I am developing an application in C# using National Instruments Daqmx for performing measurements on certain hardware.
My setup consists of several detectors from which I have to get data during a set period of time, all the while updating my UI with this data.
public class APD : IDevice
// Some members and properties go here, removed for clarity.
public event EventHandler ErrorOccurred;
public event EventHandler NewCountsAvailable;
// Constructor
public APD(
string __sBoardID,
string __sPulseGenCtr,
string __sPulseGenTimeBase,
string __sPulseGenTrigger,
string __sAPDTTLCounter,
string __sAPDInputLine)
// Removed for clarity.
private void APDReadCallback(IAsyncResult __iaresResult)
if (this.m_daqtskRunningTask == __iaresResult.AsyncState)
// Get back the values read.
UInt32[] _ui32Values = this.m_rdrCountReader.EndReadMultiSampleUInt32(__iaresResult);
// Do some processing here!
if (NewCountsAvailable != null)
NewCountsAvailable(this, new EventArgs());
// Read again only if we did not yet read all pixels.
if (this.m_dTotalCountsRead != this.m_iPixelsToRead)
this.m_rdrCountReader.BeginReadMultiSampleUInt32(-1, this.m_acllbckCallback, this.m_daqtskAPDCount);
// Removed for clarity.
catch (DaqException exception)
// Removed for clarity.
private void SetupAPDCountAndTiming(double __dBinTimeMilisec, int __iSteps)
// Do some things to prepare hardware.
public void StartAPDAcquisition(double __dBinTimeMilisec, int __iSteps)
this.m_bIsDone = false;
// Prepare all necessary tasks.
this.SetupAPDCountAndTiming(__dBinTimeMilisec, __iSteps);
// Removed for clarity.
// Begin reading asynchronously on the task. We always read all available counts.
this.m_rdrCountReader.BeginReadMultiSampleUInt32(-1, this.m_acllbckCallback, this.m_daqtskAPDCount);
public void Stop()
// Removed for clarity.
The object representing the detector basically calls a BeginXXX operation with a callback that holds the EndXXX en also fires an event indicating data available.
I have up to 4 of these detector objects as members of my UI form. I call the Start() method on all of them in sequence to start my measurement. This works and the NewCountsAvailable event fires for all four of them.
Due to the nature of my implementation, the BeginXXX method is called on the UI thread and the Callback and the Event are also on this UI thread. Therefore I cannot use some kind of while loop inside my UI thread to constantly update my UI with the new data because the events constantly fire (I tried this). I also do not want to use some kind of UpdateUI() method in each of the four NewCountsAvailable eventhandlers since this will load my system too much.
Since I am new to threaded programming in C# I am now stuck;
1) What is the "proper" way to handle a situation like this?
2) Is my implementation of the detector object sound? Should I call the Start() methods on these four detector objects from yet another thread?
3) Could I use a timer to update my UI every few hundred miliseconds, irrespective of what the 4 detector objects are doing?
I really have no clue!
I'd use a simple deferred update system.
1) Worker threads signal "data ready" by raising an event
2) UI thread listens for the event. When it is received, it just sets a "data needs updating" flag and returns, so minimal processing occurs on the event itself.
3) UI thread uses a timer (or sits on Application.Idle events) to check the "data needs updating" flag and, if necessary, update the UI. In many cases, UI only needs to be updated once or twice a second, so this need not burn a lot of CPU time.
This allows the UI to continue running as normal all the time (remaining interactive for the user), but within a short period of some data being ready, it is displayed in the UI.
Additionally, and most importantly for good UI, this approach can be used to allow multiple "data ready" events to fire and be rolled into a single UI update. This means that if 10 pieces of data are completed in close succession, the UI updates once rather than your window flickering for several seconds as the UI redraws (unnecessarily) 10 times.
I would try moving the IDevice monitoring logic to seperate threads for each device. The UI can then poll for values via a timer event, button click or some other UI related event. That way your UI will remain responsive and your threads are doing all the heavy lifting. Here's a basic example of this using a continuous loop. Obviously, this is a brutally simple example.
public partial class Form1 : Form
int count;
Thread t = null;
public Form1()
private void ProcessLogic()
//CPU intensive loop, if this were in the main thread
//UI hangs...
while (true)
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Cannot directly call ProcessLogic, hangs UI thread.
//instead, run it in another thread and poll needed values
//see button1_Click
t = new Thread(ProcessLogic);
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
button1.Text = count.ToString();
Some updates to reflect the new data you've provided:
Although I have my doubts that your EndXXX methods are happening on the UI thread, I still think you should spawn off the work to a background thread and then update the UI either as events are fired or as needed.
Because you've added a tight while loop in your UI, you need to call Application.DoEvents to allow your other events to be called.
Here's an updated sample that shows results in the UI as they occur:
public class NewCountArgs : EventArgs
public NewCountArgs(int count)
Count = count;
public int Count
get; protected set;
public class ADP
public event EventHandler<NewCountArgs> NewCountsAvailable;
private double _interval;
private double _steps;
private Thread _backgroundThread;
public void StartAcquisition(double interval, double steps)
_interval = interval;
_steps = steps;
// other setup work
_backgroundThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StartBackgroundWork));
private void StartBackgroundWork()
// setup async calls on this thread
m_rdrCountReader.BeginReadMultiSampleUInt32(-1, Callback, _steps);
private void Callback(IAsyncResult result)
int counts = 0;
// read counts from result....
// raise event for caller
if (NewCountsAvailable != null)
NewCountsAvailable(this, new NewCountArgs(counts));
public class Form1 : Form
private ADP _adp1;
private TextBox txtOutput; // shows updates as they occur
delegate void SetCountDelegate(int count);
public Form1()
InitializeComponent(); // assume txtOutput initialized here
public void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_adp1 = new ADP( .... );
_adp1.NewCountsAvailable += NewCountsAvailable;
// your NewCountsAvailable callbacks will queue up
// and will need to be processed
// final work here
// this event handler will be called from a background thread
private void NewCountsAvailable(object sender, NewCountArgs newCounts)
// don't update the UI here, let a thread-aware method do it
private void SetNewCounts(int counts)
// if the current thread isn't the UI thread
if (txtOutput.IsInvokeRequired)
// create a delegate for this method and push it to the UI thread
SetCountDelegate d = new SetCountDelegate(SetNewCounts);
this.Invoke(d, new object[] { counts });
// update the UI
txtOutput.Text += String.Format("{0} - Count Value: {1}", DateTime.Now, counts);
I don't know if I fully understand. What if you update you an object that contains the current data. So the callback don't directly interact with the UI. Then you could update the UI at a fixed rate, e.g. n times per second from another thread. See this post on updating UI from a background thread. I am assuming that you are using Windows Forms and not WPF.
The B* * *dy captcha system decided it was a good idea to lose my answer I spent half an hour typing without so much as a warning or a chance to correct... so here we go again:
public class APD : IDevice
// Some members and properties go here, removed for clarity.
public event EventHandler ErrorOccurred;
public event EventHandler NewCountsAvailable;
public UInt32[] BufferedCounts
// Get for the _ui32Values returned by the EndReadMultiSampleUInt32()
// after they were appended to a list. BufferdCounts therefore supplies
// all values read during the experiment.
public bool IsDone
// This gets set when a preset number of counts is read by the hardware or when
// Stop() is called.
// Constructor
public APD( some parameters )
// Removed for clarity.
private void APDReadCallback(IAsyncResult __iaresResult)
if (this.m_daqtskRunningTask == __iaresResult.AsyncState)
// Get back the values read.
UInt32[] _ui32Values = this.m_rdrCountReader.EndReadMultiSampleUInt32(__iaresResult);
// Do some processing here!
if (NewCountsAvailable != null)
NewCountsAvailable(this, new EventArgs());
// Read again only if we did not yet read all pixels.
if (this.m_dTotalCountsRead != this.m_iPixelsToRead)
this.m_rdrCountReader.BeginReadMultiSampleUInt32(-1, this.m_acllbckCallback, this.m_daqtskAPDCount);
// Removed for clarity.
catch (DaqException exception)
// Removed for clarity.
private void SetupAPDCountAndTiming(double __dBinTimeMilisec, int __iSteps)
// Do some things to prepare hardware.
public void StartAPDAcquisition(double __dBinTimeMilisec, int __iSteps)
this.m_bIsDone = false;
// Prepare all necessary tasks.
this.SetupAPDCountAndTiming(__dBinTimeMilisec, __iSteps);
// Removed for clarity.
// Begin reading asynchronously on the task. We always read all available counts.
this.m_rdrCountReader.BeginReadMultiSampleUInt32(-1, this.m_acllbckCallback, this.m_daqtskAPDCount);
public void Stop()
// Removed for clarity.
Note I added some things I mistakenly left out in the original post.
Now on my form I have code like this;
public partial class Form1 : Form
private APD m_APD1;
private APD m_APD2;
private APD m_APD3;
private APD m_APD4;
private DataDocument m_Document;
public Form1()
private void Button1_Click()
this.m_APD1 = new APD( ... ); // times four for all APD's
this.m_APD1.NewCountsAvailable += new EventHandler(m_APD1_NewCountsAvailable); // times 4 again...
this.m_APD1.StartAPDAcquisition( ... );
this.m_APD2.StartAPDAcquisition( ... );
this.m_APD3.StartAPDAcquisition( ... );
this.m_APD4.StartAPDAcquisition( ... );
while (!this.m_APD1.IsDone) // Actually I have to check all 4
// Some more code after the measurement is done.
private void m_APD1_NewCountsAvailable(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void UpdateUI()
// use the data contained in this.m_Document to fill the UI.
phew, I hope I dod not forget anything yping this a second time (that'll teach me not copying it before hitting Post).
What I see running this code is that;
1) The APD object works as advertised, it measures.
2) The NewCountsAvailable events fire and their handlers get executed
3) APD.StartAPDAcquisition() is called on the UI thread. Thus also BeginXXX is called on this thread. Therefore, by design, the callback is also on this thread and obviously also the NewCountsAvailable eventhandlers run on the UI thread. The only thing that is not on the UI thread is waiting for the hardware to return values to the BeginXXX EndXXX pair of calls.
4) Because the NewCountsAvailable events fire quite a lot, the while loop I intended to use for updating the UI does not run. Typically it runs once in the beginning and then somehow gets interupted by the eventhandlers that need to process. I do not fully understand this though, but it does not work...
I was thinking to solve this by getting rid of the while loop and putting a Forms.Timer on the form where UpdateUI() would be called from the Tick eventhandler. However, I do not know if this would be deemed "best practice". I also do not know if all these eventhandlers will eventually bring the UI thread to a crawl, I might need to add a few more of these APD objects in the future. Also UpdateUI() might contain some heavier code for calculating an image based on the values in m_Document. So the tick eventhandler might also be a resource drain in the timer approach. In case I use this solution I would also need to have a "Done" event in my APD class to notify when each APD finishes.
Should I perhaps not be working with events for notifying that new counts are available but instead work with some kind of "on demand" reading of APD.BufferedCounts and put the whole thing in yet another thread? I really haven't a clue...
I basically need a clean, lightweight solution that scales well should I add yet more APD's :)
I'm trying to use a background worker to update a listbox used for a status window in my Form in C#. It doesn't appear to work properly when the addToStausLog() method is called from another class outside of the MyForm class even though I pass an instance of the form to the other class that's calling the addToStatusLog update member. Instead the update doesn't happen until the class member finished and returns back to the MyForm class. Maybe there's a better a approach to creating real-time status windows that will run from any class that MyForm is passed into. I'm new to worker threads, so could someone review and let me know what I might be doing wrong or could improve on.
public MyForm()
// Setup background task to update listbox status so UI is unaffected
_lListBoxQue = new List<string>();
bw_listBoxBGWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
bw_listBoxBGWorker.DoWork += (o, args) => LstbxThread_doWork();
bw_listBoxBGWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += (o, args) => LstbxThread_completed();
private void LstbxThread_doWork()
private void LstbxThread_completed()
// Update listbox
lstStatusBox.Items.Clear(); // clear entries
public String addToStatusLog(String sMsg)
if (_lListBoxQue.Count > _iStatusLogMaxLines) // > max?
_lListBoxQue.RemoveAt(0); // remove top element?
if( !bw_listBoxBGWorker.IsBusy ) // background not busy?
bw_listBoxBGWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); // update listbox in back ground task
return sMsg;
This is the member that calls another class which attempts to call the addToStatusLog several times during the process, but the updates to the listbox don't happen until the MyClass(this).updateDB() finishes. I need to see real-time updates as the updateDB() function is running. There has to be a way to make this work, I'm hoping...
private void btnUpdateDB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_bIsUpdateEventRunning == false ) // is event not busy?
_bIsUpdateEventRunning = true;
new MyClass(this).updateDB();
_bIsUpdateEventRunning = false;
Example of class called to update the form listbox.
Public class MyClass{
private MyForm _pForm;
public MyClass(MyForm pForm){ _pForm= pForm; }
public void updateDB(){
_pForm.addToStatusLog("Hello World");
Updated Fix w/o background worker:
public String addToStatusLog(String sMsg)
if (_lListBoxQue.Count > _iStatusLogMaxLines) // > max?
_lListBoxQue.RemoveAt(0); // remove top element?
lstStatusBox.Items.Clear(); // clear entries
return sMsg;
Thread.Sleep is not the answer here. What you likely need is Application.DoEvents. This processes all messages currently waiting in the Windows message queue.
Thread.Sleep just tells the thread to go to sleep for the number of milliseconds you specify. If your background worker is running on the UI thread, you're putting the UI thread to sleep and it's effectively comatose. (Important: All Windows forms run on the UI thread.)
There are, of course, alternative designs that involve spinning up separate threads of execution. But these have their own issues, and you should be mindful of them before running blindly down that path.
To simplify the explanation of the strange behavior I am experiencing, I have this simple class named Log which fires 1 log events every 1000msec.
public static class Log
public delegate void LogDel(string msg);
public static event LogDel logEvent;
public static void StartMessageGeneration ()
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
I have the Form class below which is subscribed to the log events of the Log class so it can handle them and display in a simple text box.
Once a log message arrives, it is added to a list. Every 500msec, a timer object access that list so its content can be displayed in a text box.
public partial class Form1 : Form
private SynchronizationContext context;
private System.Threading.Timer guiTimer = null;
private readonly object syncLock = new object();
private List<string> listOfMessages = new List<string>();
public Form1()
context = SynchronizationContext.Current;
guiTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(TimerProcessor, this, 0, 500);
Log.logEvent += Log_logEvent;
private void Log_logEvent(string msg)
lock (syncLock)
private void TimerProcessor(object obj)
Form1 myForm = obj as Form1;
lock (myForm.syncLock)
if (myForm.listOfMessages.Count == 0)
myForm.context.Send(new SendOrPostCallback(delegate
foreach (string item in myForm.listOfMessages)
myForm.textBox1.AppendText(item + "\n");
}), null);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
The problem I see is that sometimes, there is a dead lock (application stuck). Seems that the 2 locks (1st one for adding to the list and the 2nd one for "retrieving" from the list) are somehow blocking each others.
1) reducing the rate of sending the messages from 1 sec to 200msec seems to help (not sure why)
2) Somehow something happens when returning to the GUI thread (using the synchronization context) and accessing the GUI control. If I don't return to the GUI thread, the 2 locks are working fine together...
Thanks everyone!
There's a few problems with your code, and a few... silly things.
First, your Log.StartMessageGeneration doesn't actually produce a log message every second, because you're not awaiting the task returned by Task.Delay - you're basically just creating a thousand timers very quickly (and pointlessly). The log generation is limited only by the Invoke. Using Thread.Sleep is a blocking alternative to Task.Delay if you don't want to use Tasks, await etc. Of course, therein lies your biggest problem - StartMessageGeneration is not asynchronous with respect to the UI thread!
Second, there's little point in using System.Threading.Timer on your form. Instead, just use the windows forms timer - it's entirely on the UI thread so there's no need for marshalling your code back to the UI thread. Since your TimerProcessor doesn't do any CPU work and it only blocks for a very short time, it's the more straight-forward solution.
If you decide to keep using System.Threading.Timer anyway, there's no point in manually dealing with synchronization contexts - just use BeginInvoke on the form; the same way, there's no point in passing the form as an argument to the method, since the method isn't static. this is your form. You can actually see this is the case since you omitted myForm in listOfMessages.Clear() - the two instances are the same, myForm is superfluous.
A simple pause in the debugger will easily tell you where the program is hung - learn to use the debugger well, and it will save you a lot of time. But let's just look at this logically. StartMessageGeneration runs on the UI thread, while System.Threading.Timer uses a thread-pool thread. When the timer locks syncLock, StartMessageGeneration can't enter the same lock, of course - that's fine. But then you Send to the UI thread, and... the UI thread can't do anything, since it's blocked by StartMessageGeneration, which never gives the UI an opportunity to do anything. And StartMessageGeneration can't proceed, because it's waiting on the lock. The only case where this "works" is when StartMessageGeneration runs fast enough to complete before your timer fires (thus freeing the UI thread to do its work) - which is very much possible due to your incorrect use of Task.Delay.
Now let's look on your "hints" with all we know. 1) is simply your bias in measurements. Since you never wait on the Task.Delay in any way, changing the interval does absolutely nothing (with a tiny change in case the delay is zero). 2) of course - that's where your deadlock is. Two pieces of code that depend on a shared resource, while they both require to take posession of another resource. It's a very typical case of a deadlock. Thread 1 is waiting for A to release B, and thread 2 is waiting for B to release A (in this case, A being syncLock and B being the UI thread). When you remove the Send (or replace it with Post), thread 1 no longer has to wait on B, and the deadlock disappears.
There's other things that make writing code like this simpler. There's little point in declaring your own delegate when you can just use Action<string>, for example; using await helps quite a bit when dealing with mixed UI/non-UI code, as well as managing any kind of asynchronous code. You don't need to use event where a simple function will suffice - you can just pass that delegate to a function that needs it if that makes sense, and it may make perfect sense not to allow multiple event handlers to be called. If you decide to keep with the event, at least make sure it conforms to the EventHandler delegate.
To show how your code can be rewritten to be a bit more up-to-date and actually work:
void Main()
Application.Run(new LogForm());
public static class Log
public static async Task GenerateMessagesAsync(Action<string> logEvent,
CancellationToken cancel)
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
await Task.Delay(1000, cancel);
public partial class LogForm : Form
private readonly List<string> messages;
private readonly Button btnStart;
private readonly Button btnStop;
private readonly TextBox tbxLog;
private readonly System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer;
public LogForm()
messages = new List<string>();
btnStart = new Button { Text = "Start" };
btnStart.Click += btnStart_Click;
btnStop =
new Button { Text = "Stop", Location = new Point(80, 0), Enabled = false };
tbxLog = new TextBox { Height = 200, Multiline = true, Dock = DockStyle.Bottom };
timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer { Interval = 500 };
timer.Tick += TimerProcessor;
private void TimerProcessor(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (var message in messages)
tbxLog.AppendText(message + Environment.NewLine);
private async void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
btnStart.Enabled = false;
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
EventHandler stopAction = (_, __) => cts.Cancel();
btnStop.Click += stopAction;
btnStop.Enabled = true;
await Log.GenerateMessagesAsync(message => messages.Add(message), cts.Token);
catch (TaskCanceledException)
btnStart.Enabled = true;
btnStop.Click -= stopAction;
btnStop.Enabled = false;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
SynchronizationContext.Send is run synchronously. When you call it, you actually block the UI thread until the operation is complete. But if UI thread is already in lock state, then it just make sense that you are in deadlock.
You can use SynchronizationContext.Post to avoid this.
I just answer on your question, but the truth is that your code need a "little" refactoring..
I hand-rolled a MVC-style implementation of a game that I want to autoplay. By "autoplay" I mean that the buttons that normally a user would click while playing I want a controller to automatically initiate. That way I can watch the game play itself for quality control reasons. This particular game has a lot of code, so instead of providing it as an example I've created a silly HelloWorld example using the same approach.
Before I provide the example, here is my issue: everything you see below is functional, and "works"; except for one thing: I'm unable to shut-off the autoplay because the UI becomes unresponsive and the button to turn it off won't respond to a click event.
First create a .Net 4.6.1 winforms project in a solution. (.net version probably doesn't matter as long as it is >= 4.5). Create a Form that looks like this:
In the code behind, copy paste this: (change names as needed to compile)
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WinformsExample
public partial class HelloWorldView : Form
private readonly HelloWorldController MyHelloWorldController;
public HelloWorldView()
MyHelloWorldController = new HelloWorldController();
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (MyHelloWorldController.IsAutomated)
private void HelloWorldView_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
MyHelloWorldController.HelloWorldRequestedEvent += OnHelloWorldRequested;
private void OnHelloWorldRequested(HelloWorldParameters parameters)
textBox1.Text += parameters.HelloWorldString + Environment.NewLine;
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MyHelloWorldController.IsAutomated = !MyHelloWorldController.IsAutomated;
if (MyHelloWorldController.IsAutomated)
button2.Text = "hello world - is on";
button2.Text = "hello world - is off";
And create a class titled HelloWorldController.cs and copy paste this in to it:
namespace WinformsExample
public class HelloWorldParameters
public string HelloWorldString { get; set; }
public delegate void HelloWorldEventHandler(HelloWorldParameters parameters);
public class HelloWorldController
private readonly HelloWorldParameters _parameters;
public event HelloWorldEventHandler HelloWorldRequestedEvent;
public bool IsAutomated { get; set; }
public HelloWorldController()
_parameters = new HelloWorldParameters();
public void HelloWorldRequested()
_parameters.HelloWorldString = "Hello world!!";
if (HelloWorldRequestedEvent != null)
...go ahead and rename things if you need to. Now build the program. Click the first button. You will see "hello world". Now click the second button, you will see "hello world" printed every 2 seconds.
The way I thought this would work is that by clicking button2 a second time, that it would stop the autoplay. However, the UI is unresponsive and the button click event never happens.
What is going on here that is causing the UI to be unresponsive and how can I fix it so that I get the intended behavior?
Keep everything the same as above except for HelloWorldView.cs. Remove the call to Thread.Sleep(). Drag and drop a timer from the toolbox to the design surface. You will see an icon on the bottom of the designer surface labeled
Copy paste the following code in to HelloWorldView.cs. Compile and execute. If everything is correct you should be able to turn on and off the "hello world" display by clicking the button at any time - the UI stays responsive.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WinformsExample
public partial class HelloWorldView : Form
private readonly HelloWorldController MyHelloWorldController;
public HelloWorldView()
MyHelloWorldController = new HelloWorldController();
private void onTimerTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void OnHelloWorldRequested(HelloWorldParameters parameters)
textBox1.Text += parameters.HelloWorldString + Environment.NewLine;
private void HelloWorldView_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
MyHelloWorldController.HelloWorldRequestedEvent += OnHelloWorldRequested;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MyHelloWorldController.IsAutomated = !MyHelloWorldController.IsAutomated;
if (MyHelloWorldController.IsAutomated)
button2.Text = "hello world - is on";
timer1.Interval = 2000;
timer1.Tick += onTimerTick;
button2.Text = "hello world - is off";
WinForms uses a single message pump thread (called the UI thread). (If you are unfamiliar with the concept you should research Windows messages and Windows message pump).
Thread.Sleep causes the currently executing thread the sleep, or pause, for a time. This sleep/pause is like death to the thread - it is aware of nothing and unable to do anything.
As the currently executing thread in a WinForms app is usually the UI thread - Thread.Sleep will cause the UI to become unresponsive because it is no longer able to pump messages.
An alternative design would be to use a form-based Timer. Place your game playing code in the Timer's Tick event.
What is going on here that is causing the UI to be unresponsive and how can I fix it so that I get the intended behavior?
There are essentially two reasons why your app becomes unresponsive.
1. Thread.Sleep() in UI thread
GUI applications on Windows are generally driven by messages (mouse clicks; keyboard; screen drawing) posted to it which are placed on a queue. The UI thread processes these messages one by one dispatching the message to the appropriate handler. In this way it is known as the Message Pump. If during processing one of these messages too much time elapses, then the UI will appear to freeze. Event handlers should be as fast as possible.
During your click handlers you are using Thread.Sleep(2000); which will prevent the UI thread from updating the UI of your application, in essence simulating an event handler that takes far too long to process an event. It is perhaps no different to say performing a lengthy database or WCF operation on the UI thread, hence why people tend to put such calls on a separate thread or task.
Recommend you remove the Thread.Sleep and replace it with a timer as others have indicated.
2. Infinite Recursive Loop on button1 handler
When you click button2 for the first time, the click handler for button2 is invoked where automation is enabled. You then simulate button1 being clicked via button1.PerformClick();.
During the call to button1.PerformClick, the click handler for button1 button1_Click() is invoked. It is there that you sleep for 2 seconds (which isn't healthy for the UI) but the secondary problem is that you immediately call button1.PerformClick(); from inside the button1 click handler, in essence setting up an infinite recursive loop.
If you were to remove the Thread.Sleep(2000) your app will eventually lead to a StackOverflowException. Your code as it stands now (even with the sleep) will still overflow, it's just that it will take much longer to become apparent.
Again, consider replacing it with a timer.
3. Exclusivity
It's important to note that ignoring the stack fault for a moment, the design is such that your app can't do anything else whilst this infinite loop is running. So if your game had other buttons to click; scores to display; sound effects to play; all from the point of view of the button2 handler, most likely it will never happen because it is too busy exclusively processing button1.
Keep UI responsive: Avoid Thread.Sleep() in your code
Avoid recursion: Don't use PerformClick() for a button whilst you are inside the click handler for said button
Your "Thread.Sleep()" call puts the UI thread to sleep. Use a Timer instead. Then terminate the Timer on the second press. (You could also do this with Tasks, if you want to use another thread you need to make the 2 threads communicate in someway so that the UI thread is the only one actually updating the UI)
Desktop applications have a so called UI thread. It's basically an infinite loop which keeps checking if something happened, such as a mouse click, and redraws the window if needed. Coding in WinAPI you would need to write this loop yourself, WinForms and other UI frameworks hide it away. But your click handler is called from inside this loop. So if your code takes too much time - like, because you call Thread.Sleep inside - the loop will not continue and will not be able to process anything that is happening to the application. This why long-running processes need to take place on a separate thread.
As others have said, you are blocking the UI thread with the Thread.Sleep and recursive button1.PerformClick(); call. You have to let the UI run as freely as possible and let it go idle quickly.
So, just for the fun of it I have rewritten your code to do just that. I've also implemented it with Microsoft's Reactive Extensions (Rx) - just NuGet "Rx-WinForms" to get the bits. Rx allows you to do some very funky things that you can't easily do with events.
Here's your form now:
public partial class HelloWorldView : Form
private readonly HelloWorldController MyHelloWorldController =
new HelloWorldController("Hello world!!", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0));
public HelloWorldView()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
.Subscribe(message =>
textBox1.Text += message + Environment.NewLine;
.Subscribe(isAutomated =>
button2.Text = "hello world - is " + (isAutomated ? "on" : "off");
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MyHelloWorldController.IsAutomated = !MyHelloWorldController.IsAutomated;
You'll notice that I've simplified down the UI. It really does as little as possible to update itself and to notify the HelloWorldController of its actions.
The worst part of the code are the two .Subscribe calls in Form1_Load. These are simply looking at the two observables (Rx's version of events if you like) and makes sure the events are run on the UI thread with the .ObserveOn(this) call, and then they subscribe to values produced from the HelloWorldController.
The UI is simply updating itself from the controller and telling the controller what it is doing. There is virtually no logic being performed in the UI. This is how it should be with any MVC-style coding.
Now the HelloWorldController is where the fun is.
It starts off pretty simply:
private string _message;
private TimeSpan _automatedPeriod;
public HelloWorldController(string Message, TimeSpan automatedPeriod)
_message = Message;
_automatedPeriod = automatedPeriod;
This is basically the information about what message to send to the UI and how often when the controller is automating the values.
It then tracks whether it is automated or not:
private bool _isAutomated = false;
Now it contains the Rx observables - these are like the events you were using.
private Subject<string> _messages = new Subject<string>();
public IObservable<string> Messages { get { return _messages.AsObservable(); } }
private Subject<bool> _isAutomateds = new Subject<bool>();
public IObservable<bool> IsAutomateds { get { return _isAutomateds.AsObservable(); } }
private SerialDisposable _serialSubscription = new SerialDisposable();
In Rx an IObservable<T> is something I can subscribe to to get a series of values - just like an event. The Subject<T> is something that I can manually push values into, but it also can be an IObservable<T> that can be subscribed to. It's the pair of these that lets me raise events. Think of the Subject<string> to be the equivalent of the HelloWorldRequested method in your code and the IObservable<string> to be the equivalent of the HelloWorldRequestedEvent event.
If I call _messages.OnNext("Hello") then any subscribers to IObservable<string> Messages would get a "Hello" sent to them. Just like an event.
IsAutomated looks like this:
public bool IsAutomated
get { return _isAutomated; }
_isAutomated = value;
if (_isAutomated)
So it does its job of updating its own internal state, but it also calls _isAutomateds.OnNext(value) to push out the updates to any subscribers of IObservable<bool> IsAutomateds. It also works out if it needs to trigger the controller to produce messages with the this.Trigger() call.
Finally the Trigger method looks like this:
public void Trigger()
if (_isAutomated)
_serialSubscription.Disposable =
.TakeUntil(_isAutomateds.Where(x => x == false))
.Subscribe(n => _messages.OnNext(_message));
The easy part of this is when the _isAutomated is false then it simply sends one message out via the _messages.OnNext(_message) call.
When _isAutomated is true it uses some of the coolness of Rx to set up effectively a timer to produce values every TimeSpan _automatedPeriod. From your code you wanted every 2 seconds so the TimeSpan would be TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0).
Observable.Interval(_automatedPeriod) defines a timer that begins producing values after the first period of time and then every period of time between.
So the .StartWith(0) says that it should immediately produce a value when it is subscribed to.
The .TakeUntil(_isAutomateds.Where(x => x == false)) is the best part here - it says that it will take the values from the the Observable.Interval(_automatedPeriod).StartWith(0) and stop when it gets a value from _isAutomateds.Where(x => x == false) - in other words when the IsAutomated is set to false.
The .Subscribe(n => _messages.OnNext(_message)); simply pushes a value to the _messages subject so that all subscribers of IObservable<string> Messages gets their messages.
Just put all of the HelloWorldController I've given you in public class HelloWorldController { ... } and you're good to go.
The works I think like it should and shows how lightweight the UI code can be.
I hope you find this worth playing with.
You'll need to add these using's to the top of your code to get all of the code to compile:
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
Im trying to update a progress bar while doing some data type checks on a separate thread and there seems to be a delay between what value the progress bar is at and the value which is actually show.
The following code is executed by the non-GUI thread and is used to raise the event.
protected virtual void OnUpdateProgressBar(object sender, ProgressBarEventArgs e)
EventHandler<ProgressBarEventArgs> TempHandler = UpdateProgressBar;
//Avoid possible race condition.
if (TempHandler != null)
TempHandler(this, e);
I have created a separate class for updating the progress bar and when i create an instance of it, i pass a reference to the progress bar. Below is the entire class.
public class ProgressBarChanged
ProgressBar statusBar;
public ProgressBarChanged(ProgressBar pb)
statusBar = pb;
statusBar.Value = 0;
public ProgressBarChanged()
public void subscribeToEvent(DataVerification test)
test.UpdateProgressBar += new EventHandler<ProgressBarEventArgs>(incrementPB);
public void incrementPB(object sender, ProgressBarEventArgs e)
Action action = () =>
if (e.CurrentRow == e.FinalRow - 10)
int i = 5;
statusBar.Maximum = e.FinalRow;
statusBar.Value = e.CurrentRow;
I have uploaded a screen shot showing the progress bar and the actual values.
Any ideas???
The progessbar is a simple feedback to the user, not a piece of exact instrumentation. It's a pacifier.
It also incorporates it's own async logic to update the screen (independent of the message loop). This makes that it may run a little behind.
What's the big deal?
To get more accurate results, divide your range into < 100 segments and do fewer updates.
A delay is pretty normal. After all, invoking a method in the UI thread means Windows will dispatch a message and if your thread is fast enough (and CPU consuming) then it'll appear faster than UI.
I have a class to launch background operations in a WinForms application. I need to write this background worker since my requisites are using .NET 1.1, so I cannot use BackgroundWorker, that is only available from .NET 2.0
This class get a delegate and execute it in a thread. I want the main thread to respond to events.
I also want to indicate that the operation is running setting the application cursor to Cursors.WaitCursor.
What do you think about current implementation? I'm interested in the method WaitTillThreadFinishes(), because I'm not sure about Application.DoEvents(), please read the code and share with me opinions about WaitTillThreadFinishes.
The following code executes the operation:
private object ExecuteOperation (Delegate target, params object[] parameters)
mTargetDelegate = target;
mTargetParameters = parameters;
mTargetThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadProc));
mTargetThread.Name = mTargetDelegate.Method.Name;
mOperationFinished = false;
// start threaded operation
// perform active waiting
return mTargetResult;
The following code is executed in a thread, simply call the delegate, and wrap exceptions:
protected virtual void ThreadProc()
mTargetResult = mTargetDelegate.DynamicInvoke(mTargetParameters);
catch (ThreadAbortException) { }
catch (Exception ex)
//manage exceptions here ...
mOperationFinished = true;
And this is the code performs an active waiting. I'm interested on share with you. Any better option? Any pain calling Application.DoEvents() massively?
private void WaitTillThreadFinishes ()
// Active wait to respond to events with a WaitCursor
while (!mOperationFinished)
// sleep to avoid CPU usage
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Thanks in advance.
Please let me know if i understood your question correctly.
Why dont you use an event to notify the UI that the worker finished his job?
This way, the UI doen't get blocked by the worker, and you avoid busy waiting.
Sample Implementation
public class MyBackgroundWorker
// Fields
private Delegate _target;
private object[] _arguments;
// Events
public event EventHandler RunWorkerStarted;
public event EventHandler<RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs> RunWorkerCompleted;
// Event Invocators
public void InvokeRunWorkerStarted()
var handler = RunWorkerStarted;
if (handler != null) handler(this, new EventArgs());
public void InvokeRunWorkerCompleted(object result)
var handler = RunWorkerCompleted;
if (handler != null) handler(this, new RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs(result));
public void RunWorkerAsync(Delegate target, params object[] arguments)
_target = target;
_arguments = arguments;
new Thread(DoWork).Start(arguments);
// Helper method to run the target delegate
private void DoWork(object obj)
// Retrieve the target delegate's result and invoke the RunWorkerCompleted event with it (for simplicity, I'm sending null)
internal class RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs : EventArgs
public RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs(object result)
Result = result;
public object Result { get; set; }
In the UI you can use it this way:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var worker = new MyBackgroundWorker();
worker.RunWorkerStarted += worker_RunWorkerStarted;
worker.RunWorkerCompleted += worker_Completed;
worker.RunWorkerAsync(new MethodInvoker(SomeLengthyOperation), null);
void worker_RunWorkerStarted(object sender, EventArgs e)
void worker_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Worker completed");
private void SomeLengthyOperation()
Final Notes
Remember to Invoke() in the event handlers to access the UI thread correctly. You can also modify the worker so this is done in a safe way.
There isn't much support in 1.1 for doing this, but I'll tell you what I'd do (sorry, no code at this time).
As for the asynchronous operation, I'd use the APM to kick off and complete the asynchronous method. This is fully supported in 1.1, so no worries there.
The idea is that in the UI, you store some indication that work is being done (a boolean field, for example) and (optionally) a Timer used to "wake up" the UI on a regular basis to check on the current status of the background work and indicate this to the user.
You would set the boolean to indicate you are working in the background, call BeginInvoke() on your delegate (using the overload that takes a callback search for "Executing a Callback Method When an Asynchronous Call Completes
"), and start the Timer. When the user attempts to use the UI, you would optionally check the boolean and cancel the operation, thus preventing the user from doing something harmful while you are waiting. When the timer Ticks, you can check the status of your asynchronous method by, say, a shared field that the method writes updates to and the UI reads. For example, a double which the UI uses to update a progress bar.
Once the callback fires, you clean up your asynchronous mess (i.e., call EndInvoke, and handle any exceptions thrown, etc), turn off the Timer and reset your boolean running indication field.
By using this method, you can keep the UI completely responsive (and partially usable, depending on your overall design), can set up a mechanism to abort the background worker (through the use of another field, the reverse of the boolean mentioned earlier, and inform the user of the status of the operation.
There is occasionally a case for kicking off a thread and waiting for its return, if you are doing other things in the meantime, but in this case, with the code you have shown, it is meaningless.
If you want the threadProc to allow for events to be processed, then call doevents in that, which will free up the CPU briefly, allowing for processing.
Unless you have a particular reason for needing to thread processes, you should not do it. Getting it right - as Ian Boyd has said - is difficult, and the more you need to interact with it the harder it is. If you can run fire-and-forget threads, that is the easiest.
Ideally you start the asynchronous operation and leave your form alone (aside from maybe using the Cursors.AppStarting cursor).
When your threaded operation completes, it then needs to fire some sort of BackgroundOperationComplete event. This is where your would call from your asynchronous delegate code:
The form's BackgroundOperationComplete method is where you can handle the fact that the background operation is complete:
void BackgroundOperationComplete()
this.Cursor = Cursors.DefaultCursor;
lblAnswer.Text = "The thread is done";
If all else fails, keep the operation synchronous, and use an IProgressDialog. (brief conceptual pseudo-code from memory):
void DoStuff()
IProgressDialog pd = new ProgressDialog();
pd.SetTitle = "Calculating Widgets";
pd.SetLine(1, "Please wait while the widgets are frobbed");
pd = null;