I feel like this is something I should already know, but I'm just not firing on all engines today...
I have a base class with a single ctor that takes an implementation of an interface as it's only parameter. I'm using a DI framework and have my component registrations all set up and working fine.
When I inherit from this base class, unless I pass in a value to the base constructor, I have to define a parameterless ctor, which bypasses the DI.
So right now I have:
public class MyObjectBase
IMyRequiredInterface _InterfaceImpl;
public MyObjectBase(IMyRequiredInterface interfaceImpl)
_InterfaceImpl = interfaceImpl;
public class AnotherObject : MyObjectBase
public AnotherObject()
So, out of the gate this fails. I get errors when AnotherObject is instantiated indicating that there is no base class ctor that takes 0 parameters. Ok, I get that. But now I have a choice: either modify the descendant class ctor to take a similar parameter and pass that value on to the base ctor, or wire up a ctor chain in the base class that forces me to bypass DI and create a concrete implementation of the required interface and pass it in as part of the parameterless ctor declaration.
The goal is to meet the requirement of the base class without the descendant classes knowing anything about it.
Maybe I'm going about this all wrong, but it's bugging me. Any thoughts on a better way to handle this? I feel like I've got to be missing something simple...
The correct approach is:
public class AnotherObject : MyObjectBase {
public AnotherObject(IMyRequiredInterface interfaceImpl) :
base(interfaceImpl) {
You specifically asked for an approach other than this approach. Why?
The goal is to meet the requirement of the base class without the descendant classes knowing anything about it.
That's generally the wrong thing to do. Why do you want to do it?
Based on your later comment, you should probably use (and configure your container to use) property injection instead of constructor injection. That will get you all of your requirements.
Err....the whole point of inheriting from MyObjectBase is that, as it were, you get the good and the bad, as far as the behaviour goes. If you can't create a MyObjectBase without an object implementing IMyRequiredInterface, you can't create a subclass without such an object either.
So what do you do when someone doesn't hand you that. Do you have a default?
It's quite reasonable for a subclass to instantiate something that implements IMyRequiredInterface, and pass that to the superclass constructor with a super(...) call. Can you do that? (Though, as I recall, you can get a bit hung up on this in Java, having to call super before doing anything else....)
There's a code smell here. If you inherit from a class that has a parameterless constructor it means that the author of this base class intended that it cannot function properly without supplying the necessary dependency. If you inherit from it and call a base method that required this dependency your code will probably fail if the dependency is not supplied. So if you really think that you should completely override this behavior you don't have to inherit from this base class, otherwise just copy the constructor in the inherited class.
What about providing a protected constructor in the base class that takes no paramters?
class MyBase
readonly int _x;
public MyBase(int x)
_x = x;
protected MyBase()
_x = 0;
class MyChild : MyBase
public MyChild()
Most DI frameworks have the functionality to inject services into properties (Property Setter Injection) using Attributes so you can try that.
You can subclass but the subclass will have to know how to create or get the Interface Implementation (using the ServiceLocator or something).
From the DI's point of view it doesn't have anything to fulfill because the class only has an empty constructor (most use the constructor with the most params) and no attributes telling him to do anything else.
I had the same scenario where my base (concrete) class and the child class had a dependency, I was worried if these are different instances.
But, Autofac (I believe other container tools too) has .InstancePerRequest() which will share the same instance per Http request.
I've been searching for a while on this because I'm naturally forgetful and I thought it would be nice to build something (an abstract class, interface, etc.?) that would force me to implement certain bits of code in a class I was writing.
In particular, I would like to force a new class to always have a constructor that takes a single parameter typed as itself in order to make duplication of the object easier. I've seen articles/questions elsewhere that talk about this, but I'm not sure this particular question has been asked (at least that I can find) or I'm simply not understanding enough of the other articles/questions to realize it. My apologies in advance.
I'm not interested in having a constructor in an abstract class, interface, etc. actually do anything. I'm merely interested in defining the requirement for a constructor signature in a derived class.
My ideal class would look like this:
public class GoodClass
public GoodClass(GoodClass goodClass)
// copy components of goodClass to this instance
So, I first began researching interfaces and also started reading up on abstract classes. I was thinking something like the code below would work, but alas I get errors. Is what I'm trying to do even possible? Is there any other way I could accomplish my goal without putting a sticky note on my monitor? :)
abstract class SelfConstructor
abstract public SelfConstructor(SelfConstructor) { }
class NewClass : SelfConstructor
//Required by SelfConstructor:
public NewClass(NewClass newClass)
// copy components of newClass to this instance
You could write a ReSharper plugin that recognises this case and highlights the class if it doesn't have a "copy constructor". This would be a daemon stage that would process the file as it's being edited, and add highlights. You can look through the abstract syntax tree of the file, look for all instances of IConstructorDeclaration, and then get the constructor's parameters from the ParameterDeclarations property. You can check that there is a constructor that only has one parameter, and that parameter is the same type as the class it's declared in.
You can compare the types by getting the constructor's parameter's TypeUsage and trying to downcast to IUserTypeUsage. You can then use ScalarTypeName.Reference.Resolve() to get an instance of IDeclaredElement. Compare this against the class's IClassDeclaration.DeclaredElement to see if they're the same instance.
In C++, what you are talking about is a copy constructor, you actually get one by default!
C# doesn't have that concept (though of course you can define one); however, it is easier (and preferred) to simply implement ICloneable (MSDN), which requires you to implement the Clone method, that does the same thing.
Instead of:
object myObj = new CloneableObject(otherObj);
You write:
object myObj = otherObj.Clone();
The other thing you could do is force a constructor signature by not having a default:
public class BaseClass
//No abstract constructors!
public BaseClass(BaseClass copy)
Now when you derive, you have to use that overload in the constructor. Nothing will force the derived signature, but at least you have to explicitly use it:
public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
public DerivedClass() : base(this)
The above example clearly shows that it doesn't "force" you to have a copy constructor, but like a sticky note, would serve as a good reminder.
I would definitely go the interface route, as that is what is there for (and you can use an abstract implementation!).
Note that you can take advantage of Object.MemberwiseClone if you want a shallow copy for free. All objects get this, no interface required.
I know interfaces cannot define constructors. Here's what I wish I could do:
public interface SavableObject {
void Save(ObjectSaver saver);
SavableObject(ObjectLoader loader); //This, obviously, doesn't work
//Loading an object inside ObjectLoader:
T LoadObject<T>() where T : SavableObject {
return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), this);
And I could do this if I took out the line that didn't work, and there would just be a runtime error when trying to load (or possibly save, if I put an assert in there) the object if it didn't have the constructor. I'm just wondering if there's any way to require a class to have a particular constructor that can be used with the Activator. Can I use a custom attribute somehow, and require that attribute to be on the class? Or must I rely on runtime checks to load and save data?
I know I could have a parameterless constructor and a Load(ObjectLoader) method but I don't necessarily want to have a parameterless constructor available to abuse for other purposes.
what about ISerializable?
In brief I suggest you use generics as most factories do.
public interface SavableObject<T> : where T : new
void Save(IObjectSaver<T> saver);
SavableObject<T> Load(ObjectLoader loader); //This, obviously, doesn't work
However, you seem to have turned it on it head. The class is doing what factory must do. So I do not think it is such a good idea to pass the factory to the entity itself and that is part of the problem you are experiencing in the design.
If you are not afraid of using Reflection, like Activator that you have shown, you can do little trick I tend to use:
Make parameterless constructor that is protected
Make Load method, that is also protected (or private, I tend to use virtual protected so I support inheritance)
Create new object using this non-public constructor (through reflection - you can't create instance of your class "just like that" using new operator)
Invoke load method (also using reflection - no one will call it later).
I don't know if this will work for you, but I used that method when I needed to deserialize pretty big game state and it was pretty fast, eventhough all this reflection (for many reasons I did not wanted to use built-in serialization methods and Factory Pattern wouldn't do, so I tend to treat this method as something that may be useful if other methods fail, on the other hand, if I could - I would probably use built-in serialization for simplicity).
How about adding a property on your interface:
public interface SavableObject
void Save(ObjectSaver saver);
ObjectLoader ObjectLoader {get; set;}
Then in your factory:
T LoadObject<T>() where T : SavableObject
var result = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T));
result.ObjectLoader = this;
return result;
Based on your question and comments.
I think you should do it at runtime using reflection.
Combining constructors and interfaces is ilogical from its core. Interface is about what concrete instance can do, not how to initialize it. This can only be achived using abstract class.
Maybe using factory to create instance of the class?
Also I don't think you can get better speed than default ISerializable implementation. Unless you are .NET GURU and have years of time for it.
Short answer: It's not possible, I guess. There are no attributes or generalizations I can use to require a specific kind of constructor on a class.
I have a .net-app that provides a mechanism to extend the app with plugins. Each plugin must implement a plugin-interface and must provide furthermore a constructor that receives one parameter (a resource context).
During the instantiation of the plugin-class I look via reflection, if the needed constructor exists and if yes, I instantiate the class (via Reflection). If the constructor does not exists, I throw an exception that says that the plugin not could be created, because the desired constructor is not available.
My question is, if there is a way to declare the signature of a constructor in the plugin-interface so that everyone that implements the plugin-interface must also provide a constructor with the desired signature. This would ease the creation of plugins.
I don’t think that such a possibility exists because I think such a feature falls not in the main purpose for what interfaces were designed for but perhaps someone knows a statement that does this, something like:
public interface IPlugin {
ctor(IResourceContext resourceContext);
int AnotherPluginFunction();
I want to add that I don't want to change the constructor to be parameterless and then set the resource-context through a property, because this will make the creation of plugins much more complicated. The persons that write plugins are not persons with deep programming experience. The plugins are used to calculate statistical data that will be visualized by the app.
Thanks for all the answers.
I’ve decided, that I let it be an interface because I don’t like to force the plugin-programmers to inherit from an abstract class so that he or she loses the possibility to inherit from an own base-class. Furthermore, deriving from an abstract class does not ensure that the plugin programmer really provides the needed constructor. It makes it only more probable (The programmer has still the possibility to add only one constructor that contains the desired parameter but that also has additional parameters, and that’s also bad. See the comments to the answer of Ken Browning).
Although I mentioned in my post that I don’t want such a property, I marked the answer of Danny Varod as accepted because I think in my situation it’s the most appropriate solution. Thanks to all who answered.
Plug-in extendability is a favorite of mine...
What I do is make sure the plug-in either implements the interface or inherits the base class of the appropriate "plugin socket".
In some places base classes are more appropriate (if the plug-in is a kind of X),
in some interfaces are more appropriate (if the plug-in does IX).
I do not pass the context to the construct, instead I use a property for that and a parameterless public constructor.
This also enables easier deserialization of plug-ins using reflection.
Interfaces cannot declare constructors. You might consider using an abstract class instead.
No, this does not exist. You are probably looking for an abstract class here.
Alternatively, you might try using a factory: make the constructor signature a method signature of another type:
public abstract class PluginFactory
public abstract IPlugin Create(IResourceContext context);
and then something like (and I always mess up this part if I want it to be short, hence the edit):
public class PluginContainer
public IPlugin LoadPlugin<T>(IResourceContext context) where T: PluginFactory, new()
var factory = new T();
return factory.Create(context);
Unfortunately, interfaces in C# can only contain methods, properties, events or indexers.
You could use and abstract class that all plugins would inherit from. You'd be able to force them to implement the constructor signature in that case.
The interface can't declare / enforce a constructor.
Define the interface and create an abstract base class that provides the most likely implementation of the constructor -- probably just saving the resource context passed in.
Encourage, but don't require, plugin authors to derive from the base class. There may be other useful methods that the base class could also provide.
Continue to use reflection to check the plugins.
As others have alluded to, using an abstract class to take care of the plumbing details is a common pattern for what you're trying to accomplish. Here is one design that avoids the need for a constructor with special parameters if the consumer inherits from the abstract base class Plugin:
public interface IPlugin
void Initialize(IResourceContext context);
//Other methods...
public abstract class Plugin : IPlugin
protected IResourceContext Context { get; private set; }
void IPlugin.Initialize(IResourceContext context)
Context = context;
//Abstract declaration of other methods...
Your code has to call Initialize behind the scenes after creating the Plugin, but this detail is hidden from typical users, as they generally don't have to implement IPlugin directly. Your typical user can just define a Plugin descendant and work with the Context property.
You might also want to look into various dependency injection frameworks (such as Ninject), though they're probably overkill for what you're doing. Still, looking at how they work may give you some ideas on different ways dependency injection can be managed.
In base class constructors I always see a parameterless constructor, like so:
public abstract BaseClass {...
protected BaseClass() { }
but is it acceptable design to include a parameter in the base class constructor?
public abstract BaseClass {...
protected BaseClass(string initObj) { }
Yes, it is acceptable for a base class to require a parameterized constructor. This simply imposes a requirement that any classes which inherit must provide a value to the base constructor.
In most cases the derived classes have some form of parameterized constructors.
So when those constructors are called they can still call the parameterless base constructor:
public employee(int age) : base(this)
The answer is if you need one just add one, there is nothing wrong with that. Think of a business object base class that requires some validations to say a phone number or email address. You want to ensure the derived classes get these business rules loaded into them. If you did not have the base class constructor you could not add these rules to your derived class objects.
It is a good practice if the object cannot be used or has dependencies on every method on this class. For instance, if you have a class that have the same parameters in all the functions, it would be better to set that in the constructor, so the function signature is smaller.
What the writer of the base class is doing in your first example is just making sure that no public constructors are exposed. Probably the base class needs nothing special in the constructor but, if you don't write any, the compiler will add the default (parameter-less) constructor for you.
Not that I think this is specially useful. You cannot instantiate an abstract class anyway.
It is certaibly acceptable. Whether is is needed or useful depends entirely on the (design of) the classes.
Yes, its a perfectly acceptable design decision, only it must make sense for the base class - presumably to initialise its own members from the parameter. Also, it imposes a restriction on derived classes: either they must pass in a literal, or impose a similar restriction on their clients or further derived classes.
Is there a way?
I need all types that implement a specific interface to have a parameterless constructor, can it be done?
I am developing the base code for other developers in my company to use in a specific project.
There's a proccess which will create instances of types (in different threads) that perform certain tasks, and I need those types to follow a specific contract (ergo, the interface).
The interface will be internal to the assembly
If you have a suggestion for this scenario without interfaces, I'll gladly take it into consideration...
Not to be too blunt, but you've misunderstood the purpose of interfaces.
An interface means that several people can implement it in their own classes, and then pass instances of those classes to other classes to be used. Creation creates an unnecessary strong coupling.
It sounds like you really need some kind of registration system, either to have people register instances of usable classes that implement the interface, or of factories that can create said items upon request.
You can use type parameter constraint
interface ITest<T> where T: new()
class Test: ITest<Test>
Juan Manuel said:
that's one of the reasons I don't understand why it cannot be a part of the contract in the interface
It's an indirect mechanism. The generic allows you to "cheat" and send type information along with the interface. The critical thing to remember here is that the constraint isn't on the interface that you are working with directly. It's not a constraint on the interface itself, but on some other type that will "ride along" on the interface. This is the best explanation I can offer, I'm afraid.
By way of illustration of this fact, I'll point out a hole that I have noticed in aku's code. It's possible to write a class that would compile fine but fail at runtime when you try to instantiate it:
public class Something : ITest<String>
private Something() { }
Something derives from ITest<T>, but implements no parameterless constructor. It will compile fine, because String does implement a parameterless constructor. Again, the constraint is on T, and therefore String, rather than ITest or Something. Since the constraint on T is satisfied, this will compile. But it will fail at runtime.
To prevent some instances of this problem, you need to add another constraint to T, as below:
public interface ITest<T>
where T : ITest<T>, new()
Note the new constraint: T : ITest<T>. This constraint specifies that what you pass into the argument parameter of ITest<T> must also derive from ITest<T>.
Even so this will not prevent all cases of the hole. The code below will compile fine, because A has a parameterless constructor. But since B's parameterless constructor is private, instantiating B with your process will fail at runtime.
public class A : ITest<A>
public class B : ITest<A>
private B() { }
Unfortunately there is no way to get around this in a strongly typed language. You won't be able to ensure at compile time that the classes will be able to be instantiated by your Activator-based code.
(ed: removed an erroneous alternative solution)
The reason is that, unfortunately, it's not possible to use interfaces, abstract classes, or virtual methods in combination with either constructors or static methods. The short reason is that the former contain no explicit type information, and the latter require explicit type information.
Constructors and static methods must have explicit (right there in the code) type information available at the time of the call. This is required because there is no instance of the class involved which can be queried by the runtime to obtain the underlying type, which the runtime needs to determine which actual concrete method to call.
The entire point of an interface, abstract class, or virtual method is to be able to make a function call without explicit type information, and this is enabled by the fact that there is an instance being referenced, which has "hidden" type information not directly available to the calling code. So these two mechanisms are quite simply mutually exclusive. They can't be used together because when you mix them, you end up with no concrete type information at all anywhere, which means the runtime has no idea where to find the function you're asking it to call.
So you need a thing that can create instances of an unknown type that implements an interface. You've got basically three options: a factory object, a Type object, or a delegate. Here's the givens:
public interface IInterface
void DoSomething();
public class Foo : IInterface
public void DoSomething() { /* whatever */ }
Using Type is pretty ugly, but makes sense in some scenarios:
public IInterface CreateUsingType(Type thingThatCreates)
ConstructorInfo constructor = thingThatCreates.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
return (IInterface)constructor.Invoke(new object[0]);
public void Test()
IInterface thing = CreateUsingType(typeof(Foo));
The biggest problem with it, is that at compile time, you have no guarantee that Foo actually has a default constructor. Also, reflection is a bit slow if this happens to be performance critical code.
The most common solution is to use a factory:
public interface IFactory
IInterface Create();
public class Factory<T> where T : IInterface, new()
public IInterface Create() { return new T(); }
public IInterface CreateUsingFactory(IFactory factory)
return factory.Create();
public void Test()
IInterface thing = CreateUsingFactory(new Factory<Foo>());
In the above, IFactory is what really matters. Factory is just a convenience class for classes that do provide a default constructor. This is the simplest and often best solution.
The third currently-uncommon-but-likely-to-become-more-common solution is using a delegate:
public IInterface CreateUsingDelegate(Func<IInterface> createCallback)
return createCallback();
public void Test()
IInterface thing = CreateUsingDelegate(() => new Foo());
The advantage here is that the code is short and simple, can work with any method of construction, and (with closures) lets you easily pass along additional data needed to construct the objects.
Call a RegisterType method with the type, and constrain it using generics. Then, instead of walking assemblies to find ITest implementors, just store them and create from there.
void RegisterType<T>() where T:ITest, new() {
I don't think so.
You also can't use an abstract class for this.
I would like to remind everyone that:
Writing attributes in .NET is easy
Writing static analysis tools in .NET that ensure conformance with company standards is easy
Writing a tool to grab all concrete classes that implement a certain interface/have an attribute and verifying that it has a parameterless constructor takes about 5 mins of coding effort. You add it to your post-build step and now you have a framework for whatever other static analyses you need to perform.
The language, the compiler, the IDE, your brain - they're all tools. Use them!
No you can't do that. Maybe for your situation a factory interface would be helpful? Something like:
interface FooFactory {
Foo createInstance();
For every implementation of Foo you create an instance of FooFactory that knows how to create it.
You do not need a parameterless constructor for the Activator to instantiate your class. You can have a parameterized constructor and pass all the parameters from the Activator. Check out MSDN on this.