Difference between use C# and C or C++ on windows mobile - c#

I am new to windows mobile development. I have certain doubts related to windows mobile development which are as follows.
1) What is the major difference between C# and C (C++) as far as selecting language for development. ( not syntactically ) .
2) Which language should i select for development and Why ??
3) If i go C# as a mobile development then can i have access to all APIs for C# on
desktop .

Aside from syntax, the main difference is that C# is managed and C++ isn't(unless you're using managed c++?)
They're both OO languages(not C). C++ allows you to do your own memory management(which could be a good or bad) while C# is managed code so garbage collection is mostly done for you by the runtime. If you use C#, you will be able to access all other managed assemblies targeted toward the CLR.

Your mileage may vary, but a few years back we tried to develop a C# app for Windows Mobile, and the performance was unbelievably bad. I'm talking "it takes 10 seconds for my dialog box to appear" bad. I'm sure it has gotten better, but the underlying issue remains: these are devices with more stringent resource limitations than a desktop PC, and the performance hit you take with .NET is more likely to affect you noticeably.
So go with C# if your app is in no way performance sensitive, but if you have any performance concerns at all, in my experience C#/.NET will not cut it on Windows Mobile. C++ is then the next most sensible choice.

Windows Mobile Development: Choice of .Net compact vs. Native (c++) code
C++ or C# to program mobile barcode device?

1) Applications written in native code will run faster. Furthermore, memory footprint is smaller in native applications.
2) It depends on application you are writing. If it does not demand top performance and if it does not require a lot of native functionality, then the code should be managed. If you need a lot of flexibility, go for native.
3) No. .Net Compact Framework has a subset of desktop APIs.

1) Too vague to answer
2) C#, because there is a well-supported framework (.NET Compact Edition) for it.
3) No. Not all API's are available in the Compact Edition of .NET.

If you are developing application only for the Windows mobiles, go for any .Net Compact Framework supported language.
You can also use C++(unmanaged) but all depends on the kind of mobile application you are developing.

I have been advised in the past to avoid the .net framework when developing for WM unless absolutely necessary.
this is apparently due to the fact that the .net framework loads quite a lot of dll's and thus has a large memory footprint (obviously this is mitigated to a certain extent if there are other .net apps running that share assemblies) - resulting in rather poor power usage.
also the jitting and house keeping that takes place (out of your control, at undefined periods of time etc - if you move a lot of memory around this may become an issue) - on lower power devices like pda's this constant messing around in the background may become noticeable.
it is however considerably easier and faster to code in .net.
you consider 'quick-wins' to be more important than conscientious efficient code or
you dont care about battery life or
your app isnt performance sensitive or
you dont know how to code with native languages
you dont care about open standards and compliance
then go for .net.
.net compact framework is a subset of the desktop version of .net - thus certain features and aspects of the framework are unavailable.
if youre just starting out i recommend .net - if youre developing a commercial solution etc i recommend the use of c/c++.

C# is often recommended in development of simple desktop or web apps while C++, which deals with the hardware directly, is used for apps that require higher efficiency.
I would say C#. Given that you are new to Windows mobile development C# would be easier for you to implement things. Also, C# is developed by Windows, so it targets specifically Windows apps.
No. you will only have a subset of libraries for Desktop APIs.


Windows Mobile development: C++ or C# -- which one is better? why?

While doing Windows Mobile development, which language should I use? C# or C++ or something else? Why one is better than others?
It depends what you're coding.
Making native calls to the OS are possible via P/Invoke from C#, but extensive use is probably easier via native C++. You'll also require C++ for using some hardware that has not been wrapped by the Compact Framework.
Most hardware (GPS, camera, etc.), is available via CF. If you're working with a Win Mobile 6.x device, you're probably better off with C#. In addition to hardware, Pocket Office's (POOM) object model is also available to C#, so you can integrate with it.
It's worth noting that most references to Windows Phone 7 refer to managed code and the possibility of Silverlight. With Silverlight in the mix, you'll have to code with C#.
Unless your app is high performance or is extremely miserly with memory, use C# or VB.NET.
It depends on task mainly.
c++ has following pros/cons:
Direct access to resources, faster programs
Can access very deep OS parts, not needed for high level applicaiton
harder to develop and requires to manage resources by developer
Runs under virtual machine (CLR), that's why is slower
Faster and easier application development
Rich build-in library
There is no right answer for this, becasue there is no one-size-fits-all "better" definition. If you know C++ and have a lot of C++ code assets already, C++ sure looks appealing. If you know c# and not C++, then C# sure looks appealing.
C++ applications load faster, but for many applications, that's not relevent. C# applications can certainly be written faster, but they also don't have determinism. I'd never even attempt a UI in C++ any longer, nor would I think about doing database access in C++. I wouldn't write a driver in C# though, or a shell extension.
Generally speaking, most solutions I've ever delivered were a mix of the two. C# has its strengths. It's fast to write, easier to debug and unit test, hard (though not impossible) to create leaks and for some operations (like data access or XML parsing) it's just easier.
C++ has its strengths too, like speed of execution (though C# can be made to go just as fast for many things), determinism and the ability to plug in to things that want native entry points.
So my answer? You need to know both, and likely write your solutiuon using both. The percentage of each you end up using depends on what your end goal is.
It depends.
At least present a specific use-case. And possibly use SO search? :)
C++ or C# to program mobile barcode device?
Apparently others were faster to the draw, and gave more articulated answers. Nevertheless, I still recommend reading the above SO thread.
From my experience it is easier to start with c#, and if the api provided by the compact framework is enough for you then you are ok.
On the other hand if your project is somewhat complex, or if you want to do something that is not in the compact framework you may end needing to create a helper .dll in c++. Even in this case you maybe good doing your main program in c#, and programming helpers dll in c++.
If you go directly to program in c++ you may benefit from the fact that you have a raw performance better than c#, which is good if you are doing a game.
But you will also suffer more from the limitation of windows mobile OS. Like a maximum of 32MB per process, or that all .dll share the same address space.
So in the end it really depends on what are planning to do and the experience you have.

How is WinForms programming in Visual C++/C# different from Windows programming in Visual C++(MFC)

How is winforms programming in visual c++/c# different from windows programming in visual c++(MFC).
Also I want to know whether C# is strong enough to do Windows programming as in other than forms.
I'm not sure if anyone can give one single answer to this question, I can just try to point out a few of the many differences:
C# and C++ are quite different: Memory management, package structure, class layout, events/delegates, generics/templates... Even writing non-GUI apps is completely different in C++ and C#. Many of the features of the C# language are very helpful if not even designed for GUI development.
Winforms has a very good visual designer support if compared to MFC. For 95% of all apps, you'll be a lot more productive using winforms. This is especially true for custom controls (either your own or third party)
MFC on the other side provides more framework support (document/view structure etc.).
For some applications, MFC apps may seem more responsive. In most of these cases, a winform application can be optimized to have the same performance, but this is above the average winforms developer level (which is generally lower than the knowledge level of MFC programmers).
MFC encapsulates the WIN32 API more directly than Winforms do. There are cases where you need to access the WIN32 API even from winforms directly. Then it is not always clear (and not well documented), how to do this. Again, a typical winforms programmer has less knowledge of the WIN32 API than a MFC programmer, so in these cases he will run into troubles more likely.
I think winforms is well supported and you can solve pratically all GUI/NON-GUI tasks. For most tasks, it will be easier to write a C# program.
I'm sure, there are much more arguments pro/contra, I just noted the few that came into my mind...
There are a few notable differences:
You'll eventually be more productive as it is much easier to do (.net)
The language helps you from making a lot of common mistakes (null pointers, overflows, leaks)
The framework is a lot (and really I mean a lot) more clean than MFC
In essence you can do almost anything. The least common 0.01% of things you need to do through direct win32 DLL invokes (or use a wrapper or library someone else made)
As a professional, I have to admit that I prefer to use Delphi instead of C++ for any WIN32/Desktop development. If you're going to build GUI applications that are client applications or stand-alone applications then you might find that Delphi (and C++Builder) has far more visual components than .NET, at this moment. That's because .NET is still more popular for web development and service applications.
Doesn't mean that Delphi (or C++) is more powerful than .NET, since .NET is gaining quickly on the GUI application level. WPF/Silverlight is going to promise a lot of new possibilities for developers.
Another reason why many people are still using Delphi/C++ for WIN32 is because they still have lots of legacy code. And some of this code has already been working for over a decade and only needs additional maintenance. Rewriting those projects in C#/.NET would be way too expensive. People are considering this but existing code has proven itself already. New code will introduce new bugs.
With C# you're not going to do Windows development. You're doing .NET development and some parts of .NET will allow you to use the Windows functionality. However, a major part of the .NET classes are actually wrappers around the Windows API, making it easier to use those functions. But not everything is already implemented in .NET, so there's still a lot of work that needs to be done.
The danger of .NET development is what I like to call, the ".NET Hell". When .NET was introduced, people said it was going to end the DLL Hell that was bothering every C++ developer on Windows. Well, It did end the DLL Hell, only to replace it with the .NET Hell, where multiple versions of the same assembly are still able to cause lots of problems. So, in that regard, nothing much has changed. You're still depending on a certain runtime version of a specific library (especially with third-party libraries) so there's no real gain here.
Still, I really like .NET development, most of all because more and more applications are run as a service (SAAS) instead of the old-fashioned desktop application. Basically, you'd only need a web browser to use those applications, thus becoming less dependent on certain hardware requirements. Here lies the real strength of .NET development.

What advantages are there to developing a Win32 app in C++ over a .NET app in C#?

I learned windows programming using Visual C++, and the Win32 API. Nowadays, it seems most apps are being developed in .NET using C#. I understand that most of the time there isn't much performance difference between native code and managed code. So I'm wondering, if I were to start writing a new desktop app today, is there any reason (other than the fact that I'm more familiar with C++), that I might want to write it in non-managed C++ instead of .NET? Are there still some advantages to using C++ and native code? Or has that method been more-or-less replaced with .NET on the Windows platform?
Of course I know that people who are writing low-level device drivers and similar programs wouldn't do it in .NET. I'm asking with reference to typical client-facing apps that don't make direct hardware calls.
IMO the most important one for small downloadable applications is that native code does not need the .NET runtime. While broadband becomes more and more common not nearly everybody has it yet.
Some people may be disappointed to see that your 2 MB application actually requires another 20MB of framework download and a bothersome installation process to run. If they are not sure whether or not they really need your application in the first place, they might just delete it before even giving it a try and turn to a competing product.
Performance (certain situations, such as graphics)
Memory footprint (as Mancuso said)
Use of existing libraries
No need for a runtime
Finer control
To list a few.
However, you may also want to look at the question from the opposite angle to fairly evaluate which language to use.
Additionally, you could use C++/CLI to incorporate both native and .net code.
If your application needs to be able to run without an installation (i.e. if you can't or shouldn't do something like install the .NET framework), you can't count on .NET being on a windows machine (pre-Vista). Lots of utility applications can fall in this category.
I would recommend to write every desktop application in managed code. .NET/C# is a great platform to do so.
My reasons:
Performance penalty is negligible. Google for benchmarks if you don't take my word. What matters more is the code itself. You can write O(n^m) algorithms in C++ or .NET/C#. JIT engines are very mature these days.
Unmanaged C++ has major drawbacks when it comes to unit testing, mocking and refactoring. It's very cumbersome and inflexible. Reflection allows managed code to make such things very convenient.
Deployment is a small issue. However, creating a setup which checks for the necessary .NET preconditions and installs them automatically is a no-brainer.
Compilation is quicker, no linker! It even happens in the background when you edit the code.
.NET library support is way better and cleaner than STL, MFC and boost.
No header files and macros. They are just error prone.
Security! Good bye buffer overflows, bad pointers, uninitialized variables...
Exceptions. Clear exception hierarchy in .NET. C++ exceptions are messed up.
Memory footprint. But unless you're developing for a severely handicapped machine memory-wise, it really shouldn't be an issue for most applications.
If you can afford the dependency on the stack, go for .NET
Modern, elegant, powerful and as a result much quicker to develop for.
But realize that you chain your app to it - to the language and the framework, if you forsee a future where you may want to escape this, then better think twice.
Win32 is old and clunky, but it works on virtually any Windows version without extra dependencies, and your code can be in plain, portable, C/C++.
+1 for not having to require a .NET package/install on the target machine(s). This is still a big issue.
When all machines have mono or NET it won't be such a big deal.
Two things that I can think of.
Protection of intellectual property. It's infinitely harder for someone to reverse engineer an Unmanaged C++ app. Managed .Net or Java apps can be easily de-compiled this is not the case with Unmanaged C++.
Speed. C++ is closer to hardware and has a smaller memory footprint as the other comment mentioned. This is why most video games continue to be written in C++ and inline assembly.
.Net programs also have a support lifetime, where native do not really. Native will run for many years across different OS's without requiring updates.
.Net programs can be hosed by bad .Net configuration, native just keeps on running and is hardly effected by OS updates.
.Net programs startup slow and feel sluggish, native starts quick and runs quick.
.Net has to be coded for lowest common denominator (most distributed framework version), Native compiles all code into application - so use what you want.
Use Delphi for Native, not C++. .Net is partially based on Delphi RAD and Java backend.

C++ or C# to program mobile barcode device?

I will be developing some applications using mobile barcode scanners and need to choose between C++ and C# for coding on the scanners.
I am considering Intermec's CK31 or similar for the combination of wifi, scanning choices, programmability and user interface options. It runs Windows CE .NET 4.2 according to their spec sheet.
Intermec's Developer Library comes with .Net and C++ SDKs. My previous Win CE 2003 experience is in C++ (MFC GUI, sockets and serial comms). I'm comfortable in C# with WPF and can learn other GUI frameworks if I have to. That gives me freedom to choose a language - any recommendations one way or another?
I am NOT looking for answers advocating C++ over C# as languages in general - my productivity in either is similar and I have enough experience to be able to create complex, robust C++ solutions.
What I would appreciate are war stories or factors to put into our platform evaluation, about programming on these devices. eg: battery life of C# apps vs C++ apps, memory consumption or other environmental impacts of the language choice. If there are specific versions of .Net CE to avoid, that would be a good tip.
I've been designing and developing software for Windows Mobile and Windows CE in C, C++ and C# for quite a few years now. Moreover, I been doing so for Honeywell (formerly Hand Held Products, purchased by Honeywell in 2007) where I've worked on nearly all aspects of the devices, from drivers and services to Line of Business GUIs and utilities.
First of all, I won't tell you one language is better than the other... I probably spend a 50/50 split of my time with each, and each platform definitely has their own place in the mobile development.
I will however, give a suggestion that you likely stay away from any device that runs an OS as old as WinCE 4.2, especially if you are even considering .NET development. The reasoning for this is that 4.2 only has, at most, .NET CF 1.0 embedded in ROM (part of the OS ROM image), meaning that you would require a ~5MB CAB file to install at least .NET CF 2.0 Yes, you could develop with CF 1.0 but, truly, it's not worth the pain of using such an old framework. Most WinCE 5.0 devices these days come with CF (Compact Framework) 2.0 installed in the ROM so I would at least look for that.
On that same vain, you may even want to consider using a device with Windows Mobile 6.0 or 6.1 as they are easy to program with and will always have CF 2.0 pre-installed. In case you're wondering why I have not mentioned CF 3.0 or CF 3.5, it's just because the first Mobile platform to be release with those versions will be Windows Mobile 6.5, which is not out yet. Though you can always install the framework if you want (~8MB CAB).
Granted, WinCE definitely gives you a more "Windows" look and feel to its GUI over its Windows Mobile cousin, so that is all a matter of your programming preference and what your end users want and need.
Regarding kgiannakakis's comments on SDKs being only a thing layer, this is just not true. If you have a proper SDK you should have all of the same access to any devices or drivers that you would in C++ but with the ease of C#. For example, Honeywell provides an extensive SDK for all of our devices in C++, VB and C# and the C# portion of the SDK actually has more functionality than the C++ portion. You will never have to do a P/Invoke with our code from C#.
If you want to take a look at the SDK I'm talking about, it's freely available to download here and has some great examples.
IMHO I would actually consider the provided SDK as more important than the hardware in many cases since, most of the time, the hardware for the devices is pretty much the same. They all have ARM CPUs, WiFi, Bluetooth, Laser or Image based scanners, etc.
Though, I looked at the Intermec link you posted and it doesn't look like that unit actually has a built in scanner...are you using an external scanner hooked to the device?
Take a look at the Honeywell offering if you want here. We've got devices with probably the best imager based bar code scanner in the business, built into all of our units. And we have a rock solid SDK (I should know, I wrote a lot of it). And the SDK provides .NET extremely access to all of the hardware on the device. Ok...I'll stop my sales pitch now.
As for one language over the other...it really all depends on what exactly you want to do.
Drivers and services cannot be written in anything but Native (Win32) C or C++. So .NET is out for anything like that.
C and C++ can absolutely be your friend on mobile devices in terms of keeping things lightweight, since you don't need the whole .NET framework to run the add. Remember, you have a maximum of 32MB of memory for any process (not including DLLs..that's another lecture) so if your application is going to be processing a ton of data, C++ may be the way to go.
One of the major disadvantages I've found to C and C++ on mobile systems, however, is that making a GUI is way harder than it is with .NET Actually, most of the C++ apps I write are completely headless and have no GUI at all... .NET CF does not have WPF (yet), and is stuck with WinForms, but it's really easy to pick up. Pretty much drag and drop in the designer. And also remember, like I mentioned before, that WinCE has a completely different GUI paradigm than Windows Mobile. However, sometimes the Windows Mobile way is kind of nice, since it forces you to keep your GUIs simple and to the point.
Memory consumption can be higher when using .NET, but not always. For one, having a device with the version of the CF you are going to use stored in ROM will mean that you will generally have no more memory used on a .NET application vs the equivalent C++ app. In some cases, .NET will even use less memory. For example, a .NET app vs a C++ app that uses MFC can often use less memory because the C++ app has to load up the MFC framework (since it isn't already loaded by the OS...).
Also, since C# is managed, you will often end up with less memory usage because the garbage collector is freeing up memory that you may have forgotten to do in a C++ app.
Execution speed on more modern devices is generally no different between the two. Granted, you will always have little parts of each language where one will be faster than the other, but .NET is mature enough at this point that the speed is not really a concern. I have programmed extremely fast applications with highly interactive, animated GUIs that ran just fine on a device with 128MB RAM and a 420MHz ARM CPU. I even wrote one app that I had to slow down because it was calling into a native DLL via P/Invoke and the .NET portion was essentially getting "Impatient."
I have never seen any issues with battery life in one language vs the other. But I've never specifically tested for it either.
I really think that, in the end, it still comes down to the SDK that comes with your device of choice. If it has poor .NET support then you will find your self doing a lot of extra work getting everything to work, in which case I would go with C++. But if it has great .NET support (like the one I work on) you will find yourself with a lot less work and probably get the job done significantly faster.
Also, remember that it's not just the SDK of the hardware vendor you have to take into account. While you need that specific SDK as each device is different (i.e. the SDK I linked to earlier will not work on that Intermec device) all of the non-hardware related OS stuff is pretty much standard across the board, which is where the Windows Mobile or Windows CE SDK from Microsoft comes in. Their C++ support is pretty good, but they are really pushing all things .NET these days, so as updates are made to the OS, less updates are made to the C++ SDK and much more functionality now relies on using .NET Not that you couldn't do it in C++, it's just that they haven't done a lot of the work for you that they did do in the .NET SDK.
Ok...that was long, but I was trying to dump the finer parts of my years of experience into one thing. I hope it made sense.
The answer to your question has to do with the type of your application. If your application is mainly around communicating with the hardware and only a thin layer of business logic and User Interface is needed, then C++ would be a better choice. To interact with the scanners you need to talk to a driver. This is better and faster achieved with C++. The .NET SDK will actually be a wrapper of C++ code using a ton of P/Invoke, which makes the code performing less faster.
If on the other side your application requires a significant business layer and/or a User Interface, then .NET (and specifically C#) is a better option. In that case the productivity gains far out weight the performance gains of C++.
Another important factor is the type of the devices the application is going to be deployed to. Are you targeting Windows Mobile devices only? Then .NET is a safe option. For Windows CE devices you need to investigate whether the compact framework is pre-installed or not. Also, some Windows CE devices may not support all .NET namespaces.
Finally, I recommend reading Mobile Architecture Pocket Guide, which is a recent document about architectural decisions for mobile applications.
First I'll strongly echo Adam's recommendation against running anything based on CE .NET 4.2 at this point for essentially the same reason. At this point it's an ancient version of the OS and unless you are getting the terminal for free it's not worth it and if you choose to do C# development the download of the CAB to run .NET 2 is just painful.
We've developed a lot of applications for both Motorola(Symbol) and Intermec devices. The current set of APIs for both of them work reliably so I'd worry more about the suitability of the device than the specific APIs. They also both provide reasonable sample programs that make it easy to cut and paste a solution.
I have noticed one other big difference between Motorola and Intermec. On the Intermec devices I've worked with (in C#), it takes about a second for the decoder for each symbology to be loaded. This typically isn't a big deal if you use a limited number of symbologies and setup the scanner at the start of the application, but can cause significant delays if you change the decoders(symbologies) within the application.
I've been developing for about 15 years. Approx 5 years in C++ and 3 years in C# (which currently is my language of choice). In C++ I always used stdlib, and sometimes boost.
I have cut my development time with a third since I switched from c++ to c#. That was done because of a couple of things (nothing scientific, just my opinons):
.Net is a more complete framework and easier to use than stdlib and boost combined.
C# has a better structure which make easier to read others code and to code.
Unit testing in .Net is light years from unit testing in C++, especially with Resharper and xUnit (xUnit got clean syntax, resharper let's you test specific test methods directly inside dev studio).
I mostly code servers, GUI programming should be even faster.

C# Desktop Applications? [closed]

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In looking at the use of C# in a ISV setting, I'm wondering what prominent C# based desktop apps are out there? I can think of only Paint .NET.
Is C# a good idea for an ISV, or should one stick to more native environments like Delphi or even QT?
Of course any experienced based advise or feedback would be appreciated.
Yes, C# can be used quite effectivly to build applications. In regards what applciations are out there, what are you looking for? Big apps, little apps?
I know of a big app that is built on the .NET framework (unsure if C# or VB) and that is Quickbooks.
Developing a Desktop applications in C# is great. Its not just for Web Apps.
WinForms are going to save you huge amounts of time. It really is a first class citizen when it comes to desktop windows development. If interop is a problem you can always use P/Invoke and COM object wrapping that VS does for you.
Done right, it will be a breeze to maintain and update when the client changes their mind on what they want.
Yes, the framework needs to be on the machine, But this shouldn't be a problem if they have ever used windows update. Nowadays what language doesn't come with a run time library. In VS you can create simple installers that include the runtime.
Of course if your gonna deploy to Linux and mono, your mileage may very.
If you can control the system requirements for your application, C# is fine. Some end users still (even though we're nearly in 2009 now) object to a 40MB runtime for some reason, so if you're looking to deploy an application commercially, that may be an issue for you. In a corporate setting, though, where there is some standardization of software on users' computers, this is probably not a problem.
Delphi and QT specifically are both problems. Delphi is effectively a dead language. Companies that are using it these days are, for the most part, porting their code away from it as fast as they can (job boards seem to be full of Delphi-to-C# migration jobs these days). You may like QT, but that moves almost as slowly as Delphi in the Windows world, so I would never consider it to be a real option.
Business Plan Pro
Rescue Time client
Sony Vegas
Sql Management Studio
VS 2010 (much more so than VS 200x)
NASA's World Wind
Windows Live Writer
Microsoft Office Accounting
Fiddler 2
Windows Mobile Device Center
Jetbrains dotTrace
Lots of Lenovo utilities
These are just the ones installed on my PC...
I think that Microsoft Expression Blend/Studio is written in C#
Anything done for Robotics Studio, any XNA game (quite a few commerical ones are coming out now)
I don't see why you would not use C# as an ISV. The problem is ensuring that your target market has the .NET framework. If you are using 3.5, you can build a mini version into your distribution though this increases the file sizes for downloads of course.
Some supplemental information to think about:
One of the typical points against doing desktop applications the distribution model is a lot more difficult to manage. With web apps, if you have a large user base, you can do an update and instantly have your entire user base running on the latest version.
With traditional desktop apps, you'd have to send out an .msi or build something yourself.
However, with ClickOnce and the Updater Application Block (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms978574.aspx), it's so easy to build intelligent updating into your application that it might play very nicely into an ISV plan.
Even though VS 2008/WPF is shrinking the gap, it's typically much faster to develop client applications in the WinForms space that on the web, so I think it's a very viable approach.
I believe TimeSnapper is written in C#
I have worked for an ISV before that used Delphi and it was excellent for their needs. It still produces great native applications and although dieing it is certainly not dead (yet). Until recently I would have recommened Delphi over c# for desktop applications as I had performance and footprint consderations but as .net can now be considered ubiquitous and that the platform is now maturing my opinoin would probably go with c# (over Delphi).
If you need to consider employees, you will find that there are fewer Delphi developers around that c# ones. So you may struggle to entice good devleopers in as you are using that.
That said Delphi is looking exciting again with the Delphi prism VS plugin.
Just as an aside did you know that the c# compiler is written in c++? Delphi was written in Delphi from v1.0
Windows Media Centre is powered by .NET.
I believe that MS use C# to build many of their apps both Windows and Web. At this time, C# is a great language to go with because of the flexibility of the language/framework.
The zune software (v2 and up) is written in c#. Oh, and Sage Timberline Office is written in .net (mostly).
Although it's a developer tool, the excellent open source IDE SharpDevelop was built in C#. I've also worked on another which (despite being semi-commercially-available) I'm not at liberty to divulge. (Very vertical market.)
I'm a huge fan of the C#/WinForms combination, and can't see why you wouldn't go that route if your developers are already familiar with C# and you want to get into the desktop space.
A very prominent example for a commercialy successful application would be Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 itself.
If you are looking into building a client or server application for the Windows ecosystem .Net with C# is an absolut valid choice. You'll get a very rich framework, a great third-party-app ecosystem and a huge community.
If you need a minimal memory footprint for your application or are very hardware centric then C++ maybe an option.
If you want to target the UNIX/LINUX or Apple platforms you should be looking in frameworks more native for the respective platform, though you can get a certain degree of interoperability with the Mono project (But I am not up to date on how complete their implementation of .Net currently is).
I believe the matrox graphics card configuration utilities are using the .net-framework.
I'm still just a student, but for what it's worth (and from other answers preceding mine), there seem to be quite a few apps in C#.
I'd advise working through the book Head First C# (Amazon link). This book will give you a pretty solid idea of what you can do with the language.
Creative Docs .NET is a very nice example of C# application.
Microsoft's World Wide Telescope software is written in c#
Who are your target users? Their needs will dictate your choice of language. C# and VB.NET are good general purpose langs, but if you are targeting Mac or *nix, you may want something like C++.
If you're looking for a way to get started quickly, I recently published DesktopBootstrap, which is my attempt to factor out the elements you'll need to get started.
Hope that helps!

