I have a collision detection class that works by finding the distance between the centres and whether that distance is small enough to be a collision (see Collision Detection error). My problem is trying to make this actually work, with ellipses colliding. I will explain more if necessary.
The best way would to implement per pixel collision detection when the images are overlapping you can read more about this in the following links
Per-pixel collision problem in C#
I also did a problem like this for a project a few years ago when I needed to detect if two circles overlapped where i used the following code
public static bool Intersect(Rectangle rectangle1, Rectangle rectangle2)
if (((rectangle1.X < (rectangle2.X + rectangle2.Width)) && (rectangle2.X < (rectangle1.X + rectangle1.Width))) && (rectangle1.Y < (rectangle2.Y + rectangle2.Height)) && (rectangle2.Y < (rectangle1.Y + rectangle1.Height)))
Vector2 rect1Centre = new Vector2(rectangle1.X + rectangle1.Width / 2, rectangle1.Y + rectangle1.Height / 2);
Vector2 rect2Centre = new Vector2(rectangle2.X + rectangle2.Width / 2, rectangle2.Y + rectangle1.Height / 2);
double radius1 = ((rectangle1.Width / 2) + (rectangle1.Height / 2)) / 2;
double radius2 = ((rectangle2.Width / 2) + (rectangle2.Height / 2)) / 2;
double widthTri = rect1Centre.X - rect2Centre.X;
double heightTri = rect1Centre.Y - rect2Centre.Y;
double distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(widthTri, 2) + Math.Pow(heightTri, 2));
if (distance <= (radius1 + radius2))
return true;
return false;
Not very nice code but I wrote it doing my first XNA game
I had the same problem recently. Circle overlap is easy to determine. With ellipses it's trickier, but not that bad. You play around with the ellipse equation for a while, and the result comes up:
//Returns true if the pixel is inside the ellipse
public bool CollisionCheckPixelInEllipse(Coords pixel, Coords center, UInt16 radiusX, UInt16 radiusY)
Int32 asquare = radiusX * radiusX;
Int32 bsquare = radiusY * radiusY;
return ((pixel.X-center.X)*(pixel.X-center.X)*bsquare + (pixel.Y-center.Y)*(pixel.Y-center.Y)*asquare) < (asquare*bsquare);
// returns true if the two ellipses overlap
private bool CollisionCheckEllipses(Coords center1, UInt16 radius1X, UInt16 radius1Y, Coords center2, UInt16 radius2X, UInt16 radius2Y)
UInt16 radiusSumX = (UInt16) (radius1X + radius2X);
UInt16 radiusSumY = (UInt16) (radius1Y + radius2Y);
return CollisionCheckPixelInEllipse(center1, center2, radiusSumX, radiusSumY);
Alright, so today I decided to try to further optimize my collision detection code for my tile engine.
This is what I did:
Circle class checks if there are points within range. If there are, then check for collision between player and tile.
int tileWidth = 128;
int tileHeight = 128;
int[,] Layer3 = { 1, 1, 1, etc... };
int tileMapWidth = Layer3.GetLength(1);
int tileMapHeight = Layer3.GetLength(0);
Rectangle tile, tile2;
for (int x = 0; x < tileMapWidth; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < tileMapHeight; y++)
int wallIndex = Layer3[y, x];
if (wallIndex == 1) //Full-sized Tile Collision (128 x 128)
if (collisionCircle.Contains(new Vector2(x * tileWidth + (tileWidth / 2) + (int)Player.camera.Position.X,
y * tileHeight + (tileHeight / 2) + (int)Player.camera.Position.Y))) //+ tile / 2 is for centering the point
tile = new Rectangle(x * tileWidth + (int)Player.camera.Position.X, y * tileHeight + (int)Player.camera.Position.Y, tileWidth, tileHeight);
This would check throughout layer3 if there is a "1". If there is, assign rectangle and check for collision if point is inside collision radius.
Also, I checked this code(with a draw method), and I know it's working properly, at least the behavior.
I added in about 120,000(32 x 3888) tiles to try to make it lag, and before the code, it lagged a little bit. But after I added in the code, it lagged even more so.
I thought that since it would only check for collision between tiles(points) that are within the radius it wouldn't even remotely lag, but that's not the case...
Any help/ideas on how to optimize this would be great.
Thanks a lot,
Cirlce.Contains() code:
public bool Contains(Vector2 Point)
return ((Point - position).Length() <= radius);
I used a circle because I've heard it's faster than using a rectangle.
Another possible optimization is instead of
return ((Point - position).Length() <= radius);
return ((Point - position).LengthSquared() <= radius * radius);
This is faster because Vector2.Length() has to perform a costly square root operation. Vector2.LengthSquared() does not have to perform that slow operation. The radius has to be multiplied by itself to account for the length from the vector being squared.
It sounds like you're trying to determine what tiles you don't need to use for collision with the player. Another optimization you could do is that if a tile at (X=5,Y=5) is above and to the left of the player, then you don't need to check a tile at (X=4,Y=4). Similarly if (X=5,Y=5) is below and to the right, (X=6,Y=6) is guaranteed to be too far as well. Try to determine when you've passed the player and no longer need to check collisions.
I suggest to loop only over visible tiles in screen to check collision using movement offset.
i will try something from my head..
for x as integer = 0 + offSetX to tilesInWidth + offSetX
for y as integer = 0 + offSetY to tilesInHeight + offSetY
if player.insideCircle(player.position, radius) '
object = layer(y,x);
if player.collideWith(object) then Collide()
end if
In my application I have loaded a picture and I want to be able to detect similar colors. So if I select a color I want the application to be able to find all pixels with that same (or almost the same) color. This is what I wrote for a detection system that looks in a vertical direction between the point of the mouse click and the end of the bitmap.
for (int y = mouseY; y < m_bitmap.Height; y++)
Color pixel = m_bitmap.GetPixel(mouseX, y);
//check if there is another color
if ((pixel.R > curcolor.R + treshold || pixel.R < curcolor.R - treshold) ||
(pixel.G > curcolor.G + treshold || pixel.G < curcolor.G - treshold) ||
(pixel.B > curcolor.B + treshold || pixel.B < curcolor.B - treshold))
if ((y - ytop > minheight)&&(curcolor != Color.White)) //no white, at least 15px height
colorlayers.Add(new ColorLayer(curcolor, y - 1, ytop));
curcolor = pixel;
ytop = y;
Would this be the best way? Somehow it looks like it doesn't work too good with yellowish colors.
RGB is a 3D space.
A color far away threshold in all directions is not so similar to original one (and what is similar according to numbers may not be so similar to human beings eyes).
I would make a check using HSL (for example) where hue value as a finite 1D range, just for example:
for (int y = mouseY; y < m_bitmap.Height; y++)
Color pixel = m_bitmap.GetPixel(mouseX, y);
if (Math.Abs(color.GetHue() - curcolor.GetHue()) <= threshold)
// ...
Moreover please note that using bitmaps in this way (GetPixel() is terribly slow, take a look to this post to see a - much - faster alternative).
It might be interesting to look at how the magic wand tool in Paint.NET works.
This is how they compare 2 colors:
private static bool CheckColor(ColorBgra a, ColorBgra b, int tolerance)
int sum = 0;
int diff;
diff = a.R - b.R;
sum += (1 + diff * diff) * a.A / 256;
diff = a.G - b.G;
sum += (1 + diff * diff) * a.A / 256;
diff = a.B - b.B;
sum += (1 + diff * diff) * a.A / 256;
diff = a.A - b.A;
sum += diff * diff;
return (sum <= tolerance * tolerance * 4);
The reason why yellow colors give a problem might be that RGB is not a perceptually uniform colorspace. This means that, given a distance between two points/colors in the colorspace, the perception of this color distance/difference will in general not be the same.
That said, you might want to use another color space, like HSL as suggested by Adriano, or perhaps Lab.
If you want to stick to RGB, I would suggest to calculate the euclidian distance, like this (I think it's simpler):
float distance = Math.sqrt((pixel.R-curcolor.R)^2 + (pixel.G-curcolor.G)^2 + (pixel.B-curcolor.B)^2);
if(distance < threshold)
// Do what you have to.
I generated a virtual terrain consisting of quads in my code I am now trying to find the height of the terrain at a certain point. To clarify: I have a terrain with a width and depth in X and Y directions, and a height in the Z direction. I want to know at what Z a line at a specific X and Y intersects my plane.
The terrain itself is stored as quads in a two-dimensional array (the indices are the coords, I just store the height) and I'm using the following code:
(it uses the cross product of the vectors from the bottom left to bottom right and top left points)
function getTerrainHeight(float x, float y) {
int ix = (int)x;
int iy = (int)y;
Vector3 V1 = new Vector3(ix,iy,heights[ix][iy]);
Vector3 V2 = new Vector3(ix+1, iy, heights[ix + 1][iy]);
Vector3 V3 = new Vector3(ix, iy+1, heights[ix][iy+1]);
if ((x-ix) + (y-iy) > 1)
V1 = new Vector3(ix + 1, iy + 1, heights[ix + 1][iy + 1]);
Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(V2-V1,V3-V1);
return (cross.X * (x - ix) + cross.Y * (y - iy)) / -cross.Z + heights[ix][iy];
This kinda works, but there are some mismatches, when I go over the terrain there are alway some dents where the height is lower than it should be. Does anybody know what's going wrong?
I have a simulation with multiple circles moving in 2D space.
There is collision detection between them, and the elastic collisions work 95% of the time. Occasionally however, when two balls hit each other, they stick to each other and overlap, often orbiting each other while being stuck together.
I'm unsure how to solve this problem.
My collision management function looks like this:
void manageCollision(Particle particleA, Particle particleB)
float distanceX = particleA.Position.X - particleB.Position.X;
float distanceY = particleA.Position.Y - particleB.Position.Y;
double collisionAngle = Math.Atan2(distanceY, distanceX);
double pA_magnitude = Math.Sqrt(particleA.Velocity.X * particleA.Velocity.X + particleA.Velocity.Y * particleA.Velocity.Y);
double pB_magnitude = Math.Sqrt(particleB.Velocity.X * particleB.Velocity.X + particleB.Velocity.Y * particleB.Velocity.Y);
double pA_direction = Math.Atan2(particleA.Velocity.Y, particleA.Velocity.X);
double pB_direction = Math.Atan2(particleB.Velocity.Y, particleB.Velocity.X);
double pA_newVelocityX = pA_magnitude * Math.Cos(pA_direction - collisionAngle);
double pA_newVelocityY = pA_magnitude * Math.Sin(pA_direction - collisionAngle);
double pB_newVelocityX = pB_magnitude * Math.Cos(pB_direction - collisionAngle);
double pB_newVelocityY = pB_magnitude * Math.Sin(pB_direction - collisionAngle);
double pA_finalVelocityX = ((particleA.Mass - particleB.Mass) * pA_newVelocityX + (particleB.Mass + particleB.Mass) * pB_newVelocityX) / (particleA.Mass + particleB.Mass);
double pB_finalVelocityX = ((particleA.Mass + particleA.Mass) * pA_newVelocityX + (particleB.Mass - particleA.Mass) * pB_newVelocityX) / (particleA.Mass + particleB.Mass);
double pA_finalVelocityY = pA_newVelocityY;
double pB_finalVelocityY = pB_newVelocityY;
particleA.Velocity = new Vector2((float)(Math.Cos(collisionAngle) * pA_finalVelocityX + Math.Cos(collisionAngle + Math.PI / 2) * pA_finalVelocityY), (float)(Math.Sin(collisionAngle) * pA_finalVelocityX + Math.Sin(collisionAngle + Math.PI / 2) * pA_finalVelocityY));
particleB.Velocity = new Vector2((float)(Math.Cos(collisionAngle) * pB_finalVelocityX + Math.Cos(collisionAngle + Math.PI / 2) * pB_finalVelocityY), (float)(Math.Sin(collisionAngle) * pB_finalVelocityX + Math.Sin(collisionAngle + Math.PI / 2) * pB_finalVelocityY));
Each ball or particle spawns with a random mass and radius.
The function is called within an update type of method, like this:
Particle pA = particles[i];
for (int k = i + 1; k < particles.Count(); k++)
Particle pB = particles[k];
Vector2 delta = pA.Position - pB.Position;
float dist = delta.Length();
if (dist < particles[i].Radius + particles[k].Radius && !particles[i].Colliding && !particles[k].Colliding)
particles[i].Colliding = true;
particles[k].Colliding = true;
manageCollision(particles[i], particles[k]);
particles[i].initColorTable(); // Upon collision, change the color
particles[i].Colliding = false;
particles[k].Colliding = false;
This situation stems from the discrete computation and big step size of duration.
When you observe the objects with some time interval dt, you can observe some intersection between two circles and call your collision method but in the next time step they may still overlap although they are going in different directions after the collision in the previous step.
To reduce this effect, you can try a lower time step size so that the overlap ratio between objects may be reduced.
As a more complicated solution, you can keep a list of your collided objects for every step and during iterations you can check this list if current intersected circles had any "affairs" in the previous step.
I need the ability to determine which Shape a given point falls within. There will be overlapped shapes and I need to find the Shape with the smallest area. For example, given the Shapes and points illustrated in the image below the following would be true:
Point 3 - collides with star
Point 2 - collides with diamond
Point 1 - collides with circle
Given this, I would like to know if there is a built in way to do what is needed.
If you are drawing these shapes manually, you could do a second drawing pass into a separate buffer, and instead of drawing the shape, you write an ID into the buffer if the pixel is within the shape. Then your hit test just has to index into that buffer and retrieve the ID. You would get to re-use your drawing code completely, and it scales much better when you have more shapes, vertices, and hits to test.
I've arrived at a solution that meets the requirements, still interested in hearing if there is a better way of doing this. My approach is as follows: do a hit-test by bounding box, then a geometric hit test based on the type of geometry.
For Polygons, I've adapted the C code mentioned http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/Research/Short_Notes /pnpoly.html to work in C#.
int pnpoly(int nvert, float *vertx, float *verty, float testx, float testy)
int i, j, c = 0;
for (i = 0, j = nvert-1; i < nvert; j = i++) {
if ( ((verty[i]>testy) != (verty[j]>testy)) &&
(testx < (vertx[j]-vertx[i]) * (testy-verty[i]) / (verty[j]-verty[i]) + vertx[i]) )
c = !c;
return c;
For Ellipses, I've adaptated this code: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa231172%28v=vs.60%29.aspx
BOOL CCircCtrl::InCircle(CPoint& point)
CRect rc;
// Determine radii
double a = (rc.right - rc.left) / 2;
double b = (rc.bottom - rc.top) / 2;
// Determine x, y
double x = point.x - (rc.left + rc.right) / 2;
double y = point.y - (rc.top + rc.bottom) / 2;
// Apply ellipse formula
return ((x * x) / (a * a) + (y * y) / (b * b) <= 1);