convert Javascript function to c# - c#

I want to convert following javascript function to c#
can anyone help?
function parseCoordinate(coordinate,type,format,spaced) {
coordinate = coordinate.toString();
coordinate = coordinate.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g,''); // remove white space
var neg = 0; if (coordinate.match(/(^-|[WS])/i)) { neg = 1; }
if (coordinate.match(/[EW]/i) && !type) { type = 'lon'; }
if (coordinate.match(/[NS]/i) && !type) { type = 'lat'; }
coordinate = coordinate.replace(/[NESW\-]/gi,' ');
if (!coordinate.match(/[0-9]/i)) {
return '';
parts = coordinate.match(/([0-9\.\-]+)[^0-9\.]*([0-9\.]+)?[^0-9\.]*([0-9\.]+)?/);
if (!parts || parts[1] == null) {
return '';
} else {
n = parseFloat(parts[1]);
if (parts[2]) { n = n + parseFloat(parts[2])/60; }
if (parts[3]) { n = n + parseFloat(parts[3])/3600; }
if (neg && n >= 0) { n = 0 - n; }
if (format == 'dmm') {
if (spaced) {
n = Degrees_to_DMM(n,type,' ');
} else {
n = Degrees_to_DMM(n,type);
} else if (format == 'dms') {
if (spaced) {
n = Degrees_to_DMS(n,type,' ');
} else {
n = Degrees_to_DMS(n,type,'');
} else {
n = Math.round(10000000 * n) / 10000000;
if (n == Math.floor(n)) { n = n + '.0'; }
return comma2point(n);

Check out Regex on MSDN or have a quick look on google for Regex C#
if (coordinate.match(/(^-|[WS])/i)) { neg = 1; }
would become:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
Regex myRegex = new Regex("/(^-|[WS])/i)");
if (coordinate.IsMatch(myRegex))
If it will always be like your above example 'N27 53.4891' then you could store it as a string. If the above latitude is in 2 parts ('N27' and 53.4891) and you need to access them seperately then you could have a custom Coordinate class, e.g.
public class coordinate
public string otherPart {get; set;} // N27
public float coordPart {get; set;} // 53.4891
You can then override the .toString() method to get 'N27 53.4891'.

Regex myPattern =new Regex("/(^-|[WS])/i)");
{ neg = 1; }
see if this works


How to retrieve multiple spaces from a string

I have this method:
public static string ReplaceVarReferences(string input,char open, char close)
string inner = "";
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
if (input[i] == open)
string varInner = "";
while (input[i] != close)
varInner += input[i];
inner += GetVariable(varInner);
inner += input[i];
return inner;
and this memory allocation and retrieval methods:
public static Dictionary<string, string> memory = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public static string GetVariable(string key)
if (memory.ContainsKey(key))
return memory[key];
return key;
public static void SetVariable(string key, string value)
if (memory.ContainsKey(key))
memory[key] = value;
memory.Add(key, value);
I want to to return a string with the 'ReplaceVarReferences' method and return a string with multiple spaces like this:
this code is from my interpreter and not real code.
var a = hello world;
print(variable a = {a})
the 'ReplaceVarReferences' method should be able to return this with multiple spaces:
"variable a = hello world"
but instead, it returns:
"variable a = hello world"
how can I fix this?
Ok so I looked at the wrong place I have another method that had the problem:
public static string GetNested(string Open, string Close, List<string> t, ref int i)
string inner = "";
int nested = 0;
while (true)
if (i < t.Count - 1)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t[i]))
for (int x = 0; x < t[i].Length; x++)
inner += " ";
else if (t[i] == Close)
if (nested > 0)
inner += t[i];
else if (t[i] == Open)
if (nested > 0)
inner += t[i];
inner += t[i];
if (nested == 0)
return inner;
i did not include:
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t[i]))
for (int x = 0; x < t[i].Length; x++)
inner += " ";
and it resulted in the spaces being dumped when retrieving the nested string.

Make every other a-z letter Upper / Lower case, ignoring whitespace

Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong please? can't seem to get the expected output, i.e. ignore whitespace and only upper/lowercase a-z characters regardless of the number of whitespace characters
my code:
var sentence = "dancing sentence";
var charSentence = sentence.ToCharArray();
var rs = "";
for (var i = 0; i < charSentence.Length; i++)
if (charSentence[i] != ' ')
if (i % 2 == 0 && charSentence[i] != ' ')
rs += charSentence[i].ToString().ToUpper();
else if (i % 2 == 1 && charSentence[i] != ' ')
rs += sentence[i].ToString().ToLower();
rs += " ";
Expected output: DaNcInG sEnTeNcE
Actual output: DaNcInG SeNtEnCe
I use flag instead of i because (as you mentioned) white space made this algorithm work wrong:
var sentence = "dancing sentence";
var charSentence = sentence.ToCharArray();
var rs = "";
var flag = true;
for (var i = 0; i < charSentence.Length; i++)
if (charSentence[i] != ' ')
if (flag)
rs += charSentence[i].ToString().ToUpper();
rs += sentence[i].ToString().ToLower();
flag = !flag;
rs += " ";
Try a simple Finite State Automata with just two states (upper == true/false); another suggestion is to use StringBuilder:
private static string ToDancing(string value) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
return value;
bool upper = false;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(value.Length);
foreach (var c in value)
if (char.IsLetter(c))
sb.Append((upper = !upper) ? char.ToUpper(c) : char.ToLower(c));
return sb.ToString();
var sentence = "dancing sentence";
DaNcInG sEnTeNcE
I think you should declare one more variable called isUpper. Now you have two variables, i indicates the index of the character that you are iterating next and isUpper indicates whether a letter should be uppercase.
You increment i as usual, but set isUpper to true at first:
// before the loop
boolean isUpper = true;
Then, rather than checking whether i is divisible by 2, check isUpper:
if (isUpper)
rs += charSentence[i].ToString().ToUpper();
rs += sentence[i].ToString().ToLower();
Immediately after the above if statement, "flip" isUpper:
isUpper = !isUpper;
Linq version
var sentence = "dancing sentence";
int i = 0;
string result = string.Concat(sentence.Select(x => { i += x == ' ' ? 0 : 1; return i % 2 != 0 ? char.ToUpper(x) : char.ToLower(x); }));
please replace charSentence[i].ToString().ToUpper() with char.ToUpper(charSentence[i])
Thanks #Dmitry Bychenko. Best Approach. But i thought as per the OP's (might be a fresher...) mindset, what could be the solution. Here i have the code as another solution.
Lengthy code. I myself don't like but still representing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var sentence = "dancing sentence large also";
string newString = string.Empty;
StringBuilder newStringdata = new StringBuilder();
string[] arr = sentence.Split(' ');
for (int i=0; i< arr.Length;i++)
if (i==0)
newString = ReturnEvenModifiedString(arr[i]);
if(char.IsUpper(newString[newString.Length - 1]))
newString = ReturnOddModifiedString(arr[i]);
newStringdata.Append(" ");
newString = ReturnEvenModifiedString(arr[i]);
newStringdata.Append(" ");
//For Even Test
private static string ReturnEvenModifiedString(string initialString)
string newString = string.Empty;
var temparr = initialString.ToCharArray();
for (var i = 0; i < temparr.Length; i++)
if (temparr[i] != ' ')
if (i % 2 == 0 && temparr[i] != ' ')
newString += temparr[i].ToString().ToUpper();
newString += temparr[i].ToString().ToLower();
return newString;
//For Odd Test
private static string ReturnOddModifiedString(string initialString)
string newString = string.Empty;
var temparr = initialString.ToCharArray();
for (var i = 0; i < temparr.Length; i++)
if (temparr[i] != ' ')
if (i % 2 != 0 && temparr[i] != ' ')
newString += temparr[i].ToString().ToUpper();
newString += temparr[i].ToString().ToLower();
return newString;

Split a comma delimited string with nested children in parentheses

I have a string formatted something like this: "a, b(c,d(e,f),g),h, i(j, k, l)"
where each letter represents one or more words.
I need to split this string up in to a list of objects:
public class Item
public string Name { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Item> Children { get; set; }
public Ingredient()
Children = new List<Item>();
The desired result represented in an outline format:
2.1. c
2.2. d
2.2.1. e
2.2.2. f
2.3. g
4.1. j
4.2. k
4.2. l
What would be the most efficient way to do so?
You can use a recursive algorithm to parse your string like this:
static IEnumerable<Item> Parse(string source)
var root = new Item() { Name = "Root", Children = new List<Item>() };
AddChildrenTo(root, source);
return root.Children;
static int AddChildrenTo(Item item, string source)
Item node = null;
var word = new List<char>();
for (int i = 0; i < source.Length; i++)
var c = source[i];
if (new[] { ',', '(', ')' }.Contains(c))
if (word.Count > 0)
node = new Item { Name = new string(word.ToArray()), Children = new List<Item>() };
(item.Children as List<Item>).Add(node);
if (c == '(')
i += AddChildrenTo(node, source.Substring(i + 1)) + 1;
else if (c == ')')
return i;
else if (char.IsLetter(c)) // add other valid characters to if condition
return source.Length;
Then you can simply call Parse() (For better demonstration I've changed the letters (a, b, ..) in your string to words (ark, book, ...)):
string source = "ark,book(cook,door(euro,fun),good),hello,ink(jack,kill,loop)";
var res = Parse(source);
Please note that for a very large string recursive approach wouldn't be the best solution. And for simplicity I didn't do the error checkings.
You can use a stack like this:
static public List<Item> Parse(string str)
Stack<Item> stack = new Stack<Item>();
Item root = new Item();
foreach (char c in str)
if (char.IsLetter(c))
Item item = new Item();
item.Name = c.ToString();
else if (c == ')' || c == ',')
return root.Children;
Please note that the Children property needs to be a List like this:
public class Item
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Item> Children { get; set; }
public Item()
Children = new List<Item>();
If you don't care about unbalanced bracket type:
static string[] SplitString(string input)
bool nSingleQuote = false;
bool nDubbleQuote = false;
int nBracket = 0;
int start = 0;
List<String> result = new List<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
char c = input[i];
if (c == '\'')
if(!nDubbleQuote) nSingleQuote = !nSingleQuote;
else if (c == '"')
if(!nSingleQuote) nDubbleQuote = !nDubbleQuote;
if (!nSingleQuote && !nDubbleQuote)
if (c == ',')
if (nBracket == 0)
result.Add(input.Substring(start, i - start).Trim());
start = i + 1;
else if (c == '(' || c == '[' || c == '{')
else if (c == ')' || c == ']' || c == '}')
if (nBracket < 0)
throw new Exception("Unbalanced parenthesis, square bracket or curly bracket at offset #" + i);
if (nBracket > 0)
throw new Exception("Missing closing parenthesis, square bracket or curly bracket");
if (nSingleQuote || nDubbleQuote)
throw new Exception("Missing end quotation mark");
return result.ToArray();

XML - System.Xml.XmlException - hexadecimal value 0x06

I get this error. Later I searched and found out the reason of illegal characters in my XML and its solution. But I don't have the access to edit any of these files. My job is to read and fetch the tag value, attribute value and similar stuff. SO I can't replace the binary characters with escapes like '\x01' with &#01. Also I tried to include CheckCharacters =false in XMLreader settings. It doesn't take this. Still it is throwing the same error.
Is it not possible to fix in XMLreader? I read about XMLtextReader. It can skip the exception. But already I have coded for all my features using XMLreader. It would be good if I can find a solution for this. Otherwise I would have to change all my code.
My code:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int i = 0;
var filenames = System.IO.Directory
.EnumerateFiles(textBox1.Text, "*.xml", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
foreach (var f in filenames)
var resolver = new XmlUrlOverrideResolver();
resolver.DtdFileMap[#"X1.DTD"] = #"\\location\X1.DTD";
resolver.DtdFileMap[#"R2.DTD"] = #"\\location\X2.DTD";
resolver.DtdFileMap[#"R5.DTD"] = #"\\location\R5.DTD";
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
settings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse;
settings.XmlResolver = resolver;
XmlReader doc = XmlReader.Create(f, settings);
while (doc.Read())
if ((doc.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (doc.Name == "ap"))
if (doc.HasAttributes)
String fin = doc.GetAttribute("ap");
if (fin == "no")
String[] array = new String[10000];
array[i] = (f);
File.AppendAllText(#"\\location\NAPP.txt", array[i] + Environment.NewLine);
String[] abs = new String[10000];
abs[i] = (f);
File.AppendAllText(#"\\location\APP.txt", abs[i] + Environment.NewLine);
This is a very simple example of character "filter" that will replae the 0x06 character with a space:
public class MyStreamReader : StreamReader {
public MyStreamReader(string path)
: base(path) {
public override int Read(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {
int res = base.Read(buffer, index, count);
for (int i = 0; i < res; i++) {
if (buffer[i] == 0x06) {
buffer[i] = ' ';
return res;
You use it this way:
using (var sr = new MyStreamReader(f)) {
var doc = XmlReader.Create(sr, settings);
Note that it's very simple because it's replacing a character (the 0x06) with another character of the same "length" (the space). If you wanted to replace a character with a "sequence" of characters (to escape it), it would get more complex (not impossible, 30 minutes of work difficult)
(I have checked and it seems the XmlTextReader only uses that method and not the Read() method)
As always, when a programmer tells you 30 minutes, it means 0 minutes or 2 hours :-)
This is the "more complex" ReplacingStreamReader:
/// <summary>
/// Only the Read methods are supported!
/// </summary>
public class ReplacingStreamReader : StreamReader
public ReplacingStreamReader(string path)
: base(path)
public Func<char, string> ReplaceWith { get; set; }
protected char[] RemainingChars { get; set; }
protected int RemainingCharsIndex { get; set; }
public override int Read()
int ch;
if (RemainingChars != null)
ch = RemainingChars[RemainingCharsIndex];
if (RemainingCharsIndex == RemainingChars.Length)
RemainingCharsIndex = 0;
RemainingChars = null;
ch = base.Read();
if (ch != -1)
string replace = ReplaceWith((char)ch);
if (replace == null)
// Do nothing
else if (replace.Length == 1)
ch = replace[0];
ch = replace[0];
RemainingChars = replace.ToCharArray(1, replace.Length - 1);
RemainingCharsIndex = 0;
return ch;
public override int Read(char[] buffer, int index, int count)
int res = 0;
// We leave error handling to the StreamReader :-)
// We handle only "working" parameters
if (RemainingChars != null && buffer != null && index >= 0 && count > 0 && index + count <= buffer.Length)
int remainingCharsCount = RemainingChars.Length - RemainingCharsIndex;
res = Math.Min(remainingCharsCount, count);
Array.Copy(RemainingChars, RemainingCharsIndex, buffer, index, res);
RemainingCharsIndex += res;
if (RemainingCharsIndex == RemainingChars.Length)
RemainingCharsIndex = 0;
RemainingChars = null;
if (res == count)
return res;
index += res;
count -= res;
while (true)
List<char> sb = null;
int res2 = base.Read(buffer, index, count);
if (res2 == 0 || ReplaceWith == null)
return res;
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < res2; i++)
char ch = buffer[index + i];
string replace = ReplaceWith(ch);
if (sb != null)
if (replace == null)
else if (replace == null)
buffer[j] = ch;
else if (replace.Length == 1)
buffer[j] = replace[0];
else if (replace.Length == 0)
// We do not advance
sb = new List<char>();
res2 = j;
if (sb != null)
int res3 = Math.Min(sb.Count, count - res2);
sb.CopyTo(0, buffer, index + res2, res3);
if (res3 < sb.Count)
RemainingChars = new char[sb.Count - res3];
RemainingCharsIndex = 0;
sb.CopyTo(res3, RemainingChars, 0, RemainingChars.Length);
res += res3;
res2 = j;
// Can't happen if sb != null (at least a character must
// have been added)
if (res2 == 0)
res += res2;
return res;
Use it like:
using (var sr = new ReplacingStreamReader(f))
sr.ReplaceWith = x =>
return x == 0x6 ? " " : null;
// return x == '.' ? " " : null; // Replace all . with
var doc = XmlReader.Create(sr, settings);
Be aware that the ReplacingStreamReader doesn't "know" which part of the xml it is modifying, so rarely a "blind" replace is ok :-) Other than this limitation, you can replace any character with any string (null in the ReplaceWith means "keep the current character", equivalent to x.ToString() in the example given. Returning string.Empty is valid, means remove the current character).
The class is quite interesting: it keeps a char[] RemainingChars with the chars that have been read (and filtered by ReplaceWith) but that haven't been returned by a Read() method because the passed buffer was too much small (the ReplaceWith method could "enlarge" the read string, making it too much big for the buffer!). Note that sb is a List<char> instead of a StringBuilder. Probably using one or the other would be nearly equivalent, code-wise.
You could first read the content into a string replace (escape) the content, and then load it into a XmlReader:
foreach (var f in filenames) {
string text;
using (StreamReader s = new StreamReader(f,Encoding.UTF8)) {
text = s.ReadToEnd();
text = text.Replace("\x01",#"&#01"); //replace the content
//load some settings
var resolver = new XmlUrlOverrideResolver();
resolver.DtdFileMap[#"X1.DTD"] = #"\\location\X1.DTD";
resolver.DtdFileMap[#"R2.DTD"] = #"\\location\X2.DTD";
resolver.DtdFileMap[#"R5.DTD"] = #"\\location\R5.DTD";
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
settings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse;
settings.XmlResolver = resolver;
XmlReader doc = XmlReader.Create(text, settings);
//perform processing task

What C# template engine that has clean separation between HTML and control code?

What C# template engine
that uses 'pure' HTML having only text and markers
sans any control flow like if, while, loop or expressions,
separating html from control code ?
Below is the example phone book list code,
expressing how this should be done:
string html=#"
<td> id</td> <td> name</td> <td> sex</td> <td>phones</td>
<td>#id</td> <td>#name</td> <td>#sex</td>
<!--#phones:-->#phone <br/>
var contacts = from c in db.contacts select c;
Marker m = new Marker(html);
Filler t = m.Mark("title");
t.Set("Phone book");
Filler c = m.Mark("contacts", "id,name,sex");
// **foreach** expressed in code, not in html
foreach(var contact in contacts) {
int id =;
Filler p = c.Mark("phones", "phone");
var phones = from ph in db.phones
where == id
select new {};
if (phones.Any()) {
foreach(var ph in phones) {
} else {
Use this code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class tRange
public int head, toe;
public tRange(int _head, int _toe)
head = _head;
toe = _toe;
public enum AType
VALUE = 0,
NAME = 1,
OPEN = 2,
CLOSE = 3,
public class Atom
private AType kin;
private string tag;
private object data;
private List<Atom> bag;
public Atom(string _tag = "",
AType _kin = AType.VALUE,
object _data = null)
tag = _tag;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_tag))
_kin = AType.GROUP;
kin = _kin;
if (_kin == AType.GROUP)
bag = new List<Atom>();
bag = null;
data = _data;
public AType Kin
get { return kin; }
public string Tag
get { return tag; }
set { tag = value; }
public List<Atom> Bag
get { return bag; }
public object Data
get { return data; }
set { data = value; }
public int Add(string _tag = "",
AType _kin = AType.VALUE,
object _data = null)
if (bag != null)
bag.Add(new Atom(_tag, _kin, _data));
return bag.Count - 1;
return -1;
public class Templet
private string content;
string namepat = "\\w+";
string justName = "(\\w+)";
string namePre = "#";
string namePost = "";
string comment0 = "\\<!--\\s*";
string comment1 = "\\s*--\\>";
private Atom tokens; // parsed contents
private Dictionary<string, int> iNames; // name index
private Dictionary<string, tRange> iGroups; // groups index
private Atom buffer; // output buffer
private Dictionary<string, int> _iname; // output name index
private Dictionary<string, tRange> _igroup; // output index
public Templet(string Content = null)
private int[] mark(string[] names, string group)
if (names == null || names.Length < 1) return null;
tRange t = new tRange(0, buffer.Bag.Count - 1);
if (group != null)
if (!_igroup.ContainsKey(group)) return null;
t = _igroup[group];
int[] marks = new int[names.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < marks.Length; i++)
marks[i] = -1;
for (int i = t.head; i <= t.toe; i++)
if (buffer.Bag[i].Kin == AType.NAME)
for (int j = 0; j < names.Length; j++)
if (String.Compare(
true) == 0)
marks[j] = i;
return marks;
public Filler Mark(string group, string names)
Filler f = new Filler(this, names);
f.di = mark(f.names, group);
f.Group = group;
tRange t = null;
if (_igroup.ContainsKey(group)) t = _igroup[group];
f.Range = t;
return f;
public Filler Mark(string names)
Filler f = new Filler(this, names);
f.di = mark(f.names, null);
f.Group = "";
f.Range = null;
return f;
public void Set(int[] locations, object[] x)
int j = Math.Min(x.Length, locations.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)
int l = locations[i];
if ((l >= 0) && (buffer.Bag[l] != null))
buffer.Bag[l].Data = x[i];
public void New(string group, int seq = 0)
// place new group copied from old group just below it
if (!( iGroups.ContainsKey(group)
&& _igroup.ContainsKey(group)
&& seq > 0)) return;
tRange newT = null;
tRange t = iGroups[group];
int beginRange = _igroup[group].toe + 1;
for (int i = t.head; i <= t.toe; i++)
new Atom(tokens.Bag[i].Tag,
newT = new tRange(t.toe + 1, t.toe + (t.toe - t.head + 1));
// rename past group
string pastGroup = group + "_" + seq;
t = _igroup[group];
buffer.Bag[t.head].Tag = pastGroup;
buffer.Bag[t.toe].Tag = pastGroup;
_igroup[pastGroup] = t;
// change group indexes
_igroup[group] = newT;
public void ReMark(Filler f, string group)
if (!_igroup.ContainsKey(group)) return;
Map(buffer, _iname, _igroup);
f.di = mark(f.names, group);
f.Range = _igroup[group];
private static void Indexing(string aname,
AType kin,
int i,
Dictionary<string, int> dd,
Dictionary<string, tRange> gg)
switch (kin)
case AType.NAME: // index all names
dd[aname] = i;
case AType.OPEN: // index all groups
if (!gg.ContainsKey(aname))
gg[aname] = new tRange(i, -1);
gg[aname].head = i;
case AType.CLOSE:
if (!gg.ContainsKey(aname))
gg[aname] = new tRange(-1, i);
gg[aname].toe = i;
private static void Map(Atom oo,
Dictionary<string, int> dd,
Dictionary<string, tRange> gg)
for (int i = 0; i < oo.Bag.Count; i++)
string aname = oo.Bag[i].Tag;
Indexing(oo.Bag[i].Tag, oo.Bag[i].Kin, i, dd, gg);
public void Init(string Content = null)
content = Content;
tokens = new Atom("", AType.GROUP);
iNames = new Dictionary<string, int>();
iGroups = new Dictionary<string, tRange>();
// parse content into tokens
string namePattern = namePre + namepat + namePost;
string patterns =
"(?<var>" + namePattern + ")|" +
"(?<head>" + comment0 + namePattern + ":" + comment1 + ")|" +
"(?<toe>" + comment0 + ":" + namePattern + comment1 + ")";
Regex jn = new Regex(justName, RegexOptions.Compiled);
Regex r = new Regex(patterns, RegexOptions.Compiled);
MatchCollection ms = r.Matches(content);
int pre = 0;
foreach (Match m in ms)
tokens.Add(content.Substring(pre, m.Index - pre));
int idx = -1;
if (m.Groups.Count >= 3)
string aname = "";
MatchCollection x = jn.Matches(m.Value);
if (x.Count > 0 && x[0].Groups.Count > 1)
aname = x[0].Groups[1].ToString();
AType t = AType.VALUE;
if (m.Groups[1].Length > 0) t = AType.NAME;
if (m.Groups[2].Length > 0) t = AType.OPEN;
if (m.Groups[3].Length > 0) t = AType.CLOSE;
if (aname.Length > 0)
tokens.Add(aname, t);
idx = tokens.Bag.Count - 1;
Indexing(aname, t, idx, iNames, iGroups);
pre = m.Index + m.Length;
if (pre < content.Length)
tokens.Add(content.Substring(pre, content.Length - pre));
// copy tokens into buffer
buffer = new Atom("", AType.GROUP);
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Bag.Count; i++)
buffer.Add(tokens.Bag[i].Tag, tokens.Bag[i].Kin);
// initialize index of output names
_iname = new Dictionary<string, int>();
foreach (string k in iNames.Keys)
_iname[k] = iNames[k];
// initialize index of output groups
_igroup = new Dictionary<string, tRange>();
foreach (string k in iGroups.Keys)
tRange t = iGroups[k];
_igroup[k] = new tRange(t.head, t.toe);
public string Get()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Bag.Count; i++)
switch (buffer.Bag[i].Kin)
case AType.VALUE:
case AType.NAME:
case AType.OPEN:
case AType.CLOSE:
default: break;
return sb.ToString();
public class Filler
private Templet t = null;
public int[] di;
public string[] names;
public string Group { get; set; }
public tRange Range { get; set; }
private int seq = 0;
public Filler(Templet tl, string markers = null)
t = tl;
if (markers != null)
names = markers.Split(new char[] { ',' },
names = null;
public void init(int length)
di = new int[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
di[i] = -1;
seq = 0;
Group = "";
Range = null;
// clear contents inside marked object or group
public void Clear()
object[] x = new object[di.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < di.Length; i++)
x[i] = null;
t.Set(di, x);
// set value for marked object,
// or add row to group and set value to columns
public void Set(params object[] x)
t.Set(di, x);
public void Add(params object[] x)
if (Group.Length > 0)
t.New(Group, seq);
t.ReMark(this, Group);
t.Set(di, x);
Testing program
Templet m = new Templet(html);
Filler f= m.Mark("title");
f.Set("Phone book");
Filler fcontacts = m.Mark("contacts", "id,name,sex,phone");
fcontacts.Add(1, "Akhmad", "M", "123456");
fcontacts.Add(2, "Barry", "M", "234567");
fcontacts.Add(1, "Charles", "M", "345678");
Still can't do nested loop- yet.
Just use ASP.NET. Whether you use webforms or MVC, it's super easy to have C# in your .cs files, and HTML in your .aspx files.
As with anything in programming, it's 99% up to you to do things right. Flexible UI engines aren't going to enforce that you follow good coding practices.
In principle most any template engine you choose can separate HTML from control logic with the proper architecture. using an MVC (Or MVVM) pattern, if you construct your model in such a way that the controller contains the if/then logic instead of the view you can eliminate it from the view.
That said, the syntax you use is very close to Razor syntax which is easily available for ASP.NET MVC through NuGet packages.
I totally hear you. I built SharpFusion, which has some other stuff in it but if you look for the template.cs file you will see the handler that parses a HTML file and simply replaces out tokens with values that you've made in c#.
Because no XML parsing is done like ASP.NET the framework loads much faster than even an MVC site.
Another alternative is ServiceStack.

