WorkflowMarkupSerializer doesn't keep positions in a state machine workflow - c#

I am using WorkflowMarkupSerializer to save a statemachine workflow - it saves the states OK, but does not keep their positions. The code to write the workflow is here:
using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(fileName))
WorkflowMarkupSerializer markupSerializer
= new WorkflowMarkupSerializer();
markupSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, workflow);
The code to read the workflow is:
DesignerSerializationManager dsm
= new DesignerSerializationManager();
using (dsm.CreateSession())
using (XmlReader xmlReader
= XmlReader.Create(fileName))
//deserialize the workflow from the XmlReader
WorkflowMarkupSerializer markupSerializer
= new WorkflowMarkupSerializer();
workflow = markupSerializer.Deserialize(
dsm, xmlReader) as Activity;
if (dsm.Errors.Count > 0)
WorkflowMarkupSerializationException error
= dsm.Errors[0]
as WorkflowMarkupSerializationException;
throw error;

Open Control Panel -> "Regional and language options" and set list separator to ',' (comma)
and workflow serializer will use ',' (comma) as separator for X,Y coordinates for struct SizeF
then select ';' and workflow serializer will use ';' (semicolon) as separator.
This really stupid that serializer use regional setting for serialize markup.

The position of all the states is kept in a separate file. You'll need to drag it around with the markup of the workflow itself. Luckily, it's just XML as well, so you might be able to reuse most of the code you have up there. If memory serves, I believe it's simply NameOfYourWorkflow.layout.
I agree with x0n - the designer is really bad in Visual Studio.

OK, this tutorial gives good information on how to do it - although so far I am only able to save the layout, I haven't been able to correctly use the layout. The information in question is about 2/3rds down (or just do a search for .layout)
(How does one close his own question?)

Note that there is a bug in either the serialize or deserialize of the XML created (named in the example with an extension of .layout.)
It produces the following xml as the first line of the file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><StateMachineWorkflowDesigner xmlns:ns0="clr-namespace:System.Drawing;Assembly=System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" Name="New" Location="30, 30" Size="519, 587" AutoSizeMargin="16, 24" xmlns="">
When reading this back in, the size attribute causes an exception. I removed Size="519, 587" from the file and the workflow is loaded back correctly. Right now, I write the file, open it and remove the size, then close it. I need to think about a more elegant solution, but at least I am now saving and restoring a state machine workflow.

Hah, even the workflow designer hosted in Visual Studio 2008 loses the positions of states randomly. This tells me it's probably not an easy task, and is information external to the Activities that comprise it. I'd dig more around the host for information; if I find something, I'll post back.


Transforming XML with XSL to HTML Saxon library in .NET

I am programming in C#. I was previously using the following command line to convert an xml with a xsl and output it as a html.
java -jar "C:\Data\saxon-he-" View.xml Stylesheet.xsl -o:output.html
However, I am now trying to use the Saxon .Net API to do the same process using the following code:
var xslt = new FileInfo(#"C:\\Data\\Stylesheet.xsl");
var input = new FileInfo(#"C:\\Data\\View.xml");
var output = new FileInfo(#"C:\\Data\\test.html");
// Compile stylesheet
var processor = new Processor();
var compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler();
var executable = compiler.Compile(new Uri(xslt.FullName));
// Do transformation to a destination
var destination = new DomDestination();
using (var inputStream = input.OpenRead())
var transformer = executable.Load();
transformer.SetInputStream(inputStream, new Uri(input.DirectoryName));
// Save result to a file (or whatever else you wanna do)
However I recieve the error:
"An unhandled exception of type 'Saxon.Api.DynamicError' occurred in saxon9he-api.dll"
When running the line "transformer.Run(destination);"
The following screenshots are from the Visual Studio's Locals Debugging:
$exception {"XSLT 1.0 compatibility mode is not available in this configuration"} Saxon.Api.DynamicError
transformer {Saxon.Api.XsltTransformer} Saxon.Api.XsltTransformer
The first thing you need to do is to get more specific information about the nature of the error. Catching the exception and printing the exception message would be a good start. But Saxon will have written diagnostics to the standard error output, which probably ends up in some log file somewhere, depending on how your application is configured and run. If you can't track it down, try redirecting it as described here: How to capture a Processes STDOUT and STDERR line by line as they occur, during process operation. (C#)
Once you've established the actual error, edit the question and we can start investigating what's wrong if it's not obvious.
A common cause of problems when writing to a DomDestination is that your result tree isn't well-formed, e.g, it has text nodes or multiple elements at the top level. It's not clear why you are writing to a DomDestination - if you just want to produce serialized XML, then write to a Serializer.
Now you've found the error message ("XSLT 1.0 compatibility mode is not available in this configuration") it should be fairly clear. When a stylesheet specifies version="1.0" and is run with an XSLT 2.0 or 3.0 processor, it runs in a compatibility mode where certain things behave differently (for example xsl:value-of ignores all but the first selected item). This compatibility mode, from Saxon 9.8 onwards, is not available in Saxon-HE. You need to do one of three things: upgrade to Saxon-PE or -EE; revert to an earlier Saxon-HE version; or convert your stylesheet to XSLT 2.0 (which basically means (i) change the value of the version attribute (ii) test that it still works.)

MSDN OneNote Api: Navigate to never before opened page without opening a OneNote Application Window

My goal is to be able to use C# to programmatically open any .one section file and get all of the section's page ids. In a simple case (one where I have created and recently used the section), this can done with the following code:
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.OneNote;
class Program
public static void ProcessOnenoteFile()
Application onenoteApp = new Application();
string filepath = #"C:\Users\Admin\Documents\OneNote Notebooks\My Notebook\";
string sectionId;
onenoteApp.OpenHierarchy(filepath, null, out sectionId);
string hierarchy;
onenoteApp.GetHierarchy(sectionId, HierarchyScope.hsPages, out hierarchy);
File.WriteAllText(#"C:\hierarchy.txt", hierarchy);
From here I can parse the xml to find all the pageIds and I am good to go.
The problem, however, is that I want to do this with files I am getting from somebody else and have never opened before. When I run the same code on those files, I cannot find any pageIds in the hierarchy, and therefore, I cannot process any pages. A fix that seems to work is to use the navigateTo method to open the section file in OneNote before trying to get the hierarchy.
string sectionId;
onenoteApp.OpenHierarchy(filepath, null, out sectionId);
string hierarchy
This, however, is quite annoying as I need to open the OneNote application. Since I have many .one section files to process it would be a lot of random information flashing across the screen which is not necessary and might confuse the end users of my program. Is there a way I can achieve the same result of adding pageIds to the hierarchy without needing to open the OneNote Application? At the very least, is there a way I can hide the application?
I just noticed that using the Publish command also updates the hierarchy with pageIds, however, this solution is still not ideal as it requires me to make anotehr file.
Also, looking more closely at the xml export, I saw that there is a an attribute called "areAllPagesAvailable" which is set to false for me on all the files I have yet to open in OneNote.
WooHoo! After a couple hours of just playing around and Google Searching the different methods, I have found what I am after.
Solution: SyncHierarchy(sectionId);
string sectionId;
onenoteApp.OpenHierarchy(onenoteFile, null, out sectionId, CreateFileType.cftSection);
string hierarchy;
onenoteApp.GetHierarchy(sectionId, HierarchyScope.hsPages, out hierarchy);

BizTalk Dynamic Disassembler Problems - The body part is NULL

I started with the solution here
which matches my scenario perfectly except for the send port, but that isn't necessary. I need the receive port to choose the file and apply a schema to disassemble. From their the orchestration does the mapping, some of it custom, etc.
I've done everything in the tutorial but I keep getting the following error.
"There was a failure executing the receive pipeline... The body part is NULL"
The things I don't get from the tutorial but don't believe they should be an issue are:
I created a new solution and project to make the custompipeline component (reference figure 19) and thus the dll file. Meaning it is on it's own namespace. However, it looks like from the tutorial they created the project within the main biztalk solution (ie the one with the pipeline and the orchestration) and thus the namespace has "TechNetWiki.SchemaResolver." in it. Should I make the custompipeline component have the namespace of my main solution? I'm assuming this shouldn't matter because I should be able to use this component in other solutions as it is meant to be generic to the business rules that are associated with the biztalk application.
The other piece I don't have is Figure 15 under the "THEN Action" they have it equal the destination schema they would like to disassemble to but then they put #Src1 at the end of "http://TechNetWiki.SchemaResolver.Schemas.SRC1_FF#Src1". What is the #Src1 for?
In the sample you've linked to, the probe method of the pipeline component is pushing the first 4 characters from the filename into a typed message that is then passed into the rules engine. Its those 4 characters that match the "SRC1" in the example.
string srcFileName = pInMsg.Context.Read("ReceivedFileName", " This link is external to TechNet Wiki. It will open in a new window. ").ToString();
srcFileName = Path.GetFileName(srcFileName);
//Substring the first four digits to take source code to use to call BRE API
string customerCode = srcFileName.Substring(0, 4);
//create an instance of the XML object
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlDoc.LoadXml(string.Format(#"<ns0:Root xmlns:ns0='http://TechNetWiki.SchemaResolver.Schemas.SchemaResolverBRE This link is external to TechNet Wiki. It will open in a new window. '>
</ns0:Root>", customerCode));
//retreive source code in case in our cache dictionary
if (cachedSources.ContainsKey(customerCode))
messageType = cachedSources[customerCode];
TypedXmlDocument typedXmlDocument = new TypedXmlDocument("TechNetWiki.SchemaResolver.Schemas.SchemaResolverBRE", xmlDoc);
Microsoft.RuleEngine.Policy policy = new Microsoft.RuleEngine.Policy("SchemaResolverPolicy");
So the matching rule is based on the 1st 4 characters of the filename. If one isn't matched, the probe returns a false - i.e. unrecognised.
The final part is that the message type is pushed into the returned message - this is made up of the namespace and the root schema node with a # separator - so your #src1 is the root node.
You need to implement IProbeMessage near to class
I forgot to add IProbeMessage in the code of article. It is updated now.
but it is there in sample source code
Src1 is the the root node name of schema. I mentioned that in article that message type is TargetNamespace#Root
I recommend to download the sample code
I hope this will help you

Getting back variables after a program crashes

I am trying to find a way to get back my previous variable's value so that I can resume my application to it's previous running state before it crashed when I MANUALLY relaunch it. I am currently using a 'config' file that is saved in the project folder. Is there a better way to do this?
Some small parts of my code that I want to save.
if (EventID == WIA.EventID.wiaEventItemCreated)
if (d != null)
foreach (Property p in d.Properties)
if (p.Name.Equals("Pictures Taken"))
wiaImageFile = (WIA.ImageFile)(d.Items[d.Items.Count].Transfer(FormatID.wiaFormatJPEG));
wiaImageFile.SaveFile(Properties.Settings.Default.FolderNameRaw + "\\" + imageCount + ".jpg");
imageCount++;//I want to save this count so that I can continue the sequence even after the application crashes
Pluck.Default.PhotoExistsInDirectory = true;
FacebookControls fbc = new FacebookControls();
if(Properties.Settings.Default.UseFB == true)
A config file is a good answer in general. Your other options are usually the registry or the database, but I would argue that a config file is a safer option.
The thing about persisting this information is that it may cause an error again, and if so you'll want to be able to discard it easily. A file (of course stored in user settings space) is perhaps the way to do that. If need be you can instruct the user to delete the file. It's a more complicated fix for a user to access the registry or the database.
Also, you should wrap up your state in an appropriate object, and build initialization logic that initializes the state object and has mechanism for not loading for the config file.
I use config files. I also have a global exception handler that catches any exceptions and offers the chance to save any files (including those that the user is working on) before the app closes.
I would also agree with C Ross that you may persist the data that caused the app to fail. Another option that will not get you right back is to persist the settings at regular intervals using a timer or background process. I use this with several backups a bit like the system restore feature in windows.
You can handle UnhandledException, Application_ThreadException and Application.ApplicationExit Event, and try saving your data there:
As #C. Ross said, user config file is a good choice.
Of course, first you'll have to preserve your application's state in some object during runtime.

How to read in text from the visual studio debug output window

I've read several articles that tell you how to add text to the output window in visual studio from within an Add-On (specifically, a visual studio 2008 integration package, via the visual studio 2008 SDK 1.1), but no examples of how to read text from the output window. My goal is to parse text from the debug output window while debugging a certain application (TRACE output and possibly stdin/stdout). The IVsOutputWindowPane interface has no methods for reading in text from the output window. The documentation seems to imply that it is possible, but it doesn't provide an example:
Quote: In addition, the OutputWindow and OutputWindowPane objects add some higher-level functionality to make it easier to enumerate the Output window panes and to retrieve text from the panes.
Preferably I'd like to be able to subscribe to an event that fires when a new line of text arrives, similar to a StreamReader's asynchronous reads.
It is possible, it is just a long winding path to get to it:
ServiceProvider -> IVsOutputWindow -> GetPane( debugwindow ) -> IVsUserData -> GetData( wpftextviewhost ) -> IWpfTextViewHost -> IWpfTextView -> TextBuffer -> Changed event.
Presuming you have a VS IServiceProvider from somewhere else (vsix extension/whatever, global service provider), and without any error checking, it looks like this:
IVsOutputWindow outWindow = ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsOutputWindow)) as IVsOutputWindow;
Guid debugPaneGuid = VSConstants.GUID_OutWindowDebugPane;
IVsOutputWindowPane pane;
outWindow.GetPane(ref debugPaneGuid, out pane);
// from here up you'll find in lots of other stackoverflow answers,
// the stuff from here down is interesting to this question
IVsUserData userData = (IVsUserData)pane;
object o;
Guid guidViewHost = DefGuidList.guidIWpfTextViewHost;
userData.GetData(ref guidViewHost, out o);
IWpfTextViewHost viewHost = (IWpfTextViewHost)o;
IWpfTextView textView = viewHost.TextView;
textView.TextBuffer.Changed += YourTextChangedHandlerHere;
Your text changed handler will then get called every time the output window gets more data. you won't necessarily get it line by line, but you'll probably more likely than not get big chunks you'll need to deal with on your own.
It is highly likely that some of the above did not even exist in VS in 2010. But it exists now!
The default behavior (when you don’t set the listener explicitly) of VS is to display trace massages in the debugger output window, which you appreciate if you want a simple solution and do no other actions with the massages.
Unfortunately this is not your case. So you have to define a trace listener to send (and store) your trace massages where you then will be able to read them. The trace listener could be a file (for example XML) or you can create a custom listener by deriving a class from the base class TraceListener if you don't want to bother yourself with an additional file.
I don't know that what you ask is possible. But, you can register your add-in as a debugger for your application so that you get the output the trace messages. These are typically routed to OutputDebugString, and can be captured as described in this article: It does not give you the normal output, only debug, but it does not depend on the technology of the debugged application.
The solution on this page selects the text in order to read it. I'm hoping there's a better way.
Automatically stop Visual C++ 2008 build at first compile error?
Private Sub OutputWindowEvents_OnPaneUpdated(ByVal pPane As OutputWindowPane) Handles OutputWindowEvents.PaneUpdated
Dim Context As String = pPane.TextDocument.Selection.Text
End Sub

