I am trying to recreate some features of Spotify in C# using the PostgreSQL database.
The reason is simple, I want to gain more knowledge, and I think this is a good challenge.
But I ran into an obstacle that I've been standing for days. Spotify he doesn't download the music, he does her streaming, plays the music while it's downloaded.
However, I can't do this in C#, I'm using the PostgreSQL database.
I'm well locked in this part, I tried several implementations, but I think I'm not on the right track, and on the internet I imagine I'm looking wrong, otherwise I would have found it.
Do you have any guidance for this streaming process in C#? I've tried to read the large_object bytes from PostgreSQL, but couldn't.
Any suggestions or guides about the process are welcome.
You start by getting the file into the database or its network location into the database, whichever gives you better performance; Then start with creating an implementation of a bytestream. You want to be transmitting raw data to c#.
you then build a real time interpreter that takes in using your file format, one byte at a time, and plays the value associated with that section. does that make sense? this is simple to do with many libraries and the brunt of it is just figuring those out.
You seem like you've PROBABLY got that first part down, and are instead having issues with the database. A lot of things we did at my last company involved saving file network locations and indexing files on disk. You might be able to instead point your streamer to a file locally using a server, and instead transmit data from one point to another in that manner instead.
You seem more than capable of doing this just judging by your speech. I hope this comment was helpful, and if it was not I apologize as well. I would be interested in seeing your finished result.
for clarification here would be that workflow:
request for a song listed in table dbo.Songs
matches that song onto dbo.songlocation
streams from dbo.songlocation.location from the filename dbo.songlocation.songname = dbo.song.name and verified directory returns true
enjoyment of that music
I have tried to search but I didn't found any good answer to my query.
I wanted to know how to delete a file completely from a Windows System, so that it cannot be recovered in any way.
I know there are some software's available on the internet which delete the files completely from a system. I wanted to do a small demonstration for myself and wanted to see if it was really deleted/erased from the system.
For example: If I delete a file by using SHIFT + DELETE, I know a normal user cannot recover that file. But there are recovery softwaress which can be used to recover that file. So, I just wanted to delete the file in a way so that recovery software cannot recover a particular file.
Can anyone please tell me, how this can be done? I would really appreciate. If someone can share a small piece of code that does that. I can understand it better in that fashion.
With Regards
That is a tough one and not answerable by "a small piece of code".
Assuming you have a super secret/embarassing/illegal/whatever file you really want to get rid of. First thing is, it should have been encrypted in the first place. Just saying.
Anyway, parts or even the whole of your file can show up in a lot of places. Memory, page file, hibernate file, supposedly empty spaces on your hard drive (for example after a relocation of the file content through defragmentation). Do you have an online synchronization service? Backups? A SSD drive that spreads your file all over the physcal blocks place at every write? O dear.
So to really really get rid of that file at least on your lokal system as a minimum measure you would have to
Delete it through your API of choice (except through the normal UI which just moves it to the "trashcan")
Disable and remove the system page file
Remove the hibernate file
Overwrite all supposedly empty spaces of the hard drive with random bytes
Reboot the system
Reinstantiate the page file
But: SSDs and some hard drives have spare capacity blocks that they use as fallback when blocks produce errors. If your file happened to be in such a failed block it might have silently been relocated by the drives firmware and the drive will never write that block again by means reachable through the Windows API. So if you want to be really sure you have to physically destroy all drives the file has ever been written to.
I am developing a "dynamic shortcutting" application which creates special shortcut files which point to a registry entry rather than an actual file/executable. The registry entry contains the path of the desired file. I want to have a daemon running which watches the linked-to files and updates their registry entries if they are moved or renamed. Renamed I can handle using System.IO.FileSystemWatcher, but what is the best way to handle moved files?
I know this is beyond the basic functions of FSW (despite being a low-level file-system operation). The question is, what is the best way of doing it?
Most posts/articles I have read suggest ways that feel altogether "hacky", which basically involve looking for a delete followed by a create in a new place of a file, and connecting the two by file size, meta-data, time between the delete/create triggers, hashes, etc. This may well be the method I have to resort to, setting up FSWs on all drives. However, I am hoping there might be a better way.
Is it possible to either:
2.1. Listen in to the shell and "hear" move operations?
2.2 Or (even more radical) replace or add something to the shell move operation that either triggers some sort of event or performs the registry-updating task itself, precluding the need for the daemon?
I have a feeling that everyone is going to tell me that 1. is the only course, but I look forward to your suggestions. (answers in VB.NET preferred, but can translate from C# if necessary).
[I'm not sure if this should be appended as an "update" to my original post or posted as a separate answer]
To sum up (all two of) the answers plus my own experimenting (to try to give a definitive answer to this question):
It seems the only high-level (.NET) solution is to use the FileSystemWatcher which does not detect "move" out-of-the-box (despite it being a low-level command). The FSW approach is non-trivial, comparably resource-expensive, sloppy in places (i.e. using timers) and has its limitations and caveats. Nor does it provide a true reflection of "move" - it merely infers it from symptoms that are very likely to be a move (and have the same effect on the file-system in any case) but could theoretically be produced by non-move actions. Also, it appears you have to know what files you want to watch for moves in advance of the move happening, there's no-way of telling as it occurs.
On a lower-level (which would involve C++), one could hook API calls to get a faithful picture of when "moves" are called. This has the advantage that you don't have to decide to watch files in advance, and is also less resource-expensive than listening to "deletes" and "creates" and trying to compare them.
On a systems-programming level (which would involve C++ and could easily break your computer if you didn't know what you were doing) one could build a filesystem filter driver: this would take the concept of detecting moves to a truly anal level, detecting re-allocation of filesystem resources performed even without the kernel.
After some experimenting, here is the general structure of how the FileSystemWatcher approach (or at least the most obvious one to me) works, its quirks and its limitations. [no code atm, it's all pretty integrated into my application and I'm yet to optimise it, but I might add some snippets in here later].
The FileSystemWatcher method (to detect when files are moved or renamed):
.1. FileSystemWatchers.
You will need to create one FSW for each highest-level directory you want to monitor (for example, one for each writable logical drive).
.2. Renamed.
Straightforward renaming of the file is trivially handled.
.3. Moved.
This part is very far from trivial; it basically involves comparing files in three different scenarios.
3.0.1. Deciding if a deleted/moved-from file is the same as a created/moved-to file.
For determining whether a deleted and a created file are a match, filename is useless (can be changed during a move). You could use a mixture of file size and attributes like time created, or even a hash of the entire file. In my particular solution I only needed to watch the movement of specific files "registered" before load-time, so I was able to give these files a unique fingerprint as metadata that I could then use to compare files (this works fine in real-world scenarios, but is easy to break maliciously in testing, which disappoints me as a perfectionist.) When to read filesize/attributes/take hash?
Before I came up with the static fingerprint idea, I was testing my code with a simple filesize + creation date validation check. I quickly realised though that I had to have a note of the filesize and creation date (or hash or whatever else you want to use) of the deleted file BEFORE it signals as "deleted", because you can't check the size of a file that doesn't exist. If (like me) you know the files you want to watch in advance, then you need to read in those values before you enable the FileSystemWatchers; you also need to listen for "change" events on those files to update the values of filesize and creation date, take a new hash etc. This then begs the question: what do you do if you DON'T know what files you are interested in watching to see if they move? What if you only know you are possibly interested in knowing if they've moved when they "delete"? That, unfortunately, is beyond me (it wasn't something I had to deal with.) Unless you can come up with a solution to this problem, there is zero point in continuing with the FileSystemWatcher approach. Furthermore, I would conjecture (though could very easily be wrong) that there is no high-level solution that will meet your needs. If you do however come up with a solution (please post it below/comment on this post/edit it in here on this post), I have made the rest of this compatible.
3.1. Scenario 1: Direct moving of the file itself.
Upon the "delete" of a specific file being detected, you need to start listening for a "create" of a congruous file. Rather than listening indefinitely for the matching "create" of a file that might just have been deleted (which in reality involves inspecting every file created in the directory), you can use a timer to start and stop a "listening" flag (practical, but from a purist point of view a little arbitrary), deciding that after e.g. 1000ms with no appropriately matching create it's likely there won't be one.
3.2.0. A common misconception.
A lot of people seem to be under the impression, after glancing at the docs, that moving or renaming a folder triggers a rename for all their subfiles and subfolders rather than a delete and a create. In actual fact what the docs say is:
If you cut and paste a folder with files into a folder being watched, the FileSystemWatcher object reports only the folder as new, but not its contents because they are essentially only renamed.
(i.e. only the top folder throws rename or create/delete and the subfiles/subfolders throw NOTHING). Meaning if you want to know when and where a certain file is moved, you have to listen out for each and every of its ascendent folders as well.
3.2.1. Scenario 2: Renaming of a containing folder.
In my solution, because I knew all the files I was watching, whenever one of my FileSystemWatchers reported a rename of a folder rather than a file (the portion of the string after the last "/" will contain no ".") I checked each of my watched files to see if their paths were in that directory and if so, changed the beginning of the filepath to the path of the new directory et voila!, I knew where my files had been moved to. If you do not now in advance what files you are looking for, then you will have to recursively search through everything in every folder that throws a "rename".
3.2.2. Scenario 3: Moving of a containing folder.
This one feels like a slap in the face: in order to build your move-detection routine, you have to be able to detect moves. Here folders will throw a "delete" followed by a "create". In my case the solution just recycles the techniques in 3.1 and 3.2.1: when a folder "delete" is detected, I check to see if it contains any of my watched files. If it does, I set a "listen" flag (and a timer to snuff it) and check the subdirectory path of my file in the old folder against every new folder "create" that is detected to see if it points to a file with the desired fingerprint. If it does, I now have the old and new paths of the file and have detected the move. If you don't know what files to watch for, you may have to validate folder moves by comparing size on disk and number of subfiles/subfolders between "deleted" folder and "created" folders to confirm a folder has moved first, then search the folder recursively for the files you're interested in.
3.3. FURTHER COMPLICATION: Cross-drive moving of large files.
This is a problem I fortunately didn't run into (because I was only comparing fingerprint metadata, and didn't need access to files); however moving large files between drives (which transfer in stages, triggering a create event then a series of change events) can cause real headaches.
3.3.1. Headache 1: The "create" fires when the destination file is incomplete.
This means comparing its size to a "deleted" file will produce a false negative. You can't even take a hash of the first part of the file to indicate to your program that this "might" be the deleted file, because the move operation will have the file access permissions locked down. You just have to try and tell if the created file might still be moving and wait for it to finish.
3.3.2. Headache 2: No sure way to "tell" that the created file is still being moved.
Some have suggested checking the file access permissions on the created file, but they might be indistinguishable from those on a file created and still in use by any random application. Others have suggested setting short time-limited listen flags for "changes" on the file, but again this is indistinguishable from a file being modified by an application. In fact if the file happened to be a log file constantly and rapidly being updated by some process, then waiting for "changes" to the file to timeout might never end.
3.3.3. Headache 3: (UNTESTED) possibly these sort of moves "delete" the file after "creating" the destination file*.
It makes sense that this would be the case, though I haven't tested it. [if anyone does know, feel free to edit (or delete) this section appropriately]
3.4. A philosophical quandry: are two identical files the same?
This is a very pedantic and arbitrary thought-experiment, but say you have two drives, each with an identical copy of File.txt. You run a batch file that deletes the copy on the first drive then immediately makes a copy of the file on the second drive into the same folder on the second drive and names it Copy of File.txt. Unless you are using fingerprints, your code will identify a delete and then a create of an identical file and be unable to distinguish what happened from a move (with renaming) of the file from the first drive to the second. The final state of the filesystem is identical in both cases so it shouldn't cause your application to behave unexpectedly, but art thou really content to call that a "move" based purely on isomorphism? (especially when you know the kernel sees it differently)?
Using high-level unrestricted api provided by C# - no, you cant. Use FileSystemWatcher.. On same drive operation of moving file is not "delete and create" - it's "rename".
If you can/want to go into lower-level, then you can hook MoveItem and MoveItems of IFileOperation shell's interface, and MoveFile from Kernel32.dll... It will work with most of apps, but require expansion for security rights for your application, that mostly unacceptable in corporative environment..
The task has two flaws that make it hard to implement: (a) move operation across the disks is actually a sequence of read/write operations followed by deletion rather than move. And during those read/write operations there can be some transformation of data in place ; and (b) moving can be performed not by just a shell.
What you can do is employ a filesystem filter driver to intercept file operations right when they take place. Then you need to detect the sequence of read and write operations performed by the same process over your file. I.e. if your code detects, that the file is read sequentially (NOTE: some copying tools can read the file in multiple threads in parallel) and then write similar blocks of data to the other file AND after reading everything the source file is deleted AND the complete file contents have been written to the other place, then you can guess that you have come over file move operation.
Bump & update: This may well be against the rules of StackOverflow, but I would like to point out to the many people landing on this page (and the myriad similar questions on SO) that I have started a feature request on MicroSoft UserVoice to add MOVE detection to FileSystemWatcher. The best solution in the long term, rather than trying to work around the problem, might be to petition MicroSoft to fix it. If you have come here because you too need a solution to this problem, please consider clicking here and voting for this feature.
For example,
I have an excutable TrashClean.exe running. I want it to delete all files I don't want and also delete itself (TrashClean.exe on hard drive) at last step.
I am wondering if it's possible in C#?
Please see How To Make Your Application Delete Itself Immediately:
I'm sure you've all said to yourself
or someone at the office at one point
or another, "<snort> You idiot. Don't
you know a Windows application can't
delete itself? I bet you don't even
know how to type high ASCII characters
using the ALT key and the number pad,
Sure, there are ways to have a file
delete itself on the next reboot...
And you can even resort to an external
program or batch file to do the work.
But I just came up with a nifty way of
doing it without leaving a visible
trace that the application ever
I'm using MSVE, and I have my own tiles I'm displaying in layers on top. Problem is, there's a ton of them, and they're on a network server. In certain directories, there are something on the order of 30,000+ files. Initially I called Directory.GetFiles, but once I started testing in a pseudo-real environment, it timed out.
What's the best way to programatically list, and iterate through, this many files?
Edit: My coworker suggested using the MS indexing service. Has anyone tried this approach, and (how) has it worked?
I've worked on a SAN system in the past with telephony audio recordings which had issues with numbers of files in a single folder - that system became unusable somewhere near 5,000 (on Windows 2000 Advanced Server with an application in C#.Net 1.1)- the only sensible solution that we came up with was to change the folder structure so that there were a more reasonable number of files. Interestingly Explorer would also time out!
The convention we came up with was a structure that broke the structure up in years, months and days - but that will depend upon your system and whether you can control the directory structure...
Definitely split them up. That said, stay as far away from the Indexing Service as you can.
None. .NET relies on underlying Windows API calls that really, really hate that amount of files themselves.
As Ronnie says: split them up.
You could use DOS?
DIR /s/b > Files.txt
You could also look at either indexing the files yourself, or getting a third part app like google desktop or copernic to do it and then interface with their index. I know copernic has an API that you can use to search for any file in their index and it also supports mapping network drives.