i like to make my database insert more dynamicly with functions.
Like this:
private void setValues() {
string test = "foo";
string test2 = "bar";
private void WriteToDB() {
dc dcOfMyDatabase = new dc();
DBTable myTable = DbTable() {
field1 = test; // values of other function
field2 = test2; // values of other function
private void doAll() {
Of Course i can do it with parameters in WriteToDB()... But I have so many fields and hope it works with another clean way.
Im sure there is one correct way for a clean developping something like this.
Thanks and regards.
The correct way is indeed to pass parameters to WriteToDB. If the problem is that you have many parameters, wrap them in a containing class, and pass an instance of this class to your writing function.
Also, consider if using an ORM engine (such as LINQ to SQL or NHIbernate) instead of direct database access classes could be helpful for you.
You can promote them to class members or properties:
string test;
private void setValues() {
test = "foo";
string test {get; set;}
You should read about Object Oriented design and programming - this will certifiably help you organize your code in a more logical way.
I'm unsure of what you are trying to do here. Your code snippet has some errors in it and would not compile if you tried to run it.
That being said, if you're looking for a mapping from code to DB I would check out Linq To SQL. Here's a short introduction.
Can somebody please give me a pointer on this? I have 8 servers each with 8 databases which look identical exept server/database name. We are talking thousands of tables.
I create my data contexts with sqlmetal.exe
After creating my data contexts, I import them into the application and then I run comparison scripts over the databases to compare results.
My problem is dynamically switching between data contexts.
Datacontext.DAL.DUK1 duk1sdi = new Datacontext.DAL.DUK1(connectionString);
Datacontext.DAL.DUK3 duk3sdi = new Datacontext.DAL.DUK3(connectionString);
string fromOne = runQuery(duk1sdi);
string fromThree = runQuery(duk3sdi);
public static string runQuery(DataContext duk)
var query =
from result in duk.TableA
select result.Total;
string returnString = query;
return returnString;
I have no problem with the query running when the duk is predefined, however how do I define and pass the datacontext to the function?
The error I get is:
Error 1 'System.Data.Linq.DataContext' does not contain a definition
for 'TableA' and no extension method 'TableA' accepting a first
argument of type 'System.Data.Linq.DataContext' could be found (are
you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
You could use the GetTable<T> method, where T is the type of the table, e.g. TableA.
public static string runQuery(DataContext duk) {
var table = duk.GetTable<TableA>();
var query = from result in table select result.Total;
However, all types of TableA will need to be the same type, strictly (I'm pretty sure).
Otherwise you would need to literally branch the logic for the handling of each context. Since you can extend your DataContext instances (in general, maybe not in your specific case) then you could have them share an interface that exposes a collection property of TableA, but you would need a higher level context wrapper to pass around then - unless you pass around the collection by altering the method signature.
You can use interfaces. Check this answer, but be sure to script the interfaces using a .tt file with the amount of tables you have.
If you have generated contexts which you want to use interchangeably in a reusable method, you have the problem that the generated TableA classes are not reusable, since they are different types (even though the names may match, but that doesn't make them equal). Therefore you need to abstract the actual types, and one way to do this, is to use interfaces. You build your reusable method around an interface which abstracts the specific context-type and table-type. The downside is that you have to implement the interfaces on the generated contexts and tabletypes. This though is something you can solve using a .tt script.
Pseudo code:
// Define interface for table
public interface ITableA {
// ... properties
// Define interface for context
public interface IMyContext {
IQueryable<ITableA> TableA { get; }
// Extend TableA from DUK1
public partial class TableA: ITableA {
// Extend DUK1
public partial class Datacontext.DAL.DUK1: IMyContext {
IQueryable<ITableA> IMyContext.TableA {
get { return TableA; }
// Same for DUK3 and TableA FROM DUK3
// Finally, your code
Datacontext.DAL.DUK1 duk1sdi = new Datacontext.DAL.DUK1(connectionString);
Datacontext.DAL.DUK3 duk3sdi = new Datacontext.DAL.DUK3(connectionString);
string fromOne = runQuery(duk1sdi);
string fromThree = runQuery(duk3sdi);
public static string runQuery(IMyContext duk) {
// Note: method accepts interface, not specific context type
var query = from result in duk.TableA
select result.Total;
string returnString = query;
return returnString;
If your schema is identical between databases, why script the dbml for all of them? Just create one context with it's associated classes and dynamically switch out the connection string when instantiating the context.
var duk1sdi = new Datacontext.DAL.DUK1(connectionString1);
var duk3sdi = new Datacontext.DAL.DUK1(connectionString2);
Thanks, guys, I think I found the simplist solution for me based a bit of both your answers and by RTFM (Programming Microsoft Linq in Microsoft .NET Framework 4 by Paulo Pialorsi and Marco Russo)
In this way I don't have to use the large DBML files. It is a shame because I'm going to have to create hundreds of tables in this way, but I can now switch between connection strings on the fly.
First I create the table structure. (outside the program code block)
[Table(Name = "TableA")]
public class TableA
[Column] public int result;
Then I define the table for use:
Table<TableA> TableA = dc.GetTable<TableA>();
And then I can query from it:
var query =
from result in TableA
select TableA.result;
I want to match (select from class file) methodsname, properties name and fields name.
This is example class:
class Perl
string _name;
public string Name { get; set; }
public Perl()
// Assign this._name
this._name = "Perl";
// Assign _name
_name = "Sam";
// The two forms reference the same field.
public static string doSomething(string test)
bla test;
I got code for the methods:
And i got questions:
this above regex code gets all methods and it works pretty well but
also i want it to select method name but without parameters and
accessors. So from exaplmce class using my code result will be:
public Perl() and public static doSomething(string test) but i want that kind of result: Perl() and doSomething(). So -
my code matches good but i want result to be displayed just like I
wrote in previous sentence.
how to select properties ? with result displayed: type and property
name. So from exaple class result will be: string Name
how to select fields with result: type field_name. In out case it
will be: string _name
Use this Regex
for methods
and get groups named methodName and parameterType and parameter.
and for fields:
and get groups named type and name.
for example your code for methods can be like this:
var inputString0 = "public void test(string name, out int value)\r\nvoid test(string name, int value)";
foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(inputString0, #"(?:public\s|private\s|protected\s)?[\s\w]*\s+(?<methodName>\w+)\s*\(\s*(?:(ref\s|/in\s|out\s)?\s*(?<parameterType>[\w\?\[\]]+)\s+(?<parameter>\w+)\s*,?\s*)+\)"))
var methodName = match.Groups["methodName"].Value;
var typeParameterPair = new Dictionary<string, string>();
int i = 0;
foreach (var capture in match.Groups["parameterType"].Captures)
typeParameterPair.Add(match.Groups["parameterType"].Captures[i].Value, match.Groups["parameter"].Captures[i].Value);
You can use Irony - .NET Language Implementation Kit from codeplex too.
As stated in comments to your answer, much more reliable method is to compile your .cs files and then use reflection to interrogate types for members you are interested in. It will involve the following:
Use C# compiler (csc.exe) to compile your files. MSDN contains helpful examples and hints. You could do this manually, or, if you want to automatize the whole thing, you could execute csc.exe programmatically with Process class.
Use Assembly.LoadFile() method to load the resulting assembly.
You can now employ reflection to get types from the assembly and interrogate them.
EDIT: As an alternative to csc.exe, you could use CodeDOM - there is an example that contains all you need.
A language such as C# accepts too many variations in statements syntax to be parsed using regular expressions only. On top of regexes, you need a contextual grammar parser.
I would give Roslyn a try: It's a C# compiler whose internals are accessible from your code. Ask Roslyn to parse the code and query it about whatever info you need.
I suggest looking at Microsoft.VisualStudio.CSharp.Services.Language namespace and other Visual Studio Extensibility functionality. This would eliminate the need to compile.
I wanted to use linq as so:
MyDBEntities context = new MyDBEntities();
context.MyTable.Where(i => MyMethod(i.column, valueToTest).ToList();
public bool MyMethod(Object a, Object b)
but apparently using such a method with isn't possible
so I was hopping I could use the methode in a stored procedure I would be able to call with linq
do you think is it possible ?
Generally it is possible to create C# function and use it in SQL Server (2005 and newer) but it is not so simple - you must use SQL CLR which means separate project for your function, special references, special types, etc. At last you must deploy the assembly to SQL server to be able to use the function in SQL. General documentation also covering how to create custom function:
Creating SQL Server Objects in Managed Code
Once you have your function on SQL server you can use it within stored procedure and you can use it within query. I'm actually not sure if you can import these functions into Linq-to-sql or EF model and use them in Linq-to-sql or Linq-to-entities queries.
Take a look here for a complete sample:
Calling custom methods in LINQ-to-SQL
I hope I understand you correctly.
Let's say that MyTable is a database table that contains the columns Name, and Address
Here's how you would get a value back whether the results contain the specified value you passed.
public void SomeMethod()
MyTable table= new MyTable();
bool b= MyMethod(table.Name, "Fred");
//Do something
//Do something else
public bool MyMethod(MyTable a, object value)
using(var context= new MyDBEntities())
return context.MyTable.Where(i => a == value).Any();
This is what the database table 'MyTable' looks like behind the scenes.(the data context generated this)
public class MyTable
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
So you can see in the first method I pass table.Name to MyMethod, that's only possible because MyTable has a pubic property called Name. Also notice that we are using type Object for the value, as the parameter could an int, a string, a date time, who knows.
Note: This is untested code, but should get off to right track if I understand you correctly.
I need to create the ability to drill through an objects properties like two or three deep. For instance, class A has a property reference to class B, which I need to access class C. What is the best way to do this: straight reflection, or maybe using the TypeDescriptor, or something else?
It's not too hard to write. I put a few classes together to deal with this so I could serialize properties of a WinForm. Take a look at this class and the related classes.
If you know the path in a static context (ie the path is always the same) and the properties are accessible (internal or public) you can use dynamic
public void Foo()
var a = new A
B = new B
C = new C
Name = "hello"
private void DoReflection(dynamic value)
string message = value.B.C.Name;
I you wanna write you own serialization code for whatever reason, you'll be using reflection.
What you do is that you write a recursive method of serlizating a type. You then apply this as you see fit to get the result.
var type = myObjectOfSomeType.GetType();
// now depending on what you want to store
// I'll save all public properties
var properties = type.GetProperties(); // get all public properties
foreach(var p in properties)
var value = p.GetValue(myObjectOfSomeType, null);
Writevalue(p.Name, value);
The implementation of WriteValue have to recognize the built in types and treat them accordingly, that's typical things like string, char, integer, double, DateTime etc.
If it encounters a sequence or collection you need to write out many values.
If it encounters a non trivial type you'll apply this recursive pattern again.
The end result is a recursive algorithm that traverses your object model and writes out values as it encounters types that I know how to serialize.
However, I do recommend looking into WCF, not for building services, but for serialization. It shipped as part of the .NET 3.0 framework with a new assembly System.Runtime.Serilization and in general is very capable when dealing with serialization and data annotations.
In my business layer, I need many, many methods that follow the pattern:
public BusinessClass PropertyName
if (this.m_LocallyCachedValue == null)
if (this.Record == null)
this.m_LocallyCachedValue = new BusinessClass(
this.Database, this.PropertyId);
this.m_LocallyCachedValue = new BusinessClass(
this.Database, this.Record.ForeignKeyName);
return this.m_LocallyCachedValue;
I am still learning C#, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to write this pattern once and add methods to each business layer class that follow this pattern with the proper types and variable names substituted.
BusinessClass is a typename that must be substituted, and PropertyName, PropertyId, ForeignKeyName, and m_LocallyCachedValue are all variables that should be substituted for.
Are attributes usable here? Do I need reflection? How do I write the skeleton I provided in one place and then just write a line or two containing the substitution parameters and get the pattern to propagate itself?
EDIT: Modified my misleading title -- I am hoping to find a solution that doesn't involve code generation or copy/paste techniques, and rather to be able to write the skeleton of the code once in a base class in some form and have it be "instantiated" into lots of subclasses as the accessor for various properties.
EDIT: Here is my solution, as suggested but left unimplemented by the chosen answerer.
// I'll write many of these...
public BusinessClass PropertyName
return GetSingleRelation(ref this.m_LocallyCachedValue,
this.PropertyId, "ForeignKeyName");
// That all call this.
public TBusinessClass GetSingleRelation<TBusinessClass>(
ref TBusinessClass cachedField, int fieldId, string contextFieldName)
if (cachedField == null)
if (this.Record == null)
ConstructorInfo ci = typeof(TBusinessClass).GetConstructor(
new Type[] { this.Database.GetType(), typeof(int) });
cachedField = (TBusinessClass)ci.Invoke(
new object[] { this.Database, fieldId });
var obj = this.Record.GetType().GetProperty(objName).GetValue(
this.Record, null);
ConstructorInfo ci = typeof(TBusinessClass).GetConstructor(
new Type[] { this.Database.GetType(), obj.GetType()});
cachedField = (TBusinessClass)ci.Invoke(
new object[] { this.Database, obj });
return cachedField;
Check out CodeSmith. They have a free trial and it's not too expensive if you want to purchase it. I've used it and it's great for generating code based on databases (which is what I'm guessing you're doing). Once you have your template setup, you can regenerate the code at any time. You can have it read the property names right from the database schema or you can enter the values you want to use. I'm sure you could even get it to read the values from a file if you wanted to generate a whole batch of classes at once.
You could check out using T4 Templates. I am not quite sure which is "the" resource for T4, but I found a good article on it in VisualStudioMagazine.
It is free, has an easy to use syntax and is actually used by a lot of projects (e.g. Subsonic) for code generation, so you should be able to find some real-world scenarios.
You can code-gen using CodeSmith or MyGeneration or the like. You'd probably store a list of classes and properties somewhere and then pass that data to the code generator. You may want to investigate using pre-build events to re-gen those classes prior to compiling the solution.
Or, you could bake this functionality into a base class or helper method.
public BusinessClass MyProperty
get { return GetCached("MyProperty", "PropertyId", "FKName", "LocalValue"); }
I'll leave the body of GetCached() up to you, but it's basically the same as what you posted with the variables passed in as arguments.
If any of those values are the same for all properties in a class then you could of course pull them from instance variables, and only pass to GetCached() those things that vary on a per-property basis.
Bottom line: if there's a way to abstract the logic of what you're doing into a base method, so that using that logic becomes a one-liner, then that's probably the best way to go because it's easier to override when you have special cases. If you can't do that, code generation can do the grunt work for you, but you'll need to work out things like when do I re-gen, how do I regen, etc.