I am having trouble figuring something out about my AppDomain.Unload(...) call. I have a detailed explanation with code from my earlier question. As it turns out, I was performing a couple of steps that apparently, I don't need to. However, I am fairly certain that when an AppDomain is created and then held in a collection:
private static Dictionary<string , AppDomain> HostDomains;
void StartNewDomain(string domainName)
AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(domainName);
HostDomains[domainName] = domain;
...when you are done with it, you must unload it:
if (HostDomains.ContainsKey(domainName))
then remove domain from the collection.
When I unload the domain, however, the entire application is ending. If I remove the unload, all is well...and we are simply left with removing the domain from the collection. But I fear that my child AppDomain is not really unloaded. It may eventually get GC'd I guess, but that doesn't give me a warm fuzzy.
The child AppDomain assembly (a Windows Form application) is started asynchronously via an interface (IModule) that is referenced in my adapter class which inherits MarshalByRefObject. I am wondering if this reference to IModule's Start() (which the plugin module assembly implements) is not marshaling properly (because of my implementation). So, when the Shutdown() method is called, the entire application dies. Should I make my IModule an abstract class instead so it should inherit MBR as well? Puzzled...
After looking at my code:
// instances the module for access to the module's Start() method
IModule module = (IModule)domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(
...my fear is that since IModule is an interface, even though I am creating an instance in a child domain, the assembly is leaking into my main AppDomain. Therefore, when I attempt to unload the child domain, both domains are being unloaded. Would this be correct? And what would likely be the best solution to provide Start() & Stop() methods via the MBR (adapter) object?
UPDATE: see my answer below for changes --
Okay, there is no leaking -- everything inherits MBR:
Host : MarshalByRefObject -- instances the ModuleAdapter in a new AppDomain
ModuleAdapter : MarshalByRefObject -- IModule interface, interface methods (Start,Stop)
MyModulePlugin : MarshalByRefObject -- Application.Run(myForm)
Am I doing something wrong still? I've tried several things and it just seems to be wrong or incomplete. When I tell the ModuleAdapter to shutdown, it calls AppDomain.Unload(AppDomain.CurrentDomain) and the Host domain stops as well. I am still getting some first chance exceptions on the application exit. But the form (myForm) has been told to .Close().
So, I am still looking for the correct way of doing this...
As I suspected, instancing with the IModule interface in the primary domain causes a leak. In order to do this properly:
AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(domainName);
HostDomains[domainName] = domain; // put in collection
ModuleAdapter adapter = (ModuleAdapter)domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(asmName , typeName);
where ModuleAdapter inherits MarshalByRefObject. Then:
adapter.Execute(moduleAssembly , moduleType);
Inside the ModuleAdapter class:
public void Execute(string Name, string EntryPoint)
module = (IModule)AppDomain.CurrentDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(Name , EntryPoint);
I do welcome comments or additional answers for a better way.
After moving the instancing to the ModuleAdapter class, we are still having the issue with AppDomain.Unload killing the entire application. I was wondering if this is because in the module plugin we are using Application.Run(myForm) - then when we shutdown we call myForm.Close(). Obviously this shuts down the application so I was wondering if the myForm.Close() also 'unloads' the AppDomain.
My app consists of a Shell and many modules which are loaded from a directory. I'd like to add a Finalize() method to each of these modules so they can perform their own required cleanup/shutdown code such as closing files, freeing sockets, perform saves/backups, etc.
I know this concept can be easily achieved with event aggregation and publishing an event on shutdown, but I'd much rather iterate through each module and call this Finalize() method which returns a status int showing whether or not the module encountered any problems during finalization.
So far I've created the following simple interface, and had the appropriate modules implement it.
public interface IFinalizeModule
int Finalize();
Is it possible to iterate through the modules in the module catalog and do something like this without creating additional instances of them? The closest thing I've found is in this post but I can't wrap my head around his explanation
I would place each module's Start method in a separate component (IStartable), register each component in the container with a different Id and resolve/import an IEnumerable to get all instances that have the start method.
This code doesn't work, but it's what I'm trying to achieve
foreach (IModule module in ModuleCatalog)
int exitcode = module.Finalize();
if (exitcode != 0)
// do something
Modules are short lived. They are created, initialized and garbage collected. The only job of a module is to perform registrations.
If you have services that need to be shut down when the application is shut down, you have to notify those services if you're about to shut down. Either through an event they subscribe to or by creating a RegistryOfServicesThatNeedToBeShutDown.
Example expanding on my comment (if you insist on cleaning up on module-level):
class MyModule : IModule
public void Initialize()
_container.RegisterType<IMyService, DisposeMe>( new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager() );
_container.RegisterType<IMyOtherService, DisposeMeToo>( new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager() );
_container.RegisterType<IModuleCleanUp, CleanUpMyModule>( nameof( MyModule ) );
private class CleanUpMyModule : IModuleCleanUp
void Finalize()
Now you have a regular module and its clean-up-code next to each other. But the code looks ugly a bit, and there are things to be aware of:
if someone resolves IMyService after the clean-up, you're done for
you don't even know whether the type registered as IMyService requires clean-up: another module that's initialized after MyModule might register a different type for IMyService
I've recently been dabbling a bit with IOC Containers (LightInject in my case).
I've been reading that you should only need to use the container ONCE, on startup, and no where else. This is what I'm struggling to understand. If I can only reference the container in a bootstrap/startup method, how is it possible to resolve what I need, elswhere in the project, or at runtime if the class depends on user input.
So In my Traditional Windows Forms App, on Form Load Say, I would Bootstrap Lightinject as per the below code. It's only an arbitrary example, it's more the premise I need to get my head around.
I might be missing something here entirely, or just not getting it. But how am i supposed to resolve dependancies, If i can't use/not supposed to reference or use Container.GetInstance/Resolve/{Choose IOC Syntax Here}, and only in the composition root.
For Instance, Say I have two buttons and a TextBox on my form. The first button gets me an ILoader (below code), and the second button loads up a file viewer (ILoader, below code), whose file name is what is entered into the textbox on the winform.
Without An IOC Container I would do the following (let's just assume its put in the click event)
Button 1 Click Event :
ISplitText MyStringFunc = new WhateverImplementsIt();
Button 2 (gets the file reader based on textbox input)
ILoader MyLoader = new FileReaderImplementation(TextBox1.Text);
Using LightInject, I'm surely compelled to do the following:
Button1 Click:
ISplitText Splitter = Container.GetInstance<ISplitText>();
Button 2 Click
var LoaderFunc = Container.GetInstance<Func<string, ILoader>>();
ILoader l2 = LoaderFunc(TextBox1.Text);
Am I Incorrect? In A large project I would have Container.GetInstance, peppered all over the place, in the main form file and elsewhere surely, so how can i only reference the container in ONLY 1 spot, in the form of bootstrap, am i missing a magic piece of the puzzle?
In all the sample apps I have seen it's all done in one simple console app, in the Main function. All these apps follow the format of:
Container = new Container();
var Resolved = Container.GetInstance<IFoo>();
Well, I understand all that, and it's extremely simple. It's once you start adding a bit of complexity to the app itself, I'm lost as to how to get the instances without making the Container itself public, or static, or accessible in some way,shape or form and then calling Container.GetInstance in a million places (which apparently, is a big no no). PLEASE HELP!
PS - I am not concerned about "abstracting the container" itself. so would prefer to only focus on increasing my understanding of the above.
public class BootStrapIOC
public ServiceContainer Container;
public BootStrapIOC(ServiceContainer container)
Container = container;
public void Start()
Container.Register<ISplitText, StringUtil>();
Container.Register<string, ILoader>((factory, value) => new FileViewByFileName(value));
//HUH? How can i NOT use the container??, in this case in the button_click
ILoader Loader = Container.GetInstance<Func<string, ILoader>>();
ILoader l2 = Loader(TextBox1.Text);
ISplitText Splitter = Container.GetInstance<ISplitText>();
OK, so, after re-reading the comments and looking at a few more examples on the interweb, I think I may finally understand it. The issue was (I think) is that i wasn't thinking "higher level" enough. I was trying to resolve my dependancies in my winforms application, AFTER the form had already been constructed,and in the form itself. When in reality, it's too late by then. I wasn't viewing the "form itself" as just another object, which needed it's dependencies injected into it.
So I bootstrap now in my Program.cs:
static class Program
private static ServiceContainer Container;
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
Container = new ServiceContainer();
BootStrapIOC Strap = new BootStrapIOC(Container);
//This magic line resolves EVERYTHING for me required by the Form
var form = Container.GetInstance<Form1>();
//Application.Run(new Form1());
My question now is, Is my line of thinking now correct in terms of winforms. It seems to make more sense, changing my approach to "higher up" the chain and resolving from Program.cs??
Secondly, And I'm not sure if this calls for a new question altogether, please advise as I am an SO noob.
How would I setup a factory to return the correct instance of an object? One of the original comments indicated that that would be a usage in this scenario. Let's use a contrived example.
Where I needed an object, but don't know which object until run time/user input.
My Idea:
Factory Interface and Implementation:
Let's put some optional parameters in also, as I want to know if this is the correct/best way to do it?
public interface IFileViewerFactory
ILoader GetFileViewer(string FileName, string Directory = null, bool CreatingDirectory = false);
public class FileViewerFactory:IFileViewerFactory
public FileViewerFactory() { }
public ILoader GetFileViewer(string FileName, string Directory = null, bool CreatingDirectory = false)
if (CreatingDirectory == false)
if (Directory == null)
return new FileViewByFileName(FileName);
return new FileViewByDirectoryName(Directory, FileName);
return new FileViewByDirectoryNameCreateDirectoryOptional(Directory, FileName, CreatingDirectory);
public IFileViewerFactory FileViewerFactory { get; set; }
Button Click:
ILoader FileLoader = FileViewerFactory.GetFileViewer(TxtBoxFileName.Text);
ILoader FileLoader = FileViewerFacotry.GetFileViewer(TxtBoxFileName.Text,TxtBoxDirectory.Text);
So to finish off, my questions are:
Is my new way of "higher level" thinking, and bootstrapping from Program.cs now correct
How Can I handle optional parameters in LightInject
Is How I have setup my factory the correct way to do it?
Let's forget about the Fugliness of the factory and just try to work on the mechanics of the questions :)
I know it's a bit late to answer a question that is over a year old but let me try.
The issue here is that you don't want your container to go out anywhere else than your Composition Root. In a complex solution consisting of mutliple assembiles, this means the container itself is only referenced by the topmost assembly (where the Composition Root is).
But the application stack is usually complex, you possibly have multiple assembiles and still, your depencencies should be resolves across the application.
Historically, one of the possible approaches was the Service Locator pattern. The locator goes down to the very bottom of the stack and from there, it offers a service that resolves dependencies. Thus, it's available anywhere up the stack.
This approach has two drawbacks, first is that your container is referenced at the very bottom of the stack and even if you circuvment this you still have your locator referenced everywhere. The latter could be painful in a large app as you possibly have some standalone assembiles that you don't want to be forced to reference your locator (or anything else).
The ultimate solution is called the Local Factory (aka Dependency Resolver) and it takes care of creating just few of its dependand services. The trick is then to have multiple local factories across your app.
A typical setup is like this. Suppose there's an assembly, call it A, that the client will use to obtain an instance of IServiceA. The assembly contains only the two:
interface (obligation) of the service - IServiceA
the local factory clients will use to obtain instances of the service
And that's all, no other references, no containers. There's even no implementation at this point yet. The trick here is to make the factory open for the actual provider - in a sense that the factory doesn't even yet know how to create instances - it's the Composition Root that will tell it.
// Assembly A
public interface IServiceA
public class ServiceAFactory
private static Func<IServiceA> _provider;
public static void SetProvider( Func<IServiceA> provider )
_provider = provider;
public IServiceA Create()
return _provider();
the provider here has a functional contract but it could also be expressed as an interface
And that's all, although there's no implementation in the factory at the moment, the client code is suddenly very stable:
// client code to obtain IServiceA
var serviceA = new ServiceAFactory().Create();
Note again how self-contained this assembly A is. It has no other references, still, it offers a clean way to obtain instances of your service. Other assemblies can reference this assembly with no other additional references.
Then comes the Composition Root.
At the very top of your stack, your main assembly references the assembly A and some other assembly, let's call it AImpl that contains a possible implementation of the service interface.
technically the implementation of the service could be in the very same assembly the interface is but it only makes things easier
The Composition Root creates the provider of the factory by delegating a factory method down the stack, to the assembly A
// Composition Root in the top level module
// Both assemblies
// * A that contains IServiceA
// * AImpl that contains an implementation, ServiceAImpl
// are referenced here
public void CompositionRoot()
ServiceAFactory.SetProvider( () =>
return new ServiceAImpl();
} );
From now on, the provider is set up and all the client code down the stack that uses the factory, can succesfully obtain instances.
The Composition Root provides all other implementations of other local factories, as well. There are multiple setups then in the Composition Root:
SomeLocalFactoryFromAssemblyA.SetProvider( ... );
AnotherLocalFactoryFromAssemblyB.SetProvider( .... );
Where is your container then?
Well, the container is just one possible implementation of the provider. It only helps rather than spoils. Note however that you don't even have to use it, it's a choice rather than obligation.
public void CompositionRoot()
var container = new MyFavouriteContainer();
container.Register<IServiceA, ServiceAImpl>(); // create my registrations
ServiceAFactory.SetProvider( () =>
// this advanced provider uses the container
// this means the implementation, the ServiceAImpl,
// can have possible further dependencies that will be
// resolved by the container
} );
This is the most clean setup I am aware of. It has all desired features:
it separates concerns in a clean way
the client doesn't really need any other dependencies than the service contract and the factory
the client doesn't even know there is or will be a container, in fact the client doesn't care
in a test environment, providers can easily be setup without any container, to provide static mocks of your services
the Composition Root is a real composer here - it's the only place in your code where the three: interfaces, implementations and the container, meet together
I have this interface in the dll (this code is shown in Visual Studio from metadata):
#region Assembly XCapture.dll, v2.0.50727
// d:\svn\dashboard\trunk\Source\MockDiagnosticsServer\lib\XCapture.dll
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace XCapture
public interface IDiagnostics
void GetStatusInfo(int index, ref object data);
So I created a COM server with such class:
public class SimpleDiagnosticsMock : ReferenceCountedObject, IDiagnostics
public const string CLSID = "281C897B-A81F-4C61-8472-79B61B99A6BC";
// These routines perform the additional COM registration needed by
// the service. ---- stripped from example
void IDiagnostics.GetStatusInfo(int index, ref object data)
Log.Info("GetStatusInfo called with index={0}, data={1}", index, data);
data = index.ToString();
Server seems to work fine, and I am able to use the object from a VBScript. But then I try to use it from another C# client:
static void Main(string[] args)
Guid mockClsId = new Guid("281C897B-A81F-4C61-8472-79B61B99A6BC");
Type mockType = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(mockClsId, true);
IDiagnostics mock = (IDiagnostics)Activator.CreateInstance(mockType);
//var diag = mock as IDiagnostics;
object s = null;
mock.GetStatusInfo(3, ref s);
And it fails with
Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface
type 'XCapture.IDiagnostics'. This operation failed because the
QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID
'{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}' failed due to the following
error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002
What am I doing wrong?
I have also tried to use InvokeMember, and that kinda worked except that I wasn't able to get the ref-returned data parameter.
EDIT: added STAThread attribute to my Main procedure. This does not solve the issue, but you really should use STAThread with COM unless you're absolutely sure you don't need it. See Hans Passant's answer below.
This exception can be a DLL Hell problem. But the simplest explanation is for what's missing from your snippet. Your Main() method is missing the [STAThread] attribute.
That's an important attribute that matters when you use COM objects in your code. Most of them are not thread-safe and they require a thread that's a hospitable home for code that cannot support threading. The attribute forces the state of the thread, the one you can set explicitly with Thread.SetApartmentState(). Which you can't do for the main thread of an app since Windows starts it, so the attribute is used to configure it.
If you omit it then you the main thread joins the MTA, the multi-threaded apartment. COM is then forced to create a new thread to give the component a safe home. Which requires all calls to be marshaled from your main thread to that helper thread. The E_NOINTERFACE error is raised when COM cannot find a way to do that, it requires a helper that knows how to serialize the method arguments. That's something that needs to be taken care of by the COM developer, he didn't do that. Sloppy but not unusual.
A requirement of an STA thread is that it also pumps a message loop. The kind you get in a Winforms or WPF app from Application.Run(). You don't have one in your code. You might get away with it since you don't actually make any calls from a worker thread. But COM components tend to rely on the message loop to be available for their own use. You'll notice this by it misbehaving, not raising an event or deadlocking.
So start fixing this by applying the attribute first:
static void Main(string[] args)
// etc..
Which will solve this exception. If you have the described event raising or deadlock problems then you'll need to change your application type. Winforms is usually easy to get going.
I cannot otherwise take a stab at the mocking failure. There are significant deployment details involved with COM, registry keys have to be written to allow COM to discover components. You have to get the guids right and the interfaces have to be an exact match. Regasm.exe is required to register a .NET component that's [ComVisible]. If you try to mock an existing COM component, and got it right, then you'll destroy the registration for the real component. Not so sure that's worth pursuing ;) And you'll have a significant problem adding a reference to the [ComVisible] assembly, the IDE refuses to allow a .NET program to use a .NET assembly through COM. Only late binding can fool the machine. Judging from the COM exception, you haven't gotten close to mocking yet. Best to use the COM component as-is, also a real test.
So, the problem was that my DLL with IDiagnostics interface was generated from a TLB, and that TLB never got registered.
Since the DLL was imported from the TLB, RegAsm.exe refuses to register the library. So I used the regtlibv12.exe tool to register the TLB itself:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regtlibv12.exe "$(ProjectDir)\lib\Diagnostics.tlb"
Then everything magically started to work.
Since regtlibv12 is not a supported tool, I still don't know how to do this properly.
I would like to execute certain code in a class library when it is instantiated from another assembly. Is there an entry point or bootstrap for a class library?
I thought that a static method Main would do the trick but I was wrong.
Applications for this might be configuring and instantiating a logger singleton, unhandled exception handler, etc.
A library as it is, has not an starting point. When you are instancing a class of a library the first instruction you call is the constructor of the class (new) and its base constructors if they are on the constructor definition.
AppDomain.AssemblyLoad Event which occurs when an assembly is loaded. Probably that can be used to call an initialize method in your class library.
public static void Main()
AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
currentDomain.AssemblyLoad += new AssemblyLoadEventHandler(MyAssemblyLoadEventHandler);
static void MyAssemblyLoadEventHandler(object sender, AssemblyLoadEventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("ASSEMBLY LOADED: " + args.LoadedAssembly.FullName);
//If this is the assembly that you want to call an initialize method..
Below are two similar threads
how to write class lib's assembly load/init event handler
.Net: Running code when assembly is loaded
The best and safe way is to design your library so that the caller will initialize your library when they know they can.
When an assembly is loaded, the CLR employes a lot of machinery to have the job done, starting from how the inner platform is designed to load modules up to the CLR itself. Each involved actor has their own limitations.
Executing code when a module is loaded is not the best practice on Win32 for the same reason: you cannot know what your caller is doing; also, the changes your doing could possibly alter the current AppDomain, but may not plbe propagated in all the other AppDomain of the application.
A conscious initialization method is the cleanest way to let the caller to control the initialization of your assembly.
All the other answers partially address the issue, but could introduce unwanted side effects and non deterministic behaviors.
Have you looked into the PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute?
using System.Web;
[assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(ClassLibrary.Startup), "Start")]
namespace ClassLibrary
public class Startup
public static void Start()
// do some awesome stuff here!
More detail: http://dochoffiday.com/professional/simulate-application-start-in-class-library
We have a plugin system where the plugin code runs on a separate AppDomain from the main process, using .NET remoting for the objects to communicate.
One class is similar to HttpContext.Current (which also suffers from the problem) (edit, the actual implementation):
public class MyClass
public static MyClass Instance
if(HttpContext.Current != null)
return HttpContext.Current.Items["MyClassInstance"];
if(HttpContext.Current != null)
HttpContext.Current.Items["MyClassInstance"] = value;
Then, we have a communicating object which inherits from MarshalByRefObject:
public class CommunicatingClass : MarshalByRefObject, ICommunicatingClass
public void DoSomething()
The CommunicatingClass is created on the main AppDomain, and works fine. Then, there's the plugin class, which is created on its AppDomain, and given an instance of the CommunicatingClass:
public class PluginClass
public void DoSomething(ICommunicatingClass communicatingClass)
The problem is, that even though CommunicatingClass resides on the main appdomain (verified with the Immediate Window), all of the static data such as MyClass.Instance and HttpContext.Current have disappeared and are null. I have a feeling that MyClass.Instance is somehow being retrieved from the plugin AppDomain, but am unsure how to resolve this.
I saw another question that suggested RemotingServices.Marshal, but that did not seem to help, or I used it incorrectly. Is there a way that the CommunicatingClass can access all static methods and properties like any other class in the main AppDomain?
The PluginClass is given an instance like this:
public static PluginClass Create()
var appDomain = GetNewAppDomain();
var instance = (PluginClass)appDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(assembly, type);
instance.Communicator = new CommunicatingClass();
return instance;
Edit 2:
Might have found the source of the problem. MyClass.Instance is stored in HttpContext.Current.Items (see above edit).
Is there any way at all that HttpContext.Current can access the correct HttpContext? I'm still wondering why, even though it is being run in HttpContext.Current's AppDomain, CommunicatingClass.DoSomething, when calling MyClass.Instance, retrieves stuff from PluginClass' AppDomain (if that makes any sense).
So my co-worker and I worked this out, finally, with a bunch of help from Reflector.
The main problem is that HttpContext.Current is null when accessed via a remoting call.
The HttpContext.Current property is stored in an interesting manor. A few nested setters down, you reach CallContext.HostContext. This is a static object property on a CallContext.
When the CallContext is set, it first checks if the value is an ILogicalThreadAffinitive.
If it is, it stores the value in the current thread's LogicalCallContext.
If it's not, it stores the value in the current thread's IllogicalCallContext.
HttpContext is not an ILogicalThreadAffinitive, so it is stored in the IllogicalCallContext.
Then, there's remoting.
We didn't dig too far in to its source, but what it does was inferred from some other functions.
When a call is made to a remote object from a different AppDomain, the call is not directly proxied to the original thread, running in the exact same execution context.
First, the ExecutionContext of the original thread (the one containing HttpContext.Current) is captured, via ExecutionContext.Capture (more in this in a bit).
Then, the ExecutionContext returned from Capture is passed as the first argument to ExecutionContext.Run, esentially forming the code:
Delegate myRemoteCall; //Assigned somewhere else in remoting
ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext.Capture(), x => { myRemoteCall() }, null);
Then, completely transparently, your code in the remote object is accessed.
Unfortunately, HttpContext.Current is not captured in ExecutionContext.Capture().
Here lies the essential difference between an IllogicalCallContext and a LogicalCallContext.
Capture creates a brand-new ExecutionContext, essentially copying all of the members (such as the LogicalCallContext) in to the new object. But, it does not copy the IllogicalCallContext.
So, since HttpContext is not an ILogicalThreadAffinative, it cannot be captured by ExecutionContext.Capture.
The solution?
HttpContext is not a MarshalByRefObject or [Serializable] (probably for good reason), so it cannot be passed in to the new AppDomain.
But, it can cross ExecutionContexts without problem.
So, in the main AppDomain's MarshalByRefObject which is given as a proxy to the other AppDomain, in the constructor give it the instance of HttpContext.Current.
Then, in each method call of the new object (unfortunately), run:
private HttpContext _context;
private void SyncContext()
if(HttpContext.Current == null)
HttpContext.Current = _context;
And it will be set without problem. Since HttpContext.Current is tied to the IllogicalCallContext of the ExecutionContext, it will not bleed in to any other threads that ASP.NET might create, and will be cleaned up when the copy ExecutionContext is disposed.
(I could be wrong about much of this, though. It's all speculation and reflection)
I believe you'll need to derive MyClass from MarshalByRefObject as well.