Generating Columns in GridView ( C#, LINQ ) - c#

The situation is, that i need to create table in grid view looking like this:
----------| ID---|---Name--|--1/2002--|--2/2002--|--1/2003--|........| 2/2009 |
I have two tables in db - Customers and orders, throught LINQ to SQL DataContext
ID and Name of the customers i´m getting from a simple query
var custInfo = from cust in db.Customers
select new { ID = cust.Id,
FullName = cust.FirstName + " " + cust.LastName }
dataGridOrdersPreview.DataSource = custInfo;
And i need some clue, how to generate that columns in format t/year where t indicates the first or second half of the year, and assign to that generated columns each Customer´s orders in that session of the year ( displaying only costs )
As far as now, i´m attempting to something like this:
var orders = from ord in db.Orders
group ord by ord.Id_cust into grouped
let costs = grouped
.Where( s => s.YearSession == session && s.Year == year)
.Select(a => new { Costs = a.Cost ) } )
select new { ID = grouped.Key,
Name = custInfo
.Where( a => a.ID == grouped.Key)
.Select( j => j.Name).Single(),
Cost = ExtensionLibrary.Sum(costs, "\n")
( in Cost getting only the summed costs in that year session for each customer )
and then i think about iterating throuhgh the years and sessions and getting
somehow the query results to corresponding columns
while (year <= DateTime.Today.Year)
while (session < 2)
dataGridOrdersPreview.Columns.Add(session +"/"+ year);
col.Add((session +"/"+ year),
orders.Select( a => a.Cost ).ToList() );
/* col is Dictionary<string, List<string> > */
session = 0;
Here i have generated columns that i want and i have orders in Dictionary where Key is column name and Value are orders in that column, but i need some help binding it to that columns

The way I've seen it done is to create a class that has the properties that you want, for example,
class CustOrders
public string CustName {get; set;}
public int Orders2002-1 {get; set;}
public int Orders2002-2 {get; set;}
public int Orders2009-1 {get; set;}
Then use the System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource, call it say CustOrdsBindingSource and set its DataSource to a list of your new class.
List<CustOrders> myListOfCustOrders = new List<CustOrders>();
/* Code to populate myListOfCustOrders */
CustOrdsBindingSource.DataSource = myListOfCustOrders;
In this case you will have to write the code to convert each result of your query results to an instance of CustOrders and store it in myListOfCustOrders.
Finally, the grid view's data source will also have to be set:
gridView1.DataSource = CustOrdsBindingSource;
The big problem I see with this approach is that you will have to change the CustOrders class every year unless there is some voodoo some can suggest to insert properties into the class at run time.
Either way, I hope this gives you a start.

As long as there will be no updating/adding/deleting of rows, I think I would just generate that grid manually.
Fetch the list of customers and the count of how many sales in what year/session. And then in the form take that list and create the needed columns.


Save only unique (by property value) records in database table

My EF entity class looks like:
public class DataPoint
public int DataPointId {get; set;}
public DateTime DateTime {get; set;}
public double Value {get; set;}
where DataPointId is PK, no other columns are indexed at the time.
Let's say that we have a collection of DataPoints which must be added into context.DataPoints database table:
var dpToAdd = new List<DataPoint>{ /* 10000 different dp's */ };
But, I want to save in db only those DataPoint's which are unique when it comes to its DateTime column.
For example: one of DataPoint in dpToAdd has DateTime = 01/01/2016 00:00:00 - if context.DataPoints already contains DataPoint with the same DateTime value, this point should be ignored.
context.DataPoints table can have like 1 million of records, and at a single request there can be collection of 10-50k of records that needs to be verified before saving in db.
How to handle such process so that the performance is the best possible?
My first though about this is to create an index on DateTime column and then, for every DataPoints that is about to be added check something like:
1: simply loop thru all points collection and check which needs to be added
foreach (var dp in dpToAdd)
// with Any()
if !(context.DataPoints.Any(p => p.DateTime == dp.DateTime))
// or with Contains()
if !(context.DataPoints.Select(p => p.DateTime).Contains(dp.DateTime))
2: get the DateTime values which already occurs in database, and exclude them from db addition
var common = context.DataPoints.Select(p => p.DateTime).Intersect(dpToAdd.Select(d => d.DateTime));
var reallyToAdd = dpToAdd.Where(p => !common.Contains(p.DateTime));
Do you have any other suggestions if this task can be developed in any other, better way?
If you really have so big table and large data to insert, for performance reason, you should create helping intermediate table DataPointHelper with same columns plus Guid. First, you will insert data to this table, and then will fetch rows from it which not exist at DataPoints table, and then will insert them into DataPoints. Guid property is needed for transactional correctness:
var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
var data = dpToAdd.Select(x => new DataPointHelper
DateTime = x.DateTime,
Value = x.Value,
Guid = guid
context.DataPointHelpers.AddRange(data);//it is better to use BulkInsert
var toInsert = (from x in context.DataPointHelpers
where x.Guid == guid
join y in context.DataPoints on x.DateTime equals y.DateTime into subs
from sub in subs.DefaultIfEmpty()
where sub == null
select x.DateTime).ToList();
if(toInsert.Count > 0)
var toInsertData = dpToAdd.Where(x => toInsert.Contains(x.DateTime)).ToList();
Sure, you should to create unique indexes for DateTime property at both tables.
So you have only three round trips to database instead of thousands or instead of executing query like: where DateTime in (thousands values), moreover in statement has limit.
I think you can use this:
var dt = DateTime.Now;
var ls = new List<DataPoint>();
ls.Add(new DataPoint { DataPointId =1, Value = 1, DateTime = dt});
ls.Add(new DataPoint { DataPointId =2, Value = 2, DateTime = dt});
ls.Add(new DataPoint { DataPointId =1, Value = 1, DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)});
var distincData = ls.GroupBy(l => l.DateTime).Select(g => g.First());

Random with condition

I have the following code to extract records from a dbcontext randomly using Guid class:
var CategoryList = {1,5};
var generatedQues = new List<Question>();
//Algorithm 1 :)
if (ColNum > 0)
generatedQues = db.Questions
.Where(q => CategoryList.Contains(q.CategoryId))
.OrderBy(q => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(ColNum).ToList();
First, I have a list of CategoryId stored in CategoryList as a condition to be fulfilled when getting records from the db. However, I would like to achieve an even distribution among the questions based on the CategoryId.
For example:
If the ColNum is 10, and the CategoryId obtained are {1,5}, I would like to achieve by getting 5 records that are from CategoryId = 1 and another set of 5 records from CategoryId = 5. If the ColNum is an odd number like 11, I would also like to achieve an even distribution as much as possible like maybe getting 5 records from CategoryId 1 and 6 records from CategoryId 2.
How do I do this?
This is a two step process,
Determine how many you want for each category
Select that many items from each category in a random order
For the first part, define a class to represent the category and how many items are required
public class CategoryLookup
public CategoryLookup(int catId)
this.CategoryId = catId;
public int CategoryId
get; private set;
public int RequiredAmount
get; private set;
public void Increment()
And then, given your inputs of the required categories and the total number of items required, work out how many are required for each category
var categoryList = new []{1,5};
var colNum = 7;
var categoryLookup = categoryList.Select(x => new CategoryLookup(x)).ToArray();
for(var i = 0;i<colNum;i++){
The second part is really easy, just use a SelectMany to get the list of questions (Ive used a straight linq to objects to test, should work fine for database query. questions in my code would just be db.Questions in yours)
var result = categoryLookup.SelectMany(
c => questions.Where(q => q.CategoryId == c.CategoryId)
.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid())
Live example:
You could try something like this:
var CategoryList = {1,5};
var generatedQues = new List<Question>();
//Algorithm 1 :)
if (ColNum > 0 && CategoryList.Count > 0)
var take = // Calculate how many of each
// First category
var query = db.Questions
.Where(q => q.CategoryId == CategoryList[0])
.OrderBy(q => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(take);
// For all remaining categories
for(int i = 1; i < CategoryList.Count; i++)
// Calculate how many you want
take = // Calculate how many of each
// Union the questions for that category to query
query = query.Union(
.Where(q => q.CategoryId == CategoryList[i])
.OrderBy(q => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(take));
// Randomize again and execute query
generatedQues = query.OrderBy(q => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList()
The idea is to just get a random list for each category and add them all together. Then you randomize that again and create your list. I do not know if it will do all this on the database or in memory, but it should be database I think. The resulting SQL will look horrible though.

List Multiple Columns from Different tables

I am creating a list and want to include columns from multiple tables. Here is my code:
var jobAssignments = new List<JobAssignment>
new JobAssignment { JobID = jobs.Single (j => j.Status == Status.New, j => j.Priority == Priority.High).JobID,
TechnicianID = technicians.Single(c => c.LastName == "Dion").TechnicianID,
AssignmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2005-09-01")}
I want to display Status and Priority which come from the table "Job"
I also want to display LastName which comes from technician and Assignment date which comes from JobAssignment table.
I assume that the "jobs.Single" is wrong, but what do i replace this with?

LINQ - Simulating multiple columns in IN clausule

In oracle I can do the following query:
FROM Tabl Tabb
WHERE (tabb.Col1, tabb.Col2) IN ( (1,2), (3,4))
Consider I 've following entity:
public class Tabb
public int Col1 {get; set; }
public int Col2 {get; set; }
// other props
and criteria class
public class Search
public int Col1 {get; set; }
public int Col2 {get; set; }
I need to write:
public IEnumerable<Tabb> Select(IEnumerable<Search> s)
var queryable = this.context.Tabbs;
return queryable.Where(\* some *\).ToList();
How can I select entities, that search collection contain instance of search that has the same value of Col1 and Col2?
var result = from x in entity
join y in entity2
on new { x.field1, x.field2 } equals new { y.field1, y.field2 }
It doesn't work (As I expected) - in may case entity2 is not a entity table, it is static collection, so EF throws exception (sth like: cannot find mapping layer to type Search[]);
There's a few ways, which all have pros and cons, and are sometimes a little bit tricky...
Solution 1
You enumerate the ef part first (of course, depending on the size of your data, this might be a very bad idea)
Solution 2
You concatenate your fields with an element you're sure (hum) you won't find in your fields, and use a Contains on concatenated EF data.
var joinedCollection =entity2.Select(m => m.field1 + "~" + m.field2);
var result = entity.Where(m => joinedCollection.Contains(m.field1 + "~" + m.field2));
of course, this would be a little bit more complicated if field1 and field2 are not string, you'll have to use something like that
SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double)m.field1) + "~" + //etc.
Solution 3
you do this in two step, assuming you will have "not too much result" with a partial match (on only one field)
var field1Collection = joinedCollection.Select(m => m.field1);
var result = entity.Where(m => joinedCollection.Contains(m.field1)).ToList();
then you make the "complete join" on the two enumerated lists...
Solution 4
use a stored procedure / generated raw sql...
Just understood the problem better. You want all rows where the columns match, may be this will help:
myDBTable.Where(x =>
myStaticCollection.Any(y => y.Col2 == x.Col2) &&
myStaticCollection.Any(y => y.Col1 == x.Col1))
.Select(x => new Search { Col1 = x.Col1, Col2 = x.Col2 });
This is saying, I want each row where any Col2 in my static collection matches this database Col2 AND where any Col1 matches this database Col1
s => s.Col2,
t => t.Col2,
(search, tab) => new {
This will bring back IEnumerable<'a> containing a search and a tab
This guy is doing something similar LINK
var result = from x in entity
join y in entity2
on new { x.field1, x.field2 } equals new { y.field1, y.field2 }
Once you have your result then you want to enumerate that to make sure you're hitting the database and getting all your values back. Once they're in memory, then you can project them into objects.
result.ToList().Select(a => new MyEntity { MyProperty = a.Property });

LINQ to Entities - Simple Way to split resultset into multiple objects

I have a table, containing weekly sales data from multiple years for a few hundred products.
Simplified, I have 3 columns: ProductID, Quantity, [and Date (week/year), not relevant for the question]
In order to process the data, i want to fetch everything using LINQ. In the next step I would like create a List of Objects for the sales data, where an Object consists of the ProductId and an array of the corresponding sales data.
EDIT: directly after, I will process all the retrieved data product-by-product in my program by passing the sales as an array to a statistics software (R with R dot NET) in order to get predictions.
Is there a simple (built in) way to accomplish this?
If not, in order to process the sales product by product,
should I just create the mentioned List using a loop?
Or should I, in terms of performance, avoid that all together and:
Fetch the sales data product-by-product from the database as I need it?
Or should I make one big List (with query.toList()) from the resultset and get my sales data product-by-product from there?
erm, something like
var groupedByProductId = query.GroupBy(p => p.ProductId).Select(g => new
ProdcutId = g.Key,
Quantity = g.Sum(p => p.Quantity)
or perhaps, if you don't want to sum and, instread need the quantities as an array of int ordered by Date.
var groupedByProductId = query.GroupBy(p => p.ProductId).Select(g => new
ProdcutId = g.Key,
Quantities = g.OrderBy(p => p.Date).Select(p => p.Quantity).ToArray()
or maybe you need to pass the data around and an anonymous type is inappropriate., you could make an IDictionary<int, int[]>.
var salesData = query.GroupBy(p => p.ProductId).ToDictionary(
g => g.Key,
g => g.OrderBy(p => p.Date).Select(p => p.Quantity).ToArray());
so later,
int productId = ...
int[] orderedQuantities = salesData[productId];
would be valid code (less the ellipsis.)
You may create a Product class with id and list of int data. Something as below:
Public class Product{
public List<int> list = new List<int>();
public int Id;
Public Product(int id,params int[] list){
Id = id;
for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
Then use:
query.where(x=>new Product(x.ProductId,x.datum1,x.datum2,x.datum3));

