but may help with performance.
I need to perform a bitwise equality between two bytes. That means that for instance if I have two bytes: 00011011 and 00011110 the result is 11111010
The only fast way I see is to use the following statement
byte a, b;//set input bytes
byte c = ~(a^b);//output bytes
But I wonder if there is a faster solution for this. After these equality operation I want to mask the bits I need. So I need to use an AND-operation. So the code becomes:
byte a, b;//set input bytes
byte m;//mask, intresting bits are set to 1, others to 0
byte c = (~(a^b))&m;//output bytes
aren't there any faster and more simple methods that don't need to use all those bitwise operations because this part of the code will be called very often.
I doubt it can be done in fewer operations. That looks optimal. Perhaps you could store ~(a^b) in a lookup table (256*256 entries)? I doubt you would get much benefit and possibly even make things worse, but you could try it.
You are looking in the wrong place for this optimization; you won't end up finding any better bitwise operation here. Even if you did, it's hardly going to speed anything up. The real win will come from processing more than just a byte at a time. The processor is already having to do a bunch of bit shifting and masking operations just so that it can pretend for you that you are working with bytes. Process your arrays of bytes 1 word at a time, or use vector instructions if they are available.
These operations seem fast enough to be honest. I think you shouldn't try to optimize them further, but finish your software first, see if you are happy with the overall performance and use a profiler if you are not. I am fairly sure the problem will be elsewhere.
What you want is an XNOR operation. Unfortunately this is not supported by C#/Mono. I think your solution is optimal.
I read all over the place people talk about compressing objects on a bit by bit scale. Things like "The first three bits represent such and such, then the next two represent this and twelve bits for that"
I understand why it would be desirable to minimize memory usage, but I cannot think of a good way to implement this. I know I would pack it into one or more integers (or longs, whatever), but I cannot envision an easy way to work with it. It would be pretty cool if there were a class where I could get/set arbitrary bits from an arbitrary length binary field, and it would take care of things for me, and I wouldn't have to go mucking about with &'s and |'s and masks and such.
Is there a standard pattern for this kind of thing?
From MSDN:
BitArray Class
Manages a compact array of bit values, which are represented as Booleans, where true indicates that the bit is on (1) and false indicates the bit is off (0).
BitArray myBitArray = new BitArray(5);
myBitArray[3] = true; // set bit at offset 3 to 1
BitArray allows you to set only individual bits, though. If you want to encode values with more bits, there's probably no way around mucking about with &'s and |'s and masks and stuff :-)
You might want to check out the BitVector32 structure in the .NET Framework. It lets you define "sections" which are ranges of bits within an int, then read and write values to those sections.
The main limitation is that it's limited to a single 32-bit integer; this may or may not be a problem depending on what you're trying to do. As dtb mentioned, BitArray can handle bit fields of any size, but you can only get and set a single bit at a time--there is no support for sections as in BitVector32.
What you're looking for are called bitwise operations.
For example, let's say we're going to represent an RGB value in the least significant 24 bits of an integer, with R being bits 23-16, G being bits 15-8, and B being bits 7-0.
You can set R to any value between 0 and 255 without effecting the other bits like this:
void setR(ref int RGBValue, int newR)
int newRValue = newR << 16; // shift it left 16 bits so that the 8 low-bits are now in position 23-16
RGBValue = RGBValue & 0x00FF; // AND it with 0x00FF so that the top 16 bits are set to zero
RGBValue = RGBValue | newRValue; // now OR it with the newR value so that the new value is set.
By using bitwise ANDs and ORs (and occasionally more exotic operations) you can easily set and clear any individual bit of a larger value.
Rather than using toolkit or platform specific wrapper classes I think you are better off biting the bullet and learning your &s and |s and 0x04s and how all the bitwise operators work. By and large that's how its done for most projects, and the operations are extremely fast. The operations are pretty much identical on most languages so you won't be stuck dependant on some specific toolkit.