How to programmatically find all available Baudrates in C# (serialPort class) - c#

Is there a way to find out all the available baud rates that a particular
system supports via C#? This is available through Device Manager-->Ports
but I want to list these programmatically.

I have found a couple of ways to do this. The following two documents were a starting point
The clue is in the following paragraph from the first document
The simplest way to determine what baud rates are available on a particular serial port is to call the GetCommProperties() application programming interface (API) and examine the COMMPROP.dwSettableBaud bitmask to determine what baud rates are supported on that serial port.
At this stage there are two choices to do this in C#:
1.0 Use interop (P/Invoke) as follows:
Define the following data structure
short wPacketLength;
short wPacketVersion;
int dwServiceMask;
int dwReserved1;
int dwMaxTxQueue;
int dwMaxRxQueue;
int dwMaxBaud;
int dwProvSubType;
int dwProvCapabilities;
int dwSettableParams;
int dwSettableBaud;
short wSettableData;
short wSettableStopParity;
int dwCurrentTxQueue;
int dwCurrentRxQueue;
int dwProvSpec1;
int dwProvSpec2;
string wcProvChar;
Then define the following signatures
static extern bool GetCommProperties(IntPtr hFile, ref COMMPROP lpCommProp);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr CreateFile(string lpFileName, int dwDesiredAccess,
int dwShareMode, IntPtr securityAttrs, int dwCreationDisposition,
int dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr hTemplateFile);
Now make the following calls (refer to
COMMPROP _commProp = new COMMPROP();
IntPtr hFile = CreateFile(#"\\.\" + portName, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 3, 0x80, IntPtr.Zero);
GetCommProperties(hFile, ref commProp);
Where portName is something like COM?? (COM1, COM2, etc). commProp.dwSettableBaud should now contain the desired information.
2.0 Use C# reflection
Reflection can be used to access the SerialPort BaseStream and thence the required data as follows:
_port = new SerialPort(portName);
object p = _port.BaseStream.GetType().GetField("commProp", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(_port.BaseStream);
Int32 bv = (Int32)p.GetType().GetField("dwSettableBaud", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public).GetValue(p);
Note that in both the methods above the port(s) has to be opened at least once to get this data.

I don't think you can.
I recently had this problem, and ended up hard coding the baud rates I wanted to use.
MSDN simply states, "The baud rate must be supported by the user's serial driver".

dwSettableBaud gives 268894207 int (0x1006ffff)
while dwMaxBaud gives 268435456 int (0x10000000)
Obviously, this doesn't help me.
So this is what I am currently relying upon:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Linq;
public static readonly List<string> SupportedBaudRates = new List<string>
public static int MaxBaudRate(string portName)
var maxBaudRate = 0;
//SupportedBaudRates has the commonly used baudRate rates in it
//flavor to taste
foreach (var baudRate in ConstantsType.SupportedBaudRates)
var intBaud = Convert.ToInt32(baudRate);
using (var port = new SerialPort(portName))
port.BaudRate = intBaud;
maxBaudRate = intBaud;
//ignored - traps exception generated by
//baudRate rate not supported
return maxBaudRate;
The baud rates are in strings because they are destined for a combo box.
private void CommPorts_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var combo = sender as ComboBox;
if (combo != null)
var port = combo.Items[combo.SelectedIndex].ToString();
var maxBaud = AsyncSerialPortType.MaxBaudRate(port);
var baudRates = ConstantsType.SupportedBaudRates;
var f = (SerialPortOpenFormType)(combo.Parent);
f.Baud.Items.AddRange(baudRates.Where(baud => Convert.ToInt32(baud) <= maxBaud).ToArray());
You can improve on performance if you know the minimum baud rate supported by all of the serial ports you plan to open. For instance, starting with 115,200 seems like a safe lower limit for serial ports manufactured in this century.


C# How to get names of sound input

I want to get user-friendly names of sound inputs with this code, but it can give me only first 32 chars of name, but I want it whole.
[DllImport("winmm.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern uint waveInGetNumDevs();
[DllImport("winmm.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern uint waveInGetDevCaps(uint hwo, ref WAVEOUTCAPS pwoc, uint cbwoc);
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct WAVEOUTCAPS
public ushort wMid;
public ushort wPid;
public uint vDriverVersion;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 64)]
public string szPname;
public uint dwFormats;
public ushort wChannels;
public ushort wReserved1;
public uint dwSupport;
public static string[] GetSoundDevices()
uint devices = waveInGetNumDevs();
string[] result = new string[devices];
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("appdata/audio/name"))
for (uint i = 0; i < devices; i++)
waveInGetDevCaps(i, ref caps, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(caps));
result[i] = caps.szPname;
return result;
I need this names of sound inputs:
but this code give me only this:
Thank you guys!
You may have to use the management interface:
ManagementObjectSearcher objSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
"SELECT * FROM Win32_SoundDevice");
ManagementObjectCollection objCollection = objSearcher.Get();
foreach (ManagementObject obj in objCollection)
foreach (PropertyData property in obj.Properties)
Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}:{1}", property.Name, property.Value));
Source: How to enumerate audio out devices in c#
You can use WASAPI to get full name of sound devices. It's only limit is that it is not available in Windows XP or older OS.
You need to use IMMDeviceEnumerator::EnumAudioEndpoints method to achieve the goal, but since the library is COM, you need to wrap it to be able to use it in C#.
A sample project is available on CodeProject.
I also couldn't find a way to get full name using WinMM library and finally end up writing a C++ wrapper around WASAPI and used that wrapper in C# through pinvoke!
Why screenshots in foreign and totally not understandable language?
There you go. English screenshot 1
You can copy it, that is what the second one means.
The number stands for the usb bus that is used.
When changing the plug keep that in mind.

Sending a Custom windows message...custom data marshalling

I have a WPF application that needs to interface with another application.
This application has about 20 custom Windows Messages (WM_USER+50...WM_USER+70).
Summary of what I'm trying to accomplish:
WPF Application -> SendMessage -> ThirdParty application
The problem I have is that all of the Messages are CUSTOM messages. Therefore I have to implement my own data marshaling.
It seems that the process I need to go through is:
Grab the process and open it for all access.
User32.GetWindowThreadProcessId(windowHandle, out pId);
// Open the process with all access
someprocess = OpenProcess((0x1F0FFF), false, (int)pId);
Allocate a buffer in the process:
IntPtr buffer = VirtualAllocEx( hProcess, IntPtr.Zero, 1024, 0x1000, 0x04 );
Fill up some sort of struct that will be written to the buffer created in #2?
Copy #3 to the remote buffer is #2? WriteProcessMemory??
Send the custom message ( SendMessage(windowhandle, customMsg, 0, buffer from #2?)
Read the struct back in from the remote process buffer into a local buffer
Marshal this data to a managed type. (This is a C# .Net application)
I could really use some insight. I haven't had much luck thus far. I think the part that I'm most stuck on is what type of struct to send to the WriteProcessMemory?
WM_COPYDATA is definitely the easiest way to do this. WM_COPYDATA lets you send two distinct items of data to another process - a DWORD value, and an arbitrarily-sized chunk of data. So for your implementation you would probably do something like this:
cds.dwData = WM_USER + 50; // the "message" you want to send
cds.cbData = sizeof(MyDataForMessage50); // the size of the chunk of data
cds.lpData = lpMessage50Data; // a pointer to the chunk of data
SendMessage(hwndTarget, WM_COPYDATA, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(hwndSender),
Note that hwndTarget is the target window in the other process, and hwndSender is a window in the sending process. The target window receives the same parameters and so can use wParam to learn who sent the message, and can therefore send a reply if needed.
In the WndProc at the receiving end:
if (uMsg == WM_COPYDATA)
HWND hwndSender = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(wParam);
LPCOPYDATASTRUCT pcds = reinterpret_cast<LPCOPYDATASTRUCT>(lParam);
DWORD dwCustomMsg = pcds->dwData;
LPVOID pCustomData = pcds->lpData;
DWORD dwCustomDataSize = pcds->cbData;
// do something with the custom message
// return TRUE to indicate message received
return TRUE;
Also note the important note in the docs for WM_COPYDATA:
The receiving application should consider the data read-only. The
lParam parameter is valid only during the processing of the message.
The receiving application should not free the memory referenced by
lParam. If the receiving application must access the data after
SendMessage returns, it must copy the data into a local buffer
Sample code for Sending message:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApp2
class Program
public const int WM_COPYDATA = 0x4A;
public const UInt32 WM_COMMAND = 0x0111;
public const UInt32 IDM_MENU_SECUREDISCONNECT = 305;
public struct COPYDATASTRUCT
public IntPtr dwData;
public int cbData;
public string lpData;
[DllImport("User32.dll", EntryPoint = "SendMessage", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int Msg, int wParam, ref COPYDATASTRUCT lParam);
private const string MARKER = "MARKER\n";
static void Main(string[] args)
IntPtr destWnd = (IntPtr)int.Parse(args[0]);
string packedargs = DAZZLE_MARKER + String.Join("\n", args[1]);
byte[] sarr = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(packedargs);
int len = sarr.Length;
CopyDataStruct.dwData = (IntPtr)100;
CopyDataStruct.cbData = (len + 1) * 2;
CopyDataStruct.lpData = packedargs;
int result = SendMessage(destWnd, WM_COPYDATA, 0, ref CopyDataStruct);

Can't figure out how to check if Biometric is present

At work we make our own tablets. Some of the tablets have fingerprint biometrics, some don't. Sometimes a tech forgets to plug it in. I have yet to find a way to check if that device (or any for that matter) is present.
My first approach was to use the GUID for a biometric which is {53D29EF7-377C-4D14-864B-EB3A85769359}. I would search in the registry at hklm\system\currontcontrolset\control\class and check to see if that key is present.
That doesn't work because it seems that Windows 7 has that key present even if you've never had a biometric installed. It worked in XP, but I just tried again on a unit that used to have a biometric but I took it out and that key is still present.
The hardest part about this problem is that I have to work with Windows 7, 7 embedded, xp, and xp embedded.
Next idea was to use WMI, but I couldn't find the correct class to call to check if it is present.
I then found a biometric.dll but that only works in Windows 7.
Sometimes finding a common solution to a problem is not always easy. I'm doing this project in C# but iI'm willing to convert it to any language.
Any ideas on were I should start looking?
With the help of Joshua Drake who gave me an awesome link on how to solve my problem, those are my results:
The code that I am fixing to post is kind of specialized in that it looks for a specific GUID and only looks for the first one. I adapted it from the article about how to disable a device, although this code does not disable anything it merely checks for presence.
public static bool IsDevicePresent(string guid)
var info = IntPtr.Zero;
var NullGuid = new Guid(guid);
info = SetupDiGetClassDevsW(ref NullGuid,null,IntPtr.Zero,DIGCF_PRESENT);
var devdata = new SP_DEVINFO_DATA();
devdata.cbSize = (UInt32)Marshal.SizeOf(devdata);
// Get first device matching device criterion.
SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(info,0,out devdata);
// if no items match filter, throw
if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
CheckError("No device found matching filter.", 0xcffff);
return false;
if (info != IntPtr.Zero)
return true;
private static void CheckError(string message, int lasterror = -1)
int code = lasterror == -1 ? Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() : lasterror;
if (code != 0)
throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Error disabling hardware device (Code {0}): {1}",code, message));
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr SetupDiGetClassDevsW([In] ref Guid ClassGuid,[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]string Enumerator,IntPtr parent,UInt32 flags);
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(IntPtr deviceInfoSet,UInt32 memberIndex,[Out] out SP_DEVINFO_DATA deviceInfoData);
//used to find device info from device manager
private struct SP_DEVINFO_DATA
public UInt32 cbSize;
public Guid classGuid;
public UInt32 devInst;
public IntPtr reserved;
private const uint DIGCF_PRESENT = 2;
private const uint ERROR_INVALID_DATA = 13;
private const uint ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259;
private const uint ERROR_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND = 1168;
And here is a simple unit test to prove it works for first device
public void TestDevicePresent()
var bluetoothClassGuid = "e0cbf06c-cd8b-4647-bb8a-263b43f0f974";
var biometricClassGuid = "53D29EF7-377C-4D14-864B-EB3A85769359";
var cdromdrivClassGiud = "4d36e965-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318";

.NET2 DNS rejects hostnames over 126 characters as "too long"

While working on a program I recently found that hostnames in .net (or at least in the ping class) are not supposed to have more than 126 characters. The ping class throws an exception if a hostname is longer.
However Wikipedia states that up to 255 characters are allowed.
And it looks that indeed there are machines with a hostname longer than 126 chars out there, so the question is: can this limit be changed, who is right and how to resolve names if it cannot?
The .NET Dns class has a hard upper limit of 126 characters for hostnames (checked for .NET4).
However, you can use the lower-level Win32 DnsQuery method using P/Invoke to translate host names into IP addresses and then use those raw addresses with the .NET networking classes.
Here is a sample DnsAddr class using this approach:
public static class DnsAddr
[DllImport("dnsapi", EntryPoint = "DnsQuery_W", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern int DnsQuery([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VBByRefStr)]ref string pszName, QueryTypes wType, QueryOptions options, int aipServers, ref IntPtr ppQueryResults, int pReserved);
[DllImport("dnsapi", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern void DnsRecordListFree(IntPtr pRecordList, int FreeType);
public static IEnumerable<IPAddress> GetAddress(string domain)
IntPtr ptr1 = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr ptr2 = IntPtr.Zero;
List<IPAddress> list = new List<IPAddress>();
DnsRecord record = new DnsRecord();
int num1 = DnsAddr.DnsQuery(ref domain, QueryTypes.DNS_TYPE_A, QueryOptions.DNS_QUERY_NONE, 0, ref ptr1, 0);
if (num1 != 0)
throw new Win32Exception(num1);
for (ptr2 = ptr1; !ptr2.Equals(IntPtr.Zero); ptr2 = record.pNext)
record = (DnsRecord)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr2, typeof(DnsRecord));
list.Add(new IPAddress(record.ipAddress));
DnsAddr.DnsRecordListFree(ptr1, 0);
return list;
private enum QueryOptions
private enum QueryTypes
private struct DnsRecord
public IntPtr pNext;
public string pName;
public short wType;
public short wDataLength;
public int flags;
public int dwTtl;
public int dwReserved;
public uint ipAddress;
Here is a sample test program:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var addresses = DnsAddr.GetAddress("");
foreach (var address in addresses)
which on my machine produces this output:
Call gethostbyname, then pass an IP address (which is never more than a couple dozen characters, even for IPv6) to the ping class.
Both informations are right.
The 255 character limit refers to the entire hostname (e.g.
In turn, each label (e.g. example or com) is limited to 63 characters. So top-level domains have a theoretical limit of 126 non-dot characters.
Apparently it is like Joel and Dennis explained. .Net is not capable of resolving names longer than 126 chars.
However if somebody has the same problem, take a look here at DNS Plus:

How to invoke the screen saver in Windows in C#?

I'd like to invoke the user's screen saver if such is defined, in a Windows environment.
I know it can be done using pure C++ code (and then the wrapping in C# is pretty simple), as suggested here.
Still, for curiosity, I'd like to know if such task can be accomplished by purely managed code using the dot net framework (version 2.0 and above), without p/invoke and without visiting the C++ side (which, in turn, can use windows API pretty easily).
I've an idea, I'm not sure how consistently this would work, so you'd need to research a bit I think, but hopefully it's enough to get you started.
A screen saver is just an executable, and the registry stores the location of this executable in HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\SCRNSAVE.EXE
On my copy of Vista, this worked for me:
RegistryKey screenSaverKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(#"Control Panel\Desktop");
if (screenSaverKey != null)
string screenSaverFilePath = screenSaverKey.GetValue("SCRNSAVE.EXE", string.Empty).ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(screenSaverFilePath) && File.Exists(screenSaverFilePath))
Process screenSaverProcess = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(screenSaverFilePath, "/s")); // "/s" for full-screen mode
screenSaverProcess.WaitForExit(); // Wait for the screensaver to be dismissed by the user
I think having a .Net library function that does this is highly unlikely - I'm not aware of any. A quick search returned this Code Project tutorial which contains an example of a managed wrapper which you mentioned in your question.
P/invoke exists so that you're able to access OS-specific features, of which screen savers are an example.
I'm not sure you can use completely managed code to do this.
This uses Windows API but is still very simple: Launch System Screensaver from C# Windows Form
Working on any version of windows...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace HQ.Util.Unmanaged
public class ScreenSaverHelper
public static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "GetDesktopWindow")]
private static extern IntPtr GetDesktopWindow();
// Signatures for unmanaged calls
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern bool SystemParametersInfo(int uAction, int uParam, ref int lpvParam, int flags);
// Constants
private const int SPI_GETSCREENSAVERACTIVE = 16;
private const int SPI_SETSCREENSAVERACTIVE = 17;
private const int SPI_GETSCREENSAVERTIMEOUT = 14;
private const int SPI_SETSCREENSAVERTIMEOUT = 15;
private const int SPI_GETSCREENSAVERRUNNING = 114;
private const int SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE = 2;
private const uint DESKTOP_WRITEOBJECTS = 0x0080;
private const uint DESKTOP_READOBJECTS = 0x0001;
private const int WM_CLOSE = 16;
public const uint WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x112;
public const uint SC_SCREENSAVE = 0xF140;
public enum SpecialHandles
public static void TurnScreenSaver(bool turnOn = true)
// Does not work on Windows 7
// int nullVar = 0;
// Does not work on Windows 7, can't broadcast. Also not needed.
// SendMessage(new IntPtr((int) SpecialHandles.HWND_BROADCAST), WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_SCREENSAVE, 0);
SendMessage(GetDesktopWindow(), WM_SYSCOMMAND, (IntPtr)SC_SCREENSAVE, (IntPtr)0);

