C# threads for file manipulation - c#

I have to be able to save a file, unfortunatly it can potentially be very large so saving it can potentially take minutes. As I need to do this from a GUI thread I don't want to block the GUI from executing. I was thinking about attempting the save operation on a seperate thread to allow the primary GUI thread to continue executing.
Is there a nice (easy) way to spawn a new thread, save the file, and destroy the thread without any nasty side effects?!
It must be said that I have NEVER had to use threads before so I am a complete novice! Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

BackgroundWorker (as suggested by Frederik) is a good choice, particularly if you want to report progress to the UI while you're saving. A search for BackgroundWorker tutorial gets a lot of hits, so you should be able to follow one of those to get you started.
One thing to be careful of: would there be any way of changing the data structure that you'll be trying to save from the UI thread? If so, you should disable those aspects of the UI while you're saving - it would (probably!) be bad to be half way through saving the data, then allow the user to change some of it. If you can get away with effectively handing off the data to the background thread and then not touching it from the UI thread, that will make your life a lot easier.

You could maybe use the BackGroundWorker component, as it will abstract a bit the Threading part for you.

Your problem might be that there are several nice and easy ways of doing it. If you just want to set off the file save and not worry about knowing when it has completed, then having a method
void SaveMyFile(object state)
// SaveTheFile
and calling it with
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( SaveMyFile );
will do what you want.

I would recommend doing Asynchronous I/O. It's a little bit easier to set up and doesn't require you to create new threads yourself.
Asynchronous programming is where you have, for example, a file stream you want to write to but does not want to wait for it to finish. You might want to be notified when it's finished but you don't want to wait.
What you do is using the BeginWrite/BeginRead and EndWrite/EndRead functions that are available on the Stream class.
In your method you start by calling BeginWrite with all the data you want to write and also pass in a callback function. This function will be called when BeginWrite has finished.
Inside the callback function you call EndWrite and clean up the stream and check for errors.
BeginWrite will not block which means that if it's called from within an event handler that thread can finish that handler and continue processing more event (such as other GUI events).
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
class Program
private static FileStream stream;
static void Main(string[] args)
stream = new FileStream("foo.txt",
const string mystring = "Foobarlalala";
ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(mystring);
Console.WriteLine("Started writing");
stream.BeginWrite(data, 0, data.Length, callback, null);
Console.WriteLine("Writing dispatched, sleeping 5 secs");
public static void callback(IAsyncResult ia)
Console.WriteLine("Finished writing");
The sleeping is pretty important because the thread that's writing stuff will be killed if the main thread is killed off. This is not an issue in a GUI application, only here in this small example.
MSDN has a pretty good overview on how to write this stuff, and also some good articles on Asynch programming in general in case you go for the backgroundworker or ThreadPool.

or u could use old friends delegates.


C# Thread.Sleep()

I need somehow to bypass Thread.Sleep() method and don't get my UI Thread blocked, but I don't have to delete the method.
I need to solve the problem without deleting the Sleep method. The Sleep method simulates a delay(unresponsive application). I need to handle that.
An application is considered non-responsive when it doesn't pump its message queue. The message queue in Winforms is pumped on the GUI thread. Therefore, to make your application "responsive", you need to make sure the GUI thread has opportunities to pump the message queue - in other words, it must not run your code.
You mentioned that the Thread.Sleep simulates a "delay" in some operation you're making. However, you need to consider two main causes of such "delays":
An I/O request waiting for completion (reading a file, querying a database, sending an HTTP request...)
CPU work
The two have different solutions. If you're dealing with I/O, the best way would usually be to switch over to using asynchronous I/O. This is a breeze with await:
var response = await new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://www.google.com/");
This ensures that your GUI thread can do its job while your request is pending, and your code will restore back on the UI thread after the response gets back.
The second one is mainly solved with multi-threading. You should be extra careful when using multi-threading, because it adds in many complexities you don't get in a single-threaded model. The simplest way of treating multi-threading properly is by ensuring that you're not accessing any shared state - that's where synchronization becomes necessary. Again, with await, this is a breeze:
var someData = "Very important data";
var result = await Task.Run(() => RunComplexComputation(someData));
Again, the computation will run outside of your UI thread, but as soon as its completed and the GUI thread is idle again, your code execution will resume back on the UI thread, with the proper result.
something like that maybe ?
public async void Sleep(int milliseconds)
// your code
await Task.Delay(milliseconds); // non-blocking sleep
// your code
And if, for reasons that escape me, you HAVE to use Thread.Sleep, you can handle it like that :
public async void YourMethod()
// your code
await Task.Run(() => Thread.Sleep(1000)); // non-blocking sleep using Thread.Sleep
// your code
Use MultiThreading.
Use a different thread for sleep rather than the main GUI thread. This way it will not interfere with your Main application

What is the difference between these two methods for pausing/resuming threads?

I have a multithreaded application which is used to extract data from a website. I wanted to be able to pause and resume multiple threads from the UI. After searching on the web I came to know about two approaches that I can use to control (pause/resume) my threads.
Using Monitor class.
Using EventWaitHandle and ManualResetEvent class.
What I did:
I have a function named GetHtml that simply returns the html of the website. I am just showing the fraction part of this function for brevity.
public string GetHtml(string url, bool isProxy = false)
string result = "";
return result;
I have a function ControlTasks used to control threads from UI, below I have explained the ControlTasks function using both thread control approaches using the Monitor class as well as the EventWaitHandle class (I will also briefly explain the working of the function ExecutionGateway).
1. Using the Monitor class
private object taskStopper = new object();
public bool ControlTasks(bool isPause)
if (isPause)
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Instance.WriteLog("ControlTasks:", ex, Logger.LogTypes.Error);
return false;
ControlTasks is called from the UI where if isPause is true the exclusive lock is used on object taskStopper else releases the lock, Now here comes the function ExecutionGateway which is used to acquire lock on object taskStopper but it does nothing as the code below shows.
private void ExecutionGateway()
lock(taskStopper){ }
In this way all running threads enters waiting state when isPause is true in ControlTasks as taskStopper is exclusively locked and if isPause is false all threads resumes their processing.
2. Using the EventWaitHandle class
private EventWaitHandle handle = new ManualResetEvent(true);
public bool ControlTasks(bool isPause)
if (isPause)
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Instance.WriteLog("ControlTasks:", ex, Logger.LogTypes.Error);
return false;
This code also fundamentally does the same job, where the event state is signaled/non-signaled depending on the isPause parameter. Now, the corresponding ExecutionGateway method.
private void ExecutionGateway()
What is the difference between these two approaches, is one better than the other? Are there any other ways to do this?
The main problem I have faced many times is if I use either of the above methods and I have 100 threads; when I pause them, then resume them after 5 or more minutes, the UI starts hanging. The UI is terrifically unresponsive. It gets updated but keeps on hanging and I keep getting the message "Not Responding" at each interval. One thing I want to mention each thread extracts data and notifies the UI about the data fetched through event handling. What could be the reason of this unresponsiveness? Is it a problem with my approach(es)?
I think it's always desirable to use a construct that communicates your intent clearly. You want a signal to other threads that they should wait (i.e. stop doing what they're doing) until you signal to them that they can start again. You have one controlling thread (your UI) and potentially many threads doing work and marshalling results back to the UI.
Approach 1 isn't ideal because locks (at least in my experience) are most often used to protect a resource that isn't suitable for use in multi threaded code. For example, writing to a shared field.
Approach 2 makes much more sense, a manual reset event functions like a gate: open the gate and things can pass through, close it and they can't. That's exactly the behaviour you're looking for and I think most developers would understand quite quickly that that's your intent.
As for your second problem, it sounds like you're getting waves of messages clogging the UI. If you stop all 100 of your threads then start them at the same time, there's a good chance they're going to finish their work quite close together and all be trying to send the result of their work to the UI thread. To solve that you could try staggering the work when you restart or use fewer threads. Another option would be to aggregate results and only dispatch the the UI every x seconds - but that's a bit more work.
In Option 1, using the Monitor class means that only one thread owns the exclusive lock of the monitor object at a time. This means that of your 100 threads, only 1 is processing at a time, which kind of defeats the purpose of using threads. It also means that your GUI thread has to wait until the current worker thread has finished before it can obtain the lock.
The ManualResetEvent is a much better choice as it is used to signal between threads, rather than protect against multiple thread access.
I do not know why your GUI is so unresponsive using the second option, but I do not think it is related to your manual reset event. More likely you have a different problem where the GUI thread is getting swamped. You suggest you have 100 threads all firing notification events to the GUI which would seem a likely culprit.
What happens if you debug your app, and just randomly break when your GUI is unresponsive? Doing this many times should show what your GUI thread is up to and where the bottleneck is.

Asynchronous API for Streaming Data from a Hardware Device

I'm writing a library in C#, but I need to make it asynchronous. Normally you expose a set of DLL functions, and they take input parameters, and return a value when finished. But how can I make a library function (callable from C++/Delphi/Etc) that already starts streaming back output while still taking input?
The only solution I see now is to communicate using sockets/pipes/etc, instead of DLL calls.
Does someone have an example how to do this with normal DLL calls?
One good model for a straightforward asynchronous library call (which is located in System.dll) is WebClient.DownloadStringAsync. This method downloads from a Uri asynchronously, and raises the DownloadStringCompleted event whenever it finishes.
Your library could likewise provide a FooAsync method, which doesn't block the current thread but raises a FooDataReceived event whenever some data comes into your library and a FooCompleted event whenever the calculation finishes.
According to the comments from the OP the calling application sends audio to the DLL, the DLL sends audio out via some USB interface, the DLL captures some audio from the mic interface and needs to send the captured audio back to the application while the application sends audio to the DLL etc.
Based on this and the fact that the calling can be written in rahter different languages I see some options for the communication channels:
TCP/IP (depending on "desktop firewall settings" etc. this could be problematic!)
COM objects with events/event handlers
DLL with callback although this will be a bit hard to get working for all languages
shared memory with global mutexes (could ease that for the consuming application by offering a "setup" function from the DLL which return the pointers and mutex names)
There are a couple of ways to go with this. In most languages you can make async calls to methods using threads or dispatchers. In general, as long as you make your dll re-entrant (capable of servicing multiple threads at the same time) the calling environment can take care of the async part.
It is possible to bake the async calls into your API, however. An example of something that does this is the WCF client proxies.
Microsoft has a good article on this matter. If you just mover over the EndInvoke, it should work for you as well. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2e08f6yc(v=vs.71).aspx
Since you want both Input and Output to be async, you will need a
worker thread: If neither the inputting thread, nor the one taking
the output can be blocked, both can't be bothered to do the work.
Your already thought of communicating via pipes, but why use a pipe and not an internal strcuture?
So you have this lock-free queue on the input, another one on the output and a worker thread
The worker thread takes input from the inqueue, processes it, puts it into the outqueue
If the input queue becomes empty, the worker thread has nothing to crunch on, so he raises a "need more data" event and then blocks on the input queue becoming (partly) full
If the worker thread puts something in the output queue, he raises a "have more data" event, and if the output queue becomes (fully) full, he blocks on output space becoming available
Your API is nonblocking: Neither sending input nor receiving output ever block
Your API is async: Notifications (via Events) are given
I like the following approach because it makes it really simple for the clients.
// your library
class Foo {
public event EventHandler ComputeCompleted = (sender, e) => { };
public void Compute() {
// kick off work on a background thread
// possibly using the BackgroundWorker object
var bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += RunWorkerCompleted;
private void RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) {
ComputeCompleted(this, new object());
// calling code
Foo foo = new Foo();
foo.ComputeCompleted += Completed;
private void Completed(object Sender, EventArgs e) {
// process the result here
The gist is that you kick off a method in the library that returns right away, then notifies the caller via an event/delegate that the processing is complete. You are then free to Invoke the execution back onto the UI thread as needed.
Obviously, error handling not included in the sample code.

WinForm Application UI Hangs during Long-Running Operation

I have a windows forms application
on which I need to use a for loop having a large number of Remote Calls around 2000 - 3000 calls,
and while executing the for loop, I loose my control on form and form controls, as it becomes a large process and some time it shows "Not Responding" but if I wait for a long it comes back again, I think I need to use some threading model for that, is there any idea, how can I proceed to solve the issue?
You need to perform the long running operation on a background thread.
There are several ways of doing this.
You can queue the method call for execution on a thread pool thread (See here):
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(YourMethod));
In .NET 4.0 you can use the TaskFactory:
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => YourMethod());
And in .NET 4.5 and later, you can (and should, rather than TaskFactory.StartNew()) use Task.Run():
Task.Run(() => YourMethod());
You could use a BackgroundWorker for more control over the method if you need things like progress updates or notification when it is finished. Drag the a BackgroundWorker control onto your form and attach your method to the dowork event. Then just start the worker when you want to run your method. You can of course create the BackgroundWorker manually from code, just remember that it needs disposing of when you are finished.
Create a totally new thread for your work to happen on. This is the most complex and isn't necessary unless you need really fine grained control over the thread. See the MSDN page on the Thread class if you want to learn about this.
Remember that with anything threaded, you cannot update the GUI, or change any GUI controls from a background thread. If you want to do anything on the GUI you have to use Invoke (and InvokeRequired) to trigger the method back on the GUI thread. See here.
private voidForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
MethodInvoker mk = delegate
//your job
mk.BeginInvoke(callbackfunction, null);
private void callbackfunction(IAsyncResult res)
// it will be called when your job finishes.
use MethodInvoker is the easiest way.
Obviously, you need to use background threads. I suggest you read this free e-book.

Whats the best way to unit test from multiple threads?

this kind of follows on from another question of mine.
Basically, once I have the code to access the file (will review the answers there in a minute) what would be the best way to test it?
I am thinking of creating a method which just spawns lots of BackgroundWorker's or something and tells them all load/save the file, and test with varying file/object sizes. Then, get a response back from the threads to see if it failed/succeeded/made the world implode etc.
Can you guys offer any suggestions on the best way to approach this? As I said before, this is all kinda new to me :)
Following ajmastrean's post:
I am using a console app to test with Debug.Asserts :)
I originally rolled with using BackgroundWorker to deal with the threading (since I am used to that from Windows dev) I soon realised that when I was performing tests where multiple ops (threads) needed to complete before continuing, I realised it was going to be a bit of a hack to get it to do this.
I then followed up on ajmastrean's post and realised I should really be using the Thread class for working with concurrent operations. I will now refactor using this method (albeit a different approach).
In .NET, ThreadPool threads won't return without setting up ManualResetEvents or AutoResetEvents. I find these overkill for a quick test method (not to mention kind of complicated to create, set, and manage). Background worker is a also a bit complex with the callbacks and such.
Something I have found that works is
Create an array of threads.
Setup the ThreadStart method of each thread.
Start each thread.
Join on all threads (blocks the current thread until all other threads complete or abort)
public static void MultiThreadedTest()
Thread[] threads = new Thread[count];
for (int i = 0; i < threads.Length; i++)
threads[i] = new Thread(DoSomeWork());
foreach(Thread thread in threads)
foreach(Thread thread in threads)
#ajmastrean, since unit test result must be predictable we need to synchronize threads somehow. I can't see a simple way to do it without using events.
I found that ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem gives me an easy way to test such use cases
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(x => {
File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open);
event1.Set(); // Start 2nd tread;
event2.WaitOne(); // Blocking the file;
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(x => {
event1.WaitOne(); // Waiting until 1st thread open file
File.Delete(fileName); // Simulating conflict
catch (IOException e)
Debug.Write("File access denied");
Your idea should work fine. Basically you just want to spawn a bunch of threads, and make sure the ones writing the file take long enough to do it to actually make the readers wait. If all of your threads return without error, and without blocking forever, then the test succeeds.

