Change ASP.NET MVC Routes dynamically - c#

usually, when I look at a ASP.Net MVC application, the Route table gets configured at startup and is not touched ever after.
I have a couple of questions on that but they are closely related to each other:
Is it possible to change the route table at runtime?
How would/should I avoid threading issues?
Is there maybe a better way to provide a dynamic URL? I know that IDs etc. can appear in the URL but can't see how this could be applicable in what I want to achieve.
How can I avoid that, even though I have the default controller/action route defined, that default route doesn't work for a specific combination, e.g. the "Post" action on the "Comments" controller is not available through the default route?
Background: Comment Spammers usually grab the posting URL from the website and then don't bother to go through the website anymore to do their automated spamming. If I regularly modify my post URL to some random one, spammers would have to go back to the site and find the correct post URL to try spamming. If that URL changes constantly I'd think that that could make the spammers' work more tedious, which should usually mean that they give up on the affected URL.

I would consider to implement my own IRouteHandler and put some custom logic in my custom ControllerActionInvoker. How it would work ? The route table wouldn't dynamically change but you could check in your custom ControllerActionInvoker for a random parameter in the route path and invoke or not the corresponding action.
My route :
new Route
new RouteValueDictionary(new {controller = "blog", action = "comment", data = ""}),
new MyRouteHandler()
My I route handler :
class MyRouteHandler : IRouteHandler
public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
return new MyHttpHandler(requestContext);
My handler :
class MyHttpHandler : MvcHandler
public MyHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext) : base(requestContext)
protected override void ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase httpContext)
IController controller = new BlogController();
(controller as Controller).ActionInvoker = new MyActionInvoker();
} }`
and my action ivoker where the custom logic for handling an action or not should be coded :
class MyActionInvoker : ControllerActionInvoker
protected override ActionResult InvokeActionMethod(MethodInfo methodInfo, IDictionary<string, object> parameters)
var data = ControllerContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("data");
// put my custom logic to check whetever I'll handle the action or not. The data could be a parameter in the database for that purpose.
return base.InvokeActionMethod(methodInfo, parameters);
I don't know it it's the best solution but for now it's the one that comes to my mind.

Considering the actual problem background, the usual approach is to include a dynamically created transaction number. It should be stored in a hidden form field as well as in the server side session dictionary and only be valid for exactly one request.
I think today a lot of frameworks provide such a security mechanism; whereas this attack type is known as Cross-Site-Request-Forgery (csrf).


How to Register Custom IRouter in .Net 7 MVC Application?

I have a custom IRouter implementation and I can't figure out how to register it in a .Net 7 MVC application.
What I am trying to accomplish is this: Incoming requests have the form of{id} and when such a request comes in I need to hit the database to retrieve the controller and action for that {id}, do some checks on it and if everything looks right pass the request on to the default router along with the entire RequestContext. The reason behind that is that such an url is valid only for a given time and a subset of visiting users. Also the underlying action and controller must not be guessable by looking at the url.
What I came up with is a cutom IRouter implementation (which also allows me to create those Urls) but I can't seem to figure out how to register on application startup.
Is using a custom IRouter still the right approach in .Net 7? How do I register one? Or am I totally on the wrong track?
One option is to switch back from endpoint routing:
builder.Services.AddMvc(options => options.EnableEndpointRouting = false);
app.UseMvc(routeBuilder => routeBuilder.Routes.Add(new CustomRouter(routeBuilder.DefaultHandler)));
Alternative approach is to use MapDynamicControllerRoute. Something along this lines:
// ...
public class MyDynamic: DynamicRouteValueTransformer
public override ValueTask<RouteValueDictionary> TransformAsync(HttpContext httpContext, RouteValueDictionary values)
if (values.TryGetValue("internalid", out var value) && value is string s && s == "777") // simulate some search for id
values["controller"] = "Home";
values["action"] = "test";
return new ValueTask<RouteValueDictionary>(values);
Note that since you are still using the default routing pipeline this looks like security through obscurity which in general is not a good approach and probably you should better implement appropriate security restrictions (you should not rely on the "impossibility" to guess the actual routes).

Proper way to route to controllers in Umbraco ASP.NET / IApplicationEventHander vs ApplicationEventHandler vs RouteConfig.cs, RenderMvcController etc

I have a Solution structure like this:
My Umbraco instance uses the models and controllers from my "Core" project. There is nested directory structure, because of multiple websites in one installation, in the "Core", and also in the "Views" directory in the Umbraco instance.
I am still fairly noob to .NET MVC, and I understand route hijacking, but the documentation for Umbraco's routing is slim. I have the following:
namespace MyApp.Core.Events
/// <summary>
/// Registers site specific Umbraco application event handlers
/// </summary>
public class MyAppStartupHandler : IApplicationEventHandler
public void OnApplicationInitialized(UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext)
public void OnApplicationStarted(UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext)
public void OnApplicationStarting(UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext)
private static void RegisterCustomRoutes()
// Custom Routes
controller = "Directory",
action = "FDirectory",
id = UrlParameter.Optional
new PublishedPageRouteHandler(1000));
controller = "Directory",
action = "SDirectory",
id = UrlParameter.Optional
new PublishedPageRouteHandler(1001));
controller = "HomePage",
action = "Index",
id = UrlParameter.Optional
new PublishedPageRouteHandler(1002));
public class PublishedPageRouteHandler : UmbracoVirtualNodeRouteHandler
private readonly int _pageId;
public PublishedPageRouteHandler(int pageId)
_pageId = pageId;
protected override IPublishedContent FindContent(RequestContext requestContext, UmbracoContext umbracoContext)
if (umbracoContext != null)
umbracoContext = ContextHelpers.EnsureUmbracoContext();
var helper = new UmbracoHelper(UmbracoContext.Current);
return helper.TypedContent(_pageId);
namespace MyApp.Core.Directory.Controllers
public class DirectoryController : RenderMvcController
public DirectoryController() : this(UmbracoContext.Current) { }
public DirectoryController(UmbracoContext umbracoContext) : base(umbracoContext) { }
public ActionResult FDirectory(RenderModel model)
return CurrentTemplate(new DirectoryModel(model.Content));
public ActionResult SDirectory(RenderModel model)
return CurrentTemplate(new DirectoryModel(model.Content));
So Umbraco does not install with an App_Start folder. I would like to know what the best approach is for a multi-site installation of Umbraco for registering the routes to the controllers. My implementation works, but it seems like I shouldn't have to create actions for every single page I am going to have in a site, in every controller. I know Umbraco has its own routing, so using Umbraco concepts, ASP.NET MVC concepts, and whatever else is available, what is the best way to implement this type of solution structure? Should I even worry about using a RouteConfig.cs and create a App_Start directory? Or is what I am doing the best approach? Should I use IApplicationEventHandler or ApplicationEventHandler?
Also, I have to hard code the node ID's. I've read that there is a way to Dynamically? And example of this would be great.
Examples of the best way to implement a structured multi-site Umbraco MVC solution is what I am asking for I guess, in regards to routing the controllers, with some detail, or links to strong examples. I have searched and researched, and there are bits and pieces out there, but not really a good example like what I am working with. I am going to have to create a RouteMap for every single page I create at this point, and I don't know if this is the most efficient way of doing this. I even tried implementing a DefaultController, but didn't see the point of that when your solution is going to have multiple controllers.
I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to achieve with this, but I'll try to explain how it works and maybe you can clarify afterwards.
I assume you have the basics of Umbraco figured out (creating document types + documents based on the document types). This is how Umbraco is normally used and it will automatically do routing for you for each of these "content nodes" (documents) you create in a site.
So create a document named document1 and it will be automatically routed in your site at URL: http://localhost/document1. By default this document will be served through a default MVC controller and it will all take place behind the scenes without you having to do anything.
Route hijacking allows you to override this default behavior and "shove in" a controller that lets you interfere with how the request is handled. To use hijacking you create a RenderMvcController with the alias of your document type. That could be HomePageController : RenderMvcController.
This controller should have an action with the following signature:
public override ActionResult Index(RenderModel model)
In this action you are able to modify the model being sent to the view in any way you like. That could be - getting some external data to add on to the model or triggering some logic or whatever you need to do.
This is all automatically hooked up by naming convention and you will not have to register any routes manually for this to work.
The other type of Umbraco MVC controller you can create is a SurfaceController. This one is usually used for handling rendering of child actions and form submissions (HttpPost). The SurfaceController is also automatically routed by Umbraco and will be located on a "not so pretty" URL. However since it is usually really not used for anything but rendering child actions and taking form submits, it doesn't really matter what URL it is located at.
Besides these auto-routed controllers you are of course able to register your own MVC controllers like in any standard MVC website. The one difference though is that unlike a normal ASP.NET MVC website, an Umbraco site does not have the automagical default registration of controllers allowing the routing to "just work" when creating a new controller.
So if you want to have a plain old MVC controller render in an Umbraco site without it being related to a document/node in Umbraco, you would have to register a route for it like you would do in any other MVC site. The best way of doing that is to hook in and add it to the Routes using an ApplicationEventHandler class. That will automatically be triggered during application startup - essentially allowing you to do what you would normally do in App_Start.
Just to be clear though - if you plan on using data from Umbraco, you should not be using normal MVC controllers and should not require any manual route registration to be done. You usually want to render a template/view in context of a document/node created in Umbraco (where you can modify data/properties of the document) and then the route hijacking is the way to go.
From what it looks like, it could seem that the correct way to do what you are trying to do is to simply create two document types:
FDirectory and SDirectory
You click to allow both of these to be created in root and then you create documents called FDirectory and SDirectory and they will be automatically routed on these URLs. Creating a RenderMvcController's called FDirectoryController : RenderMvcController will then make sure it is used to hijack the routing whenever that page is requested.
If you're simply trying to set up a multi-site solution I would suggest you create a Website document type and create a node for each site you want, in the root of your Umbraco content tree. Right click each of these nodes and edit the hostname to be whatever you need it to be. This can also be some "child url" like /fdirectory or /sdirectory in case you need to test this on localhost without using multiple hostnames.
Hope this gives you the pointers needed, otherwise try to explain what you are trying to do and I'll see if I can refine my answer a bit!

Dealing with Session timeout in ASP.NET MVC

I am working on a MVC application and I have a requirement of dealing with errors and session timeouts by redirecting the user to different error pages based on few parameters in the query string.
The issue I am facing is that i tried to implement this by saving the required parameters from querystring into a session and then redirecting to error pages. But before every HttpGet and Post action in my controllers I am checking if session is active.
So in case of a situation where session values are lost and not able to read them.
How can I implement this thing in any other way?
You need to check whether the session exists, has the fields you expect and is active. If the session does not exist or does not have a fields you expect, then handle the case when the session does not exist yet/expired. If it is not active, then handle the case when the session is no longer active. If everything is ok, then handle the request normally. If the session expired, then handle it as expired.
to check about session, you can use an ActionFilter like this:
public class SessionActiveFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var activeSession = Session["user"];
if (activeSession == null)
//Here, do a redirect
Also, you can use a third option to save the session, like Redis Cache
I know this is a dead story now. But I post this answer for the new comers. Please see the nice tutorial in codeproject about how to check session values in Action Filters.
In a dynamic web application, the session is crucial to hold the information of current logged in user identity/data. So someone without authentication cannot have access to some Page or any ActionResult, to implement this kind of functionality, we need to check session exists (is not null) in every action which required authentication.So, the general method is as follows:
public ActionResult Home()
if(Session["ID"] == null)
return RedirectToAction("Login","Home");
We have to check the above 2 statements each time and in each ActionResult, but it may cause 2 problems.
Repeat Things: As per the good programming stranded, we don't have to repeat the things. Create a module of common code and access it multiple times/repeatedly
Code missing: We have to write code multiple times so it might happen some time we forget to write code in some method or we missed it.
How To Avoid?
The ASP.NET MVC provides a very great mechanism i.e., Action Filters. An action filter is an attribute. You can apply most action filters to either an individual controller action or an entire controller.
If you want to know more about action filter, please click here.
So we will create a custom Action Filter that handles session expiration and if session is null, redirect to Login Action.
Create a new class in your project and copy the following code:
namespace YourNameSpace
public class SessionTimeoutAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["ID"] == null)
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("~/Home/Login");
Now our Action Filter is created and we are ready to use it. The following code will show you how we can apply attribute to Action or to complete controller.
Apply to Action
public ActionResult MyProfile()
return View();
Apply to Controller
public class HomeController : Controller
Now all actions of Home Controller will check for session when hit with the help of Action Filter. So we have reduced the code and repetitive things. This is the benefits of Action Filters.

Deny direct URL access to action method

I'm trying to find a way to deny any direct access to my action methods. Basically what I want my users to click on links to navigate instead of typing the URL directly into the address bar in their browsers.
Now I know this can be done by checking the urlreferrer in the request object but this is kind of unreliable and weak because the urlreferrer can easily be modified and some of the security suites actually remove it from the request.
So does any of you know of a way to do this in mvc3?
Below is the code for the NoDirectAccessAttribute method to restrict direct access to any class or action method that applies the NoDirectAccess attribute
using System;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public class NoDirectAccessAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer == null ||
filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Host != filterContext.HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.Host)
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new
RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", area = "" }));
Use the action filter as follows for any controller or action method where you don't want user to request it directly
public ActionResult IsUsernameUnique()
In the example above, any direct access to the IsUsernameUnique action method will automatically redirect the user to the Home/Index action method.
i am not sure but maybe this can help you
Consider we have a page with this url
To avoid your user to directly browse this page you can rewrite you url like this
and in this url the part "fdmf489ruv30" is a unique string that you created it on session_start and will destroy it on session_end
Use this code in Global.asax.cs and Call [NoDirectAccess] to all controllers
//Prevent direct URL access: Call [NoDirectAccess] to all controllers to block
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public class NoDirectAccessAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer == null ||
filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Host != filterContext.HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.Host)
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new
RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "Home", action = "Login", area = "" }));
It is impossible to securely ensure that an authorized user CANNOT spoof a valid request.
After all, if the browser can create a "valid request", then so can an authorized user!
However, this is an unusual requirement, and I'm interested to know what's the motivation behind it?
There are, however, a number of ways to make it harder to spoof the request.
Since no methods will be completely secure, you can try to obfuscate and make it tedious for someone to spoof your requests.
As others have suggested, you could create a random "token" per session and require it in the URL (either as a path or as a querystring).
It would be even better to use JavaScript for this. Render a hidden input with this "token". Then, intercept each link's click event, append the "token" value to the URL, then navigate to the URL.
You can enhance the JavaScript to somehow "process" your token before using it, and minify your JavaScript to obfuscate it ... this would definitely deter even the above-average users from tinkering with your URLs.
There are tons of possible solutions, but the "right" solution really depends on what specific behavior you are trying to prevent.
A quick way of doing that is to set a session containing a random number in the action which is redirecting, also pass the random number as a parameter to the other action.
Inside the other action(redirected one), compare the value of the session with the parameter of the action. If values are equal, the user is getting there by pressing button, otherwise, the user gets there by changing the URL. Hope it helps.
question on Stackoverflow

MVC Routes - How to get a URL?

In my current project we have a notification system. When an oject is added to another objects collection, an email is sent to those who are subscibed to the parent object. This happens on the object layer and not in the View or Controller.
Here's the problem:
Although we can say who created what with what information in the email, we cannot embed links to those objects in the email because in the object layer there is no access to a UrlHelper. To construct a UrlHelper you need a RequestContext, which again does not exist on the object layer.
I want to make a helper class to create the url's for me. How can I create an object that will generate these urls without a request context? Is it possible?
The problem is compounded by the fact that you don't want a relative URL in an email, you want an absolute email so you need to hard-code the domain too because there is no request to grab it from.
Another factor is that emails can outlive the current site structure by months or years so you need a kind of permalink, and thus a way to associate multiple Urls with a single action (additional routes). This latter issue is also a factor in SEO where you don't want to leave any page behind.
For now a static method on your controller UrlToActionX(params) sitting next to the method ActionX seems like the simplest workaround. All it does is the appropriate string.Format(...) on the id's of the strongly-typed parameters to generate the permanent Url. Add a static domain on the front, or a domain from the user object (since you know which domain they visit when they come to your site) and you have your email link.
It's not ideal but at least you now have only one place to maintain the Url generation.
IMHO: When it comes to permanent links to a changing web site sometimes it's better to rely on "configuration over convention". :-)
I'm not aware of a way to do this, you MUST have access to the routes at the very least to make your own helper. Unless your business objects know about the registered routes, you can't get away from doing some hard-coding.
Here is how you might limit the hard-coding of urls though...
Code in a url with all the relevant bits in your object's methods..
class Event
public void SendEmail()
var url = string.Format("{0}", EventId);
//send emails...
Note the /r/Event piece of the url. This would be a map to a RController that would be responsible for taking arbitrary, made-up links and sending a 301 Permanent Redirect and going through the route engine to create a real url using the current routes. This way you are only hard-coding a utility controller url and not to the ever evolving controller actions of your real pages.
class RController : Controller
public ActionResult Event(int eventId)
Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently;
Response.RedirectLocation = Url.Action("Details", "Event", new { eventId = eventId });
return null;
public ActionResult Register(int eventId)
Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently;
Response.RedirectLocation = Url.Action("Register", "Event", new { eventId = eventId });
return null;
It just feels a bit better than hard-coding a bunch of different controllers/actions that you might decide to rename later. Think of it as your own little TinyUrl like service.
You could define an interface with a method that takes whatever information is necessary to create a URL (object ids or whatever) and returns a URL. Write an implementation of that interface that uses the UrlHelper to do this work, and then supply this to your object layer (ideally with an IoC container).
You could use:
VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(string.Format("~/r/Event?eventId={0}", id))
to resolve the url. Still not nice though.

