What is the difference between a delegate instance and a method pointer? - c#

I thought that a delegate instance was interchangeable with a function instance.
Take the following code:
delegate int AddDelegate(int a, int b);
AddDelegate DelegateInstance;
public void DoStuff()
//I can call this without a delegate "instance":
//I can also call it WITH a delegate "instance"
DelegateInstance = Add;
public int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
public void MethodThatTakesAdd(AddDelegate addFunction)
Console.WriteLine(addFunction(1, 2).ToString());
Both ways of calling it APPEAR to be equivalent, and if you're using only C#, you'll never see the difference (at least I have not up to this point). However, I was recently unmanaged code that was calling back into this managed code, they are treated differently. For example, in one scenario, I to get the error "A callback was made on a garbage collected delegate" if I use the function directly as a callback (even though my object instance is kept around). Using the "delegate instance" fixes the problem.
Is there someone out there that knows what the difference is?

Terminology Corretion: Instead of method pointer, the more appropriate term is method group.
In terms of functionality the two statements are equivalent. That is that they produce almost the same IL. The difference is where the delegate value is stored.
In the first case you pass the method group Add to MethodThatTakesAdd directly. This causes a temporary delegate value to be created and then passed to MethodThatTakesAdd. This delegate value is subject to garbage collection the moment the MethodThatTakesAdd returns since it does not store the value.
In the second case you assigned the delegate to a field on the outer instance. This will typically increase the lifetime of the delegate and hence reduce the chance it's garbage collected during your pinvoke call.

Delegates are classes that are callable, and have similar behavior to function pointers. The delegate internally stores the address of the function to call (i.e. the function pointer), but also provides other functionality such as multi-casting and storing an invocation list; you can essentially invoke many functions of the same signature with one delegate instance as follows.
public void DoStuff()
DelegateInstance += Add;
DelegateInstance += AnotherAdd;
DelegateInstance += YetAnotherAdd;
// Invoke Add(100, 200), AnotherAdd(100, 200), and YetAnotherAdd(100, 200)
DelegateInstance(100, 200);
Regarding your note about the equivalence of MethodThatTakesAdd(Add) and MethodThatTakesAdd(DelegateInstance),
if you look at the MSIL that the C# compiler generates for the line MethodThatTakesAdd(Add), you will notice that the compiler is creating a delegate and wrapping the Add() method for you.

While delegates provide synonymous functionality in C# as function pointers in C or C++, there are significant differences. Key among these is that a delegate is a class, not a pointer.
In short, casting a delegate to a pointer isn't going to give you a reference to a function or method, and as such it can't be used to call a method by reference from unmanaged code.


Why can't I find the Invoke method body of a delegate in IL code?

I decompiled sources for my TestDelegate
public delegate int TestDelegate(int a, int b);
When I view this IL code, why can't I find the Invoke method? I can't find other methods in delegate either. How does it work?
.method public hidebysig virtual newslot instance int32
int32 a,
int32 b
) runtime managed
// Can't find a body
} // end of method TestDelegate::Invoke
TestDelegate SumDelegate = Sum;
SumDelegate.Invoke(1, 2);
IL_001c: callvirt instance int32 Resolvers.Tests.Delegates.TestDelegate::Invoke(int32, int32)
Generating IL shows the Invoke method call, I can't find it. What is really going on?
Because a delegate is a reference to a method, not an actual method.
It doesn't have an implementation on your c# code, so what makes you think it can have any kind of implementation in the generated IL code?
From Delegates (C# Programming Guide):
A delegate is a type that represents references to methods with a particular parameter list and return type. When you instantiate a delegate, you can associate its instance with any method with a compatible signature and return type. You can invoke (or call) the method through the delegate instance.
The Invoke(...) method on a delegate (as well as a few others, like BeginInvoke(...) and EndInvoke(...)) are implemented by the runtime itself, rather than in your assembly, which is why you don't see a method body when decompiling. These methods have an attribute attached to indicate this, e.g.:
[MethodImpl(0, MethodCodeType=MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
public virtual int Invoke(int a, int b);
It is of course reasonable to ask how it works "under the hood", though the answer turns out to be quite complex because it depends on the kind of method that your delegate is to invoke (e.g. static vs instance methods, virtual vs. non-virtual, etc.) and whether the delegate is "open" or "closed".
Whilst "open" and "closed" aren't terms we normally encounter in the context of delegates, the meaning is relatively straightfoward - a "closed" delegate stores the first argument to the method that will be invoked in the case of a static method, or the instance that the method will be invoked on (i.e. this) in the case of an instance method, and an "open" delegate does not. This post contains more details if you're interested. For simplicity I'll cover only the two types you're most likely to encounter - instance closed and static open delegates.
You may also have noticed in your decompilation that your TestDelegate derives from System.Delegate (via System.MulticastDelegate), and so inherits 4 fields, which you can see described in the .NET Core runtime source code here. The following three are most relevant to us:
object _target;
IntPtr _methodPtr;
IntPtr _methodPtrAux;
It's worth noting that calling Invoke(...) on a delegate always does the same thing - it loads the delegate's _target as the first argument (for instance methods the first argument is what we normally call this), and then calls the method pointed to by _methodPtr, this makes delegates to instance methods very simple since it's almost exactly like calling the instance method directly, but complicates things slightly for static methods as we'll see below.
Going with the simplest case first, and using your TestDelegate as an example, you'd create an instance closed delegate like this:
public class Test
private int _c;
public int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b + _c;
var testInstance = new Test();
var addDelegate = new TestDelegate(testInstance.Add);
The addDelegate is an instance closed delegate, since it stores the instance (testInstance) on which the Add(...) method will be called. In this case, the _target field will store testInstance, and _methodPtr stores the address of the Test.Add(...) method.
When you subsequently call addDelegate.Invoke(...) (or the equivalent short-form addDelegate(...)), testInstance is loaded from the _target field into this, the Add(...) method's address is loaded from the _methodPtr field, and is called, and so is almost exactly like just calling testInstance.Add(...) directly.
For a static open delegate, you'd do something like this:
public class Test
public static int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
var addDelegate = new TestDelegate(Test.Add);
Here, addDelegate is a static open delegate, and is a slightly more complex scenario. In this case there is no instance because Test.Add(...) is static, but since Invoke(...) always works the same way, if it were to store a pointer to Test.Add(...) in _methodPtr, we would have a problem as the arguments would be in the wrong places - the contents of _target would be in the first argument position and a and b would be in the 2nd and 3rd argument positions, when they need to be in the 1st and 2nd.
To get around this problem, the pointer to Test.Add(...) is instead put in _methodPtrAux, _target stores the addDelegate itself, and _methodPtr contains a pointer to a special method called the "shuffle thunk". When Invoke(...) is called, the shuffle thunk handles "shuffling" the arguments into their proper positions, and then calls the real method based on the address stored in _methodPtrAux.
Having Invoke(...) always do the same thing of course makes calling a delegate simpler from a runtime point of view, but can result in (open) delegates to static methods being slightly slower than (closed) delegates to instance methods due to the overhead of running the shuffle thunk first.

Delegate on instance method passed by P/Invoke

To my surprise I have discovered a powerful feature today. Since it looks too good to be true I want to make sure that it is not just working due to some weird coincidence.
I have always thought that when my p/invoke (to c/c++ library) call expects a (callback) function pointer, I would have to pass a delegate on a static c# function. For example in the following I would always reference a delegate of KINSysFn to a static function of that signature.
public delegate int KINSysFn(IntPtr uu, IntPtr fval, IntPtr user_data );
and call my P/Invoke with this delegate argument:
[DllImport("some.dll", EntryPoint = "KINInit", ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int KINInit(IntPtr kinmem, KINSysFn func, IntPtr tmpl);
But now I just tried and passed a delegate on an instance method and it worked also! For example:
public class MySystemFunctor
double c = 3.0;
public int SystemFunction(IntPtr u, IntPtr v, IntPtr userData) {}
// ...
var myFunctor = new MySystemFunctor();
KINInit(kinmem, myFunctor.SystemFunction, IntPtr.Zero);
Of course, I understand that inside managed code there is no technical problem at all with packaging a "this" object together with an instance method to form the respective delegate.
But what surprises me about it, is the fact that the "this" object of MySystemFunctor.SystemFunction finds its way also to the native dll, which only accepts a static function and does not incorporate any facility for a "this" object or packaging it together with the function.
Does this mean that any such delegate is translated (marshalled?) individually to a static function where the reference to the respective "this" object is somehow hard coded inside the function definition? How else could be distinguished between the different delegate instances, for example if I have
var myFunctor01 = new MySystemFunctor();
// ...
var myFunctor99 = new MySystemFunctor();
KINInit(kinmem, myFunctor01.SystemFunction, IntPtr.Zero);
// ...
KINInit(kinmem, myFunctor99.SystemFunction, IntPtr.Zero);
These can't all point to the same function. And what if I create an indefinite number of MySystemFunctor objects dynamically? Is every such delegate "unrolled"/compiled to its own static function definition at runtime?
Does this mean that any such delegate is translated (marshalled?) individually to a static function...
Yes, you guessed at this correctly. Not exactly a "static function", there is a mountain of code inside the CLR that performs this magic. It auto-generates machine code for a thunk that adapts the call from native code to managed code. The native code gets a function pointer to that thunk. The argument values may have to be converted, a standard pinvoke marshaller duty. And always shuffled around to match the call to the managed method. Digging up the stored delegate's Target property to provide this is part of that. And it jiggers the stack frame, tying a link to the previous managed frame, so the GC can see that it again needs to look for object roots.
There is however one nasty little detail that gets just about everybody in trouble. These thunks are automatically cleaned-up again when the callback is not necessary anymore. The CLR gets no help from the native code to determine this, it happens when the delegate object gets garbage-collected. Maybe you smell the rat, what determines in your program when that happens?
var myFunctor = new MySystemFunctor();
That is a local variable of a method. It is not going to survive for very long, the next collection will destroy it. Bad news if the native code keeps making callbacks through the thunk, it won't be around anymore and that's a hard crash. Not so easy to see when you are experimenting with code since it takes a while.
You have to ensure this can't happen. Storing the delegate objects in your class might work, but then you have to make sure your class object survives long enough. Whatever it takes, no guess from the snippet. It tends to solve itself when you also ensure that you unregister these callbacks again since that requires storing the object reference for use later. You can also store them in a static variable or use GCHandle.Alloc(), but that of course loses the benefit of having an instance callback in a hurry. Feel good about having this done correctly by testing it, call GC.Collect() in the caller.
Worth noting is that you did it right by new-ing the delegate explicitly. C# syntax sugar does not require that, makes it harder to get this right. If the callbacks only occur while you make the pinvoke call into the native code, not uncommon (like EnumWindows), then you don't have to worry about it since the pinvoke marshaller ensures the delegate object stays referenced.
For the records: I have walked right into the trap, Hans Passant has mentioned. Forced garbage collection has led to a null reference exception because the delegate was transient:
KINInit(kinmem, myFunctor.SystemFunction, IntPtr.Zero);
// BTW: same with:
// KINInit(kinmem, new KINSysFn(myFunctor.SystemFunction), IntPtr.Zero);
KINSol(/*...*); // BAAM! NullReferenceException
Luckily I had already wrapped the critical two P/Invokes, KINInit (which sets the callback delegate) and KINSolve (which actually uses the callback) into a dedicated managed class. The solution was, as already discussed, to keep the delegate referenced by a class member:
// ksf is a class member of delegate type KINSysFn that keeps ref to delegate instance
ksf = new KINSysFn(myFunctor.SystemFunction);
KINInit(kinmem, ksf, IntPtr.Zero);
Thanks again, Hans, I'd never have noticed this flaw because it works as long as no GC happens!

Speeding up calls on MethodInfo

I have implemented a compiler and virtual machine for a language. The implementation is in C# and the stack-based VM uses reflection to make function calls on a set of built-ins.
Much of the code involves simply pushing and popping stack values, but the workhorse is the function call. Currently the implementation of a function call looks like this:
var calli = gencode[pc++] as CallInfo;
var calla = PopStackList(calli.NumArgs).ToArray();
var ret = calli.MethodInfo.Invoke(instance, calla);
if (ret != null) PushStack(ret);
All data items passed and returned are objects using a custom type system (no native types used). Clarification: this is an instance method, not static.
Performance testing suggests that this MethodInfo.Invoke is quite slow. The question is how to make function calls at the highest possible speed, presumably by doing more preparatory work in the compiler and generating better code.
In response to suggestions, one possibility is to create a delegate. Unfortunately as far as I can tell a delegate has to be bound to a specific instance of a class, or to a static method, and creating a delegate after creating the instance rather defeats the purpose.
I see a vote to close, but to my eye the question is not broad at all. How should a compiler implement functions calls on instance methods in a virtual machine for best performance, at the very least faster than MethodInfo.Invoke()?
Well, if you’re sure your main problem is MethodInfo.Invoke…
Use stuff from System.Linq.Expressions (Expression.Call, Expression.Parameter) to create an expression that calls that MethodInfo method, passing your parameters for instance + arguments.
Compile that expression into Action<tInstance, tArgs[]> (don't know your types of these).
Cache that Action in your CallInfo class instance.
Invoke that action as needed.
How to convert MethodInfo.Invoke to delegate:
Normally when you’re calling methods with reflection, you call MethodInfo.Invoke. Unfortunately, this proves to be quite slow. If you know the signature of the method at compile-time, you can convert the method into a delegate with that signature using Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type, object, MethodInfo). You simply pass in the delegate type you want to create an instance of, the target of the call (i.e. what the method will be called on), and the method you want to call. It would be nice if there were a generic version of this call to avoid casting the result, but never mind. Here’s a complete example demonstrating how it works:
using System;
using System.Reflection;
public class Test
static void Main()
MethodInfo method = (string).GetMethod(“IndexOf”, new Type[]{typeof(char)});
Func<char, int> converted = (Func<char, int>)
Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<char, int>), “Hello”, method);
This prints out 2, 4, and -1; exactly what we’d get if we’d called "Hello".IndexOf(...) directly. Now let’s see what the speed differences are…
We’re mostly interested in the time taken to go from the main calling code to the method being called, whether that’s with a direct method call, MethodInfo.Invoke or the delegate. To make IndexOf itself take as little time as possible, I tested it by passing in ‘H’ so it would return 0 immediately. As normal, the test was rough and ready, but here are the results:
Invocation type Stopwatch ticks per invocation
Direct 0.18
Reflection 120
Delegate 0.20
Copied from: https://blogs.msmvps.com/jonskeet/2008/08/09/making-reflection-fly-and-exploring-delegates/

What's the deal with delegates?

I understand delegates encapsulate method calls. However I'm having a hard time understanding their need. Why use delegates at all, what situations are they designed for?
A delegate is basically a method pointer. A delegate let us create a reference variable, but instead of referring to an instance of a class, it refers to a method inside the class. It refers any method that has a return type and has same parameters as specified by that delegate. It's a very very useful aspect of event. For thorough reading I would suggest you to read the topic in Head First C# (by Andrew Stellman and Jennifer Greene). It beautifully explains the delegate topic as well as most concepts in .NET.
Well, some common uses:
Event handlers (very common in UI code - "When the button is clicked, I want this code to execute")
Callbacks from asynchronous calls
Providing a thread (or the threadpool) with a new task to execute
Specifying LINQ projections/conditions etc
Don't think of them as encapsulating method calls. Think of them as encapsulating some arbitrary bit of behaviour/logic with a particular signature. The "method" part is somewhat irrelevant.
Another way of thinking of a delegate type is as a single-method interface. A good example of this is the IComparer<T> interface and its dual, the Comparison<T> delegate type. They represent the same basic idea; sometimes it's easier to express this as a delegate, and other times an interface makes life easier. (You can easily write code to convert between the two, of course.)
They are designed, very broadly speaking, for when you have code that you know will need to call other code - but you do not know at compile-time what that other code might be.
As an example, think of the Windows Forms Button.Click event, which uses a delegate. The Windows Forms programmers know that you will want something to happen when that button is pressed, but they have no way of knowing exactly what you will want done... it could be anything!
So you create a method and assign it to a delegate and set it to that event, and there you are. That's the basic reasoning for delegates, though there are lots of other good uses for them that are related.
Delegates are often used for Events. According to MSDN, delegates in .NET are designed for the following:
An eventing design pattern is used.
It is desirable to encapsulate a static method.
The caller has no need access other properties, methods, or interfaces on
the object implementing the method.
Easy composition is desired.
A class may need more than one implementation of the methodimplementation of the method
Another well put explanation from MSDN,
One good example of using a
single-method interface instead of a
delegate is IComparable or
IComparable. IComparable declares the
CompareTo method, which returns an
integer specifying a less than, equal
to, or greater than relationship
between two objects of the same type.
IComparable can be used as the basis
of a sort algorithm, and while using a
delegate comparison method as the
basis of a sort algorithm would be
valid, it is not ideal. Because the
ability to compare belongs to the
class, and the comparison algorithm
doesn’t change at run-time, a
single-method interface is ideal.single-method interface is ideal.
Since .NET 2.0 it has also been used for anonymous functions.
Wikipedia has a nice explanation about the Delegation pattern,
In software engineering, the delegation pattern is a design pattern in object-oriented programming where an object, instead of performing one of its stated tasks, delegates that task to an associated helper object. It passes the buck, so to speak (technically, an Inversion of Responsibility). The helper object is called the delegate. The delegation pattern is one of the fundamental abstraction patterns that underlie other software patterns such as composition (also referred to as aggregation), mixins and aspects.
Oversimplified: I'd say that a delegate is a placeholder for a function until that time when something assigns a real function to the delegate. Calling un-assigned delegates throws an exception.
Confusion occurs because there is often little difference made between the definition, declaration, instantiation and the invocation of delegates.
Put this in a namespace as you would any class-definition.
public delegate bool DoSomething(string withThis);
This is comparable to a class-definition in that you can now declare variables of this delegate.
Put this is one of function routines like you would declare any variable.
DoSomething doSth;
Instantiation and assignment:
Usually you'll do this together with the declaration.
doSth = new DoSomething(MyDoSomethingFunc);
The "new DoSomething(..)" is the instantiation. The doSth = ... is the assignment.
Note that you must have already defined a function called "MyDoSomething" that takes a string and returns a bool.
Then you can invoke the function.
bool result = doSth(myStringValue);
You can see where events come in:
Since a member of a class is usually a declaration based upon a definition.
class MyClass {
private int MyMember;
An event is a declaration based upon a delegate:
public delegate bool DoSomething(string withWhat);
class MyClass {
private event DoSomething MyEvent;
The difference with the previous example is that events are "special":
You can call un-assigned events without throwing an exception.
You can assign multiple functions to an event. They will then all get called sequentially. If one of those calls throws an exception, the rest doesn't get to play.
They're really syntactic sugar for arrays of delegates.
The point is of course that something/someone else will do the assigning for you.
Delegates allow you to pass a reference to a method. A common example is to pass a compare method to a sort function.
If you need to decide at runtime, which method to call, then you use a delegate. The delegate will then respond to some action/event at runtime, and call the the appropriate method. It's like sending a "delegate" to a wedding you don't want to attend yourself :-)
The C people will recognize this as a function pointer, but don't get caught up in the terminology here. All the delegate does (and it is actually a type), is provide the signature of the method that will later be called to implement the appropriate logic.
The "Illustrated C#" book by Dan Solis provides the easiest entry point for learning this concept that I have come across:
A delegate is typically a combination of an object reference and a pointer to one of the object's class methods (delegates may be created for static methods, in which case there is no object reference). Delegates may be invoked without regard for the type of the included object, since the included method pointer is guaranteed to be valid for the included object.
To understand some of the usefulness behind delegates, think back to the language C, and the printf "family" of functions in C. Suppose one wanted to have a general-purpose version of "printf" which could not only be used as printf, fprintf, sprintf, etc. but could send its output to a serial port, a text box, a TCP port, a cookie-frosting machine, or whatever, without having to preallocate a buffer. Clearly such a function would need to accept a function pointer for the character-output routine, but that by itself would generally be insufficient.
A typical implementation (unfortunately not standardized) will have a general-purpose gp_printf routine which accepts (in addition to the format string and output parameters) a void pointer, and a pointer to a function which accepts a character and a void pointer. The gp_printf routine will not use the passed-in void pointer for any purpose itself, but will pass it to the character-output function. That function may then cast the pointer to a FILE* (if gp_printf is being called by fprintf), or a char** (if it's being called by sprintf), or a SERIAL_PORT* (if it's being called by serial_printf), or whatever.
Note that because any type of information could be passed via the void*, there would be no limit as to what gp_printf could do. There would be a danger, however: if the information passed in the void* isn't what the function is expecting, Undefined Behavior (i.e. potentially very bad things) would likely result. It would be the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the function pointer and void* are properly paired; nothing in the system would protect against incorrect usage.
In .net, a delegate would provide the combined functionality of the function pointer and void* above, with the added bonus that the delegate's constructor would ensure that the data was of the proper type for the function. A handy feature.

Delegates in .NET: how are they constructed?

While inspecting delegates in C# and .NET in general, I noticed some interesting facts:
Creating a delegate in C# creates a class derived from MulticastDelegate with a constructor:
.method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance
void .ctor(object 'object', native int 'method') runtime managed { }
Meaning that it expects the instance and a pointer to the method. Yet the syntax of constructing a delegate in C# suggests that it has a constructor
new MyDelegate(int () target)
where I can recognise int () as a function instance (int *target() would be a function pointer in C++). So obviously the C# compiler picks out the correct method from the method group defined by the function name and constructs the delegate. So the first question would be, where does the C# compiler (or Visual Studio, to be precise) pick this constructor signature from ? I did not notice any special attributes or something that would make a distinction. Is this some sort of compiler/visualstudio magic ? If not, is the T (args) target construction valid in C# ? I did not manage to get anything with it to compile, e.g.:
int () target = MyMethod;
is invalid, so is doing anything with MyMetod, e.g. calling .ToString() on it (well this does make some sense, since that is technically a method group, but I imagine it should be possible to explicitly pick out a method by casting, e.g. (int())MyFunction. So is all of this purely compiler magic ? Looking at the construction through reflector reveals yet another syntax:
Func CS$1$0000 = new Func(null, (IntPtr) Foo);
This is consistent with the disassembled constructor signature, yet this does not compile!
One final interesting note is that the classes Delegate and MulticastDelegate have yet another sets of constructors:
.method family hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance
void .ctor(class System.Type target, string 'method') cil managed
Where does the transition from an instance and method pointer to a type and a string method name occur ? Can this be explained by the runtime managed keywords in the custom delegate constructor signature, i.e. does the runtime do it's job here ?
EDIT: ok, so I guess I should reformulate what I wanted to say by this question. Basically I'm suggesting that there's not only C# compiler / CLR magic involved in delegate construction, but also some Visual Studio magic, since Intellisense flips out some new syntax when suggesting the constructor arguments and even hides one of them (e.g. Reflector does not use this syntax and construtor, for that matter).
I was wondering whether this assertion is true, and whether the function instance syntax has some deeper meaning in C# or is it just some constant format implemented by the Visual Studio magic part for clarity (which makes sense, since it looks like invalid C#) ? In short, if I was implementing Intellisense, should I do some magic for delegates or could I construct the suggestion by some clever mechanism ?
FINAL EDIT: so, the popular consensus is that that's indeed VS magic. Seeing other examples (see Marc Gravell's comment) of such VS behavior convinces me that that is the case.
The first argument is resolved from the object reference (or null for static methods); no magic there.
Re the second argument, however - it is an unmanaged pointer (native int); in short, there is no alternative direct C# syntax that can use this constructor - it uses a specific IL instruction (ldftn) to resolve the function from metadata. However, you can use Delegate.CreateDelegate to create delegates via reflection. You can also use IL emit (DynamicMethod etc), but it isn't fun.
You first define the delegate (this is how Visual Studio knows the signature of the target method):
delegate void MyDelegate();
Then you construct delegate instances like this:
MyDelegate method = new MyDelegate({method name});
// If this was the method you wanted to invoke:
void MethodToInvoke()
// do something
MyDelegate method = new MyDelegate(MethodToInvoke);
C# automatically picks the method matching the signature of the delegate.
Edit: When Visual Studio's Intellisense shows you the int () target suggestion, it is showing you the signature of C# methods you can use. The C# compiler translates the C# representation to IL. The IL implementation will look different, because IL is not a C style language, and the C# compiler provides syntactic sugar to abstract away the implementation details.
This is just a guess, so don't shoot me if I'm wrong, but I think Intellisense is getting the signature for the target method from the Invoke method defined on the delegate. Reflector clearly shows that the Invoke method on System.Action<T> is:
[MethodImpl(0, MethodCodeType=MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
public virtual void Invoke(T obj);
Which is the same as the signature suggestion offered by Intellisense. The magic is Intellisense, when spotting a delegate type, looks at the Invoke method and suggests a constructor that takes a target that matches it.

