C#: Easy access to the member of a singleton ICollection<>? - c#

I have an ICollection that I know will only ever have one member. Currently, I loop through it, knowing the loop will only ever run once, to grab the value. Is there a cleaner way to do this?
I could alter the persistentState object to return single values, but that would complicate the rest of the interface. It's grabbing data from XML, and for the most part ICollections are appropriate.
// worldMapLinks ensured to be a singleton
ICollection<IDictionary<string, string>> worldMapLinks = persistentState.GetAllOfType("worldMapLink");
string levelName = ""; //worldMapLinks.GetEnumerator().Current['filePath'];
// this loop will only run once
foreach (IDictionary<string, string> dict in worldMapLinks) // hacky hack hack hack
levelName = dict["filePath"];
// proceed with levelName
Here is another example of the same issue:
// meta will be a singleton
ICollection<IDictionary<string, string>> meta = persistentState.GetAllOfType("meta");
foreach (IDictionary<string, string> dict in meta) // this loop should only run once. HACKS.
currentLevelName = dict["name"];
currentLevelCaption = dict["teaserCaption"];
Yet another example:
private Vector2 startPositionOfKV(ICollection<IDictionary<string, string>> dicts)
Vector2 result = new Vector2();
foreach (IDictionary<string, string> dict in dicts) // this loop will only ever run once
result.X = Single.Parse(dict["x"]);
result.Y = Single.Parse(dict["y"]);
return result;

Why not use the Single or FirstOrDefault extension methods?
var levelName = worldMapLinks.Single().Value;
Single has the advantage of enforcing your assumption that there is only 1 value in the enumeration. If this is not true an exception will be raised forcing you to reconsider your logic. FirstOrDefault will return a default value if there is not at least 1 element in the enumeration.

If you can use LINQ-to-objects in your class, use the Single() extension method on the collection if you know there will be exactly one member. Otherwise, if there could be zero or one, use SingleOrDefault()

Why do you have a collection with only one member? It seems that the real answer should be to better design your system rather than rely on any method to retrieve one element from a collection. You say it makes it more complicated, but how? Isn't this solution itself a complication? Is it possible to change the interface to return one element where applicable and a collection elsewhere? Seems like a code smell to me.


What is the optimal data structure for storing objects with a string key and a bool auxiliary value?

I need a data structure like below, but I need to be able to change the bool value. Other two stay the as they were when they were initialized. What would you use for best performance?
Dictionary<string, (object, bool)> dic = new Dictionary<string, (object, bool)>();
I was thinking of hashtable. But hashtable is like a dictionary with key/value. The object and bool in my example are in concept not like a key/value, because other values of the external dictionary can have the same object (or better yet ... object type). I don't want to make someone looking at my code later on thinking that the object and bool are more related they really are.
EDIT: object in this example is just a place holder. In reality it's a complex object with other objects in it and so on. Procedure before this one makes a bunch of this objects and some of them are deepcopy of the others. They are passed to this procedure. All of the object are here named by some rules and stored in the dictionary. Names are obviously unique. Procedure that comes after will take this dictionary and set the bool value on and off based on the values in the objects themselves and on the values of other bools. Procedure will be recursive until some state is reached.
Number of objects (or dic. entries) is arbitrary but expected to be >100 && <500. Time complexity is O(n).
I am targeting .NET7 (standard).
but I need to be able to change the bool value.
You can just reassign value for the key:
var tuples = new Dictionary<string, (object Obj, bool Bool)>
{ "1", (new object(), true) }
tuples["1"] = (tuples["1"].Obj, false); // or tuples["1"] = (tuples["1"].Item1, false);
if (tuples.TryGetValue("1", out var c))
tuples["1"] = (c.Obj, false);
Personally I would leave it at that, but for really high perf scenarios you can look into CollectionMarshall instead of second snippet:
ref var v = ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrNullRef(tuples, "1");
if (!Unsafe.IsNullRef(ref v))
v.Bool = false;
A bit more info - here.
For the 'performance' aspect:
The .NET Dictionary uses hashes to look up the item you need, which is very fast (comparable to a HashTable). I don't expect much performance issues related to this, or at least nothing that can be improved on with other data structures.
Also, you shouldn't worry about performance unless you are doing things a million times in a row + it turns out (in practice) that something is taking a measurable amount of time.
For the 'changing a bool' aspect:
... that is quite a long story.
There are 2 tuple variants in .NET:
The value tuple, created by doing var x = (myObj, myBool), like you are doing.
The x is a struct, and therefore a Value Type. You can actually change x.Item1 or x.Item2 to a new value just fine.
However... if you put x into a Dictionary then you actually put a copy of x (with a copy of its values) into the dictionary, because that is the nature of value types.
When you retrieve it again from the Dictionary, yet another copy is made - which makes modifying the actual tuple inside the Dictionary impossible; any attempt to do so would only modify the last copy you got.
Side story: The .NET Compiler knows this, which is why its refuses to compile code like dic[yourKey].Item2 = newBool; because such code wouldn't do what you might hope it would do. You're basically telling the compiler to create a copy, modify the copy, and then... discard the copy. The compiler requries a variable to store the copy before the rest can even start, but we provided no variable.
The Tuple generic class, or rather a range of generic classes, an instance of which can be created using calls like var x = Tuple.Create(myObj, myBool). These classes however forbid that you change any of their properties, they are always readonly. Tuple class instances can be put in a Dictionary, but they will still be readonly.
So what options are there really to 'modify a value in a tuple' a Dictionary?
Keep using a value tuple, but accept that in order to "change" the tuple inside the Dictionary you'll have to make a new instance (either a copy, or from scratch), set it to the properties that you want, and put that instance (or actualy a copy...) into the dictionary:
// initialize it
var dict = new Dictionary<string, (object, bool)>();
var obj = new object();
dict["abc"] = (obj, true);
// change it
var tmpTuple = dict["abc"]; // get copy
tmpTuple.Item2 = false; // alter copy
dict["abc"] = tmpTuple; // store another copy
// or if you want to avoid the tmp variable
dict["abc"] = (dict["abc"].Item1, false)
Use a custom class instead of the value tuple or a Tuple class, and then put that into the Dictionary:
public class MyPair
public object O { get; set; }
public bool B { get; set; }
// initialize it
var dict = new Dictionary<string, MyPair>();
var obj = new object();
dict["abc"] = new MyPair { O = obj, B = true };
// change it
dict["abc"].B = false;
So both types of Tuples are OK for objects that you don't want to do a lot with. But both have certain limits in their usage, and sooner or later you may need to start using classes.

Using the Concurrent Dictionary - Thread Safe Collection Modification

Recently I was running into the following exception when using a generic dictionary
An InvalidOperationException has occurred. A collection was modified
I realized that this error was primarily because of thread safety issues on the static dictionary I was using.
A little background: I currently have an application which has 3 different methods that are related to this issue.
Method A iterates through the dictionary using foreach and returns a value.
Method B adds data to the dictionary.
Method C changes the value of the key in the dictionary.
Sometimes while iterating through the dictionary, data is also being added, which is the cause of this issue. I keep getting this exception in the foreach part of my code where I iterate over the contents of the dictionary. In order to resolve this issue, I replaced the generic dictionary with the ConcurrentDictionary and here are the details of what I did.
Aim : My main objective is to completely remove the exception
For method B (which adds a new key to the dictionary) I replaced .Add with TryAdd
For method C (which updates the value of the dictionary) I did not make any changes. A rough sketch of the code is as follows :
static public int ChangeContent(int para)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, CustObject> pair in static_container)
if (pair.Value.propA != para ) //Pending cancel
pair.Value.data_id = prim_id; //I am updating the content
return 0;
return -2;
For method A - I am simply iterating over the dictionary and this is where the running code stops (in debug mode) and Visual Studio informs me that this is where the error occured.The code I am using is similar to the following
static public CustObject RetrieveOrderDetails(int para)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, CustObject> pair in static_container)
if (pair.Value.cust_id.Equals(symbol))
if (pair.Value.OrderStatus != para)
return pair.Value; //Found
return null; //Not found
Are these changes going to resolve the exception that I am getting.
It states on this page that the method GetEnumerator allows you to traverse through the elements in parallel with writes (although it may be outdated). Isnt that the same as using foreach ?
For modification of elements, one option is to manually iterate the dictionary using a for loop, e.g.:
Dictionary<string, string> test = new Dictionary<string, string>();
int dictionaryLength = test.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < dictionaryLength; i++)
test[test.ElementAt(i).Key] = "Some new content";
Be weary though, that if you're also adding to the Dictionary, you must increment dictionaryLength (or decrement it if you move elements) appropriately.
Depending on what exactly you're doing, and if order matters, you may wish to use a SortedDictionary instead.
You could extend this by updating dictionaryLength explicitly by recalling test.Count() at each iteration, and also use an additional list containing a list of keys you've already modified and so on and so forth if there's a danger of missing any, it really depends what you're doing as much as anything and what your needs are.
You can further get a list of keys using test.Keys.ToList(), that option would work as follows:
Dictionary<string, string> test = new Dictionary<string, string>();
List<string> keys = test.Keys.ToList();
foreach (string key in keys)
test[key] = "Some new content";
IEnumerable<string> newKeys = test.Keys.ToList().Except(keys);
if(newKeys.Count() > 0)
// Do it again or whatever.
Note that I've also shown an example of how to find out whether any new keys were added between you getting the initial list of keys, and completing iteration such that you could then loop round and handle the new keys.
Hopefully one of these options will suit (or you may even want to mix and match- for loop on the keys for example updating that as you go instead of the length) - as I say, it's as much about what precisely you're trying to do as much as anything.
Before doing foreach() try out copying container to a new instance
var unboundContainer = static_container.ToList();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, CustObject> pair in unboundContainer)
Also I think updating Value property is not right from thread safety perspectives, refactor your code to use TryUpdate() instead.

How do I get key/value of a Dictionnary with an Iterator?

//mDIco is a Dictionnary with string as keys and homemade class (cAsso) as values
IEnumerator iterdico = mDico.GetEnumerator();
while (iterdico.MoveNext())
var asso = iterdico.Current as cAsso;
if (asso != null)
I thought this would work, but obviously it doesnt. So how I do i get access to the class which is contained into the value of my dictionnary?
The problem is that you are relying on the non-generic IEnumerator interface, which doesn't reveal the real element-type (its Current property is of type object). Use the generic interface (IEnumerator<T>, which does make the element-type easily discoverable) instead, and you will be fine.
Of course, you don't need any special effort for this. The Dictionary<,> class implements the IEnumerable interface explicitly. Its 'implicit' GetEnumerator method returns an enumerator that is strongly typed (a nested type that implements the generic interface), which is what we want.
So it's fine to use implicit typing all the way and let the compiler figure things out.
// Actually a Dictionary<string, cAsso>.Enumerator
// which in turn is an IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, cAsso>>
using(var iterdico = mDico.GetEnumerator())
while (iterdico.MoveNext())
// var = KeyValuePair<string, cAsso>
var kvp = iterdico.Current;
// var = string
var key = kvp.Key;
// var = cAsso
var value = kvp.Value;
A few other peripheral points:
In general, you should Dispose of enumerators, typically with a using block.
The use of the Reset method on enumerators is not recommended. In fact, in this particular case, it is useless.
Note that the element-type of the dictionary's enumerator is a Key-Value pair, not the value itself. if you are only interested in the values, enumerate the sequence returned by the dictionary's Value property.
As Davide Piras points out, in most cases, you just want a normal foreach loop instead of messing around with the enumerator yourself.
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, cAsso> kvp in mDico)
// kvp.Key is string
// kvp.Value is cAsso
foreach (var kvp in mDico)
var asso = kvp.Value;

how to add an associative index to an array. c#

i have an array of custom objects. i'd like to be able to reference this array by a particular data member, for instance myArrary["Item1"]
"Item1" is actually the value stored in the Name property of this custom type and I can write a predicate to mark the appropriate array item. However I am unclear as to how to let the array know i'd like to use this predicate to find the array item.
I'd like to just use a dictionary or hashtable or NameValuePair for this array, and get around this whole problem but it's generated and it must remain as CustomObj[]. i'm also trying to avoid loading a dictionary from this array as it's going to happen many times and there could be many objects in it.
For clarification
myArray[5] = new CustomObj() // easy!
myArray["ItemName"] = new CustomObj(); // how to do this?
Can the above be done? I'm really just looking for something similar to how DataRow.Columns["MyColumnName"] works
Thanks for the advice.
What you really want is an OrderedDictionary. The version that .NET provides in System.Collections.Specialized is not generic - however there is a generic version on CodeProject that you could use. Internally, this is really just a hashtable married to a list ... but it is exposed in a uniform manner.
If you really want to avoid using a dictionary - you're going to have to live with O(n) lookup performance for an item by key. In that case, stick with an array or list and just use the LINQ Where() method to lookup a value. You can use either First() or Single() depending on whether duplicate entries are expected.
var myArrayOfCustom = ...
var item = myArrayOfCustom.Where( x => x.Name = "yourSearchValue" ).First();
It's easy enough to wrap this functionality into a class so that external consumers are not burdened by this knowledge, and can use simple indexers to access the data. You could then add features like memoization if you expect the same values are going to be accessed frequently. In this way you could amortize the cost of building the underlying lookup dictionary over multiple accesses.
If you do not want to use "Dictionary", then you should create class "myArrary" with data mass storage functionality and add indexers of type "int" for index access and of type "string" for associative access.
public CustomObj this [string index]
return data[searchIdxByName(index)];
data[searchIdxByName(index)] = value;
First link in google for indexers is: http://www.csharphelp.com/2006/04/c-indexers/
you could use a dictionary for this, although it might not be the best solution in the world this is the first i came up with.
Dictionary<string, int> d = new Dictionary<string, int>();
d.Add("cat", 2);
d.Add("dog", 1);
d.Add("llama", 0);
d.Add("iguana", -1);
the ints could be objects, what you like :)
Perhaps OrderedDictionary is what you're looking for.
you can use HashTable ;
System.Collections.Hashtable o_Hash_Table = new Hashtable();
o_Hash_Table.Add("Key", "Value");
There is a class in the System.Collections namespace called Dictionary<K,V> that you should use.
var d = new Dictionary<string, MyObj>();
MyObj o = d["a string variable"];
Another way would be to code two methods/a property:
public MyObj this[string index]
foreach (var o in My_Enumerable)
if (o.Name == index)
return o;
foreach (var o in My_Enumerable)
if (o.Name == index)
var i = My_Enumerable.IndexOf(0);
I hope it helps!
It depends on the collection, some collections allow accessing by name and some don't. Accessing with strings is only meaningful when the collection has data stored, the column collection identifies columns by their name, thus allowing you to select a column by its name. In a normal array this would not work because items are only identified by their index number.
My best recommendation, if you can't change it to use a dictionary, is to either use a Linq expression:
var item1 = myArray.Where(x => x.Name == "Item1").FirstOrDefault();
or, make an extension method that uses a linq expression:
public static class CustomObjExtensions
public static CustomObj Get(this CustomObj[] Array, string Name)
Array.Where(x => x.Name == Name).FirstOrDefault();
then in your app:
var item2 = myArray.Get("Item2");
Note however that performance wouldn't be as good as using a dictionary, since behind the scenes .NET will just loop through the list until it finds a match, so if your list isn't going to change frequently, then you could just make a Dictionary instead.
I have two ideas:
1) I'm not sure you're aware but you can copy dictionary objects to an array like so:
Dictionary dict = new Dictionary();
int[] myints = new int[dict.Count];
dict.Values.CopyTo(myints, 0);
This might allow you to use a Dictionary for everything while still keeping the output as an array.
2) You could also actually create a DataTable programmatically if that's the exact functionality you want:
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataColumn dc1 = new DataColumn("ID", typeof(int));
DataColumn dc2 = new DataColumn("Name", typeof(string));
DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
row["ID"] = 100;
row["Name"] = "Test";
You could also create this outside of the method so you don't have to make the table over again every time.

Dictionary with single item

In the case where Dictionary<object, object> myDictionary happens to contain a single item, what is the best way to retrieve the value object (if I don't care about the key) ?
if (myDictionary.Count == 1)
// Doesn't work
object obj = myDictionary.Values[0];
Depending on wether you want it to fail if there's multiple object or not you can use either
myDictionary.Value.Single();//Will fail if there's more than one
myDictionary.Value.First();//Will just return the first regardless of the count
object obj = myDictionary.Values.Single();
I would never code for the assumption that there will only be one. If you know there's always going to be exactly one, then why use a dictionary?
You can't get the value directly or by index, you have to either know the key:
object obj = yourDictionary[theKeyThatYouHappenToKnow];
or use an enumerator:
var en = yourDictionary.GetEnumerator();
object obj = en.Current.Value;
If you are using framework 3.5, you can also some extension method like Single or First to use the enumerator for you.
I think you can use an iterator.

