Given the start and the end of an integer range, how do I calculate a normally distributed random integer between this range?
I realize that the normal distribution goes into -+ infinity. I guess the tails can be cutoff, so when a random gets computed outside the range, recompute. This elevates the probability of integers in the range, but as long as the this effect is tolerable (<5%), it's fine.
public class Gaussian
private static bool uselast = true;
private static double next_gaussian = 0.0;
private static Random random = new Random();
public static double BoxMuller()
if (uselast)
uselast = false;
return next_gaussian;
double v1, v2, s;
v1 = 2.0 * random.NextDouble() - 1.0;
v2 = 2.0 * random.NextDouble() - 1.0;
s = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2;
} while (s >= 1.0 || s == 0);
s = System.Math.Sqrt((-2.0 * System.Math.Log(s)) / s);
next_gaussian = v2 * s;
uselast = true;
return v1 * s;
public static double BoxMuller(double mean, double standard_deviation)
return mean + BoxMuller() * standard_deviation;
public static int Next(int min, int max)
return (int)BoxMuller(min + (max - min) / 2.0, 1.0);
I probably need to scale the standard deviation some how relative to the range, but don't understand how.
// Will approximitely give a random gaussian integer between min and max so that min and max are at
// 3.5 deviations from the mean (half-way of min and max).
public static int Next(int min, int max)
double deviations = 3.5;
int r;
while ((r = (int)BoxMuller(min + (max - min) / 2.0, (max - min) / 2.0 / deviations)) > max || r < min)
return r;
If the Box-Muller method returns a "standard" normal distribution, it will have mean 0 and standard deviation 1. To transform a standard normal distribution, you multiply your random number by X to get standard deviation X, and you add Y to obtain mean Y, if memory serves me correctly.
See the Wikipedia article's section on normalizing standard normal variables (property 1) for a more formal proof.
In response to your comment, the rule of thumb is that 99.7% of a normal distribution will be within +/- 3 times the standard deviation. If you need a normal distribution from 0 to 100 for instance, than your mean will be halfway, and your SD will be (100/2)/3 = 16.667. So whatever values you get out of your Box-Muller algorithm, multiply by 16.667 to "stretch" the distribution out, then add 50 to "center" it.
John, in response to your newest comment, I'm really not sure what is the point of the Next function. It always uses a standard deviation of 1 and a mean of halfway between your min and max.
If you want a mean of Y, with ~99.7% of the numbers in the range -X to +X, then you just call BoxMuller(Y, X/3).
Well, the -2*sigma..+2*sigma will give you 95% of the bell curve.
(check the "Standard deviation and confidence intervals" section in the already mentioned wiki article).
So modify this piece:
return (int)BoxMuller(min + (max - min) / 2.0, 1.0);
and change 1.0 (standard deviation) to 2.0 (or even more if you want more than 95% coverage)
return (int)BoxMuller(min + (max - min) / 2.0, 2.0);
I am trying to write a function that generates numbers between a minimum and a maximum value periodically that have a triangle wave form such as the Link the example in the link :
but i am not aiming to draw the line i just need the Y values
public float TriangleFunction(int time, float min, float max, int period)
return (max - min) / 2 / period * (period - Math.Abs(time % (2 * period) - period)) + (max + min) / 2;
Values = Enumerable.Range(0, 1000).Select(index => Class1.TriangleFunction2(time++,0,1000, 6)).ToList()
This formula does generate the numbers correctly, but I can't seem to figure out what to use for the time value in a way that keeps it incrementing, and sets back to zero when a timer stops
I'm trying to create a random float generator (range of 0.0-1.0), where I can supply a single target value, and a strength value that increases or decreases the chance that this target will be hit. For example, if my target is 0.7, and I have a high strength value, I would expect the function to return mostly values around 0.7.
Put another way, I want a function that, when run a lot of times, would produce a distribution graph something like this:
Something like a bell curve, yes, but with a strict range limit (instead of the -inf/+inf range limit of a normal distribution). Clamping a normal distribution is not ideal, I want the distribution to naturally end at the range limits.
The approach I've been attempting is to come up with a formula to transform a value from uniform distribution to the mythical distribution I'm envisioning. Something like an inverse sine:
Inverse Sine
with the ability to widen out that middle point, via the strength value:
Widened Midpoint
and also the ability to move that midpoint up and down, via the target value:
Target changed to 0.7 (courtesy of MS Paint because I couldn't figure this part out mathematically)
The range of this theoretical "strength value" is up for debate. I could imagine either a limited value, say between 0 and 1, where 0 means it's uniform distribution and 1 means it's a 100% chance of hitting the target; or, I could imagine a value that approaches a 100% chance the higher it gets, without ever reaching it. Something along either line would work.
I'm working in C# but this can be language-agnostic. Any help pointing me in the right direction is appreciated. Also happy to clarify further.
I'm not a mathematician but I took a look and I feel like I got something that might work for you.
All i did was take the normal distribution formula:
and use 0.7 as mu to shift the distribution towards 0.7. I added a leading coefficient of 0.623 to shift the values to be between 0 and 1 and migrated it from formula to C#, this can be found below.
DistributedRandom random = new DistributedRandom();
// roll for the chance to hit
double roll = random.NextDouble();
// add a strength modifier to lower or strengthen the roll based on level or something
double actualRoll = 0.7d * roll;
public class DistributedRandom : Random
public double Mean { get; set; } = 0.7d;
private const double limit = 0.623d;
private const double alpha = 0.25d;
private readonly double sqrtOf2Pi;
private readonly double leadingCoefficient;
public DistributedRandom()
sqrtOf2Pi = Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI);
leadingCoefficient = 1d / (alpha * sqrtOf2Pi);
leadingCoefficient *= limit;
public override double NextDouble()
double x = base.NextDouble();
double exponent = -0.5d * Math.Pow((x - Mean) / alpha, 2d);
double result = leadingCoefficient * Math.Pow(Math.E,exponent);
return result;
In case you're not looking for output similar to the distribution histogram that you provided and instead want something more similar to the sigmoid function you drew I have created an alternate version.
Thanks to Ruzihm for pointing this out.
I went ahead and used the CDF for the normal distribution: where erf is defined as the error function: . I added a coefficient of 1.77 to scale the output to keep it within 0d - 1d.
It should produce numbers similar to this:
Here you can find the alternate class:
public class DistributedRandom : Random
public double Mean { get; set; } = 0.7d;
private const double xOffset = 1d;
private const double yOffset = 0.88d;
private const double alpha = 0.25d;
private readonly double sqrtOf2Pi = Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI);
private readonly double leadingCoefficient;
private const double cdfLimit = 1.77d;
private readonly double sqrt2 = Math.Sqrt(2);
private readonly double sqrtPi = Math.Sqrt(Math.PI);
private readonly double errorFunctionCoefficient;
private readonly double cdfDivisor;
public DistributedRandom()
leadingCoefficient = 1d / (alpha * sqrtOf2Pi);
errorFunctionCoefficient = 2d / sqrtPi;
cdfDivisor = alpha * sqrt2;
public override double NextDouble()
double x = base.NextDouble();
return CDF(x) - yOffset;
private double DistributionFunction(double x)
double exponent = -0.5d * Math.Pow((x - Mean) / alpha, 2d);
double result = leadingCoefficient * Math.Pow(Math.E, exponent);
return result;
private double ErrorFunction(double x)
return errorFunctionCoefficient * Math.Pow(Math.E,-Math.Pow(x,2));
private double CDF(double x)
x = DistributionFunction(x + xOffset)/cdfDivisor;
double result = 0.5d * (1 + ErrorFunction(x));
return cdfLimit * result;
I came up with a workable solution. This isn't quite as elegant as I was aiming for because it requires 2 random numbers per result, but it definitely fulfills the requirement. Basically it takes one random number, uses another random number that's exponentially curved towards 1, and lerps towards the target.
I wrote it out in python because it was easier for me to visualize the histogram of it:
import math
import random
# Linearly interpolate between a and b by t.
def lerp(a, b, t):
return ((1.0 - t) * a) + (t * b)
# What we want the median value to be.
target = 0.7
# How often we will hit that median value. (0 = uniform distribution, higher = greater chance of hitting median)
strength = 1.0
values = []
for i in range(0, 1000):
# Start with a base float between 0 and 1.
base = random.random()
# Get another float between 0 and 1, that trends towards 1 with a higher strength value.
adjust = random.random()
adjust = 1.0 - math.pow(1.0 - adjust, strength)
# Lerp the base float towards the target by the adjust amount.
value = lerp(base, target, adjust)
# Graph histogram
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.special as sps
count, bins, ignored = plt.hist(values, 50, density=True)
Target = 0.7, Strength = 1
Target = 0.2, Strength = 1
Target = 0.7, Strength = 3
Target = 0.7, Strength = 0
(This is meant to be uniform distribution - it might look kinda jagged, but I tested and that's just python's random number generator.)
I have interprated the formula in wikipedia in c# code, i do get a nice normal curve, but is it rational to get values that exceeds 1? isnt it suppose to be a distribution function?
this is the C# implementation :
double up = Math.Exp(-Math.Pow(x , 2) / ( 2 * s * s ));
double down = ( s * Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI) );
return up / down;
i double checked it several times and it seems fine to me so whats wrong? my implementation or understanding?
for example if we define x=0 and s=0.1 this impl would return 3.989...
A distribution function, a pdf, has the property that its values are >= 0 and the integral of the pdf over -inf to +inf must be 1. But the integrand, that is the pdf, can take any value >= 0, including values greater than 1.
In other words, there is no reason, a priori, to believe that a pdf value > 1 indicates a problem.
You can think about this for the normal curve by considering what reducing the variance means. Smaller variance values concentrate the probability mass in the centre. Given that the total mass is always one, as the mass concentrates in the centre, the peak value must increase. You can see that trend in the graph the you link to.
What you should do is compare the output of your code with known good implementations. For instance, Wolfram Alpha gives the same value as you quote:
Do a little more testing of this nature, captured in a unit test, and you will be able to rely on your code with confidence.
Wouldn't you want something more like this?
public static double NormalDistribution(double value)
return (1 / Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI)) * Math.Exp(-Math.Pow(value, 2) / 2);
Yes, it's totally OK; The distribution itself (PDF) can be anything from 0 to +infinity; the thing should be in the range [0..1] is the corresponding integral(s) (e.g. CDF).
You can convince yourself if look at the case of non-random value: if the value is not a random at all and can have only one constant value the distribution degenerates (standard error is zero, mean is the value) into Dirac Delta Function: a peak of infinite hight but of zero width; integral however (CDF) from -infinity to +infinity is 1.
// If you have special functions implemented (i.e. Erf)
// outcoume is in [0..inf) range
public static Double NormalPDF(Double value, Double mean, Double sigma) {
Double v = (value - mean) / sigma;
return Math.Exp(-v * v / 2.0) / (sigma * Math.Sqrt(Math.PI * 2));
// outcome is in [0..1] range
public static Double NormalCDF(Double value, Double mean, Double sigma, Boolean isTwoTail) {
if (isTwoTail)
value = 1.0 - (1.0 - value) / 2.0;
//TODO: You should have Erf implemented
return 0.5 + Erf((value - mean) / (Math.Sqrt(2) * sigma)) / 2.0;
I have an angle say 60deg and want to generate random angle within interval say [-120,120] where the interval centred around the 60deg which be now [-60,180]
I have this code below:
I'm confused because it's say that the gaussian distribution is within [0,1].
How could I pass the range [-120,120]?
The 60 angle is the relative rotation of an object the generated random angle is a predication of it's next postion
When testing the code I have angles ,say 65 ,55 if i use this angle directly it performs stranges so I take the difference 65-60 ,55-60.
Is this idea correct?
If you have a random number with a range 0 to 1, you can convert it to -120 to 120 by using:
rand_num*240 - 120
More generally, transforming any number within range [A,B] to range [C,D] involves:
num * (D-C)/(B-A) + C
I'm not sure what you mean by keeping your mean, however.
If you want a range that extends 120 in each direction, from 60, you could either do the above and add 60, or use a range [60-120,60+120] = [-60,180]
In that sense, you'd have
rand_num * 240 - 60
following from the formula given above
static void Main(string[] args)
Random rand = new Random();
double a = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
double r = rand.NextDouble() * 240 - 60;
a += r;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ang:{0,6:0.0} avg:{1,5:0.0}", r, a / (i + 1)));
If you have something that generates random numbers in a range such as [0, 1] it's easy to transform that to another range, such as [-120, 120]: you just have to multiply by the size of the target range (240 in this case) and add the start of the target range (-120 in this case).
So, for example:
java.util.Random random = new java.util.Random();
// Generate a random number in the range [-120, 120]
double value = random.nextDouble() * 240.0 - 120.0;
Is there a special reason why you are using that StdRandom class? Does the distribution of the random numbers have to be Gaussian? (That doesn't matter, the above will still work).
If it has to be centered around 60, then just add 60.
Try this:
import java.lang.Math;
public static void main(String[] args)
You have C# and Java marked as tags. Kind of confusing to figure out which one you want.
I prefer this over the Random class in java.utils because you don't have to instantiate a class. Everything you need is in the static methods of the Math class.
return Math.random(); // returns a double value [0, 1]
return Math.random()*-240; // returns a double value from [-240, 0]
return (int)(Math.random()*-240); // returns an integer value from [-240, 0]
return (int)(Math.random()*-240) + 120; // returns an integer value from [-120, 120]
Consider this:
double x,y;
x =120.0;
y = 0.05;
double z= x % y;
I tried this and expected the result to be 0, but it came out 0.04933333.
x =120.0;
y = 0.5;
double z= x % y;
did indeed gave the correct result of 0.
What is happening here?
I tried Math.IEEERemainder(double, double) but it's not returning 0 either. What is going on here?
Also, as an aside, what is the most appropriate way to find remainder in C#?
Because of its storage format, doubles cannot store every values exactly as is is entered or displayed. The human representation of numbers is usually in decimal format, while doubles are based on the dual system.
In a double, 120 is stored precisely because it's an integer value. But 0.05 is not. The double is approximated to the closest number to 0.05 it can represent. 0.5 is a power of 2 (1/2), so it can be stored precisely and you don't get a rounding error.
To have all numbers exactly the same way you enter / display it in the decimal system, use decimal instead.
decimal x, y;
x = 120.0M;
y = 0.05M;
decimal z = x % y; // z is 0
You could do something like:
double a, b, r;
a = 120;
b = .05;
r = a - Math.floor(a / b) * b;
This should help ;)
I believe if you tried the same with decimal it would work properly. can help you understand why you get these "strange" results. There's a particular precision that floating point numbers can have. Just try these queries and have a look at the results:
0.5 in base 2
0.05 in base 2
Modulus should only be used with integer. The remainder come from an euclidean division. With double, you can have unexpected results.
See this article
This is what we use.. :)
public double ModuloOf(double v1, double v2)
var mult = 0;
//find number of decimals
while (v2 % 1 > 0)
v2 = v2 * 10;
v1 = v1 * Math.Pow(10, mult);
var rem = v1 % v2;
return rem / Math.Pow(10, mult);