string listOfItemPrices = items.ToSemiColonList(item => string.Format("{0:C}", item.Price.ToString()));
I am simply trying to format the price here to 2 decimal places. Ok, so the string.Format doesn't implement IFormattable? Ok not sure how to get around this so that I can format the decimal (price) here.
By passing item.Price.ToString() to String.Format, you are passing a string, not a decimal.
Since strings cannot be used with format strings, you're getting an error.
You need to pass the Decimal value to String.Format by removing .ToString().
There is no point using string.format here, that is used for adding formatted values into strings. e.g.
String.Format("This is my first formatted string {O:C} and this is my second {0:C}",ADecimal,AnotherDecimal)
If you just want the value of a decimal variable as a formatted string then just pass the string formatter to the ToString() method e.g.
How to convert double to string without the power to 10 representation (E-05)
double value = 0.000099999999833333343;
string text = value.ToString();
Console.WriteLine(text); // 9,99999998333333E-05
I'd like the string text to be 0.000099999999833333343 (or nearly that, I'm not doing rocket science:)
I've tried the following variants
Console.WriteLine(value.ToString()); // 9,99999998333333E-05
Console.WriteLine(value.ToString("R20")); // 9,9999999833333343E-05
Console.WriteLine(value.ToString("N20")); // 0,00009999999983333330
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:F20}", value)); // 0,00009999999983333330
Doing tostring N20 or format F20 seems closest to what I want, but I do end up with a lot of trailing zeros, is there a clever way to avoid this? I'd like to get as close to the double representation as possible 0.000099999999833333343
Use String.Format() with the format specifier. I think you want {0:F20} or so.
string formatted = String.Format("{0:F20}", value);
How about
You don't need string.Format(). Just put the right format string in the existing .ToString() method. Something like "N" should do.
Use string.Format with an appropriate format specifier.
This blog post has a lot of examples:
How we can pass specific Date format like "MM/dd/YYYY" in place of System.DateTime in below code.
new ObjectParameter("FromDate", typeof(System.DateTime));
I'm not sure but i guess you are looking for a way to convert the DateTime to string in this format. Then you can use DateTime.ToString with an appropriate format string:
string result = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
I'm using InvariantInfo to force the / as separator. Otherwise it would be replaced with your localized date separator. See: The "/" Custom Format Specifier.
Another way to force / as date separator is to escape the / format specifier with ':
string result = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM'/'dd'/'yyyy");
You can't.
A DateTime does not have any implicit format. It just have date and time values. Format concept only applies when you get it's textual (string) representation.
There is only two constructor of that ObjectParameter which one is expect Object and the other one expect Type as a second parameter.
You can specify how you want the DateTime formatted when using .ToString(), by entering a parameter in the ToString() method, like so: somedatetime.ToString("d");
You can read more about the formatting here: DateTime.ToString Method at MSDN
i know 0 is for the first element in the array etc... but what's 1:N2?
The format to be applied to the data. In this case two decimal number.
{1:N2} means that the second parameter is formatted as a number with thousand seperators and a precision of 2 digits.
The index "1" to the left of the colon specifies the second of the arg parameters (zero-based indexing). The string "N2" to the right of the colon specifies the format to use on that parameter. Specifically, N2 means group-separator numeric format with 2 decimal places; for details, see the documentation on standard format strings at
In general, the format specifier is of the form { index[,alignment][ : formatString] }; for details, see the documentation:
That is Numeric formatting the second element. Formatting in .Net can be done on different data types like number, dates, enums. you can also create custom formats. you can get started on formatting here
Formatting Types
I am trying to format a double in C# such that it uses the thousand separator, and adds digits upto 4 decimal places.
This is straight forward except that I dont want to have the decimal point if it is an integer. Is there a way to do this using the custom numeric format strings rather than an if statement of tenary operator?
Currently I have:
string output = dbl.ToString(dbl == (int)dbl ? "#,##0" : "#,##0.####");
I believe your second format string of "#,##0.##" should be exactly what you want -- the # format character is a placeholder that will NOT display zeros.
If you had "#,###.00" then you would get trailing zeros.
test code:
double d = 45.00;
Gives output of "45". Setting d to 45.45 gives output "45.45", which sounds like what you're after.
So you had the answer after all! ;)
Incidentally, there's a handy cheat-sheet for format strings (amongst other handy cheat-sheets) at
No, there is not any built-in format string for this. Your current solution is the best way to accomplish this.
MSDN lists both the standard numeric format strings and custom numeric format strings, so you should be able to see for yourself that none directly matches your needs.
How to convert double to string without the power to 10 representation (E-05)
double value = 0.000099999999833333343;
string text = value.ToString();
Console.WriteLine(text); // 9,99999998333333E-05
I'd like the string text to be 0.000099999999833333343 (or nearly that, I'm not doing rocket science:)
I've tried the following variants
Console.WriteLine(value.ToString()); // 9,99999998333333E-05
Console.WriteLine(value.ToString("R20")); // 9,9999999833333343E-05
Console.WriteLine(value.ToString("N20")); // 0,00009999999983333330
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:F20}", value)); // 0,00009999999983333330
Doing tostring N20 or format F20 seems closest to what I want, but I do end up with a lot of trailing zeros, is there a clever way to avoid this? I'd like to get as close to the double representation as possible 0.000099999999833333343
Use String.Format() with the format specifier. I think you want {0:F20} or so.
string formatted = String.Format("{0:F20}", value);
How about
You don't need string.Format(). Just put the right format string in the existing .ToString() method. Something like "N" should do.
Use string.Format with an appropriate format specifier.
This blog post has a lot of examples: