Question About Classic MVC - c#

In classic MVC the model notifies the view about changes made on it. In C# this means I have to subclass the View I'm interested in and in the subclassed class register to the model's event. For example,
if I were to implement MVC using C# and Winforms, I had to subclass TextBox class and then register inside the MyTextBox's constructor for the model events. Am I correct?
How was this issued in Smalltalk? Does one also need to subclass every View in order to register the model's events, or is there some way to dynamically add events to the views on the fly?

To address the sub-question about how Smalltalk (from which MVC originates) handles this: originally (this is Smalltalk-80, where Trygve Reenskaug implemented MVC) it was indeed necessary to subclass the view superclasses for your specific view to register it as a subscriber to change events from a concrete model subclass.
Controllers in Smalltalk were only to delegate or dispatch window events (esp. keyboard and mouse) to the model. Basically you can say the controllers modified model objects, and view only showed them.
However the concept of Dynamic Values, or ValueModels as they became to be called, made this approach obsolete in VisualWorks Smalltalk. Now you could create a standard GUI framework, no need to subclass anymore, and every view would be able to register itself as an observer to an abstract model class.
The model for the view would not be a model class anymore but a value model with a standard interface. More on this here:

I think the MVP pattern would be more appropriate for your winforms UI application.
What are MVP and MVC and what is the difference?


Avoid circular refence while classes have to communicate with eachother (Dependency injection)

I'm working on an application written in C# and WPF.
There's a view with a layout that consists of three separated sections (sub views).
A "content" view that contains the current main content (say, a listview of products).
A view located on top of it, containing tools and option
The main menu view on the left.
I use the .NET dependency injection for my application (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection, Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions)
When a ViewModel is set for the content view, I also want to set a ViewModel for the top view. These ViewModels have to communicate/reference eachother.
Like, when a command on the top ViewModel is executed, the content ViewModel should be notified and/or do something, and vice-versa.
Say I have a TopViewModel and a ContentViewModel.
One bad thing I could do is:
Requiring the ContentViewModel in the constructor of TopViewModel
and requiring the TopViewModel in the constructor of ContentViewModel.
Of course that won't work, because it's a circular reference.
The alternative I can think of, is just requiring the TopViewModel in the constructor of ContentViewModel and don't do this same kinf of thing with the other class.
The constructor code of ContentViewModel could then listen to events of TopViewModel. The TopViewModel doesn't know anything about ContentViewModel, which can be a problem if it needs to reference it for some logical reason.
Some content views can have multiple top views (they change like when the user selects something)
I'm taking this quite serious. Everything I can think of seems ugly and bad practice to me. While I think this is a quite simple and common situation.
What is the best, generally accepted solution to this that doesn't break the OOP rules?
What is the best, generally accepted solution to this that doesn't break the OOP rules?
Instead of storing a direct reference from one view model to another, you should consider using an event aggregator to communicate between the view models in a loosely coupled way.
This removes the tight coupling between the view model classes and makes your application easier to maintain and evolve over time.
The idea is that a subscriber observes the event aggregator instead of the publisher and the publisher knows only about the event aggregator and not about the subscriber(s). Please refer to the following blog post for more information.
Using the event aggregator pattern to communicate between view models

How to inform multiple view models of a variable change?

One of my views contains a dropdown menu. When a selection is made, its view model and all other view models in the program must be made aware of the change so that they can update their views.
Currently each view model contains its own copy of the selection and when it is changed I have
to manually update them all (I just have a public Refresh(int newVal) on each one). Is there a better way of doing this?
A possible approach might be to use an event aggregator. The aggregator is used to dispatch the messages between the publishers and receivers.
The objects that need to send a message register the message type with the EventAggregator and the objects that need to receive subscribe for them also at the EventAggregator.
There are many ways to implement this, I suggest using any MVVM framework of your choice. Most common frameworks offer time-proven implementations of this.
An example would be Caliburn Micro. CM framework already offers the EventAgregator class for this.
See an example of this here:Introduction to messaging with Caliburn.Micro’s EventAggregator.
You could use an event aggregator and publish an event through it that could be handled by every view model (maybe in some kind of base class?).
Use an (aggregated) event.
Subscribe to the event when the view is loaded, unsubscribe when the view is unloaded and make sure to initialize the variables in your view model when it's loaded. Then publish the event (pass the new data as a parameter) when the selection changes.

Difference in MVC & MVP interms of code in c#

when we search Google for difference between MVC and MVP then thousand of article is available but i read few but they are not showing difference in terms of coding sample. so if anyone knows any url from where i can see a sample code for both MVC & MVP implementation then please tell me the url. i want basically small sample code by which shown the difference through coding flow in c#. i hope i am very much clear what i am looking for.....i need code same code one with mvc coding flow and another with MVP. i am not asking for theoretical explanation.
I also don't have sample code on my blog post "MVVM vs MVP vs MVC: The differences explained" but I do have a section for each architecture that discusses how to implement them using words. I will describe it here.
MVP requires a few implementation details
Each view must implement an interface for the view (eg IUserEditView for editing users). This interface contains functions for things that the presenter might need to do (eg, showUsers(IList users), displayMessage(String errorMsg)
A presenter is created for each view. It contains functions that the view will need to call (eg, saveNewUser(User user), selectedUserChanged(User user))
An instance of the presenter is created in the view's codebehind. When view events occur, appropriate messages are forwarded to the the instance of the presenter. eg, when the save button is clicked, all the user details are forwarded to the presenter in the form of a new user....myPresenter.saveNewUser(new User(txtUserName.text, txtPassword.text))
When the instance of the presenter is created in (3), the view is passed as an argument to the constructor. This way, the presenter can reference the IUserEditView from (1)
That is the meat of MVP. You will probably need to implement the mediator pattern and have all the presenters inherit from base presenter. This way, presenters can send messages to each other without having to reference each other explicitly which is important (eg, if a new user is added, maybe you need to update a related view like users online).
MVC is a bit more tricky.
The controllers have a method of selecting which view is displayed. This could be referencing just a dictionary of instances of all the views but a better way is to have some class outside the controller manage the details and then the controller can just select the view with something like ShowView("UsersView", listOfUsers). Note the separate class can be a base class, or a factory, helper
A method of forwarding actions from the views to appropriate controllers. With the web, you just can determine the controller & method from the request url (eg,, For other systems, you will have to implement a class to manage the messages, or just directly forward them to an instance of the controller in the view. I've only used MVC with the web so I'm not so sure about the last point.
Because of (2), the view is now able to trigger actions in the controller. When it does so, the controller modifies the model (the implementation of this will depend on the details of your model).
Updates to the model get sent to the view (usually via an observer pattern). Check out INotifyPropertyChanged if using .net
Word of caution: Although I have described how to implement both methods, they should not really be considered interchangeable. There are cases when you want MVC, MVP, and MVVM. I think if you don't have technology limitations around using MVVM, then it is your best choice. I am biased but I think maybe people are moving away from MVC and towards MVVM (or MVP) except for very specific cases like ASP.NET MVC. My article describes this in more detail if you need clarification.
Short summary for when to use each in terms of C#
WinForms -> MVP
ASP -> MVC (if you can't use ASP.NET
MVC, then MVP will work too)

Winforms for a java swing guy [Applying MVC]

I am developing a GUI application in C# using the design mode in VS2008. Now that I am finished with the looks of the application I am ready to add some functionality to it.
What really confuses me though, is that VS2008 designer only uses the empty constructor. When developing applications in Java I normally pass around a model and controller object to every view object in the constructor.
I am unsure if I have used the designer too much and needs to hardcode more or if there is some other way to do it.
How do you pass around data to view objects?
Hope you understand me
you can use your constructor in subclasses of Form class without problems. However for Controls to be compatible with designer this doesn't work well.
You can pass model object to public property or method of you view object (form or control).
You can use Passive View or Supervising Controller patterns in which View knows little about model and is modified by Presenter.
Try to use : (formerly known as Composite Application Block).
It's a MVP framework for Windows Form which allows you to do dependency injection of your presenter in your view.

How to apply the MVC pattern to GUI development

I am primary a web developer but I do have a very good understanding of C++ and C#. However, recently I have writing a GUI application and I have started to get lost in how to handle the relationship between my controller and view logic. In PHP it was very easy - and I could write my own MVC pattern with my eyes closed - mainly because of how PHP is stateless and you regenerate the entire form per request. But in application programming languages I get lost very quickly.
My question is: how would I separate my controller from view? Should the view attach to events from the controller - or should the view implement an interface that the controller interacts with?
If I was you I would expose events from an interface of your view. This would allow you to make the controller central to the entire interaction.
The controller would load first and instantiate the view, I would use dependency injection so that you don't create a dependency on the view itself but only on the interface.
The controller would access the model and load data into the view.
The controller would bind to events defined on the view interface.
The controller would then handle saving of data back to the model via an event.
If you wanted to you could also use an event broker which would void the need to declare an interface per view. This way you could bind to events through attributes.
This would leave you with the Controller being dependent on the model and the view interface, the view being dependent on the data only and the model having no dependencies.
Some examples of the above design thinking can be found in CAB and the Smart Client Software Factory Link To Smart Client. They use the MVP pattern but it could equally easily be applied to the MVC pattern.
Most every GUI framework (from MFC to SWT to whatever) is already MVC based. In fact, the MVC pattern was first created by Smalltalk-80 and later first really used for GUI development.
Double check and look at the standards and suggested practices for your GUI toolkit of choice. Sometimes MVC won't be a good pattern to work with when solving a certain problem or working with a particular toolkit.
Remember: MVC is a great pattern but isn't a one size fits all solution, don't try and force a problem into MVC when event-based or functional style programming will make your life easier.
Imagine this GUI:
The Zergling unit is presented to the user as an alien icon. You can see that it is in its idle animation. Call this the View.
The player moves the unit by clicking on it and a target location. You can subtitute the player for an AI if you want. Call this the Controller.
The HP and attack range of the unit is calculated every game frame when the unit is in combat. You can change this data to make the Zergling into a range unit. Call this the Model.
Keep this analogy in mind and extend it for your MVC designs.
The imortant thing for you to remember, is that in your MVC setup the Controller must know which View to call, but the View must know nothing of the Controller.
So your View must provide a generalized way for Controllers to interact with it, so that you can have several different Controllers call the same View (a standardized graphical output of some data provided as parameter, for example).
This gives you flexibility:
If your customer wants PDF output of
something you only provide HTML
output for, you can get away with
writing a new PDF View to be called
from the Controller with the same
parameters as the HTML View.
If your customer wants similar HTML output of a different data source (say), you can get away with coding a new Controller that provides a different data set to the same old HTML View, which gives the same HTML report just with other data.
If you keep your View detached from specific Controllers, and put the knowledge about which View to call from your Controller, you're well on your way.
Your controller should definately bind to events defined on an interface the view implements.
How you go about doing this can be the tricky part. Dependency injection? A view factory? Have the view instantiate the controller it wants? It really depends on how complex the application is going to be.
For something really quick and simple I would start with having each view construct it's controller and then look at other options if it needed to get bigger. Personally I think a full dependency injection framework is overkill for half a dozen forms :]

