C# yield in nested method - c#

If I step through the following code the call to ReturnOne() is skipped.
static IEnumerable<int> OneThroughFive()
yield return 2;
yield return 3;
yield return 4;
yield return 5;
static IEnumerator<int> ReturnOne()
yield return 1;
I can only assume the compiler is stripping it out because what I'm doing is not valid. I'd like the ability to isolate my enumeration into various methods. Is this possible?

You're not actually using the result of ReturnOne. You're calling the method, and ignoring the return value... which means you'd never actually see any of your code being run. You can do it like this:
static IEnumerable<int> OneThroughFive()
foreach (int x in ReturnOne())
yield x;
yield return 2;
yield return 3;
yield return 4;
yield return 5;
C# doesn't (currently at least :) have a sort of "yield all" construct.
The fact that you're not getting to step into it has nothing to do with the fact that you've got a call within an iterator block - it's just that until you start using the result of an iterator block, none of the code runs. That's why you need to separate out argument validation from yielding. For example, consider this code:
public IEnumerator<string> ReturnSubstrings(string x)
if (x == null)
throw ArgumentNullException();
for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
yield return x.Substring(i);
ReturnSubstring(null); // No exception thrown
You need to write it like this:
public IEnumerator<string> ReturnSubstrings(string x)
if (x == null)
throw ArgumentNullException();
return ReturnSubstringsImpl(x);
private IEnumerator<string> ReturnSubstringsImpl(string x)
for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
yield return x.Substring(i);
For more details, read chapter 6 of C# in Depth - which happens to be a free chapter in the first edition :) Grab it here.


c# find max value recursive (fastest)

I'm out of ideas on this one. Tried originally myself and then copied from SO and google, which worked on all cases except one, however still didn't find a recursive algorithm that is fast enough for that particular test case in my assignment :/
In any case, why this:
public static int FindMaximum(int[] array)
if (array is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(array));
if (array.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException(null);
return FindMaxRec(array, array.Length);
public static int FindMaxRec(int[] arr, int n)
if (n == 1)
return arr[0];
return Math.Max(arr[n - 1], FindMaxRec(arr, n - 1));
doesn't work with this TestCase?:
public void FindMaximum_TestForLargeArray()
int expected = this.max;
int actual = FindMaximum(this.array);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
This works fine though, but I need recursive:
public static int FindMaximum(int[] array)
if (array is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(array));
if (array.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException(null);
int maxValue = int.MinValue;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
if (array[i] > maxValue)
maxValue = array[i];
return maxValue;
You can try splitting array in two:
public static int FindMaximum(int[] array) {
if (null == array)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(array));
if (array.Length <= 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Empty array is not allowed.", nameof(array));
return FindMaxRec(array, 0, array.Length - 1);
private static int FindMaxRec(int[] array, int from, int to) {
if (to < from)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(to));
if (to <= from + 1)
return Math.Max(array[from], array[to]);
return Math.Max(FindMaxRec(array, from, (from + to) / 2),
FindMaxRec(array, (from + to) / 2 + 1, to));
Random random = new Random(123);
int[] data = Enumerable
.Range(0, 10_000_000)
.Select(_ => random.Next(1_000_000_000))
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
int max = FindMaximum(data);
Console.WriteLine($"max = {max}");
Console.WriteLine($"time = {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}");
max = 999999635
time = 100
An easy way to turn a simple linear algorithm into a recursive one is to make use of the enumerator of the array.
public static int FindMax(int[] values)
using var enumerator = values.GetEnumerator();
return FindMaxRecursively(enumerator, int.MinValue);
private static T FindMaxRecursively<T>(IEnumerator<T> enumerator, T currentMax) where T : IComparable
if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) return currentMax;
var currentValue = enumerator.Current;
if (currentValue.CompareTo(currentMax) > 0) currentMax = currentValue;
return FindMaxRecursively(enumerator, currentMax);
This passes your test case and uses recursion.
Edit: Here is a more beginner friendly version of the above, with comments to explain what it is doing:
public static int FindMax(IEnumerable<int> values)
using var enumerator = values.GetEnumerator();//the using statement disposes the enumerator when we are done
//disposing the enumerator is important because we want to reset the index back to zero for the next time someone enumerates the array
return FindMaxRecursively(enumerator, int.MinValue);
private static int FindMaxRecursively(IEnumerator<int> enumerator, int currentMax)
if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) //move to the next item in the array. If there are no more items in the array MoveNext() returns false
return currentMax; //if there are no more items in the array return the current maximum value
var currentValue = enumerator.Current;//this is the value in the array at the current index
if (currentValue > currentMax) currentMax = currentValue;//if it's larger than the current maximum update the maximum
return FindMaxRecursively(enumerator, currentMax);//continue on to the next value, making sure to pass the current maximum
Something that might help understand this is that the IEnumerator is what enables foreach loops. Under the hood, foreach loops are just repeatedly calling MoveNext on an item that has an IEnumerator. Here is some more info on that topic.
public static int findMax(int[] a, int index) {
if (index > 0) {
return Math.max(a[index], findMax(a, index-1))
} else {
return a[0];

Trying to understand c# yield in Unity3D

I've got a class. It has a method that does a lot of work. I would like to not have the program hang while it does the work. I understand yield will do this for me.
void Start() {
void DoWork (int x, int y) {
for (int i=0; i < x; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < y; j++) {
// Stuff
If I add a yield like this
void Start() {
DoWork(10, 10);
IEnumerable DoWork (int x, int y) {
for (int i=0; i < x; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < y; j++) {
// Stuff
Debug.Log (1);
yield return null;
None of the work gets done and on top of that I see no log statements at all.
How do I yield my code so the program doesn't freeze?
This is Unity3D engine so your coroutine needs to return IEnumerator to be valid:
void Start() {
StartCoroutine(DoWork(10, 10));
IEnumerator DoWork (int x, int y) {
for (int i=0; i < x; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < y; j++) {
// Stuff
Debug.Log (1);
yield return null;
This is in no way multithreading. It is run just like an update once per frame between the Update and the LateUpdate except if you use
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
then it is postponed until after the rendering process. What it does is create a new object of type Coroutine and place it on the calling MonoBehaviour stack of coroutines.
This works as a method that performs some repetitive action but always return to the main program when hitting a yield. It will then catch back from there on the next frame.
You need to use the StartCoroutine method:
void Start() {
StartCoroutine(DoWork(10, 10));
IEnumerator DoWork (int x, int y) {
// (A)
yield return null;
// (B)
for (int i=0; i < x; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < y; j++) {
// Stuff
Debug.Log (1);
yield return null;
// (C)
Yur code is executed piece by piece where delimiter of steps is the yield operator, i.e. when Framework calls MoveNext() the first time - the code (A) will be executed, when it calls MoveNext() second time - the code (B) will be executed, then code (C), and so on and so forth.
When you add a yield statement, the compiler actually generates a private class that acts as a state machine that implements IEnumerable. As such none of the code wrapped up from the original method will be called unless you enumerate the result of the method - in your example, you're throwing away the return value, so nothing would happen.
Yield keyword is used for lazy loading/computation support in C#.
Try doing:
var result = DoWork().ToList();
This forces an evaluation of the DoWork() method and you will see the logging taking place.
C# yield in Unity works just like C# yield always does. Unity does not influence this in any way.
yield is a keyword that is used to allow enumeration over a set of return values.
IEnumerator<int> MyEnumerationMethod()
yield return 5;
yield return 1;
yield return 9;
yield return 4;
void UserMethod1()
foreach (int retVal in MyEnumerationMethod())
Console.Write(retVal + ", ");
// this does print out 5, 1, 9, 4,
void UserMethod2()
IEnumerator<int> myEnumerator = MyEnumerationMethod();
while (myEnumerator.MoveNext())
Console.Write(myEnumerator.Current + ", ");
// this does print out 5, 1, 9, 4,
UserMethod1() and UserMethod2() are pretty much the same. UserMethod1() is just the C# syntactic sugar version of UserMethod2().
Unity uses this language feature to implement Coroutines:
When you call StartCoroutine() and pass it an IEnumerator, Unity stores this enumerator and calls MoveNext() for the first time. This will cause MyEnumerationMethod() to be called and executed up until the first yield return. At this point, MoveNext() returns and the first result (5) can be retrieved by looking at the Current property of the enumerator.
Now, Unity regularly checks the Current property and - depending on its value - decides whether the time has come to call MoveNext() again. The value of Current might be an instance of WaitForEndOfFrame, an instance of WWW or whatever, and depending on that the time, MoveNext() is called is decided.
Once MoveNext() is called again, execution of MyEnumerationMethod() will be continued at the point where it was interrupted last time, and executes until the next yield return is executed. And so on.
That's all there is to yield, and to Coroutines in Unity.

C# yield Follow-up to the end

If I call methodA and then methodB output is: "121234". But I need output: "1234", "12" from methodA and "34" from methodB. I need to remember where getNumber ended with the return, and the next call continue from here. It is possible?
MethodA snipset
int x = 0;
foreach (var num in GetNumber())
if (x == 2)
MethodB snipset
int x = 0;
foreach (var num in GetNumber())
if (x == 4)
static IEnumerable<int> GetNumber()
int x = 0;
while (true)
yield return x++;
You can initialize x outside the method:
static class InfiniteContinuingSequence
static int x = 0;
public static IEnumerable<int> GetNumbers()
while (true)
yield return x++;
But you will have to explicitly be careful when and where this sequence gets enumerated. If it is inadvertently enumerated multiple times, you will "lose" numbers in the sequence; if you try to exhaustively enumerate GetNumbers() you'll get either an infinite loop or an overflow; and if you try to call this from multiple threads without locking, you'll get potentially odd behavior.
Instead, I might suggest to either use an explicit enumerator, or be able to specify a "restart point" to your method (in this case at least you will not get odd behavior by multiple enumerations):
static IEnumerable<int> GetNumbers(int startingPoint = 0)
int x = startingPoint;
while (true)
yield return x++;
Change GetNumber to
static int x = 0;
static IEnumberable<int> GetNumber()
while (true) { yield return x++; }
The issue is that you have two enumerations of GetNumber. By making x static you will get the results you want. But beware this is not thread safe code.

How to refactor this routine to avoid the use of recursion?

So I was writing a mergesort in C# as an exercise and although it worked, looking back at the code, there was room for improvement.
Basically, the second part of the algorithm requires a routine to merge two sorted lists.
Here is my way too long implementation that could use some refactoring:
private static List<int> MergeSortedLists(List<int> sLeft, List<int> sRight)
if (sLeft.Count == 0 || sRight.Count == 0)
return sLeft;
else if (sLeft.Count == 1 && sRight.Count == 1)
if (sLeft[0] <= sRight[0])
sLeft.Insert(0, sRight[0]);
return sLeft;
else if (sLeft.Count == 1 && sRight.Count > 1)
for (int i=0; i<sRight.Count; i++)
if (sLeft[0] <= sRight[i])
sRight.Insert(i, sLeft[0]);
return sRight;
return sRight;
else if (sLeft.Count > 1 && sRight.Count == 1)
for (int i=0; i<sLeft.Count; i++)
if (sRight[0] <= sLeft[i])
sLeft.Insert(i, sRight[0]);
return sLeft;
return sLeft;
List<int> list = new List<int>();
if (sLeft[0] <= sRight[0])
list.AddRange(MergeSortedLists(sLeft, sRight));
return list;
Surely this routine can be improved/shortened by removing recursion, etc. There are even other ways to merge 2 sorted lists. So any refactoring is welcome.
Although I do have an answer, I'm curious as to how would other programmers would go about improving this routine.
Thank you!
Merging two sorted lists can be done in O(n).
List<int> lList, rList, resultList;
int r,l = 0;
while(l < lList.Count && r < rList.Count)
if(lList[l] < rList[r]
//And add the missing parts.
while(l < lList.Count)
while(r < rList.Count)
My take on this would be:
private static List<int> MergeSortedLists(List<int> sLeft, List<int> sRight)
List<int> result = new List<int>();
int indexLeft = 0;
int indexRight = 0;
while (indexLeft < sLeft.Count || indexRight < sRight.Count)
if (indexRight == sRight.Count ||
(indexLeft < sLeft.Count && sLeft[indexLeft] < sRight[indexRight]))
return result;
Exactly what I'd do if I had to do it by hand. =)
Are you really sure your code works at all? Without testing it, i see the following:
else if (sLeft.Count > 1 && sRight.Count == 0) //<-- sRight is empty
for (int i=0; i<sLeft.Count; i++)
if (sRight[0] <= sLeft[i]) //<-- IndexError?
sLeft.Insert(i, sRight[0]);
return sLeft;
return sLeft;
As a starting point, I would remove your special cases for when either of the lists has Count == 1 - they can be handled by your more general (currently recursing) case.
The if (sLeft.Count > 1 && sRight.Count == 0) will never be true because you've checked for sRight.Count == 0 at the start - so this code will never be reached and is redundant.
Finally, instead of recursing (which is very costly in this case due to the number of new Lists you create - one per element!), I'd do something like this in your else (actually, this could replace your entire method):
List<int> list = new List<int>();
while (sLeft.Count > 0 && sRight.Count > 0)
if (sLeft[0] <= sRight[0])
// one of these two is already empty; the other is in sorted order...
return list;
(Ideally I'd refactor this to use integer indexes against each list, instead of using .RemoveAt, because it's more performant to loop through the list than destroy it, and because it might be useful to leave the original lists intact. This is still more efficient code than the original, though!)
You were asking for differrent approaches as well. I might do as below depending on the usage. The below code is lazy so it will not sort the entire list at once but only when elements are requested.
class MergeEnumerable<T> : IEnumerable<T>
public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
var left = _left.GetEnumerator();
var right = _right.GetEnumerator();
var leftHasSome = left.MoveNext();
var rightHasSome = right.MoveNext();
while (leftHasSome || rightHasSome)
if (leftHasSome && rightHasSome)
if(_comparer.Compare(left.Current,right.Current) < 0)
yield return returner(left);
} else {
yield return returner(right);
else if (rightHasSome)
private T returner(IEnumerator<T> enumerator)
var current = enumerator.Current;
return current;
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return ((IEnumerable<T>)this).GetEnumerator();
private IEnumerable<T> _left;
private IEnumerable<T> _right;
private IComparer<T> _comparer;
MergeEnumerable(IEnumerable<T> left, IEnumerable<T> right, IComparer<T> comparer)
_left = left;
_right = right;
_comparer = comparer;
EDIT: It's basically the same implementatin as Sergey Osypchuk his will from start to finish when looking only at the sorting be fastest but the latency will be higher as well due to the fact of sorting the entire list upfront. So as I said depending on the usage I might go with this approach and an alternative would be something similar to Sergey Osypchuk
Often you can use a stack instead of use recursion
Merge list (by theory, input lists are sorted in advance) sorting could be implemented in following way:
List<int> MergeSorting(List<int> a, List<int> b)
int apos = 0;
int bpos = 0;
List<int> result = new List<int>();
while (apos < a.Count && bpos < b.Count)
int avalue = int.MaxValue;
int bvalue = int.MaxValue;
if (apos < a.Count)
avalue = a[apos];
if (bpos < b.Count)
bvalue = b[bpos];
if (avalue < bvalue)
return result;
In case you start with not sorted list you need to split it by sorted subsequence and than marge them using function above
I never use recursion for merge sort. You can make iterative passes over the input, taking advantage of the fact that the sorted block size doubles with every merge pass. Keep track of the block size and the count of items you've processed from each input list; when they're equal, the list is exhausted. When both lists are exhausted you can move on to the next pair of blocks. When the block size is greater than or equal to your input size, you're done.
Edit: Some of the information I had left previously was incorrect, due to my misunderstanding - a List in C# is similar to an array and not a linked list. My apologies.

Collection Randomization using Extension Method [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 13 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
C#: Is using Random and OrderBy a good shuffle algorithm?
I want to create an extension method which should shuffle the items in the collection.
Can i improve the following?
public static IList<T> RandomList<T>(this IList<T> source)
if (source.Count <= 0) throw new ArgumentException("No Item to Randomize");
for (int i =source.Count-1 ; i>0; i--)
int RandomIndex = Rnd.Next(i + 1);
T temp = source[i];
source[i] = source[RandomIndex];
source[RandomIndex] = temp;
return source;
public static IEnumerable<T> Shuffle<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
foreach(var item in source.OrderBy(i => Guid.NewGuid()))
yield return item;
There are a few issues I would have with this method:
It should check for a null argument.
It should not check for a 0-length list.
Avoid side-effects. Create a new list for the shuffled elements, instead of modifying the existing one.
Don't hide dependencies. Pass the random number generator in as an argument.
Use a more descriptive name than 'RandomList'.
The input type can be generalized to IEnumerable.
The method can be changed to an enumerator [generalize the output type].
public static IList<T> Shuffled<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Random generator)
if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
if (generator == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("generator");
var result = source.ToList();
//shuffle the copy
for (int i = result.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
int RandomIndex = generator.Next(i + 1);
T temp = result[i];
result[i] = result[RandomIndex];
result[RandomIndex] = temp;
return result;
I didn't generalize the output type. You can do that if you want.
I think is good enough as long as you know Random is not very random.
the Random class is viable for use in simple games and other non-scientific fields. Do not use it for cryptography.
Generally you should avoid changing the list and instead return a new list. Even better would be to return IEnumerable to be consistent with other Extension methods and LINQ.
Try this.
public static class RandomizeExtensionMethods
private static readonly Random _random = new Random();
public static IEnumerable<T> Randomize<T>(this IList<T> enumerable)
if (enumerable == null || enumerable.Count == 0)
return new List<T>(0);
return RandomizeImpl(enumerable);
public static IEnumerable<T> RandomizeImpl<T>(this IList<T> enumerable)
var indices = new int[enumerable.Count];
for(int i=0; i<indices.Length; i++)
indices[i] = i;
lock (_random)
for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length - 1; i++)
int j = _random.Next(i, indices.Length);
int swap = indices[j];
indices[j] = indices[i];
indices[i] = swap;
for(int i=0; i<indices.Length; i++)
yield return enumerable[indices[i]];
Having it return itself is somewhat redundant. If you were returning a deep copy of the list, sure; and in that case it should get called "GetShuffledCopy()" or something similar. If you're acting on the list itself, it should be a void return and be called something like "Shuffle()"

