How to bind to a PasswordBox in MVVM - c#

I have come across a problem with binding to a PasswordBox. It seems it's a security risk but I am using the MVVM pattern so I wish to bypass this. I found some interesting code here (has anyone used this or something similar?)
It technically looks great, but I am unsure of how to retrieve the password.
I basically have properties in my LoginViewModel for Username and Password. Username is fine and is working as it's a TextBox.
I used the code above as stated and entered this
<PasswordBox ff:PasswordHelper.Attach="True"
ff:PasswordHelper.Password="{Binding Path=Password}" Width="130"/>
When I had the PasswordBox as a TextBox and Binding Path=Password then the property in my LoginViewModel was updated.
My code is very simple, basically I have a Command for my Button. When I press it CanLogin is called and if it returns true it calls Login.
You can see I check my property for Username here which works great.
In Login I send along to my service a Username and Password, Username contains data from my View but Password is Null|Empty
private DelegateCommand loginCommand;
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public ICommand LoginCommand
if (loginCommand == null)
loginCommand = new DelegateCommand(
Login, CanLogin );
return loginCommand;
private bool CanLogin()
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Username);
private void Login()
bool result = securityService.IsValidLogin(Username, Password);
if (result) { }
else { }
This is what I am doing
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Username, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
MinWidth="180" />
<PasswordBox ff:PasswordHelper.Attach="True"
ff:PasswordHelper.Password="{Binding Path=Password}" Width="130"/>
I have my TextBox, this is no problem, but in my ViewModel the Password is empty.
Am I doing something wrong or missing a step?
I put a breakpoint and sure enough the code enter the static helper class but it never updates my Password in my ViewModel.

Maybe I am missing something, but it seems like most of these solutions overcomplicate things and do away with secure practices.
This method does not violate the MVVM pattern and maintains complete security. Yes, technically it is code behind, but it is nothing more than a "special case" binding. The ViewModel still has no knowledge of the View implementation, which in my mind it does if you are trying to pass the PasswordBox in to the ViewModel.
Code Behind != Automatic MVVM violation. It all depends on what you do with it. In this case, we are just manually coding a binding, so its all considered part of the UI implementation and therefore is ok.
In the ViewModel, just a simple property. I made it "write only" since there shouldn't be a need to retrieve it from outside the ViewModel for any reason, but it doesn't have to be. Note that it is a SecureString, not just a string.
public SecureString SecurePassword { private get; set; }
In the xaml, you set up a PasswordChanged event handler.
<PasswordBox PasswordChanged="PasswordBox_PasswordChanged"/>
In the code behind:
private void PasswordBox_PasswordChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (this.DataContext != null)
{ ((dynamic)this.DataContext).SecurePassword = ((PasswordBox)sender).SecurePassword; }
With this method, your password remains in a SecureString at all times and therefore provides maximum security. If you really don't care about security or you need the clear text password for a downstream method that requires it (note: most .NET methods that require a password also support a SecureString option, so you may not really need a clear text password even if you think you do), you can just use the Password property instead. Like this:
(ViewModel property)
public string Password { private get; set; }
(Code behind)
private void PasswordBox_PasswordChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (this.DataContext != null)
{ ((dynamic)this.DataContext).Password = ((PasswordBox)sender).Password; }
If you wanted to keep things strongly typed, you could substitute the (dynamic) cast with the interface of your ViewModel. But really, "normal" data bindings aren't strongly typed either, so its not that big a deal.
private void PasswordBox_PasswordChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (this.DataContext != null)
{ ((IMyViewModel)this.DataContext).Password = ((PasswordBox)sender).Password; }
So best of all worlds - your password is secure, your ViewModel just has a property like any other property, and your View is self contained with no external references required.

My 2 cents:
I developed once a typical login dialog (user and password boxes, plus "Ok" button) using WPF and MVVM. I solved the password binding issue by simply passing the PasswordBox control itself as a parameter to the command attached to the "Ok" button. So in the view I had:
<PasswordBox Name="txtPassword" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" />
<Button Content="Ok" Command="{Binding Path=OkCommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=txtPassword}"/>
And in the ViewModel, the Execute method of the attached command was as follows:
void Execute(object parameter)
var passwordBox = parameter as PasswordBox;
var password = passwordBox.Password;
//Now go ahead and check the user name and password
This slightly violates the MVVM pattern since now the ViewModel knows something about how the View is implemented, but in that particular project I could afford it. Hope it is useful for someone as well.

Sorry, but you're doing it wrong.
People should have the following security guideline tattooed on the inside of their eyelids:
Never keep plain text passwords in memory.
The reason the WPF/Silverlight PasswordBox doesn't expose a DP for the Password property is security related.
If WPF/Silverlight were to keep a DP for Password it would require the framework to keep the password itself unencrypted in memory. Which is considered quite a troublesome security attack vector.
The PasswordBox uses encrypted memory (of sorts) and the only way to access the password is through the CLR property.
I would suggest that when accessing the PasswordBox.Password CLR property you'd refrain from placing it in any variable or as a value for any property.
Keeping your password in plain text on the client machine RAM is a security no-no.
So get rid of that public string Password { get; set; } you've got up there.
When accessing PasswordBox.Password, just get it out and ship it to the server ASAP.
Don't keep the value of the password around and don't treat it as you would any other client machine text. Don't keep clear text passwords in memory.
I know this breaks the MVVM pattern, but you shouldn't ever bind to PasswordBox.Password Attached DP, store your password in the ViewModel or any other similar shenanigans.
If you're looking for an over-architected solution, here's one:
1. Create the IHavePassword interface with one method that returns the password clear text.
2. Have your UserControl implement a IHavePassword interface.
3. Register the UserControl instance with your IoC as implementing the IHavePassword interface.
4. When a server request requiring your password is taking place, call your IoC for the IHavePassword implementation and only than get the much coveted password.
Just my take on it.
-- Justin

You can use this XAML:
<i:EventTrigger EventName="PasswordChanged">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType=PasswordBox}}" CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=PasswordBox}"/>
And this command execute method:
private void ExecutePasswordChangedCommand(PasswordBox obj)
if (obj != null)
Password = obj.Password;
This requires adding the System.Windows.Interactivity assembly to your project and referencing it via xmlns:i="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Interactivity;assembly=System.Windows.Interactivity".

I spent a great deal of time looking at various solutions. I didn't like the decorators idea, behaviors mess up the validation UI, code behind... really?
The best one yet is to stick to a custom attached property and bind to your SecureString property in your view model. Keep it in there for as long as you can. Whenever you'll need quick access to the plain password, temporarily convert it to an unsecure string using the code below:
namespace Namespace.Extensions
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
/// <summary>
/// Provides unsafe temporary operations on secured strings.
/// </summary>
public static class SecureStringExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Converts a secured string to an unsecured string.
/// </summary>
public static string ToUnsecuredString(this SecureString secureString)
// copy&paste from the internal System.Net.UnsafeNclNativeMethods
IntPtr bstrPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
if (secureString != null)
if (secureString.Length != 0)
bstrPtr = Marshal.SecureStringToBSTR(secureString);
return Marshal.PtrToStringBSTR(bstrPtr);
if (bstrPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
return string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Copies the existing instance of a secure string into the destination, clearing the destination beforehand.
/// </summary>
public static void CopyInto(this SecureString source, SecureString destination)
foreach (var chr in source.ToUnsecuredString())
/// <summary>
/// Converts an unsecured string to a secured string.
/// </summary>
public static SecureString ToSecuredString(this string plainString)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(plainString))
return new SecureString();
SecureString secure = new SecureString();
foreach (char c in plainString)
return secure;
Make sure you allow the GC to collect your UI element, so resist the urge of using a static event handler for the PasswordChanged event on the PasswordBox.
I also discovered an anomaly where the control wasn't updating the UI when using the SecurePassword property for setting it up, reason why I'm copying the password into Password instead.
namespace Namespace.Controls
using System.Security;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using Namespace.Extensions;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a bindable attached property for the <see cref="PasswordBox.SecurePassword"/> property.
/// </summary>
public static class PasswordBoxHelper
// an attached behavior won't work due to view model validation not picking up the right control to adorn
public static readonly DependencyProperty SecurePasswordBindingProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new SecureString(),FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault, AttachedPropertyValueChanged)
private static readonly DependencyProperty _passwordBindingMarshallerProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
new PropertyMetadata()
public static void SetSecurePassword(PasswordBox element, SecureString secureString)
element.SetValue(SecurePasswordBindingProperty, secureString);
public static SecureString GetSecurePassword(PasswordBox element)
return element.GetValue(SecurePasswordBindingProperty) as SecureString;
private static void AttachedPropertyValueChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// we'll need to hook up to one of the element's events
// in order to allow the GC to collect the control, we'll wrap the event handler inside an object living in an attached property
// don't be tempted to use the Unloaded event as that will be fired even when the control is still alive and well (e.g. switching tabs in a tab control)
var passwordBox = (PasswordBox)d;
var bindingMarshaller = passwordBox.GetValue(_passwordBindingMarshallerProperty) as PasswordBindingMarshaller;
if (bindingMarshaller == null)
bindingMarshaller = new PasswordBindingMarshaller(passwordBox);
passwordBox.SetValue(_passwordBindingMarshallerProperty, bindingMarshaller);
bindingMarshaller.UpdatePasswordBox(e.NewValue as SecureString);
/// <summary>
/// Encapsulated event logic
/// </summary>
private class PasswordBindingMarshaller
private readonly PasswordBox _passwordBox;
private bool _isMarshalling;
public PasswordBindingMarshaller(PasswordBox passwordBox)
_passwordBox = passwordBox;
_passwordBox.PasswordChanged += this.PasswordBoxPasswordChanged;
public void UpdatePasswordBox(SecureString newPassword)
if (_isMarshalling)
_isMarshalling = true;
// setting up the SecuredPassword won't trigger a visual update so we'll have to use the Password property
_passwordBox.Password = newPassword.ToUnsecuredString();
// you may try the statement below, however the benefits are minimal security wise (you still have to extract the unsecured password for copying)
_isMarshalling = false;
private void PasswordBoxPasswordChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// copy the password into the attached property
if (_isMarshalling)
_isMarshalling = true;
SetSecurePassword(_passwordBox, _passwordBox.SecurePassword.Copy());
_isMarshalling = false;
And the XAML usage:
<PasswordBox controls:PasswordBoxHelper.SecurePassword="{Binding LogonPassword, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}">
My property in the view model looked like this:
public SecureString LogonPassword
return _logonPassword;
_logonPassword = value;
The RequiredSecureString is just a simple custom validator that has the following logic:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class RequiredSecureStringAttribute:ValidationAttribute
public RequiredSecureStringAttribute()
:base("Field is required")
public override bool IsValid(object value)
return (value as SecureString)?.Length > 0;
Here you have it. A complete and tested pure MVVM solution.

This works just fine for me.
<Button Command="{Binding Connect}"
CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=MyPasswordBox}"/>

A simple solution without violating the MVVM pattern is to introduce an event (or delegate) in the ViewModel that harvests the password.
In the ViewModel:
public event EventHandler<HarvestPasswordEventArgs> HarvestPassword;
with these EventArgs:
class HarvestPasswordEventArgs : EventArgs
public string Password;
in the View, subscribe to the event on creating the ViewModel and fill in the password value.
_viewModel.HarvestPassword += (sender, args) =>
args.Password = passwordBox1.Password;
In the ViewModel, when you need the password, you can fire the event and harvest the password from there:
if (HarvestPassword == null)
var pwargs = new HarvestPasswordEventArgs();
HarvestPassword(this, pwargs);
LoginHelpers.Login(Username, pwargs.Password);

To solve the OP problem without breaking the MVVM, I would use custom value converter and a wrapper for the value (the password) that has to be retrieved from the password box.
public interface IWrappedParameter<T>
T Value { get; }
public class PasswordBoxWrapper : IWrappedParameter<string>
private readonly PasswordBox _source;
public string Value
get { return _source != null ? _source.Password : string.Empty; }
public PasswordBoxWrapper(PasswordBox source)
_source = source;
public class PasswordBoxConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
// Implement type and value check here...
return new PasswordBoxWrapper((PasswordBox)value);
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
throw new InvalidOperationException("No conversion.");
In the view model:
public string Username { get; set; }
public ICommand LoginCommand
return new RelayCommand<IWrappedParameter<string>>(password => { Login(Username, password); });
private void Login(string username, string password)
// Perform login here...
Because the view model uses IWrappedParameter<T>, it does not need to have any knowledge about PasswordBoxWrapper nor PasswordBoxConverter. This way you can isolate the PasswordBox object from the view model and not break the MVVM pattern.
In the view:
<h:PasswordBoxConverter x:Key="PwdConverter" />
<PasswordBox Name="PwdBox" />
<Button Content="Login" Command="{Binding LoginCommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=PwdBox, Converter={StaticResource PwdConverter}}" />

I posted a GIST here that is a bindable password box.
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
namespace CustomControl
public class BindablePasswordBox : Decorator
/// <summary>
/// The password dependency property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty PasswordProperty;
private bool isPreventCallback;
private RoutedEventHandler savedCallback;
/// <summary>
/// Static constructor to initialize the dependency properties.
/// </summary>
static BindablePasswordBox()
PasswordProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata("", FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnPasswordPropertyChanged))
/// <summary>
/// Saves the password changed callback and sets the child element to the password box.
/// </summary>
public BindablePasswordBox()
savedCallback = HandlePasswordChanged;
PasswordBox passwordBox = new PasswordBox();
passwordBox.PasswordChanged += savedCallback;
Child = passwordBox;
/// <summary>
/// The password dependency property.
/// </summary>
public string Password
get { return GetValue(PasswordProperty) as string; }
set { SetValue(PasswordProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// Handles changes to the password dependency property.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d">the dependency object</param>
/// <param name="eventArgs">the event args</param>
private static void OnPasswordPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs eventArgs)
BindablePasswordBox bindablePasswordBox = (BindablePasswordBox) d;
PasswordBox passwordBox = (PasswordBox) bindablePasswordBox.Child;
if (bindablePasswordBox.isPreventCallback)
passwordBox.PasswordChanged -= bindablePasswordBox.savedCallback;
passwordBox.Password = (eventArgs.NewValue != null) ? eventArgs.NewValue.ToString() : "";
passwordBox.PasswordChanged += bindablePasswordBox.savedCallback;
/// <summary>
/// Handles the password changed event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">the sender</param>
/// <param name="eventArgs">the event args</param>
private void HandlePasswordChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs eventArgs)
PasswordBox passwordBox = (PasswordBox) sender;
isPreventCallback = true;
Password = passwordBox.Password;
isPreventCallback = false;

This implementation is slightly different. You pass a PasswordBox to the View through binding of a property in ViewModel. It doesn't use any command params. The ViewModel stays ignorant of the View.
I have a VB VS 2010 Project that can be downloaded from SkyDrive. WPF MVVM PassWordBox
The way that I am using PasswordBox in a WPF MVVM application is pretty simplistic and works well for me.
Basically you create a public readonly property that the View can bind to as a PasswordBox (The actual control):
Private _thePassWordBox As PasswordBox
Public ReadOnly Property ThePassWordBox As PasswordBox
If IsNothing(_thePassWordBox) Then _thePassWordBox = New PasswordBox
Return _thePassWordBox
End Get
End Property
I use a backing field just to do the self initialization of the property.
Then from the Xaml you bind the Content of a ContentControl or a Control Container:
<ContentControl Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" Height="23" Width="120" Content="{Binding Path=ThePassWordBox}" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
From there you have full control of the PasswordBox. I also use a PasswordAccessor (just a function of String) to return the Password Value when doing login or whatever else you want the Password for. In the example I have a public property in a Generic User Object Model.
Public Property PasswordAccessor() As Func(Of String)
In the User Object the password string property is readonly without any backing store. It just returns the Password from the PasswordBox.
Public ReadOnly Property PassWord As String
Return If((PasswordAccessor Is Nothing), String.Empty, PasswordAccessor.Invoke())
End Get
End Property
Then in the ViewModel I make sure that the Accessor is created and set to the PasswordBox.Password property:
Public Sub New()
'Sets the Accessor for the Password Property
SetPasswordAccessor(Function() ThePassWordBox.Password)
End Sub
Friend Sub SetPasswordAccessor(ByVal accessor As Func(Of String))
If Not IsNothing(VMUser) Then VMUser.PasswordAccessor = accessor
End Sub
When I need the Password string say for login I just get the User Objects Password property that really invokes the Function to grab the password and return it, then the actual password is not stored by the User Object.
Example: would be in the ViewModel
Private Function LogIn() as Boolean
'Make call to your Authentication methods and or functions. I usally place that code in the Model
Return AuthenticationManager.Login(New UserIdentity(User.UserName, User.Password)
End Function
That should do it. The ViewModel doesn't need any knowledge of the View's Controls. The View just binds to the Property in the ViewModel, not any different than the View Binding to an image or other resource. In this case that resource(Property) just happens to be a usercontrol.
It allows for testing as the ViewModel creates and owns the Property and the Property is independent of the View.
As for security I don't know how good this implementation is. But by using a Function the value is not stored in the Property itself just accessed by the Property.

While I agree it's important to avoid storing the password anywhere, I still need the ability to instantiate the view model without a view and execute my tests against it.
The solution that worked for me was to register the PasswordBox.Password function with the view model, and have the view model invoke it when executing the login code.
This does mean a line of code in the view's codebehind.
So, in my Login.xaml I have
<PasswordBox x:Name="PasswordBox"/>
and in Login.xaml.cs I have
LoginViewModel.PasswordHandler = () => PasswordBox.Password;
then in LoginViewModel.cs I have the PasswordHandler defined
public Func<string> PasswordHandler { get; set; }
and when login needs to happen the code invokes the handler to get the password from the view...
bool loginResult = Login(Username, PasswordHandler());
This way, when I want to test the viewmodel I can simply set PasswordHandler to an anonymous method that lets me deliver whatever password I want to use in the test.

I figured I'd throw my solution in the mix, since this is such a common issue... and having plenty of options is always a good thing.
I simply wrapped a PasswordBox in a UserControl and implemented a DependencyProperty to be able to bind. I'm doing everything I can to avoid storing any clear text in the memory, so everything is done through a SecureString and the PasswordBox.Password property. During the foreach loop, each character does get exposed, but it's very brief. Honestly, if you're worried about your WPF application to be compromised from this brief exposure, you've got bigger security issues that should be handled.
The beauty of this is that you are not breaking any MVVM rules, even the "purist" ones, since this is a UserControl, so it's allowed to have code-behind. When you're using it, you can have pure communication between View and ViewModel without your VideModel being aware of any part of View or the source of the password. Just make sure you're binding to SecureString in your ViewModel.
<UserControl x:Class="BK.WPF.CustomControls.BindanblePasswordBox"
mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignHeight="22" d:DesignWidth="150">
<PasswordBox x:Name="PswdBox"/>
BindablePasswordBox.xaml.cs (Version 1 - No two-way binding support.)
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Security;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
namespace BK.WPF.CustomControls
public partial class BindanblePasswordBox : UserControl
public static readonly DependencyProperty PasswordProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Password", typeof(SecureString), typeof(BindanblePasswordBox));
public SecureString Password
get { return (SecureString)GetValue(PasswordProperty); }
set { SetValue(PasswordProperty, value); }
public BindanblePasswordBox()
PswdBox.PasswordChanged += PswdBox_PasswordChanged;
private void PswdBox_PasswordChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var secure = new SecureString();
foreach (var c in PswdBox.Password)
Password = secure;
Usage of Version 1:
<local:BindanblePasswordBox Width="150" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Password="{Binding Password, Mode=OneWayToSource}"/>
BindablePasswordBox.xaml.cs (Version 2 - Has two-way binding support.)
public partial class BindablePasswordBox : UserControl
public static readonly DependencyProperty PasswordProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Password", typeof(SecureString), typeof(BindablePasswordBox),
new PropertyMetadata(PasswordChanged));
public SecureString Password
get { return (SecureString)GetValue(PasswordProperty); }
set { SetValue(PasswordProperty, value); }
public BindablePasswordBox()
PswdBox.PasswordChanged += PswdBox_PasswordChanged;
private void PswdBox_PasswordChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var secure = new SecureString();
foreach (var c in PswdBox.Password)
if (Password != secure)
Password = secure;
private static void PasswordChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var pswdBox = d as BindablePasswordBox;
if (pswdBox != null && e.NewValue != e.OldValue)
var newValue = e.NewValue as SecureString;
if (newValue == null)
var unmanagedString = IntPtr.Zero;
string newString;
unmanagedString = Marshal.SecureStringToGlobalAllocUnicode(newValue);
newString = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(unmanagedString);
var currentValue = pswdBox.PswdBox.Password;
if (currentValue != newString)
pswdBox.PswdBox.Password = newString;
Usage of Version 2:
<local:BindanblePasswordBox Width="150" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Password="{Binding Password, Mode=TwoWay}"/>

To me, both of these things feel wrong:
Implementing clear text password properties
Sending the PasswordBox as a command parameter to the ViewModel
Transferring the SecurePassword (SecureString instance) as described by Steve in CO seems acceptable. I prefer Behaviors to code behind, and I also had the additional requirement of being able to reset the password from the viewmodel.
Xaml (Password is the ViewModel property):
<behaviors:PasswordBinding BoundPassword="{Binding Password, Mode=TwoWay}" />
using System.Security;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Interactivity;
namespace Evidence.OutlookIntegration.AddinLogic.Behaviors
/// <summary>
/// Intermediate class that handles password box binding (which is not possible directly).
/// </summary>
public class PasswordBoxBindingBehavior : Behavior<PasswordBox>
// BoundPassword
public SecureString BoundPassword { get { return (SecureString)GetValue(BoundPasswordProperty); } set { SetValue(BoundPasswordProperty, value); } }
public static readonly DependencyProperty BoundPasswordProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("BoundPassword", typeof(SecureString), typeof(PasswordBoxBindingBehavior), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnBoundPasswordChanged));
protected override void OnAttached()
this.AssociatedObject.PasswordChanged += AssociatedObjectOnPasswordChanged;
/// <summary>
/// Link up the intermediate SecureString (BoundPassword) to the UI instance
/// </summary>
private void AssociatedObjectOnPasswordChanged(object s, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.BoundPassword = this.AssociatedObject.SecurePassword;
/// <summary>
/// Reacts to password reset on viewmodel (ViewModel.Password = new SecureString())
/// </summary>
private static void OnBoundPasswordChanged(object s, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var box = ((PasswordBoxBindingBehavior)s).AssociatedObject;
if (box != null)
if (((SecureString)e.NewValue).Length == 0)
box.Password = string.Empty;

you can do it with attached property, see it.. PasswordBox with MVVM

I used this method and passed the password box, although this does violate the MVVM it was essential for me because I was using a content control with data template for my login within my shell which is a complex shell enviroment. So accessing the code behind of the shell would have been crap.
Passing the passwordbox I would think is same as accessing control from code behind as far as I know. I agree passwords, dont keep in memory etc In this implementation I don't have property for password in view model.
Button Command
Command="{Binding Path=DataContext.LoginCommand, ElementName=MyShell}" CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=PasswordBox}"
private void Login(object parameter)
System.Windows.Controls.PasswordBox p = (System.Windows.Controls.PasswordBox)parameter;

For complete newbies like me, here is a complete working sample of what Konamiman suggested above. Thanks Konamiman.
<PasswordBox x:Name="textBoxPassword"/>
<Button x:Name="buttonLogin" Content="Login"
Command="{Binding PasswordCommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=textBoxPassword}"/>
public class YourViewModel : ViewModelBase
private ICommand _passwordCommand;
public ICommand PasswordCommand
get {
if (_passwordCommand == null) {
_passwordCommand = new RelayCommand<object>(PasswordClick);
return _passwordCommand;
public YourViewModel()
private void PasswordClick(object p)
var password = p as PasswordBox;
Console.WriteLine("Password is: {0}", password.Password);

Send a SecureString to the view model using an Attached Behavior and ICommand
There is nothing wrong with code-behind when implementing MVVM. MVVM is an architectural pattern that aims to separate the view from the model/business logic. MVVM describes how to achieve this goal in a reproducible way (the pattern). It doesn't care about implementation details, like how do you structure or implement the view. It just draws the boundaries and defines what is the view, the view model and what the model in terms of this pattern's terminology.
MVVM doesn't care about the language (XAML or C#) or compiler (partial classes). Being language independent is a mandatory characteristic of a design pattern - it must be language neutral.
However, code-behind has some draw backs like making your UI logic harder to understand, when it is wildly distributed between XAML and C#. But most important implementing UI logic or objects like templates, styles, triggers, animations etc in C# is very complex and ugly/less readable than using XAML. XAML is a markup language that uses tags and nesting to visualize object hierarchy. Creating UI using XAML is very convenient. Although there are situations where you are fine choosing to implement UI logic in C# (or code-behind). Handling the PasswordBox is one example.
For this reasons handling the PasswordBox in the code-behind by handling the PasswordBox.PasswordChanged, is no violation of the MVVM pattern.
A clear violation would be to pass a control (the PasswordBox) to the view model. Many solutions recommend this e.g., bay passing the instance of the PasswordBox as ICommand.CommandParameter to the view model. Obviously a very bad and unnecessary recommendation.
If you don't care about using C#, but just want to keep your code-behind file clean or simply want to encapsulate a behavior/UI logic, you can always make use of attached properties and implement an attached behavior.
Opposed of the infamous wide spread helper that enables binding to the plain text password (really bad anti-pattern and security risk), this behavior uses an ICommand to send the password as SecureString to the view model, whenever the PasswordBox raises the PasswordBox.PasswordChanged event.
<ViewModel />
<PasswordBox PasswordBox.Command="{Binding VerifyPasswordCommand}" />
public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public ICommand VerifyPasswordCommand => new RelayCommand(VerifyPassword);
public void VerifyPassword(object commadParameter)
if (commandParameter is SecureString secureString)
IntPtr valuePtr = IntPtr.Zero;
valuePtr = Marshal.SecureStringToGlobalAllocUnicode(value);
string plainTextPassword = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(valuePtr);
// Handle plain text password.
// It's recommended to convert the SecureString to plain text in the model, when really needed.
// Attached behavior
class PasswordBox : DependencyObject
#region Command attached property
public static readonly DependencyProperty CommandProperty =
new PropertyMetadata(default(ICommand), PasswordBox.OnSendPasswordCommandChanged));
public static void SetCommand(DependencyObject attachingElement, ICommand value) =>
attachingElement.SetValue(PasswordBox.CommandProperty, value);
public static ICommand GetCommand(DependencyObject attachingElement) =>
(ICommand) attachingElement.GetValue(PasswordBox.CommandProperty);
private static void OnSendPasswordCommandChanged(
DependencyObject attachingElement,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (!(attachingElement is System.Windows.Controls.PasswordBox passwordBox))
throw new ArgumentException("Attaching element must be of type 'PasswordBox'");
if (e.OldValue != null)
WeakEventManager<object, RoutedEventArgs>.AddHandler(
private static void SendPassword_OnPasswordChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var attachedElement = sender as System.Windows.Controls.PasswordBox;
SecureString commandParameter = attachedElement?.SecurePassword;
if (commandParameter == null || commandParameter.Length < 1)
ICommand sendCommand = GetCommand(attachedElement);

As you can see i am binding to Password, but maybe its bind it to the static class..
It is an attached property. This kind of property can be applied to any kind of DependencyObject, not just the type in which it is declared. So even though it is declared in the PasswordHelper static class, it is applied to the PasswordBox on which you use it.
To use this attached property, you just need to bind it to the Password property in your ViewModel :
<PasswordBox w:PasswordHelper.Attach="True"
w:PasswordHelper.Password="{Binding Password}"/>

As mentioned before VM should be unaware of the View but passing whole PasswordBox looks like the simplest approach. So maybe instead of casting passed parameter to PasswordBox use Reflection to extract Password property from it. In this case VM expects some kind of Password Container with property Password(I'm ussing RelayCommands from MVMM Light-Toolkit):
public RelayCommand<object> SignIn
if (this.signIn == null)
this.signIn = new RelayCommand<object>((passwordContainer) =>
var password = passwordContainer.GetType().GetProperty("Password").GetValue(passwordContainer) as string;
this.authenticationService.Authenticate(this.Login, password);
return this.signIn;
It can be easily tested with anonymous class:
var passwordContainer = new
Password = "password"

You find a solution for the PasswordBox in the ViewModel sample application of the WPF Application Framework (WAF) project.
However, Justin is right. Don't pass the password as plain text between View and ViewModel. Use SecureString instead (See MSDN PasswordBox).

I have done like:
<PasswordBox x:Name="NewPassword" PasswordChanged="NewPassword_PasswordChanged"/>
<!--change tablenameViewSource: yours!-->
<Grid DataContext="{StaticResource tablenameViewSource}" Visibility="Hidden">
<TextBox x:Name="Password" Text="{Binding password, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
private void NewPassword_PasswordChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//change tablenameDataTable: yours! and tablenameViewSource: yours!
tablenameDataTable.Rows[tablenameViewSource.View.CurrentPosition]["password"] = NewPassword.Password;
this.Password.Text = this.NewPassword.Password;
It works for me!

I used an authentication check followed by a sub called by a mediator class to the View (which also implements an authentication check) to write the password to the data class.
It's not a perfect solution; however, it remedied my problem of not being able to move the password.

I am using succinct MVVM-friendly solution that hasn't been mentioned yet. First, I name the PasswordBox in XAML:
<PasswordBox x:Name="Password" />
Then I add a single method call into view constructor:
public LoginWindow()
ExposeControl<LoginViewModel>.Expose(this, view => view.Password,
(model, box) => model.SetPasswordBox(box));
And that's it. View model will receive notification when it is attached to a view via DataContext and another notification when it is detached. The contents of this notification are configurable via the lambdas, but usually it's just a setter or method call on the view model, passing the problematic control as a parameter.
It can be made MVVM-friendly very easily by having the view expose interface instead of child controls.
The above code relies on helper class published on my blog.

I spent ages trying to get this working. In the end, I gave up and just used the PasswordBoxEdit from DevExpress.
It is the simplest solution ever, as it allows binding without pulling any horrible tricks.
Solution on DevExpress website
For the record, I am not affiliated with DevExpress in any way.

In windows universal app
you can use this code with the property "Password" and binding with the modelView
<PasswordBox x:Uid="PasswordBox" Password="{Binding Waiter.Password, Mode=TwoWay}" Name="txtPassword" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="50,200,50,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>

<UserControl x:Class="Elections.Server.Handler.Views.LoginView"
Height="531" Width="1096">
<Grid >
<Border BorderBrush="#FFABADB3" BorderThickness="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="900,100,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160">
<TextBox TextWrapping="Wrap"/>
<Border BorderBrush="#FFABADB3" BorderThickness="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="900,150,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160">
<PasswordBox x:Name="PasswordBox"/>
<Button Content="Login" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="985,200,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
<cal:ActionMessage MethodName="Login">
<cal:Parameter Value="{Binding ElementName=PasswordBox}" />
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using Caliburn.Micro;
namespace Elections.Server.Handler.ViewModels
public class LoginViewModel : PropertyChangedBase
MainViewModel _mainViewModel;
public void SetMain(MainViewModel mainViewModel)
_mainViewModel = mainViewModel;
public void Login(Object password)
var pass = (PasswordBox) password;
//_mainViewModel.ScreenView = _mainViewModel.ControlPanelView;
//_mainViewModel.TitleWindow = "Panel de Control";
;) easy!

Its very simple . Create another property for password and Bind this with TextBox
But all input operations perform with actual password property
private string _Password;
public string PasswordChar
string szChar = "";
foreach(char szCahr in _Password)
szChar = szChar + "*";
return szChar;
_PasswordChar = value; NotifyPropertyChanged();
public string Password
return _Password;
_Password = value; NotifyPropertyChanged();
PasswordChar = _Password;

For anyone who is aware of the risks this implementation imposes, to have the password sync to your ViewModel simply add Mode=OneWayToSource.
ff:PasswordHelper.Password="{Binding Path=Password, Mode=OneWayToSource}" />

well my answerd is more simple just in the for the MVVM pattern
in class viewmodel
public string password;
PasswordChangedCommand = new DelegateCommand<RoutedEventArgs>(PasswordChanged);
Private void PasswordChanged(RoutedEventArgs obj)
var e = (WatermarkPasswordBox)obj.OriginalSource;
//or depending or what are you using
var e = (PasswordBox)obj.OriginalSource;
password =e.Password;
the password property of the PasswordBox that win provides or WatermarkPasswordBox that XCeedtoolkit provides generates an RoutedEventArgs so you can bind it.
now in xmal view
<Xceed:WatermarkPasswordBox Watermark="Input your Password" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Grid.Row="7" PasswordChar="*" >
<i:EventTrigger EventName="PasswordChanged">
<prism:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl}, Path= DataContext.PasswordChangedCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path= Password}"/>
<PasswordBox Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Grid.Row="7" PasswordChar="*" >
<i:EventTrigger EventName="PasswordChanged">
<prism:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl}, Path= DataContext.PasswordChangedCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path= Password}"/>

Here's my take on it:
Using an attached property to bind the password defeats the purpose of securing the password. The Password property of a password box is not bindable for a reason.
Passing the password box as command parameter will make the ViewModel aware of the control. This will not work if you plan to make your ViewModel reusable cross platform. Don't make your VM aware of your View or any other controls.
I don't think introducing a new property, an interface, subscribing to password changed events or any other complicated things is necessary for a simple task of providing the password.
<PasswordBox x:Name="pbPassword" />
<Button Content="Login" Command="{Binding LoginCommand}" x:Name="btnLogin"/>
Code behind - using code behind does not necessarily violate MVVM. As long as you don't put any business logic in it.
btnLogin.CommandParameter = new Func<string>(()=>pbPassword.Password);
LoginCommand = new RelayCommand<Func<string>>(getpwd=> { service.Login(username, getpwd()); });


How to pass a ref to a viewmodel correctly

I've created a Textbox with placeholder text and a clear button. I've implemented it using a view model for the data context, and using a style with target type TextBox. In xaml, using it is pretty simple.
<TextBox DataContext="{Binding NameBox}" Style="{StaticResource placeholder}"/>
The way I've implemented the view model, though, smells funny to me:
public class PlaceholderTextBoxViewModel : NotifiableViewModelBase {
private string text;
public string Text {
get => text;
set {
text = value;
public string PlaceholderText { get; set; }
public RelayCommand ClearCommand => new RelayCommand(() => Text = "");
private event Action<string> OnTextChange;
public PlaceholderTextBoxViewModel(ref string text, string placeholderText, Action<string> changeHandler = null) {
OnTextChange = changeHandler ?? (_ => { });
Text = text;
PlaceholderText = placeholderText;
In case it doesn't smell too bad to you yet, check out how it's used
private string _name;
public string Name {
get => _name;
set {
_name = value;
System.Console.WriteLine(_name); // needed to silence auto prop error
public PlaceholderTextBoxViewModel NameBox { get; }
// in the constructor...
NameBox = new PlaceholderTextBoxViewModel(ref _name, "Exam Name", t => Name = t);
It definitely doesn't seem right that I need to pass an explicit setter (the changeHandler) to the PlaceholderTextBoxViewModel. It seems, indeed, that the ref I'm passing is never really used (and is only necessary at all -- though not as a ref -- if there is to be pre-existing text in the box).
I've never used refs before and I must be doing something wrong. I have also tried pointing everything that uses the Name property (in the final code excerpt) to the _name field but that doesn't work, the field isn't properly updated, or at least isn't "communicating" its updates (in various uses, CanExecutes are not updated, SearchPredicates are not refreshed, etc). I'm using MVVMLight, and I imagine that changing a field's value doesn't trigger OnPropertyChanged -- if the field's value is even changing at all.
How do I get the ref to work correctly? Am I doing this completely wrong?
I understand that there are other ways to implement this TextBox with its clear command, even in pure MVVM (namely, if I put the ClearCommand in the consuming VM instead of the textbox's VM itself, then the textbox doesn't need to have a VM at all). But I'd really like to know how to make sense of my attempted solution, if only for a better understanding of C# and of refs.
Problem here seems to be an architectural one. MVVM is a tiered architecture that looks like this:
Model -> View Model -> View
Model is the lowest tier, view is the highest. More importantly, each tier does not have any direct visibility into any of the tiers above it.
The problem in your example is that you've broken separation of concerns. You have a parent class creating the PlaceholderTextBoxViewModel, which implies it's in the view model. However, that same class contains a "Name" property, which is actually data that should be in your model layer. Your existing architecture is such that your view model cannot see the data layer, so you've effectively had to set up your own property change notification mechanism, using the ref and delegate, to keep your model and view model synchronized.
Throw it all out, and start again. Your model should contain POCOs, so start with something like this:
public class MyModel
public string Name {get; set;}
Then, when you create your view model, pass an instance of this class into its constructor so that it has visibility:
public class MyViewModel : NotifiableViewModelBase
private MyModel Model;
public MyViewModel(MyModel model) => this.Model = model;
public string Text
get => this.Model.Name;
this.Model.Name = value;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.Text);
// ... etc ....
I've stuck to your nomenclature of using "Name" in the model and "Text" in the view model, in practice they're usually the same, but that's up to you. Either way, you still have property change notification in your view model, and it's the view model layer updating the model layer.
Obviously there are lots of variations on this. If you don't want changes to propagate through to your model layer immediately (and there are plenty of cases where you may not want that) then give Text a backing field (_Text) and only do the synchronization at the points your want it to occur. And of course, if you want to go one step further then your model classes could instead implement interfaces, and you can use dependency injection to inject those interfaces into the view model classes instead of giving them access to the actual implementations themselves.
Above all else, keep in mind that the sole purpose of the view model is to prepare the model layer data for consumption by the view. Anything, domain, business logic etc...all of that belongs in your model layer, which shouldn't have any visibility into the view model layer at all.
The ref would only make sense, if you are going to change the value.
In this case you can use the OnTextChange event.
public PlaceholderTextBoxViewModel(ref string text, string placeholderText, Action<string> changeHandler = null)
OnTextChange = newValue =>
text = newValue; // <- value back to the ref
Text = text;
PlaceholderText = placeholderText;
BTW your solution is somehow much too complicated. Keep the ViewModel as simple and abstract as possible. In this case a simple Name property is enough.
Leave it up the the UI developers which control they use and how they will implement a clear the control logic.
Here an example
using ReactiveUI;
using ReactiveUI.Fody.Helpers;
namespace WpfApp1
public class MainViewModel : ReactiveObject
[Reactive] public string Name { get; set; }
<local:MainViewModel />
<Label Content="{Binding Name}" />
<TextBox x:Name="NameTextBox"
Text="{Binding Name, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
TextWrapping="Wrap" />
View CodeBehind
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void NameTextBoxClearButton_Click( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
NameTextBox.Text = string.Empty;
The simplest solution would be to correct your binding. You don't have to manually forward the data by trying to implement your own change notification system.
Just make sure that your data source always implements INotifyPropertyChanged and properly raises the INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged event from each property set method. Then bind directly to this properties:
class PlaceholderTextBoxViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string text;
public string Text
get => this.text;
this.text = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
this.PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
The binding syntax allows to reference nested properties.
In your special case, the {Binding} expression must be:
<TextBox DataContext="{Binding NameBox.Text}" />
Now the TextBox.Text value is automatically propagated to the PlaceholderTextBoxViewModel.Text property and the constructor becomes parameterless.

Sharing data between different ViewModels

I'm trying to develop an easy MVVM project that it has two windows:
The first window is a text editor, where I bind some properties such as FontSize or BackgroundColor:
<TextBlock FontSize="{Binding EditorFontSize}"></TextBlock>
its DataContext is MainWindowViewModel:
public class MainWindowViewModel : BindableBase
public int EditorFontSize
get { return _editorFontSize; }
set { SetProperty(ref _editorFontSize, value); }
The second window is the option window, where I have an slider for changing the font size:
<Slider Maximum="30" Minimum="10" Value="{Binding EditorFontSize }" ></Slider>
its DataContext is OptionViewModel:
public class OptionViewModel: BindableBase
public int EditorFontSize
get { return _editorFontSize; }
set { SetProperty(ref _editorFontSize, value); }
My problem is that I have to get the value of the slider in the option window and then I have to modify the FontSize property of my TextBlock with this value. But I don't know how to send the font size from OptionViewModel to MainViewModel.
I think that I should use:
A shared model
A model in MainWindowViewModel and a ref of this model in OptionViewModel
Other systems like notifications, messages ...
I hope that you can help me. It's my first MVVM project and English isn't my main language :S
Another option is to store such "shared" variables in a SessionContext-class of some kind:
public interface ISessionContext: INotifyPropertyChanged
int EditorFontSize { get;set; }
Then, inject this into your viewmodels (you are using Dependency Injection, right?) and register to the PropertyChanged event:
public class MainWindowViewModel
public MainWindowViewModel(ISessionContext sessionContext)
sessionContext.PropertyChanged += OnSessionContextPropertyChanged;
private void OnSessionContextPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == "EditorFontSize")
this.EditorFontSize = sessionContext.EditorFontSize;
There are many ways to communicate between view models and a lot of points what the point is the best. You can see how it is done:
using MVVMLight
in Prism
by Caliburn
In my view, the best approach is using EventAggregator pattern of Prism framework. The Prism simplifies MVVM pattern. However, if you have not used Prism, you can use Rachel Lim's tutorial - simplified version of EventAggregator pattern by Rachel Lim.. I highly recommend you Rachel Lim's approach.
If you use Rachel Lim's tutorial, then you should create a common class:
public static class EventSystem
{...Here Publish and Subscribe methods to event...}
And publish an event into your OptionViewModel:
new TickerSymbolSelectedMessage{ StockSymbol = “STOCK0” });
then you subscribe in constructor of another your MainViewModel to an event:
public void ShowNews(TickerSymbolSelectedMessage msg)
// Handle Event
The Rachel Lim's simplified approach is the best approach that I've ever seen. However, if you want to create a big application, then you should read this article by Magnus Montin and at CSharpcorner with an example.
Update: For versions of Prism later than 5 CompositePresentationEvent is depreciated and completely removed in version 6, so you will need to change it to PubSubEvent everything else can stay the same.
I have done a big MVVM application with WPF. I have a lot of windows and I had the same problem. My solution maybe isn't very elegant, but it works perfectly.
First solution: I have done one unique ViewModel, splitting it in various file using a partial class.
All these files start with:
namespace MyVMNameSpace
public partial class MainWindowViewModel : DevExpress.Mvvm.ViewModelBase
I'm using DevExpress, but, looking your code you have to try:
namespace MyVMNameSpace
public partial class MainWindowViewModel : BindableBase
Second solution: Anyway, I have also a couple of different ViewModel to manage some of these windows. In this case, if I have some variables to read from one ViewModel to another, I set these variables as static.
public static event EventHandler ListCOMChanged;
private static List<string> p_ListCOM;
public static List<string> ListCOM
get { return p_ListCOM; }
p_ListCOM = value;
if (ListCOMChanged != null)
ListCOMChanged(null, EventArgs.Empty);
Maybe the second solution is simplier and still ok for your need.
I hope this is clear. Ask me more details, if you want.
I'm not a MVVM pro myself, but what I've worked around with problems like this is,
having a main class that has all other view models as properties, and setting this class as data context of all the windows, I don't know if its good or bad but for your case it seems enough.
For a more sophisticated solution see this
For the simpler one,
You can do something like this,
public class MainViewModel : BindableBase
FirstViewModel firstViewModel;
public FirstViewModel FirstViewModel
return firstViewModel;
firstViewModel = value;
public SecondViewModel SecondViewModel
return secondViewModel;
secondViewModel = value;
SecondViewModel secondViewModel;
public MainViewModel()
firstViewModel = new FirstViewModel();
secondViewModel = new SecondViewModel();
now you have to make another constructor for your OptionWindow passing a view model.
public SecondWindow(BindableBase viewModel)
this.DataContext = viewModel;
this is to make sure that both windows work on the same instance of a view model.
Now, just wherever you're opening the second window use these two lines
var window = new SecondWindow((ViewModelBase)this.DataContext);
now you're passing the First Window's view model to the Second window, so that they work on the same instance of the MainViewModel.
Everything is done, just you've to address to binding as
<TextBlock FontSize="{Binding FirstViewModel.EditorFontSize}"></TextBlock>
<TextBlock FontSize="{Binding SecondViewModel.EditorFontSize}"></TextBlock>
and no need to say that the data context of First window is MainViewModel
In MVVM, models are the shared data store. I would persist the font size in the OptionsModel, which implements INotifyPropertyChanged. Any viewmodel interested in font size subscribes to PropertyChanged.
class OptionsModel : BindableBase
public int FontSize {get; set;} // Assuming that BindableBase makes this setter invokes NotifyPropertyChanged
In the ViewModels that need to be updated when FontSize changes:
internal void Initialize(OptionsModel model)
this.model = model;
model.PropertyChanged += ModelPropertyChanged;
// Initialize properties with data from the model
private void ModelPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == nameof(OptionsModel.FontSize))
// Update properties with data from the model
I'm new to WPF and I've come up with a solution to this and I'm curious of more knowledgeable people's thoughts about what's right and wrong with it.
I have an Exams tab and a Templates tab. In my simple proof of concept, I want each tab to "own" an Exam object, and to be able to access the other tab's Exam.
I define the ViewModel for each tab as static because if it's a normal instance property, I don't know how one tab would get the actual instance of the other tab. It feels wrong to me, though it's working.
namespace Gui.Tabs.ExamsTab {
public class GuiExam: INotifyPropertyChanged {
private string _name = "Default exam name";
public string Name {
get => _name;
set {
_name = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName="") {
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public partial class ExamsHome : Page {
public ExamsHome() {
DataContext = ViewModel;
public static readonly ExamsTabViewModel ViewModel = new ExamsTabViewModel();
public class ExamsTabViewModel {
public GuiExam ExamsTabExam { get; set; } = new GuiExam() { Name = "Exam from Exams Tab" };
public GuiExam FromTemplatesTab { get => TemplatesHome.ViewModel.TemplatesTabExam; }
namespace Gui.Tabs.TemplatesTab {
public partial class TemplatesHome : Page {
public TemplatesHome() {
DataContext = ViewModel;
public static readonly TemplatesTabViewModel ViewModel = new TemplatesTabViewModel();
public class TemplatesTabViewModel {
public GuiExam TemplatesTabExam { get; set; } = new GuiExam() { Name = "Exam from Templates Tab" };
public GuiExam FromExamTab { get => ExamsHome.ViewModel.ExamsTabExam; }
And then everything is accessible in the xaml:
TemplatesHome.xaml (excerpt)
<StackPanel Grid.Row="0">
<Label Content="From Exams Tab:"/>
<Label FontWeight="Bold" Content="{Binding FromExamTab.Name}"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Row="1">
<Label Content="Local Content:"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding TemplatesTabExam.Name, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="200" FontSize="16"/>
ExamsHome.xaml (excerpt)
<StackPanel Grid.Row="0">
<Label Content="Local Content:"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding ExamsTabExam.Name, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="200" FontSize="16"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Row="1">
<Label Content="From Templates Tab:"/>
<Label FontWeight="Bold" Content="{Binding FromTemplatesTab.Name}"/>

Binding variables to XAML fields

I am Using C# & XAML with Visual Studio 2012
MS changed much of Visual Studio in 2012 that I have not been able to find working solutions on the web. I am new to C#/XAML so I am not familiar with Data Binding, if that is indeed the proper way to proceed.
I need to display variables from the App.xaml.cs file on the MainPage.xaml page. These variables change state every 100-300 msec., so requiring a refresh of the page each time the data changes is probably not a good idea.
Here are code snippets from my project:
App.xaml.cs defines the variables and modifies them in a dispatcherTimer:
namespace OpenGOTO
public partial class App : Application
public static string DateStrZ = "";
public static string FubarTest { get; set; }
In MainPage.xaml (which is not always the current window) I have the TextBlock:
<TextBlock x:Name="UTC_Data" Text="2012-08-01 03:29:07Z" Padding="5" Style="{StaticResource TextBlockStyle1}" />
In MainPage.xaml.cs I have routines that are called by a dispatcherTimer that updates the fields:
public void SetFieldsTick()
UTC_Data.Text = App.DateStrZ;
If I change this to
public static void SetFieldsTick()
so that I can call it from the App.xaml.cs dispatcherTimer, I get the error message:
An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'OpenGOTO.MainPage.UTC_Data'
How do I either:
Bind the data to the field (and will it automatically update without needing to refresh the whole window?)
Create the correct references so that the dispatcherTimer in App.xaml.cs can call a routine in MainPage.xaml.cs that sets the fields in the XAML page.
To use a Binding that gets updates from the data you need a few things:
A property to bind to
Some implementation of change notification, usually using INotifyPropertyChanged or a DependencyProperty
An object instance on which the property is declared
You currently have none of these. Start by making an object that implements INotifyPropertyChanged with a property to store your data:
public class MyBindableObject : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string _dateStr;
public string DateStr
get { return _dateStr; }
if (_dateStr == value)
_dateStr = value;
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("DateStr"));
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
You can then expose a static instance of this from your App class and make updates to this instance whenever new data comes in:
private static MyBindableObject _bindingContainer = new MyBindableObject();
public static MyBindableObject BindingContainer
get { return _bindingContainer; }
public static void SetNewData()
// use this anywhere to update the value
App.BindingContainer.DateStr = "<Your New Value>";
Now you have everything you need for a Binding and you just need to expose it to your page. You can do this by setting the DataContext of your page, which is the default binding source:
public MainPage()
DataContext = App.BindingContainer;
Now you can bind your TextBlock:
<TextBlock x:Name="UTC_Data"
Text="{Binding Path=DateStr}"
Padding="5" Style="{StaticResource TextBlockStyle1}"/>
Why can't you just call the UTC_Data from App.xaml.cs?
For example:
((MainPage) rootFrame.Content).UTC_Data.Text = DateStrZ;
Of course UTC_Data won't be accessible until you change it like this:
<TextBlock x:FieldModifier="public" x:Name="UTC_Data" Text="2012-08-01 03:29:07Z" Padding="5" Style="{StaticResource TextBlockStyle1}"/>

WPF OpenFileDialog with the MVVM pattern? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Open File Dialog MVVM
(7 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I just started learning the MVVM pattern for WPF. I hit a wall: what do you do when you need to show an OpenFileDialog?
Here's an example UI I'm trying to use it on:
When the browse button is clicked, an OpenFileDialog should be shown. When the user selects a file from the OpenFileDialog, the file path should be displayed in the textbox.
How can I do this with MVVM?
Update: How can I do this with MVVM and make it unit test-able? The solution below doesn't work for unit testing.
What I generally do is create an interface for an application service that performs this function. In my examples I'll assume you are using something like the MVVM Toolkit or similar thing (so I can get a base ViewModel and a RelayCommand).
Here's an example of an extremely simple interface for doing basic IO operations like OpenFileDialog and OpenFile. I'm showing them both here so you don't think I'm suggesting you create one interface with one method to get around this problem.
public interface IOService
string OpenFileDialog(string defaultPath);
//Other similar untestable IO operations
Stream OpenFile(string path);
In your application, you would provide a default implementation of this service. Here is how you would consume it.
public MyViewModel : ViewModel
private string _selectedPath;
public string SelectedPath
get { return _selectedPath; }
set { _selectedPath = value; OnPropertyChanged("SelectedPath"); }
private RelayCommand _openCommand;
public RelayCommand OpenCommand
//You know the drill.
private IOService _ioService;
public MyViewModel(IOService ioService)
_ioService = ioService;
OpenCommand = new RelayCommand(OpenFile);
private void OpenFile()
SelectedPath = _ioService.OpenFileDialog(#"c:\Where\My\File\Usually\Is.txt");
if(SelectedPath == null)
SelectedPath = string.Empty;
So that's pretty simple. Now for the last part: testability. This one should be obvious, but I'll show you how to make a simple test for this. I use Moq for stubbing, but you can use whatever you'd like of course.
public void OpenFileCommand_UserSelectsInvalidPath_SelectedPathSetToEmpty()
Mock<IOService> ioServiceStub = new Mock<IOService>();
//We use null to indicate invalid path in our implementation
ioServiceStub.Setup(ioServ => ioServ.OpenFileDialog(It.IsAny<string>()))
//Setup target and test
MyViewModel target = new MyViewModel(ioServiceStub.Object);
Assert.IsEqual(string.Empty, target.SelectedPath);
This will probably work for you.
There is a library out on CodePlex called "SystemWrapper" ( that might save you from having to do a lot of this kind of thing. It looks like FileDialog is not supported yet, so you'll definitely have to write an interface for that one.
I seem to remember you favoring TypeMock Isolator for your faking framework. Here's the same test using Isolator:
public void OpenFileCommand_UserSelectsInvalidPath_SelectedPathSetToEmpty()
IOService ioServiceStub = Isolate.Fake.Instance<IOService>();
//Setup stub arrangements
Isolate.WhenCalled(() => ioServiceStub.OpenFileDialog("blah"))
//Setup target and test
MyViewModel target = new MyViewModel(ioServiceStub);
Assert.IsEqual(string.Empty, target.SelectedPath);
The WPF Application Framework (WAF) provides an implementation for the Open and SaveFileDialog.
The Writer sample application shows how to use them and how the code can be unit tested.
Firstly I would recommend you to start off with a WPF MVVM toolkit. This gives you a nice selection of Commands to use for your projects. One particular feature that has been made famous since the MVVM pattern's introduction is the RelayCommand (there are manny other versions of course, but I just stick to the most commonly used). Its an implementation of the ICommand interface that allows you to crate a new command in your ViewModel.
Back to your question,here is an example of what your ViewModel may look like.
public class OpenFileDialogVM : ViewModelBase
public static RelayCommand OpenCommand { get; set; }
private string _selectedPath;
public string SelectedPath
get { return _selectedPath; }
_selectedPath = value;
private string _defaultPath;
public OpenFileDialogVM()
public OpenFileDialogVM(string defaultPath)
_defaultPath = defaultPath;
private void RegisterCommands()
OpenCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecuteOpenFileDialog);
private void ExecuteOpenFileDialog()
var dialog = new OpenFileDialog { InitialDirectory = _defaultPath };
SelectedPath = dialog.FileName;
ViewModelBase and RelayCommand are both from the MVVM Toolkit. Here is what the XAML may look like.
<TextBox Text="{Binding SelectedPath}" />
<Button Command="vm:OpenFileDialogVM.OpenCommand" >Browse</Button>
and your XAML.CS code behind.
DataContext = new OpenFileDialogVM();
Thats it.
As you get more familiar with the commands, you can also set conditions as to when you want the Browse button to be disabled, etc. I hope that pointed you in the direction you wanted.
In my opinion the best solution is creating a custom control.
The custom control I usually create is composed from:
Textbox or textblock
Button with an image as template
String dependency property where the file path will be wrapped to
So the *.xaml file would be like this
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<TextBox Grid.Column="0" Text="{Binding Text, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl}}"/>
<Button Grid.Column="1" Click="Button_Click">
<Image Grid.Column="1" Source="../Images/carpeta.png"/>
And the *.cs file:
public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Text",
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null,
FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Journal));
public string Text
return this.GetValue(TextProperty) as String;
this.SetValue(TextProperty, value);
public FilePicker()
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
if(openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
this.Text = openFileDialog.FileName;
At the end you can bind it to your view model:
<controls:customFilePicker Text="{Binding Text}"/>
From my perspective the best option is the prism library and InteractionRequests. The action to open the dialog remains within the xaml and gets triggered from Viewmodel while the Viewmodel does not need to know anything about the view.
See also
As example see:

How should the ViewModel close the form?

I'm trying to learn WPF and the MVVM problem, but have hit a snag.
This question is similar but not quite the same as this one (handling-dialogs-in-wpf-with-mvvm)...
I have a "Login" form written using the MVVM pattern.
This form has a ViewModel which holds the Username and Password, which are bound to the view in the XAML using normal data bindings.
It also has a "Login" command which is bound to the "Login" button on the form, agan using normal databinding.
When the "Login" command fires, it invokes a function in the ViewModel which goes off and sends data over the network to log in. When this function completes, there are 2 actions:
The login was invalid - we just show a MessageBox and all is fine
The login was valid, we need to close the Login form and have it return true as its DialogResult...
The problem is, the ViewModel knows nothing about the actual view, so how can it close the view and tell it to return a particular DialogResult?? I could stick some code in the CodeBehind, and/or pass the View through to the ViewModel, but that seems like it would defeat the whole point of MVVM entirely...
In the end I just violated the "purity" of the MVVM pattern and had the View publish a Closed event, and expose a Close method. The ViewModel would then just call view.Close. The view is only known via an interface and wired up via an IOC container, so no testability or maintainability is lost.
It seems rather silly that the accepted answer is at -5 votes! While I'm well aware of the good feelings that one gets by solving a problem while being "pure", Surely I'm not the only one that thinks that 200 lines of events, commands and behaviors just to avoid a one line method in the name of "patterns" and "purity" is a bit ridiculous....
I was inspired by Thejuan's answer to write a simpler attached property. No styles, no triggers; instead, you can just do this:
<Window ...
xc:DialogCloser.DialogResult="{Binding DialogResult}">
This is almost as clean as if the WPF team had gotten it right and made DialogResult a dependency property in the first place. Just put a bool? DialogResult property on your ViewModel and implement INotifyPropertyChanged, and voilà, your ViewModel can close the Window (and set its DialogResult) just by setting a property. MVVM as it should be.
Here's the code for DialogCloser:
using System.Windows;
namespace ExCastle.Wpf
public static class DialogCloser
public static readonly DependencyProperty DialogResultProperty =
new PropertyMetadata(DialogResultChanged));
private static void DialogResultChanged(
DependencyObject d,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var window = d as Window;
if (window != null)
window.DialogResult = e.NewValue as bool?;
public static void SetDialogResult(Window target, bool? value)
target.SetValue(DialogResultProperty, value);
I've also posted this on my blog.
From my perspective the question is pretty good as the same approach would be used not only for the "Login" window, but for any kind of window. I've reviewed a lot of suggestions and none are OK for me. Please review my suggestion that was taken from the MVVM design pattern article.
Each ViewModel class should inherit from WorkspaceViewModel that has the RequestClose event and CloseCommand property of the ICommand type. The default implementation of the CloseCommand property will raise the RequestClose event.
In order to get the window closed, the OnLoaded method of your window should be overridden:
void CustomerWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
CustomerViewModel customer = CustomerViewModel.GetYourCustomer();
DataContext = customer;
customer.RequestClose += () => { Close(); };
or OnStartup method of you app:
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
MainWindow window = new MainWindow();
var viewModel = new MainWindowViewModel();
viewModel.RequestClose += window.Close;
window.DataContext = viewModel;
I guess that RequestClose event and CloseCommand property implementation in the WorkspaceViewModel are pretty clear, but I will show them to be consistent:
public abstract class WorkspaceViewModel : ViewModelBase
// There's nothing interesting in ViewModelBase as it only implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface
RelayCommand _closeCommand;
public ICommand CloseCommand
if (_closeCommand == null)
_closeCommand = new RelayCommand(
param => Close(),
param => CanClose()
return _closeCommand;
public event Action RequestClose;
public virtual void Close()
if ( RequestClose != null )
public virtual bool CanClose()
return true;
And the source code of the RelayCommand:
public class RelayCommand : ICommand
#region Constructors
public RelayCommand(Action<object> execute, Predicate<object> canExecute)
if (execute == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("execute");
_execute = execute;
_canExecute = canExecute;
#endregion // Constructors
#region ICommand Members
public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
return _canExecute == null ? true : _canExecute(parameter);
public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
add { CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value; }
remove { CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value; }
public void Execute(object parameter)
#endregion // ICommand Members
#region Fields
readonly Action<object> _execute;
readonly Predicate<object> _canExecute;
#endregion // Fields
P.S. Don't treat me badly for those sources! If I had them yesterday that would have saved me a few hours...
P.P.S. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.
There are a lot of comments arguing the pros and cons of MVVM here. For me, I agree with Nir; it's a matter of using the pattern appropriately and MVVM doesn't always fit. People seems to have become willing to sacrifice all of the most important principles of software design JUST to get it to fit MVVM.
That said,..i think your case could be a good fit with a bit of refactoring.
In most cases I've come across, WPF enables you to get by WITHOUT multiple Windows. Maybe you could try using Frames and Pages instead of Windows with DialogResults.
In your case my suggestion would be have LoginFormViewModel handle the LoginCommand and if the login is invalid, set a property on LoginFormViewModel to an appropriate value (false or some enum value like UserAuthenticationStates.FailedAuthentication). You'd do the same for a successful login (true or some other enum value). You'd then use a DataTrigger which responds to the various user authentication states and could use a simple Setter to change the Source property of the Frame.
Having your login Window return a DialogResult i think is where you're getting confused; that DialogResult is really a property of your ViewModel. In my, admittedly limited experience with WPF, when something doesn't feel right it usually because I'm thinking in terms of how i would've done the same thing in WinForms.
Hope that helps.
Assuming your login dialog is the first window that gets created, try this inside your LoginViewModel class:
void OnLoginResponse(bool loginSucceded)
if (loginSucceded)
Window1 window = new Window1() { DataContext = new MainWindowViewModel() };
App.Current.MainWindow = window;
LoginError = true;
This is a simple and clean solution - You add an event to the ViewModel and instruct the Window to close itself when that event is fired.
For more details see my blog post, Close window from ViewModel.
<i:EventTrigger SourceObject="{Binding}" EventName="Closed">
TargetObject="{Binding ElementName=this}"
private ICommand _SaveAndCloseCommand;
public ICommand SaveAndCloseCommand
return _SaveAndCloseCommand ??
(_SaveAndCloseCommand = new DelegateCommand(SaveAndClose));
private void SaveAndClose()
public event EventHandler Closed;
private void Close()
if (Closed != null) Closed(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Note: The example uses Prism's DelegateCommand (see Prism: Commanding), but any ICommand implementation can be used for that matter.
You can use behaviors from this official package.
The way I would handle it is to add an event handler in my ViewModel. When the user was successfully logged in I would fire the event. In my View I would attach to this event and when it fired I would close the window.
Here's what I initially did, which does work, however it seems rather long-winded and ugly (global static anything is never good)
1: App.xaml.cs
public partial class App : Application
// create a new global custom WPF Command
public static readonly RoutedUICommand LoggedIn = new RoutedUICommand();
2: LoginForm.xaml
// bind the global command to a local eventhandler
<CommandBinding Command="client:App.LoggedIn" Executed="OnLoggedIn" />
3: LoginForm.xaml.cs
// implement the local eventhandler in codebehind
private void OnLoggedIn( object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e )
DialogResult = true;
4: LoginFormViewModel.cs
// fire the global command from the viewmodel
private void OnRemoteServerReturnedSuccess()
App.LoggedIn.Execute(this, null);
I later on then removed all this code, and just had the LoginFormViewModel call the Close method on it's view. It ended up being much nicer and easier to follow. IMHO the point of patterns is to give people an easier way to understand what your app is doing, and in this case, MVVM was making it far harder to understand than if I hadn't used it, and was now an anti-pattern.
Ok, so this question is nearly 6 years old and I still can't find in here what I think it's the proper answer, so allow me to share my "2 cents"...
I actually have 2 ways of doing it, first one is the simple one...the second on the right one, so if you are looking for the right one, just skip #1 and jump to #2:
1. Quick and Easy (but not complete)
If I have just a small project I sometimes just create a CloseWindowAction in the ViewModel:
public Action CloseWindow { get; set; } // In MyViewModel.cs
And whoever crates the View, or in the View's code behind I just set the Method the Action will call:
(remember MVVM is about separation of the View and the ViewModel...the View's code behins is still the View and as long as there is proper separation you are not violating the pattern)
If some ViewModel creates a new window:
private void CreateNewView()
MyView window = new MyView();
window.DataContext = new MyViewModel
CloseWindow = window.Close,
Or if you want it in your Main Window, just place it under your View's constructor:
public MyView()
this.DataContext = new MainViewModel
CloseWindow = this.Close
when you want to close the window, just call the Action on your ViewModel.
2. The right way
Now the proper way of doing it is using Prism (IMHO), and all about it can be found here.
You can make an Interaction Request, populate it with whatever data you will need in your new Window, lunch it, close it and even receive data back. All of this encapsulated and MVVM approved. You even get a status of how the Window was closed, like if the User Canceled or Accepted (OK button) the Window and data back if you need it. It's a bit more complicated and Answer #1, but it's a lot more complete, and a Recommended Pattern by Microsoft.
The link I gave have all the code snippets and examples, so I won't bother to place any code in here, just read the article of download the Prism Quick Start and run it, it's really simple to understad just a little more verbose to make it work, but the benefits are bigger than just closing a window.
public partial class MyWindow: Window
public ApplicationSelection()
MyViewModel viewModel = new MyViewModel();
DataContext = viewModel;
viewModel.RequestClose += () => { Close(); };
public class MyViewModel
//...Your code...
public event Action RequestClose;
public virtual void Close()
if (RequestClose != null)
public void SomeFunction()
//...Do something...
FYI, I ran into this same problem and I think I figured out a work around that doesn't require globals or statics, although it may not be the best answer. I let the you guys decide that for yourself.
In my case, the ViewModel that instantiates the Window to be displayed (lets call it ViewModelMain) also knows about the LoginFormViewModel (using the situation above as an example).
So what I did was to create a property on the LoginFormViewModel that was of type ICommand (Lets call it CloseWindowCommand). Then, before I call .ShowDialog() on the Window, I set the CloseWindowCommand property on the LoginFormViewModel to the window.Close() method of the Window I instantiated. Then inside the LoginFormViewModel all I have to do is call CloseWindowCommand.Execute() to close the window.
It is a bit of a workaround/hack I suppose, but it works well without really breaking the MVVM pattern.
Feel free to critique this process as much as you like, I can take it! :)
This is probably very late, but I came across the same problem and I found a solution that works for me.
I can't figure out how to create an app without dialogs(maybe it's just a mind block). So I was at an impasse with MVVM and showing a dialog. So I came across this CodeProject article:
Which is a UserControl that basically allows a window to be within the visual tree of another window(not allowed in xaml). It also exposes a boolean DependencyProperty called IsShowing.
You can set a style like,typically in a resourcedictionary, that basically displays the dialog whenever the Content property of the control != null via triggers:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type d:Dialog}">
<Trigger Property="HasContent" Value="True">
<Setter Property="Showing" Value="True" />
In the view where you want to display the dialog simply have this:
<d:Dialog Content="{Binding Path=DialogViewModel}"/>
And in your ViewModel all you have to do is set the property to a value(Note: the ViewModel class must support INotifyPropertyChanged for the view to know something happened ).
like so:
DialogViewModel = new DisplayViewModel();
To match the ViewModel with the View you should have something like this in a resourcedictionary:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:DisplayViewModel}">
With all of that you get a one-liner code to show dialog. The problem you get is you can't really close the dialog with just the above code. So that's why you have to put in an event in a ViewModel base class which DisplayViewModel inherits from and instead of the code above, write this
var vm = new DisplayViewModel();
vm.RequestClose += new RequestCloseHandler(DisplayViewModel_RequestClose);
DialogViewModel = vm;
Then you can handle the result of the dialog via the callback.
This may seem a little complex, but once the groundwork is laid, it's pretty straightforward. Again this is my implementation, I'm sure there are others :)
Hope this helps, it saved me.
You could have the ViewModel expose an event that the View registers to. Then, when the ViewModel decides its time to close the view, it fires that event which causes the view to close. If you want a specific result value passed back, then you would have a property in the ViewModel for that.
Why not just pass the window as a command parameter?
private void Cancel( Window window )
private ICommand _cancelCommand;
public ICommand CancelCommand
return _cancelCommand ?? ( _cancelCommand = new Command.RelayCommand<Window>(
( window ) => Cancel( window ),
( window ) => ( true ) ) );
<Window x:Class="WPFRunApp.MainWindow"
<Button Content="Cancel"
Command="{Binding Path=CancelCommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=_runWindow}" />
Just to add to the massive number of answers, I want to add the following. Assuming that you have a ICommand on your ViewModel, and you want that command to close its window (or any other action for that matter), you can use something like the following.
var windows = Application.Current.Windows;
for (var i=0;i< windows.Count;i++ )
if (windows[i].DataContext == this)
It's not perfect, and might be difficult to test (as it is hard to mock/stub a static) but it is cleaner (IMHO) than the other solutions.
I implemented Joe White's solution, but ran into problems with occasional "DialogResult can be set only after Window is created and shown as dialog" errors.
I was keeping the ViewModel around after the View was closed and occasionally I later opened a new View using the same VM. It appears that closing the new View before the old View had been garbage collected resulted in DialogResultChanged trying to set the DialogResult property on the closed window, thus provoking the error.
My solution was to change DialogResultChanged to check the window's IsLoaded property:
private static void DialogResultChanged(
DependencyObject d,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var window = d as Window;
if (window != null && window.IsLoaded)
window.DialogResult = e.NewValue as bool?;
After making this change any attachments to closed dialogs are ignored.
I ended up blending Joe White's answer and some code from Adam Mills's answer, since I needed to show a user control in a programmatically created window. So the DialogCloser need not be on the window, it can be on the user control itself
<UserControl ...
xw:DialogCloser.DialogResult="{Binding DialogResult}">
And the DialogCloser will find the window of the user control if it was not attached to the window itself.
namespace Wpf
public static class DialogCloser
public static readonly DependencyProperty DialogResultProperty =
new PropertyMetadata(DialogResultChanged));
private static void DialogResultChanged(
DependencyObject d,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var window = d.GetWindow();
if (window != null)
window.DialogResult = e.NewValue as bool?;
public static void SetDialogResult(DependencyObject target, bool? value)
target.SetValue(DialogResultProperty, value);
public static class Extensions
public static Window GetWindow(this DependencyObject sender_)
Window window = sender_ as Window;
return window ?? Window.GetWindow( sender_ );
Behavior is the most convenient way here.
From one hand, it can be binded to the given viewmodel (that can
signal "close the form!")
From another hand, it has access to the form itself so can subscribe to necessary form-specific events, or show confirmation dialog, or anything else.
Writing necessary behavior can be seen boring very first time. However, from now on, you can reuse it on every single form you need by exact one-liner XAML snippet. And if necessary, you can extract it as a separate assembly so it can be included into any next project you want.
Another solution is to create property with INotifyPropertyChanged in View Model like DialogResult, and then in Code Behind write this:
public class SomeWindow: ChildWindow
private SomeViewModel _someViewModel;
public SomeWindow()
this.Loaded += SomeWindow_Loaded;
this.Closed += SomeWindow_Closed;
void SomeWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
_someViewModel = this.DataContext as SomeViewModel;
_someViewModel.PropertyChanged += _someViewModel_PropertyChanged;
void SomeWindow_Closed(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
_someViewModel.PropertyChanged -= _someViewModel_PropertyChanged;
this.Loaded -= SomeWindow_Loaded;
this.Closed -= SomeWindow_Closed;
void _someViewModel_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == SomeViewModel.DialogResultPropertyName)
this.DialogResult = _someViewModel.DialogResult;
The most important fragment is _someViewModel_PropertyChanged.
DialogResultPropertyName can be some public const string in SomeViewModel.
I use this kind of trick to make some changes in View Controls in case when this is hard to do in ViewModel. OnPropertyChanged in ViewModel you can do anything you want in View. ViewModel is still 'unit testable' and some small lines of code in code behind makes no difference.
I would go this way:
using GalaSoft.MvvmLight;
using GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Command;
using GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Messaging;
// View
public partial class TestCloseWindow : Window
public TestCloseWindow() {
Messenger.Default.Register<CloseWindowMsg>(this, (msg) => Close());
// View Model
public class MainViewModel: ViewModelBase
ICommand _closeChildWindowCommand;
public ICommand CloseChildWindowCommand {
get {
return _closeChildWindowCommand?? (_closeChildWindowCommand = new RelayCommand(() => {
Messenger.Default.Send(new CloseWindowMsg());
public class CloseWindowMsg
I've read all the answers but I must say, most of them are just not good enough or even worse.
You could handle this beatifully with DialogService class which responsibility is to show dialog window and return dialog result. I have create sample project demonstrating it's implementation and usage.
here are most important parts:
//we will call this interface in our viewmodels
public interface IDialogService
bool? ShowDialog(object dialogViewModel, string caption);
//we need to display logindialog from mainwindow
public class MainWindowViewModel : ViewModelBase
public string Message {get; set;}
public void ShowLoginCommandExecute()
var loginViewModel = new LoginViewModel();
var dialogResult = this.DialogService.ShowDialog(loginViewModel, "Please, log in");
//after dialog is closed, do someting
if (dialogResult == true && loginViewModel.IsLoginSuccessful)
this.Message = string.Format("Hello, {0}!", loginViewModel.Username);
public class DialogService : IDialogService
public bool? ShowDialog(object dialogViewModel, string caption)
var contentView = ViewLocator.GetView(dialogViewModel);
var dlg = new DialogWindow
Title = caption
dlg.PART_ContentControl.Content = contentView;
return dlg.ShowDialog();
Isn't this just simpler? more straitforward, more readable and last but not least easier to debug than EventAggregator or other similar solutions?
as you can see, In my view models I'm have used ViewModel first approach described in my post here: Best practice for calling View from ViewModel in WPF
Of course, in real world, the DialogService.ShowDialog must have more option to configure the dialog, e.g. buttons and commands they should execute. There are different way of doing so, but its out of scope :)
While this doesn't answer the question of how to do this via the viewmodel, this does show how to do it using only XAML + the blend SDK.
I chose to download and use two files from the Blend SDK, both of which you can as a package from Microsoft through NuGet. The files are:
System.Windows.Interactivity.dll and Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.dll
Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.dll gives you nice capabilities such as the ability to set property or invoke a method on your viewmodel or other target and has other widgets inside as well.
Some XAML:
<Window x:Class="Blah.Blah.MyWindow"
<Button x:Name="OKButton" Content="OK">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
TargetObject="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Window}}}"
IsEnabled="{Binding SomeBoolOnTheVM}" />
<Button x:Name="CancelButton" Content="Cancel">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
TargetObject="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Window}}}"
Value="False" />
<Button x:Name="CloseButton" Content="Close">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
<!-- method being invoked should be void w/ no args -->
TargetObject="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Window}}}"
MethodName="Close" />
Note that if you're just going for simple OK/Cancel behavior, you can get away w/ using the IsDefault and IsCancel properties as long as the window is shown w/ Window.ShowDialog().
I personally had problems w/ a button that had the IsDefault property set to true, but it was hidden when the page is loaded. It didn't seem to want to play nicely after it was shown, so I just am setting the Window.DialogResult property as shown above instead and it works for me.
Here is the simple bug free solution (with source code), It is working for me.
Derive your ViewModel from INotifyPropertyChanged
Create a observable property CloseDialog in ViewModel
public void Execute()
// Do your task here
// if task successful, assign true to CloseDialog
CloseDialog = true;
private bool _closeDialog;
public bool CloseDialog
get { return _closeDialog; }
set { _closeDialog = value; OnPropertyChanged(); }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName]string property = "")
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property));
Attach a Handler in View for this property change
_loginDialogViewModel = new LoginDialogViewModel();
loginPanel.DataContext = _loginDialogViewModel;
_loginDialogViewModel.PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged;
Now you are almost done. In the event handler make DialogResult = true
protected void OnPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs args)
if (args.PropertyName == "CloseDialog")
DialogResult = true;
Create a Dependency Property in your View/any UserControl(or Window you want to close). Like below:
public bool CloseTrigger
get { return (bool)GetValue(CloseTriggerProperty); }
set { SetValue(CloseTriggerProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty CloseTriggerProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("CloseTrigger", typeof(bool), typeof(ControlEventBase), new PropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(OnCloseTriggerChanged)));
private static void OnCloseTriggerChanged(DependencyObject dp, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
//write Window Exit Code
And bind it from your ViewModel's property:
<Window x:Class="WpfStackOverflowTempProject.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Width="525"
CloseTrigger="{Binding Path=CloseWindow,Mode=TwoWay}"
Property In VeiwModel:
private bool closeWindow;
public bool CloseWindow
get { return closeWindow; }
closeWindow = value;
Now trigger the close operation by changing the CloseWindow value in ViewModel. :)
Where you need to close the window, simply put this in the viewmodel:
foreach (Window window in Application.Current.Windows)
if (window.DataContext == this)
Thats enough!

