Factory Pattern but with object Parameters - c#

Take the following classic factory pattern:
public interface IPizza
decimal Price { get; }
public class HamAndMushroomPizza : IPizza
decimal IPizza.Price
return 8.5m;
public abstract class PizzaFactory
public abstract IPizza CreatePizza(ItalianPizzaFactory.PizzaType pizzaType);
public class ItalianPizzaFactory : PizzaFactory
public enum PizzaType
public override IPizza CreatePizza(PizzaType pizzaType)
switch (pizzaType)
case PizzaType.HamMushroom:
return new HamAndMushroomPizza();
case PizzaType.Hawaiian:
return new HawaiianPizza();
throw new ArgumentException("The pizza type " + pizzaType + " is not recognized.");
What if one (or many) of the Concrete Pizzas requires a parameter specific to the concrete implementation at construction. For example, lets say the HamAndMushroom factory requires a parameter called, MushroomType and this parameter would be required to instantiate the object?

You can add parameters to the creator method(s) of your factory. However, if the number of parameters is getting higher (for me that would be more than 2-3), and especially if some or all of those parameters are optional with reasonable default values, you may consider turning the factory into a Builder instead.
That may be especially appropriate for pizzas, where you usually have the same crust, just with different (combinations) of toppings. A Builder models very closely the common way of ordering e.g. "a pizza with salami, tomatoes, maize and double cheese". OTOH for "predefined" pizzas you may want to define helper factory methods, e.g. createMargaritaPizza or createHawaiiPizza which then internally use the builder to create a pizza with the toppings specific to that kind of pizza.

You would have to add another CreatePizza() method for that factory class. And that would mean that users of the factory wouldn't be able to create those types of pizzas unless they were specifically using an instance of the HamAndMushroomPizzaFactory class. If they simply have a PizzaFactory reference, they can only call the parameterless version and won't be able to create ham and mushroom pizzas generically.

You could pass a new parameter, such as a Map. And query the properties on each concrete constructor. Then all the methods would have the same signature.
However, with this solution, the caller of the constructor has to know the specific properties of the concret constructor...(Coupling)

You can try something like this:
interface IPizza
class Pizza1 : IPizza
public Pizza1(Pizza1Parameter p)
class Pizza2 : IPizza
public Pizza2(Pizza2Parameter p)
interface IPizzaParameter
object Type { get; set; }
class Pizza1Parameter : IPizzaParameter
public object Type { get; set; }
class Pizza2Parameter : IPizzaParameter
public object Type { get; set; }
static class PizzaFactory
public enum PizzaType
public static IPizza CreatePizza(PizzaType type, IPizzaParameter param)
switch (type)
case PizzaType.Pizza1:
return new Pizza1(param as Pizza1Parameter);
case PizzaType.Pizza2:
return new Pizza2(param as Pizza2Parameter);
throw new ArgumentException();
class Program
static void Main()
var param1 = new Pizza1Parameter();
var p1 = PizzaFactory.CreatePizza(PizzaFactory.PizzaType.Pizza1, param1);
IMHO concept of factory with implementation specific parameters looks wrong.

When parameter count gets very high, I do think factory becomes less handy and redundant since the main point of it to make the creation process kinf of invisible.
Also, when the parameters are 'required', then I also think Builder loses its charm.
In this case, I may want to combine factory with a 'Parameter Object' which would reduce the # of parameters needed to be passed into the static factory methods and that could have made the creation logic more readable and neat than using a Builder. But of course, that parameter object is also needed to be created as well but at least it would be in one, single form across your application.

First of all, it seems strange to me that an abstract class PizzaFactory contains an abstract general method CreatePizza that takes a parameter of a more concrete type ItalianPizzaFactory.PizzaType.
To cover the problem I have just mentioned and the problem stated in the post, I would suggest the following approach.
public struct PizzaDefinition
public readonly string Tag;
public readonly string Name;
public readonly string Description;
public PizzaDefinition(string tag, string name, string description)
Tag = tag; Name = name; Description = description;
public abstract class PizzaFactory
public abstract IEnumerable<PizzaDefinition> GetMenu();
public abstract IPizza CreatePizza(PizzaDefinition pizzaDefinition);
public class ItalianPizzaFactory : PizzaFactory
public enum PizzaType
public override IEnumerable<PizzaDefinition> GetMenu()
return new PizzaDefinition[] {
new PizzaDefinition("hm:mushroom1,cheese3", "Ham&Mushroom 1", "blabla"),
new PizzaDefinition("hm:mushroom2,cheese1", "Ham&Mushroom 2", "blabla"),
new PizzaDefinition("dx", "Deluxe", "blabla"),
new PizzaDefinition("Hawaian:shrimps,caramel", "Hawaian", "blabla")
private PizzaType ParseTag(string tag, out object[] options){...}
public override IPizza CreatePizza(PizzaDefinition pizzaDefinition)
object[] options;
switch (ParseTag(pizzaDefinition.Tag, out options))
case PizzaType.HamMushroom:
return new HamAndMushroomPizza(options);
case PizzaType.Hawaiian:
return new HawaiianPizza();
throw new ArgumentException("The pizza" + pizzaDefinition.Name + " is not on the menu.");
As you see, the ParseTag() method may be of arbitrary complexity, parsing a plain text or an encrypted value. Or the Tag field can be a simple int that is mapped internally to some pizza recipe table, with whole different recipes for even slightly changed pizza content.

You can use reflection:
using System.Reflection;
// ...
public override IPizza CreatePizza(PizzaType pizzaType, params object[] parameters) {
return (IPizza)


Generic Extension Method with Concrete Class Override

I have a third party DLL that returns objects like Customers, Orders, etc. I'll call them Your Entities. They do have a common IYourEntity interface so I can use that as a source constraint.
I want to create a generic conversion extension method to convert all these different third party entities to My Entities with some streamlined and more maintainable code.
....but I can't figure out how to make a generic extension method that will call the concrete extension method for the specific conversion of each class.
Putting some of the main aspects of my code below, but you can get a full fiddle to play with here.
Yes, I'm probably showing I'm a bit clueless on how to do this and maybe trying to combine different concepts. Any pointers much appreciated as I've been beating my head for a couple of days now and need a life line :)
public interface IYourEntity
int Id
public interface IConvertToMyEntity<TYourEntity, TMyEntity>
where TYourEntity : class, IYourEntity, new()
where TMyEntity : class, IMyEntity, new()
TMyEntity ToMyEntity(TYourEntity yourEntity);
public static class ExtensionMethods
private static IMyEntity ToMyEntity(this IYourEntity yourEntity)
return new MyEntity1();
public static List<IMyEntity> ToMyEntityList(this List<IYourEntity> lstYourEntities)
return lstYourEntities.ConvertAll(q => q.ToMyEntity());
public class YourEntity1 : IYourEntity, IConvertToMyEntity<YourEntity1, MyEntity1>
public int Id
public string YourEntityName
public MyEntity1 ToMyEntity(YourEntity1 yourEntity)
return new MyEntity1()
{Id = yourEntity.Id, MyEntityName = yourEntity.YourEntityName, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow};
public List<MyEntity1> ToMyEntityList(List<YourEntity1> lstYourEntities)
return lstYourEntities.ConvertAll(q => ToMyEntity(q));
Since the classes implementing IYourEntity are from a third party and not under your control, you can't implement an own IConvertToMyEntity<T1, T2> interface upon these.
One way you can handle it is by overloads of such conversion (extension) methods.
There's no need for any generic T type arguments; the common IYourEntity interface suffices.
Suppose you have 3 classes implementing the IYourEntity interface;
e.g. YourCustomer, YourOrder and YourProduct.
These need to be converted to IMyEntity instances, of which you might have different concrete implementations;
e.g. a general MyEntity and a specific MyProduct.
For the conversion you set up an extension method targeting IYourEntity.
This extension method will be called to convert an IYourEntity to an IMyEntity in case a more specific overload of this extension method does not exist.
public static IMyEntity ToMyEntity(this IYourEntity target)
return new MyEntity { Id = target.Id, EntityName = "Fallback name" };
For the entities that require a custom conversion, you set up overloads of this extension method targeting those specific source class types.
Below are such ones for YourOrder and YourProduct (but not for YourCustomer).
public static IMyEntity ToMyEntity(this YourOrder target)
return new MyEntity { Id = target.Id, EntityName = target.OrderName.ToUpper() };
public static IMyEntity ToMyEntity(this YourProduct target)
return new MyProduct { Id = target.Id * 100, EntityName = target.ProductName };
Next, define the extension method to convert the list of IYourEntity instances to a list of IMyEntity instances. In the code below, the inbetween cast to dynamic enables that the appropriate ToMyEntity overload will be called.
Note that the ToMyEntity methods don't have to be extension methods, but it might be convenient to have these in place in case you need to convert a single instance instead of a list.
public static List<IMyEntity> ToMyEntities(this List<IYourEntity> target)
var myEntities = new List<IMyEntity>();
foreach (var yourEntity in target)
var myEntity = Extensions.ToMyEntity((dynamic)yourEntity);
return myEntities;
An example - .net fiddle
var yourEntities = new List<IYourEntity>()
new YourCustomer() { Id = 1 },
new YourOrder() { Id = 2, OrderName = "Order-2"},
new YourProduct() { Id = 3, ProductName = "Product-3"}
var myEnties = yourEntities.ToMyEntities();
myEnties.ForEach(o => Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} ({2})",
o.Id, o.EntityName, o.GetType().Name
The output of the example above looks like below.
Notice how the YourCustomer instance was handled by the general IYourEntity conversion, whereas the YourOrder and YourProduct instances got a specific treatment.
1 - Fallback name (MyEntity)
2 - ORDER-2 (MyEntity)
300 - Product-3 (MyProduct)
You can change your extension method to this:
private static IMyEntity ToMyEntity(this IYourEntity yourEntity)
if (yourEntity is IConvertToMyEntity<IYourEntity, IMyEntity> convertible)
return convertible.ToMyEntity;
return new MyEntity1();
This will not work in most cases unless you also make your interface co- and contra-variant:
public interface IConvertToMyEntity<in TYourEntity, out TMyEntity>
where TYourEntity : class, IYourEntity, new()
where TMyEntity : class, IMyEntity, new()
TMyEntity ToMyEntity(TYourEntity yourEntity);
It is still not completely clear to me how you can make a third party class implements IConvertToMyEntity that easily. Assuming you did this only to show us your actual goal, you should be very careful with what you are trying to accomplish in the Main.
If you use a List<IYourEntity>, you can only use methods and properties defined in the interface, unless you know what you are doing with specific cast. The need for List<IYourEntity> or List<IMyEntity> limits a lot the implementation of a custom mapper between My classes and Your classes. Here a possible solution:
As I said, I did not change Your classes:
public interface IYourEntity
int Id
public class YourEntity1 : IYourEntity
public int Id
public string YourEntityName
Also My classes are very simple and do not contain any logic for the mapping. This is a debatable choice, but I generally prefer to keep conversion logic separated from the classes involved. This helps to maintain clean your code in case you have several conversion functions for the same pair of classes. By the way, here they are:
public interface IMyEntity
int Id
DateTime CreatedOn
public class MyEntity1 : IMyEntity
public int Id
public string MyEntityName
public DateTime CreatedOn
And this is how I designed the custom converter
public interface IMyEntityConverter
IMyEntity Convert(IYourEntity yourEntity);
public class MyEntity1Converter : IMyEntityConverter
public IMyEntity Convert(IYourEntity yourEntity)
var castedYourEntity = yourEntity as YourEntity1;
return new MyEntity1()
Id = castedYourEntity.Id,
MyEntityName = castedYourEntity.YourEntityName,
CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow
It is clear the lack of genericity, but you cannot do otherwise if you need an extension method on a List of generic My and Your classes. Also tried with covariant and contravariant interfaces but C# does not let you use them with this implementation.
Now the core of the solution: you need something that binds Your class to the My class with a custom converter, and all of this should be as more transparent as possible.
public class EntityAdapter<YourType, MyType>
where YourType : IYourEntity
where MyType : IMyEntity
protected YourType wrappedEntity;
protected IMyEntityConverter converter;
public EntityAdapter(YourType wrappedEntity, IMyEntityConverter converter)
this.wrappedEntity = wrappedEntity;
this.converter = converter;
public static implicit operator YourType(EntityAdapter<YourType, MyType> entityAdapter) => entityAdapter.wrappedEntity;
public static explicit operator MyType(EntityAdapter<YourType, MyType> entityAdapter) =>
(MyType) entityAdapter.converter.Convert(entityAdapter.wrappedEntity);
public MyType CastToMyEntityType()
return (MyType) this;
The pseudo-transparency here is given by the implicit cast to Your class. The advantage is that you can cast this EntityAdapter to an instance of a My class by calling CastToMyEntityType or the explicit operator overload.
The painful part is with the extension methods:
public static class EntityAdapterExtensions
public static List<IMyEntity> ToIMyEntityList(this List<EntityAdapter<IYourEntity, IMyEntity>> lstEntityAdapters)
return lstEntityAdapters.ConvertAll(e => e.CastToMyEntityType());
public static List<EntityAdapter<IYourEntity, IMyEntity>> ToEntityAdapterList(this List<IYourEntity> lstYourEntities)
return lstYourEntities.Select(e =>
switch (e)
case YourEntity1 yourEntity1:
return new EntityAdapter<IYourEntity, IMyEntity>(yourEntity1, new MyEntity1Converter());
throw new NotSupportedException("You forgot to map " + e.GetType());
The first one is pretty straightforward to understand, but the second one is definitely something that require maintenance. I gave up on generics for the reasons already explained, so the only thing left to do is to create the EntityAdapters starting from the actual entity types.
Here is the fiddle
This may be a little controversial but maybe a different way is better?
Firstly, and this is more for my sake, I would suggest more easily understandable terminology so instead of 'your' and 'my' I would use 'source' and 'dest'.
Secondly I wonder if the generics route is necessary? I'm assuming (and I may be wrong) that for each of the classes you have coming from your third-party assembly, you have a specific class for it to be converted to. So maybe this could be achieved much more easily with a constructor override in your destination class.
// third party class example
public class SourceClass
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
// the destination class in your project
public class DestClass
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedOn { get; set; }
// default constructor
public DestClass()
// conversion constructor
public DestClass(SourceClass source)
Id = source.Id;
Name = source.Name;
CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
This way you convert a single instance using:
// source being an instance of the third-party class
DestClass myInstance = new DestClass(source);
And you can convert a list with LINQ:
// source list is IList<SourceClass>
IList<DestClass> myList = sourceList.Select(s => new DestClass(s)).ToList();
If you wanted to you could implement extensions for your conversions. This again would not be generic as you'll need one for each class pairing but as it's an alternative to writing a converter class for each, it will be overall less code.
public static class SourceClassExtensions
public static DestClass ToDest(this SourceClass source)
=> new DestClass(source);
public static IList<DestClass> ToDest(this IList<SourceClass> source)
=> source.Select(s => new DestClass(s)).ToList();
If you still want something generic then you'll want a converter for each class pair, implementing a suitable interface. Then I'd recommend a converter factory class where you'll need to register the specific converters either into a dictionary in the class or via dependency injection. I can go into this further if you'd prefer but I think it would be more complicated.
sorry for writing here its not an actual answer,
there is no option for generically to do this
you have to write for every entity
public interface IConvertToMyEntity<TYourEntity, TMyEntity>
where TYourEntity : class, IYourEntity, new()
where TMyEntity : class, IMyEntity, new()
TMyEntity ToMyEntity(TYourEntity yourEntity);
I saw this code from your question.
It depends on what you want to do after transformation
you should use data mapper
public class MapProfile : Profile
public MapProfile()
CreateMap<TYourEntity , TMyEntity >();
CreateMap<TMyEntity , TYourEntity >();

C# How to make a factory method return of the subclass type

[MAJOR EDITS, my first post was somewhat misleading. My appologies]
Given a class such as:
public class DatabaseResult{
public bool Successful;
public string ErrorMessage;
//Database operation failed
public static DatabaseResult Failed(string message) {
return new DatabaseResult{
Successful = true,
ErrorMessage = message
How can I implement subclasses such that I can add additional properties to represent data relevant to the particular operation (such as MatchedResult in the case of a SELECT type query) without the need to implement that static failure function? If I try to use plain inheritance, the return type will be of the parent class. Eg:
DoThingDatabaseResult : DatabaseResult {
public IEnumerable<object> SomeResultSet;
public static Successful(IEnumerable<object> theResults){
return new DoThingDatabaseResult {
Successful = true,
ErrorMessage = "",
SomeResultSet = theResults
//public static DatabaseResult Failed exists, but it's the parent type!
The goal is to avoid needing to copy the Failed static function for every subclass implementation.
Make it recursively generic:
public class BankAccount<T> where T : BankAccount<T>, new()
public T SomeFactoryMethod() { return new T(); }
public class SavingsAccount: BankAccount<SavingsAccount>{}
You'll note that I made the factory method non-static, because static methods aren't inherited.
You can't do this exactly as you have defined the question. The best way to tackle this is really to pull your factory out of the class completely:
public class BankAccount
public class SavingsAccount : BankAccount
public static class BankAccountFactory
public static T Create<T>() where T : BankAccount, new()
return new T();
Now the Factory has no dependency on the actual type. You can pass any derived class of BankAccount and get it back without doing any extra work or worrying about inheriting your factory method.
If I may, I'd like to expand upon StriplingWarrior. In fact, you can use static for the factory. This following code shows that a and c are the expected object types. The limit is you cannot use the factory on the base class itself.
private void Testit()
var a = SavingsAccount.Factory();
var c = CheckingAccount.Factory();
//var b = BankAccount.Factory(); //can't do this
public class BankAccount<T> where T : BankAccount<T>, new()
public static T Factory()
return new T();
public class SavingsAccount : BankAccount<SavingsAccount>
public class CheckingAccount : BankAccount<CheckingAccount>
In order to use inheritance, you need an instance of an object and a member of that object. In this case, for the object we can't use BankAccount/SavingsAccount because then we would already have what we're trying to get. This means we need an actual factory object, which is what most people are talking about when they talk about a factory. So if we pull that out into a Factory and use inheritance...
public class BankAccountFactory { public virtual GetAccount() { return new BankAccount(); } }
public class SavingsAccountFactory : BankAccountFactory { public override GetAccount() { return new SavingsAccount(); } }
But now how do we get an instance of the proper type? We've just pushed our problem one layer deeper.
Instead, what you probably want to do, is use some sort of configuration to determine the type, or pass the type you want into a method.
public BankAccount GetAccount(AccountType type) { /* */ }
public BankAccount GetAccount() { /* Access config */ }
For a simple answer to your question: You don't need to use generics or anything like that, you just need your method to not be static...

Return one of two possible objects of different types sharing a method

I have 2 classes:
public class Articles
private string name;
public Articles(string name)
this.name = name;
public void Output()
Console.WriteLine("The class is: " + this.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("The name is: " + name);
public class Questionnaire
private string name;
public Questionnaire(string name)
this.name = name;
public void Output()
Console.WriteLine("The class is: " + this.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("The name is: " + name);
I want to write a method, that takes an integer (1 meaning Articles should be returned, 2 meaning Questionnaire) and a name.
This method must return an instance of one of those two classes:
public [What type??] Choose(int x, string name)
if (x == 1)
Articles art = new Articles(name);
return art;
if (x == 2)
Questionnaire ques = new Questionnaire(name);
return ques;
What return type should I use, so I can call Output() on the result?
Why not have a base class that has Output defined. Then return the base.
public abstract class BaseType {
public abstract void Output();
Both Articles and Questionaire should inherit this BaseType.
public class Articles : BaseType {
// Output method here
public class Questionaire : BaseType {
// Output method here
Then you can do:
public static BaseType Choose(int x, string name)
if (x == 1)
Articles art = new Articles(name);
return art;
if (x == 2)
Questionnaire ques = new Questionnaire(name);
return ques;
You could also achieve this via an interface.
public interface IInterface {
void Output();
public class Articles : IInterface {
// Output method here
public class Questionaire : IInterface {
// Output method here
You would then have to modify the Choose method to return IInterface rather than BaseType. Whichever you choose is up to you.
Note: even if you can't change original classes you can still use these approaches before resorting to dynamic by providing wrapper classes that implement the interface and either inherits original or forwards calls to corresponding method:
public class ArticlesProxy : Articles, IInterface
public ArticlesProxy(string name) : base(name){}
public class QuestionaireProxy : Questionaire, IInterface {
Questionaire inner;
public QuestionaireProxy(string name) { inner = new Questionaire(name); }
public void Output() { inner.Output();}
How about something like this:
public interface IHasOutput
void Output();
public class Articles : IHasOutput
public class Questionnaire : IHasOutput
and then:
public static IHasOutput Choose...
You can of course call your interface anything you'd like, other than IHasOutput, I just don't know what to call it. This is what interfaces are for. Two different concrete implementations that share a common interface. Now when you call it you can do this:
var entity = MyClass.Choose(1, "MyName");
and it doesn't matter what concrete implementation is returned. You know it implements a common interface.
Answers provided here are great but one thing I don't like is parameter x that chooses what type should be created. That creates use of magic number, which may become head-ache even for you later.
You can take advantage of generics here, i.e. make method Choose:
public static T Choose<T>(string name)
// type constraint to ensure hierarchy.
where T : BaseClass // BaseClass have common functionality of both class.
// Unfortunately you can't create instance with generic and pass arguments
// to ctor. So you have to use Activator here.
return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new[] { name });
Articles article = ClassWithChooseMethod.Choose<Articles>("name");
Questionnaire questionnaire = ClassWithChooseMethod.Choose<Questionnaire>("name2");
As #OlivierJacot-Descombes mentioned in comment x that chooses type might be user-input. In that case you can create enum with respective values:
enum ArticleType {
Articles = 1,
Questionnaire = 2
And have overload of Choose:
public static BaseClass Choose(ArticleType type, string name) {
switch (type) {
case ArticleType.Articles:
return ClassWithChooseMethod.Choose<Articles>(name);
case ArticleType.Questionnaire:
return ClassWithChooseMethod.Choose<Questionnaire>(name);
return default(BaseClass);
and usage:
var obj = ClassWithChooseMethod.Choose((ArticleType)userInput, "some name");
This gives you possibility to keep your code cleaner and useful for future maintenance (e.g. you can change logic of class creation in Choose).
P.S. You might be interested to read more about factory pattern.
Unless they share the same base class or interface, you're pretty much stuck with either object or dynamic.
The most flexible way to solve this problem is to write an interface as well as an abstract base class implementing it. This way you have the freedom to derive a class from the base class or to implement the interface directly, if the base class does not satisfy your needs in a very special case or if a class derives from another class already. Also make the method Output virtual; this enables you to override it if necessary. Also make the name protected; this enables you to use it in derived classes
public interface IHasOutput
void Output();
public abstract class OutputBase : IHasOutput
protected string _name;
public OutputBase(string name)
_name = name;
#region IHasOutput Members
public virtual void Output()
Console.WriteLine("The class is: " + this.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("The name is: " + _name);
public static IHasOutput Choose(int x, string name)
switch (x) {
case 1:
return new Articles(name);
case 2:
return new Questionnaire(name);
return null;
public class Articles : OutputBase
public Articles(string name)
: base(name)
public class Questionnaire : OutputBase
public Questionnaire(string name)
: base(name)
Another very simple way to solve the problem is to override ToString:
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("The class is: {0}\r\nThe name is: {1}",
this.GetType(), _name);
You would call it like this:
object obj = Factory.Choose(1, "Test");
No interface and no base class required! Well, to be precise, the base class is object of course.
You have 3 choices:
1) Make Questionnaire and Article inherit from the same base class and make the type of that base class be the return type of your method.
2) Make your return type Object.
3) Make your return type Dynamic.

What OOP pattern to use when only adding new methods, not data?

In my app, I have deal with several different "parameters", which derive from IParameter interface, and also ParamBase abstract base class. I currently have two different parameter types, call them FooParameter and BarParameter, which both derive from ParamBase. Obviously, I can treat them both as IParameters when I need to deal with them generically, or detect their specific type when I need to handle their specific functionality.
My question lies in specific FooParameters. I currently have a few specific ones with their own classes which derive from FooParameter, we'll call them FP12, FP13, FP14, etc. These all have certain characteristics, which make me treat them differently in the UI. (Most have names associated with the individual bits, or ranges of bits). Note that these specific, derived FP's have no additional data associated with them, only properties (which refer to the same data in different ways) or methods.
Now, I'd like to keep all of these parameters in a Dictionary<String, IParameter> for easy generic access. The problem is, if I want to refer to a specific one with the special GUI functions, I can't write:
FP12 fp12 = (FP12)paramList["FP12"] because you can't downcast to a derived type (rightfully so). But in my case, I didn't add any data, so the cast would theoretically work.
What type of programming model should I be using instead? Thanks!
There's nothing really wrong with this approach, except for maybe storing the parameters in a dictionary. What is the purpose of doing that? Especially if you key them on their class name.
I would just use a List<IParameter> and have a control go through the collection and pick the right subclass out of there.
m_Parameters = new List<IParameter>();
//This control needs FP12
foreach(var param in Parameters) {
var fp12 = param as FP12;
if (fp12 != null) {
//do something with the param.
After writing the above I think I finally understand what you are trying to do. If you want to perform an operation that is available on FP12 on any subclass of FooParameter then you need to take that operation out of FooParameter altogether. Since your parameter is data and that data is the same across different subclasses of FooParameter, it makes sense to only have one implementation of FooParameter ("data" class) and multiple "operation" classes.
//The one implementation of IParameter for all FooParameters
public class FooParameter : IParameter {
string Data1 {get;set;}
//base class for Foo Operation, only stores FooParameter
public class FooOperationBase {
protected readonly FooParameter m_Param;
public FooOperationBase (FooParameter param) {
m_Param = param;
//specific operations on FooParameter go in this class
public class FooOperation12 : FooOperationBase {
public FooOperation12(FooParameter param) : base(param) {}
public void DoSomeOperation() {
return m_Param.Data1 + " transformed";
If paramList["FP12"] is a FP12, that cast will work. Of course, if it's not it will throw a InvalidCastException. You could also use as, if you're not sure what type the object will be.
Whether this is an ideal design is a separate issue. Ideally, you want to prefer polymorphism, meaning the subclass of FooParameter knows to use its new special functions internally, and the outside code doesn't have to cast, or use as or is.
I'm not 100% sure where you're coming from with this question, but you could do something like this:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var paramList = new List<IParameter>();
paramList.Add(new FooParameter());
paramList.Add(new BarParameter());
paramList.Add(new F1());
paramList.Add(new F2());
foreach (var p in paramList)
private static void DoSpecificOperation(IParameter p)
if (p is F1)
(p as F1).F1Method();
else if (p is F2)
(p as F2).F2Method();
interface IParameter
void DoCommonOperation();
abstract class ParamBase : IParameter
public virtual void DoCommonOperation()
class FooParameter : ParamBase
public override void DoCommonOperation()
class BarParameter : ParamBase
public override void DoCommonOperation()
class F1 : FooParameter
public override void DoCommonOperation()
public void F1Method()
class F2 : FooParameter
public override void DoCommonOperation()
public void F2Method()
Essentially you have a method in the class that controls the list of IParameter objects that knows how to call the specific implementations, and uses is/as to do so.
Just for sanity's sake, why not use Dictionary<Type, IParameter>? With a little generics, you could do this:
public interface IParameter { }
public class FP12 : IParameter { public string fieldFP12 { get; set; } }
public class FP11 : IParameter { public string fieldFP11 { get; set; } }
public static class DictionaryHelper
public static T GetParameter<T>(this Dictionary<System.Type,
IParameter> target) where T : IParameter
return (T)target[typeof(T)];
Sample program and output:
class Program
static void Main()
Dictionary<Type, IParameter> parameters =
new Dictionary<Type, IParameter>();
parameters.Add(typeof(FP12), new FP12 { fieldFP12 = "This is FP12" });
parameters.Add(typeof(FP11), new FP11 { fieldFP11 = "This is FP11"});
var fp12 = parameters.GetParameter<FP12>();
var fp11 = parameters.GetParameter<FP11>();
The resulting output:
This is FP12
This is FP11

public class member visible to descendents

I have been getting a lot of traction from a builder pattern as a public class member of another class:
public class Part
public class Builder
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Type { get; set; }
public Part Build()
return new Part(Name, Type);
protected Part(string name, int type)
Note protected constructor - I like how I HAVE to use the builder to get a Part. Calls to
Part p = new Part.Builder() { Name = "one", Type = 1 }.Build();
work great. What I would like to do is use this builder to serve up a special kind of part based on the Type (for example):
public class SpecialPart : Part
protected SpecialPart(string name, int type) : base(name, type) { }
And a slight change to the builder:
public Part Build()
if (Type == _some_number_)
return new SpecialPart(Name, Type);
return new Part(Name, Type);
But this doesn't work - Part.Builder can't see SpecialPart's protected constructor. How can I get Builder to work with descendents of Part and get the same must-have-a-builder semantics?
There are many ways to skin a cat, but the path of least resistance here is going to be making the constructors of your various part types public or internal.
You can't do it, except for putting them in their own assembly and use the internal access specifier.

