We have an application that show a large image file (satellite image) from local network resource.
To speed up the image rendering, we divide the image to smaller patches (e.g. 6x6 cm) and the app tiles them appropriately.
But each time the satellite image updated, the dividing pre-process should be done, which is a time consuming work.
I wonder how can we load the patches from the original file?
PS 1: I find the LeadTools library, but we need an open source solution.
PS 2: The app is in .NET C#
Edit 1:
The format is not a point for us, but currently it's JPG.
changing the format to a another could be consider, but BMP format is hardly acceptable, because of it large volume.
I wote a beautifull attempt of answer to your question, but my browser ate it... :(
Basically what I tried to say was:
1.- Since Jpeg (and most compression formats) uses a secuential compression, you'll always need to decode all the bits that are before the ones that you need.
2.- The solution I propose need to be done with each format you need to support.
3.- There are a lot of open source jpeg decoders that you could modify. Jpeg decoders need to decode blocks of bits (of variable size) that convert into pixel blocks of size 8x8. What you could do is modify the code to save in memory only the blocks you need and discard all the others as soon as they aren't needed any more (basically as soon as they are decoded). With those memory-saved blocks, create the image you need.
4.- Since Jpeg works with blocks of 8x8, your work could be easier if you work with patches of sizes multiples of 8 pixels.
5.- The modification done to the jpeg decoder could be used to substitute the preprocessing of the images you are doing if you save the patch and discard the blocks as soon as you complete them. It would be really fast and less memory consuming.
I know it needs a lot of work and there are a lot of details to be taken in consideration (specially if you work with color images), but if you need performance I belive you will always end fighting or playing (as you want to see it) with the bytes.
Hope it helps.
I'm not 100% sure what you're after but if you're looking for a way to go from string imagePath, Rectangle desiredPortion to a System.Drawing.Image object then perhaps something like this:
public System.Drawing.Image LoadImagePiece(string imagePath, Rectangle desiredPortion)
using (Image img = Image.FromFile(path))
Bitmap result = new Bitmap(desiredPortion.Width, desiredPortion.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage((Image)result))
g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
g.PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
g.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
g.DrawImage(img, 0, 0, desiredPortion, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
return result;
Note that for performance reasons you may want to consider building multiple output images at once rather than calling this multiple times - perhaps passing it an array of rectangles and getting back an array of images or similar.
If that's not what you're after can you clarify what you're actually looking for?
I have an image https://drive.google.com/file/d/16Xotc-2CJ6HkEJDysfKBkjClkU1OGiyQ/view?usp=sharing that is GrayScale but every library I have tried, ImageMagick, ImageSharp, System.Drawing seem to interpret it as black and white, but when you open it in ImageJ or Photoshop or Incarta or many other software you can clearly see it is grayscale.
can anyone help me find a way to display this image? here is something I've tried but i've tried almost a dozen different things
TiffEncoder encoder = new TiffEncoder();
encoder.PhotometricInterpretation = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Tiff.Constants.TiffPhotometricInterpretation.BlackIsZero;
SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image image = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.Load(mysteryTiff);
PixelTypeInfo pixType = image.PixelType;
// Stretches the image to fit the pictureBox.
Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
image.SaveAsTiff(stream, encoder);
stream.Position = 0;
MagickImage magickImage = new MagickImage(stream);
pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
pictureBox1.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(1200, 1200);
pictureBox1.Image = magickImage.ToBitmap();
Can anyone display this image correctly. It will display correctly when uploaded to
What you have there, according to the image tag directory, is a 2024x2024 16-bpp greyscale LZW-compressed extended TIFF. It even opens in some software, which proves that it's not malformed. So far so good.
Now here's where it breaks down: 16-bpp greyscale is not supported by a lot of things. The 'why' is mildly convoluted, having to do largely with "but we all use 8 bits per channel, and so does the hardware, so why bother", but the end result isn't: if you want to use anything above 8 bits per channel, you'll either have to find something that will do the work for you or convert the data to 8-bpp at some point.
Even when the file format explicitly support 16-bpp greyscale (TIFF and PNG for instance), most libraries tend not to support either read or write in that format because it is so rarely used that they don't bother to implement it. I ended up writing my own PNG encoder for 16-bpp greyscale images (converted from 12-bpp and 16-bpp XRAY images), but the images aren't viewable in most programs that supposedly support the full PNG standard.
In this case your best option is probably going to be to write a conversion of your own for this type of file. Assuming that the same format (16-bpp, LZW-compressed) is produced by the source application every time, it shouldn't be too difficult to convert the pixel buffer to 8-bpp and save out as TIFF, PNG or whatever you like. You'll lose half of your greyscale (depth) resolution, but for display purposes they're not going to help much anyway. It only really matters when there's a good reason to retain the full range of values.
I've been working on image recognition that grabs the screen using bitmap in winforms at 727, 115 area every 700 milliseconds. The get set pixel method is a way to slow and any other method I have found I don't really know how to use.
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
g.CopyFromScreen(896, 1250, 0, 0, bitmap.Size);
Bitmap myPic = Resources.SARCUT;
This creates the image on the area on the screen, and the myPic image is the image needing to be found in a 727, 115 area, as stated before. I've tried using aForge, Emgu, and LockPixel but I couldn't convert the bitmaps to the right format and never got it to work.
Any suggestions?
Bitmap and any image operation, together with rendering, is handled by GDI+ in .NET. The GDI+ albeit being faster than its predecessor GDI, it's still notably slow. Also, you seem to be performing a copy operation and this will always represent a performance hit. If you really need to improve performance you should not use the GDI+ framework, this means you have to operate on bitmaps directly and at a lower level. However, this last statement is very broad because it depends on exactly what you want to accomplish and how. Finally, if you want to compare two images you should avoid doing it pixel by pixel and instead do it byte by byte, it's faster since no indexing format and no value encoding has to be taken into account.
Not sure if what I'm trying to do will work out, or is even possible. Basically I'm creating a remote desktop type app which captures the screen as a jpeg image and sends it to the client app for displaying.
I want to reduce the amount of data sent each time by comparing the image to the older one and only sending the differences. For example:
var bitmap = new Bitmap(1024, 720);
string oldBase = "";
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
graphics.CopyFromScreen(bounds.X, bounds.Y, 0, 0, bounds.Size);
bitmap.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
string newBase = Convert.ToBase64String(stream.ToArray());
// ! Do compare/replace stuff here with newBase and oldBase !
// Store the old image as a base64 string.
oldBase = newBase;
Using something like this I could compare both base64 strings and replace any matches. The matched text could be replaced with something like:
[number of characters replaced]
That way, on the client side I know where to replace the old data and add the new. Again, I'm not sure if this would even work so anyones thoughts on this would be very appreciated. :) If it is possible, could you point me in the right direction? Thanks.
You can do this by comparing the bitmap bits directly. Look into Bitmap.LockBits, which will give you a BitmapData pointer from which you can get the pixel data. You can then compare the pixels for each scan line and encode them into whatever format you want to use for transport.
Note that a scan line's length in bytes is always a multiple of 4. So unless you're using 32-bit color, you have to take into account the padding that might be at the end of the scan line. That's what the Stride property is for in the BitmapData structure.
Doing things on a per-scanline basis is easier, but potentially not as efficient (in terms of reducing the amount of data sent) as treating the bitmap as one contiguous block of data. Your transport format should look something like:
<start marker>
// for each scan line
<scan line marker><scan line number>
<pixel position><number of pixels><pixel data>
<pixel position><number of pixels><pixel data>
// next scan line
<scan line marker><scan line number>
<end marker>
each <pixel position><number of pixels><pixel data> entry is a run of changed pixels. If a scan line has no changed pixels, you can choose not to send it. Or you can just send the scan line marker and number, followed immediately by the next scan line.
Two bytes will be enough for the <pixel position> field and for the <number of pixels> field. So you have an overhead of four bytes for each block. An optimization you might be interested in, after you have the simplest version working, would be to combine blocks of changed/unchanged pixels if there are small runs. For example, if you have uucucuc, where u is an unchanged pixel and c is a changed pixel, you'll probably want to encode the cucuc as one run of five changed pixels. That will reduce the amount of data you have to transmit.
Note that this isn't the best way to do things, but it's simple, effective, and relatively easy to implement.
In any case, once you've encoded things, you can run the data through the built-in GZip compressor (although doing so might not help much) and then push it down the pipe to the client, which would decompress it and interpret the result.
It would be easiest to build this on a single machine, using two windows to verify the results. Once that's working, you can hook up the network transport piece. Debugging the initial cut by having that transport step in the middle could prove very frustrating.
We're currently working on something very similar - basically, what you're trying to implement is video codec (very simple motion jpeg). There are some simple approaches and some very complicated.
The simplest approach is to compare consecutive frames and send only the differences. You may try to compare color differences between the frames in RGB space or YCbCr space and send only the pixels that changed with some metadata.
The more complicated solution is to compare the pictures after DCT transformation but before entropy coding. That would give you better comparisons and remove some ugly artifacts.
Check more info on JPEG, Motion JPEG, H.264 - you may use some methods these codecs are using or simply use the existing codec if possible.
This wont work for a JPEG. You need to use BMP, or possibly uncompressed TIFF.
I think if it were me I'd use BMP, scan the pixels for changes and construct a PNG where everything except the changes were transparent.
First, this would reduce your transmission size because the PNG conpression is quite good especially for repeating pixels.
Second, it makes dispay on the receiving end very easy since you can simply paint the new image overtop the old image.
Hey there!
Here is my setting:
I've got a c# application that extracts features from a series of images. Due to the size of a dataset (several thousand images) it is heavily parallelized, that's why we have a high-end machine with ssd that runs on Windows7 x64 (.NET4 runtime) to lift the hard work. I'm developing it on a Windows XP SP3 x86 machine under Visual Studio 2008 (.NET3.5) with Windows Forms - no chance to move to WPF by the way.
It's weird but I think I finally found out what's going on. Seems to be the codec for the image format that yields different results on the two machines! I don't know exactly what is going on there but the decoder on the xp machine produces more sane results than the win7 one. Sadly the better version is still in the x86 XP system :(. I guess the only solution to this one is changing the input image format to something lossless like png or bmp (Stupid me not thinking about the file format in the first place :)).
Thank you for your efforts. I think I will stick to implementing a converter on my own, it's not exactly what I wanted but I have to solve it somehow :). If anybody is reading this who has some ideas for me please let me know.
In the comments I was recommended to use a third party lib for this. I think I didn't made myself clear enough in that I don't really want to use the DrawImage approach anyway - it's just a flawed quickhack to get an actually working new Bitmap(tmp, ... myPixelFormat) that would hopefully use some interpolation. The thing I want to achieve is solely to convert the incoming image to a common PixelFormat with some standard interpolation.
My problem is as follows. Some of the source images are in Indexed8bpp jpg format that don't get along very well with the WinForms imaging stuff. Therefore in my image loading logic there is a check for indexed images that will convert the image to my applications default format (e.g. Format16bpp) like that:
Image GetImageByPath(string path)
Image result = null;
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
Image tmp = Image.FromStream(fs); // Here goes the same image ...
if (tmp.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed ||
tmp.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format4bppIndexed ||
tmp.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed ||
tmp.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Indexed)
// Creating a Bitmap container in the application's default format
result = new Bitmap(tmp.Width, tmp.Height, DefConf.DefaultPixelFormat);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(result);
g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
// We need not to scale anything in here
Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, tmp.Width, tmp.Height);
// (*) Here is where the strange thing happens - I know I could use
// DrawImageUnscaled - that isn't working either
g.DrawImage(tmp, drawRect, drawRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
result = new Bitmap(tmp); // Just copying the input stream
// (**) At this stage the x86 XP memory image differs from the
// the x64 Win7 image despite having the same settings
// on the very same image o.O
result.GetPixel(0, 0).B; // x86: 102, x64: 102
result.GetPixel(1, 0).B; // x86: 104, x64: 102
result.GetPixel(2, 0).B; // x86: 83, x64: 85
result.GetPixel(3, 0).B; // x86: 117, x64: 121
return result;
I tracked the problem down to (*). I think the InterpolationMode has something to do with it but there's no difference which of them I choose the results are different at (**) on the two systems anyway. I've been investigating test image data with some stupid copy&paste lines, to be sure it's not an issue with accessing the data in a wrong way.
The images all together look like this Electron Backscatter Diffraction Pattern. The actual color values differ subtly but they carry a lot of information - the interpolation even enhances it. It looks like the composition algorithm on the x86 machine uses the InterpolationMode property whereas the x64 thingy just spreads the palette values out without taking any interpolation into account.
I never noticed any difference between the output of the two machines until the day I implemented a histogram view feature on the data in my application. On the x86 machine it is balanced as one would expect it from watching the images. The x64 machine on the other hand would rather give some kind of sparse bar-diagram, an indication of indexed image data. It even effects the overall output data of the whole application - the output differs on both machines with the same data, that's not a good thing.
To me it looks like a bug in the x64 implementation, but that's just me :-). I just want the images on the x64 machine to have the same values as the x86 ones.
If anybody has an idea I'd be very pleased. I've been searching for similar behavior on the net for ages but resistance seems futile :)
Oh look out ... a whale!
If you want to make sure that this is always done the same way, you'll have to write your own code to handle it. Fortunately, it's not too difficult.
Your 8bpp image has a palette that contains the actual color values. You need to read that palette and convert the color values (which, if I remember correctly, are 24 bits) to 16-bit color values. You're going to lose information in the conversion, but you're already losing information in your conversion. At least this way, you'll lost the information in a predictable way.
Put the converted color values (there won't be more than 256 of them) into an array that you can use for lookup. Then ...
Create your destination bitmap and call LockBits to get a pointer to the actual bitmap data. Call LockBits to get a pointer to the bitmap data of the source bitmap. Then, for each pixel:
read the source bitmap pixel (8 bytes)
get the color value (16 bits) from your converted color array
store the color value in the destination bitmap
You could do this with GetPixel and SetPixel, but it would be very very slow.
I vaguely seem to recall that .NET graphics classes rely on GDI+. If that's still the case today, then there's no point in trying your app on different 64 bit systems with different video drivers. Your best bet would be to either do the interpolation using raw GDI operations (P/Invoke) or write your own pixel interpolation routine in software. Neither option is particularly attractive.
You really should use OpenCV for image handling like that, it's available in C# here: OpenCVSharp.
I use a standard method for the graphics object, and with this settings outperforms X86. Count performance at release runs, not debug. Also check optimize code at project properties, build tab. Studio 2017, framework 4.7.1
public static Graphics CreateGraphics(Image i)
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(i);
g.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver;
g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;
g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighSpeed;
return g;
How can i compress and image file(*bmp,*jpeg) in C#,
I have to display some images as background on my controls, i m using following code to scale my image
Bitmap orgBitmap = new Bitmap(_filePath);
Bitmap regBitmap = new Bitmap(reqSize.Width, reqSize.Height);
using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(reqBitmap))
gr.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
gr.DrawImage(bmp, new RectangleF(0, 0, reqSize.Width, reqSize.Height));
It giving me the required bitmap.
My problem is if orginal bitmap is to heavy(2 MB) then when i load 50 image it feed all my memory, i want to compress the image as much i can without losing the so much quality,How can i do the same in .NET ?
Do you definitely need the large images to be present at execution time? Could you resize them (or save them at a slightly lower quality) using an image editing program (Photoshop, Paintshop Pro etc) beforehand? There seems to be little point in doing the work every time you run - especially as editing tools are likely to do a better job anyway.
Of course, this won't work if it's something like the user picking arbitrary images from their hard disk.
Another point: are you disposing of the bitmaps when you're finished with them? You aren't showing that in your code... if you're not disposing of the original (large) bitmaps then you'll be at the mercy of finalizers to release the unmanaged resources. The finalizers will also delay garbage collection of those objects.
JPEG always lose something, PNG don't.
This is how you encode and decode PNG with C#:
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding things, but why not convert the bitmaps to jpg's before you import them into your project as control backgrounds?
Good luck compressing JPEG. :) It's compressed already. As for your BMPs, make them JPEGs.