StructureMap: How can i unit test the registry class? - c#

I have a registry class like this:
public class StructureMapRegistry : Registry
public StructureMapRegistry()
I want to test that the configuration is according to my intent, so i start writing a test:
public class WhenConfiguringIOCContainer : Scenario
private TfsTimeMachine.Domain.StructureMapRegistry registry;
private Container container;
protected override void Given()
registry = new TfsTimeMachine.Domain.StructureMapRegistry();
container = new Container();
protected override void When()
container.Configure(i => i.AddRegistry(registry));
public void DateTimeProviderIsRegisteredAsSingleton()
// I want to say "verify that the container contains the expected type and that the expected type
// is registered as a singleton
How can verify that the registry is accoring to my expectations? Note: I introduced the container because I didn't see any sort of verification methods available on the Registry class. Idealy, I want to test on the registry class directly.

Think of a Registry class like a config file - it doesn't really make sense to test it in isolation, but you might want to test how another class responds to it. In this case, you would test how a Container behaves when given a registry, so you were on the right track by introducing the Container to your test.
In your test, you can request an IDateTimeProvider and assert that the concrete type returned is the type you expect. You can also retrieve 2 instances from the container and assert that they are the same instance (ReferenceEquals) to verify the singleton behavior.

Within StructureMap a registry is used to generate a PluginGraph; so to unit test a registry you need to check that it's design produces the correct graph. Unfortunately test verification is best done against an internal property, here's a sample:
public interface IFoo {}
public class SomeFoo : IFoo {}
public class FooRegistry : Registry
public FooRegistry()
public class FooRegistryTests
public void ForIFoo_UseSomeFoo_AsDefaultInstance()
// Arrange
var registry = new FooRegistry();
// Act
var pluginGraph = registry.Build();
var iFooPluginFamily = pluginGraph.FindFamily(typeof(IFoo));
var defaultInstance = iFooPluginFamily.GetDefaultInstance();
// Assert
public static class TestExtensions
public static bool UsesConcreteType<T>(this Instance instance)
var concreteTypeProperty = typeof (Instance).GetProperty("ConcreteType", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (concreteTypeProperty == null || concreteTypeProperty.PropertyType != typeof(Type))
Assert.Inconclusive("Unable to locate the internal StructureMap.Instance.ConcreteType property");
var propertyValue = concreteTypeProperty.GetValue(instance, new object[] {}) as Type;
return typeof (T) == propertyValue;
Testing against an internal property is never desirable, but in the case of testing registry's it's been the best approach I've found. The extension method tries to be just smart enough to be able to make tests which rely on it inconclusive if the internal API changes.

Check this interesting atircle for example :
public void Should_connect_delete_handler_by_registry()
var container = new Container(new HandlerRegistry());
var handler = container.GetInstance<IHandler<DeleteEntityCommand<Customer>>>();


How to cast Moq object to check type for dependency injection

I have created a wrapper class for the Microsoft DependencyInjection to simplify some of the calls in my application. I am trying to write unit tests that use Moq to insert objects into the dependency injection service.
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Moq;
using Xunit;
public static class DiService
private static IServiceProvider diProvider;
private static Dictionary<Type, object> mockCollection = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
public static IServiceCollection ServiceCollection { get; } = new ServiceCollection();
public static bool UseTestMode { get; set; } = false;
public static T GetRequiredService<T>()
where T : class
if( UseTestMode )
if( mockCollection.ContainsKey(typeof(T)) )
return mockCollection[typeof(T)] as T;
if( diProvider == null )
diProvider = ServiceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
return diProvider.GetRequiredService<T>();
public static void RegisterMock(Type interfaceType, object mockObjectInstance)
if( !mockObjectInstance.GetType().IsInstanceOfType(interfaceType) )
throw new InvalidCastException($"mockObjectInstance must be of type {interfaceType}");
if( mockCollection.ContainsKey(interfaceType) )
mockCollection[interfaceType] = mockObjectInstance;
mockCollection.Add(interfaceType, mockObjectInstance);
Testing related code
public interface ITestInterface
public class TestClass : ITestInterface
public void GetRequiredService_MoqObject_NormalOperation()
Mock<ITestInterface> mock = new Mock<ITestInterface>();
DiService.UseTestMode = true;
DiService.RegisterMock(typeof(ITestInterface), mock.Object);
ITestInterface testResult = DiService.GetRequiredService<ITestInterface>();
This works great for mocks that I great myself, but not when I try to use Moq. The InvalidCastException is thrown for Moq objects.
In the RegisterMock method, I haven't been able to figure out how to cast the Moq object to check if it implements the proper interface. The Moq object actually doesn't inherit from the interface it's mocking (the interface is ITestInterfaceProxy). I also can't figure out how to cast an object to a type specified by a variable.
Is there any way to actually perform the error check in RegisterMock?
Thanks ahead of time for your responses.
Based on Peter Csala's comment, I am adding this example of how I'm using the DiService above. I hope I haven't simplified it to the point of uselessness.
public void TestLoad()
DiService.UseTestMode = true;
Mock<IDataAccess> mockDataAccess = new Mock<IDataAccess>();
DiService.RegisterMock(typeof(IDataAccess), mockDataAccess.Object);
Data testData = GenFu.A.New<Data>();
mockDataAccess.Setup(mock => mock.LoadData(It.IsAny<string>()).Returns(testData);
// Assuming that inside MyViewModel.LoadData there is some process that generates an IDataAccess and calls IDataAccess.LoadData
MyViewModel viewModel = new MyViewModel();
Data loadedData = viewModel.LoadData("some id");
Assert.Equal(testData, loadedData);
Just to clarify certain things:
I am trying to write unit tests that use Moq to insert objects into the dependency injection service
In case of unit testing the DI is not in use. Rather you explicitly pass the mocked object to your system under test. For example:
Your System under test class
private readonly IDependency dependency;
public SampleUsage(IDependency dep)
=> dependency = dep;
Your test code
Mock<IDependency> mockedDep = new Mock<IDependency>();
var sut = SampleUsage(mockedDep.Object);
var actualResult = sut.XYZMethod();
In case of integration or end-to-end testing you rely on the DI system, but not by replacing some components with a mocked one. Rather you are using different configuration options.
For example if you have a component that communicates with a 1st or 3rd party REST service then you should change the base address configuration of that service. That new address should point to a locally running http mock server. You can create one with a library like WireMock.NET.

Having some parameters Injected with DI and some assigned manually

In a .NET Core 3.1 console application I want a Class that would have some parameters in constructor injected but some that I could assign manually. For example something like that but with IConfiguration Injected:
static void Main() {
var myObj1 = new MyClass(1);
var myObj2 = new MyClass(2);
public class MyClass {
public MyClass(IConfiguraiton config, int myVal)
I tried this with Ninject:
static void Main()
kernel = new StandardKernel();
public class MyClass
public MyClass(IConfiguraiton config)
public class Bindings : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile($"appsettings.json").Build();
Bind<IConfiguration>().ToMethod(ctx => SetupConfiguration()).InSingletonScope();
I managed to make simple dependency injection, but haven't had any success making injection with parameters.
I've read a lot of people suggesting that it's better to pass parameters into methods of the class rather than constructor, however in my situation this isn't an option in addition I'm a software engineering student, and would like to learn how to do this, since it might be useful in some situations.
This is a situation where the Ninject.Extensions.Factory is useful, as it is made exactly for this situation. It does pull in the Factory dependency in addition to Castle.Core, as it uses DynamicProxy under the hood (as a SE student, playing with this library is a good idea for using the interceptor pattern).
To use it, you define a Factory interface like so:
public interface IMyClassFactory
MyClass Create(int myVal);
Note that the Create method returns MyClass, and the argument(s) to the Create method match exactly in type and name to the arguments you wish to provide. The argument type(s) you want injected must be registered with the kernel. Unfortunately, it is easy to make a mistake here - if you specify a parameter that does not exist in the factory interface it is ignored, but if you forget one it will throw an exception when called.
Next, register IMyClassFactory like this: Bind<IMyClassFactory>().ToFactory(); and remove your binding for MyClass. Then wherever you need to create an instance, inject IMyClassFactory and call Create: kernel.Get<IMyClassFactory>().Create(2)
You can achieve the same result without using Ninject.Extensions.Factory by writing and registering your own implementation of IMyClassFactory, essentially doing the same thing that the code the Factory extension ends up emitting. A full sample is below using both methods based on commenting in/out the registration (note the output if you add .InSingletonScope() to the registration of IConfiguraiton - both approaches respect the binding scopes of Ninject).
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
var factory = kernel.Get<IMyClassFactory>();
var one = factory.Create(1);
var two = factory.Create(2);
public interface IMyClassFactory
MyClass Create(int myVal);
public class NinjectMyClassFactory : IMyClassFactory
public NinjectMyClassFactory(IResolutionRoot resolutionRoot)
ResolutionRoot = resolutionRoot;
private IResolutionRoot ResolutionRoot { get; }
public MyClass Create(int myVal)
return ResolutionRoot.Get<MyClass>(new ConstructorArgument("myVal", myVal));
public class MyClass
public MyClass(IConfiguraiton config, int myVal)
Console.Out.WriteLine("Created MyClass({0},{1})", config.MyNum, myVal);
public interface IConfiguraiton { int MyNum { get; } }
public class Configuraiton : IConfiguraiton
static int CreateCount;
public Configuraiton()
MyNum = Interlocked.Increment(ref CreateCount);
public int MyNum { get; }

Is it possible to override a named registration in Castle Windsor 3?

I have two interfaces, IExampleClient and IServiceUsingClient. Each has two implementations. They are registered in a Castle Windsor installer as follows:
.DependsOn(Dependency.OnComponent(typeof(IExampleClient), "FirstClient")));
.DependsOn(Dependency.OnComponent(typeof(IExampleClient), "SecondClient")));
See that both implementations of IServiceUsingClient depend on a different implementation of IExampleClient. To make this work I've used the DependsOn method to ensure a specific named registration is used.
I now have a set of component tests in which I want to mock the IExampleClient implementations. Normally I'd do this by overriding the registration using the IsDefault() option. However, because these are named registrations I can't do this. Castle complains that there's already a registration with the supplied name. However, if I register with a different name then my IServiceUsingClient will get my real implementations, not my mocks.
I'm hoping that I'm overlooking a technique that will achieve my goal without me having to override the entire dependency chain in my tests. Any ideas?
You can override a named registration using an IHandlerSelector. Here's an example. In the unit test you'll see that I'm registering two named implementations for a single dependency (IGreetingProvider- why? IDK.)
I'm then indicating that when another class needs an instance of IGreetingProvider, the instance named "Hello" should be used.
But then I'm registering an IHandlerProvider which intercepts that request and, out of the available registered components, selects the one named "Goodbye" instead.
So in effect this allows me to override what was previously registered with the container.
public class HandlerSelectorTests
public void HandlerSelectorOverridesRegistration()
using (var container = new WindsorContainer())
container.Register(Component.For<IGreetingProvider, Hello>()
container.Register(Component.For<IGreetingProvider, Goodbye>()
.DependsOn(Dependency.OnComponent(typeof(IGreetingProvider), "Hello")));
var handlerSelector = new MyHandlerSelector();
var resolved = container.Resolve<SaysSomething>();
Assert.AreEqual("Goodbye", resolved.SaySomething());
public class MyHandlerSelector : IHandlerSelector
public bool HasOpinionAbout(string key, Type service)
return key == "Hello";
public IHandler SelectHandler(string key, Type service, IHandler[] handlers)
return handlers.First(handler => handler.ComponentModel.Name == "Goodbye");
public class SaysSomething
private readonly IGreetingProvider _greetingProvider;
public SaysSomething(IGreetingProvider greetingProvider)
_greetingProvider = greetingProvider;
public string SaySomething()
return _greetingProvider.GetGreeting();
public interface IGreetingProvider
string GetGreeting();
public class Hello : IGreetingProvider
public string GetGreeting()
return "Hello";
public class Goodbye : IGreetingProvider
public string GetGreeting()
return "Goodbye"; //Ok, it's not a greeting.

Inject/Mock external dll abstract classes' static methods

I have this situation: An azure cloud service that uses an external DLL and makes API calls. This DLL has an abstract class that has a static method to return a subclass reference I need to use to make the API calls.
Now for testing purposes, we run the cloud service in an emulator and run our unit tests. But we don't want to make that API call to the external system. We need to intercept it somehow. I have spent the better part of yesterday trying to see if I could do some dependency injection (unity) to do this but needless to say, no luck.
The abstract class exposing a static method to get an instance of a subclass to actually make the API call is probably the most restrictive of scenarios.
Below is some decompiled & cleaned up code to show the relevant pieces.
public abstract class EntityManager : System.Object
private static object lockObject;
private static Dictionary<System.Type, EntityManager> entityManagers;
private bool isSingleton;
public enum EntityManagerInstanceType : int
SingletonInstance = 0,
NewInstance = 1,
static EntityManager() { }
protected EntityManager() { }
public static T GetEntityManager<T>(EntityManagerInstanceType instanceType) where T : EntityManager
T item;
System.Type type = typeof(T);
T t = default(T);
lock (EntityManager.lockObject)
if (instanceType != EntityManagerInstanceType.SingletonInstance || !EntityManager.entityManagers.ContainsKey(type))
t = (T)System.Activator.CreateInstance(type, true);
t.isSingleton = instanceType == EntityManagerInstanceType.SingletonInstance;
catch (Exception adapterException)
if (instanceType == EntityManagerInstanceType.SingletonInstance)
EntityManager.entityManagers[type] = t;
return t;
item = (T)EntityManager.entityManagers[type];
return item;
protected object ProcessRequest(string methodName, object request) { return new object(); }
public class PersonaEntityManager : EntityManager
protected PersonaEntityManager() { }
public PersonaResponseData UpdatePersona(PersonaUpdateRequestData requestData)
return (PersonaResponseData)base.ProcessRequest("Mdm.UpdatePersona", requestData);
public class PublisherWorkerRole : RoleEntryPoint
public bool UpdatePersona(PersonaUpdateRequestData contact, string MessageId)
PersonaEntityManager mgr = EntityManager.GetEntityManager<PersonaEntityManager>(EntityManager.EntityManagerInstanceType.NewInstance);
var resp = mgr.UpdatePersona(contact);
return resp != null;
What is the ideal approach in this scenario? Is this even testable short of setting up our own mock API and changing the application config for test to call our mock API instead?
Let me know if you need me to elaborate on this further.
One approach is to use something like ms shims or typemock to mock out the static call. This would reduce the impact to your production code, but if you're not already using them may require a financial investment. These libraries are able to intercept calls that other mocking frameworks can't so in addition to allowing you mock static calls, they would also allow you to create mock versions of the PersonaEntityManager which you would also need.
As you've mentioned in your comment below, the following approach doesn't work because you need to be able to Mock the PersonaEntityManager class so that you can intercept the call to UpdatePersona, which as it's not virtual standard mocking frameworks can't do. I've left the approach below for completeness, since it is the approach I would typically use to isolate a static dependency.
If you don't mind modifying your production code is to isolate the dependency behind a wrapper class. This wrapper class can then be injected into your code in the normal way.
So you would end up with some wrapper code something like this:
public interface IEntityManagerWrapper {
T GetEntityManager<T>(EntityManager.EntityManagerInstanceType instanceType) where T : EntityManager;
public class EntityManagerWrapper : IEntityManagerWrapper {
public T GetEntityManager<T>(EntityManager.EntityManagerInstanceType instanceType) where T : EntityManager {
return EntityManager.GetEntityManager<T>(instanceType);
The IEntityWrapper can be setup to be injected using Unity and then mocked using your mocking framework of choice to return mock instances of the other classes you depend on like PesonaEntityManager.
So, your production code would look like this:
public class MyProductionCode{
private IEntityManagerWrapper _entityManager;
public MyProductionCode(IEntityManagerWrapper entityManager) {
_entityManager = entityManager;
public void DoStuff() {
PersonaEntityManager pem = _entityManager.GetEntityManager<PersonaEntityManager>(EntityManager.EntityManagerInstanceType.NewInstance);
var response = pem.UpdatePersona(new PersonaUpdateRequestData());
And the test code would have looked like this (assuming you're using Moq):
public void TestSomeStuff() {
var em = new Mock<IEntityManagerWrapper>();
var pe = new Mock<PersonaEntityManager>();
pe.Setup(x => x.UpdatePersona(It.IsAny<PersonaUpdateRequestData>())).Returns(new PersonaResponseData());
var sut = new MyProductionCode(em.Object);
The EntityWrapper class itself is pretty trivial, so I would tend to test it as an integration point, so use integration level testing to ensure it works both when it is written and if it is ever changed.
Hmm how about creating a proxy for that service. Expose necessary interface through proxy and inject provider (mocked or orginal) to it.

How to test virtual methods using Moles?

How can I test the IsHappy function using Moles?
class SomeClass
protected virtual bool IsHappy(string mood)
return (mood == "Happy");
I tried to test if by using Stub:
SSomeClass stub = new SSomeClass();
stub.CallBase = true;
... but the IsHappyString method returns null thus throwing a NullReference exception.
So, how can I test the default implementation of IsHappy method?
I'd forget about stubs here. Stubs/mocks are for when you want to fake the behavior of a dependency. You'd stub your SomeClass if had SomeClassClient that you wanted to test and it used SomeClass:
public class Foo
public virtual int GetFoosInt()
return 12;
public class FooClient
private Foo _foo;
public FooClient(Foo foo)
_foo = foo;
public int AddOneToFoosInt()
return _foo.GetFoosInt() + 1;
In this example, when testing FooClient, what you want to test is that it returns one more than "GetFoosInt()". You don't actually care what FoosInt is for testing the FooClient. So, you create a Foo stub where you can setup GetFoosInt to return whatever you want.
In your case, testing a protected virtual member, I'd go with this:
public class SomeClassTest
private class DummySomeClass : SomeClass
public bool IsHappyWrapper(string mood)
return IsHappy(mood);
public void SomeTest()
var myClass = new DummySomeClass();
This gives you 'direct' access to the protected virtual to test default behavior. Only word of caution is that if you start defining abstract members and adding to SomeClass in general, you'll have to add them to this dummy inheritor as well, adding to testing maintenance overhead.
The purist in me says that you should leave protected members alone and only test them through the public interface. But, that may or may not be practical in your situation, and I don't really see any harm in this approach.
Stubs and Moles are for isolating a class from any dependencies it has, either environmental dependencies or class dependencies. This class has no dependencies whatsoever, so why are you trying to mole or stub it?
If you want to make sure this base class works properly when people override it, then you'll need to create a test implementation. In that case this is more or less what your test cases should look like:
public SomeClassTestAdapter : SomeClass
public bool GetIsHappy(string mood)
return IsHappy(mood);
public void ShouldReturnTrueWhenPassedHappy()
var classUnderTest = new SomeClassTestAdapter();
bool result = classUnderTest.IsHappy("Happy");
Assert.IsTrue(result, "Expected result to be true");
public void ShouldReturnFalseWhenPassedLowerCaseHappy()
var classUnderTest = new SomeClassTestAdapter();
bool result = classUnderTest.IsHappy("happy");
Assert.IsFalse(result, "Expected result to be false");
public void ShouldReturnFalseWhenPassedNull()
var classUnderTest = new SomeClassTestAdapter();
bool result = classUnderTest.IsHappy(null);
Assert.IsFalse(result, "Expected result to be false");
There is no place in this code that stubs or moles should be squeezed in.
If you don't want to create an adapter class for this case, you can use built-in .Net features rather than a big, paid dependency like Moles. Reflections and dynamic let you get access to protected or private members. See this example:

