I'm making a little program that will crawl my hard drive and present a list of file found in a given drive.
My idea is to have a base File class, and implement Picture.cs, Video.cs and Document.cs classes inherited from the File.cs class.
Here's my code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace SharpLibrary_MediaManager
public abstract class File
public string name;
public string fileType;
public int size;
public DateTime creationDate;
public DateTime modificationDate;
Should I declare the short hand code for each attribute like this:
public string name { get; set; }
Any guidance will be helpful. Thank you. :)
I mean literally replacing this line:
public string name;
with this line:
public string name { get; set; }
First, "attributes" is not the correct terminolgy here. When you declare a member of a class that has get and/or set defined (formally known as "accessors"), you are defining a property. Properties are a convenient way to expose values of private fields because you can add logic to the getting and setting mechanims.
Second, when you declare a member name as you've done via
public string name { get; set; }
the compiler will expand that into the following:
private string _name;
public string name {
get {
return _name;
set {
_name = value;
That is, the compiler will automatically create a backing field for you and define the accessors. These are called "automatic properties" (for the people)1.
Third, you should never2 publically expose fields. So, if you want to expose the string name as part of your public interface it is better to do it as a property. First, it provides better encapsulation. Second, it can be declared virtual and overridden in dervied classes. Third, you can have custom logic. Fourth, you can have different levels of accessibly between the reading and writing mechanisms on properties but you can not on a field.
Fourth, per accepted naming convetions, public properties should be named with CamelCase so that you should prefer Name instead of name.
1: Sorry, bad joke that I've been waiting a long time to make.
2: Almost never.
You're not describing a short hand syntax for a single item but rather 2 completely different types of members. The get/set version creates a C# Property while the non-get/set version creates a field.
// field
public string name;
// property
public string name {get; set;}
So what you're actually asking here is whether or not you should expose name as a field or a property. The answer is almost certainly property.
If your looking to have these properties, which is what adding the { get; set; } will make the variables, then you should declare the set; part of the property as protected.
So it becomes:
public string name { get; protected set; }
The advantage of this is that you are guaranteeing that the property can only be set by either the base class, or any class that inherits the base class.
As others have suggested, following the C# naming conventions is a good idea and also using properties are highly recommended.
Just to be clear, attributes are means to do declarative programming. They are used to decorate methods, classes, etc. msdn link
If you're asking whether to expose properties rather than public fields, then the answer is Yes.
You should also use PascalCase for the property names rather than camelCase:
public string Name { get; set; }
public string FileType { get; set; }
// etc
As Luke says, all things being equal, properties are preferred to fields.
In addition you may want to change the casing of your fields to match standard C# naming conventions.
Lastly, you might want to avoid the "File" name for your class as you'll probably be using the System.IO namespace which also has a File class. Also, System.IO.FileInfo may already include many of the properties you are planning on creating -- there's no point reinventing the wheel.
I believe another advantage of properties over normal public fields will be ability to override them in the derived class.
class Base
public virtual int X
Console.Write("Base GET");
return 10;
Console.Write("Base SET");
class Derived : Base
public override int X
Console.Write("Derived GET");
return 10;
Console.Write("Derived SET");
Another useful trick that is applicable while using properties is the ability to modify the modifier of the the derived Properties like changing from Public access to Protected.
Hence in many ways its better to use properties in base class to derive.
I have a JSON class object that is an internal class. I'd like to keep it that way to keep other code from trying to create objects of that type since I only want the JSON deserialization code to do that. I can use the class type as a variable, but if I try to return an object of that type I get an inconsistent accessibiliy compiler error because the method is public and the class is internal.
What is the best way to resolve this situation? I guess I could create an interface for the internal class and pass that around, but that means I have to create extra baggage for every JSON class I am using and I'm using a lot of them.
EDIT: I made the change suggested by Jon Skeet and the problem went away. I got into this problem because of the habit of declaring my classes public by default. I'm pointing this out for others that are doing the same thing.
// The internal class.
internal class JsonPetShelters
public string Encoding { get; set; }
public string Version { get; set; }
public Petfinder Petfinder { get; set; }
// This method gets the inconsistent accessibility error since
// JsonPetShelters is an internal class.
public JsonPetShelters GetShelters()
// For example purposes only
return null;
What is the best way to resolve this situation?
You either need to make JsonPetShelters public, or make GetShelters() internal.
So you want to be able to call this method from a different assembly? If so, how would you expect callers to use it, without understanding the return type? If not, why is the method public?
Once you've worked out what you want do achieve in a consistent way, making the change should be simple.
EDIT: As you've said you only want code in the same assembly to be able to call the method, just change it to be internal:
internal JsonPetShelters GetShelters()
The compile-time error will go away, and you'll no longer be exposing a member you didn't want to expose in the first place.
You can declare the class Constructor explicitly and make it internal, while the class remains public.
That will allow every assembly to use the class, but only your assembly can create instances.
public class JsonPetShelters
public string Encoding { get; set; }
public string Version { get; set; }
public Petfinder Petfinder { get; set; }
internal JsonPetShelters() {}
thanks in advance for reading this. I don’t fully understand how/when to use abstracts so I am trying to think about it each project I work on to see if it will all click some day Smile | :)
Also, the mix of accessibility levels (private, protected, internal) with keywords static, abstract, and override tend to leave me a little confused. How do I define this method/property/class....
It's not all a big mystery to me but some projects have me coding in circles when dealing with these topics.
With that said,
I have an application that reads an XML document and outputs text and image files. I’m also storing all of the information in a database. I have it working nicely.
The XML has a standard implementation with required fields and is used by multiple organizations to submit data to my app. All organizations should use (at least) the required nodes/elements that are outlined in the XML implementation guide.
So, I want to have a default data object type to be able to derive a specific organization’s data type for required elements. (If this object is going to be used, these are the fields that must be implemented).
If the org. just uses the default requirements, I can use the default object. If they use additional (optional) fields, I’ll have to create a new type inheriting the default type.
My first thought was to use and abstract class that had protected properties for my bare minimum requirements:
public abstract partial class AbstractDataObject
protected string DataObjectName;
protected DateTime? DataObjectDate;
Then, if the organization just uses the required elements of the node and no optional elements, I can use a “default” object.
internal partial class DefaultDataObject : AbstractDataObject
public new string DataObjectName { get; set; }
public new DateTime? DataObjectDate { get; set; }
But, if an organization uses optional fields of the required node, I can use a derived organization data object.
internal sealed partial class OranizationDataObject : AbstractDataObject
public new string DataObjectName { get; set; }
public new DateTime? DataObjectDate { get; set; }
//Optional fields used by this organization
public string DataObjectCode { get; set; }
Do I need the abstract class? It seems to me I can just have a DefaultDataObject (something like):
internal partial class DefaultDataObject
public virtual string DataObjectName { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime? DataObjectDate { get; set; }
And then:
internal sealed partial class OranizationDataObject : DefaultDataObject
public override string DataObjectName { get; set; }
public override DateTime? DataObjectDate { get; set; }
//Optional fields used by this organization
public string DataObjectCode { get; set; }
I’m just really trying to understand how to define these objects so I can reuse them per organization. Both ways seem to work, but I am hoping to understand how to define them properly.
Getting the XML into above objects:
public DefaultDataObject ExtractXmlData(XContainer root)
var myObject = (from t in root.
select new DefaultDataObject()
DataObjectName = (String)t.Element("ChildElement1"),
DataObjectDate =
public OranizationDataObject ExtractXmlData(XContainer root)
var myObject = (from t in root.
select new OranizationDataObject()
DataObjectName = (String)t.Element("ChildElement1"),
DataObjectDate = Program.TryParseDateTime(
DataObjectCode = (String)t.Element("ChildElement3"),
Again, thanks for reading. Don't forget to tip your wait staff....
First of all, your base class doesn't need to be abstract if it's a plain DTO class. If you don't have any functionality that needs to be implemented differently by derived classes, you can simply make it a plain base class which will hold common properties.
Next, there is no point in declaring properties in the base class (abstract in your case), if you are going to hide them (using the new keyword). You first code snippet of DefaultDataObject unnecessarily creates a bunch of new properties with the same name. Remove them completely - they are already defined in the base class.
[Edit] I didn't notice this initially, and #svick warned me, that your base class actually contained fields instead of properties, which makes me wonder why you needed to add the new keyword at all. I went over your code quickly and saw them as properties. In any case, you should never expose public fields - at least change them to auto-implemented properties by adding the { get; set; } block.
In other words, this would simply work:
// this doesn't need to be abstract.
// just put all the common stuff inside.
public class BaseDO
// as svick pointed out, these should also be properties.
// you should *never* expose public fields in your classes.
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime? Date { get; set; }
// don't use the new keyword to hide stuff.
// in most cases, you won't need that's behavior
public class DerivedDO : BaseDO
// no need to repeat those properties from above,
// only add **different ones**
public string Code { get; set; }
As a side note, but nevertheless important IMHO, you should simplify naming (and make it more clearer what your code does). There is no need to repeat "DataObject" in every property name, for example. But since your code is probably only a simplified version, it doesn't matter.
Lastly, have you heard of XmlSerializer? You don't need to traverse the XML elements manually. It is enough to call XmlSerializer to both serialize and deserialize your data.
Everything I need to know I learned from Sesame Street
Scrub your class design hard to make sure you've identified everything that is the same and different. Play computer, so to speak, with your classes and see how they do the same, different, or the same thing but in different ways.
What is the same, different, same but differently will likely change as you play computer.
Think in general terms of the two pillars of OO Classes. Polymorphism and Inheritance
As you do the above that is. Not so much in terms of C# implementation per se.
How things clump into same vs. different will help drive implementation
And it's all relative.
More of same default behavior? Perhaps a concrete base class instead of abstract.
More of same thing, but differently? Perhaps an abstract class instead of concrete base class.
A default way of doing x? Perhaps a virtual method.
Everyone does the same thing, but no two the same way? A delegate perhaps.
Implementation Suggestions
Make methods and fields protected as a default. Private does not get inherited. Designs change, stay flexible. If something just has to be private, fine.
virtual means you can change implementation in a sub class. It does not mean you must.
Folks seem to under-utilize delegates. They're super for polymorphic methods.
There is nothing wrong with public fields. What's the practical difference between a public field and a public auto-implemented property? Nothing. They both directly return (or set) the underlying value. So what's the point of even bothering with properties? If you want to publicly expose an underlying value differently than it's "natural" state. For example, returning a number in a specific format. And of course you can have different properties for the same field.
A Property can have a get without a set. Or vice versa. Also get and set can have different access levels. Often you'll see this as a public get and a protected (or private) set.
It depends on what the derived types will want to do. If they are going to use the default implementation and only expand on it somehow, then having the default class as the non-abstract base class is fine.
On the other hand, if they are most likely going to re-implement the functionality, you should have an abstract base class (or an interface) and a separate default class.
If you for some reason don't know which one is it, you can let the inheritors choose by having an abstract base class and leaving the default class unsealed.
Also, looking at your code, it seems you misunderstand what the various keywords do. Most of the time, you do not want to use new like this. What it does is to define another member with the same name, unrelated to the original one. Also, there's no reason to override something if you don't want to change it. So, if you expect that the derived classes won't have to reimplement the properties, you don't have to make them virtual at all.
An abstract class can already implement things that can be inherited
public abstract class DataObjectBase
public string DataObjectName { get; set; }
public DateTime? DataObjectDate { get; set; }
A concrete class can add new properties and methods
public class DerivedDataObject : DataObjectBase
public int NewProperty { get; set; }
The properties DataObjectName and DataObjectDate are already available in the new class, because they are automatically inherited from the base class.
If the abstract class defined an abstract member, however, you would have to implement it in the derived class.
Say the base class defines
public abstract void SomeMethod(string name);
The the derived class has to do this
public override void SomeMethod(string name)
If your base class does not have abstract members, it does not need to be abstract and can play the role of your default data object directly.
The keyword 'partial` is not needed here. It is only useful if you want to split one class into several pieces over several files.
The keyword new is wrong here. It is used to shadow an inherited member. This means that the inherited member will be hidden "behind" the new declaration. What you need, is to override. This does not hide a member, but provide an alternative implementation of the same member in the derived class.
I have a web service that will return a List where Person is a DTO. Is there any reason I shouldn't define Person like:
public class Person {
public string Name;
public string Email;
instead of
public class Person {
private string _name;
public string Name {
get {
return _name;
set {
_name = value;
The second version is more verbose, and I can't see any reason public instance variables could be a problem here. Any reason it could be?
Properties are preferred over fields to support
binding; fields cannot be bound
polymorphism; you can't do public virtual string Name;
You can use automatic properties to reduce the verbosity
public class Person {
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
In general - this is a design decision - see: http://forums.asp.net/t/1233827.aspx
But the DTO implementation is slightly different. Since this is just a DTO and there is no behavior with no set/get property specific implementation the usage you could just as well use the less verbose method. Any implementation change would not require client recompiles since they will be serialized the same way in either case via a service, so your smaller implementation is fine.
Fyi though - if the client is going to use these classes for databinding then they need to be properties in the class. Fields won't be bound.
In addition to all of the other answers, properties allow for validation to be ran when the property is read from or written to. That would take more work to do when using fields.
A simple example.
alt text http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/1854/51445300.jpg
A have a class TDMReader which is a buldier of TDMFile objects and I am using Auto Implemented Properties f.e.
public string Name
public Group[] Groups
What I want to do is to make setter accessible only for TDMReader methods.
In C++ i could have friends methods to access private variables, in Java I could make them in one packet and so access to fields. I have some ideas but with this auto-implemetation is a bit more complicated to do.
Any ideas with a nite solution?:)
Automatic properties have no bearing on this - the same options are available for automatic properties and "manual" properties. You can restrict the access of the setter like this:
// Setter access only to this type and nested types
public string Name { get; private set; }
// Setter access within the assembly
public Group[] Groups { get; internal set; }
... but you can't do it for a single class (unless that class is nested within the declaring type, in which case private would be fine). There's no namespace-restricted access in .NET or C#.
(It's not entirely clear which class the properties are declared in - if they're TdmReader properties, then just make them private. If they're TdmFile properties, you have the problem described above.)
Like this:
public string Name
private set;
public Group[] Groups
private set;
By adding the private keyword, the setters will only be accessible by code in the same class. You can also add internal to make it accessible to code in the same project.
Note that exposing an array as a property is extremely poor design.
Instead, you should expose a Collection<Group> or ReadOnlyCollection<Group>, in the System.Collections.ObjectModel namespace.
If i have the following code example:
public class ClassBase
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class ClassA : ClassBase
public int JustNumber { get; set; }
public ClassA()
this.ID = 0;
this.Name = string.Empty;
this.JustNumber = string.Empty;
What should I do to hide the property Name (Don't shown as a member of ClassA members) without modifying ClassBase ?
I smell a code smell here. It is my opinion that you should only inherit a base class if you're implementing all of the functionality of that base class. What you're doing doesn't really represent object oriented principles properly. Thus, if you want to inherit from your base, you should be implementing Name, otherwise you've got your inheritance the wrong way around. Your class A should be your base class and your current base class should inherit from A if that's what you want, not the other way around.
However, not to stray too far from the direct question. If you did want to flout "the rules" and want to continue on the path you've chosen - here's how you can go about it:
The convention is to implement the property but throw a NotImplementedException when that property is called - although, I don't like that either. But that's my personal opinion and it doesn't change the fact that this convention still stands.
If you're attempting to obsolete the property (and it's declared in the base class as virtual), then you could either use the Obsolete attribute on it:
[Obsolete("This property has been deprecated and should no longer be used.", true)]
public override string Name
return base.Name;
base.Name = value;
(Edit: As Brian pointed out in the comments, the second parameter of the attribute will cause a compiler error if someone references the Name property, thus they won't be able to use it even though you've implemented it in derived class.)
Or as I mentioned use NotImplementedException:
public override string Name
throw new NotImplementedException();
throw new NotImplementedException();
However, if the property isn't declared as virtual, then you can use the new keyword to replace it:
public new string Name
throw new NotImplementedException();
throw new NotImplementedException();
You can still use the Obsolete attribute in the same manner as if the method was overridden, or you can throw the NotImplementedException, whichever you choose. I would probably use:
[Obsolete("Don't use this", true)]
public override string Name { get; set; }
[Obsolete("Don't use this", true)]
public new string Name { get; set; }
Depending on whether or not it was declared as virtual in the base class.
While technically the property won't be hidden, one way to strongly discourage its use is to put attributes on it like these:
This is what System.Windows.Forms does for controls that have properties that don't fit. The Text property, for instance, is on Control, but it doesn't make sense on every class that inherits from Control. So in MonthCalendar, for instance, the Text property appears like this (per the online reference source):
public override string Text {
get { return base.Text; }
set { base.Text = value; }
Browsable - whether the member shows up in the Properties window
EditorBrowsable - whether the member shows up in the Intellisense dropdown
EditorBrowsable(false) won't prevent you from typing the property, and if you use the property, your project will still compile. But since the property doesn't appear in Intellisense, it won't be as obvious that you can use it.
Just hide it
public class ClassBase
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class ClassA : ClassBase
public int JustNumber { get; set; }
private new string Name { get { return base.Name; } set { base.Name = value; } }
public ClassA()
this.ID = 0;
this.Name = string.Empty;
this.JustNumber = 0;
Note: Name will still be a public member of ClassBase, given the constraint of not changing the base class there is no way to stop that.
Why force inheritance when it's not necessary?
I think the proper way of doing it is by doing has-a instead of a is-a.
public class ClassBase
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class ClassA
private ClassBase _base;
public int ID { get { return this._base.ID; } }
public string JustNumber { get; set; }
public ClassA()
this._base = new ClassBase();
this._base.ID = 0;
this._base.Name = string.Empty;
this.JustNumber = string.Empty;
I don’t think a lot of the people replying here understand inheritance at all. There is a need to inherit from a base class and hide its once public var’s and functions. Example, lets say you have a basic engine and you want to make a new engine that is supercharged. Well, 99% of the engine you will use but you will tweak a bit of its functionality to make it run much better and yet still there is some functionality that should only be shown to the modifications made, not the end user. Because we all know that every class MS puts out doesn’t really ever need any modifications.
Besides using the new to simply override the functionality it is one of the things that Microsoft in their infinite wis….. oh, I mean mistakes considered a tool not worthwhile anymore.
The best way to accomplish this now is multi-level inheritance.
public class classA
public class B : A
public class C : B
Class B does all your work and class C exposes what you need exposed.
You can't, that's the whole point of inheritance: the subclass must offer all methods and properties of the base class.
You could change the implementation to throw an exception when the property is called (if it were virtual)...
I completely agree that properties should not be removed from base classes, but sometimes a derived class might have a different more appropriate way to enter the values. In my case, for example, I am inheriting from ItemsControl. As we all know, ItemsControl has the ItemsSource property, but I want my control to merge data from 2 sources (for example, Person and Location). If I were to have the user enter the data using ItemsSource, I would need to separate and then recombine the values, so I created 2 properties to enter the data. But back to the original question, this leaves the ItemsSource, which I do not want the user to use because I am "replacing" it with my own properties. I like the Browsable and EditorBrowsable ideas, but it still does not prevent the user from using it. The basic point here is that inheritance should keep MOST of the properties, but when there is a large complex class (especially ones where you cannot modify the original code), rewriting everything would be very inefficient.
You can use Browsable(false)
[Browsable( false )]
public override string Name
get { return base.Name; }
set { base.Name= value; }
I think it is bad design if you have to do this, especially if you are able to design the code from the ground up.
Good design is to let the base-class share common properties that a certain concept has (virtual or real). Example: System.IO.Stream in C#.
Further down the lane bad design will increase the cost for maintenance and make implementation harder and harder. Avoid this as much as possible!
Basic rules which I use:
Minimize the number of properties and methods in the base-class. If you do not expect to use some properties or methods in a class that inherits the base class; do not put it in the baseclass then. If you are in the developmentstage of a project; always go back to the drawing-board now an then to check the design because things change! Redesign when needed. When your project is live the costs for changing things later in the design will go up!
If you are using a baseclass implemented by a 3:rd party, consider "go up" one level instead of "overriding" with "NotImplementedException" or such. If there is no other level, consider design the code from scratch.
Always consider to seal classes you do not want anyone to be able to inherit it. It forces coders to "go up one level" in the "inheritance- hierarchy" and thus "loose ends" like "NotImplementedException" can be avoided.
I know that the question is old, but what you can do is override the PostFilterProperties like this:
protected override void PostFilterProperties(System.Collections.IDictionary properties)
//properties.Remove("TabIndex"); // Don't remove this one or the designer will break