If I have a string that contains a c# string literal expression can I "expand" it at runtime
public void TestEvaluateString()
string Dummy = EvalString( #"Contains \r\n new line");
Debug.Assert(Dummy == "Contains \r\n new line");
private string EvalString(string input)
return "Contains \r\n new line";
Like Can I convert a C# string value to an escaped string literal, but in reverse?
Similar to Mikael answer but using the CSharpCodeProvider:
public static string ParseString(string txt)
var provider = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider();
var prms = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters();
prms.GenerateExecutable = false;
prms.GenerateInMemory = true;
var results = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(prms, #"
namespace tmp
public class tmpClass
public static string GetValue()
return " + "\"" + txt + "\"" + #";
System.Reflection.Assembly ass = results.CompiledAssembly;
var method = ass.GetType("tmp.tmpClass").GetMethod("GetValue");
return method.Invoke(null, null) as string;
You might be better off using a dictionary of wildcards and just replacing them in the string.
Regex.Unescape would be my method of choice.
Not sure if this is the simplest way, but by referencing the Microsoft.JScript namespace you can reparse it with the javascript eval function.
Here's a test for the code at the bottom
var evalToString = Evaluator.MyStr("test \\r\\n test");
This will turn the \r into a carriage return.
And the implementation
public class Evaluator
public static object MyStr(string statement)
return _evaluatorType.InvokeMember(
new object[] { statement }
static Evaluator()
ICodeCompiler compiler;
compiler = new JScriptCodeProvider().CreateCompiler();
CompilerParameters parameters;
parameters = new CompilerParameters();
parameters.GenerateInMemory = true;
CompilerResults results;
results = compiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource(parameters, _jscriptSource);
Assembly assembly = results.CompiledAssembly;
_evaluatorType = assembly.GetType("Evaluator.Evaluator");
_evaluator = Activator.CreateInstance(_evaluatorType);
private static object _evaluator = null;
private static Type _evaluatorType = null;
private static readonly string _jscriptSource =
#"package Evaluator
class Evaluator
public function MyStr(expr : String) : String
var x;
return x;
If you're just looking to do "simple" escape characters as defined on the Microsoft site, you can use this routine and save importing external libs:
public static class StringExtensions
/* https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa691087(v=vs.71).aspx */
private readonly static SortedDictionary<char, char> EscapeMap = new SortedDictionary<char, char>
{ '\'', '\'' },
{ '"', '\"' },
{ '\\', '\\' },
{ '0', '\0' },
{ 'a', '\a' },
{ 'b', '\b' },
{ 'f', '\f' },
{ 'n', '\n' },
{ 'r', '\r' },
{ 't', '\t' },
{ 'v', '\v' },
public static string UnescapeSimple(this string escaped)
if (escaped == null)
return escaped;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
bool inEscape = false;
var s = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < escaped.Length; i++)
if (!inEscape && escaped[i] == '\\')
inEscape = true;
if (inEscape)
char mapChar;
if (EscapeMap.TryGetValue(escaped[i], out mapChar))
sb.Append(escaped.Substring(s, i - s - 1));
s = i + 1;
inEscape = false;
return sb.ToString();
Here's a unit test to prove it:
public void UnescapeSimpleTest()
var noEscapes = #"This is a test".UnescapeSimple();
Assert.AreEqual("This is a test", noEscapes, nameof(noEscapes));
var singleEscape = #"\n".UnescapeSimple();
Assert.AreEqual("\n", singleEscape, nameof(singleEscape));
var allEscape = #"\'\""\\\0\a\b\f\n\r\t\v".UnescapeSimple();
Assert.AreEqual("\'\"\\\0\a\b\f\n\r\t\v", allEscape, nameof(allEscape));
var textInEscapes = #"\tthis\n\ris\\a\ntest".UnescapeSimple();
Assert.AreEqual("\tthis\n\ris\\a\ntest", textInEscapes, nameof(textInEscapes));
var backslashNoEscapes = #"\,\h\qtest".UnescapeSimple();
Assert.AreEqual(#"\,\h\qtest", backslashNoEscapes, nameof(backslashNoEscapes));
var emptyStr = "".UnescapeSimple();
Assert.AreEqual("", emptyStr, nameof(emptyStr));
// Prove Enviroment.NewLine is "\r\n" and not "\n\r" (Windows PC)
var newLine = #"\r\n".UnescapeSimple();
Assert.AreEqual(Environment.NewLine, newLine, nameof(newLine));
// Double check prior test (Windows PC)
var newLineWrong = #"\n\r".UnescapeSimple();
Assert.AreNotEqual(Environment.NewLine, newLineWrong, nameof(newLineWrong));
Feel free to tweak the EscapeMap or rename the function UnescapeSimple (awkward I know).
Note that this solution doesn't handle Unicode escape characters or hex or octal, it just handles the simple single character ones.
You can achieve this with a one-liner using the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting package.
private Task<string> EvaluateStringAsync(string input)
return CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync<string>('"' + input + '"');
If you start including the outer quotes in the method argument, the method can be generalized to handle verbatim, interpolated, and concatenated strings too (.NET Fiddle):
private Task<string> EvaluateStringAsync(string input)
return CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync<string>(input);
// await EvaluateStringAsync(#"$""This is a number: {40:N3}""")
// Output: "This is a number: 40.000"
This method can be slow to invoke repeatedly. If you have a large number of strings to convert, you'd be better off batching them (.NET Fiddle):
private static Task<string[]> EvaluateStringsAsync(string[] inputs)
var inputsConcat = string.Concat(inputs.Select(x => $" {x},\r\n"));
var arrayInitializationCode = $"new[] {{\r\n{inputsConcat}}}";
return CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync<string[]>(arrayInitializationCode);
As with all dynamic compilation, you need to restrict your calls to trusted input only, or take measures to protect against injection attacks.
I want to split the below string with given output.
Can anybody help me to do this.
Output: /Test/
Output: /Test1/
Output: /Text/
Output: /121212121/
Output: 12345
I have tried string.split function but it is not worked well. Is there any idea or logic that i can implement to achieve this situation.
If the answer in regular expression that would be fine for me.
You simply want the first result of Spiting by /
string output = input.Split('/')[0];
But in case that you have //TEST/ and output should be /TEST you can use regex.
string output = Regex.Matches(input, #"\/?(.+?)\/")[0].Groups[1].Value;
For your 5th case : you have to separate the logic. for example:
public static string Method(string input)
var split = input.Split(new[] {'/'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (split.Length == 0) return input;
return split[0];
Or using regex.
public static string Method(string input)
var matches = Regex.Matches(input, #"\/?(.+?)\/");
if (matches.Count == 0) return input;
return matches[0].Groups[1].Value;
Some results using method:
TEST/54/ => TEST
I think this would work:
string s1 = "/TEST/TEST123";
string s2 = "/TEST1/Test/Test/Test/";
string s3 = "/Text/12121/1212/";
string s4 = "/121212121/asdfasdf/";
string s5 = "12345";
string pattern = #"\/?[a-zA-Z0-9]+\/?";
Console.WriteLine(Regex.Matches(s1, pattern)[0]);
Console.WriteLine(Regex.Matches(s2, pattern)[0]);
Console.WriteLine(Regex.Matches(s3, pattern)[0]);
Console.WriteLine(Regex.Matches(s4, pattern)[0]);
Console.WriteLine(Regex.Matches(s5, pattern)[0]);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string example = "/TEST/TEST123";
var result = GetFirstItem(example);
Console.WriteLine("First in the list : {0}", result);
static string GetFirstItem(string value)
var collection = value?.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var result = collection[0];
return result;
StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries is an enum which tells the Split function that when it has split the string into an array, if there are elements in the array that are empty strings, the function should not include the empty elements in the results. Basically you want the collection to contain only values.
public string functionName(string input)
string SplitStr = input.Split('/')[1];
return "/"+SplitStr .Substring(0, 1) +SplitStr.Substring(1).ToLower()+"/"
return input;
output = (output.Contains("/"))? '/' +input.Split('/')[1]+'/':input;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string test = #"/Text/12121/1212/";
int first = test.IndexOf("/");
int last = test.Substring(first+1).IndexOf("/");
string finall = test.Substring(first, last+2);
i try this code with all your examples and get correct output. try this.
The following method may help you.
public string getValue(string st)
if (st.IndexOf('/') == -1)
return st;
return "/" + st.Split('/')[1] + "/";
I'm working on creating an open source project for creating .NET UML Sequence Diagrams that leverages a javascript library called js-sequence-diagrams. I am not sure Roslyn is the right tool for the job, but I thought I would give it a shot so I have put together some proof of concept code which attempts to get all methods and their invocations and then outputs these invocations in a form that can be interpreted by js-sequence-diagrams.
The code generates some output, but it does not capture everything. I cannot seem to capture invocations via extension methods, invocations of static methods in static classes.
I do see invocations of methods with out parameters, but not in any form that extends the BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax
Here is the code (keep in mind this is proof of concept code and so I did not entirely follow best-practices, but I am not requesting a code review here ... also, I am used to using Tasks so I am messing around with await, but am not entirely sure I am using it properly yet)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MSBuild;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindSymbols;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
namespace Diagrams
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string solutionName = "Diagrams";
string solutionExtension = ".sln";
string solutionFileName = solutionName + solutionExtension;
string rootPath = #"C:\Workspace\";
string solutionPath = rootPath + solutionName + #"\" + solutionFileName;
MSBuildWorkspace workspace = MSBuildWorkspace.Create();
DiagramGenerator diagramGenerator = new DiagramGenerator( solutionPath, workspace );
#region reference
//TODO: would ReferencedSymbol.Locations be a better way of accessing MethodDeclarationSyntaxes?
//INamedTypeSymbol programClass = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("DotNetDiagrams.Program");
//IMethodSymbol barMethod = programClass.GetMembers("Bar").First(s => s.Kind == SymbolKind.Method) as IMethodSymbol;
//IMethodSymbol fooMethod = programClass.GetMembers("Foo").First(s => s.Kind == SymbolKind.Method) as IMethodSymbol;
//ITypeSymbol fooSymbol = fooMethod.ContainingType;
//ITypeSymbol barSymbol = barMethod.ContainingType;
//Debug.Assert(barMethod != null);
//Debug.Assert(fooMethod != null);
//List<ReferencedSymbol> barReferencedSymbols = SymbolFinder.FindReferencesAsync(barMethod, solution).Result.ToList();
//List<ReferencedSymbol> fooReferencedSymbols = SymbolFinder.FindReferencesAsync(fooMethod, solution).Result.ToList();
//Debug.Assert(barReferencedSymbols.First().Locations.Count() == 1);
//Debug.Assert(fooReferencedSymbols.First().Locations.Count() == 0);
class DiagramGenerator
private Solution _solution;
public DiagramGenerator( string solutionPath, MSBuildWorkspace workspace )
_solution = workspace.OpenSolutionAsync(solutionPath).Result;
public async void ProcessSolution()
foreach (Project project in _solution.Projects)
Compilation compilation = await project.GetCompilationAsync();
private async void ProcessCompilation(Compilation compilation)
var trees = compilation.SyntaxTrees;
foreach (var tree in trees)
var root = await tree.GetRootAsync();
var classes = root.DescendantNodes().OfType<ClassDeclarationSyntax>();
foreach (var #class in classes)
ProcessClass( #class, compilation, tree, root );
private void ProcessClass(
ClassDeclarationSyntax #class
, Compilation compilation
, SyntaxTree tree
, SyntaxNode root)
var methods = #class.DescendantNodes().OfType<MethodDeclarationSyntax>();
foreach (var method in methods)
var model = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree);
// Get MethodSymbol corresponding to method
var methodSymbol = model.GetDeclaredSymbol(method);
// Get all InvocationExpressionSyntax in the above code.
var allInvocations = root.DescendantNodes().OfType<InvocationExpressionSyntax>();
// Use GetSymbolInfo() to find invocations of target method
var matchingInvocations =
allInvocations.Where(i => model.GetSymbolInfo(i).Symbol.Equals(methodSymbol));
ProcessMethod( matchingInvocations, method, #class);
var delegates = #class.DescendantNodes().OfType<DelegateDeclarationSyntax>();
foreach (var #delegate in delegates)
var model = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree);
// Get MethodSymbol corresponding to method
var methodSymbol = model.GetDeclaredSymbol(#delegate);
// Get all InvocationExpressionSyntax in the above code.
var allInvocations = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType<InvocationExpressionSyntax>();
// Use GetSymbolInfo() to find invocations of target method
var matchingInvocations =
allInvocations.Where(i => model.GetSymbolInfo(i).Symbol.Equals(methodSymbol));
ProcessDelegates(matchingInvocations, #delegate, #class);
private void ProcessMethod(
IEnumerable<InvocationExpressionSyntax> matchingInvocations
, MethodDeclarationSyntax methodDeclarationSyntax
, ClassDeclarationSyntax classDeclarationSyntax )
foreach (var invocation in matchingInvocations)
MethodDeclarationSyntax actingMethodDeclarationSyntax = null;
if (SyntaxNodeHelper.TryGetParentSyntax(invocation, out actingMethodDeclarationSyntax))
var r = methodDeclarationSyntax;
var m = actingMethodDeclarationSyntax;
, classDeclarationSyntax
, m.Identifier.ToFullString()
, r.ReturnType.ToFullString()
, r.Identifier.ToFullString()
, r.ParameterList.ToFullString()
, r.TypeParameterList != null ? r.TypeParameterList.ToFullString() : String.Empty
private void ProcessDelegates(
IEnumerable<InvocationExpressionSyntax> matchingInvocations
, DelegateDeclarationSyntax delegateDeclarationSyntax
, ClassDeclarationSyntax classDeclarationSyntax )
foreach (var invocation in matchingInvocations)
DelegateDeclarationSyntax actingMethodDeclarationSyntax = null;
if (SyntaxNodeHelper.TryGetParentSyntax(invocation, out actingMethodDeclarationSyntax))
var r = delegateDeclarationSyntax;
var m = actingMethodDeclarationSyntax;
, classDeclarationSyntax
, m.Identifier.ToFullString()
, r.ReturnType.ToFullString()
, r.Identifier.ToFullString()
, r.ParameterList.ToFullString()
, r.TypeParameterList != null ? r.TypeParameterList.ToFullString() : String.Empty
private void PrintCallerInfo(
InvocationExpressionSyntax invocation
, ClassDeclarationSyntax classBeingCalled
, string callingMethodName
, string returnType
, string calledMethodName
, string calledMethodArguments
, string calledMethodTypeParameters = null )
ClassDeclarationSyntax parentClassDeclarationSyntax = null;
if (!SyntaxNodeHelper.TryGetParentSyntax(invocation, out parentClassDeclarationSyntax))
throw new Exception();
calledMethodTypeParameters = calledMethodTypeParameters ?? String.Empty;
var actedUpon = classBeingCalled.Identifier.ValueText;
var actor = parentClassDeclarationSyntax.Identifier.ValueText;
var callInfo = callingMethodName + "=>" + calledMethodName + calledMethodTypeParameters + calledMethodArguments;
var returnCallInfo = returnType;
string info = BuildCallInfo(
, actedUpon
, callInfo
, returnCallInfo);
private string BuildCallInfo(string actor, string actedUpon, string callInfo, string returnInfo)
const string calls = "->";
const string returns = "-->";
const string descriptionSeparator = ": ";
string callingInfo = actor + calls + actedUpon + descriptionSeparator + callInfo;
string returningInfo = actedUpon + returns + actor + descriptionSeparator + "returns " + returnInfo;
callingInfo = callingInfo.RemoveNewLines(true);
returningInfo = returningInfo.RemoveNewLines(true);
string result = callingInfo + Environment.NewLine;
result += returningInfo + Environment.NewLine;
return result;
static class SyntaxNodeHelper
public static bool TryGetParentSyntax<T>(SyntaxNode syntaxNode, out T result)
where T : SyntaxNode
// set defaults
result = null;
if (syntaxNode == null)
return false;
syntaxNode = syntaxNode.Parent;
if (syntaxNode == null)
return false;
if (syntaxNode.GetType() == typeof (T))
result = syntaxNode as T;
return true;
return TryGetParentSyntax<T>(syntaxNode, out result);
return false;
public static class StringEx
public static string RemoveNewLines(this string stringWithNewLines, bool cleanWhitespace = false)
string stringWithoutNewLines = null;
List<char> splitElementList = Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray().ToList();
if (cleanWhitespace)
splitElementList.AddRange(" ".ToCharArray().ToList());
char[] splitElements = splitElementList.ToArray();
var stringElements = stringWithNewLines.Split(splitElements, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (stringElements.Any())
stringWithoutNewLines = stringElements.Aggregate(stringWithoutNewLines, (current, element) => current + (current == null ? element : " " + element));
return stringWithoutNewLines ?? stringWithNewLines;
Any guidance here would be much appreciated!
Using the methodSymbol in the ProcessClass method I took Andy's suggestion and came up with the below (although I imagine there may be an easier way to go about this):
private async Task<List<MethodDeclarationSyntax>> GetMethodSymbolReferences( IMethodSymbol methodSymbol )
var references = new List<MethodDeclarationSyntax>();
var referencingSymbols = await SymbolFinder.FindCallersAsync(methodSymbol, _solution);
var referencingSymbolsList = referencingSymbols as IList<SymbolCallerInfo> ?? referencingSymbols.ToList();
if (!referencingSymbolsList.Any(s => s.Locations.Any()))
return references;
foreach (var referenceSymbol in referencingSymbolsList)
foreach (var location in referenceSymbol.Locations)
var position = location.SourceSpan.Start;
var root = await location.SourceTree.GetRootAsync();
var nodes = root.FindToken(position).Parent.AncestorsAndSelf().OfType<MethodDeclarationSyntax>();
return references;
and the resulting image generated by plugging the output text into js-sequence-diagrams (I have updated the github gist with the full source for this should anyone find it useful - I excluded method parameters so the diagram was easy digest, but these can optionally be turned back on):
I've updated the code (see the github gist) so now calls are shown in the order they were made (based on the span start location of a called method from within the calling method via results from FindCallersAsync):
How to remove a query string by Key from a Url?
I have the below method which works fine but just wondering is there any better/shorter way? or a built-in .NET method which can do it more efficiently?
public static string RemoveQueryStringByKey(string url, string key)
var indexOfQuestionMark = url.IndexOf("?");
if (indexOfQuestionMark == -1)
return url;
var result = url.Substring(0, indexOfQuestionMark);
var queryStrings = url.Substring(indexOfQuestionMark + 1);
var queryStringParts = queryStrings.Split(new [] {'&'});
var isFirstAdded = false;
for (int index = 0; index <queryStringParts.Length; index++)
var keyValue = queryStringParts[index].Split(new char[] { '=' });
if (keyValue[0] == key)
if (!isFirstAdded)
result += "?";
isFirstAdded = true;
result += "&";
result += queryStringParts[index];
return result;
For example I can call it like:
Console.WriteLine(RemoveQueryStringByKey(#"http://www.domain.com/uk_pa/PostDetail.aspx?hello=hi&xpid=4578", "xpid"));
Hope the question is clear.
This works well:
public static string RemoveQueryStringByKey(string url, string key)
var uri = new Uri(url);
// this gets all the query string key value pairs as a collection
var newQueryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query);
// this removes the key if exists
// this gets the page path from root without QueryString
string pagePathWithoutQueryString = uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
return newQueryString.Count > 0
? String.Format("{0}?{1}", pagePathWithoutQueryString, newQueryString)
: pagePathWithoutQueryString;
an example:
RemoveQueryStringByKey("https://www.google.co.uk/search?#hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=cookie", "q");
and returns:
var queryString = "hello=hi&xpid=4578";
var qs = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(queryString);
var newQuerystring = qs.ToString();
This still works in .NET 5.
There's a useful class called UriBuilder in the System namespace. We can use it along with a couple of extension methods to do the following:
Uri u = new Uri("http://example.com?key1=value1&key2=value2");
u = u.DropQueryItem("key1");
Or like this:
Uri u = new Uri("http://example.com?key1=value1&key2=value2");
UriBuilder b = new UriBuilder(u);
u = b.Uri;
The extension methods:
using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public static class UriExtensions
public static Uri DropQueryItem(this Uri u, string key)
UriBuilder b = new UriBuilder(u);
return b.Uri;
public static class UriBuilderExtensions
private static string _ParseQueryPattern = #"(?<key>[^&=]+)={0,1}(?<value>[^&]*)";
private static Regex _ParseQueryRegex = null;
private static Regex ParseQueryRegex
if (_ParseQueryRegex == null)
_ParseQueryRegex = new Regex(_ParseQueryPattern, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline);
return _ParseQueryRegex;
public static void SetQueryItem(this UriBuilder b, string key, string value)
NameValueCollection parms = ParseQueryString(b.Query);
parms[key] = value;
b.Query = RenderQuery(parms);
public static void RemoveQueryItem(this UriBuilder b, string key)
NameValueCollection parms = ParseQueryString(b.Query);
b.Query = RenderQuery(parms);
private static string RenderQuery(NameValueCollection parms)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i=0; i<parms.Count; i++)
string key = parms.Keys[i];
sb.Append(key + "=" + parms[key]);
if (i < parms.Count - 1)
return sb.ToString();
public static NameValueCollection ParseQueryString(string query, bool caseSensitive = true)
NameValueCollection pairs = new NameValueCollection(caseSensitive ? StringComparer.Ordinal : StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
string q = query.Trim().TrimStart(new char[] {'?'});
MatchCollection matches = ParseQueryRegex.Matches(q);
foreach (Match m in matches)
string key = m.Groups["key"].Value;
string value = m.Groups["value"].Value;
if (pairs[key] != null)
pairs[key] = pairs[key] + "," + value;
pairs[key] = value;
return pairs;
I know this is a rather old question, but everything I read felt a bit complicated.
public Uri GetUriWithoutQueryParam( Uri originalUri, string paramKey ) {
NameValueCollection newQuery = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString( originalUri.Query );
newQuery.Remove( paramKey );
return new UriBuilder( originalUri ) { Query = newQuery.ToString() }.Uri;
We can also do it using regex
string queryString = "Default.aspx?Agent=10&Language=2"; //Request.QueryString.ToString();
string parameterToRemove="Language"; //parameter which we want to remove
string regex=string.Format("(&{0}=[^&\s]+|(?<=\?){0}=[^&\s]+&?)",parameterToRemove); //this will not work for javascript, for javascript you can do following
string finalQS = Regex.Replace(queryString, regex, "");
//javascript(following is not js syntex, just want to give idea how we can able do it in js)
string regex1 = string.Format("(&{0}=[^&\s]+)",parameterToRemove);
string regex2 = string.Format("(\?{0}=[^&\s]+&?)",parameterToRemove);
string finalQS = Regex.Replace(queryString, regex1, "").Replace(queryString, regex2, "");
How about this:
string RemoveQueryStringByKey(string url, string key)
string ret = string.Empty;
int index = url.IndexOf(key);
if (index > -1)
string post = string.Empty;
// Find end of key's value
int endIndex = url.IndexOf('&', index);
if (endIndex != -1) // Last query string value?
post = url.Substring(endIndex, url.Length - endIndex);
// Decrement for ? or & character
ret = url.Substring(0, index) + post;
return ret;
I found a way without using Regex:
private string RemoveQueryStringByKey(string sURL, string sKey) {
string sOutput = string.Empty;
int iQuestion = sURL.IndexOf('?');
if (iQuestion == -1) return (sURL);
int iKey = sURL.Substring(iQuestion).IndexOf(sKey) + iQuestion;
if (iKey == -1) return (sURL);
int iNextAnd = sURL.Substring(iKey).IndexOf('&') + iKey + 1;
if (iNextAnd == -1) {
sOutput = sURL.Substring(0, iKey - 1);
else {
sOutput = sURL.Remove(iKey, iNextAnd - iKey);
return (sOutput);
I did try this with adding another field at the end, and it works fine for that too.
I'm thinking the shortest way (that I believe produces a valid URL in all cases, assuming the URL was valid to begin with) would be to use this regex (where getRidOf is the variable name you are trying to remove) and the replacement is a zero-length string ""):
or maybe even
while possibly not the absolute prettiest URLs, I think they are all valid:
----------- ------------
blah.com/blah.php?getRidOf=d.co&blah=foo blah.com/blah.php?blah=foo
blah.com/blah.php?f=0&getRidOf=d.co&blah=foo blah.com/blah.php?f=0&blah=foo
blah.com/blah.php?hello=true&getRidOf=d.co blah.com/blah.php?hello=true&
blah.com/blah.php?getRidOf=d.co blah.com/blah.php?
and it's a simple regex replace:
Dim RegexObj as Regex = New Regex("(?<=[?&])getRidOf=[^&]*(&|$)")
RegexObj.Replace("source.url.com/find.htm?replace=true&getRidOf=PLEASE!!!", "")
...should result in the string:
...which seems to be valid for an ASP.Net application, while replace does equal true (not true& or anything like that)
I'll try to adapt it if you have a case where it won't work :)
public static string RemoveQueryStringByKey(string sURL, string sKey)
string sOutput = string.Empty;
string sToReplace = string.Empty;
int iFindTheKey = sURL.IndexOf(sKey);
if (iFindTheKey == -1) return (sURL);
int iQuestion = sURL.IndexOf('?');
if (iQuestion == -1) return (sURL);
string sEverythingBehindQ = sURL.Substring(iQuestion);
List<string> everythingBehindQ = new List<string>(sEverythingBehindQ.Split('&'));
foreach (string OneParamPair in everythingBehindQ)
int iIsKeyInThisParamPair = OneParamPair.IndexOf(sKey);
if (iIsKeyInThisParamPair != -1)
sToReplace = "&" + OneParamPair;
sOutput = sURL.Replace(sToReplace, "");
return (sOutput);
Below code before deleting your QueryString.
PropertyInfo isreadonly =
"IsReadOnly", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
// make collection editable
isreadonly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, false, null);
// remove
Sorry this is a bit dirty but should work in older framework
public String RemoveQueryString( String rawUrl , String keyName)
var currentURL_Split = rawUrl.Split('&').ToList();
currentURL_Split = currentURL_Split.Where(o => !o.ToLower().StartsWith(keyName.ToLower()+"=")).ToList();
String New_RemovedKey = String.Join("&", currentURL_Split.ToArray());
New_RemovedKey = New_RemovedKey.Replace("&&", "&");
return New_RemovedKey;
Here is my solution:
I'v added some extra input validation.
public static void TryRemoveQueryStringByKey(ref string url, string key)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) ||
Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute) == false)
return false;
Uri uri = new Uri(url);
// This gets all the query string key value pairs as a collection
NameValueCollection queryCollection = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query);
string keyValue = queryCollection.Get(key);
if (url.IndexOf("&" + key + "=" + keyValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
url = url.Replace("&" + key + "=" + keyValue, String.Empty);
return true;
else if (url.IndexOf("?" + key + "=" + keyValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
url = url.Replace("?" + key + "=" + keyValue, String.Empty);
return true;
return false;
return false;
Some unit testing examples:
string url1 = "http://www.gmail.com?a=1&cookie=cookieValue"
Assert.IsTrue(TryRemoveQueryStringByKey(ref url1,"cookie")); //OUTPUT: "http://www.gmail.com?a=1"
string url2 = "http://www.gmail.com?cookie=cookieValue"
Assert.IsTrue(TryRemoveQueryStringByKey(ref url2,"cookie")); //OUTPUT: "http://www.gmail.com"
string url3 = "http://www.gmail.com?cookie="
Assert.IsTrue(TryRemoveQueryStringByKey(ref url2,"cookie")); //OUTPUT: "http://www.gmail.com"
Here's a full solution that works with >= 0 params specified, and any form of URL:
/// <summary>
/// Given a URL in any format, return URL with specified query string param removed if it exists
/// </summary>
public static string StripQueryStringParam(string url, string paramToRemove)
return StripQueryStringParams(url, new List<string> {paramToRemove});
/// <summary>
/// Given a URL in any format, return URL with specified query string params removed if it exists
/// </summary>
public static string StripQueryStringParams(string url, List<string> paramsToRemove)
if (paramsToRemove == null || !paramsToRemove.Any()) return url;
var splitUrl = url.Split('?');
if (splitUrl.Length == 1) return url;
var urlFirstPart = splitUrl[0];
var urlSecondPart = splitUrl[1];
// Even though in most cases # isn't available to context,
// we may be passing it in explicitly for helper urls
var secondPartSplit = urlSecondPart.Split('#');
var querystring = secondPartSplit[0];
var hashUrlPart = string.Empty;
if (secondPartSplit.Length > 1)
hashUrlPart = "#" + secondPartSplit[1];
var nvc = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(querystring);
if (!nvc.HasKeys()) return url;
// Remove any matches
foreach (var key in nvc.AllKeys)
if (paramsToRemove.Contains(key))
if (!nvc.HasKeys()) return urlFirstPart;
return urlFirstPart +
"?" + string.Join("&", nvc.AllKeys.Select(c => c.ToString() + "=" + nvc[c.ToString()])) +
A more modern answer for this old question in case someone else stumbles across it like I did.
This is using the Uri class to parse the URL (can be skipped if your URL is already in a Uri object) and LINQ to filter the query string.
public static string RemoveQueryStringByKey(string url, string key)
var uri = new Uri(url, UriKind.Absolute);
var queryParts = uri.Query
.Where(item => string.CompareOrdinal(item, key) != 0);
return uri.Scheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter
+ uri.Authority
+ uri.AbsolutePath
+ "?" + string.Join("&", queryParts);
With reusing the signature from the accepted answer, but preserving the fragment and using QueryHelpers from Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities.
public static string RemoveQueryStringByKey(string url, string key)
var uri = new Uri(url);
var newQueryString = QueryHelpers.ParseQuery(uri.Query);
if (newQueryString.Remove(key))
var urlWithNewQuery = QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(
queryParam => queryParam.Key,
queryParam => queryParam.Value.ToString()))
return $"{urlWithNewQuery}{uri.Fragment}";
return url;
string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
string[] separateURL = url.Split('?');
NameValueCollection queryString = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(separateURL[1]);
string revisedurl = separateURL[0] + "?" + queryString.ToString();
How to get the first directory name in a relative path, given that they can be different accepted directory separators?
For example:
foo\bar\abc.txt -> foo
bar/foo/foobar -> bar
Works with both forward and back slash
static string GetRootFolder(string path)
while (true)
string temp = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(temp))
path = temp;
return path;
Seems like you could just use the string.Split() method on the string, then grab the first element.
example (untested):
string str = "foo\bar\abc.txt";
string str2 = "bar/foo/foobar";
string[] items = str.split(new char[] {'/', '\'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Console.WriteLine(items[0]); // prints "foo"
items = str2.split(new char[] {'/', '\'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Console.WriteLine(items[0]); // prints "bar"
The most robust solution would be to use DirectoryInfo and FileInfo. On a Windows NT-based system it should accept either forward or backslashes for separators.
using System;
using System.IO;
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(GetTopRelativeFolderName(#"foo\bar\abc.txt")); // prints 'foo'
Console.WriteLine(GetTopRelativeFolderName("bar/foo/foobar")); // prints 'bar'
Console.WriteLine(GetTopRelativeFolderName("C:/full/rooted/path")); // ** throws
private static string GetTopRelativeFolderName(string relativePath)
if (Path.IsPathRooted(relativePath))
throw new ArgumentException("Path is not relative.", "relativePath");
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(relativePath);
DirectoryInfo workingDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(".");
string topRelativeFolderName = string.Empty;
DirectoryInfo current = fileInfo.Directory;
bool found = false;
while (!found)
if (current.FullName == workingDirectoryInfo.FullName)
found = true;
topRelativeFolderName = current.Name;
current = current.Parent;
return topRelativeFolderName;
Based on the answer provided by Hasan Khan ...
private static string GetRootFolder(string path)
var root = Path.GetPathRoot(path);
while (true)
var temp = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
if (temp != null && temp.Equals(root))
path = temp;
return path;
This will give the the top level folder
Based on the question you ask, the following should work:
public string GetTopLevelDir(string filePath)
string temp = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath);
temp = temp.Substring(0, temp.IndexOf("\\"));
else if (temp.Contains("//"))
temp = temp.Substring(0, temp.IndexOf("\\"));
return temp;
When passed foo\bar\abc.txt it will foo as wanted- same for the / case
Here is another example in case your path if following format:
string path = "c:\foo\bar\abc.txt"; // or c:/foo/bar/abc.txt
string root = Path.GetPathRoot(path); // root == c:\
This should work fine
string str = "foo\bar\abc.txt";
string str2 = "bar/foo/foobar";
str.Replace("/", "\\").Split('\\').First(); // foo
str2.Replace("/", "\\").Split('\\').First(); // bar
Here my example, with no memory footprint (without creating new strings in memory):
var slashIndex = relativePath.IndexOf('/');
var backslashIndex = relativePath.IndexOf('\\');
var firstSlashIndex = (slashIndex > 0) ? (slashIndex < backslashIndex ? slashIndex : (backslashIndex == -1) ? slashIndex : backslashIndex) : backslashIndex;
var rootDirectory = relativePath.Substring(0, firstSlashIndex);
I recently have been moving a bunch of MP3s from various locations into a repository. I had been constructing the new file names using the ID3 tags (thanks, TagLib-Sharp!), and I noticed that I was getting a System.NotSupportedException:
"The given path's format is not supported."
This was generated by either File.Copy() or Directory.CreateDirectory().
It didn't take long to realize that my file names needed to be sanitized. So I did the obvious thing:
public static string SanitizePath_(string path, char replaceChar)
string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
foreach (char c in Path.GetInvalidPathChars())
dir = dir.Replace(c, replaceChar);
string name = Path.GetFileName(path);
foreach (char c in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars())
name = name.Replace(c, replaceChar);
return dir + name;
To my surprise, I continued to get exceptions. It turned out that ':' is not in the set of Path.GetInvalidPathChars(), because it is valid in a path root. I suppose that makes sense - but this has to be a pretty common problem. Does anyone have some short code that sanitizes a path? The most thorough I've come up with this, but it feels like it is probably overkill.
// replaces invalid characters with replaceChar
public static string SanitizePath(string path, char replaceChar)
// construct a list of characters that can't show up in filenames.
// need to do this because ":" is not in InvalidPathChars
if (_BadChars == null)
_BadChars = new List<char>(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars());
_BadChars = Utility.GetUnique<char>(_BadChars);
// remove root
string root = Path.GetPathRoot(path);
path = path.Remove(0, root.Length);
// split on the directory separator character. Need to do this
// because the separator is not valid in a filename.
List<string> parts = new List<string>(path.Split(new char[]{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}));
// check each part to make sure it is valid.
for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++)
string part = parts[i];
foreach (char c in _BadChars)
part = part.Replace(c, replaceChar);
parts[i] = part;
return root + Utility.Join(parts, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString());
Any improvements to make this function faster and less baroque would be much appreciated.
To clean up a file name you could do this
private static string MakeValidFileName( string name )
string invalidChars = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape( new string( System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars() ) );
string invalidRegStr = string.Format( #"([{0}]*\.+$)|([{0}]+)", invalidChars );
return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace( name, invalidRegStr, "_" );
A shorter solution:
var invalids = System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars();
var newName = String.Join("_", origFileName.Split(invalids, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) ).TrimEnd('.');
Based on Andre's excellent answer but taking into account Spud's comment on reserved words, I made this version:
/// <summary>
/// Strip illegal chars and reserved words from a candidate filename (should not include the directory path)
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/309485/c-sharp-sanitize-file-name
/// </remarks>
public static string CoerceValidFileName(string filename)
var invalidChars = Regex.Escape(new string(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()));
var invalidReStr = string.Format(#"[{0}]+", invalidChars);
var reservedWords = new []
"CON", "PRN", "AUX", "CLOCK$", "NUL", "COM0", "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4",
"COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9", "LPT0", "LPT1", "LPT2", "LPT3", "LPT4",
"LPT5", "LPT6", "LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9"
var sanitisedNamePart = Regex.Replace(filename, invalidReStr, "_");
foreach (var reservedWord in reservedWords)
var reservedWordPattern = string.Format("^{0}\\.", reservedWord);
sanitisedNamePart = Regex.Replace(sanitisedNamePart, reservedWordPattern, "_reservedWord_.", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
return sanitisedNamePart;
And these are my unit tests
public void CoerceValidFileName_SimpleValid()
var filename = #"thisIsValid.txt";
var result = PathHelper.CoerceValidFileName(filename);
Assert.AreEqual(filename, result);
public void CoerceValidFileName_SimpleInvalid()
var filename = #"thisIsNotValid\3\\_3.txt";
var result = PathHelper.CoerceValidFileName(filename);
Assert.AreEqual("thisIsNotValid_3__3.txt", result);
public void CoerceValidFileName_InvalidExtension()
var filename = #"thisIsNotValid.t\xt";
var result = PathHelper.CoerceValidFileName(filename);
Assert.AreEqual("thisIsNotValid.t_xt", result);
public void CoerceValidFileName_KeywordInvalid()
var filename = "aUx.txt";
var result = PathHelper.CoerceValidFileName(filename);
Assert.AreEqual("_reservedWord_.txt", result);
public void CoerceValidFileName_KeywordValid()
var filename = "auxillary.txt";
var result = PathHelper.CoerceValidFileName(filename);
Assert.AreEqual("auxillary.txt", result);
string clean = String.Concat(dirty.Split(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()));
there are a lot of working solutions here. just for the sake of completeness, here's an approach that doesn't use regex, but uses LINQ:
var invalids = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars();
filename = invalids.Aggregate(filename, (current, c) => current.Replace(c, '_'));
Also, it's a very short solution ;)
I'm using the System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars() method to check invalid characters and I've got no problems.
I'm using the following code:
foreach( char invalidchar in System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars())
filename = filename.Replace(invalidchar, '_');
I wanted to retain the characters in some way, not just simply replace the character with an underscore.
One way I thought was to replace the characters with similar looking characters which are (in my situation), unlikely to be used as regular characters. So I took the list of invalid characters and found look-a-likes.
The following are functions to encode and decode with the look-a-likes.
This code does not include a complete listing for all System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars() characters. So it is up to you to extend or utilize the underscore replacement for any remaining characters.
private static Dictionary<string, string> EncodeMapping()
//-- Following characters are invalid for windows file and folder names.
//-- \/:*?"<>|
Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dic.Add(#"\", "Ì"); // U+OOCC
dic.Add("/", "Í"); // U+OOCD
dic.Add(":", "¦"); // U+00A6
dic.Add("*", "¤"); // U+00A4
dic.Add("?", "¿"); // U+00BF
dic.Add(#"""", "ˮ"); // U+02EE
dic.Add("<", "«"); // U+00AB
dic.Add(">", "»"); // U+00BB
dic.Add("|", "│"); // U+2502
return dic;
public static string Escape(string name)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> replace in EncodeMapping())
name = name.Replace(replace.Key, replace.Value);
//-- handle dot at the end
if (name.EndsWith(".")) name = name.CropRight(1) + "°";
return name;
public static string UnEscape(string name)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> replace in EncodeMapping())
name = name.Replace(replace.Value, replace.Key);
//-- handle dot at the end
if (name.EndsWith("°")) name = name.CropRight(1) + ".";
return name;
You can select your own look-a-likes. I used the Character Map app in windows to select mine %windir%\system32\charmap.exe
As I make adjustments through discovery, I will update this code.
I think the problem is that you first call Path.GetDirectoryName on the bad string. If this has non-filename characters in it, .Net can't tell which parts of the string are directories and throws. You have to do string comparisons.
Assuming it's only the filename that is bad, not the entire path, try this:
public static string SanitizePath(string path, char replaceChar)
int filenamePos = path.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1;
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
sb.Append(path.Substring(0, filenamePos));
for (int i = filenamePos; i < path.Length; i++)
char filenameChar = path[i];
foreach (char c in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars())
if (filenameChar.Equals(c))
filenameChar = replaceChar;
return sb.ToString();
I have had success with this in the past.
Nice, short and static :-)
public static string returnSafeString(string s)
foreach (char character in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars())
s = s.Replace(character.ToString(),string.Empty);
foreach (char character in Path.GetInvalidPathChars())
s = s.Replace(character.ToString(), string.Empty);
return (s);
Here's an efficient lazy loading extension method based on Andre's code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace LT
public static class Utility
static string invalidRegStr;
public static string MakeValidFileName(this string name)
if (invalidRegStr == null)
var invalidChars = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape(new string(System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()));
invalidRegStr = string.Format(#"([{0}]*\.+$)|([{0}]+)", invalidChars);
return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(name, invalidRegStr, "_");
Your code would be cleaner if you appended the directory and filename together and sanitized that rather than sanitizing them independently. As for sanitizing away the :, just take the 2nd character in the string. If it is equal to "replacechar", replace it with a colon. Since this app is for your own use, such a solution should be perfectly sufficient.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
public class Program
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine(SanitizeFileName(badString, '.'));
catch (Exception ex)
private static string SanitizeFileName(string fileName, char? replacement = null)
if (fileName == null) { return null; }
if (fileName.Length == 0) { return ""; }
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var badChars = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars().ToList();
foreach (var #char in fileName)
if (badChars.Contains(#char))
if (replacement.HasValue)
return sb.ToString();
Based #fiat's and #Andre's approach, I'd like to share my solution too.
Main difference:
its an extension method
regex is compiled at first use to save some time with a lot executions
reserved words are preserved
public static class StringPathExtensions
private static Regex _invalidPathPartsRegex;
static StringPathExtensions()
var invalidReg = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape(new string(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()));
_invalidPathPartsRegex = new Regex($"(?<reserved>^(CON|PRN|AUX|CLOCK\\$|NUL|COM0|COM1|COM2|COM3|COM4|COM5|COM6|COM7|COM8|COM9|LPT0|LPT1|LPT2|LPT3|LPT4|LPT5|LPT6|LPT7|LPT8|LPT9))|(?<invalid>[{invalidReg}:]+|\\.$)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
public static string SanitizeFileName(this string path)
return _invalidPathPartsRegex.Replace(path, m =>
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Groups["reserved"].Value))
return string.Concat("_", m.Groups["reserved"].Value);
return "_";