I have this hql query, which works perfect:
select m
from Media m
join m.Productlines p
join m.Categories c
join m.Spaces sp
join m.Solutions so
where m.Uid != 0
and p.Uid in (:productlines)
and c.Uid in (13)
and sp.Uid in (52)
and so.Uid in (15,18)
group by m.Uid
But now it needs to be parameterized/made dynamic, not only the parameters, but also the joins (it is possible to select only from Media, without any joins, and so no *.Uid in will be required in this case).
I dont want to mess around with a StringBuilder instance and build the hql query that way, I would rather like to use the Criteria API, but I cant get a
query to work with Criteria.
If I add a
to my query, nhibernate selects
which is of course wrong.
After that, I also need to count the unique rows the query returned, as the result is paged.
So, my other query is quite similiar, but I cant find a Criteria equivalent for
Here is the HQL:
select count(distinct m.Uid)
from Media m
join m.Productlines p
join m.Categories c
join m.Spaces sp
join m.Solutions so
where m.Uid != 0
and p.Uid in (:productlines)
and c.Uid in (13)
and sp.Uid in (52)
and so.Uid in (15,18)
How can this be done with Criteria API?
Please, (N)Hibernate experts - help me with this, I cant find a working solution. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Group columns are implicitly returned as result, but you can add more columns. AFAIK, you can return full entities:
var query = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Media), "m")
.Add(Restrictions.NotEq("m.Uid", 0));
// dynamically add filters
if (filterProductLines)
.CreateCriteria("m.Productlines", "p")
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("p.Uid", productLines));
// more dynamic filters of this kind follow here...
IList<Media> results = query.List<Media>();
To count the full number of results you can just build up the same query with different projection:
var query = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Media), "m")
// rest of the query the same way as above
long totalNumberOfResults = query.UniqueResult<long>();
I'm getting unsure about the Projections.GroupProperty("m"), you need to try this. If it doesn't work, you could make it an DetachedQuery that only returns ids:
var subquery = DetachedCriteria.For(typeof(Media), "m")
.Add(Restrictions.NotEq("m.Uid", 0));
// add filtering
var query = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Media), "outer")
.Add(Subqueries.PropertyIn("outer.Uid", subquery));
IList<Media> results = query.List<Media>();
This creates a sql query like this:
select outer.* // all properties of Media to create an instance
from Media outer
where outer.Uid in (
select Uid
from media m
where // filter
var count = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Media))
// Add other criterias...
.SetProjection(Projections.CountDistinct("Id")) // or whatever the id property of Media class is called
As to your GROUP BY question, the query:
makes no sense because you need to select only columns that appear in the group by clause or aggregate functions. Could you elaborate a little more as to what exactly are you trying to achieve?
I have data in two tables and I need in one query get all data and join getting data.
FROM KpiPersonalResult AS kpiPR join KpiPersonal as kpip
on kpiPR.KpiPersonal = kpip.Id join KpiType AS kpiT
on kpip.KpiType = kpiT.Id join MerchantAdministrators as merA
on kpiPR.KpiAdded = merA.Id and kpiPR.KpiResultDate between '2021-04-07' and '2021-04-08'
from KpiPersonal as kpiP join KpiType as kpiT
on kpiP.KpiType = kpiT.Id
Based on the fast that the second query has 3 columns of the same name as the first query, I guess you mean to union them:
KpiPersonalResult AS kpiPR
join KpiPersonal as kpip on kpiPR.KpiPersonal = kpip.Id
join KpiType AS kpiT on kpip.KpiType = kpiT.Id
join MerchantAdministrators as merA on kpiPR.KpiAdded = merA.Id and kpiPR.KpiResultDate between '2021-04-07' and '2021-04-08'
null, --put suitable default values for the other columns here
KpiPersonal as kpiP
join KpiType as kpiT on kpiP.KpiType = kpiT.Id
Unioned queries need the same number of columns. I've inserted NULL as default value for the two missing columns in the second query (relative to the first)
UNION makes a resultset grow taller. If you intended for it to grow wider, that is done via JOIN. A simple pattern for doing so is:
WITH query1 AS(
--query 1 here
), query2 AS (
--query2 here
SELECT * FROM query1 JOIN query2 ON ...
Side note on formatting and indenting - most people find SQL most readable when all operations that are related are at the same indent level e.g in a typical query, the SELECT FROM WHERE GROUP ORDER keywords are all at the same indent level, with the blocks that relate to them (the list of selected columns, or list of joined tables, list of where'd predicates etc) indented a level again. We also typically don't use as when aliasing tables but we do use it when aliasing columns in the SELECT
I'm a junior developer and trying to convert the following linq statement to T-SQL:
var items = from u in DataContext.Users_SearchUsers(searchPara.UserFirstName,
join a in DataContext.UserAccesses
.Where(x => x.Access.AccessTypeId == 4).ToList() on u.UserID equals a.UserId into accessGroup
select new {};
Can one please help me ? into accessGroup ---> (very important)
First of all you need to understand where your data is coming from. You are loading information from Users_SearchUsers on the one hand and UserAccesses on the other hand. The first query looks like
select <somecolumns>
from users
where <somefilters>;
(you need to use your actual columns and criteria, but Users_SearchUsers is not specified in the question at all). I have ignored paging here for the sake of simplicity
The second query looks like this:
select *
from user_accesses
where access_type_id = 4;
Let's join the two:
select <someoutercolumns>
select <someinnercolumns>
from users
where <somefilters>
) t1
select <someotherinnercolumns>
from user_accesses
where access_type_id = 4
) t2
on t1.user_id = t2.user_id;
These queries are probably not the exact solutions you need, but you want the answers to improve, then improve your question.
The requirement makes sense if the LINQ query is very slow. In that case you will need to refactor it in the following manner:
select <somecolumns>
from users
join user_accesses
on users.user_id = user_accesses.user_id and user_accesses.access_type_id = 4
where <somefilters>;
you can use this code
select *(you can put your columns instead *)
from Users
join UserAccesses
on Users.userid = UserAccesses.userid
where UserAccesses.typeid = 4;
In LINQ, I am trying to inner join custom function written for full-text search and an Iqueryable result.
However, I get the following error when I try to to_ret.select(--something--).ToList()
Nested query does not have appropriate key
LINQ Code:
var sql_query = db.search(st);
var to_ret = from ts in sql_query
from t in table
where t.Id == ts.Value select t;
to_ret = to_ret.Include(x => x.table1)
.Include(x=> x.table2.Select(y=> y.table2Col));
SQL Code:
create function [dbo].[search]
(#keywords nvarchar(4000))
returns table
return (
select [key] from containstable(tb,(Name,Description),#keywords)
Code that works in place of above LINQ Code :
var ids = (from t in table join ts in db.search(st) on t.Id equals ts.Value select t.Id).ToList();
to_ret = to_ret.Where(x => ids.Contains(x.Id));
However, the code that works isn't efficient enough as it eagerly loads all the ids for comparison
Do not join the table using LINQ, it is not effective.
You need to include all the joined functions into [dbo].[search] table valued function (like a view). Then do just call the [dbo].[search] from EF and filter it.
I have mentioned joined Fulltext table valued function here.
Note that fulltext and filtering together in one query could take time, because it is not easy job for query optimizer. Query optimizer selects to perform first fulltext on entire table(s) and then filtering or the opposite way.
I am trying to figure out how to get all the notifications from relations that get multiple notifications, because i want to combine these notifications to 1 notification so the relation wil only get 1 e-mail instead of multiple.
I created the following SQL statement, which for as far as i can tell does what i want:
select distinct r.Notificatie
, r.RelatieNr
FROM [configuratie].[dbo].[NotificatieRecID] r
join [configuratie].[dbo].[Notificatie] n on r.Notificatie = n.ID
where n.Verzonden = 0
and r.RelatieNr in(select RelatieNr from [configuratie].[dbo].[NotificatieRecID]
group by RelatieNr having count(*) > 1)
order by r.RelatieNr
It returns the following
Notification Relation
3A2A53B9-D92A-4504-874D-5A901AD01041 114147
4C499F6C-53C8-49E0-B529-8B045819BE10 114147
AF4ED8CB-D033-47A4-96AE-F379BB484532 114147
977885C5-4C12-431B-AB72-59383B1824C6 303327
3A2A53B9-D92A-4504-874D-5A901AD01041 303327
4C499F6C-53C8-49E0-B529-8B045819BE10 303327
AF4ED8CB-D033-47A4-96AE-F379BB484532 303327
Later in my c# code i will get all the values from the different notifications and simply combine them but first i need to write this SQL statement in a way i can use it with linq in c#.
I have no idea how to do SELECT DISTINCT, and r.RelatieNr in and group by RelatieNr having count(*) > 1
Could someone provide me with an example? (it does not have to be 1 linq statement, i've kind of figured that's impossible, though i would like as little temporary Lists/Iqueriables since the tables are huge)
You can use the following
var details= (from r in NotificatieRecID
join n in Notificatie on r.Notificatie=n.ID
where n.Verzonden=0 &&
(from t in NotificatieRecID
group t by t.RelatieNr into grp
where grp.Count()>1
select grp.Key).Contains(r.relatieNr)
select new {
This might be one of those situations where plain SQL commands are better than LINQ. Here's a simplified version of the SQL statement I'm trying to translate:
INNER JOIN NameTable AS nt ON nt.IDTableID=idt.Id
AND nt.Id= (SELECT TOP(1) Id
FROM NameTable AS nt2
WHERE nt2.IDTableID=11 ORDER BY nt2.DateInserted DESC)
I have the LINQ query to pull records when just joining on IDs and I've seen how to join on multiple columns, but I have no idea how to plug the subquery into the mix.
If this isnt entirely clear, please let me know and I'll edit to elaborate.
Maybe something like this?
var results = from id in db.IDTable
join n in db.NameTable on id.Id equals n.IDTableID
where n.Id = (
from n2 in db.NameTable
where n2.IDTableID = 11
orderby n2.DateInserted desc
select new { id, n };