Prevent ListView from Resizing Window When Adding Items WPF/C# - c#

I have a ListView in WPF that is resizing my entire application window whenever I add items to it. I have the ListView size bound to the grid it is in, which is bound to the window size. So when the user resizes the window, the ListView grows. The problem is that when I add items to the ListView, it automatically stretches to try to fit the new content, which in turn stretches the size of the entire window.
Is there anyway to prevent this behavior from happening?

Change SizeToContent of your window to Manual or Width (no Height should be there). This would prevent window itself from changing its height automatically according to content.

You want to set the VerticalAlignment property to 'Stretch'. If necessary, in the parent control too, and so on, until you are in the Window control.
The caveat is that if one of the controls on the way up is a StackPanel, it will not stretch to fit, but ALWAYS expand to accommodate its content. So stay away from StackPanels, use Stretch, and you're set!
Remove your Bindings too, they are likely TwoWay: So the listview increasing its size is making your Window grow!
Hope that helps!

You can use the following code.
First get the value of listview onload. Then store it in a variable, then do this code in the ColumnWidthChanging event property like this:
e.cancel = true;
e.NewWidth = // the declared variable in which you store the list view with value in the onload function of the form
int a = 100;
e.cancel =true;
e.NewWidth = a;

Have you tried setting the MaxWidth property?

You can set the MaxHeight property for your ListView in your xaml, no?

10 years later...
Put the ListView inside a flexible control which resizes as you resize the window, for example, a Border. This way, when the Window resizes, the Border resizes, and when the Border resizes, the ListView resizes.
Bind the MaxHeight property of the ListView to the ActualHeight property of the Border. This way, the ListView cannot resize the Border.
For details on how to achieve this, see this answer (to a practically duplicate question which is also about 10 years old):


Window with dynamic size to keep its current size after loaded

I have a Window that has dynamic width and height and a user control as content.
Based on several conditions in my view model several controls of my user control are visible or not visible.
Using SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight nicely WPF make my window appears perfectly with the correct dimensions to fit everything that has to be visible according to my Bindings that take effect during Loaded event of my user control.
My problem is that I have a TextBox with no defined width where if the user types in too many characters it forces my Window to grow in width, and I don't want that!
Is there a way to avoid that without writing to much code and without loosing the functionality that if user resizes the window, everything in there change automatically to fit the new size?
What I want is that every control (or the window itself) will keep its current size and not to grow outside of current window's bounds.
I hope I made clear my problem and thank you in advance!
I think you are searching for the MaxWidth property of the TextBox, try to bind it to the Textbox-es parent controls Width and then if you type a longer text then it shouldn't grow larger.

How to auto adjust width of a wpf textbox?

I'd like my textbox to have a width that will fit exactly the size of the text within it.
So if there's just one character within it it'll be a small width.
And if there's a long word within it it'll be a long width, etc.
Is this possible, and if so-- how can I go about this?
That is the default behavior of a TextBox, however the parent panel for the TextBox can affect a TextBox's size.
For example, a Grid will automatically stretch it's children to fill all available space. A DockPanel will do the same with the Last Child added to it, unless LastChildFill=False.
You can overwrite this behavior in the parent panel by setting the HorizontalAlignment of the TextBox. For example, setting HorizontalAlignment="Center" will center the TextBox inside a Grid rather than stretching it to fill all remaining space
It depends on the container the TextBox is in, but typically if you set HorizontalAlignment="Left" you will get this behavior.
However, if it's (for example) the last element in the DockPanel with the LastChildFill property set to true, then the DockPanel will stretch it out for you.

Docking and Anchoring on a Windows Form application

I'm developing an app for Windows Mobile 5.0 and above, with C# and .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP2.
I have a WinForm with two panels inside (upperPanel and bottomPanel). I want that upperPanel always fill 2/3 of form's height, and bottomPanel fills 1/3 of form's height. Both panels will fill completly form's width.
I've used this:
upperPanel.Dock = Fill;
bottomPanel.Dock = Bottom;
But upperPanel fills the form completly.
How can I do this? I want, more o less, the same gui on differents form factors and on landscape or protrait mode.
Thank you.
What you need to do is to put the bottom panel on first and set its Dock property to Bottom. Then set the panel's height to be 1/3 of the form's height. Finally, add a second panel and set its Dock property to Fill. The key here is that you want to add the control that will fill the remaining area to be added last. Alternatively, you can play around with the Bring to Front and Send to Back commands in Visual Studio to get the designer to cooperate.
You may also need to hook the OnSizeChanged event for the form and re-set the height of the bottom panel to account for layout changes. It's been a little while since I did compact framework programming, so I'm not sure.
Right click on the upperPanel and select Bring To Front. However, I don't think this will give you the result you want. When you resize, the bottom panel will remain the same height, while the upper panel will stretch to fill the form.
Using your docking settings, with this code might do the trick:
protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)
this.bottomPanel.Height = Convert.ToInt32((double)this.Height / 3.0);
Set both panels to "not anchored". That is: Remove Dock-Value and clear the Anchor property. Then, move the controls so they are sized the way you'd like them to be sized.
After that, upon resizing the form, they should resize relatively.
Oops, just tried it and sure it doesn't work. I mixed this up with a solution that automatically keeps controls centered within the window...
Well, I'd guess you then have to create a handler for the form's Resize event and manually align the controls after the form has been resized.
Go to Tools, Other Windows, Document Outline. Find the two panels, and swap the order of them. The control that has DockStyle.Fill has to come first for it to be docked correctly. (or last.. never sure which one it is, but it is one of them :p)
This won't solve the always 1/3 and 2/3 issue though... cause the bottom panel will have a fixed height (unless I am mistaken). I think maybe the TableLayoutPanel supports this though...
Update: As noted in the comments, that panel doesn't exist in the compact framework. So, I suppose the easiest solution to this problem would then try to use the docking, but update the height of the bottom panel whenever the size of the form changes.
If you want this to work perfectly you'll need to add some code to the Resize event of the Form which then specifically works out the relative sizes and places the controls in the correct place after a resize.
If you're not worried about losing precision and the forms aren't going to move much you can avoid this by using some relatively smart anchoring. Essentially you're going to have to select a "grower" (the part of the form that gets bigger, the bigger the form gets). In this scenario I would probably anchor the top part to Top | Left | Right and the bottom part to Top | Left | Right | Bottom. This would mean that the lower part of the form will get bigger if the form is expanded. In most cases this is acceptable. If it isn't use the Resize event and some code.
The easiest way to do this is to nest panels. Just set up panels for top bottom and fill. Then use panels within those panels to do the same. The only issues I've had therein are datagrid resizing, which is always a pain anyway. in that case, you have to use some code to resize the datagrid control on the form resize event.
I would like to add a point to #jasonh answer.
For the panel that occupies 2/3 of the form, you will have to set the AutoScroll property of the panel to true.
This will enable the panel to display scroll when the control size exceed the visibility to the user and also ensure the visibility of the smaller panel which is 1/3 of the forms height.
You can get the required design by using nested panels along with few setting with Anchoring and Docking Properties.Follow the following steps:
1) Add the Form and put a Panel1 on it. Set its Dock Property as 'Fill' and ResizeMode as 'Grow&Shrink'.
2) Add Second panel2 and set its Dock Property to 'Bottom', Set the Height and set the Anchor property to 'Top,Left'.
3)Add Third panel and set its Dock Property to 'None', Set the Height and set the Anchor property to 'Top,Bottom,Left,Right'.
Save and Compile. Now all the panels Would maintain their relative Positioning With resizing.

WPF: How can I have controls in a grid automatically resize when the grid is resized?

I'm very new to WPF: I need to have buttons on a grid resize as the form is resized. The spaces between the buttons also need to stay constant. Is there some property that I can set? I played around with width/height as auto, but that didn't work.
Set the Margin property of button. then the spaces between the button would be fix.

Multiple column scrolling, resizeable panel?

I have this:
Each list is its own WrapPanel and they are all on another WrapPanel which is in a ScrollViewer. If I don't set the height myself for the main WrapPanel it assumes I want the WrapPanel as high as it can go giving me only one column whereas I want as many columns as needed to fill the window.
If I set the Width and Height of the WrapPanel that holds everything to fixed numbers, but I want it to change when the user resizes the window.
In your example screen shot and description I see a tab control whose anchor is set to Top, Left, Bottom, and Right. The tab page with AutoScroll set to true. Within the tab page I see a FlowLayoutPanel. The FlowLayoutPanel has its AutoSize property set to true. I also see a set of other panels/user controls each of which contains a title and a series of check boxes.
You can`t achieve this with standard controls. You can try to create your own custom WrapPanel implementation. But, actually, looking at original WrapPanel sources I think this will be quite tricky. You see, what you want, is basically to measure how many columns can fit in the current window, while every element in column can be of any size. The way I see that algorithm, it will require N*N iterations to get the final result. So you may have problems with performance.

