Calculate an Internet (aka IP, aka RFC791) checksum in C# - c#

Interestingly, I can find implementations for the Internet Checksum in almost every language except C#. Does anyone have an implementation to share?
Remember, the internet protocol specifies that:
"The checksum field is the 16 bit one's complement of the one's
complement sum of all 16 bit words in the header. For purposes of
computing the checksum, the value of the checksum field is zero."
More explanation can be found from Dr. Math.
There are some efficiency pointers available, but that's not really a large concern for me at this point.
Please include your tests! (Edit: Valid comment regarding testing someone else's code - but I am going off of the protocol and don't have test vectors of my own and would rather unit test it than put into production to see if it matches what is currently being used! ;-)
Edit: Here are some unit tests that I came up with. They test an extension method which iterates through the entire byte collection. Please comment if you find fault in the tests.
public void InternetChecksum_SimplestValidValue_ShouldMatch()
IEnumerable<byte> value = new byte[1]; // should work for any-length array of zeros
ushort expected = 0xFFFF;
ushort actual = value.InternetChecksum();
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
public void InternetChecksum_ValidSingleByteExtreme_ShouldMatch()
IEnumerable<byte> value = new byte[]{0xFF};
ushort expected = 0xFF;
ushort actual = value.InternetChecksum();
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
public void InternetChecksum_ValidMultiByteExtrema_ShouldMatch()
IEnumerable<byte> value = new byte[] { 0x00, 0xFF };
ushort expected = 0xFF00;
ushort actual = value.InternetChecksum();
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

I knew I had this one stored away somewhere...

Well, I dug up an implementation from an old code base and it passes the tests I specified in the question, so here it is (as an extension method):
public static ushort InternetChecksum(this IEnumerable<byte> value)
byte[] buffer = value.ToArray();
int length = buffer.Length;
int i = 0;
UInt32 sum = 0;
UInt32 data = 0;
while (length > 1)
data = 0;
data = (UInt32)(
((UInt32)(buffer[i]) << 8)
((UInt32)(buffer[i + 1]) & 0xFF)
sum += data;
if ((sum & 0xFFFF0000) > 0)
sum = sum & 0xFFFF;
sum += 1;
i += 2;
length -= 2;
if (length > 0)
sum += (UInt32)(buffer[i] << 8);
//sum += (UInt32)(buffer[i]);
if ((sum & 0xFFFF0000) > 0)
sum = sum & 0xFFFF;
sum += 1;
sum = ~sum;
sum = sum & 0xFFFF;
return (UInt16)sum;

I have made an implementation of the IPv4 header checksum calculation, as defined in RFC 791.
Extension Methods
public static ushort GetInternetChecksum(this ReadOnlySpan<byte> bytes)
=> CalculateChecksum(bytes, ignoreHeaderChecksum: true);
public static bool IsValidChecksum(this ReadOnlySpan<byte> bytes)
// Should equal zero (valid)
=> CalculateChecksum(bytes, ignoreHeaderChecksum: false) == 0;
The Checksum Calculation
using System.Buffers.Binary;
private static ushort CalculateChecksum(ReadOnlySpan<byte> bytes, bool ignoreHeaderChecksum)
ushort checksum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 18; i += 2)
// i = 0 e.g. [0..2] Version and Internal Header Length
// i = 2 e.g. [2..4] Total Length
// i = 4 e.g. [4..6] Identification
// i = 6 e.g. [6..8] Flags and Fragmentation Offset
// i = 8 e.g. [8..10] TTL and Protocol
// i = 10 e.g. [10..12] Header Checksum
// i = 12 e.g. [12..14] Source Address #1
// i = 14 e.g. [14..16] Source Address #2
// i = 16 e.g. [16..18] Destination Address #1
// i = 18 e.g. [18..20] Destination Address #2
if (ignoreHeaderChecksum && i == 10) continue;
ushort value = BinaryPrimitives.ReadUInt16BigEndian(bytes[i..(i + 2)]);
// Each time a carry occurs, we must add a 1 to the sum
if (checksum + value > ushort.MaxValue)
checksum += value;
// One’s complement
return (ushort)~checksum;


How can a create a byte from 8 Bool values in C#

I need to read 8 bool values and create a Byte from it, How is this done?
rather than hardcoding the following 1's and 0's - how can i create that binary value from a series of Boolean values in c#?
byte myValue = 0b001_0000;
There's many ways of doing it, for example to build it from an array:
bool[] values = ...;
byte result = 0;
for(int i = values.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) // assuming you store them "in reverse"
result = result | (values[i] << (values.Length - 1 - i));
My solution with Linq:
public static byte CreateByte(bool[] bits)
if (bits.Length > 8)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
return (byte)bits.Reverse().Select((val, i) => Convert.ToByte(val) << i).Sum();
The call to Reverse() is optional and dependent on if you want index 0 to be the LSB (without Reverse) or the MSB (with Reverse)
var values = new bool[8];
values [7] = true;
byte result = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
//edited to bit shifting because of community complains :D
if (values [i]) result |= (byte)(1 << i);
// result => 128
This might be absolutely overkill, but I felt like playing around with SIMD. It could've probably been written even better but I don't know SIMD all that well.
If you want reverse bit order to what this generates, just remove the shuffling part from the SIMD approach and change (7 - i) to just i
For those not familiar with SIMD, this approach is about 3 times faster than a normal for loop.
public static byte ByteFrom8Bools(ReadOnlySpan<bool> bools)
if (bools.Length < 8)
static void Throw() // Throwing in a separate method helps JIT produce better code, or so I've heard
throw new ArgumentException("Not enough booleans provided");
// these are JIT compile time constants, only one of the branches will be compiled
// depending on the CPU running this code, eliminating the branch entirely
if(Sse2.IsSupported && Ssse3.IsSupported)
// copy out the 64 bits all at once
ref readonly bool b = ref bools[0];
ref bool refBool = ref Unsafe.AsRef(b);
ulong ulongBools = Unsafe.As<bool, ulong>(ref refBool);
// load our 64 bits into a vector register
Vector128<byte> vector = Vector128.CreateScalarUnsafe(ulongBools).AsByte();
// this is just to propagate the 1 set bit in true bools to the most significant bit
Vector128<byte> allTrue = Vector128.Create((byte)1);
Vector128<byte> compared = Sse2.CompareEqual(vector, allTrue);
// reverse the bytes we care about, leave the rest in their place
Vector128<byte> shuffleMask = Vector128.Create((byte)7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
Vector128<byte> shuffled = Ssse3.Shuffle(compared, shuffleMask);
// move the most significant bit of each byte into a bit of int
int mask = Sse2.MoveMask(shuffled);
// returning byte = returning the least significant byte from int
return (byte)mask;
// fall back to a more generic algorithm if there aren't the correct instructions on the CPU
byte bits = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
bool b = bools[i];
bits |= (byte)(Unsafe.As<bool, byte>(ref b) << (7 - i));
return bits;

Custom 4 bit data type in C#

I want to create a custom data type which is 4 bits (nibble).
One option is this -
byte source = 0xAD;
var hiNybble = (source & 0xF0) >> 4; //Left hand nybble = A
var loNyblle = (source & 0x0F); //Right hand nybble = D
However, I want to store each 4 bits in an array.
So for example, a 2 byte array,
00001111 01010000
would be stored in the custom data type array as 4 nibbles -
Essentially I want to operate on 4 bit types.
Is there any way I can convert the array of bytes into array of nibbles?
Appreciate an example.
You can encapsulate a stream returning 4-bit samples by reading then converting (written from a phone without a compiler to test. Expect typos and off-by-one errors):
public static int ReadNibbles(this Stream s, byte[] data, int offset, int count)
if (s == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(s));
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
if (data.Length < offset + length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length));
var readBytes = s.Read(data, offset, length / 2);
for (int n = readBytes * 2 - 1, k = readBytes - 1; k >= 0; k--)
data[offset + n--] = data[offset + k] & 0xf;
data[offset + n--] = data[offset + k] >> 4;
return readBytes * 2;
To do the same for 12-bit integers (assuming MSB nibble ordering):
public static int Read(this Stream stream, ushort[] data, int offset, int length)
if (stream == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
if (data.Length < offset + length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length));
if (length < 2)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length), "Cannot read fewer than two samples at a time");
// we always need a multiple of two
length -= length % 2;
// 3 bytes length samples
// --------- * -------------- = N bytes
// 2 samples 1
int rawCount = (length / 2) * 3;
// This will place GC load. Something like a buffer pool or keeping
// the allocation as a field on the reader would be a good idea.
var rawData = new byte[rawCount];
int readBytes = 0;
// if the underlying stream returns an even number of bytes, we will need to try again
while (readBytes < data.Length)
int c = stream.Read(rawData, readBytes, rawCount - readBytes);
if (c <= 0)
// End of stream
readBytes += c;
// unpack
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < readBytes; i += 3)
// EOF in second byte is undefined
if (i + 1 >= readBytes)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected EOF");
data[(k++) + offset] = (ushort)((rawData[i + 0] << 4) | (rawData[i + 1] >> 4));
// EOF in third byte == only one sample
if (i + 2 < readBytes)
data[(k++) + offset] = (ushort)(((rawData[i + 1] & 0xf) << 8) | rawData[i + 2]);
return k;
The best way to do this would be to look at the source for one of the existing integral data types. For example Int16.
If you look a that type, you can see that it implements a handful of interfaces:
public struct Int16 : IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable<short>, IEquatable<short> { /* ... */ }
The implementation of the type isn't very complicated. It has a MaxValue a MinValue, a couple of CompareTo overloads, a couple of Equals overloads, the System.Object overrides (GetHashCode, GetType, ToString (plus some overloads)), a handful of Parse and ToParse overloads and a range of IConvertible implementations.
In other places, you can find things like arithmetic, comparison and conversion operators.
What System.Int16 has that you can't have is this:
internal short m_value;
That's a native type (16-bit integer) member that holds the value. There is no 4-bit native type. The best you are going to be able to do is have a native byte in your implementation that will hold the value. You can write accessors that constrain it to the lower 4 bits, but you can't do much more than that. If someone creates a Nibble array, it will be implemented as an array of those values. As far as I know, there's no way to inject your implementation into that array. Similarly, if someone creates some other collection (e.g., List<Nibble>), then the collection will be of instances of your type, each of which will take up 8 bits.
You can create specialized collection classes, NibbleArray, NibbleList, etc. C#'s syntax allows you to provide your own collection initialization implementation for a collection, your own indexing method, etc.
So, if someone does something like this:
var nyblArray = new NibbleArray(32);
nyblArray[4] = 0xd;
Then your code can, under the covers, create a 16-element byte array, set the low nibble of the third byte to 0xd.
Similarly, you can implement code to allow:
var newArray = new NibbleArray { 0x1, 0x3, 0x5, 0x7, 0x9, 0xa};
var nyblList = new NibbleList { 0x0, 0x2, 0xe};
A normal array will waste space, but your specialized collection classes will do what you are talking about (with the expense of some bit-twizzling).
The closest you can get to what you want is to use an indexer:
// Indexer declaration
public int this[int index]
// get and set accessors
Within the body of the indexer you can translate the index to the actual byte that contains your 4 bits.
The next thing you can do is operator overloading. You can redefine +, -, *...

How to make bitwise add in c#?

I am trying to program a PLC address generator. However there I need to make bit wise addition to find the next available address.
Meaning if I start with the adress 0.0 and add 2 bit then the next free adress would be 0.3. It goes up until 0.7 then then next adress is 1.0 up to 1.7 then 2.0 and so on.
Depending on what datatype I add to the addition the next free adress should be calculated.
For example a bool is one bit. 0.1 -> 0.2 -> 0.3 and so on
A Byte has 8 bits if I add a byte and the last free adress was 0.4 the next free address should be 2.0.
A Word has 16 Bits so 0.0 -> 2.0 -> 4.0 and so on.
A Double Word has 32 Bits so 0.0 -> 4.0 -> 8.0 and so on.
I am looking for an implementation in c# where I can add the different types as input and it adds it and gives me corresponding address and stores then next free address internal for the next operation.
For example:
Type Startaddress
1 Bool 0.0 (->0.1)
2 Bool 0.1 (->0.2)
3 Byte 1.0 (->1.7) as 8 bits are required
4 Bool 2.0 (->2.1)
5 Word 3.0 (->4.7) as 16 bits are required
6 Double Word 5.0 (->8.7) as 32 bits are required
Any idea how I could implement that apart from a lot of if else and loop? I am looking for an elegant overloaded operator approach.
The only "trick" to your problem is the notation of .0-.7 for bit addresses and the C# types don't match up exactly with the types in your specification.
The main class I show here stores the address as bit offset internally, and provides the integer and decimal fraction through the fAddress() method.
Your example shows alignment on byte boundaries, but doesn't align words or double words--so that's what I implemented. Comments show how to do that differently if the PLC cares.
You'll need to add the code to store values at the byte.bit type addresses.
using System;
namespace PLCAddress
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
PLCAddress a = new PLCAddress();
float address;
bool boolA = true;
byte byteA = 7;
ushort wordA = 65535;
uint dblwordA = 4294967295;
address = a.Store(boolA);
address = a.Store(boolA);
address = a.Store(byteA);
address = a.Store(boolA);
address = a.Store(wordA);
address = a.Store(dblwordA);
public class PLCAddress
protected uint _address;
public PLCAddress()
_address = 0;
public float Store(bool b)
float rv = fAddress();
_address += 1;
return rv;
public float Store(byte b)
float rv = fAddress(8);
_address += 8;
return rv;
public float Store(ushort b)
float rv = fAddress(8); // use fAddress(16) if words need to be on word boundaries
_address += 16;
return rv;
public float Store(uint b)
float rv = fAddress(8); // use fAddress(32) if double words need to be on double word boundaries
_address += 32;
return rv;
protected float fAddress()
return (float)Whole + (float)Fraction / 10;
protected float fAddress(uint alignment)
uint roundup = alignment - 1;
uint mask = ~roundup;
uint AlignedAddress = _address + roundup;
AlignedAddress = AlignedAddress & mask;
_address = AlignedAddress;
return fAddress();
protected uint Whole
get { return _address / 8; }
protected uint Fraction
get { return _address % 8; }
You can store these addresses in an int - the lower part in the first 3 bits, the rest in the rest of the bits and get the address from there. This allows you to do normal arithmetic on these addresses and numbers. If the address is in a string you can do something like this:
public static int ToIntAddress(this string str)
var values = str.Split('.');
int lower = int.Parse(values[1]);
int higher = int.Parse(values[0]) << 3;
return lower + higher;
public static string ToAddress(this int address) => $"{address >> 3}.{address & 0b0111}";
("3.0".ToIntAddress() + 15).ToAddress() // "4.7"
("5.0".ToIntAddress() + 31).ToAddress() // "8.7"
("0.4".ToIntAddress() + 7).ToAddress() // "1.3"
I personally prefer an object oriented approach:
public class MemoryManager
private int _dataSize = 0;
public enum DataTypes
Bool = 1,
Byte = 8,
Word = 16,
DWord = 32
public MemoryLocation Add(DataTypes type)
var address = GetCurrentAddress();
_dataSize += (int)type;
return address;
private MemoryLocation GetCurrentAddress()
int currentByteLocation = _dataSize / 8;
int currentBitLocation = _dataSize % 8;
return new MemoryLocation(currentByteLocation, currentBitLocation);
public class MemoryLocation
public MemoryLocation(int byteLocation, int bitIndex)
ByteLocation = byteLocation;
BitIndex = bitIndex;
public int ByteLocation { get; private set; }
public int BitIndex { get; private set; }
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("[{0},{1}]", ByteLocation, BitIndex);
I whipped this out real quick but you can use other more streamlined methods to generate the next address.
You can use this:
public int BitWiseAdd()
int FirstNumber = 50;
int SecondNumber = 60;
while (SecondNumber !=0)
int carry = FirstNumber & SecondNumber;
FirstNumber = FirstNumber ^ SecondNumber;
SecondNumber = carry << 1;
return FirstNumber;

Convert from the IBM floating point to the IEEE floating point standard and vice versa in C#

I was looking for a way to convert IEEE floating point numbers to IBM floating point format for a old system we are using.
Is there a general formula we can use in C# to this end?
// float2ibm(-118.625F) == 0xC276A000
// 1 100 0010 0111 0110 1010 0000 0000 0000
// IBM/370 single precision, 4 bytes
// xxxx.xxxx xxxx.xxxx xxxx.xxxx xxxx.xxxx
// s|-exp--| |--------fraction-----------|
// (7) (24)
// value = (-1)**s * 16**(e - 64) * .f range = 5E-79 ... 7E+75
static int float2ibm(float fromFormat)
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(fromFormat);
int fconv = (bytes[3] << 24) | (bytes[2] << 16) | (bytes[1] << 8)| bytes[0];
if (fconv == 0)
return 0;
int fmant = (0x007fffff & fconv) | 0x00800000;
int t = (int)((0x7f800000 & fconv) >> 23) - 126;
while (0 != (t & 0x3)) {
fmant >>= 1;
fconv = (int)(0x80000000 & fconv) | (((t >> 2) + 64) << 24) | fmant;
return fconv; // Big-endian order
I changed a piece of code called static void float_to_ibm(int from[], int to[], int n, int endian).
The code above can be run correctly on a PC.
from is a little-endian float number.
return value is a big-endian IBM float number, but stored in type int.
An obvious approach would be to use textual representation of the number as the interchange format.
I recently had to convert one float to another. It looks like the XDR format uses an odd format for its floats. So when converting from XDR to standard floats, this code did it.
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
// Read in an XDR float array, copy to a standard float array.
// The 'out' array needs to be allocated before the function call.
bool convertFromXdrFloatArray(float *in, float *out, long size)
XDR xdrs;
xdrmem_create(&xdrs, (char *)in, size*sizeof(float), XDR_DECODE);
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(!xdr_float(&xdrs, out++)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:ERROR:xdr_float\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
return true;
Using speeding's answer, I added the following that may be useful in some cases:
/// <summary>
/// Converts an IEEE floating number to its string representation (4 or 8 ASCII codes).
/// It is useful for SAS XPORT files format.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="from_">IEEE number</param>
/// <param name="padTo8_">When true, the output is 8 characters rather than 4</param>
/// <returns>Printable string according to the hardware's endianness</returns>
public static string Float2IbmAsAsciiCodes(float from_, bool padTo8_ = true)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
string s;
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(Float2Ibm(from_)); // Big-endian order
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
// Revert bytes order
for (int i = 3; i > -1; i--)
s = sb.ToString();
if (padTo8_)
s = s.PadRight(8, '\0');
return s;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
s = sb.ToString();
if (padTo8_)
s = s.PadRight(8, '\0');
return s;

How to convert an IPv4 address into a integer in C#?

I'm looking for a function that will convert a standard IPv4 address into an Integer. Bonus points available for a function that will do the opposite.
Solution should be in C#.
32-bit unsigned integers are IPv4 addresses. Meanwhile, the IPAddress.Address property, while deprecated, is an Int64 that returns the unsigned 32-bit value of the IPv4 address (the catch is, it's in network byte order, so you need to swap it around).
For example, my local is at That's equivalent to:
64*2^24 + 233*2^16 + 187*2^8 + 99
= 1089059683
And indeed, http://1089059683/ works as expected (at least in Windows, tested with IE, Firefox and Chrome; doesn't work on iPhone though).
Here's a test program to show both conversions, including the network/host byte swapping:
using System;
using System.Net;
class App
static long ToInt(string addr)
// careful of sign extension: convert to uint first;
// unsigned NetworkToHostOrder ought to be provided.
return (long) (uint) IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(
(int) IPAddress.Parse(addr).Address);
static string ToAddr(long address)
return IPAddress.Parse(address.ToString()).ToString();
// This also works:
// return new IPAddress((uint) IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(
// (int) address)).ToString();
static void Main()
Here's a pair of methods to convert from IPv4 to a correct integer and back:
public static uint ConvertFromIpAddressToInteger(string ipAddress)
var address = IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress);
byte[] bytes = address.GetAddressBytes();
// flip big-endian(network order) to little-endian
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
return BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0);
public static string ConvertFromIntegerToIpAddress(uint ipAddress)
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(ipAddress);
// flip little-endian to big-endian(network order)
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
return new IPAddress(bytes).ToString();
ConvertFromIpAddressToInteger(""); // 4294967294
ConvertFromIntegerToIpAddress(4294967294); //
IP addresses are in network order (big-endian), while ints are little-endian on Windows, so to get a correct value, you must reverse the bytes before converting on a little-endian system.
Also, even for IPv4, an int can't hold addresses bigger than, e.g. the broadcast address (, so use a uint.
#Barry Kelly and #Andrew Hare, actually, I don't think multiplying is the most clear way to do this (alltough correct).
An Int32 "formatted" IP address can be seen as the following structure
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
struct IPv4Address
public Byte A;
public Byte B;
public Byte C;
public Byte D;
// to actually cast it from or to an int32 I think you
// need to reverse the fields due to little endian
So to convert the ip address you could do:
(64 = 0x40) << 24 == 0x40000000
(233 = 0xE9) << 16 == 0x00E90000
(187 = 0xBB) << 8 == 0x0000BB00
(99 = 0x63) == 0x00000063
---------- =|
so you could add them up using + or you could binairy or them together. Resulting in 0x40E9BB63 which is 1089059683. (In my opinion looking in hex it's much easier to see the bytes)
So you could write the function as:
int ipToInt(int first, int second,
int third, int fourth)
return (first << 24) | (second << 16) | (third << 8) | (fourth);
Try this ones:
private int IpToInt32(string ipAddress)
return BitConverter.ToInt32(IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress).GetAddressBytes().Reverse().ToArray(), 0);
private string Int32ToIp(int ipAddress)
return new IPAddress(BitConverter.GetBytes(ipAddress).Reverse().ToArray()).ToString();
As noone posted the code that uses BitConverter and actually checks the endianness, here goes:
byte[] ip = address.Split('.').Select(s => Byte.Parse(s)).ToArray();
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) {
int num = BitConverter.ToInt32(ip, 0);
and back:
byte[] ip = BitConverter.GetBytes(num);
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) {
string address = String.Join(".", ip.Select(n => n.ToString()));
I have encountered some problems with the described solutions, when facing IP Adresses with a very large value.
The result would be, that the byte[0] * 16777216 thingy would overflow and become a negative int value.
what fixed it for me, is the a simple type casting operation.
public static long ConvertIPToLong(string ipAddress)
System.Net.IPAddress ip;
if (System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(ipAddress, out ip))
byte[] bytes = ip.GetAddressBytes();
16777216L * bytes[0] +
65536 * bytes[1] +
256 * bytes[2] +
return 0;
The reverse of Davy Landman's function
string IntToIp(int d)
int v1 = d & 0xff;
int v2 = (d >> 8) & 0xff;
int v3 = (d >> 16) & 0xff;
int v4 = (d >> 24);
return v4 + "." + v3 + "." + v2 + "." + v1;
With the UInt32 in the proper little-endian format, here are two simple conversion functions:
public uint GetIpAsUInt32(string ipString)
IPAddress address = IPAddress.Parse(ipString);
byte[] ipBytes = address.GetAddressBytes();
return BitConverter.ToUInt32(ipBytes, 0);
public string GetIpAsString(uint ipVal)
byte[] ipBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(ipVal);
return new IPAddress(ipBytes).ToString();
My question was closed, I have no idea why . The accepted answer here is not the same as what I need.
This gives me the correct integer value for an IP..
public double IPAddressToNumber(string IPaddress)
int i;
string [] arrDec;
double num = 0;
if (IPaddress == "")
return 0;
arrDec = IPaddress.Split('.');
for(i = arrDec.Length - 1; i >= 0 ; i = i -1)
num += ((int.Parse(arrDec[i])%256) * Math.Pow(256 ,(3 - i )));
return num;
Assembled several of the above answers into an extension method that handles the Endianness of the machine and handles IPv4 addresses that were mapped to IPv6.
public static class IPAddressExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Converts IPv4 and IPv4 mapped to IPv6 addresses to an unsigned integer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="address">The address to conver</param>
/// <returns>An unsigned integer that represents an IPv4 address.</returns>
public static uint ToUint(this IPAddress address)
if (address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork || address.IsIPv4MappedToIPv6)
var bytes = address.GetAddressBytes();
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
return BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("address", "Address must be IPv4 or IPv4 mapped to IPv6");
Unit tests:
public class IPAddressExtensionsTests
public void SimpleIp1()
var ip = IPAddress.Parse("");
uint expected = GetExpected(0, 0, 0, 15);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, ip.ToUint());
public void SimpleIp2()
var ip = IPAddress.Parse("");
uint expected = GetExpected(0, 0, 1, 15);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, ip.ToUint());
public void SimpleIpSix1()
var ip = IPAddress.Parse("").MapToIPv6();
uint expected = GetExpected(0, 0, 0, 15);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, ip.ToUint());
public void SimpleIpSix2()
var ip = IPAddress.Parse("").MapToIPv6();
uint expected = GetExpected(0, 0, 1, 15);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, ip.ToUint());
public void HighBits()
var ip = IPAddress.Parse("").MapToIPv6();
uint expected = GetExpected(200, 12, 1, 15);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, ip.ToUint());
uint GetExpected(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d)
(a * 256u * 256u * 256u) +
(b * 256u * 256u) +
(c * 256u) +
public static Int32 getLongIPAddress(string ipAddress)
return IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt32(IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress).GetAddressBytes(), 0));
The above example would be the way I go.. Only thing you might have to do is convert to a UInt32 for display purposes, or string purposes including using it as a long address in string form.
Which is what is needed when using the IPAddress.Parse(String) function. Sigh.
If you were interested in the function not just the answer here is how it is done:
int ipToInt(int first, int second,
int third, int fourth)
return Convert.ToInt32((first * Math.Pow(256, 3))
+ (second * Math.Pow(256, 2)) + (third * 256) + fourth);
with first through fourth being the segments of the IPv4 address.
public bool TryParseIPv4Address(string value, out uint result)
IPAddress ipAddress;
if (!IPAddress.TryParse(value, out ipAddress) ||
(ipAddress.AddressFamily != System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork))
result = 0;
return false;
result = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ipAddress.GetAddressBytes().Reverse().ToArray(), 0);
return true;
Multiply all the parts of the IP number by powers of 256 (256x256x256, 256x256, 256 and 1. For example:
IPv4 address :
32 bit number:
= (127x256^3) + (0x256^2) + (0x256^1) + 1
= 2130706433
here's a solution that I worked out today (should've googled first!):
private static string IpToDecimal2(string ipAddress)
// need a shift counter
int shift = 3;
// loop through the octets and compute the decimal version
var octets = ipAddress.Split('.').Select(p => long.Parse(p));
return octets.Aggregate(0L, (total, octet) => (total + (octet << (shift-- * 8)))).ToString();
i'm using LINQ, lambda and some of the extensions on generics, so while it produces the same result it uses some of the new language features and you can do it in three lines of code.
i have the explanation on my blog if you're interested.
I think this is wrong: "65536" ==>"
Should be: "65535" ==>" or "65536" ==>"
#Davy Ladman your solution with shift are corrent but only for ip starting with number less or equal 99, infact first octect must be cast up to long.
Anyway convert back with long type is quite difficult because store 64 bit (not 32 for Ip) and fill 4 bytes with zeroes
static uint ToInt(string addr)
return BitConverter.ToUInt32(IPAddress.Parse(addr).GetAddressBytes(), 0);
static string ToAddr(uint address)
return new IPAddress(address).ToString();
Assuming you have an IP Address in string format (eg.
string[] vals = inVal.Split('.');
uint output = 0;
for (byte i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++) output += (uint)(byte.Parse(vals[i]) << 8 * (vals.GetUpperBound(0) - i));
var address = IPAddress.Parse("").GetAddressBytes();
long m_Address = ((address[3] << 24 | address[2] << 16 | address[1] << 8 | address[0]) & 0x0FFFFFFFF);
I use this:
public static uint IpToUInt32(string ip)
if (!IPAddress.TryParse(ip, out IPAddress address)) return 0;
return BitConverter.ToUInt32(address.GetAddressBytes(), 0);
public static string UInt32ToIp(uint address)
return new IPAddress(address).ToString();
Take a look at some of the crazy parsing examples in .Net's IPAddress.Parse:
"65536" ==>
"20.2" ==>
"20.65535" ==>
"128.1.2" ==>
I noticed that System.Net.IPAddress have Address property (System.Int64) and constructor, which also accept Int64 data type. So you can use this to convert IP address to/from numeric (although not Int32, but Int64) format.

