C# approach to mapping input files dynamically - c#

I am trying to figure the best way to map input files, such as XLS or CSV files to objects in the system. Let me expand on that a little. I have the following objects:
Each have variables variables such as:
Phone numbers
The input file I can get varies, sometimes there will be column headings, sometimes not, the column arrangement and numbers will change at times. It could look as follows:
company1 contact1 address1 phone1
company1 contact2 address2
company2 contact3 phone2
contact4 address3
The above shows that "company" will have the "addres1" and "phone1" attached to the company, the "contact1" is its own object but has "company1" as its parent object.
The same is true for "contact2", (except for the phone).
"contact4" has no parent object so "address3" belongs to the contact, rather than a Company.
My thinking so far would be to have the following objects:
Mappings - (this is where I am not sure how to implement it. It should say how columns should map to variables, the ownership / hierarchy - e.g. Company has Address)
IMappingLoader - (loads the mapping objects)
-- XmlMappingLoader
-- DbMappingLoader
IDataLoader - (loads the data into a dataset)
-- XLSLoader
-- CSVLoader
So the mappings would be loaded, the data loaded into a dataset and the correct objects returned.
The part I am not really sure the best way to approach is how to do the mappings part. How to be able to say which column should belong to which object.
Thanks for any and all advice.

Your parsers are going to have to know about your columns....otherwise it is unable to map the data to the specific object properties. Unless of course you introduce an indexed-properties class which you could store the information based on the order it is read.
You should create a parser factory and based on the extension of the file you would return the correct parser for the job e.g.
public class Record
private Dictionary<int, string> items = new Dictionary<int, string>();
private int propCount;
public Record(int size)
// populate array with empty strings
for(int i = 0; i <= size -1; i++)
items.Add(i, String.Empty);
propCount = size;
public string this[int index]
get { return items[index]; }
set { items[index] = value; }
public int PropertyCount { get { return propCount; } }
public interface IRecordParser
string FileName { get; set; }
string[] GetHeadings();
bool HasHeaders { get; set; }
void GoToStart();
Record ParseNextRecord();
public abstract class RecordParser
public string FileName { get; set; }
public bool HasHeaders { get; set; }
public abstract string[] GetHeadings();
public abstract void GoToStart();
public abstract Record ParseNextRecord();
public class ExcelRecordParser : RecordParser, IRecordParser
public ExcelRecordParser()
public override string[] GetHeadings()
if (HasHeaders)
// return column headings
// return default headings from settings file
public override void GoToStart()
// navigate to first row (or +1 if HasHeaders is true)
public override Record ParseNextRecord()
var headers = GetHeadings();
var r = new Record(headers.Length);
// enumerate rows, then for each row do...
for(int i = 0; i <= headers.Length - 1; i++)
r[i] = row[i];
return r;
public class CsvRecordParser : RecordParser, IRecordParser
public CsvRecordParser()
public override string[] GetHeadings()
if (HasHeaders)
// return first row split as headings
// return default headers from settings file
public override void GoToStart()
// navigate to start of file (or +1 if HasHeaders is true)
public override Record ParseNextRecord()
var headers = GetHeadings();
var r = new Record(headers.Length);
// enumerate lines, then for each line do...
for(int i = 0; i <= headers.Length - 1; i++)
r[i] = line[i];
return r;
public static class RecordParserFactory
public static IRecordParser Create(string ext)
switch (ext)
case ".xls":
return new ExcelRecordParser() as IRecordParser;
case ".csv":
return new CsvRecordParser() as IRecordParser;
return null;
// would return an instance of CSV Parser
string file = #"C:\Data\MyRecords.csv";
IRecordParser parser = RecordParserFactory.Create(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file));
// would return an instance of Excel Parser
string file = #"C:\Data\MyRecords.xls";
IRecordParser parser = RecordParserFactory.Create(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file));
This would allow you to add other parsers if your file format changes in the future e.g. XML, Binary etc


Xml List Serialization and Node Type Names

Ive come across multiple questions and answers on here but none specific to my situation.
I have a class 'Entity' with multiple classes that extend off of it. I want the serialization to hit the list and understand and use the type of each item for the node name.
Now, I can use what is commented out (define each array item in the main class and define the name of such by using [XmlArrayItem("Subclass1", typeof(subclass1)] but I want to keep all definitions in their subclass and I will be having too many subclasses to define everything in the main entity class...Is there anyway to achieve this?
I have tried using [XmlType(TypeName="...")] for the subclasses and so on but that did not work.
public class Entity{
//[XmlArrayItem("Subclass1", typeof(subclass1))]
//[XmlArrayItem("Sublcass2", typeof(Subclass2))]
public List<Entity> CausedBy { get; set; }
public class Subclass1:Entity{
public class Subclass2:Subclass1{
Serializing the above code after creating an entity and adding a Subclass1 and Subclass2 to the list 'CausedBy' class results in the following:
<Entity ... xsi:type="SubClass1" />
<Entity ... xsi:type="SubClass2" />
I would like the output to show:
<SubClass1 .../>
<SubClass2 .../>
Since I totally failed to read the question to begin with, here's a new answer (it's a bit of a tl;dr, so you can always skip to the end and follow the link):
It isn't possible to get the built in serializer class to work because you don't wish to add the attributes that it needs to be able to operate. Your only option is to seralize the class yourself, however, this need not be as tedious as it sounds; I had a similar issue a few years ago with DataGridView in virtual mode and produced a generic virtualizer that could be used to virtualize the data for display; it used a custom attribute:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false)]
public sealed class showColumnAttribute : System.Attribute
///<summary>Optional display format for column</summary>
public string Format;
///<summary>Optional Header string for column<para>Defaults to propety name</para></summary>
public string Title;
///<summary>Optional column edit flag - defaults to false</summary>
public bool ReadOnly;
///<summary>Optional column width</summary>
public int Width;
///Marks public properties that are to be displayed in columns
public showColumnAttribute()
Format = String.Empty;
Title = String.Empty;
ReadOnly = false;
Width = 0;
And a constructor:
///Extracts the properties of the supplied type that are to be displayed
///<para>The type must be a class or an InvalidOperationException will be thrown</para>
public Virtualiser(Type t)
if (!t.IsClass)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Supplied type is not a class");
List<VirtualColumnInfo> definedColumns = new List<VirtualColumnInfo>();
PropertyInfo[] ps = t.GetProperties();
MethodInfo mg, ms;
for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; i++)
Object[] attr = ps[i].GetCustomAttributes(true);
if (attr.Length > 0)
foreach (var a in attr)
showColumnAttribute ca = a as showColumnAttribute;
if (ca != null)
mg = ps[i].GetGetMethod();
if (mg != null)
ms = ps[i].GetSetMethod();
new VirtualColumnInfo
ps[i].Name, ca.Width, ca.ReadOnly, ca.Title == String.Empty ? ps[i].Name : ca.Title,
ca.Format, mg, ms
if (definedColumns.Count > 0)
columns = definedColumns.ToArray();
This extracts the public properties of the class and supplies marked items to the DataGridView as columns together with a header, format, etc.
The effect of all of this (and the rest of the missing code) was that any type could be virtualized in a dataGridView simply by tagging public properties and calling the virtualizer once for a given type:
#region Virtualisation
static readonly Virtualiser Virtual = new Virtualiser(typeof(UserRecord));
[XmlIgnore] // just in case!
public static int ColumnCount { get { return Virtual.ColumnCount; } }
public static VirtualColumnInfo ColumnInfo(int column)
return Virtual.ColumnInfo(column);
public Object GetItem(int column)
return Virtual.GetItem(column, this);
** The supplied item should be a string - it is up to this method to supply a valid value to the property
** setter (this is the simplest place to determine what this is and how it can be derived from a string).
public void SetItem(int column, Object item)
String v = item as String;
int t = 0;
if (v == null)
switch (Virtual.GetColumnPropertyName(column))
case "DisplayNumber":
if (!int.TryParse(v, out t))
t = 0;
item = t;
Virtual.SetItem(column, this, item);
catch { }
The number of columns, their properties and order can be specified automatically by creating a number of public properties derived from the class data:
#region Display columns
[showColumn(ReadOnly = true, Width = 100, Title = "Identification")]
public String DisplayIdent
return ident;
ident = value;
[showColumn(Width = 70, Title = "Number on Roll")]
public int DisplayNumber
return number;
number = value;
[showColumn(Width = -100, Title = "Name")]
public string DisplayName
return name == String.Empty ? "??" : name;
name = value;
This would virtualize any class for dataGridView to display and edit data and I used it many times over the years and the extraction of properties to display is exactly what is required for XML serialization, indeed, it has a lot of the same characteristics.
I was going to adapt this method to do the same job for XML serialization but someone has already done it at https://www.codeproject.com/script/Articles/ViewDownloads.aspx?aid=474453, I hope you can make use of this method to solve your problem.
This works for me:
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Entity entity = new Entity();
entity.CausedBy = new List<Entity>();
entity.CausedBy.Add(new Subclass1());
entity.CausedBy.Add(new Subclass2());
entity.CausedBy.Add(new Subclass2());
entity.CausedBy.Add(new Subclass1());
entity.CausedBy.Add(new Subclass1());
entity.Save(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "Test.txt"));
public class Entity
[XmlArrayItem("SubClass1", typeof(Subclass1))]
[XmlArrayItem("SubClass2", typeof(Subclass2))]
public List<Entity> CausedBy { get; set; }
public class Subclass1 : Entity
String t = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
public String SubClass1Item { get { return "Test1 " + t; } set { } }
public class Subclass2 : Entity
String t = DateTime.Now.ToString();
public String SubClass2Item { get { return "Test2 " + t; } set { } }
It produces:
<Entity xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<SubClass1Item>Test1 20/09/2017</SubClass1Item>
<SubClass2Item>Test2 20/09/2017 01:06:55</SubClass2Item>
<SubClass2Item>Test2 20/09/2017 01:06:55</SubClass2Item>
<SubClass1Item>Test1 20/09/2017</SubClass1Item>
<SubClass1Item>Test1 20/09/2017</SubClass1Item>

Why is my game serializing this class?

So I'm making a game, and it saves users' progress on the computer in a binary file. The User class stores a few things:
Integers for stat values (Serializable)
Strings for the Username and the skin assets
Lists of both the Achievement class and the InventoryItem class, which I have created myself.
Here are the User fields:
public string Username = "";
// ID is used for local identification, as usernames can be changed.
public int ID;
public int Coins = 0;
public List<Achievement> AchievementsCompleted = new List<Achievement>();
public List<InventoryItem> Inventory = new List<InventoryItem>();
public List<string> Skins = new List<string>();
public string CurrentSkinAsset { get; set; }
The Achievement class stores ints, bools, and strings, which are all serializable. The InventoryItem class stores its name (a string) and an InventoryAction, which is a delegate that is called when the item is used.
These are the Achievement class's fields:
public int ID = 0;
public string Name = "";
public bool Earned = false;
public string Description = "";
public string Image;
public AchievmentDifficulty Difficulty;
public int CoinsOnCompletion = 0;
public AchievementMethod OnCompletion;
public AchievementCriteria CompletionCriteria;
public bool Completed = false;
And here are the fields for the InventoryItem class:
InventoryAction actionWhenUsed;
public string Name;
public string AssetName;
The source of the InventoryAction variables are in my XNAGame class. What I mean by this is that the XNAGame class has a method called "UseSword()" or whatever, which it passes into the InventoryItem class. Previously, the methods were stored in the Game1 class, but the Game class, which Game1 inherits from, is not serializable, and there's no way for me to control that. This is why I have an XNAGame class.
I get an error when trying to serialize: "The 'SpriteFont' class is not marked as serializable", or something like that. Well, there is a SpriteFont object in my XNAGame class, and some quick tests showed that this is the source of the issue. Well, I have no control over whether or not the SpriteFont class is Serializable.
Why is the game doing this? Why must all the fields in the XNAGame class be serializable, when all I need is a few methods?
Keep in mind when answering that I'm 13, and may not understand all the terms you're using. If you need any code samples, I'll be glad to provide them for you. Thanks in advance!
EDIT: One solution I have thought of is to store the InventoryAction delegates in a Dictionary, except that this will be a pain and isn't very good programming practice. If this is the only way, I'll accept it, though (Honestly at this point I think this is the best solution).
EDIT 2: Here's the code for the User.Serialize method (I know what I'm doing in inefficient, and I should use a database, blah, blah, blah. I'm fine with what I'm doing now, so bear with me.):
FileStream fileStream = null;
List<User> users;
BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
if (File.Exists(FILE_PATH) && !IsFileLocked(FILE_PATH))
fileStream = File.Open(FILE_PATH, FileMode.Open);
users = (List<User>)binaryFormatter.Deserialize(fileStream);
fileStream = File.Create(FILE_PATH);
users = new List<User>();
for (int i = 0; i < users.Count; i++)
if (users[i].ID == this.ID)
foreach (Achievement a in AchievementsCompleted)
if (a.CompletionCriteria != null)
a.CompletionCriteria = null;
if (a.OnCompletion != null)
a.OnCompletion = null;
fileStream.Position = 0;
binaryFormatter.Serialize(fileStream, users);
You cannot serialize a SpriteFont by design, actually this is possible (.XNB file) but it hasn't been made public.
Strip it off your serialized class.
If for some reasons you must serialize some font, the first thing that comes to my mind would be to roll-out your own font system such as BMFont but that's a daunting task since you'll have to use it everywhere else where you might already do ...
Generate a pre-defined amount of fonts (i.e. Arial/Times/Courier at size 10/11/12 etc ...) using XNA Content app (can't recall its exact name); then store this user preference as two strings. With a string.Format(...) you should be able to load the right font back quite easily.
Alternative 2 is certainly the easiest and won't take more than a few minutes to roll-out.
Basically, instead of saving a delegate I do the following:
inventory items have their own type
each type name is de/serialized accordingly
their logic does not happen in the main game class anymore
you don't have to manually match item type / action method
So while you'll end up with more classes, you have concerns separated and you can keep your main loop clean and relatively generic.
public static class Demo
public static void DemoCode()
// create new profile
var profile = new UserProfile
Name = "Bill",
Gold = 1000000,
Achievements = new List<Achievement>(new[]
Inventory = new Inventory(new[]
new FireSpell()
// save it
using (var stream = File.Create("profile.bin"))
var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(stream, profile);
// load it
using (var stream = File.OpenRead("profile.bin"))
var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
var deserialize = formatter.Deserialize(stream);
var userProfile = (UserProfile) deserialize;
// set everything on fire :)
var fireSpell = userProfile.Inventory.Items.OfType<FireSpell>().FirstOrDefault();
if (fireSpell != null) fireSpell.Execute("whatever");
public sealed class UserProfile
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Gold { get; set; }
public List<Achievement> Achievements { get; set; }
public Inventory Inventory { get; set; }
public enum Achievement
public sealed class Inventory : ISerializable
public Inventory() // for serialization
public Inventory(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) // for serialization
var value = (string) info.GetValue("Items", typeof(string));
var strings = value.Split(';');
var items = strings.Select(s =>
var type = Type.GetType(s);
if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type));
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
var item = instance as InventoryItem;
return item;
Items = new List<InventoryItem>(items);
public Inventory(IEnumerable<InventoryItem> items)
if (items == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(items));
Items = new List<InventoryItem>(items);
public List<InventoryItem> Items { get; }
#region ISerializable Members
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
var strings = Items.Select(s => s.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName).ToArray();
var value = string.Join(";", strings);
info.AddValue("Items", value);
public abstract class InventoryItem
public abstract void Execute(params object[] objects);
public abstract class Spell : InventoryItem
public sealed class FireSpell : Spell
public override void Execute(params object[] objects)
// using 'params object[]' a simple and generic way to pass things if any, i.e.
// var world = objects[0];
// var strength = objects[1];
// now do something with these !
Okay, so I figured it out.
The best solution was to use a Dictionary in the XNAGame class, which stores two things: an ItemType (an enumeration), and an InventoryAction. Basically, when I use an item, I check it's type and then look up it's method. Thanks to everyone who tried, and I'm sorry if the question was confusing.

Can i add a row number in object list while mapping with automapper?

I want to add row number in object list.
here's the they i do it now but there must be better way
Profile for mapping
public class VendorEnquiryDM_TO_VM : Profile
public VendorEnquiryDM_TO_VM()
CreateMap<VENDORENQUIRY, VendorEnquiryVM>();
public class VendorEnquiryVM_TO_DM : Profile
public VendorEnquiryVM_TO_DM()
CreateMap<VENDOR_ENQUIRY, VendorEnquiryVM>().ReverseMap();
Register profile
This is how I add sno.
alldata = Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<Vendor_EnquiryVM>>(objDAO.getVendorEnquiry());
var _roles = alldata.Select((t, index) => new Vendor_EnquiryVM
sno = index + 1,
Due to just one serial no. I need to assign all properties and this is somewhat fraustrating to me for large model, please suggest me better way of doing this.
You can define a static Id and when you create the class, increment it by one
here how your class code should look like
public class Test
private static int mId = 0;
public Test()
mId = mId +1;
public int Id
get{ return mId;}
Here a demo
in order to use the same idea with collections like List, I applied some modifications and here what you can do
public class Test
private static int mIndex = 0; // this parameter will be incremented for each new Test
private int mId =0; // this parameter will hold the last incremented value
public Test()
mId = ++mIndex; // mIndex++ if you want to start with 0
public int Id
get{ return mId;}
Demo with lists
hope this will help you

Search Integer Array for duplicates

I'm currently creating a very basic game in C# and I have an inventory system created which using a very simple command (Items.Add(id, amount)) you can add items to said inventory. What I want to be able to do, which my current system does not do is be able to effectively "search" my inventory array which is a 2D array holding the item id and item amount. My current system is like this:
public static void add(int id, int amount)
for (int i = 0; i < Ship_Builder.Player.invCount; i++)
if (Ship_Builder.Player.inv[i, 0] == 0)
Ship_Builder.Player.inv[i, 0] = id;
Ship_Builder.Player.inv[i, 1] = amount;
and I want it to (in an else if) be able to search the array. I did have this:
else if (Ship_Builder.Player.inv[i, 0] == Ship_Builder.Player.inv[i + 1, 0])
Before, but it didn't work how I wanted it to.
Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks,
As comments suggest, you should use a Dictionary for such a task. But if you have to use a 2-d array, which is (i presume) pre-populated with zeros before we add any items to it, then an if-else statement like you propose won't do the trick. What you need to do is iterate through the array looking for a matching id first and each time your ids don't match, you have to check if the id that you're currently checking is equal to 0. If it is, then you have traversed all "slots" which had some items in them without finding a match, which means this item must go into another, empty slot.
public static void add(int id, int amount)
for (int i = 0; i < Ship_Builder.Player.invCount; i++)
if (Ship_Builder.Player.inv[i, 0] != id)
if (Ship_Builder.Player.inv[i, 0] == 0)
Ship_Builder.Player.inv[i, 0] = id;
Ship_Builder.Player.inv[i, 1] = amount;
Ship_Builder.Player.inv[i, 1] += amount;
Warning! My answer assumes that you locate new items in the empty slot with the smallest possible index. Also, if you are removing items and setting the id to zero as a result, then you'll have to traverse the whole array first in search of a matching index before you can allocate a new item. Which might get very expensive time-wise if the array is large.
There's a lot going on here (and there isn't enough detail to give any answer except in broad strokes), but how I would approach something like this would be to start with using object oriented designs rather than relying on indexed positions in arrays. I'd define something like this:
public class InventoryItem
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Amount { get; set; }
// Now I can add other useful properties here too
// ...like Name perhaps?
Now I'd make my inventory a Dictionary<int,InventoryItem> and adding something to my inventory might look something like this:
public void Add(int id, int amount)
// assuming myInventory is our inventory
if (myInventory.ContainsKey(id)) {
myInventory[id].Amount += amount;
else {
myInventory[id] = new InventoryItem()
Id = id,
Amount = amount
Now it's not necessary that you actually use the InventoryItem class, you could just stick with Dictonary<int,int>, but you'll probably find as you work through it that you'd much rather have some objects to work with.
Then you could probably have a master dictionary of all objects and just add them to your inventory, so you end up with something like:
public void Add(InventoryItem item, int amount)
// assuming myInventory is our inventory
if (myInventory.ContainsKey(item.Id)) {
myInventory[item.Id].Amount += amount;
else {
myInventory[item.Id] = new InventoryItem(item) // assuming you added a
// copy constructor, for example
Amount = amount
Depending on speed performance requirements (using arrays should be only slightly faster than this) you could just skip the hard coded values and arrays all together. This has a few semi-advanced topics:
public abstract class InventoryItem
// or interface
public abstract string Name { get; }
public int Count { get; set; }
public class InventoryGold : InventoryItem
public string Name { get { return "Gold" } }
public abstract class InventoryWeapon : InventoryItem { }
public class OgreSlayingKnife : InventoryWeapon
public string Name { get { return "Ogre Slaying Knife"; } }
public int VersusOgres { get { return +9; } }
public UpdateCount<Item>(this ICollection<Item> instance,
int absoluteCount)
var item = instance.OfType<Item>().FirstOrDefault();
if (item == null && absoluteCount > 0)
item = default(Item);
item.Count = absoluteCount;
if (absoluteCount > 0)
item.Count = absoluteCount;
// Probably should be a Hashset
var inventory = new List<InventoryItem>();

Importing an Excel Sheet and Validate the Imported Data with Loosely Coupled

I am trying to develop a module which will read excel sheets (possibly from other data sources too, so it should be loosely coupled) and convert them into Entities so to save.
The logic will be this:
The excel sheet can be in different format, for example column names in Excel sheet can be different so my system needs to be able to map different fields to my entities.
For now I will be assuming the format defined above will be same and hardcoded for now instead of coming from database dynamically after set on a configuration mapping UI kinda thing.
The data needs to be validated before even get mapped. So I should be able validate it beforehand against something. We're not using like XSD or something else so I should validate it against the object structure I am using as a template for importing.
The problem is, I put together some things together but I don't say I liked what I did. My Question is how I can improve the code below and make things more modular and fix the validation issues.
The code below is a mock-up and is not expected to work, just to see some structure of the design.
This is code I've come up with so far, and I've realized one thing that I need to improve my design patterns skills but for now I need your help, if you could help me:
//The Controller, a placeholder
class UploadController
//Somewhere here we call appropriate class and methods in order to convert
//excel sheet to dataset
After we uploaded file using an MVC Controller, there could be different controllers specialized to import certain behaviors, in this example I will uploading person related tables,
interface IDataImporter
void Import(DataSet dataset);
//We can use many other importers besides PersonImporter
class PersonImporter : IDataImporter
//We divide dataset to approprate data tables and call all the IImportActions
//related to Person data importing
//We call inserting to database functions here of the DataContext since this way
//we can do less db roundtrip.
public string PersonTableName {get;set;}
public string DemographicsTableName {get;set;}
public Import(Dataset dataset)
//We put different things in different methods to clear the field. High cohesion.
private void CreatePerson(DataSet dataset)
var personDataTable = GetDataTable(dataset,PersonTableName);
IImportAction addOrUpdatePerson = new AddOrUpdatePerson();
private void CreateDemograhics(DataSet dataset)
var demographicsDataTable = GetDataTable(dataset,DemographicsTableName);
IImportAction demoAction = new AddOrUpdateDemographic(demographicsDataTable);
private DataTable GetDataTable(DataSet dataset, string tableName)
return dataset.Tables[tableName];
I have IDataImporter and specialized concrete class PersonImporter. However, I am not sure it looks good so far since things should be SOLID so basically easy to extend later in the project cycle, this will be a foundation for future improvements, lets keep going:
IImportActions are where the magic mostly happens. Instead of designing things table based, I am developing it behavior based so one can call any of them to import things in more modular model. For example a table may have 2 different actions.
interface IImportAction
void MapEntity(DataTable table);
//A sample import action, AddOrUpdatePerson
class AddOrUpdatePerson : IImportAction
//Consider using default values as well?
public string FirstName {get;set;}
public string LastName {get;set;}
public string EmployeeId {get;set;}
public string Email {get;set;}
public void MapEntity(DataTable table)
//Each action is producing its own data context since they use
//different actions.
using(var dataContext = new DataContext())
foreach(DataRow row in table.Rows)
var person = new Person(){
FirstName = row[FirstName],
LastName = row[LastName],
EmployeeId = row[EmployeeId],
Email = row[Email]
class AddOrUpdateDemographic: IImportAction
static string Name {get;set;}
static string EmployeeId {get;set;}
//So here for example, we will need to save dataContext first before passing it in
//to get the PersonId from Person (we're assuming that we need PersonId for Demograhics)
public void MapEntity(DataTable table)
using(var dataContext = new DataCOntext())
foreach(DataRow row in table.Rows)
var demograhic = new Demographic(){
Name = row[Name],
PersonId = dataContext.People.First(t => t.EmployeeId = int.Parse(row["EmpId"]))
And the validation, which mostly where I suck at unfortunately. The validation needs to be easy to extend and loosely coupled and also I need to be able to call this validation beforehand instead of adding everything.
public static class ValidationFactory
public static Lazy<IFieldValidation> PhoneValidation = new Lazy<IFieldValidation>(()=>new PhoneNumberValidation());
public static Lazy<IFieldValidation> EmailValidation = new Lazy<IFieldValidation>(()=>new EmailValidation());
interface IFieldValidation
string ValidationMesage{get;set;}
bool Validate(object value);
class PhoneNumberValidation : IFieldValidation
public string ValidationMesage{get;set;}
public bool Validate(object value)
var validated = true; //lets say...
var innerValue = (string) value;
//validate innerValue using Regex or something
//if validation fails, then set ValidationMessage propert for logging.
return validated;
class EmailValidation : IFieldValidation
public string ValidationMesage{get;set;}
public bool Validate(object value)
var validated = true; //lets say...
var innerValue = (string) value;
//validate innerValue using Regex or something
//if validation fails, then set ValidationMessage propert for logging.
return validated;
I have done the same thing on a project. The difference is that I didn't have to import Excel sheets, but CSV files. I created a CSVValueProvider. And, therefore, the CSV data was bound to my IEnumerable model automatically.
As for validation, I figured that going through all rows, and cells, and validating them one by one is not very efficient, especially when the CSV file has thousands of records. So, what I did was that I created some validation methods that went through the CSV data column by column, instead of row by row, and did a linq query on each column and returned the row numbers of the cells with invalid data. Then, added the invalid row number/column names to ModelState.
Here is what I have done...
CSVReader Class:
// A class that can read and parse the data in a CSV file.
public class CSVReader
// Regex expression that's used to parse the data in a line of a CSV file
private const string ESCAPE_SPLIT_REGEX = "({1}[^{1}]*{1})*(?<Separator>{0})({1}[^{1}]*{1})*";
// String array to hold the headers (column names)
private string[] _headers;
// List of string arrays to hold the data in the CSV file. Each string array in the list represents one line (row).
private List<string[]> _rows;
// The StreamReader class that's used to read the CSV file.
private StreamReader _reader;
public CSVReader(StreamReader reader)
_reader = reader;
// Reads and parses the data from the CSV file
private void Parse()
_rows = new List<string[]>();
string[] row;
int rowNumber = 1;
var headerLine = "RowNumber," + _reader.ReadLine();
_headers = GetEscapedSVs(headerLine);
while (!_reader.EndOfStream)
var line = rowNumber + "," + _reader.ReadLine();
row = GetEscapedSVs(line);
private string[] GetEscapedSVs(string data)
if (!data.EndsWith(","))
data = data + ",";
return GetEscapedSVs(data, ",", "\"");
// Parses each row by using the given separator and escape characters
private string[] GetEscapedSVs(string data, string separator, string escape)
string[] result = null;
int priorMatchIndex = 0;
MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(data, string.Format(ESCAPE_SPLIT_REGEX, separator, escape));
// Skip empty rows...
if (matches.Count > 0)
result = new string[matches.Count];
for (int index = 0; index <= result.Length - 2; index++)
result[index] = data.Substring(priorMatchIndex, matches[index].Groups["Separator"].Index - priorMatchIndex);
priorMatchIndex = matches[index].Groups["Separator"].Index + separator.Length;
result[result.Length - 1] = data.Substring(priorMatchIndex, data.Length - priorMatchIndex - 1);
for (int index = 0; index <= result.Length - 1; index++)
if (Regex.IsMatch(result[index], string.Format("^{0}.*[^{0}]{0}$", escape)))
result[index] = result[index].Substring(1, result[index].Length - 2);
result[index] = result[index].Replace(escape + escape, escape);
if (result[index] == null || result[index] == escape)
result[index] = "";
return result;
// Returns the number of rows
public int RowCount
if (_rows == null)
return 0;
return _rows.Count;
// Returns the number of headers (columns)
public int HeaderCount
if (_headers == null)
return 0;
return _headers.Length;
// Returns the value in a given column name and row index
public object GetValue(string columnName, int rowIndex)
if (rowIndex >= _rows.Count)
return null;
var row = _rows[rowIndex];
int colIndex = GetColumnIndex(columnName);
if (colIndex == -1 || colIndex >= row.Length)
return null;
var value = row[colIndex];
return value;
// Returns the column index of the provided column name
public int GetColumnIndex(string columnName)
int index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < _headers.Length; i++)
if (_headers[i].Replace(" ","").Equals(columnName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
index = i;
return index;
return index;
CSVValueProviderFactory Class:
public class CSVValueProviderFactory : ValueProviderFactory
public override IValueProvider GetValueProvider(ControllerContext controllerContext)
var uploadedFiles = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Files;
if (uploadedFiles.Count > 0)
var file = uploadedFiles[0];
var extension = file.FileName.Split('.').Last();
if (extension.Equals("csv", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
if (file.ContentLength > 0)
var stream = file.InputStream;
var csvReader = new CSVReader(new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.Default, true));
return new CSVValueProvider(controllerContext, csvReader);
return null;
CSVValueProvider Class:
// Represents a value provider for the data in an uploaded CSV file.
public class CSVValueProvider : IValueProvider
private CSVReader _csvReader;
public CSVValueProvider(ControllerContext controllerContext, CSVReader csvReader)
if (controllerContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("controllerContext");
if (csvReader == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("csvReader");
_csvReader = csvReader;
public bool ContainsPrefix(string prefix)
if (prefix.Contains('[') && prefix.Contains(']'))
if (prefix.Contains('.'))
var header = prefix.Split('.').Last();
if (_csvReader.GetColumnIndex(header) == -1)
return false;
int index = int.Parse(prefix.Split('[').Last().Split(']').First());
if (index >= _csvReader.RowCount)
return false;
return true;
public ValueProviderResult GetValue(string key)
if (!key.Contains('[') || !key.Contains(']') || !key.Contains('.'))
return null;
object value = null;
var header = key.Split('.').Last();
int index = int.Parse(key.Split('[').Last().Split(']').First());
value = _csvReader.GetValue(header, index);
if (value == null)
return null;
return new ValueProviderResult(value, value.ToString(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
For the validation, as I mentioned before, I figured that it would not be efficient to do it using DataAnnotation attributes. A row by row validation of the data would take a long time for CSV files with thousands of rows. So, I decided to validate the data in the Controller after the Model Binding is done. I should also mention that I needed to validate the data in the CSV file against some data in the database. If you just need to validate things like Email Address or Phone Number, you might as well just use DataAnnotation.
Here is a sample method for validating the Email Address column:
private void ValidateEmailAddress(IEnumerable<CSVViewModel> csvData)
var invalidRows = csvData.Where(d => ValidEmail(d.EmailAddress) == false).ToList();
foreach (var invalidRow in invalidRows)
var key = string.Format("csvData[{0}].{1}", invalidRow.RowNumber - 2, "EmailAddress");
ModelState.AddModelError(key, "Invalid Email Address");
private static bool ValidEmail(string email)
if(email == "")
return false;
return new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(#"^[\w-\.]+#([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,6}$").IsMatch(email);
For validation using DataAnnotaion, you just use DataAnnotation attributes in your CSVViewModel like below (the CSVViewModel is the class that your CSV data will be bound to in your Controller Action):
public class CSVViewModel
// User proper names for your CSV columns, these are just examples...
public int Column1 { get; set; }
public string Column2 { get; set; }

