I have created a SharePoint Event Receiver, that fires on Item Update.
The receiver needs access AfterProperties and ListItem.
When firing the event receiver from a SharePoint web application using an IP address (, it throws a FileNotFoundException, when accessing SiteId And WebUrl in SPItemEventProperties.
The Web application at could not be found. Verify that you have typed the URL correctly.
When firing the event receiver using the hostname, specified at setup of Site Collection http://computerhostname/sites/companyName. This works fine, no exception is thrown.
//Combine Both AfterProperties And ListItem
var ListProperties = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>();
ListProperties.AddRange(properties.ListItem.ToKeyValue(p => !p.Sealed));
var AvaliableProperties = ListProperties.Distinct(new KeyValueComparer<object>());
This isn't necessarily a SharePoint problem, but is most likely down to the way that IIS is configured on the host. A particular site can be "bound" to an IP address and a host name, and if the host name isn't present in the HTTP GET sent by the browser then IIS will return a 404 NOT FOUND.
You can verify this by using a browser to see whether you can access the site by IP address.
You can add additional bindings if necessary, but there can only be one "default" binding per IP address, so only one site can be present at (in your case)
A possible way around the situation where multiple sites are present but you can't use a hostname might be to add a binding to a port other than port 80 for this IP, so your URL would become something like
This is not just an IIS problem, but Sharepoint related as well. A lot of referencing in SharePoint is done by using a url as a starting point (just look at the constructor of SPSite). The url is then compared to known url's in SharePoint's Config database. (and ofr files etc in the site's content database).
SharePoint uses a system called Alternate Access Mappings to assign different urls to a Web Application's "Zones" (default, intranet, internet, ... custom definition). If it does not find the 'exact' Url, internally stuff will fail (And especially search is very "Url sensitive").
Then comes the IIS part into play: Since IIS probably has no other site running on the 80 port, and without a specific hostheader (so it defaults to machinename), or with the hostheader set to the machine name, IIS will pick up the request and since SharePoint is tied into this webapp, SharePoint will try to process it, looks up the url, Sharepoint does not find the Url and thne "breaks".
The no hostheader occurs when you leave the hostheader field empty when you create a new web app in SharePoint.
I know this is quite easy to get URL in many ways but I have unexpected issues when querying website by DNS, which redirects to a non-default port.
There is a web app working on port 7000 which is accessible by server name or dns:
http://MyApp.intranet.net (maps MyServer on port 7000)
This is how users see them in the browser.
So now, how to get exactly the same URL link like in a browser.
HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri returns respectively:
http://MyApp.intranet.net:7000 (Port was added, this address doesn't exist!!!)
http://MyApp.intranet.net:7000 (the same like above)
MyApp.intranet.net:7000 (the same like above)
MyServer (no port information, returns error)
MyApp.intranet.net (that's fine)
I didn't find any property which returns both addresses correctly, as browser user has.
And I don't want to hardcode anything or send this from the client-side.
Thanks for any advice.
I have to implement reverse proxy setup in my local system. I have two website and in first website i have content and second website have empty forlder, I have one website example - www.nawaz-data.com and it has main content. and I have another website example - www.nawaz-proxy.com which is empty folder .
Requirement :
Need how do i setup for reverse proxy. When i request to www.nawaz-proxy.com than it should be redirect to www.nawaz-data.com where i have actual website content. I have tried to setup inbound and outbound rule but unable to get result it shows : HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden as this domain has no content, i want to redirect this url to another url where content has stored.
I have installed IIS windows 10
I have installed URL Rewrite
I have installed Application Request Routing Cache - in that I have enable proxy setting
According to your description, I suggest you could try to use below steps to add the reverse proxy rules.
1.Open the IIS mangement console, locate the right web site and click the url rewrite
2.Click the Add rule and select reverse proxy.
3.Add the servername op IP in below window, for example: www.nawaz-data.com. Notice: you should make sure your server could access the "www.nawaz-data.com" directly by using brower. If you couldn't access it ,you should use server's ip address directly.
I've created a web application to list all websites on IIS with their names, ports and physical paths. it's also supposed to get the IIS websites domain names. the application is installed on IIS and all functions work great except for returning domain names.
I wrote the below code and it returned "localhost:8183" for all websites. 8183 is the application's port itself.
Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority +
Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/') + "/";here
then I tried this one and it just returned "localhost" instead of domain names.
I'm so curious to know where I'm going wrong. please let me know if any further information is needed.
A web server does not actually know what domains it can serve. It knows what domain was in the request headers in the thread for that request, but you can set up any domain you like to point to any server's IP address and the server will accept it.
If you have set up bindings by domain (using Server Name Indication), you can get that information from the objects in Microsoft.Web.Administration ( for each site in ServerManager.Sites, for each Binding in site.bindings, if Binding.Protocol = http or https and Binding.Host !="" then write out Binding.Host) but that won't tell you about any domains that aren't in bindings.
If you use request object it will only give details about the website where your code is running. You need to use Directory Services to connect to IIS and do you work.
[From already answered question]- Here's an article explaining how this could be done using classes from the System.DirectoryServices namespace as well as the Microsoft.Web.Administration namespace which was introduced with IIS 7.
You can use below code to get the Domain name of current server:
or you can use below code to get current user's domain:
System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().User. (string value)
Then you can trim it.
Happy coding.
I recently found out that there are other domain names pointing to my website (that don't belong to me) and I was wondering how people can stop/prevent this from happening. I'm hosting this on peer1 using IIS and I'm using ASP.NET C#.
Can I use an HttpModule or some other code to reject domain names that aren't mine?
Is there a better way?
You should activate name-based virtual hosting and only show your real website for the desired domain names. For all other names, you can display a suitable error message.
Details: Your webserver is contacted by its IP address. There is nothing you can do to stop that. Anyone can say, "connect to that IP address". For instance, anyone can register new domain names to point to your server's IP address. However, inside the request, there is a field Host with a name like www.example.com.
Upon receiving the request, your server may choose to inspect the Host field and deliver different content depending on that value. In the simplest case, the server ignores the field entirely and always prints out the same content. But in a more sophisticated set-up, so called "name-based (virtual) hosting", the server chooses the content depending on the hostname.
This is how shared webhosts work: There's a single server, but depending on the requested hostname it spits out a different website for each name.
Therefore, if you want to tie your server content to your hostname, you have to tell your server to produce your website only for your desired name, and to produce a different (error) website for all other cases.
In Apache this is trivial to configure, just check their documentation; for IIS I wouldn't know but I imagine it's equally simple.
If your hosting environment is IIS and you have admin access to it. Set your default website to show an error page and then create a new site with the host header matching your domain to point to your website.
This is my solution. It really works fast and solved my problem.
Insert this code in your .htacces
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.higueyrd.com$
RewriteRule ^/?(.*) http://www.higueyrd.com/$1 [QSA,R=301,L]
Just put your domain.
In IIS there is a setting called bindings that allows you to select which hostnames your website will respond to. This feature allows an instance of IIS to host mulitple websites on a single IP address.
If you want your site to only work for http://example.com/ and http://www.example.com/, you should set the bindings to only work for "example.com" and "www.example.com".
The exception here is if you are using SSL. If you are, IIS cannot determine the hostname and you will most likely have to use a dedicated IP address for your site. In that scenario, user608576's solution will work. Although, I would put that code in your Global.asax file:
<%# Application Language="C#" %>
<script runat="server">
void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs args)
HttpRequest request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
HttpResponse response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
if( (request.Url.Host != "example.com") && (request.Url.Host != "www.example.com") )
response.Write("Unauthorized domain name: " + request.Url.Host);
As a temporary fix you can do this . May be on home page load or BeginRequest .
If i remember right when i last check my sites cpanel i saw a feature that stopped redirections to my domain if checked. I´m using Hostso as my host so check their test cpanel for it.
Hope it helps alittle atleast :)
Fredrik wirth
if you want to handle in code then do it in Global.asax in BeginRequest as below
void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!context.Request.Url.Host.ToLower().Equals("www.mydomain.com"))
The other simple way is to specify a host headers in IIS for your website.
Note: I am writing through my mobile so consider spelling mistakes
I need to access simultaniously multiple instances of a web services with the following Url. The web services is hosted in IIS and has SSL enabled.
Usually, when we do this process manually, we go one by one and update the Windows host file (c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) like this : services.mysite.com
I would like to automate the process and do it with some multithreading. So I cannot change the Host file. Is there a way to simulate a host file when we do a HTTP request in C#?
If you know the IP address of the server's SSL endpoint (which isn't necessarily the same as the server's default IP address), then you could just aim you web-service at that? Obviously the SSL check will fail, but you can disable that through code...
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate
return true; // you might want to check some of the certificate detials...
I think you get the same effect by setting the proxy server of that specific request to the IP address of the actual Web server you want to send the request to.
You can change the URL that your request is hitting at runtime, something like this:
svc.Url = "http://firstServer.com";
So if you create a program that loops through each of your desired servers, just update the URL property directly (that example is taken from WSE 3 based web services).